How tall is Anthony Crolla

Anthony Crolla's Height

5ft 7 ¾ (172.1 cm)

English professional boxer, a former WBA lightweight champion. He once mentioned on twitter that "I'm not a midget,tall dwarf or a jockey πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Stood between 2 cruiserweights didn't help me out. I'm 5ft 8 and half πŸ˜‰"

How tall is Anthony Crolla
5ft 8 Rob and Anthony @ Collectormania 2017

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Add a Comment35 comments

Average Guess (29 Votes)
5ft 7.86in (172.4cm)
ArjunaKorale said on 22/May/23
Crolla looks the exact same height as you, Rob! So that would make him a full 5 ft 8 tall, instead of β€˜just’ 5 ft 7-and-three-quarters . I don’t why some people are saying Crolla is a fraction shorter than you. I disagree on that. You really should think about an upgrade for Anthony.
What about Crolla's conqueror, Vasyl Lomachenko? He’s down as 5 ft 7 (170;cm) these days, whilst fighting at lightweight. However, when he was fighting at featherweight & superfeatherweight, Loma was quoted at the much more believable figure of 5 ft 6 (168 cm). And 5 ft 6 is the exact height I think Loma is. What do you say, Rob?
nz said on 23/May/21
There was a picture on his instagram where he looked the same height as billy joe saunders who we estimated as 5'9.5 - 5'10, if not a half inch taller
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But compared to other boxers, listed at 6'0, he looks more than an inch shorter than them.
With Chris Kongo
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With Chris Kongo and Stevie Mckenna
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He's definitely at least 5'10, but probably under 5'11.
nz said on 22/May/21
Any guess on either's Josh Taylor or Jose Ramirez's height?
There could be a possibility Josh taylor is really 5'11.
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Here, some people are claiming that JT is anywhere from 5'11 to 6'1
Editor Rob
Here's Taylor with Barry McGuigan and Neil Lennon who is 5ft 9 and Paul Weller

I think he can quite often seem over 5ft 10.
nz said on 21/May/21
Both Josh taylor and Jose Ramirez claim 5'10, but Josh Taylor is clearly taller than him by 2 inches in flat shoes
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Editor Rob
yeah their heights don't add up!
Nathan Hatton said on 29/Sep/20
The 5'8.5 could be in shoes for Crolla.

Rob any guess on Scottish Boxing Champion Josh Taylor ?
He gets listed as 5'10" he does look that kind of range imo have you seen much of him ?
Editor Rob
A quick look at his instagram and he could pass for it, check him out with Paul Weller, Neil Lennon and Barry McGuigan
JohnMoore-162cm said on 28/Apr/20
" I'm 5ft 8 and half πŸ˜‰" .. I think he is 5ft7 1/2" to 5ft8 , 5ft7 3/4" makes sense
Nik Ashton said on 12/Apr/20
@ Sandy Cowell - He’s definitely shorter than Rob and he may well be taller than my good self, but it would be hardly noticeable! There is a possible that Anthony and I are both 5 foot 7 3/8, I do have a hunch we may be very very similar in height even though he may edge me out! His shoulder level looks lower than Rob’s!

It’s great we both found him via the random celeb route!
Sandy A Cowell said on 10/Apr/20
Yes, Nik! I found him via the random celeb route myself! Anthony is shorter than Rob, so I think 5ft7.75 is an excellent estimate by Mr Height Expert!

That is what Anthony gets from me tonight! πŸ₯ŠπŸ˜‰
Nik Ashton said on 1/Mar/20
It’s so cool that Anthony has a page on celebheights, he may be my height twin! The 5’8.5” is possibly a shoe height!

R-A-N-D-O-M C-E-L-E-B!

Daniel T. Wells said on 28/Apr/19
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Rob, how many inches did Crolla have on Loma?
Editor Rob
Might be almost 2 inches between them.
Bobby 5'10 (178cm) said on 5/Feb/19
The 5'8.5 claim was probably a morning measurement on his part. Which isn't technically lying.
Tunman said on 27/Apr/18
Strange how he looks only 5'7 with Ferdinand.Could be indeed shoes difference.Anyways I would have thought 0.5"difference with Rob,so 5'7.5-7.75" seems honest likely 5'8.5"in shoes.
Faza said on 24/Apr/18
Cheers for reply rob agree jonas looks 5ft6 max next to crolla yes the bathing suit one she might be 3 inches shorter than him so she might be more 5ft5 imo
Faza said on 22/Apr/18
Rob any idea on the height of female boxer natasha jonas?

Have seen her listed as 172cm and 5'8 on her boxrec but looking at her instagram she looks at least 2 or 3 inches shorter than crolla she is no way 5'8 maybe 5'5 range?
Editor Rob
Here's the Link...certainly seems hard to beleive she's nearly same height as Anthony! There's another one I'm sure you saw with her bathing suit on and again she looks at most 5ft 6.
even said on 16/Jul/17
172 cm flat
Canson said on 10/Jul/17
Yea the 5'8.5 had to be a shoe height rob looks a cm taller
Canson said on 19/Jun/17
@Rob: you'd be 5'8.13 like Christian said at that point correct?
Editor Rob
if measured I'd probably still be between 5ft 8 1/8th - .25, of course standing at measured height is rare.
Canson said on 19/Jun/17
@Rob: he looks a bit taller with rio than with you I agree
176cm guy said on 19/Jun/17
Looks like it is definitely a early morning measurement
EdD2_171.4cm said on 19/Jun/17
Hm, if footwear is similar, I would actually give him a clean 5-8 measurement. He might be slightly less than that, but he's closer to 173cm if anything (but definitely not the 174cm that he claimed).
Canson said on 18/Jun/17
5'7.5 is how he looks 5'8.5 with shoes
Editor Rob
don't know their sneakers, but Crolla and Rio Ferdinand.
Jam said on 18/Jun/17
I always thought Crolla was 5'7.5 but 5'7.75 is probably right
Blake said on 17/Jun/17
Rob, how many hours where you out of bed for this photo if you where 5 ft 8.25?
Editor Rob
up at 6am, actually I thought this was earlier but I checked and it was near 3pm.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 17/Jun/17
Weak 5'8", not as tall as Rob who is 5'8.13"
Editor Rob
I'm probably 5ft 8.25 that moment, although neither of us are standing military! Though he has thicker hair, so actually 7.75 makes more sense...
Canson said on 17/Jun/17
Maybe the 5'8.5 is in shoes since rob is a hair taller and he's only 5'7.5 taking into account the advantage
Hans Meiser said on 17/Jun/17
Rob, you're still growing! xD
Editor Rob
in 20 years that phrase could be 'Rob, you're shrinking!'
insomniak said on 17/Jun/17
Rob is slouching and still a cm taller, I'd say this guy is 5'7 flat.
Arch Stanton said on 17/Jun/17
My first thought was 172.
Johnson said on 16/Jun/17
@Rob Does he not look 0.5 cm shorter than you? Did you have shoe advantage?
Editor Rob
no, he did have at least 1-1.2 inch sneaker, I believe an adidas style, With Hatton that day you could make a case for 172 though...
Peter175 said on 16/Jun/17
He looks shorter than you.

Maybe 5f7 and a half
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 16/Jun/17
Rob, I think you barely edged him out. So 5'7.75" or 5'7.88" for Crolla.
Borats Chicken said on 16/Jun/17
Rob, he looks more 5'7.75 then full 5'8
World Citizen said on 16/Jun/17
Looks a legit 5'8"
Blake said on 16/Jun/17
Rob, who would be taller me or him?
Andrea said on 16/Jun/17
Someone got measured in shoes there? 😊
Looks like you would be at least a good cm taller, Rob. That 5'8.5 figure must come from a measurement with classic 0.75-1 inch shoes...
Editor Rob
I wouldn't say he seemed 5ft 8.5, though a morning range he could hit that.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.