How tall is Scott Caan - Page 2

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Average Guess (68 Votes)
5ft 4.97in (165cm)
leonari said on 14/Aug/06
I don't see this guy at 5'5"...sorry...he looks as if he is one of the shortest actors ever!
truheight said on 13/Aug/06
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this one is just too much lol
big daddy said on 9/Aug/06
Ok we have Paul Walker listed as 6'2.5". I agree with your 10-11" idea. I don't think Scott is shorter than 5'4" though. I really doubt he'd make it in hollywood if he was 5'2" or 5'3" like some are saying.
trueheight said on 8/Aug/06
that last pic by Jerv, wow he looks like a 'little person' or dwarf.

Big Daddy: if Walker straightened, it'd be a 10-11in difference; also, I believe Walker is at least 6'1.5 if not 6'2
big daddy said on 6/Aug/06
Scott is 5'5" more! Probably closer to 5'4-3". Look at this picture comparing him to 6'1" Paul Walker. Paul is a SOLID 6" taller, probably closer to 8-9". Case closed.

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aceman said on 22/Jun/06
don cheadle is ofcourse standing on a step where do people get this pics they just try to spoof celebheights to make themselves feel better
Jack said on 12/Jun/06
Jerv, Don Cheadle has to be standing on a step in that picture. If he is 5'8 than Scott looks 4'11
Dagger said on 1/Jun/06
Why the .5?...I don't think so.
leonari said on 29/May/06
How in the wolrd should Scott Caan grow? The guy is waypast the age of growth. Where do you get such an idea British guy? He wears lifts in movies to look a little less short...
British Guy said on 27/May/06

Is it just me?

Or does Scott look bigger in every film?

I think this is completly weird any photographic proof?


Last time I checked on site he was listed at 5ft 5in... Grown a bit rob?
Jerv said on 22/May/06
No way 5'5.....look at this pic...don (black guy) is 5'8....Scott Cann is a good 6 inches shorter than him.....5'2-5'3

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Max said on 26/Apr/06
This guy does look like 5'5...he has short legs
Wilhelm Fink said on 15/Apr/06
Scott in reality is actually 5ft 6.25 just so you know... I myself am 5ft 7
heightfan said on 28/Jan/06
Take into account the fact that Jen wears 4 inch heels
scottys friend said on 28/Dec/05
Scott is my friend and we measured our selfs at exactly 5'6", he also has a bigger head than me and my shoulders are about an inch higher than his so ill make him 5.5"
domenico said on 26/Oct/05
scott seems 1m63 near james caan that he seems 1m85
DP said on 15/Sep/05
5'5" is about right for Scott. Here's a pic with him next to his old man who measures about 5'9" so I'd say it's pretty close
wow said on 15/Sep/05
if scott is 5'5" then Vin Diesel is only about 5'11" maybee 6'
British Guy said on 28/Jun/05
This Is Getting Interesting,

Thanks, Guys I As Stated Before Am,

Only 5ft 6in Myself, And I Am Not The Smallest,

There Are Lots Of Males Smaller Than Me, Go On Scott.

This Guy May Be "Small" In The Hollywood Sense But He Sure Kicks Ass.

Jason I Was Pleased That You Were Willing To Find Further Information Any Luck?
Jason said on 19/Jun/05
I'll have to look it up. I do know how much you eat is a big factor in longevity, the more calories one takes in (regardless if they're from good foods or bad), the more free radicals created disgesting them and hence the shorter one lives. Might not sound too significant, but it's apparently a huge factor. Short people (generally speaking) eat less, so they'd at least have the advantage there.
Anonymous said on 19/Jun/05
Google this and you'll see a hundred different opinions on the matter of height and longevity. Most of them seem to say that there is no correlation. Howevever, short people who are short because they are less well nourished certainly live for less time. Height is mostly a matter of geners, however, in cases were it's not (e.g in cases were its directly related to poverty) you can expect to live less
Jason said on 19/Jun/05
Funny, I've read the best height (for a man) in regards to longevity and less disease/illness is around 6'2'' or so.
British Guy said on 19/Jun/05
As A Matter Of Fact,

It Has Been Proven Smaller, People

Live Longer, Are Stronger Overall, And Have Less Ilness.

They Are Of Course Stronger In Ratio Of Body/Height Ratings.
British Guy said on 7/Jun/05
Scott Caan IS 5ft 5in!!

Just Because You Are "Small" Does Not Make You Weak!!

I Am Only 5ft 6in Myself And Have No Problems Defending Myself,

I Simply Have Kept A Good Workout Routine I Imagine Scott Does Likewise.
leonari said on 2/Jun/05
So what are you saying BRITT? That Scott Caan is taller than 5'5"?? NEVER. Just take a lok at Oceans 12...He is dwarfed compared to any of the other stars. But he is in good shape and has a nice biceps...I believe this guy doesn't care how tall his opponent is when he is in a fight. I dn't know him but he looks like a guy who could kick ass.
Britt said on 1/Jun/05
I think it's kind of funny that he's only 5'5" but that he still got in a bar fight probabaly with a guy taller than him. Can't you just picture Scott Caan jumping on like...some 6' tall guy's back and taking him down? I think that would be freaking hilarious.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.