Bob.C.Q said on 22/Sep/24
barely 5'8", 173cm max
George Ablett said on 10/Jan/22
5ft 8 max. Around 3 inches smaller than Andrew Garfield if we're saying he is 5ft 10.5.
Cak said on 30/May/21
What could his inseam be Rob?

Editor Rob
31-31.5 maybe if measured.
Nik said on 20/Jun/20
Some people out there think he is 5'10"!
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 18/Jun/20
If Dane is 5'8 1/2 then Andrew Garfield would be 5'11, Jamie Foxx 5'10 and Kris Wu 6'1 1/2
Nik Ashton said on 4/Apr/20
Rob’s let it be known about Dane!
Peter175 said on 3/Apr/20
looks 5'9
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 4/Aug/19
Rob, i'm pretty sure Dane need a 1/4 downgrade maybe 5'8 a bit too low but he isn't under 173cm i can see that pretty match up to James Corden and your lowest height.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 29/Apr/19
He can't be 1/2 inch shorter than Jamie Foxx.
Click Here Click Here Obviously an inch shorter than Jamie Foxx. I wouldn't go over 5'8 if Foxx stuck on 5'9 and Rob know it best that Dane is no more than 173cm unless in other word which is 5'9 1/2 for Foxx then 5'8 1/2 no doubts.
Sean M Hart said on 25/Apr/19
I just walked past him on the street. I'm 5.8, 5.9 tops. I felt taller than him
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Mar/19
I have just started the film 'A Cure for Wellness', and this fellow, played by Dane, has so far taken the leading role. If it's his voice doing the narrating, as would seem to be the case, he is doing it beautifully, as he sets forth on an exploratory adventure to find out where his company's Chief Executive Officer has disappeared to, which seems to be some kind of Wellness Clinic, set in breathtaking countryside and surrounded by a mysterious and frightening past.
The first thing I thought when I set eyes on him was that he looks remarkably like Brad Pitt, only shorter. His articulate speech does everything to grip one into the storyline. I bought this film believing it to be some kind of horror, but it's turning out to be much, much more, and the tale is hardly even underway yet. I have seen enough, however, to decide upon his height, and I agree with the 5ft8.5 that Rob has chosen for him. I don't know how old Dane is, but he is young, bright and I like him enough to explore more of his films, if this one's anything to go by.
Rarely do I stop a film to write about what I have so far taken in; as this is a height website, though, I have that imperative piece of information well and truly decided, so just this once, I felt tempted to speak out about this movie and that I predict it to be an exceptional watch.
Now I shall continue excitedly, and see if I'm right!

Editor Rob
The last film I've seen Dane in was that Valerian film.
Although he's a good actor, I am not sure he was suited to a sci-fi hero type role. That being said, I think Luc Besson puts a lot of visual imagination into films, more than many Marvel movies actually...
MAD SAM said on 31/Jul/18
That’s a 5’8” guy at 173 cm
Letorgi said on 4/Jan/18
173 cm for me
DirectorKrennic said on 23/Nov/17
Google has him listed at 1.73m, 5ft8. Looked 5ft7 with Felicity Jones.

Editor Rob
Alex said on 16/Nov/17
Hi Rob what do you think about his body? I mean for a man going on 32 in terms of the size of his muscles and bones he is definitely below average ? Do bones only get bigger if you put on weight or exercise or is it a purely genetic thing and he just is this way because of his ancestors?

Editor Rob
certainly in younger years, weigh-bearing or some impact type exercise will help bone density.
I don't think DeHaan is a guy who hits the gym and may not have genetics that help in building mass like some of his peers. Some people can put on muscle much easier than others.
Junior said on 7/Nov/17
5'10 biggest joke. Dane look 5'8 and nothing next to 5'10.5" Andrew Garfield.
DirectorKrennic said on 29/Oct/17
He looked 171-172 in The Amazing Spiderman 2.
Ibracadabra said on 8/Aug/17
Are you taller than him Rob ?

Editor Rob
he has more 'beneficial' proportions for others to think he would be taller...I think he typically can seem 173-4 range.
Alina Montana said on 19/Jul/17
What do you think of this pic, Rob? It looks more than 10 cm difference, don't you think so? Maybe Redcliff is 1,62 cm or so and Dehaan 1,74 as you portray.
Click Here

Editor Rob
Dane certainly can make Daniel seem near 5ft 4 flat there.
Alex said on 24/May/17
He seems like he wouldn't be anything below 1.73 at worst so listing is fine.
RainbowBlaster5 said on 13/Dec/16
Who doy you think is taller Anton Yelchin or Dane , Rob?

Editor Rob
I think Anton would edge out Dane.
DefinitelyNotCC said on 6/Dec/16
Rob whats happening in this photo ?
Click Here

Editor Rob
doesn't look much over 5ft 8 in the photo.
Levi said on 11/Nov/16
@RainbowBlaster5 is right, he looks 5'8 flat with Cara Delevigne and i think she's a weak 5'7.
RainbowBlaster5 said on 20/Oct/16
With the new pics with Cara Delevigne for Valerian , I would say he's 1.73 but never dip below and that she is about 1.68/69 at a minimum but never dips below , both most likley wake up about a cm or 2 taller in the morning
Nat said on 10/Oct/16
I agree Rob , he's clearly not 1.78, I mean andrew Garfield as a worse case scenario is proably 1.78 minimun and they both wore converse type shoes in TASM 2 , if he put on a little muscle he'd proably look abit taller.
Nat said on 8/Oct/16
@Ryan , I also have the same issue and when ever I have been on set they've been chilled with me wearing support heels. Rob what do you think the odds are of 1.74 or 1.75 in the morning and 1.73 as a minimun height at night?

Editor Rob
they aren't times he can just look an 173, other times I think 174...never a 178 guy though!
💚 said on 4/Oct/16
He is very good looking
Anon said on 24/Aug/16
Rob what do you think the odds are of him dipping into 1.73 flat at the end of the day ? Also is it technically lying to give the height you wake up at when people ask?
Ryan said on 13/Aug/16
Hi rob , was just wondering why he's listed on 1.73 on Google , where does google get their heights also ? I'm aspiring to be an actor but my feet have a lot of pain so I wear a 1cm heel for comfort will I be allowed to wear it on set?

Editor Rob
I would say from other sites mostly. I doubt anyone would care if you had an insole to help your feet!
T said on 25/Jul/16
Hi , rob im curious are these abseloute minimun heights ,maximums or averages , like the most I've ever measured in the morning without shoes is 179.75 and minimun somewhere in the 1.78 range , what would I be listed as ? Also saw dane dehaan today , he looks as what is listed . Please reply thanks.

Editor Rob
more nearer their daytime height, afternoon range.
toor said on 15/Jul/16
Hi Rob, look at the pictures of Dane with Tom Hardy and Shia LaBeouf both listed by you at 175 cm.They tower Dane by at least 3cm.Please Rob have a look , because this is a shocking listing .I think 174cm is simply too much.Please elaborate.

Editor Rob
a 5ft 8 flat argument can be made for him, I wouldn't rule it out, at one stage I did think 5ft 8 was closer than 8.5...
Warren said on 11/Apr/16
Why he looks so young? when I saw the first time in he's music film "I Bet My Life" he looks like teenager for me and after that research on google he's profile and age,
I really suprised that, I'm 17 years old and 5'8. Maybe he's 5'8 haha
chris said on 20/Mar/16
Mchael Kelly was nearly 3 inches taller than him in Chronicle, i'm 1000% positive he's isn't over 173cm, at best i say 172cm.
charlie said on 16/Mar/16
I am 5 foot 10 morning height and there is no way he is 5 foot 10. There is no way he is 5 foot 9. I am going to say 5 foot 8 1/4
GB said on 21/Jul/15
Never looks over 5'9. 5'8.5 is ok for him, I think. Looked rather short-ish in TASM2, but it's probably because of his small frame.
an anonymous peach said on 9/Jul/15
I do think 174cm is the lowest he could be, he can easily look 5'9" at times.
boxin said on 13/May/15
This guy looked kinda short in the Spiderman movie, :) hes my height, how cool.However I"ll be adding an inch to whenever someone asks me how tall I am.
heightism said on 26/Feb/15
Dane Dehaan with Robert Pattinson while shooting for their film.
Click Here
heightism said on 26/Feb/15
@MD Roberts footwear looks suspicious in the pics with dane
MD said on 16/Feb/15
With a 6'0.25" Robert Pattison:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
It's unfortunate that they aren't standing straight in the first two shots, and the third shot there is an angle, but you can gather some kind comparison. I still don't see him over 5'8".
dark angel said on 15/Feb/15
he always looks barely shorter than jamie foxx, like 1/4 inch shorter. The pics. with daniel radcliffe prove that e ain't under 5'8, so this height seems right
evil said on 5/Dec/14
I changed my mind i think he is 175-176 cm, I'm sure about it.
evil said on 18/Sep/14
i know that people keep saying the he is not over 5'8, but i watchet the amazing spider man and next to garfield and foxx he looks like a 5'9 person, and that picture next to daniel radcliffe, he seemed to be at least 4 inces taller, so i think he is not under 5'8.5
Fredd said on 29/Aug/14
He doesn't look 174, more like 172cm
Chris said on 12/Aug/14
You don't like Josh Hutcherson because he looks shorter than he is? Wow, you're a horrible person.
Kate said on 11/Aug/14
He is definitely 170 cm or taller, I'm watching Spiderman and I already knew he was supposedly 170 but couldn't believe it, he looks taller, he is really skinny and he has a small back but he doesn't look short, maybe his voice helps too because I never doubted his height just by pictures but this is the first time I see him moving/talking.
I'm just saying what's sure is that there's no way he is under 170. I know a lot of people disagree with me but I always say that if a guy is short the skinnier he is the better, I don't really like Josh Hutcherson because he looks shorter than he is.
cole said on 6/Aug/14
@Loafer: There's other pictures where the difference looks pretty spot on 4 cm. Unfortunately none that I could find were full body.
Loafer said on 22/Jun/14
I think he's a solid 5'8 173 cm look at this picture next to Michael C. Hall
Click Here
Realist said on 23/May/14
Rob. How much do you think is his co-star Emory Cohen from place beyond the pines ?

Editor Rob
he looks shorter, like more 5ft 7 range than 8
Realist said on 13/May/14
This guy is definitely about 173-74 cm a strong 5'8 but Jamie Fox looks about the same height as Andrew Garfield.So Dane: 173 cm Garfield: 176 cm Jamie Fox: 175 cm.
@MD Your photo is not favoring Dane. Andrew's shoes are clearly big and Jamie Foxes are even bigger. Emma Stone has about 3 inch heels and Dane has about 1-1.5 inch shoes.
Chris said on 11/May/14
His eye-chin is lower than his eye-head isn't it? And his head looks a little over 9 inches at most in length?

Editor Rob
it is possibly a tiny bit longer, I thought on looking he had an eyelevel that split his head in two exactly, only when he tilts his eyes down a little then it looks like a smaller eye-chin.
tony said on 10/May/14
Compare Dane with Hardy (strong 5'9) and Labeouf (weak 5'9). At most photos DeHaan is obviously shorter. So, to my mind the green goblin is 172-173 range.
Look at his photo:
Click Here
Leo said on 6/May/14
I saw a picture of him and Daniel Radcliffe together, and he makes Daniel look like he's 5'2". I'd definitely say he's between 5'8" and 5'9".
Damon said on 30/Apr/14
He was on Fallon tonight and looked about 3 good inches shorter. So between 5'7 and 5'8 is where I would put him
MD said on 10/Apr/14
Recently with Andrew Garfield:
Click Here
Click Here
I continue to believe he's not a thing over a flat 5'8".
chrisssss said on 20/Mar/14
Nooooo, i really think he's 172cm MAX
Chris said on 14/Mar/14
He has the frame of a shortish guy, so this should be correct.
Drew said on 28/Feb/14
@truth, I measure 5'8.5" at night and weigh 130pounds, you'd be surprised how many people think I am 5'10". I think being skinny just adds an illusion of appearing taller.
truth said on 27/Feb/14
Dane is definitely the tallest looking "short" guy I've ever seen, when standing alone that is. Dammit! what happened to Dermott?
He looks like he spent some time on Jupiter and gravity took its toll. haha
MD said on 5/Jan/14
But, it's not posture because Dane looks taller than him in multiple pictures during multiple events.
MD said on 3/Jan/14
You can't bring his height up to 5'8.5" and keep Dermot Mulroney's height at 5'8.5":
Click Here
You're going to have to find a better mix between these three as far as listed heights. Dane is tallest, Dermot in the middle, and David (take away the footwear advantage) the shortest. But, Dermot and Dane are not the same height.
tiktak said on 2/Jan/14
always looked 171 - 173 cm range to me
a strong 5-7 or weak 5-8 as he was listed beofre
Editor said on 21/Nov/13
Dane claims to be standing tall at 5ft 10.
cole said on 15/Oct/13
Probably not the best angle, but I thought his proportions seemed rather good as well:
Click Here
cole said on 15/Oct/13
Actually seeing him a bit more recently he could look 174 cm range next to Michael C. Hall and Daniel Radcliffe when stood straight. He tends to tilt his head and drop posture, so that's why he can seem shorter.
Also watching Lawless for the second time, it looked like he actually edged LaBeouf one or two times. I think 174 cm might actually be bang on, or at least a fraction over 5'8. What do you think Rob?

Editor Rob
174 range not impossible
Chris said on 4/Oct/13
Standing next to Michael C. Hall he looks 5'9 range
Balrog said on 25/Sep/13
He looks at least 5'7'' range with Radcliffe, 5'8'' it's possible.
cole said on 14/Sep/13
@Editor Rob: As I posted that pic with Radcliffe, I was watching Lawless, and he could seem similar to Shia LaBeouf, so 5'8 range is probably fine.
Byron T. said on 23/Dec/12
He's more or less the same height as Shia LaBeouf, so 5'8'' would be a maximum for Dane DeHaan.
bigcheese said on 12/Dec/12
i don't buy 5-8 either b/c standing next to shia labeouf (who is 5-8)dane still looks smaller by 1-2 inches
he is about 171/172 cm i think
Jack said on 11/Dec/12
5'7'5"(171 cm) for him...