James (179cm) Jones said on 5/May/23
Hes either 5'10.5 or at the max 5'10.75. No higher than that. Weak 5'11.
James (179cm) Jones said on 3/Apr/23
He's definitely 179cm (5'10½), or 179.5cm at the max, he has the exact body peportions of a 5'10.5 guy...
Ray (174 cm) said on 31/Mar/23
Weak 179 cm
Jodie said on 26/Nov/22
jokey 179.5 cm
at 13 most likely 4'11-5'0
Becheese said on 5/Aug/22
5-10.5 looks legit
Liam 185.5cm said on 24/Jul/22
jokey 179.5cm, i predicted him to be around 5'1.5" when he was 13, however by the time he was 14 he look like he grew 3 inches to 5'4.5"
jokey 179.5 cm said on 16/Jul/22
woow i remember when he was only a flat 5'10, he's almost tall as me now.
i think finn and i had the same growth spurt. He was a little kid at 13 like myself (only a smidge over 5'0) and both ended up at a strong 5'10 range (5'10.5 and 5'10.75) at almost the same age. We have even the same lanky proportions. Wonder how tall is finn's dad.
Rob, any idea how tall he was at 13 years old?
Renn said on 15/Jul/22
I think he's at least above 5'10, maybe 5'11. Standing alone he is so lanky he gives a tall impression.
5'8 boy said on 14/Jul/22
Rob, I'm pretty sure based off this video he's about 5'10 because he looks about the same height as 5'10 Joe La Puma(he's 5'10 because he consistently looks that with 5'10 listed people on this website)
Click Here
Jacob G said on 13/Jul/22
I’m pretty sure he’s 5’11 now or atleast 5’10 3/4. He got very tall over the past years. To me it looks like he grew to 5’11.
Seal said on 11/Jul/22
Even in season 3 of stranger things he looked pretty tall compared to in season 2. I'd have guessed him as 5ft 9 ish back in season 3. I doubt he'll grow more from where he is now.
bman568 said on 11/Jul/22
looked about an inch taller than joesph quinn in stranger things
Big man 6'2"|188cm said on 6/Jul/22
Feels much taller in stranger things. I was going to type him as 6ft 1 until the last episode when he was hugging Hopper. Then i realised the obvious difference. My guess is 5ft 10 1/2?
Leesheff85 said on 4/Jul/22
I'd have kept him at 5ft 10 he's probably just adding the half inch like so many do to sound taller
Andrea said on 28/Jun/22
Well, if they only add 2 inches, then he's definitely AT LEAST 5'10.5 now, although I'm not sure I would have guessed him quite that tall in the new season...
Jawilder said on 28/Jun/22
Nice upgrade
The Height Guy said on 28/Jun/22
why the upgrade Rob?

Editor Rob
I think the 179 does suit him, even considering his fondness for 2 inch heels.
Andrey200 said on 22/Jun/22
In the second picture looks maybe 14 cm shorter than Elgort?
dreus23 said on 20/Jun/22
@Ben - 6'1.5
Weird, I definitely thought it looked as if Jesse's head reached Finn's eyes, and I also thought it looked as if Finn was slouching while Jesse simply had relaxed posture
william5'11 said on 20/Jun/22
hey Rob you plan on meeting him in the future and getting a picture with him?

Editor Rob
In the future who knows.
Ben - 6'1.5 said on 17/Jun/22
Finn and Jesse are standing in similar posture and Jesse’s head comes above fins eyes. There is not a 5+ difference between them, more like a 4-4.5 inch difference.
Seal said on 8/Jun/22
Joe Keery (steve's actor in stranger things) did confirm that Finn was taller than him. So I believe he could be at least 5ft 10.5 maybe even 11. and he looked comfortably taller than Charlie Heaton this season
Guy6125 said on 7/Jun/22
Looks taller in stranger things season 4, especially next to the other characters. I'm guessing he's grown to 5'10.5" or so.
dreus23 said on 6/Jun/22
This guy has probably grown. My analysis of the picture with Jesse Eisenberg is that Finn's heels impossibly could be over 3 inches if they're the same shoes as the ones in the second pic. I personally think they're 7 cm or 2.8 inch heels. In that picture, one could imagine Finn being almost 5.25 inches taller than Jesse standing fully straight. Jesse is probably over 5'8 in those dress shoes. That would make Finn 6'1 ½ in the dress shoes. This would make him roughly 5'10 ¾ without those shoes.
I agree with the 5'10 ¾-5'11/179.5-180 cm conclusion. I won't be voting that yet though and it would be interesting with more pictures
Andrey200 said on 5/Jun/22
Not sure how much, if any, he’s actually grown. He may be wearing bigger heels than Eisenberg in that photo, all in all looks like a 15-16.5 cm difference. Maybe without heel advantage, which I’m sure he has there because I can’t see him as 185-186 range, he could be 180 range. Don’t see him over that.
Seal said on 27/May/22
Rob, its definitely time for an upgrade imo. In the new season of stranger things 4, He looks very tall. He towered over gaten and looked 6 inches taller. I think at least 5ft 10.5 if not even 5ft 11
Andrea said on 19/May/22
He actually looks pretty tall in this very new photo with Jesse Eisenberg
Click Here, not far off 6' really! The question is what kind of footwear he's wearing... If you look at the recent premiere of Stranger Things, he has worn quite sizeable... heels!
Click Here
In any case, it is probably fair to give him (at least) his 5'10.5 claim..?

Editor Rob
Yeah he could look over 5ft 11 there, but this guy is wearing heels that would make Tom Cruise
Amelia said on 17/May/22
Noah Schnapp is looking around 2 inches shorter than him in the latest Stranger Things premiere pictures.
Malcolm Oliver said on 17/May/22
Rob, now that he’s at the age where he may be done growing, what’s more likely at this point: 5’10, 5’10.25 or 5’10.5?
I think it all comes down to if you think he can clear 5’11 in the morning and based on his frame, I think he can.

Editor Rob
Will look at him again I'm sure and decide if I think he generally looks over this current mark.
MaximusCrime said on 15/Apr/22
I mean he could be 179 cm but I’ll do 5’10 1/4th
Amelia said on 6/Apr/22
Hi Rob. How much would you give Jack Dylan Grazer? Here's a very recent photo of him and Finn.
Click Here

Editor Rob
Looks a good 3 inches of difference
Arthur said on 16/Mar/22
What will his weight be? I'm 177 tall and 18 years old and weight 60kg spiked and I seem to be much heavier than him visually, I saw him on some sites listing him at 127 lbs but I believe it's much less

Editor Rob
He could be sub 60kg.
Llewellyn said on 16/Mar/22
@Woooooowwow they made a short clip after the interview with both Fallon and Schnapp in it and Noah was visibly smaller. About 5'8
Woooooowwwow said on 12/Mar/22
Maybe you should add a page for Noah Schnapp now,Rob! At the most recent interview with Jimmy Fallon he looked at the same height as Jimmy if not half an inch taller. 5'11.5"- 6'0" is very much possible for Noah i believe!
Zero said on 26/Jan/22
Rob did you downgrade him? Also I find it funny how everybody was always like “he’s so tall” after watching his movies in the last couple years when in reality that was his final height because he was 18 and done growing haha

Editor Rob
I've not touched his listing.
Rhys 6'1" said on 20/Dec/21
5'10.5" seems pretty spot on to me
Llewellyn said on 16/Dec/21
@Rob could he be 5'11 as of now?

Editor Rob
I'll be keeping an eye on him to see over next few months
FriedChicken said on 16/Dec/21
Probably better to wait until season 4 comes out.
Timelessclassic said on 24/Oct/21
@Rob are you gonna update the ST cast? Noah is 17 already and Finn, Caleb and Millie could have grown more since the last time
Seal said on 17/Oct/21
Rob, Are you going to update him, and get a page for Noah Schnapp soon? I think he probably grew since his 5'10.5 claim. So I think he could be near 5'11 now.
Johan 185 cm said on 27/Sep/21
Could be an honest claim. I do think he is at least a solid 178 cm nowadays.
Eric W Tam said on 11/Sep/21
@Keith, @Rob, Man imagine if Noah goes through a McTominay-esque growth spurt? Keith, in case you don't know who I'm referring to, SCott MCtominany is some dude who plays a little football for Man United who supposedly grew 10 inches and capped off, when he was 18, from 5'6 to 6'4 (well he is acutally 6'3 and his growth was exaggerated but still). McTominay more like when from 5'4 to 6'3 from 15-16 to 18 but still impressive nonetheless. Noah is already what? 5'9 at 16 or 17? Would still be very shocking if he reaches above 6'2 by the time he's 20. As for Finn it looks like at most he would only grow an inch or two if anything at all.
Acmd11 said on 21/Mar/21
Unrealistic to grow something noticeable at 19
Big Ben said on 10/Mar/21
I was measured at 5’10.5” 6.5 hours out of bed in May 2019 at age 19. I haven’t been measured since then so I have no idea how tall I am right now. I could be 5’11” or I could be under it but I feel slightly taller than I used to. Finn will probably end up very similar to me unless he has stopped growing which most kids his age have.
David G said on 10/Feb/21
I think he have stopped growing in 5'10". 5'9.5-5'10.5" range.
Leesheff85 said on 12/Jan/21
How tall would Noah schnapp be maybe 5ft 8 shorter than adam Sandler in hubie Halloween
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 9/Jan/21
He may have got 5’10.5 in the morning
Gracelyn said on 7/Jan/21
I’m answering this in January of 2021 and I’ve heard from people that his friends think he is over 6 foot now or at 6 feet.
Renato1 said on 27/Dec/20
Probably, he'll stop at 5'11
Tabitha said on 8/Dec/20
He’s owed an update
Tabitha said on 8/Dec/20
When Kendall Jenner was on jimmy fallon she was wearing significant heels and with those she was the same height as jimmy(who’s listed as 5’11 and a half). But when Finn was on jimmy fallon he was the same height as him. However Kendall is listed as over 5’9 so I’m confused cause those heels def weren’t an inch
Speedy said on 21/Nov/20
Finn said in this video that he recently measured himself barefeet and that he is 5'10 1/2" now:
Click Here

Editor Rob
could be that mark now!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Nov/20
Funny thing is that both share their first names. (or Balor's ringname in this case)
Linke said on 10/Nov/20
Who is taller Finn Balor or Finn Wolfhard? I guess both are 177 cms
Andy5'93/4 said on 1/Nov/20
With noah centineo
Click Here
Hey rob. Noah admitted to being under 6’1 is about a 6’0.5-6’0.75 guy he seems way more than just 2.5 inch over finn what do you think of it?

Editor Rob
Can make finn look 5ft 9-9.5 there, but Finn current height will be interesting...
Andy5'93/4 said on 30/Oct/20
Average guess is way too high the highest i’d guess him wouldnt even be a full 5’10 personally
ROCHELMAE said on 29/Oct/20
Ithink His current height is not yet updated. He is 5'10 to 5'11 in a long time i guess , maybe now increase to 6'0 hmnnn🤔 but still looking forward to new update.
ROCHELMAE said on 29/Oct/20
Ithink His current height is not yet updated. He is 5'10 to 5'11 in a long time i guess , maybe now increase to 6'0 hmnnn🤔 but still looking forward to new update.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Oct/20
Finn has an older, lookalike brother called Nick and he is celebrating his 23rd Birthday today. I found both 5ft10 and 5ft8 for Nick, who is an actor and a voice actor. 🎂
Finn gets 5ft10.5 😀👍
John al khaled said on 8/Oct/20
He’s definitely 5’11!
Maria B said on 1/Oct/20
Rob, he needs an update. All the ST kids do.
Finn is 5’11 right now. For sure. (No more than that though, 6’0 is just pushing it).
Rupert Rolfsen said on 9/Sep/20
This boy is not 6’1. 5’10-5’11 for now. Small head and lanky doesn’t make you taller
Endless said on 7/Sep/20
Lol what are you talking about,he is no more than 178-179,and obviously not even 6 ft
Thessa said on 4/Sep/20
Finn is obviously over 6ft, the last time he was 5,8, and that was a year ago. I say he is now 6,1ft
Matt6'5 said on 25/Aug/20
Rob, hes only 17. Do you think he will pass the 6ft mark as an adult? How tall do you think he will ultimately be?

Editor Rob
We'll see soon how tall he looks, there's been quite a break in celebrity premieres/events for months now.
joshua james said on 31/Jul/20
i think he's somewhere between 178 cm and 180 cm. Maybe 179 cm
Paula Tabitha said on 27/Jul/20
I feel like he needs an upgrade
Keith 5'10 said on 25/Jul/20
We need a picture of him with Joe Keery!
For now, I'd say 5'10.
Oliver Conner said on 23/Jul/20
When he was on jimmy Fallon he looked almost the same height as him and you have jimmy listed at over 5’11 so I’m pretty sure Finn isn’t 5’10 anymore
Mary Holanda said on 19/Jul/20
Pretty sure he’s not 5’10 anymore. The kid has an awful posture. He seems to have hit the 5’11 mark by now. Might get taller than that.
FriedChicken said on 18/Jul/20
5'10 now. Maybe he could hit near 5'11 before he stops growing.
Andy 5'91/2 said on 13/May/20
I cant see 5’10 at all he looks so short i thought he was 5FT7-5Ft8
Vsquad said on 13/Mar/20
If Finn doesn't grow from 5'10, I still think he'll be referred to as "tall" by fans as long as he keeps his lanky frame.
Timothee Chalamet is still being mistaken for 6'1 to this day... Which needs to stop lol but yeah.
Heights Fan said on 26/Feb/20
5’10” - 5’10.5 range
At his age i was his height and i ended 6’3” at 20 but my brother is very tall also (about 6’5”) men usually stop growing at 21 - 22 but not in all cases
June Holand said on 25/Feb/20
He seems to be a Little over 5’11 now
Justin Zuniga said on 1/Feb/20
He is taller now on tv he looks about jimmy fallons height 5’11.5 you should change his height to that now.
Dan E said on 21/Jan/20
@keith 5’10 Keith, at 2:27 they’re next to eachother and standing near straight. Jimmy looks 2 inches taller or so and wolfhard can be seen with thick shoes usually when he’s on these shows. Giving him the benefit of the doubt this still puts Wolfhard at 5’9 1/2 which is what his height status should be updated to on this site.
Keith 5'10 said on 18/Jan/20
Him with Jimmy Fallon.
But i think that Finn is closer to the camera.
Click Here
Michael glover said on 17/Jan/20
And Caleb M, Looks somewhere in 5’6.25 to 5’6.5, I think Finn needed an 1/2 or 1/4 inches downgrade would be good but I shuffled him at 5’9 1/4 and a bit maybe (175.9 cm - 176.3 cm) somewhere in that could he measured and Caleb (168.9 - 170.2 cm) he looks it’s most of the time... I know for sure Finn have 3.5 inches on Caleb for sure
Michael glover said on 17/Jan/20
And Caleb M, Looks somewhere in 5’6.25 to 5’6.5, I think Finn needed an 1/2 or 1/4 inches downgrade would be good but I shuffled him at 5’9 1/4 and a bit maybe (175.9 cm - 176.3 cm) somewhere in that could he measured and Caleb (168.9 - 170.2 cm) he looks it’s most of the time... I know for sure Finn have 3.5 inches on Caleb for sure
Nickg said on 13/Jan/20
How much do you think he weighs?

Editor Rob
He looks quite thin still, I doubt he's 140 pounds.
Keith 5'10 said on 10/Jan/20
@Dan E Weird, he looks around 5'10" with Bill Hader to me. Nick Kroll is listed as 5'8.75 (who also has more footwear in that photo) and Anuerin Barnard as 5'8.5 here, if that helps.
Michael glover said on 9/Jan/20
But I remembered back in 2017 while ago he looks 5’5.75 or near 5’6 next to 5’7 5/8 Dylan mit...
Michael glover said on 9/Jan/20
He always looks in the 5’9 range he for sure not 5’10 or more 5’9 3/4 max and 5’8 3/4 minimum So I would say that he is 5’9 5/8 or (176.3 cm) is what he looks between 5’8 3/4 & 5’9 3/6 for sure he 5’9 5/8 is more realistic because joe K.. is solid 5’10.5 or 179.1 cm and he looks maximum 2 inches shorter so that would actually makes him in the 5’9 area or (175.9 cm) sometimes can looks it
For my answer wouldn’t be 5’10 for sure but more (175.9) or 5’9 1/4 for sure
Michael glover said on 9/Jan/20
He always looks in the 5’9 range he for sure not 5’10 or more 5’9 3/4 max and 5’8 3/4 minimum So I would say that he is 5’9 5/8 or (176.3 cm) is what he looks between 5’8 3/4 & 5’9 3/6 for sure he 5’9 5/8 is more realistic because joe K.. is solid 5’10.5 or 179.1 cm and he looks maximum 2 inches shorter so that would actually makes him in the 5’9 area or (175.9 cm) sometimes can looks it
For my answer wouldn’t be 5’10 for sure but more (175.9) or 5’9 1/4 for sure
Dan E said on 9/Jan/20
@Keith The Goldfinch cast Q and A was in September, and the Addams family picture was in October
Keith 5'10 said on 8/Jan/20
@Dan E Yeah, in those photos he WAS in the 5'9 range for sure. But he reached the 5'10 range around september. He was 16.
Dan E said on 8/Jan/20
Seems to be in the 5'9 range to me after looking at these photos:
Click Here next to 5'8.5 Nick Kroll
Click Here barely edges out 5'8 Anuerin Barnard and looks around 2-3 inches shorter than 5'11 Luke Wilson
Click Here next to 5'11 Joe Keery
Keith 5'10 said on 4/Jan/20
@Littlelee5ft6 that was CGI to make him look younger
Click Here
Littlelee5ft6 said on 3/Jan/20
I'm surprised hes listed as 5ft 10 as in it chapter 2 he looks really short and that was only filmed in 2018 he looked the same height as sophia lillis and shes 5ft tall to go from barely 5ft to 5ft 10 in less than two years seems unlikely
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Dec/19
🎁🎈🎂🕯️ Happy Birthday Finn! 🕯️🎂🎈🎁
Wishing Finn 🐺 hard a happy, Happy 17th Birthday!
So this is what a Millenial looks like, is it? Very nice indeed! I love the wild hair!
Finn gets 5ft10. There's every chance he's grown since he first appeared on Celebheights. 😁👍
Avi (184 cm) said on 9/Dec/19
I guess I was taller than him when I was 15, if he is 5'10", that is. Could be 182 or 183 cm at peak. But maybe he'll get lucky and tower over me, like this one guy I know who grew to be 6'3", and was the same age as Wolfhard with the same height.
Jerd said on 2/Dec/19
Yeah so exactly my height then, and a year younger than me haha. Makes sense I guess.
His dad looks to be around the 6' to 6'2" mark so I can see Finn ending up at 5'11".
Cazzie/mileven enthusiast said on 2/Dec/19
You finally put him!! He’s so tall, I’d put him at 5’10 or even 5’11. But I’m gonna guess 5’10.5 for now. He towers over the rest of the stranger things cast lol
khaled taban said on 23/Nov/19
DEFO 5'10"
Amit Jha said on 23/Nov/19
He's near it but not quite the full 5'10". I'd give him 5'9.75"
Tall Sam said on 22/Nov/19
I'd agree, the kid could hit the 5'11" mark when he's done growing. A year or two ago he had a growth spurt a little sooner than some Stranger Things cast mates I think and he could look a little like Joey Ramone with the rest of the Ramones but for all I know they may be catching up.
Canson said on 21/Nov/19
@Greg: yep for someone like him he may still have some growth in the tank
Progking said on 20/Nov/19
He looks like be would be at my hairline or a tad under(i'm 6'0.25). I think 5'10-5'10.25 is reasonable.
@Keith 5'10, if Noah is 5'8 then i think both him and Finn could grow to be 5'11. 3 inches after 15 is quite common
Colben said on 20/Nov/19
He's taller than I expected, probably because he's taller than some of his costars. He might even grow a bit more.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Nov/19
If he'd been in my class at school, I'd have had a frightful crush on him! 🤫
TheBat said on 19/Nov/19
Definitely a solid 5'10". I can see him reach the 5'11" range in the future.
Andrea said on 19/Nov/19
I can see that, Rob, but is Gaten even 5'4.5 in the first place???
Speaking of Finn, back in June 2019, he could look near 4 inches shorter than a 6'0.25 listed Noah Centineo
Click Here , with the latter having less footwear as well:
Click Here Click Here . Or, around the same time, at least 2 inches shorter than Joe:
Click Here
Of course, being only 16, it's quite possible that he has grown (and that he will grow), but even more recently, I'm not sure he really is taller (let alone 1.25 inches taller) than someone like Nick Kroll, that you have at 5'8.75 (although I know that's a tough angle):
Click Here
Actually, now that I think of it, I remember he already looked comfortably taller than Charlie Heaton in the last season (which was shot over an year ago), so I don't think he has grown that much in the last year...

Editor Rob
We'll see in next year if he grows into his listing, or what he might end up. I would be more surprised if he was as low as 5ft 9-9.5 today, although 9.5 isn't exactly impossible.
Vsquad said on 19/Nov/19
Finn looks close to 3 inches shorter than 6'0/6'1 Bill Hader, and 5'11-ish Joe Keery still edged him out. So yeah 5'10 is spot on.
I have a feeling he might be done growing now at 16 (he's turning 17 next month). That's when I stopped growing completely. Also, in general it seems like he had his growth spurt early.
al001 said on 19/Nov/19
Seems like he hit a big growth spurt pretty quickly, so I doubt he'll grow more than an inch or so from here on.
6footTom said on 19/Nov/19
That photo makes him look like a young Tommy Wiseau.
Sean Hackett said on 19/Nov/19
He could certainly gain more height after 17yrs old. I grew another inch after I graduated high school.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Nov/19
Now Finn really does look his stated height of 5ft10, or perhaps a touch more.
He can have 5ft10.25. 😋👍
Aar?n R said on 18/Nov/19
Do you think he's done growing rob.

Editor Rob
Maybe not quite.
Keith 5'10 said on 18/Nov/19
Good add Rob. Do you think that Noah will be tallest kid of Stranger Things? He looks near to 5'8

Editor Rob
Noah is still gaining height, what he ends up will be interesting as I feel up to 14 looked younger than he is.
9361721 said on 18/Nov/19
Rob you forgot to add “Stranger Things”.
Ray Mandella said on 18/Nov/19
Yeah 5'10 seems about right. Oh, and Rob you forgot to add him to the Stranger Things article.

Editor Rob
Yeah he's on there now.
Javier said on 18/Nov/19
Great to finally see him have a page here Rob. Looks a flat 5'10" nothing more nothing less. I wouldn't be surprised though if he dips a little bit below that at night time. But overall a strong 5'10" though out most of the day. I think his growth has been slowing down for the last year because he looks to have been at this height since January of this year. I think he will be 5'11" or 6'0" when he's done or worst-case scenario for him he will stay this height. What do you think the odds are Rob seeing that he is almost 17?

Editor Rob
Well 17-20 there is still potential, some stop by now, others keep gaining.
It will be interesting to see if Finn gains anything significant, but as I said before, I will check up on him.
Mercury said on 18/Nov/19
Do you think he's still growing?

Editor Rob
Still can grow, but I will check up on him a few times to see what he gains...
Crab said on 18/Nov/19
Looks around this kind of height with Joe Keery, I would say a weak 5ft 10 currently though, probably dips below it. Will be interesting to see how much taller he gets.
Andrea said on 18/Nov/19
Is he really this tall now? Last time I had a look at him (a few months ago), I'm not sure I would have guessed him over 5'9...

Editor Rob
He could look at least 5 inches on someone like gaten, though of course that guy could be 5ft 4.5.