Sandy Cowell said on 24/Jan/23
I can’t wait for Jacob to return to Coronation Street and stick two fingers up at his bullying, threatening excuse of a father!
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Jan/23
That poor boy, having such an evil and corrupt father, forcing him into drug dealing and threatening his life.
Go to the Police, Jacob.
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Dec/22
What an awful and unnecessary event for Summer, her tall boyfriend and Jacob to endure. Summer’s boyfriend’s drunken father turns up at the youngsters’ home DRUNK AS A SKUNK. How can he be so irresponsible with these youngsters when he’s supposed to be the adult and set an example.
Then poor Summer suffers a miscarriage….. 🥲
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Nov/22
It’s good to see Jack back in Coronation Street!
5ft10. 😃
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/May/22
What an honour for Jack James Ryan to be sitting bang next to Jack Nicholson on the Jack Heights Page.
He deserves it! 😊
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/May/22
Jack James Ryan DID exhibit bravery, Nik, but given time, the same might be said for Alex’s Simon. Now we have a new little scamp in the form of Max, and he’s worse than Simon ever was.
⭐️ The ‘Out of sight, gone down the road….’ bit is a quotation from ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’, by the way.
Nik Ashton said on 8/May/22
@ Sandy Cowell - You are so right and these boys are real men. Height means nothing and I know you agree that personality and bravery count infinitely more.
What you have said is very true, he would have had to have started acting in the first year of his life for it to be possible for him to have acted for decades!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/May/22
@ Rob - But that’s CRAZY! Out of sight, gone down the road CRAZY! 😂😂😂
Now 5ft4.5 I can believe. 🦉🤓
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/May/22
@ Nik - Even boys have fought in wars in days of yore, and they’ll have been tinier than Alex.
I HAVE found 5ft4.5 for Alex and that’s about the strength of it. I haven’t seen those debauched entries at all! 😂
Yes, Alex is indeed due a page, though decades of acting? He’s not old enough!

Editor Rob
I can tell you that Alex listed himself as 5ft 8 in the Spotlight directory, he may well be one of the bigger inflators!
Nik Ashton said on 4/May/22
@ Sandy Cowell - He’d probably laugh at that listing too, there’s nowt wrong with being 5’4.5” or under because what counts is how tall someone’s personality is. Men shorter than Alex have fought in wars and this counts far more than height, I know you fully agree.
Alex simply must have a page, he’s been in Corrie for decades and no one knows his exact height but Rob could find out for us!
My **** ain’t made of gold either and it certainly doesn’t smell of roses, I don’t rate it!
Torrinator said on 4/May/22
@sandy @nik
I would rule out 5ft 6 for Alex Bain personally he’s got to be more than 4 inches shorter than Jack (Jacob) plus more than just an inch shorter than his on screen dad!
I’d give him 5ft 4 minimum 5ft 5 absolute max so 5ft 4.5 could be right on.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/May/22
@ Nik - 6ft for Alex Bain? Then my @rse is made of solid gold and smells of roses and, believe me, that ain’t the case! I’ve read 5ft4.5 for Alex, so that’s probably his morning height. I, too, would like to see him with a page. He’s been in the Soap since he was a little boy and he’s a father now.
Nik Ashton said on 3/May/22
@ Sandy Cowell - That would 🐝 very interesting! Sue and Jack may well look very similar in height!
I would also like to compare Jack with Alex Bain, we will have plenty of opportunities! Alex should have a page and I have seen him listed as 5’4.5”, 5’6”, and 6’0”.
Maybe Sue should list herself as 5’11”! Jack does!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/May/22
Another grand idea would be to compare Jack to Sue Cleaver, the tallest woman currently in Coronation Street. I’m always harping on about her being 5ft10, which she certainly looks while they are shooting the programme. Now to get a close-up of the two, and pause the TV, would be very telling.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/May/22
I found the 5ft11 claim eventually, Rob. I’ll be watching him closely and hope to be able to compare him with Simon Gregson’s 5ft10.5.
Cheers, Rob, and many thanks for giving Jack a page!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Apr/22
Jack actually turned twenty SIX on April the first just gone.
Belated Birthday Wishes to you, Jack, albeit 29 days late!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Apr/22
Jack’s birthday is actually the first of April. I do apologise for saying it’s tomorrow! What with this good weather we’ve been having, how could I possibly have thought that it was still March, which is officially still the Winter half of the year? The Pixies’ song, “Where Is My Mind?”, from Fight Club, springs instantly to mind…..!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Apr/22
If ever I’ve experienced tears of gratitude then it’s upon seeing that Jack James Ryan has got his page on Celebheights - on the eve of his birthday at that! He’s either 24 or 25 tomorrow; I’ve read both, and will have to double check that one out.
It’s been Jack’s week on Coronation Street, as we’ve watched him open up to Simon about his past, including the tragedy behind his need for taking a first aid course, having seen a best friend die in front of him. His actions when he finds the young scallywag, Max, literally bleeding to death in front of his very eyes are staggering and heartwarming. I think Jack’s Jacob will be an excellent stabling influence for Si, and hopefully, for Max, given time.
And now it’s time to meet Jack, the brave and heroic real-life spokesman.
At his tender age, Jack has suffered from, and conquered, the merciless male testicular cancer. He is now speaking out openly about it, which will be an eye opener for the young, seemingly infallible, generation of lads. Girls are just the same in their ways of thinking; I should know - I was one myself! Jack will be doing for fellows what the late Jade Goody did for girls, though, alas, she didn’t live to go into the detail she would have liked. Jack, fortunately, did pull through, and will be saving lives by recommending that guys aren’t too embarrassed to have themselves checked out rather than face the hellish consequences that he did.
If ever an actor is deserving of success, it’s young Jack here. I can see his Coronation Street character blossoming into something truly special, and as for his social standing, my opinion of him skyrocketed when I read what he’d lived through and what he’s doing now to help other boys and men.
Welcome to Celebheights Jack James Ryan!
5ft10. 😀👍🏼

Editor Rob
I wasn't sure about his 5ft 11 agency height, it seems a bit high.