How tall is Justin Bieber - Page 13

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Average Guess (1384 Votes)
5ft 7.47in (171.4cm)
Parker said on 8/Feb/12
Henkka says on 7/Feb/12
Anyway, looking at the overall picture here, you two think I'm a bad estimator, almost everyone else agrees with me

Hahahahahaha - you really do give me a good laugh. Take off your 'Bieber under 5'5' glasses. Of the regular posters myself,Dom, Shaun and of course the editor think he's a minimum 5'5. Other posters from the last few weeks

Jamie says on 5/Feb/12
End of discussion, biebs is still 5.5!

Marc says on 1/Feb/12
i dont think 5ft8 is his height in betwene 5ft6 or 7 he did grow a lot

Jodeh says on 1/Feb/12
He is 5ft6 ruffish.

jean says on 31/Jan/12
At the nrj musci awards 2012 few days ago , with the hoster nikos aliagas who is listed as 178cm , justin didnt looked much shorter.

Sol says on 30/Jan/12
So maybe she really is 5'7 and Justin is or 5'6 flat or 5'6.5..

marlon says on 29/Jan/12
I thinnk he's much taller now.. maybe 5ft8.5

Naomi says on 27/Jan/12
The last time I met Justin was Nov. 23rd 2011. I'm 5'4 and when we hugged he seemed about 2-3 inches taller than me.

So Henkka, your entitled to your opinion, just as you are entitled to downgrade every other celeb to fit it, but PUleeeese....'Almost everybody agrees with me' is tosh.
runt said on 7/Feb/12
My parents were 6-1 and 5-4.5 and I'm only a few inches taller than Biebs.
Brad said on 7/Feb/12
He'll be done at 5 feet 5 for life. Deal with it like Michael J. deals with his vertically challenged life.
anon said on 7/Feb/12
Bieber is close to 5.9 as of 2012, hard to accept he's grown past you Rob? :)
Henkka said on 7/Feb/12
@Parker: Read what I said, Mayweather isn't 5'7", he's around 5'7.5". If he was 5'7" that would make Lil Wayne 5'4" and Justin under 5'4", which we already know isn't true.
Mayweather at 5'7.5", Lil Wayne at 5'4.75"-5'5", and Bieber at 5'4.5"-5'4.75", that's what I'm saying.
Parker said on 7/Feb/12
Jacob says on 7/Feb/12
Now here is Justin and Alfredo at an airport only two days BEFORE that picture was taken…Justin is only about an inch taller than Alfredo if you pause at :36.

Your kidding right? Alfredo is closer to the camera, and even then its hard to tell anything from that.
man said on 7/Feb/12
Did he claim 6ft yet?
Sol said on 7/Feb/12
How tall do u think Justin is here next to Avery who she said clearly she was 5' ? This photo was taken in middle of 2010..
Click Here
Henkka said on 7/Feb/12
@tk: He's turning 18 in less than a month. I agree with you, he's most probably done growing, or almost done, looking at his past growth (which, considering his genetic background, he's done pretty well, knowing that his tallest close relative is 5'6", and the rest of them are all between 4'8" and 5'5"). The most I can see him at is reaching a legit 5'5" during this year, nothing more.
Henkka said on 7/Feb/12
@Dom: Hahahaha you and Parker make me laugh, seriously. It's just you two backing each other against everyone else, without saying anything profitable. If you're so sure of your claims, do like everyone else and post proof instead of uselessly criticising.

And I'm not downgrading Floyd, he's always been listed between 5'7.25" and 5'8" at most, don't know where's the problem. At most that makes Lil Wayne 5'5" and Justin still under 5'5", it's the same story as usual. I don't know, maybe it's you who should start wondering about your estimation when you have to upgrade half of the planet by at least 1" to make it remotely believable. Selena Gomez at 5'5", Miley Cyrus and Leighton Meester at 5'5.5", Jennette McCurdy at 5'2", Lil Wayne at 5'6"... you don't see it yet.

Anyway, looking at the overall picture here, you two think I'm a bad estimator, almost everyone else agrees with me (and I agree with them, of course) or is very close to what I say (and at least try to back up their claims)... hmmm, I think I can live with that.
melanii said on 7/Feb/12
It is impossible for him to be 5ft9, becouse Taylor Lautner is 5ft8.5.
Taylor lautner looks much taller than Justin Bieber!
Jacob said on 7/Feb/12
It seems like Bieber does not always need to wear high tops in order to wear lifts. Here he’s wearing some pretty flat looking shoes but looks a good 3 inches taller than Alfredo Flores making him around 5’7. This picture was taken on January 31, 2012, about a week ago.

Click Here

Now here is Justin and Alfredo at an airport only two days BEFORE that picture was taken…Justin is only about an inch taller than Alfredo if you pause at :36. I doubt Bieber grew 3 inches in two days so even in Vans looking shoes, he can pull off a few extra inches. Maybe he’s wearing customs…I’m not sure. Bottom line is, Justin is still 5’4 – 5’5 and Alfredo should be around 5’3 – 5’4. Bieber simply is not taller than 5’5 exactly compared to Alfredo and his father Jeremy Bieber (who’s a maximum of 5’6).

Click Here
Parker said on 7/Feb/12
Henkka says on 6/Feb/12
And tell me with a straight face he's only 2"shorter than Floyd Mayweather. He's got almost 3" on him.

I'll tell you with a straight face that if Oscar Del La Hoy is 5'10, as he is listed everywhere.....Mayweather is not 5'7.
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Shaun said on 6/Feb/12
Hell, a 5'9" Ellen would put Simon Cowell near 6 ft LOL!!
Shaun said on 6/Feb/12
LOL a 5'9" Ellen would mean Vince Vaughn is 6'8" and Scott Schwartz by comparison 6'11!! I doubt Bieber is more than 5'5". I can buy 5'5.5" tops.
tk said on 6/Feb/12
Isn’t he 18 now? At this age, he’s probably done growing. He still looks like a kid and, surely, he has the proportions of one. I haven’t noticed him a lot before, as I really hate this kind of pop music, but IMO he looks around 5’4’’ barefoot.
Flooo said on 6/Feb/12
biebs0301 says on 2/Feb/12
in a interview this year... he said he was 5 foot 9....
CAN YOU POST THE LINK !? Or anyone? thanks !
Dom said on 6/Feb/12
@Henkka oh so now you're downgrading Floyd too lol You know you should start wondering about your own estimation when you have to downgrade half the planet to make it remotely believable
Dom said on 6/Feb/12
@Parker, I know it's PA-THE-TIC! He keeps doing that lol
the shredder said on 6/Feb/12
Lil Wayne is from my home town , Ive seen him ... 5'5
Henkka said on 6/Feb/12
And by listed this time I mean measured, though we don't know for certain whether it was with shoes or not. Anyway, the max he could be is 5'5", and therefore, so would be Bieber, who is a bit shorter than him.
Henkka said on 6/Feb/12
@Parker: Nope, not a downgrade. He's been listed at 5'5". And tell me with a straight face he's only 2"shorter than Floyd Mayweather. He's got almost 3" on him.
Parker said on 6/Feb/12
Henkka says on 2/Feb/12
says it all and confirms that Lil Wayne is in the 5'4.5"-5'5" range.

LOL - He's listed at 5'5.5". Yet another downgrade to match your Bieber estimate.
runt said on 3/Feb/12

Lawl. But they do look better than some of Robert Downey's contraptions.
biebs0301 said on 2/Feb/12
in a interview this year... he said he was 5 foot 9....
Henkka said on 2/Feb/12
@Dave: You have to consider that those listings are almost always with footwear, therefore, Lil Wayne would be a bit under 5'5", or 5'5" on the rare case he was measured barefoot. That pic of him next to Floyd Mayweather (listed 5'8" in shoes, so around 5'7.25"-5'7.5" barefoot) says it all and confirms that Lil Wayne is in the 5'4.5"-5'5" range.

And the pics with Justin show they're almost the same height, being Justin a tiny bit shorter (pay attention to where his head ends, not his hat; Wayne is a bit taller, less than 0.5" but it's visible if you pay attention). It doesn't matter, anyway, it just confirms what we were already saying: Justin is still in the 5'4.5"-5'5" range, and most probably closer to the former.
Brad said on 2/Feb/12
Hey Runt, they are stylish if you need built up custom wedges, Stallone wears huge ugly Frankenstein boots for a reason and it isn't looks.
Jodeh said on 1/Feb/12
He is 5ft6 ruffish.
Marc said on 1/Feb/12
ellen said on her show that she was 5ft9 at least i think thats what she said anyway she is a tall woman and justin was like an inch and a half shorter than recent pictures he stands a little talller than selena who is i think 5ft5 and the guy probably wears thick shoes idk i dont think 5ft8 is his height in betwene 5ft6 or 7 he did grow a lot
runt said on 1/Feb/12
I'm getting a little older and out of touch, but are high top basketball shoes still in style? I don't sense that Bieber's footwear is in style.
CK said on 1/Feb/12
@Henkka: Yeah you nailed it, that's exactly what's happening here now.
CK said on 1/Feb/12
Parker says on 31/Jan/12
And the editor has him listed at........DOH! You proof must have got lost in translation lol
Justin got upgraded with the help of his Bieber Boots standing next to Ellen.
Henkka said on 1/Feb/12
@Parker: Huh? Rob's estimation is closer to mine than to yours, don't know where's the problem.
ramiz said on 31/Jan/12
he later grow beccause he shows that the age of 13, such as 7 years: D
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jean said on 31/Jan/12
At the nrj musci awards 2012 few days ago , with the hoster nikos aliagas who is listed as 178cm , justin didnt looked much shorter.

Click Here
Parker said on 31/Jan/12
Henkka says on 30/Jan/12
basically because they're the only (regular) ones here who disagree with everything that has already been discussed, proven and accepted.

And the editor has him listed at........DOH! You proof must have got lost in translation lol
Anthony Ealy Jr. said on 31/Jan/12
Dont doubt it, Im right with Justin Bieber (a bit taller) were the same age and basically on the same growth pattern i was 4'9 3 years ago 5'2 2 years ago 5'5 last year and now im 5'8 - 5'9 (im 17 years old) :D
Dom said on 31/Jan/12
@Henkka even if Flores was 5'3", Justin would look taller than 5'5" on those pics. Maybe your just a bad height estimator, that would also explain why you think Selena has less than 2 inches over Lovato wich is RIDICULOUS.
CK said on 31/Jan/12
Jamie says on 29/Jan/12
Click Here
in this clip at 1:14 - 1:19.. You can see that justin looks exactly the same height as paris jackson which is listed as 5'7 on i m d b, but he's waring supra's (lifts much??)
Yes, he's wearing lifts there, look at the bulge in the lace area. Also, Paris Jackson is definitely shorter than 5'7". She was on Ellen a month ago and was a few inches shorter than celebheights listed 5'7" Ellen(who I think is more 5'6.5" but lets just say she's 5'7"). Here is the Youtube video, see for yourself and don't let her hat fool you Click Here

@mariabieber: can you repost that picture of Justin with his lifts exposed?
CK said on 30/Jan/12
Laura says on 30/Jan/12
Ha! I'm taller than Justin Bieber.
Who isn't?
Henkka said on 30/Jan/12
@CK: I agree with you, everything that had to be seen has already been seen here for the moment. I've also come to the same conclusion (well, confirmed what I and most of us already suspected), he's a lift wearer and he's still 5'4.5", end of the story. The dozens of pics and videos of him and people around him posted here should be enough for anyone with a critical view who still had any doubt. And the only thing Dom and Parker (to give an example) do is to keep the discussion alive, basically because they're the only (regular) ones here who disagree with everything that has already been discussed, proven and accepted.
It's always the same, someone posts new pics or videos that proof he's still under 5'5" or wearing lifts, and someone goes "LOL nah, that's crap, your pics are useless, look at mine" and posts the same pics that have already been posted tons of times which can't be used to gauge height.
Yeah, it's getting boring, but if he has finished growing (or he's close to) it's about to get more boring I think. LOL

Oh and Parker, I didn't say that Flores was 5'4" either. I'm with CK, I've also been saying the whole time he looked like a weak 5'3", and I still keep what I said. For that reason, if you remember, I used that pic to proof that, at the time it was taken, Justin still wasn't the 5'4" listed. If he's really 5'2", then we weren't that far off, and it doesn't change much.
Parker said on 30/Jan/12
CK says on 29/Jan/12
For me the discussion of Justin's height is getting boring now... after someone posted those pictures that proved Justin is 100% a lift wearer and my estimate for him barefoot is 5'4.5". I already found my answer, so It's a done deezy. Dom and Parker just keep running around in circles with the same stuff.

And you don't? LOL
Sol said on 30/Jan/12
In the video that Jamie posted justin is maybe a inch taller than Paris.. and she's listed 5'7... then on Ellen she was taller that her.. So maybe she really is 5'7 and Justin is or 5'6 flat or 5'6.5..
Laura said on 30/Jan/12
Ha! I'm taller than Justin Bieber.
Henkka said on 30/Jan/12
@Parker: You can laugh all you want, but look at his pic, and then look at any other pic of someone wearing those Vans if you still don't believe he wears lifts most of the time (there've been quite a few pics which were even more obvious than that one). His ankle is about 1" higher than normal, and that curve at the heel isn't normal either, they should be flat. All this make obvious his feet are tilted forward by something.
niwakhun;;;; said on 30/Jan/12
VAI Holding says on 29/Jan/12
maybe 1.5 inch ....hes always wearing lift......anywhere...
CK said on 29/Jan/12
Allen189-187cm says on 28/Jan/12
Very intersiting video,take a look or tape on youtube "Justin Bieber Growing Taller Video Proof"_Click Here
This guy is probably around 172,5 to 174cm now,with the late growing he can end-up in 2,3 years in maybe the 176 to 178cm range who know?......
That clip has probably already been posted here at least 10 times by now. Justin has you fooled. Let me just tell you that he is wearing 2 inch lifts stuffed into his high-top sneakers in just about all those clips... re-watch the George Lopez clip.
CK said on 29/Jan/12
For me the discussion of Justin's height is getting boring now... after someone posted those pictures that proved Justin is 100% a lift wearer and my estimate for him barefoot is 5'4.5". I already found my answer, so It's a done deezy. Dom and Parker just keep running around in circles with the same stuff.
Godred said on 29/Jan/12
@Naomi + Marlon - LIFTS! - he`s either 5`4 or 5`5 still.
Jamie said on 29/Jan/12
Click Here
in this clip at 1:14 - 1:19.. You can see that justin looks exactly the same height as paris jackson which is listed as 5'7 on i m d b, but he's waring supra's (lifts much??)
Parker said on 29/Jan/12
Henkka says on 29/Jan/12
@Parker: Sorry, but he's wearing lifts there, though not as big as what he wears on stage, sure. His ankles are WAY out of the shoes, and they're not normally like that, basically because I own a pair of them and they don't look like that at all. So he's got 1" lifts there. That would explain why he looked taller than usual next to Flores.

marlon said on 29/Jan/12
I thinnk he's much taller now.. maybe 5ft8.5
Henkka said on 29/Jan/12
@Parker: Sorry, but he's wearing lifts there, though not as big as what he wears on stage, sure. His ankles are WAY out of the shoes, and they're not normally like that, basically because I own a pair of them and they don't look like that at all. So he's got 1" lifts there. That would explain why he looked taller than usual next to Flores.
Henkka said on 29/Jan/12
@Allen189-187cm: LOL no comments.

@jean: Take a look at other recent pics of him next to other people. He still looks the same as he has for the past months, so he hasn't grown more. And that puts him at 164cm, or 165cm being pretty optimistic (I don't think so, but there's a chance), but definitely not over that.

@rayray: You're right. Taylor Swift is 5'9". Everything else you said is correct too, he's been performing on 2" lifts almost daily for over a year, it's not a problem anymore for him.
Parker said on 29/Jan/12
niwakhun;;;; says on 28/Jan/12
justine is always wearing lift wherever he go.....this pics ...hes wearing 1 inch lift....Click Here

Utter Rubbish - his heel would be out the back of his shoe.
VAI Holding said on 29/Jan/12

This is no 1 inch, but 1.5 cm!
Brad said on 28/Jan/12
He's in lifts with Taylor, he gets owned by Miley in heels, near same height.
CK said on 28/Jan/12
rayray has it correct. Biebs in the wedged customs with Swift.
Allen189-187cm said on 28/Jan/12
Very intersiting video,take a look or tape on youtube "Justin Bieber Growing Taller Video Proof"_Click Here
This guy is probably around 172,5 to 174cm now,with the late growing he can end-up in 2,3 years in maybe the 176 to 178cm range who know?......
jean said on 28/Jan/12
I think bieber has really grown recently.
In tonight's Nrj music awards, next to the host Nikos Aliagas who is 178cm , Justin looked only about 3cm shorter which makes him 175cm. Even if he had footwear advantages , that would at least put him at 170cm.
niwakhun;;;; said on 28/Jan/12
justine is always wearing lift wherever he go.....this pics ...hes wearing 1 inch lift....Click Here
rayray said on 28/Jan/12
@nyc says on 26/Jan/12
I'm confused by his height when standing next to Taylor Swift.

Click Here

She's wearing small heels so I would guess she's standing around 6'. That would put her 7" above Bieber minus his footwear. He only looks around 3" shorter. Unless he's wearing 4" sneakers which would be hard to dance in, one of their heights is off by a lot.

I believe Taylor Swift is about 5'9. In those heels she'd be about 5'11. I agree with you that she looks about 3-4 inches taller than Justin. So that would make Justin looking about 5'7-5'8. The soles of his shoes alone are at least 1 inch. We're down to 5'6-5'7. Justin can easily performs with 2 inches lifts. I mean professional dancers dance in 4+ inches heels all the times so...
Aleks said on 27/Jan/12
Rob is there eny chance for him to become 170cm ?
Editor Rob
if he has late extra wee spurt, you never know!
Naomi said on 27/Jan/12
The last time I met Justin was Nov. 23rd 2011. I'm 5'4 and when we hugged he seemed about 2-3 inches taller than me.
CK said on 27/Jan/12
@Parker: IIRC, a few month back, someone posted here that they personally know Alfredo Flores and said he was 5'2".
celebcomment said on 26/Jan/12
look here...this girl is 168 and is taller than him Click Here
nyc said on 26/Jan/12
I'm confused by his height when standing next to Taylor Swift.

Click Here

She's wearing small heels so I would guess she's standing around 6'. That would put her 7" above Bieber minus his footwear. He only looks around 3" shorter. Unless he's wearing 4" sneakers which would be hard to dance in, one of their heights is off by a lot.
Dave said on 26/Jan/12
hey Rob why are there only 2 comments displayed?
Editor Rob
I had a problem with the database and lost a bunch of comments on some names.
runt said on 26/Jan/12
ramiz says on 25/Jan/12
if he is realy 5'5-5'6,he is realy too short,almost dwarf

yeah because he's only a foot taller than the 4'6" cutoff for dwarfs...O.o
Dave said on 26/Jan/12
@Parker. are you saying Bieber grew up to 4 inches in 6 months? at 17 I doubt so

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.