American powerlifter. On Instagram he described himself as "6'1" and weight "275lbs" and once said "I'm Six One as well, depending on what shoes I wear" In 2023 he was measured just over 6ft 1.
Stevemoen41 said on 2/Dec/23
Larry says he is 6ft in this video:
Click Here
spainmen 193cm said on 28/Nov/23
@Rob, maybe you want to add to the top that he was measured at 6ft1 1/8 busting a gut?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Nov/23
Yeah I agree with returning him to 6ft1. 6ft0½ looked a bit low but 6ft1½ might be pushing it a little....earlier in the day perhaps, Rob?
Like with Eddie Hall's video, we don't know if Larry is in shoes there or not
Harris Bhatti said on 24/Nov/23
6ft 3/4 would’ve made more sense considering he was busting a gut
Jawilder said on 24/Nov/23
It was after a workout as well, so maybe just under 6’1 worst case but there was another video of him on Snapchat getting 6’1.25 on the SECA, and he was also measured 6’1.5 on another height measuring devise. Also linked is where a guy measured him with thin sneakers and said 6’1.5. Could be 6’0.75 but that’s worst case.
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
6ft 1 seems a fair enough listing.
Jawilder said on 23/Nov/23
Surprisingly, he got measured 6’1.5 on video and then 6’1 1/8 on the Seca. Can you update him to 6’1 Rob?

Editor Rob
I found the
Clip for anybody who wants to see...
He's really busting a gut there and I'm not sure if his head tilting up is going to effect the measurement much, but near 6ft 1 with level head does look possible.
Jawilder said on 8/Sep/23
Slamm said on 29/Aug/23
Honest claim.
Safyboi said on 1/Jun/23
Hey rob, how tall do you think bodybuilder noel deyzel is, he claims 6’2 but looks at least an inch shorter, he did a some videos with Larry wheels.

Editor Rob
He could edge out Larry, but not a full 6ft 2
Vnod said on 28/Apr/23
Swede2 said on 27/Mar/23
@Nick131415 yes that is a bit weird since I thought Denis look shorter then Larry but is wasnt easy to see in there video together
Jawilder said on 26/Mar/23
Yeah this is the lowest I’d go for him. 6’0.75 could be his low.
nussi said on 11/Mar/23
Larry has indirectly admitted that he is well under 1.85, as you wrote in the text above here, Rob. Most shoes add at least 2 centimeters, so I honestly believe Larry Wheels is exactly 183 cm barefoot.
Nick131415 said on 4/Mar/23
Why is Denis Cyplenkov taller than Kirill Sarychev's eyes, and Larry Wills is slightly taller than Sarychev's nose. Although Tsyplenkov and Wills are the same height?
Jawilder said on 22/Feb/23
He does look at least 6’0.5
Swede2 said on 22/Feb/23
Come on guys he claims about 6'1 in shoes himself and being 183 cm in the afternoon or after beeing up for several hours is taller then you think especially for hes stature. He can be 185cm/6'1 out of bed but not later in the day I think. I mean the listing is 184,2cm and you think 183 is not very possible when even himself claim about 185 cm in shoes? Not many shoes give only 1 cm. And when he meet Eddie Hall its after Eddie lift 500 kg and for many years of beeing very heavy and lifted very heavy weights so probably shrank 1 inch
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Feb/23
Bare minimum 6ft0¾ and the original 6ft1 listing was fine also. Not much between him and Eddie Hall.
Yuval said on 19/Feb/23
Come on he is not 183 cm..he had ton of videos with Jujimufu who is 178, and the difference is more then 5cm. It really comes down to either 184 or 185. Also next to Eddie Hall he cant be only 183 unless Eddie is 185 which is probably not true.
Swede2 said on 11/Feb/23
Im afraid he should probably be downgrade to 6 foot even since he claim 6'1 in shoes himself.
berta said on 27/Jan/23
yeah shane the claim was that he is 6´1 with shoes but i just cant see it. regular shoes give 2,5. is he only 183 cm? I think he have lupped of 185-186 without shoes, thats what i mean. I mean if he is 183 without shoes ( rob give him 184 but no shoe give only half inch) then what does that make a guy like harrison ford peak?. this guy easily pull of 2 cm taller. I just cant believe it. his claim is almost weirder than terry o quinns 6 foot claim.
Swede2 said on 22/Jan/23
@Shane Gray I agree with you thats how I thought it sounded as well but Im not sure of course. And also since it weirdly is apparently not uncommon in US to state height with shoes. Really weird to me but thats how it is. Hafthor at least admited it recently
Shane Gray said on 19/Jan/23
Lol it's crystal clear he is talking shoe height or he never would have w said what he said. There's no debate on that. None.
berta said on 8/Jan/23
i dont know if he really meant 6´1 in shoes. It 100 procent sound like it but that makes him at best 6 foot in regular shoes. I really thought this guy was one of the more legit 6´1 guys. did look 185-186 most of the time.Out of him and john cena i would guess him taller. He have almost always puloled of taller than 184. If he was 184 then he would walk around at closer to 183 alot of the time with the extreme weights he lift. His extreme low is lower than a regular guy.
Yuval said on 11/Nov/22
When he says " Im 6'1 depending on what shoes" it doesnt mean he consider the shoe height as part of his height.
Like I am 5'8 barefoot, and with regular shoes I am 5'9, but with flat shoes I only get like half an inch so I am 5'8.5 with them. So I loose half an inch and lower myself to an actual 5'7.5 among people who wear regulat shoe, lower the average add of a regular shoe, typaclly and inch.Its very subtle but you can I understand what I mean. And lifters do wear flat shoes sometime
sbd24 said on 15/Oct/22
Hi @Rob
What do you think the real height of Jo Lindner aka
Click Here
he claims 182 cm but seems 5'10 next to Andrei Deiu (a little bit taller) who I think is around 5'9

Editor Rob
Can't imagine him near 182cm, would have guessed a few cm shy, but at least 5ft 10
Swede2 said on 14/Oct/22
Click Here Sorry at 24.41 start talking height.
Swede2 said on 8/Oct/22
Click Here 41.04 min in they start talking about there height and Larry says he is 6'1 depending on what shoes he is wearing.
Alexander Kucherenko said on 8/Oct/22
I’ve met with Larry Wheels and Edie Hall. I’m 185 cm and Eddie hall is the same height as me. Larry is a bit taller. I’d give him 186-187
Swede2 said on 3/Oct/22
Larry said himself he is 6'1 in shoes so more likely 6 foot even is hes real height. Denis Cyplenkov looks a bit shorter then Larry I would say in there latest video together but Cyplenkov is listed 6'1 when he is maybe under 6 foot I could imagine
Guillaume said on 30/Sep/22
I rhino you need to update him 😅
Click Here=
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 29/Sep/22
Stop trolling please, Todd is nowhere near 6'1.5", he is 6'3ish, 6'2.5 at the very least.
Schoolboy is also nowhere near 6'2.5 he towers above almost everyone, he himself said 195cm recently ( which is possible if he grew in the latest years )
Also if wheels is only 184 that's bad news for Eddie
Jimmy_ESB_182 said on 2/Sep/22
@Sandrones No, Larry is clearly taller than this guy
Eusebiu - 6'1" (185 cm) said on 29/Aug/22
So, Larry got a downgrade to 184 cm, while Eddie Hall is sitting comfortably at 187 cm... yet both of them look almost identical in their photos together.
Something isn't right here because if Eddie would truly be 3 cm taller than it should have been more visible but it's not because there is max. 1 cm between them and even that is debatable.
I am not seeking to downgrade people but in my opinion, if Larry is 184 cm than Eddie deserves a downgrade to 184 or 185 cm as well.
6'5/ 195.58 cm said on 20/Jul/22
Peyman said on 11/Dec/21
Please add famous arm wrestlers rob
My guess:
Devon larrat 6' 4.5"
John brzenk : 5' 11.5" peak 5 11 now
Michael todd : 6' 1.5"
Levan : maybe solid 6' 2"
Larry wheels : 6' 0.5"
School boy : 6' 2.5" (not sure)
Denis cyplenkov : between 6 and 6 1 maybe
Peyman, are you on your mind? Schoolboy can't be only 6'2½, don't make such false estimates that's far off, he looked only about ⅜ shorter than Devon Larrat, and towers over Larry, he is easily 6'4 and up.
Sandrone said on 6/Jul/22
stop believing in fairytales, guys...he's just not over 5'11". the guy next to him claim to be 5'11" and they are absolutely even . check it out
Click Here
Gian 181cm said on 18/Jun/22
Good downgrade Rob, he is tall but not 6'1.
younes01 said on 4/Jun/22
i mean you're the height expert rob :), i respect your opinion but i have to disagree with you here
Click Here
she claims 187 cm larry looks 6ft next to her.
younes01 said on 3/Jun/22
Click Here
rob this guy next to him claims 184 still he looks an inch or so taller than larry ?? how is that pissible?

Editor Rob
They looked pretty close to me in the clip.
Jawilder said on 26/May/22
Click Here
This guy claims 5’11. Great downgrade
Daniel Lee said on 25/May/22
mmm Then Hall is 6'1.5"
Okidoki said on 17/May/22
Yeah, i believe a guy like Devon Larratt would be noticeably taller than Levan, they will soon have a matchup in June, so we can see there more accurately maybe. Devon is max 195, but Levan around 6'3 range it seems.
Okidoki said on 15/May/22
@Rob What would you give Levan, Larry and Todd here? Levan claims 193 here, Larry 185. Todd nothing, but is listed 6'3.
Click Here

Editor Rob
Levan could look 2 inches taller, maybe...the angle and position made it harder to really judge.
Okidoki said on 13/May/22
Click Here I am curious about you're opinion on Levan Saginashvili's height. He and Michael Todd stood right beside Larry Wheels, Larry claimed 185 cm, Levan claimed 193 cm and i didn't hear Todd claim anything, but he is listed at 6'3. How tall do you think Levan and Todd look generally and besides Larry?
It's interesting that he thought they are roughly the same height :P

Editor Rob
Hard to imagine him as 193cm when they are all kinda standing side by side there, 190cm my first thought was. Michael could look an inch taller than Larry, but really some of these wide angle shots can hide differences at times.
BobbyCurls said on 9/May/22
Big Rob, Larry, with a bit of hesitancy, said he was 6'1 on a good day in this podcast:
Click Here
I'd guess he is more solid 6'0 than a true 6'1 with his recent claim.

Editor Rob
6ft 1/2 inch might be a figure to go with..
Vincent Caleb said on 20/Apr/22
How tall would you guess Vitaly Laletin to be Rob?
Here is a video of him with Larry, Larry has about 1/3 inch thicker sneaker I think.
Click Here
He has claimed 6’8”, and I have seen him billed as high as 6’9”.

Editor Rob
Could look over 6ft 7 there
Jawilder said on 28/Mar/22
6’0.5”. Nothing over
186cmnight said on 10/Feb/22
6ft, 6'1 in shoes he said it himself. Appreciate him being honest about his height could get away with claiming 6'1 barefoot
Black Noir said on 5/Feb/22
Hey rob, even tho Larry he’s 6’1 in shoes do u think he’s just being modest like ranulph fiennes who claims 6 feet?

Editor Rob
I think he's near his claim
viper said on 29/Jan/22
Should be downgraded to 6-0
Peyman said on 11/Dec/21
Please add famous arm wrestlers rob
My guess:
Devon larrat 6' 4.5"
John brzenk : 5' 11.5" peak 5 11 now
Michael todd : 6' 1.5"
Levan : maybe solid 6' 2"
Larry wheels : 6' 0.5"
School boy : 6' 2.5" (not sure)
Denis cyplenkov : between 6 and 6 1 maybe
Roots4828 said on 28/Nov/21
@Myself good find! Larry definitely looks 6'1" max next to Olivier Richters.
Myself said on 26/Oct/21
Click Here Here Larry basically admits that he's not 6'1 in reality. As i've always thought, he's probably max 183.5 cm at the barefoot low. I'm not even sure if he's a full 6'0.

Editor Rob
An interesting statement there!
Myself said on 9/Oct/21
I have a hard time seeing him above 183-184.
Yuval Dvori said on 22/Sep/21
How tall would you say Levan Saginashvili is?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Can look 6ft 3 there
Keep Walking Tall Like Rop Baul said on 4/Sep/21
well larry's camera angle is advantaging his head against another muscle monster , but against skinny tall guy like david laid, he could make david look 6'5 lol.and standing next to each other Larry's solid 6'1 and laid 6'2
Nites said on 4/Aug/21
He's 6-1 legit and possibly 6'1.25". In videos he's not much shorter then guys who claim 6-3.
Kevoz said on 17/Jul/21
hey rob how tall would you say his coach is next to wheels??
Click Here

Editor Rob
near 5ft 7 in the other photos
Kevoz said on 31/Mar/21
hey rob watch at 22:50 that guy claims 6'3 but how tall do you think he measures next to larry wheels??

Editor Rob
they went on to ask him in metric he says 199...
bizarre, he could look taller than 6ft 3
jawcel said on 29/Mar/21
Click Here 22:50
Guy next to Larry said that he's 6'3 (but his claimed height in centimeters is 191 so it's bit under 6'3.25) and difference between them is bigger than 2 inches, more like 3-3.25
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Mar/21
6ft2 out of bed, Rob?
Luis gustavo Pinto torres said on 22/Mar/21
Solid 6'1 1/4
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Mar/21
186cm is possible for Larry with Eddie now at 188cm
Covvvid1984. said on 28/Feb/21
6-1. He’s happy to be truthful
Lifter said on 25/Jan/21
In a recent video
Click Here
Larry is next to Levan Saginashvili who is 6ft 4 193cm. Also with Michael Todd who is listed as 6ft 3 190.5cm on WAL (World Arm Wrestling League)
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 29/Dec/20
His smile just gave me a right good uplifting giggle!
6ft1 😃👍....⚙️🎡🤸♀️
Jam said on 29/Dec/20
Interesting quotes from Larry in the 7'2 350lb bodybuilder makes me redline video. First he says "who doesn't want to be taller?" Then follows up with "be nice if I was 6'2, 6ft 3".
Jkiller said on 28/Dec/20
He recently admitted he's 6'1 on the latest youtube video with the dutch giant. Although I'd still say he's a decent 6'1.25 (186cm).
Animus said on 28/Oct/20
I wouldn't be surprised if he was a 186cm guy. Certainly does not come across as anything less than a solid 6'1.
Roots4828 said on 21/Oct/20
Is there a chance of 6’1.25”? I don’t think Larry cares about his height that much.

Editor Rob
Maybe more chance of slightly over than under
Animus said on 17/Oct/20
Larry's girlfriend claims 5'10:
Click Here
I think she looks that as well.
Magista said on 23/Sep/20
Definitely not under 6'0.5". I follow him for quite some time now. Edduard is listed on this site as 187cm, either Larry is taller than 6'1 or Edduard is shorter than this site claims. The latter is more believable. They met each other on several occasion during events and a collab, with different shoes etc, and they are pretty much eye every time. 1cm MAX between them.
A182Guy said on 12/Sep/20
There is a video of them training together, i would say simeon is 1/4 inch taller if they have similar shoes.Like you mentioned Simeon got measured 6'1 with shoes.I believe Larry is 6 foot maybe 6'1/4 on a good day which i doubt since he does heavy lifts.
Click Here
Click Here
joec said on 29/Aug/20
Simeon was measured around 6'1 with shoes on:
Click Here
Roots4828 said on 14/Aug/20
Larry could be a guy that doesn’t care and rounds down his height, since he can look taller than Eddie.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Jul/20
He doesn’t look far off Eddie in some clips.
TyrekeWR said on 14/Jul/20
Solid 6 feet 1 inches
A182Guy said on 13/Jul/20
He is a fraction shorter than Simeon Panda who claims 6’1
Josh Jeffords said on 24/Jun/20
Umm seems impossible he could be under listed he is very heavily muscled but looks 6 1.
Jkiller said on 29/May/20
The average guess of 184.5cm is too low, he is definitely around 6'1.25 (186cm). He seems around the same height as Eddie hall, maybe 1cm less at best, and Eddie hall is around 187cm
viper said on 26/Feb/20
He looks bigger than 6-1 275 pound football players in the above pic
Roderick said on 24/Feb/20
@Miss Sandy He's around 300 now.
Larry is an absolute beast. Hes super young too, so hes only getting stronger.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Jan/20
275 pounds is huge! I bet he has to eat a lot to maintain a muscle-packed frame weighing THAT much!
I like the name Wheels, and called one of my toy cars that when I was 5! (It was a white Mercedes).
Larry Wheels gets the full 6ft1.
PS I just worked out that 275 pounds is 19 stone 9!
Jkiller said on 16/Jan/20
Looks about 186cm next to Eddie Hall.
Yuval said on 15/Jan/20
I just said on his last video he weighes 136 kilo
Roderick said on 7/Dec/19
@Rob You should update his weight. He weighs around 300 now and competes in 308 class. I believe he weighed in at 297 at his last meet.
His girlfriend looks close in height to him
Importer said on 23/Oct/19
How tall do you estimate his girlfriend Rob. 5’11” ?

Editor Rob
She might be not that far off it
Importer said on 21/Oct/19
How is he the same height as 6’2” range Micheal O’hearn?!
No one in particular said on 13/Oct/19
Antonio T. I've also met him in person and I'm between 5'5 and 5'6 and he was around 7inches taller than me, so I highly doubt you've met him. Why do people make stuff like this up? Also for the guy who said Martin's is around 6'2...I'd agree with that, I have trained at his gym before.
Danimal 5'9 3/4" said on 25/Jul/19
Eddie Hall and Larry Wheels (who claims 6'1"):
Click Here
Larry looks to be slightly taller than Eddie. It should be noted that 6'2" Scottish Strongman Luke Stoltman looked at least 2" taller than Larry Wheels recently:
Click Here
Antonio T. said on 7/Jul/19
I met Larry Wheels in-person once. I am 6'2" and Larry was a good several inches shorter. I can say with confidence that he is more like 5'9". Definitely not 6', not even close!
TheBat said on 15/Apr/19
6'0.25" would be better.
Myself said on 27/Mar/19
Rob is too optimistic often, and lists celebs at morning measurements a lot of the time. I don't know how much he really looks at a celeb before adding them, but he may just give a check and quick guess, to consequently add the page and let people discuss and provide proof for a downgrade/boost.
So I wouldn't really feel like it's appropriate to say that Larry is really "Honest" just because Rob thinks he is (based on maybe a quick look), rather than forming your own opinion with personal research and comparisons.
I don't believe Larry is above 6'0.25; anywhere in 5'11.5-6'0 range imo, although, everything is possible of course, and who knows, maybe Rob really gave a much more accurate guess than me. But that's my opinion at the moment anyway.
Nik said on 25/Mar/19
@ Myself - Rob is usually very accurate with his listings, particularly for new celebrities!
Nik Ashton said on 23/Mar/19
@ Myself - But you did say expert in his field and Rob most definitely is that! Rob may be wrong on the odd occasion but he is usually up on new celebrities!
Myself said on 20/Mar/19
It's not like Rob is omniscient, even though expert in this field.
Nik said on 20/Mar/19
@ Myself - Rob doesn't though!
Myself said on 19/Mar/19
I believe evidence suggests quite the opposite.
Myself said on 15/Mar/19
Yeah lol, Eddie claimed 6'3 again with the posing with Shaw on Instagram. By looking at him in the videos he really doesn't appeal to me; too much full of himself...mister Ego. Although I hope I am wrong and in reality he is a genuinely good person, but I doubt.
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 14/Mar/19
@Kevoz looks at their deadlifting videos ( the one where Thor deads 475ish with the elephant bar )..
Thor absolutely towers him and he is barefeet too.
Also what does a 6' Larry makes Eddie Hall ( his " 6'3 was debunked years ago but he will still insist to be 6'3 ) ? Schwarzie ??
Myself said on 14/Mar/19
@Stepehen Newell
Could you find the quote? Would be quite interesting!
Stepehen Newell said on 13/Mar/19
Pretty sure Larry has said himself he is 5'11 . I could buy 6ft for him but not a full 6'1
Myself said on 13/Mar/19
Hafthor looked 6'7 with you, and I can believe your guess (almost 6'8), but he can't be over 6'8-6'8.25!
But what we are pretty much certain about is that he has a 5" eyelevel, probably around 190 cm, if he is 6'7.75.
MesonBey said on 13/Mar/19
I thınk @myself is right he is only couple inches taller than jujimufu. And after seing him next to old Arnold i can't go higher than 6ft.
Kevoz said on 12/Mar/19
Hey Rob,larry is not 185cm, he is 183cm
Always looks 20cm shorter than Thor so 203cm for Thor and 183cm for larry, he likes working out barefoot while Thor is in shoes, giving Thor even more advantage.
Myself said on 11/Mar/19
Rob, you mean the latest Jujimufu's video about grip strength? Larry is not barefoot there, and looks maybe 2 inches taller, with footwear advantage imo. I also wouldn't be sure that Juji is a legit 5'10 himself (but I don't exclude it either); he always looks below or just about chin level of
Hafthor, but could also have a footwear disadvantage to him aswell. (A 5'10 person should be between exactly at the lowest tip of
Hafthor's jaw/chin, or half an inch above, but I think Juji is anywhere between 5'9.5 and 5'10)
So until this point 6/6'0.5 could seem reasonable to me, but...
Check out Larry with Stan Efferding
Click Here they look pretty close in height, Stan claims 6 feet but in this photo next to
Hafthor Click Here he looks 5'11 max (considering he has footwear); a 6 feet person should reach the mouth of Bjornsson, the man barely makes it up there with sneakers.

Editor Rob
I have given Jumi a page at 5ft 10...I know there is that clip of someone holding a tape, but really it's just not going to be as accurate.
Why these guys don't go under the gym stadiometer or just buy one.
Hafthor should do a stadiometer measurement!
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Mar/19
Aha! I thought Larry was standing there with Arnold Schwarzenegger! Hmm... I'd be looking equally chuffed! I can't see Larry being the full 6ft1 if Arnie is down to just 5ft11, so he can have 6ft and three-quarters of an inch.
Jdubbz said on 11/Mar/19
184cm range. Off topic, but this dude has one of the deepest laughs I've ever heard. It's almost comical
Matt (182cm) said on 10/Mar/19
Forgot to add in my last post, at 9:33 of the video a caption says he's not 5ft 10.5 but 70 inches (5'10). Sorry
Matt (182cm) said on 10/Mar/19
@Randomdude0000 and Big Rob, Jujimufu gets his height measured by tape in this video at 8:36 (as well as his wingspan)
Click Here
It comes up as 5ft 10.5 according to his friend measuring but I can't comment on the accuracy
Myself said on 10/Mar/19
Rob, i think the photos and videos provided by the user suggesting you to add Larry are quite deceiving, also considering the questionable heights of Eddie and Arnold.
Licis, that claims 6'2, looks similar to Joeyb33 next to Arnold, and Larry always looked minimum 1.5" shorter, usually 2"+. His small head and high eyelevel make him look taller.
I seriously can't see him over 6 feet and wouldn't mind betting money that he's not 6'1!
That's my opinion of course...

Editor Rob
In the more recent video on youtube I see he looked a couple of inches taller than that Jumi fellow but had no footwear. I think he's got to be over 6ft, though I can see how 6ft 1/2 inch isn't to be discounted - Wheels looks like he's got a high eyelevel.
Christian Almost 6'6" said on 10/Mar/19
Jujimufu has been measured on camera mid-day after doing vertical jumps and jumping for probably 40 minutes to an hour, and he measured 5’10.5” barefoot. He has claimed he measure 5’11” in the morning which makes sense.
viper said on 10/Mar/19
Arnold is lucky to be 5-10.
He's nowhere near 5-11
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Mar/19
Slouching and looks 184cm range
With Arnold now at 5ft11 flat (😬) he’s not under a solid 6ft1, IMO
Randomdude0000 said on 9/Mar/19
how tall is jujimufu??
he claims 5'11 but doesn't look much taller than 5'10

Editor Rob
He claimed 5ft 10 on his site.
Myself said on 9/Mar/19
From what i've seen I thought Larry was more like between 5'11 and 6 feet...
Looked more than 1 inch shorter than 6'2 Martin Licis here:
Click Here
13:17 (+ Footwear seen 2 minutes later)
21:11 and at 32:36 similar posture and camera
Licis and Arnold:
Click Here Click Here
Licis and 6'3 Zydrunas Savickas on the right
Click Here
Licis and 5'10 claimed Jujimufu at 10:08
Click Here
Licis and
Hafthor Click Here not the best posture but he's also standing one one foot, so that could compensate
Licis is listed 6'2 in the WSM site and even this year at the Arnold Strongman and 6'3 on some other sites if i'm not wrong. I think sometimes he can look 6'2.5, but i doubt he would claim 6'2 flat if he was so tall, at the end of the day he's not a model and most competitors are similar or taller!
Sonny Black said on 9/Mar/19
Hah Larry’s got a celebheights page, that’s a sure sign you’ve made it. Looking at Larry next to Arnie I’d say 6’0 flat just cause Arnie’s barely 5’11 these days.
Christian Almost 6'6" said on 8/Mar/19
He always looks a good 186.1cm to me, a legit 6’1 1/4” what’s funny about him, is he makes every “6’3 guy” look short or is the same height as them with Bradley Martyn and Eddie hall. Unless he’s barefoot, but even then when he stands up straight he can look just as tall! At times he looked to edge out Eddie Hall, with their recent meeting! What do you think Rob? Have you seen the recent videos with Larry wheels and Eddie hall? Does Larry deserve a 0.25-0.5 inch upgrade, or does Eddie get an half inch downgrade? They appeared to be the same height.
Matt (182cm) said on 8/Mar/19
Thanks for adding Larry! Great prospect and humble guy. Good to see he's honest about his height
MesonBey said on 8/Mar/19
He is 6ft max Big Rob you can see that in jujimufus video. He looks only couple inches taller than jujimufu.