Nazneen Contractor's Height
5ft 2 ½ (158.8 cm)
Canadian actress, best known for her role as Layla Hourani on CBC's The Border, and Kayla Hassan on 24.
Photo by kathclick/
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Average Guess (1 Votes)
5ft 2.5in (158.8cm)
Andrea said on 12/Jan/16
Yeah, she can look 5'8 at times (AT MOST) but bear in mind she wears heels in the series! Not big ones, but she still has some advantage, against the men... In the few shots where you can see her shoes, they seem at least near 2 inches... And that would make her 5'7 at best!
Bob is even "worse", he really struggles to look 6' and he's still listed at an OUTRAGEOUS 6'1 (peak 6'1.5?)!
Of course their heights have nothing to do with this page, so I'll stop the discussion in this page...
As for Nazneen, i wouldn't have guessed her much over 5'2! She looks noticeably shorter than her husband Carlo Rota, who generally looked a weak 5'8 in the series!
Andrea said on 10/Jan/16
So are you saying you didn't want to add her at 5'4 and it was just a "coding" mistake?
Speaking of 24, having watched now 8 seasons of 9, i must say that most of the protagonists look near their listings but there are some of them who looked nowhere near it! And in a show like 24 it's easier to guess height because you've met many actors/actresses who took part of it! Have you watched the show? Because it seems you haven't when i look at some listings... A guy like Bob Gunton or the President Taylor, just to name a couple, look clearly shorter than their listings but it seems you don't give a f** k :)

Editor Rob
I would have said Taylor could look close to 5ft 8, but in her 20's I am not as sure, so I put her at her claim until I can check.
Andrea said on 9/Jan/16
Wow, Rob! You did change her :O
You listened to me :O
So you sometimes do read and think about the comments? :)
But seriously she could even be 5'2 flat and she was listed at 5'4?
This is the classic example that you just add celebrities and don't even check them before adding, AT TIMES!
Even a blind man would see she's nowhere near 5'4!

Editor Rob
I use a template with pre-populated fields for quickness and sometimes (rarely..out of 8000 entries there's probably been a few times) will forget to change the height or the sex of the addition or the nationality ;)
Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.
Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.
Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.