Ryan Bhattacharya said on 25/Apr/24
I think he is 5'10 max because I met and I am 5'11 and he was a little bit shorter than me.
Philip Z said on 1/Dec/23
Next to 5ft 10 listed Liam Gallagher:
Click Here
Around 1.5 inches between them, but Ashcroft has a bit more footwear. 5ft 11.25 seems plausible for Ashcroft.
Vibram said on 24/May/21
5'10 for this guy, no more.
Heightster said on 3/Oct/20
I always thought I had saw 6’2” for Ashcroft ‘till i saw a photo with Liam Gallagher, yeah he’s 180-181 cm max
OriginalAnon said on 28/Sep/20
178 - 180cm tops.
Kutan Taner said on 10/Aug/20
Richard is 179 and he has very short legs
theknife said on 4/Jul/20
I think he needs another upgrade, Rob. I mean, look at these photos with Jarvis Cocker and Kelly Jones:
Click Here
Click Here
Jarvis is 6'2 according to this site and Richard seems equal height. In the second photo you can see that Cocker is wearing boots that probably give him an extra inch - or more. Kelly Jones, 5'5 here, is standing much closer to the camera in the first photo but you can see the clear difference with the other two in the second one.
Also, this photo with Chris Martin is very different to some other ones, where he and Ashcroft are clearly standing on uneven ground:
Click Here
It looks like a backstage photo from Live 8 and I'm guessing that the ground here is solid. Ashcroft seems very close to Martin, who is 6'1.25 according to the site (accurately, I think).
I might even doubt myself just a little bit now, as I guessed Ashcroft at 5'11.5 - 6'0 when I met him, but he actually seems at least 6'0, if not more.
Rob, what do you think?

Editor Rob
As tall as 6 foot? I never seen enough to go with as tall as that, but then I've not looked at much of him for a good while though. Sometimes you can revisit somebody and change your opinions, especially if there is a lot more to see of them with others.
theknife said on 7/Feb/20
He looks a full 6'0 here:
Click Here
I got the same impression when I met him but maybe 5'11.5 or 75 is closer to the truth. He always seems to have a relaxed posture and to be wearing very flat shoes.
Anders McTommo said on 12/Dec/19
Saw him food shopping recently as he lives in our area. He was shorter than I thought. I think he always looks very lanky due to being so thin. 5’10 tops I thought.
theknife said on 11/Oct/18
After many years, I finaly got to see RA performing live. We also got to meet, before and after the show, shook hands and took photos together. He is 6'0'' (about 6'05'' in shoes) but I got to understand why people sometimes downgrade him so much. He has relatively short legs for his height, plus a long torso and an even longer neck. Of course, he is still very thin, although he seems to have a very athletic build. In addition to that, most photos of The Verve and the BSS video clip gave us the impression that he is much taller than this.
In the photos we took, he seems to have a good but relaxed posture (not stretching or anything) and he's wearing very flat sport shoes. I'm 5'11.5'' in my boots and he was clearly 1.5 inch (if not a full 2 inches) taller than me. It was also late at night, so we could probably deduct 0.5 inch.
So, for me the mystery is over. He's 6 feet tall and also very kind and cool.
King of the hill 91 said on 10/Nov/17
181cm lowest 182 cm astrong most i am shocked he isnt 183cm or more
HonestSlovene said on 26/Jan/17
I'd say 180-181 cm. A solid 5'11". Easily about 6'0" in shoes.
Jay said on 23/Nov/16
Yeah 5 11(same as me) i spoke to him in brighton last year and we both had similar shoes on.
juan said on 19/Nov/16
met him the other day and ask him and took pictures 5 11 dead on
CS said on 9/Mar/16
Richard Ashcroft has a new song out (called This Is How It Feels) with a music video. There's a few full length shots of him in the video and it's sort of hard to tell how tall he looks. I think he looks somewhat on the average to short side in a couple shots and then in another couple shots he looks taller. Would have to watch the video again though. What do y'all think?
Click Here
Cormac said on 7/Aug/15
5' 10" I reckon
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Jul/15
Watching The Verve's music videos, I always thought he was lanky 6ft2+ dude!
He gives a tall impression...
JB said on 2/May/15
Being skinny really does make you look taller. If you looked at this guy on his own you would easily assume he's over 6 feet. It isn't until you see him beside other people(Bitter Sweet Symphony video) you realize he's only average at best. If he were 6'3" he would have towered over most of the people in that video. But he doesn't.
Bishop said on 25/Mar/15
I could have sworn he was about 6'2-6'3". Especially in his music videos. I guess his skinny frame fooled me. But in the Bitter Sweet Symphony video, he was shorter than quite a few people, even some women. So this seems right.
existential.man said on 11/Jan/15
watching him in clips i exactly estimated him to be 6'3. i guess being super thin makes you look a lot taller.
ER. said on 3/Jan/15
I believe this listing is correct, although this guy has a bizarre way of appearing 6-3.
truth2 said on 1/Dec/14
Now looking a bit more at him I think he could be 5ft11.
JB said on 3/Oct/14
I think he's 5'10" max. Just take a look at the Bittersweet Symphony video. The majority of the people he walks by are his height or taller, even a couple women. That would mean they're all 6 footers which I really doubt.
Amaze said on 31/Jul/14
Rob i agree with this. How much do you reckon he weighs? In bitter sweet symphony or if not that in general? Maybe 130lbs at 5'11?

Editor Rob
he really is a skinny guy, somewhere barely even 140 pounds is believable
B said on 7/Dec/13
Richard Ashcroft is 5 foot 8 maximum. All the Verve vids are shot to make him look tall, but he is actually a short-arse.
tk said on 25/Sep/13
Richard and Jarvis Cocker (6ft 2) here:
Click Here
tk said on 23/Sep/13
truther says on 8/Sep/13
Ashcroft is tiny - about 5 foot 8. Liam G is even tinier - about 5 foot 7 in stacked heels. I know - I have been at parties in Manc when they were both there.
Yes... And 6ft 2 Ben Cohen in reality is just 5ft 10 -
Click Here - and, also 6ft 2, Jarvis Cocker (leaning) is actually 5ft 9 -
Click Here Kelly Jones is obviously 5 feet tall...
I don't want to be ironic and I am certainly not a teenage fan. But seems to me that perception is sometimes a very funny thing.
truther said on 8/Sep/13
Ashcroft is tiny - about 5 foot 8. Liam G is even tinier - about 5 foot 7 in stacked heels. I know - I have been at parties in Manc when they were both there.
JOHNxEIRE said on 7/Aug/13
Met this guy in the bustle to get through the backstage door; SFX dublin 1997 and I could have sworn he was shorter than my 5"9 but maybe his neck had retracted! Also I was on shrooms.
Craig 177 said on 8/Jul/13
Liam Gallagher is 177 cm (5' 9.75). Richard is 3 cm taller. 5' 11" is bang on Rob.
tk said on 8/Jan/13
truth says on 7/Jan/13
he is 177cm-178cm, Liam is 175cm at most.
So, even if Liam is 175 cm, do you see a difference of just 2 or 3 cm in that photo? Because I see at least 5 cm, if not more. Even in the previous photo, he does not look much shorter than, officially 188 cm (claims 191), Ben Cohen.
The range of estimates about Richard's height is really wide. Many older posts are now deleted, but he has been described from 173 cm to 185 cm! Strange thing indeed.
I would say that Richard is around 182.
truth said on 7/Jan/13
he is 177cm-178cm, Liam is 175cm at most.
Arch Stanton said on 31/Oct/12
I was gonna say Max Beesley at 5 ft 10 is a joke I thought 5 ft 8 but actually he does look 5'10" ish next to Susy Amy. Beesley looks to have the same proportions as
Matt Damon which makes him seem shorter .
Arch Stanton said on 31/Oct/12
Click Here
Looks at least 5'11" indeed, but pause at 1:17 Rob. How tall is that woman??
tk said on 6/Feb/12
Rob, it's strange. Compared to Beesley, he looks a bit more than 5'11''. Compared to Cohen (if he really is 6'3'', even 6'2''), he looks over 6'. I have posted this some time ago but even here (
Click Here) he seems to be at least two inches taller than Liam Gallagher (listed as 5'10''). You can't easily judge by a couple of photos but I would say that he's definitely taller than his 5'10'' listing. 5'11.25'' – 5'11.5''

Editor Rob
5ft 11 could be fairer for him, in person Ben looks a 6ft 2 guy when I met him.
tk said on 5/Feb/12
Check this out:
Click Here
Max Beesley is 5'10'' according to celebheights (6' according to his agency). Ben Cohen's official height is 6'2''.
Rob, what do you think? Time for an upgrade?

Editor Rob
he looks 5ft 11 in this shot.
ben upped his own claim to 6ft 3 a few years ago, although in person he looks similar height to 6ft 2 guys.
tk said on 13/Oct/11
Richard is a tricky one. He has been described as "lanky" by many interviewers. Despite the fact that he used to be very thin (he seems a bit more muscular nowadays), this is not something that you would say for someone who is 5-8 or 5-9. But he usually wears flat footwear and his posture is not the best one.
My best guess for him, somewhere between 5-11 and 6ft / 181-182cm.
Shaun said on 8/Oct/11
Looks 5'11 and 110 pounds LOL
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Aug/11
Can look 5ft11
The Nod said on 14/Jul/11
met him back in 93 and he is smaller than what you would think...no more than 5 foot 8...I kid you not
tk said on 21/Jun/11
Richard Ashcroft is in (almost) flat casual shoes. Lian Gallagher wears something like suede boots.
Red said on 19/Jun/11
@Anonymous- Ashcroft has his head tilted upward, plus we can't see their footwear.
TheVerve179 -181 said on 19/Nov/10
Click Here he looks huge here!
TheVerve 178- 180 said on 11/Nov/10
the guy doesnt look huge as in 6ft* but definetly 5ft11 minimum.
Anonymous said on 10/Nov/10
Click Here
Ashcroft and Liam Gallagher again. Both 5-10 in Celebheights. In this photo, Richard looks closer to 6 feet, unless Liam is 5-8 in reality. Take a look and decide for yourselves...
ER. said on 23/Apr/09
Thought this guy looked 6-3 in the "Bittersweet Symphony"-video. Obviously he's not, but strange anyhow how he's not even 6-0.
Hello said on 5/Apr/09
Based on the Bitter Sweet Symphony video I guessed 6'2", 6'1" minimum. He was taller than almost everyone except for two guys who looked exceptionally big, and he jumped right over a car like it was nothing. This is surprising but I'm betting he's getting short changed here. 6' I could buy, but 5'10"? No way.
Anonymous said on 16/Mar/09
You don't only have to change his height (he is clearly taller than 5'10'') but this "formerly of Verve", since the band has returned in 2008. And with a really good album too...
Anonymous said on 6/Feb/09
Closer to 6ft, if he stands up straight. This height has to change!
glenn said on 1/Feb/09
yeah,that is way off.he is 5-11 minimum.6ft max.
BradPittis5'9 said on 31/Jan/09
5'10? I think not. How about 6'0+. Check out this video if you disagree:
Click Here
Anonymous said on 25/Sep/08
This must be wrong. Very often Ashcroft has a bad posture. I saw him performing at the Conan O'Brien show. He was barefoot and Conan (he is 6'4'' - 6'5''?) looked no more than 4 or 5 inches taller than him. So, 6' must be closer to reality. Or, at least, 5'11''.
Vibram said on 25/Sep/08
Wow... really... 5'10"? He looked 6'1"+ back in the Verve heyday videos 1997. This has got to be one of the biggest surprises on celebheights.
symphonywacko said on 27/Aug/08
thanks for finding his height! It's very shocking because I always thought he was the same height as me 6' tall but I agree that he just looks tall because he's as skinny as a stick!
ShortStop8 said on 18/Jul/08
He's 5'10.5, give or take the half an inch.
The fact of the matter is this: He might look taller than he actually is. If you look at him, his shoulders are quite broad and his arms are long. The feet, too, are not dainty, for sure. Most significantly, he carries himself like a man who thinks highly of himself. That's always good for an extra inch right there.
The guy is an athlete, and has the sinewy - lean but muscular - build to go with it.
5'10.5 and I'm stickin' to it.
Dan said on 13/Jul/08
Ashcroft looks at least 3 inches taller than a slouching Chris Moyles (about 5'8") here.
Click Here
Jonathan said on 27/Jun/08
Bad camera angle, seems to be taken from below with Liam closer to the camera.
Scott said on 19/Jun/08
Looking shorter than 5'10 Liam Gallagher here ...
Click Here
glenn said on 2/Jun/08
saw him last month.seemed 5-11.
Anonymous said on 1/Jun/08
Wow, being thin really does make you look a lot taller. I always thought Richard Ashcroft was well over 6', even pushing 6'5'' or thereabouts.
wigan here said on 27/Oct/07
He's about 5-9 if that.
Noel is about 5-7 and has size 5 feet.
matthew said on 13/Jul/07
hi richard ashcrofts my uncle he is 5"11
Brent said on 9/Jul/07
watch some other music videos by the verve and youll see 5-10 seems right
Jenna said on 10/Jan/07
Click Here
Just speculation, but i think looking at the legs of ashcroft next to vernon kay it looks like Ashcroft has similar length of his limbs, i don't see why he could be anything other than an exact 5'11, another thing, he's been described as tall by many people in articles, who would say that about a guy they meet who is only 5'8..
to be honest this was just another excuse for me to look at Ashcroft's heavenly body :)
but he looks a legit 5'11
BTW Andy bell is more like 6'2 he's rather large, watch those old Ride videos and he towers his bandmates, i used to think andy was 6'5! Another handsome guy he is, but nothing compared to Ashie :)
Anonymous said on 20/Dec/06
i have proof richard is only 5-8 he is shorter than the host of this italian show and doesnt nearly look the 5-11 he's purportd to be. he's easily only 5-8 also further proof is that he was at the q awards last year giving oasis an award and was cleary waay shorter than Andy bell the bassist of oasis who is a 6'0 man. richard has this magic ability to make himself look very thin, but if you tihnk about it and see his early live shows someone as utterly thin as him couldnt have been given a frame that thin and be expected to live, not possible. he wouldve collpsed like a twig
he is 5-8 end of.
Click Here
The Judge said on 22/Nov/06
Certainly not! First of all, Liam is 5'10" not 5'9"..
Many people who see him think that. And in this gig, I think they're the same height. Noel Gallagher is 5'9" or just under but not his bro.
JET said on 15/Oct/06
Liam Gallagher is 5'9". In the videos below you can see that Ashcroft is slightly shorter than Gallagher. It is impressive, but I think Richard is around 5’8.5” or 5’9”
Click Here
Click Here
G-unit said on 23/Sep/06
Yeah, this guy's very tricky, at the first time me and my father saw the bitter sweet symphony video my father said "wow, it ain't good to be that skinny when you're 6'2/6'3". But the funny thing is this guy's not more than 5'11.
Mr. T said on 6/Aug/06
Unless everyone else in the band is quite short, I think he can certainly be 5'11" if not more:
Click HereSo Kate Radley is 5'9"? Hmm...I guess that could make Pierce a tall-ish guy, close to 6'?
Elio said on 1/May/06
I'd say that Elton John's bound to have the footwear advantage here (afterall, the guy is vain enough to wear a wig) and Ashcroft is further away from the camera and still looks noticably taller. So Ashcroft being 3 inches taller than Elton is very possible.
Glenn said on 1/May/06
Elton can look 5-8.I read absurd 5-3,5-4 on him before.in minimum,there is a small possibility he is 5-6.
kramer said on 30/Apr/06
how can you have elton john at 5 ft 7 amd ashcroft 4 inches taller when they are obviously the same height?
Click HereAshcroft is really skinny which makes him look taller , but he's 5ft 8!

Editor Rob
elton isn't listed 5ft 7, he's 172cm here ;-) but ashcroft is further back there
terrick said on 22/Apr/06
ashcroft was probabl over 6ft, but since he hasnt been eating he probably got 2 inches shorter
Anonymous said on 5/Apr/06
rob, the kid said in that thread he's like 5'11 and then he's 6ft with his shoes on, i think it's time to give richiard the even 5'11 at least...
as far as the sloping road, well as far as i know that's not the case outside that venue
Elio said on 5/Apr/06
well found! I think Ashcroft needs an upgrade to 5'11". He's definately not 6'0" though.

Editor Rob
I wouldn't use it as total proof mind you, the 5ft 11/max 6 guy doesn't seem to know his own height, and if the road is slanting away from the shops, this could make the guy nearer shop a lil taller...but I can buy nearer 5ft 11...yes
elio said on 14/Mar/06
Based on some studio picture where he's stood on his own he's 6ft?????
Nah, you need better evidence than that to prove someone's 6 foot.
For the record, I think he's probably more like 5'11 based on the flat footwear he wears next to others. Someone needs to dig up more stood up comparisson pics of this guy. They seem to be quite rare.
Anonymous said on 13/Mar/06
ok based on this picture, i tihnk it's pretty obvious that he's like 6ft.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 12/Mar/06
and also look at his shoe size in that photo, it's not the foot size of a short man, he looks like a basketball player
Anonymous said on 12/Mar/06
here's another photo. a guy with legs that long has got to be in the 6ft range. it doesn't make sense, he looks like at least 6'. maybe chris martin is taller than 6'2? or ashcroft shrank? i did read that ashcroft subsists on a diet of alcohol and err that's it. maybe his poor eating caused him to shrink after the verve split. whatever, he's really toguh to figure out
Click Here
Editor Rob
Glenn's lost 1/4 inch, so a guy like Ashcroft with his appearance might have been taller. He is tricky, no doubt he can visually look tall...is it bad posture that can make him look shorter? Maybe
Anonymous said on 10/Mar/06
this is the pic from an after party for virgin records. here's tyson haller and some dude nmaed moose. tyson is like 6'5 no joke. so i don't know, i'd put ashcroft at like 6'
Click Here
Anonymous said on 3/Mar/06
...the pic with chris martin is the proof that he's 178cm max, in a german magazine richard was described as 170cm... they all want to appear tall and play games with our brains... I remember the bittersweet video too, but there's only actors in a video and when you chose actors you can say -they all have to be smaller than me, because I'm god and I want to appear like that-...
iris said on 23/Feb/06
Hi editor rob, as you might recall I was the first to post a comment on R.A.´s height demanding a " picture with a valid and clarid reference of his height..." Yeah so anyways the picture you posted of him, hugging Chris Martin(whole lenght picture), definitively clears any doubt that this guy is 185ish or even 183 cm. Although I could give him 180, thanks for the pic. (The only way to clear it up "precisely" is to have a solid estimate on chris martin´s height, very usefull pic)
vowelmover said on 8/Feb/06
she was 5'9, and Ashcroft is towering over her...also look at that jarvis photo, he's just right up there with the 6'2 jarvis...judging by photos is impossible, i mean liam gallagher is looking like the same height as bono in a pic and bonos like 3 inches shorter
i met Richard and man he's a tall bloke
Buster said on 7/Feb/06
Yep, that Martin/Ashcroft pic definately puts the nail into the coffin for any chance of the guy being 6 foot or over.
5'10 looks right, as he seems 3 inches shorter than Martin.
This guy deserves an award for making so many people (including myself) think he was in the 6'2"/6'3" range.
Anonymous said on 7/Feb/06
Richard Ashcroft looks like he's maybe just barely an inch under jarvis in that one pic there, and kelly jones who's like 5'5 somehow looks like he's had an insane growth spurt and is like 6 feet..maybe that photo's a bad one to judge from
back in the Verve days Richard was a giant, i remember seeing them live and Richard was basically hovering over everyone...has anyone seen the Verve's early videos? you'll probably know what I'm talking about and his bone frame is basically so rigid, it's the body not of a 5'9 liam gallagher, but of someone very much taller
the chris martin photo looks kinda off too, i mean it looks like elton john and Richard are somehow same height, which is impossible cos elton's like 5'7...and the other chris martin pic makes chris look like he's 6'3...i'd go with Ashcroft being at least a solid 6ft
CelebHeights Editor said on 7/Feb/06
Yes, looking at more stuff of this guy, this looks too low. So I'll upgrade and come back sometime later again. The set of him with
Kelly and Jarvis maybe wasn't favorable.
pill said on 7/Feb/06
Richard Ashcroft is GOD! and so he's definitely a very tall man...i'm tihnking he's close to 6'2" i saw him standing next to tyson and moose from virgin records, as well they are both f***ing huge guys, and Ashie was leaning back a little and still looked equal height...WHAT CRACK WERE YOU SMOKING WHEN YOU SAID 5'10" LOL
Also have you seen the Bittersweet Symphony video? the scene where Richard Ashcroft walks by those big guys, who were like 6'4 or something, those big fat guys and he's like almost equal height there too..
ALSO there's the Live 8 performance of Bittersweet Symphony where Richard Ashcroft is on stage next to the 6'2ish chris martin and is looking taller than him..
Buster said on 7/Feb/06
Look at more photographs of this guy, he seems to have the limb lengths of an average sized guy
6' and 18 said on 6/Feb/06
Erm noooo, this guy is about 6' 2". My mate has stood next to him, he's 6' 3" and he says Richard was a bit shorter, about 1 inch.
Viper652 said on 3/Feb/06
I thought this guy was 6-3 from the bittersweet symphony video. This is the most shocking height by far on this website.
Buster said on 2/Feb/06
Woah big shock. I too thought he was 6'1" -6'2".
I recall him being taller than most people he walked past in the video of 'Bitter Sweet Symphony'.
Perhaps in the words of Mickey from Rocky 3 - "...they was hand-picked!!!"
Bleemo said on 1/Feb/06
Yeah i kind of figured this guy was tall.
hrh said on 1/Feb/06
wow i'm seriously surprised he looks well over 6 ft.
iris said on 31/Jan/06
No way this guy is 5´10!!!!!!!!!! I THOUGHT HE WAS AT LEAST 185cm (6´1) Please someone should put a picture with a valid and clarid reference of his height...