Jtm said on 25/Feb/23
Slim1.75m said on 22/Feb/23
Rob he's Dead.

Editor Rob
RIP Richard
Gusta??o said on 17/Oct/18
Looks the same height as Meloni
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Oct/16
Peak: Strong 6ft1
Today: Weak 6ft
That fair, Rob?

Editor Rob
I think about 6ft 1 peak was ok for him, he has lost height.
Paleman said on 28/Oct/16
Always looks an inch taller than Meloni. 6'1" easily at peak, probably less today.
5'6.5 Indiana jones guy said on 30/Jun/16
At 71, can he today be 5'11.5 or 6'0?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/May/16
Looked every bit of 6ft1 peak
5'6 Aravind said on 26/May/16
Peak height for 72nd birthday:5'11.5
Normal height:5'11
5'6 Aravind said on 25/May/16
Rob do you think 5'11.5-6'0 is possible for him?

Editor Rob
today he can look under 6ft...peak I'm still not sure, I think with a guy like
Hulk Hogan that's a decent gap.
If anyone can see how he looked with Tom hanks in bonfire of the vanities it would probably be another good indicator.
Aravind said on 14/Apr/16
Due to being 71,he is at least 6'0,maybe 5'11.5 at bedtime.
Crypto139 said on 19/Mar/16
6 even now. Looks the same as Meloni in a 2010 episode.
5'11' barefoot said on 2/Jul/15
almost 3 inches taller than ICE T. Law and order 2001.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Jun/13
But not over 6ft0.5in today
Lorne said on 15/Apr/13
Yeah,around 184cm today, however, I honestly think he was 186cm at peak.(note that he was tall a tad taller than jerry orbauch in the mid 90's, who still looked 185cm at that point)
Ace said on 26/Feb/11
Actually, in recent episodes, he looks fairly level with Meloni. My guess is that he was 6`1 at peak, and now probably a flat 6`0.
jake said on 26/Feb/11
Maybe add Belzer on celebweights as 140-150 pounds, there are other 150 lbs listings out there but he claimed himself 140 lbs on Howard Stern.
Ace said on 20/Feb/11
He always looks this height on svu. Sometimes can seem a tad bit taller, but that is probably just because of his build.
Ange said on 13/Oct/08
It's so funny. I know that he's tall, but he always seemed "short" compared to those frigging giants (Secor and Kotto) on Homicide. Great to hear he's a nice guy. He seems that way. He's cute too!
Kramer said on 6/Oct/07
I was just standing next to Belzer in a convenience store on the Upper West Side (10/6/07). He was at least an inch taller than me (I am 6'1½". Now it is possible that he seemed taller because he was in a business suit and wearing dress shoes, whereas I was wearing sneakers. But he was definitely taller than me.
JB said on 18/Feb/07
Awesome. He's gold when he's on Real Time with Bill Maher. He's not just any other Hollywood progressive... dude does his homework.
Glenn said on 16/Feb/07
Very down to earth.I see him all the time.
J. said on 16/Feb/07
He seems like a cool guy. Was he, Glenn?
patrick said on 16/Feb/07
a undoubtly 6'1 great actor and very attractive personality who is definitely not used enough; It seems that nobody can "do wothout him" but that nobody really wants to make him play what he yet should deserve!
sam said on 25/Sep/06
I saw him at 30th street station in Philly...6'1" is about right.
Korben said on 24/Sep/06
yay the belz
after watching a lot of law and order hes defianlty quite tall, about an inch taller then elliot stabler . In a certain scene he is 2 inches taller then captain, but might have been camera. Id give a strong 185-maybe 186.
hey... i made that