Sandy Cowell said on 16/Sep/23
ShanI Walls is such a tonic to the film Oliver! that I would love for her to have a page. I believe she is now 90 and I think that a page here, and some appreciation, will really make her happy. She’ll know that she is still giving people pleasure. Her performance in Oliver! was such a joy.
I read she was 5ft5 at the time.
Thank you Rob! 🌞
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Sep/23
@ Gerald S - ‘Reviewing the situation….’
Good choice of the multitude of lyrics! 👍🏼👍🏼
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Sep/23
“Why should we break our backs
Stupidly paying tax?”
Good point, but that’s how the country is run, Fagin! It’s a very funny point of view though! 😂😂😂
Ron Moody’s Fagin is so moved by little Oliver’s impeccable manners. I guess he’s not exactly used to that sort of thing…. 🤣
I do like his owl and the way he talks to him! 🦉
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Sep/23
So WHAT if he shouted at the boys! Even when my Mum was a child, it was quite the norm to dish out corporal punishment. My Mum told me about how children were treated in her era, which was the 20s and 30s. There were two other half German girls in my Junior school class and they were both violated by their mothers. We were not, because my Mum knew about the fear it instilled in these children.
Fagin said, “I love you that’s why I say ‘be back soon’! “
I thought he was a lovely man.
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Sep/23
In many respects, I find ‘Oliver!’ more disturbing than many a horror film. The way they treated those children was abhorrent. Yet this was only in the 19th century. Charles Dickens did well to tell us all about it. I think that without him, many of us would be none the wiser.
So what if little Oliver lost the raffle! Then Bumble walks the streets selling him, declaring, “Have you seen a nicer boy?”
Why doesn’t he keep him then?
Without the likes of Fagin, what sort of lives would these boys have had? Some might say he did wrong, but he loved those boys, and fed them properly.
I find him a loveable man.
Gerald S said on 11/Sep/23
Moody comfortably cleared 5’10” in The Twelve Chairs; taller than Dom DeLuise, held up well with Frank Langella.
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Sep/23
The great Ron Moody was born on the 8th January, 1924 and died on the 11th June, 2015. He had six children. I read fairly recently that he starred in yet another film with the ill-fated Jack Wild.
I believe Ron was also in a David Copperfield movie, from 1969. I need to research this and then I’ll buy it as I don’t have a David Copperfield production - just the book! To have one with Ron in it would be ideal.
Just as is the case with the Fagin-playing actor, Rowan Atkinson, Ron Moody was an attractive man, and made up to the nines. I’ll try to find online some interviews of the late actor and singer.
While hunting around for his height, as well as finding 5ft10, I also found 5ft8, which I found rather hard to swallow, when comparing him to Oliver Reed. Rob has his youthful height spot-on. 👌🏼 Well done, Rob, and thanks once again for adding the multi-talented Ron Moody.
Gerald S said on 8/Sep/23
In fact, the more I see of Moody now, the more I think he could have actually been closer to 5'10" than 5'10.5". 5'10.25" is still right on the money, but 5'10.5" is a stretch. Oliver Reed seemed to have inches on Moody in Oliver! but I know Moody's posture and Reed's footwear had a lot to do with it.
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Sep/23
Oh thank you Rob - THANK YOU! I was watching Ron this afternoon and thinking what an outstanding dancer and actor he was. I’m so pleased to see him here that I’ll be checking out Ron’s other work. He was a beautiful human being and gave unforgettable performances.
I love this amazing man!
5ft10.25. 💕🕯

Editor Rob
Was a good actor and a bit over 5ft 10 is fair for him.
Gerald S said on 6/Sep/23
Thank you so much Rob, for REVIEWING THE SITUATION!
Yes, Moody was always near that 5'10" mark but likely over it. Moody did edge out Christopher Plummer in a 1981 version of Dial M For Murder. 5'10.5" more likely than a flat 5'10" for Moody, but 5'10.25" feels right on the money; he had a very slim build in Oliver! However, I seem to recall Moody struggling to come off as a full 5'10" with Angela Lansbury on an episode of Murder, She Wrote (he could have shrunk a fraction by then, aged 60).

Editor Rob
By 60 it's likely he'd lost a fraction.