Latvian-American actress, best known for appearing in films like Vigilante, When a Stranger Calls, Prancer, Amityville III and The Deer Hunter. saw that on Rutanya's agency resume she had her stats listed as "Height: 5'5”, Weight: 160 lbs"
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Nov/22
I’m watching ‘Firestarter’ and I only noticed Rutanya’s ‘orrible son from ‘AmItyville II, played by Jack Magner, making an appearance! He wasn’t very nice in this either, accusing his girlfriend of all sorts, so little Drew Barrymore’s Charlie set his feet on fire with one glance! When he jumped into the toilet to put the fire out and turned round, I was convinced it was him.
I saw Amityville II recently. Jack was much older when he played the possessed teenager.
Rutanya gets 5ft5. We get a much longer look at her in ‘The Deer Hunter’, but she’s considerably taller than her daughter in Amityville. The daughter, played by 5ft2 Diane Franklin, must have played younger too.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Jul/21
@ Rob - I don't think it's altogether a bad thing to have some fat reserves as you age. Rutanya is 78 now, and 79 in October, so should she suffer an illness - touch wood she doesn't, of course - she would have energy to fall back on.
When I think about it, neither of my parents were big eaters, and both were bags of bones at the end of their lives, to such a dreadful degree that their bodies had no fight left. My mother started losing weight from her already slim frame when she had cancer. She was given the all-clear but didn't put much weight back on. She was in a nursing home and they'd take the elderly person's meals away if they wasn't eaten straight away, which I found disgusting. When I cared for her, I sat and spoon fed her, so initially she did regain a bit of weight.
People who care for the elderly should do so out of genuine love and concern, and that will invariably involve having an enormous amount of patience.

Editor Rob
Nursing homes can be hit and miss, and I am shocked how expensive they are. If you have any sort of decent savings they will vanish after a year or two of being in a home...
it's good you helped your own Mother, I'm still doing my daily care routine for parents. Hard work, but rewarding and helps them Mother is adamant she never wants to end up in a home and if it means me taking on even more care responsibilities in the coming years to help them even more, I will not hesitate 👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Jul/21
⭐ Rutanya was never 11st6lbs in anything I've seen her star in. ⭐

Editor Rob
in her youth certainly 30 pounds lighter at least, but maybe in last decade
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Jul/21
Oh, I'm SO, SO PLEASED to see that Rutanya has finally got a page!
She starred in 'Amityville II', which was by far the best of the Amityville movies, Stephen King's 'The Dark Half', 'The Fury', 'American Perfekt' and, of course, 'The Deer Hunter'. I'd have believed a bit more for her because her husband in 'Amityville II', Burt Young, is so short at 5ft6, and Rutanya would look taller than him with any reasonable heel.
5ft5 it is then! 🎊😊👍💐