How tall is Benjamin Walker

Benjamin Walker's Height

6ft 2 (188 cm)

American actor and comedian known for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. In a recent Q&A he said "I'm 6'3" and if you say I look like Abe Lincoln that's a kind compliment". Mary Elizabeth Winstead mentioned "I'm five-foot-eight and he's gotta be like six-foot-two or six-foot-three. And then he usually wore lifts, too, because Mary Todd was very, very short, much shorter than me, so we wanted to give a little of that height difference or at least make it feel like there was more of a difference than there actually was.".

How tall is Benjamin Walker
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Average Guess (33 Votes)
6ft 2.57in (189.4cm)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Mar/23
100% would edge out Paul Walker
berta said on 26/Jan/23
i would strongle disagree with 188cm but he was fraction shorter than tom welling in some romantic movie and chris seem about 1 icnh taller. If i hadent seen him beside them, then i would acctually have guessed 189.5 ish. i know he was listed here at 6´3 at first then 6´2 1/2 and i can really understand why. he look taller than he is standing by himself.
Andrey200 said on 13/Dec/22
189.2 I think
Jolapizza 6'0 1/2 said on 11/Dec/22
Wow, the average vote is veey high.
I think that a 6'2 1/4 or 6'2 1/2 mark is more likely than a flat 6'2 or the full 6'3
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Oct/21
6ft3 is a stretch but 6ft2 looks a little low for him
JH said on 22/Feb/21
I strongly disagree with the average guess on this page, however I do believe Rob’s listing is accurate. He’s easily an inch shorter than 6’3” Chris Hemsworth.
berta said on 24/May/20
188,5-189 is what he usulally looks. but i can believe this to but 0 chanse that he is under this
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 9/Dec/19
Also a chance he isn't lower than Jack Coleman.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 8/Oct/19
It's hard to see his height as he look can look a big inch about 3cm shorter than Chris Hemsworth and then the less look close to 3/4 inch. Chris i estimate out a solid 190cm guy so Walker is not under 6'2.
TheBat said on 5/Oct/19
I'll give Benjamin 6'2.25". I certainly think he hits that mark.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 1/Jul/19
@Nik It can never be happen. But he is not under 6'2.
Nik said on 1/May/19
Just look at that average vote!
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 27/May/18
He can look 189cm with other actors and can look 6'3 standing alone due to smaller head proportion, but when standing close next to legit 190 cm Chris Hemsworth i guess not above 6'2 maybe Chris had a fraction more footwear but just guesses. 6'2 sounds legit listing to me for Walker.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/May/18
189cm might be nearer. Certainly not under this. I surprised to see this downgrade
berta said on 10/Apr/18
he could be a little over 6 foot 2. i would never believe he is anything under it byt never over 189 beside chris. i believe chirs is weak 191 guy and this guy 188,5 ish. not 189 but not 188 flat.
Junior said on 30/Oct/17
I think chris hemsworth is over estimate look more legit 190cm than a full 6'3 and Walker is more like 6'2-6'2.25" def not more than 2cm shorter than Chris.
berta said on 18/Aug/17
strange he have average guess as tall as chris hemsworth when there is 1 inch beetween them and many believe chris is 190c m flat. that would make this guy at best 188 cm
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 18/Apr/17
I can't see him at 189.
shiva 181 cms said on 18/Apr/17
Rob 6'2.25 seems spot on
berta said on 20/Feb/17
just saw him and ........ i forgeot his name now. the guy who play superman in smallvielle. it looked like superman took him with atleast 1 cm. not 2 cm but 1-1,5. if he is a 190 guy then this guy would fall in the almost 189 range
berta said on 29/Jan/17
look 188-189 with chris hemsworth. the listing is his max
Brandon said on 21/Oct/16
Thought he was 6'5" watching vampire hunter. He looks 1 inch shorter than 6'3" chris hemsworth. Maybe he is closer to 6'2" than 6'3"?
Editor Rob
he did wear lifts in Vampire Hunter to enhance his height a little more.
Radio head said on 2/Jan/16
He looks around 6'2" even. There is no way he's even close to 6'3". He's obviously shorter than legit 6'3" guys like Chris Hemsworth and Tom Welling. You don't need a measuring tape to see it.
S.J.H said on 18/Dec/15
Atually he only look a single cm shorter than chris hemswroth infact that benjamin doesn't have higher hair than chris. 6'2.5 still safe a catch
Andrea said on 17/Dec/15
It's an outside shot but still Tom does look taller than him, Rob... Click Here
Maybe he's just 6'2?
Editor Rob
the most he could look with hemsworth seems to be 189, but he can look 188 with him as not impossible
SomeGuy said on 13/Dec/15
Hi Rob, next to Chris Hemsworth I think he may actually be closer to 189 cm.

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What do you think?
Editor Rob
he could fall into the 189 range. He did wear lifts in Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter as Winstead said, so could look a decent 6ft 3 range in that film.
Josh said on 19/Nov/15
Looks shorter than Tom Welling in The Choice trailer. Either this guy needs a half inch down grade or Welling is taller than listed.
SAK said on 28/Dec/12
Looks 191cm/6f3.
Chameleon said on 30/Jul/12
I would have pegged him At 196cm watching Vampire hunter.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

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