sally said on 1/Nov/08
i don't thin that height effects how beautiful a person is, tall women can be just as beautiful as shorter women.
sally said on 1/Nov/08
that is a stupid comment, i'm not a tall woman but i recognize that tall woman can be extremely beautiful, just look at most models, short women can be ugly just as much as tall women.
Hello said on 27/Oct/08
She's too tall. In South East Asia the average height for MALE is around 166 cm to 170cm. But it's good already. Tall woman is ugly for me. I like cute ones.
anonymous2 said on 21/Oct/08
She is 177cm. She is really tall. She was taller than christina ricci by a lot. She was nearly the same height as 188cm david letterman with heels on. She is a good actor though.
Nicky said on 17/Oct/08
I'm a dutch girl and i'm also 177 cm. the average here is about 1.72, so uch ppl are tall or american are just small.
Rox said on 10/Oct/08
Ppl from USA are short, I'm from South Africa and there are very many girls who are over 1.77m. In fact, 1.76m seems to be the average here.
sam said on 14/Sep/08
though to a point it is annoying when girls are like over six foot, i'll give you that xo, lol. but 5'10-6'0, eh...
sam said on 8/Sep/08
elle Macpherson and Uma thurman are around 6 foot gorgeous babes. still think its gross? lol. its funny i'm not even tall but your immature and weird point of view annoys me.
sam said on 8/Sep/08
xox, what is wrong with you? lol. a girl who's 5'10 is like a guy who's 6'3. ashton kutcher is this height. nothing gross about that....
pettitte said on 6/Sep/08
she's very strong 5'10"
6ft stephen said on 2/Sep/08
in moster she did look more 5'10"
ruth said on 28/Aug/08
she's 5-10! no doubt!!
(xox: i'm a girl and i'm 188cm! i love being tall-it's not gross at all!!)
A.J.ten said on 27/Aug/08
what the hell xox? tons of women are tall. And since when is there a specific way a person should be, she can't help she's tall so who the hell are you to judge. And I don't think most of the world shares your views of thinking since Charlize is considered to be one of the world's most beautiful people in the world.
She's beautiful and wears her height well. And she's definitely not ashamed since as it says above, she wears heels to look even taller.
She also happens to be one of the most generous and seems to be one of the warmer and more fun personalities in Hollywood.
xox said on 26/Aug/08
Ew that is so gross guys are that height women are not meant to be this tall!
Anonymous said on 5/Aug/08
Well, J. Lee, Will Smith's is one of the most debateable on the site. He can look anywhere from a weak 6' to a very strong 6'2". Regardless of my own opinion on his true height, maybe the camera just caught him on a weak 6' looking day.
J.lee said on 4/Aug/08
Editor rob, will smith is 6 foot 1 and half. which makes him 6 foot 2 and half with shoes. And on trl, charlize was half inch taller than him making her 6 foot 3. That would mean she is 5 and a quarter inches taller than her real height. She would have to wear 6 and half inch heels to do that. So do you think that maybe she is really 5 foot 11? I am five ten and there is no way she is not taller than me just by looking at her, She is a big big girl. Huge.
rob roy said on 19/Jul/08
charlize theron looks like 6.0 to me and she really is a stunning beauty. indeed she the oscar she received not long ago and hoping that she gets more than one. she really could act no matter what role she play.
Jos said on 12/Jul/08
With Michael Mann:
Click Here"michael%20mann"&sfld=C&vwmd=e
In this photos she must wears heels and Michael Mann is 5'8: "I see the world from the perspective of a 5'8" person..."
Jay said on 4/Jul/08
will can appear 6'1 because of his laid back posture but hes a strong 6'2" imo.
that would make charlize 5'10
Viper said on 18/Jun/08
Or Will Smith is closer to 6-1.
Kenza said on 17/Jun/08
Bruce says on 4/Jun/08
she is very tall. & i think this is accurate even though i would say she might be 5'10" for certain. On the MTV Movie awards she was the same height as Will Smith who is a strong 6'2" & i was really shocked: she must be wearing at least 5-6" heels.
Yeah, she must be like 5'10 atleast!
Iwonder said on 4/Jun/08
Tina, I remember watching a Nicole Kidman interview on TV saying she wished she wasn't as tall (she said she was 5'10 and would rather be 5'7). She also said Tom was only about an inch shorter (this was when they were married)!
Bruce said on 4/Jun/08
she is very tall. & i think this is accurate even though i would say she might be 5'10" for certain. On the MTV Movie awards she was the same height as Will Smith who is a strong 6'2" & i was really shocked: she must be wearing at least 5-6" heels.
C said on 21/Apr/08
I have to agree. Asian and Hispanic Americans don't count as Americans? That's bull. America isn't a race. The sooner we get that ignorant notion behind us, the better off we'll be.
Marcelo C. said on 18/Apr/08
Robert Spell: You really make me laugh !!!. So, you mean to say, for instance, Swiss people
Tina said on 9/Apr/08
Where do you people get she is ashemed of her height. She wears 3inch heels,if she was ashemed of being tall why would she wear heels that high. Who the hell would want to be short. have you ever heard anyone say they want to be short. I would like to meet her, I'm 5.9, I swear she is taller then that.
Georgia said on 22/Mar/08
There are probly more small people in the worldand i just think being as tall as her is rare! I mean look at her she is Very Eligant! I just say that if people think it is 'Freakish' being tall its wrong. She is proud of her height as she loves wearing heels. Shows how much confidence she has! I'd give anything to have long legs and a beautiful long figure =)
She's lovley and thats my opinion if you don't like it then tough!
Aratirion said on 24/Feb/08
She was taller (barefoot) than Johnny Depp (barefoot) in Astronaut's Wife. So 5'10 I'd say, maybe 5'9.5 as it was evening. Makes 5'9.75 overall. Pretty accurate listing.
Jan said on 21/Feb/08
I am a South-African and here the average male height is 6ft(about 180cm).
The tallest of our woman is about her length 5ft10in.
I am the exactly 1800mm (no joke) and i can only remember meeting two woman ever who was taller than i.
So for our standards she is very tall.
brapp said on 21/Jan/08
the average height for a woman in england (different avaerages for the other uk countries) is 5'3" - 5'4" depending on age range but comes out on average at 5'4"
the average bloke is 5'9"
the world average for women is 5'4" (if you take the averages for all the countries and average them)
so if miss theron is 5 or 6 inches over average by any objective standard shes a tally ;]
al said on 19/Jan/08
is she 5.9 with heels?cause i saw a pic of her and keanu reeves,he is 6 feet,he is at least 3 inch taller than her and she is wearing heels,or keanu is taler than 6 or she is 5.9 with heels
C. said on 10/Jan/08
I need to move to Boca Raton then. Because the avg. female most places I go to is almost always 5'4" and under, which is pretty short. But it's the national avg. There are some my height and well over (like 6'2", 6'3"), but only some here and there. 5'10" and occasionally 5'11" is usually as tall as it gets.
Chris said on 8/Jan/08
I saw a 6'3 woman on the underground the other day. I wouldn't have fancied my chances in a fight thats for sure.
Alex said on 8/Jan/08
5'9 is pretty tall for a woman. Its not extremeley tall like 5'11-6'0 plus but it does stand out kinda.
djuro19 said on 24/Dec/07
Really? You people are not that tall as I thought. In serbian part of Bosnia the average is about 190cm. So, though Charlize to me is quite tall. I met her once at a restaurant in New York. She`s gorgeous. I think she s the only female hollywood star who`s really attractive, not just on the pictures.She`s natural and doesn`t need much make-up. Long limbs, small head, beautiful face and has a very simpatico face
Astrid said on 21/Dec/07
We aren't comparing female heights to male heights here. The height for the average American man is 5'11". So whether she [Charlize] is 5'9", 5'10"... whatever... she's still shorter than the average American man. To be honest, I think a man under 5'8" could be considered "short". People are getting taller worldwide! She is a healthy and beautiful woman and wearing heels just shows she's confident with her height!
Adam Brennon said on 17/Dec/07
She look really tall in that 'J'adore' advert.
sam said on 15/Nov/07
Yeah, 5'9" or 5'9.75", at more than 5 inches over average, is quite tall for a woman. Compared to male average heights, 5'9" is about equal to a male being 6'2" and 5'10" equal to a male 6'3".
Astrid said on 10/Nov/07
Everybody, 5'9" isn't "really tall". Yes, it's above average, but to me, to be truly tall, or even "really" tall, you are over 6', whether male or female.
I am 5'10" on the dot and slim, yet with an average frame instead of a small frame, which makes me appear taller. Having an average frame means that I don't look lanky, but it also means I get mistaken for 6'.
Charlize seems to have an average frame and is leggy but with a fairly long waist also. I'd say Rob's current prediction is accurate.
LAAnonyme said on 25/Oct/07
She is so much smaller in person than she appears in films and photos. 5'9" at most. She is a really cool woman - gorgeous and talented and yes, tall! (Because 5'9" IS tall for a woman.)
Susan said on 14/Oct/07
Hello, Tall,to tall...whatever your opinion..she was just named the sexiest woman for being tall is wonderful and she is beautiful....
Amelia said on 21/Sep/07
Seriously Markus? You think that over 5ft 9 isn't tall for a girl? The average in the UK is 5ft 6 I believe so it's around three inches more than average. Over 6" is rare, but there are lots of 5 10, 5 11 women we consider tall.
JEWEL said on 18/Sep/07
Never looked at it like that before. Kind of makes sense.
Robert Spell said on 1/Sep/07
When you talk about average height in the USA what are you actually saying? The average height of those with European ancestory? There are a bunch of Americans living in the USA that are of Mexican & south American heritage and they aren't very tall. Do you factor them into the over all equation of average USA height? To say that the USA has an average height is very misleading. Here in the states the Blacks & the Whites are easily the tallest people. Don't forget that the US is full of Asians & Hispanics as well, people that on average are not very tall. So to compare US height averages with countries like Switzerland and Norway, where most of the people are of the same ethic origin is not a very accurate comparison of peoples.
Crissy said on 3/Aug/07
to me her legs are really long, and she also has a long waist. I think she may be 5'10
Markus said on 29/Jul/07
Height sounds about right, I don't think 5'9.75 is that tall. Over 6' is tall for a woman.
dmeyer said on 18/May/07
thank you rob i even think she is 5'10
Anonymous said on 17/May/07
You know I actually think shes 5'11" because in a movie with Keanu Reeves who is 6'1" she only look like 2 or 3 inches shorter. I think she is like 5'10 3/4"(1.80cm)
kikichanelconspiracy said on 15/May/07
I think she definitely at least 5'10, if not 5'11. Look at this picture with Penelope Cruz. Even with her knees bent, she's much taller.
Click Here
dmeyer said on 16/Apr/07
4 in heels for a woman might not had 4 in but it adds a lot a girl i know is 5'9.5 to 5'9.75 when she waers 3.5 to 4 in heels she looks 6 ft so she get 1.5 in over 1 in men heels
Sharon said on 12/Apr/07
After watching Thw Astronaut's Wife, Carlize seemed much taller than Johnny Depp. You give his height as 5'9". How can she be only 5'9.5"? I really want Johnny to be 5'9" because I am 5'8" and like my star crushes to be taller than I am!!!
glamazon said on 31/Mar/07
Big deal.. off an inch or not. She is hot and tall and can hold her own. So tired of teeny tiny women being viewed as delicate-sweet ladies and if you are tall you are "too tall" or a "big oof". Tall is good.. shortstacks.. deal with it!:)
Linn said on 21/Mar/07
She looks like the same height as Keanu who is 6.1 (thats what we read everywhere) on the still from Sweet she must be at least 5.11 . Her (gorgeous) boyfriend Stuart Townsend is 5.11 and she always loks a tiny bit taller (both flat shoes)...maybe she is 6 .....whatever she is TALL!! A bit too tall....but sweet anyway
Astrid said on 15/Mar/07
Great actress. At least she admits to having bad posture unlike fellow tallie Ms Mischa (:
dmeyer said on 6/Mar/07
178 is possible for her
Viper said on 6/Mar/07
If you are at least 6-0 in the United States you are tall.
gemmie said on 6/Mar/07
thanks for the replies :) when i come to the states ill leave my heels at home before i tower over all the men ;)
jess said on 6/Mar/07
im from sweden and 177cm is really tall for me, im only 162-163cm. i always feel short, but isnt that average in usa?
timber said on 5/Mar/07
gemmie, I'd say men 6-1 and over and women 5-8 and over are considered tall. the average height for a man is close to 5-10.
Carel said on 4/Mar/07
I agree with Gemmie. In Holland 177 cm is not considered tall at all for a woman. Average female height is 171 cm and for men that's 184 cm.
gemmie said on 2/Mar/07
wow, im from Holland and am surprised how everyone thinks a 177 woman is sooooo tall. Here in Holland many women have that height and the men are mostly at least 180 and that is really not at all considered tall. Im 176 myself and considered kinda tall but really not enormous the way ive heard ppl talk about some of the taller actresses in Hollywood. I guess ppl in the States are pretty short or something. Im glad i live here where a man who is my height is considered short! I like tall men! Is a 6foot man really considerd tall over there?? I just wanna know. greetz gem
Charlene said on 10/Jan/07
In North Country when she was having a discussion with her father she had to bend her head down to enter the basement of the house. And she is not ashamed of her height. She flaunts and struts her stuff.
Charlene said on 10/Jan/07
I think maybe that Nicole Kidman is like an inch taller that Charlize Theron.
yeh said on 14/Dec/06
saw her once at some premiere - well i think it was her! definitely just a tad under 5'11" (my brother who is 6' was with me, and she was about an inch or two shorter), and stunningly beautiful, probably one of the most beautiful women in the world
anonymous2 said on 4/Dec/06
177 cm seems just right for her.
Brad said on 2/Dec/06
Easily 6' in heels.
Lane said on 27/Oct/06
I know her from South Africa she taller than my 5'9" - She's defintely somewhere between 5'10" and 5'11"
djeeg said on 3/Oct/06
Saw her in Southey, Saskatchewan, Canada on Friday, Sept 29. Right about her ducking her head a lot, but we got together and agreed, she's at least 5'9", but more likely a tad taller.
dmeyer said on 5/Sep/06
whi dont you give her 5'9.75 since i think she is 5 10 because 5 9.5 is not a full 177

Editor Rob
maybe a 177cm, accurately is closer to the truth...
glow said on 5/Sep/06
Grace - I agree, that pic does seem a little odd at first glance but I think there are several justifications for it: 1) as per her quote above: "I have really bad posture" (check out how much she's leaning in on Nicole, she's practically hunching. 2) Nicole's hair has a bit of height. If you see where her hair line actually starts, there only seems to be an inch or so of difference between the top of their foreheads. 3) A little suspicious about the footwear... judging from the jeans Charlize is wearing, for all we know she could have worn casual flats, whilst the more formally attired Nicole looks at though she might be wearing heels, as she more than often does now since the breakup from Cruise.
A good point you raised there with the pic though. In reality I think they're both extremely close in height. Those full length shots of Charlize in the opening scenes of Aeon Flux as she walks down the steps pretty much speaks for themselves...she looked like a giant, AND she was standing up straight for once!
Glenn said on 30/Aug/06
Signed not wanting to,turned me down for photo with.
D. Ray Morton said on 29/Aug/06
She wasn't nice?
Glenn said on 28/Aug/06
Yes,shocked me at how tall she was.not to nice.5-10,5-11.6ft in these small heels.
DMeyer said on 27/Aug/06
most people that met her told me she looks 5'11 i think she is close like 5 10.25 aleast 5 10
Brad said on 7/Aug/06
5' 10". Loves heels. Really pretty in person.
adam said on 9/Jul/06
she is def. 5-9.5 not taller
dingdong said on 9/Jul/06
she looks 5"10, she might be trying to hide her height.
Sky said on 1/Jul/06
A friend of mine who is 5'10 and a bit interveiwed her when she came to Oz.
And she was wearing heals (they both were) and they roughly the same height so i'd def say she is 5'10.
dmeyer said on 12/May/06
i think she is 5'10 or aleast 5'9.75" she looks very close to norton height in the italian job even when she is nt wearing heels
Coffeecakes said on 17/Apr/06
She is at least 5'11 in my eyes. You have Marton Csokas at 6'3. Look at the link of them at some promotional event for Aeon Flux, she towers over everyone and she is not even standing straight.
Click Here
Glenn said on 28/Mar/06
Walhberg could be 5-7.
Glenn said on 27/Mar/06
She looked a shocking 5-11,6ft when I saw her.obviously the footwear helped.
Frank2 said on 26/Mar/06
Charlize is a moose in person. So are many of today's female stars. And they all have huge feet! Wahlberg is short, no more than 5'8".
bikagyura said on 26/Mar/06
I just saw Italian Job, she looked a good bit taller than Wahlberg... but I guess estimating heights through movies isn't recommended if you really want to know... she's probably an even better bit taller :)
nick said on 22/Feb/06
I saw her last year in LA . she's about 5'8 or maybe 5'9, not taller, believe me!!
elio said on 13/Feb/06
I've noticed with Aeon Flux, that although her shoes are flat soled, are incredibly elevated. Probably increases her to around 6'1"!!!
One tall mama! With or without help.
nina said on 11/Feb/06
i saw her on the set aeon flux and i am 5´7-5´8. i walked right beside her and i wondered how small she is. max 5´8. never taller.but great actress!
tarryn said on 3/Feb/06
it said somewhere that she had to quit ballet because she hurt her knee, as she was too tall
Anonymous said on 31/Jan/06
Charlize Theron is about 2 inch shorter than Keanu Reeves with big heels on 4inch at the 17th Annual Palm Springs International Film Festival Gala so Keanu Reeves must be 6ft2 Charlize is 5ft8. check get images
Sarah said on 30/Jan/06
I just saw Aeon Flux, and i think if she was 5'8.5'' she wouldn't look as tall as she does in the movie. Granted that she is wearing high heels and everything, I'd say she's at least 5'9.5. Maybe 5'10.
Anonymous said on 17/Jan/06
Paltrow is 5'7 1/2" and she is 5'9" 1/2. That is really tall, you know. But she is not quite 5'10".
dmeyer said on 8/Jan/06
she is 178 cm minimum
LAAnonyme said on 22/Dec/05
Without a doubt 5'9" max. Looking at pictures is too tricky--a person's shoes, posture and even the angle of the camera can really throw off a height estimate.
stAs said on 19/Dec/05
ooo, my friend is about 197cm and pretends to be only 194 - 193. i think you'll bitterly dissapoint him because his sure she has 183cm couse he like tall girlls.
so let it be 180cm for her
Anonymous said on 18/Dec/05
She appears 2 inches taller than Paltrow (looking at them next to Affleck). Doesn't that make her 5'10"?
LAAnonyme said on 5/Dec/05
I am 5'11" exactly, and I literally stood right beside Charlize at the recent U2 concert in L.A. I was surprised to find she is much smaller in person - she was standing up straight and wearing flat sneakers, and I'd say she was just barely 5'9", possibly only 5'8.5" Very cute, down-to-earth gal.
WTF??? said on 20/Nov/05
shivess , 5ft10!! , thats very tall for a woman.
Sabella said on 19/Nov/05
Maybe she wore high heels
Robinz. said on 14/Nov/05
You can't practice Ballet at the level she did if you are over 5'9". I have always heard of her as 5'9" and that is how it looks too. Hollywood is short. She is tall. She therefore looks even taller.
Bychance said on 7/Oct/05
Charlize is about 5'10. I am a member of BAFTLA and I go to a lot of private industry screening, I have seen a lot of actors and she is tall. About 5'9 or 5'10.
Anonymous said on 23/Sep/05
in the trailer for her new movie she is standing next to sofie okeyendo who is listed as 5'8...the difference between the two actresses are as such which would put charlize at 5'9.5. theres only an inch and a half i would say!
pinky said on 17/Sep/05
i believe she is 5'11"
itziar said on 14/Sep/05
she definitely looks taller than that..... I remember that when she won the oscar she was wearing like 1.5 inches heels (what surprised me) and she was still slightly taller than her boyfriend
Mr. Klaus said on 14/Aug/05
I think that she is taller than 5 ft 9.5
Because of her bad posture she look 5 ft 9.5 but when she is full straight she really looks 5 ft 11 in my eyes. She looks 2.5/ 3 inches taller Robert De Niro.
Coffeecakes said on 13/Jul/05
I forgot to add that after checking you having Jimmy Fallon at 6 feet, I remember an episode she did of Saturday Night Live. She was playing Marilyn Monroe, and she was wearing tops, 2 inch heels. Jimmy on the other hand, was wearing Frankenstein shoes. It was clear that if he had not worn those shoes, she would have towered over him. I remember when she did The Devil's Advocate with Keanu(whom you have listed as 6'1), she wore high heels during an elevator scene, and she was taller than he by at least 3 inches. That was the first time I saw her. So ever since then, I always have scoffed at her height being listed as 5'9 to be honest.
j.d. said on 6/Jun/05
Is she really only between 5'9'' and 5'10'' tall? I've seen her in Sweet November standing beside 6'1'' keanu reeves and she looked only about 2 inches shorter than him, like around 5'11''.