OriginalAnon said on 24/Dec/20
"I'm 8st 7lb. I don't look it, because muscles are very heavy. I'm all muscle."
LOL. That made me actually laugh.
Nik Ashton said on 11/Dec/19
It is very interesting that she claims to be 5’7”!

Editor Rob
well as I mentioned she also once claimed 5ft 7.5, and with ballet, it is a hip/knee/ankle killer, so some women in that field could be more susceptible to a little earlier loss through wear & tear of joints.
FRED said on 5/Jan/18
Darcey is one of the best looking women on TV and in heels she looks to be at least 5ft10. She's definitely 5ft7 and when Darcey stands next to 6ft2 Craig Revel Horwood on Strictly, she looks about 4 inches smaller than him. A gorgeous woman !
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Nov/17
Darcy is tall for a ballet dancer - good for her! I love to see people succeeding in careers which are 'supposed' to be for those who are smaller or taller. I don't see why they have to enforce these petty rules in the first place.
My brother saw a documentary on her and he said that she's lovely! I believe him, and she's a successful dancer and judge to boot, and you can't be expected to judge others unless you are really good yourself.
I go for 5ft7 for Darcy, but I did once upon a time think she was 5ft4 tops!
margie g said on 18/Jul/17
i thought she was about MY height: 5'11". i'm shocked that she is only 5'7", & like others who've told her, i think that's short. please, don't anyone be offended; EVERYONE is short to me {i'm all alone up here}. also, when someone looks 4 or 5" taller than her actual height, her real height seems short in comparison.
darcey looks adorable as a brunette!

Editor Rob
as a Dancer, these girls put their bodies through a lot...no surprise they end up in 40's with problems like hips and knees worn out and needing replacements.
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Jan/17
A 5ft7 ballerina is an unusually tall one! I would have guessed her to be a couple of inches smaller, but as I don't avidly watch her programmes, who am I to judge?
However. I see her in my magazines and still came away with that impression!
I like this picture of her! The dress is ace on her figure and the dark hair looks stunning!
Aza said on 17/Oct/16
Confident, sassy and pretty woman. Good listing!
Pecopar said on 2/May/16
If you want basic pilates look up some of the clips on youtube with Darcy in them, she has a fantastic body and obviously great posture.
shorter than average said on 26/Dec/12
Don't forget as a ballerina,she would likely be on point quite a lot !
little sue said on 11/Nov/12
Lol, really short at 5ft 7, she is very tall for a Ballerina, they usually like them around 5ft 3 or 4
1.85 m, 83 kg said on 2/Nov/12
For a 5'7" woman to be described as "really short" boggles the mind. Makes me doubt her claim.