Rory said on 13/Sep/23
I've seen this guy up close about two months ago and I'd say this listing is spot on. I felt at best 6ft3 in person, so weak 6ft3 makes sense.
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Feb/23
James looks very tall in ‘Exorcist: The Beginning’, and with the super tall Stellan Skarsgard to compare him to, I can believe he’s 6ft2.75, or even 6ft3.
Yup, he can have 6ft3. 😁
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Apr/22
A skinny 190cm dude can pass for 6ft4+ in photos
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Dec/21
Yeah spot on...similar range to Hartnett. Lanky frame helps him look even taller
I don't think I'd go under this though
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Dec/21
Rob, a little under this at worst?

Editor Rob
I think actually I've seen enough to think weak 6ft 3 could be closer.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Oct/21
Oh, how awful! 😤 James, who plays a man of the Cloth, has been killed off in the most terrible of ways. The language is as obscene as that used in the first Exorcist movie, yet according to my TV magazine, it's only rated a 15 certificate. I don't think it was that low when first released; I'll have to check out the certification on my own, rather crumby, weathered copy.
The male members of the cast are, in the main, very much on the tall side. David Bradley, who was then 61/62, has a height of 5ft11, though he was possibly a little less in 2004, but he looks only average. Not fair as he's actually quite tall!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Oct/21
I'm watching 'Exorcist - The Beginning' on the Horror Channel and marvelling at the height of James D'Arcy. I'm going to take back the contents of the comment I wrote back in May 2019. It's only down to the camera angles that Stellan Skarsgard looks taller. There are a fair few opportunities when James and Stellan look the same height in this 17-year-old film, which means Stellan will have been 52/53 years of age and unlikely to have lost height. James was a mere stripling of 28/29 😉 so obviously at his peak, and still should be today at 46.
ALEXIZ/180cm said on 16/Sep/21
I think 190 cm for this guy.
Pedriscovery said on 29/Nov/20
Its about one inch lowest in this photo with sutherland
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 16/Jul/20
He was always in a good shape and weigh between 175-180 very healthy for 190cm guy.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 11/May/19
I've just watched James in 'Exorcist The Beginning' and the average vote of six two and three-quarters is exactly the height I had in mind for him when comparing him to Stellan Skarsgard, who was noticeably taller, but not by enough that the two guys couldn't look each other directly in the face!
Having said that, I don't doubt that James is six three when he gets out of bed after a good night's sleep...
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 7/May/18
Tom Welling = Steven Ogg = Thor = James D'Arcy = 6'2 3/4
Suzanne said on 9/Dec/17
He is 6ft2, as told to him by his tailor on that enigma of movie W. E.
Tailors usually measure people in their socks or stockings.
Tip for Madonna with regards to directing, John Lydon wasn't born until 1956??
Suzanne said on 9/Dec/17
He is 6ft2, as told to him by his tailor on that enigma of movie W. E.
Tailors usually measure people in their socks
Tip for Madonna with regards to directing John Lydon wasn't born until 1956 using the Pistols Pretty Vacant was beyond stupid!!
Hehehe said on 3/Jun/17
Can look 3 inches taller than David tennant in broadchurch at times ...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Feb/17
Looks near it...
cole said on 8/Sep/14
Looked more 6'2.5 compared to 6'1 Damon Wayans Jr. and 5'9 Jake Johnson in Let's Be Cops.
Hob said on 11/Jun/12
6'2.5 closer to truth. look a weak 6'3
yoyo said on 24/May/09
he topped donald sutherland in An American Huanting.
Maribel said on 18/Feb/09
I'm guessing 6,2.5
Anonymous said on 18/May/08
i just saw An American Haunting,and thrs no doubt he is 6'3
bikagyura said on 2/May/07
I thought, just maybe he looked a fraction shorter than Skarsgård in the Exorcist.. Could have been shoe wear of course, as small the difference was