Dominican Singer-songwriter. He once mentioned in an interview that
he measures 1.92 metres, although in another interview said Six-Five:
"Seis...cinco, menos de dos metros pero cerca"

Photos by PR Photos
Kurtinho said on 22/May/21
Rob he doesn't look much taller than Romeo Santos who is listed on Google as 185cm. I think he has poor posture but even then he probably is max 192cm and could be a bit less. No way is he 195-196cm unless Romeo Santos is actually much taller than 185cm.
joec said on 2/Jan/21
I just googled this guy and it has him at 6'8", lol whatttt. Either robs listing is way off or this guy inflates height more than the WWE
Juanmtz said on 20/Jan/18
That translates to “Six foot five, less than 2 meters but close.” He needs an upgrade
Johnson said on 15/Jan/18
Hola Gonzalo. I am Johnson freak of heights. It is a pleasure to talk to you and I like to collect information about claims and pictures of Latin celebs. You can follow
Gonzalo said on 15/Jan/18
He says 6,5, less than two meters. Guerra looks taller than 1`92
Dude 173 cm said on 15/Jan/18
Seis...cinco, menos de dos metros pero cerca
Six...five, less of two meters but less

Editor Rob
Ok thanks for writing that down, I'll add it to the top.
Guesser said on 14/Jan/18
He must be considered a giant in the Dominican Republic
Don Julio said on 14/Jan/18
192 cm Dominican, he could've been el pelotero
Vexacus said on 14/Jan/18
Seems fair , weak 6'4 , nice Rob , it's good to see more Latin American people in Celebheights .