Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Jun/23
Rory, that could work as well. No way was he anything less than 6ft2 in his playing days though. Probably woke up at 6ft3 on the dot.
Today is still near 6ft2
Rory said on 11/Jul/22
I think 6ft2.5 might be a bit of a stretch but I can see 6ft2.25 being on the money for a 90s Razor. 6ft2.25 peak and 6ft1.75 today.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Jun/22
Rob, I think 6ft2½ peak could be closer
Click Here strong case for Cantona being 6ft1½
Click Here making Vinnie Jones look closer to 6ft!
I'd have believed 6ft3 based on these photos. Still looks roughly 6ft2 now

Editor Rob
It's not impossible, he could hold up well on the pitch with genuine big guys like Duncan Ferguson
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/May/22
He could look quite imposing on the pitch. An in-shape Razor was 200lbs solid but well-built. Classic rugged and hard defender who took occasional liberties. Had so much more potential
Daniel Lee said on 12/Apr/22
Acromegalic dude
ChristianPerkins said on 15/Mar/22
He does give off some pro wrestler vibes, especially one of those old school guys.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Oct/21
Eric, if you look at photos of him when he was playing you'd swear it's not the same guy pictured with Rob
Eric W Tam said on 26/Sep/21
Huh, would think he was involved in WWE rather than footy given his size! Easy 188 cm no more no less, but probably leaves a near 2 meters impression from afar!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Mar/21
Seriously, the bloke pictured with Rob could be mistaken as the drunk father of the young lad in the photos below...he used to be good looking lad, Razor
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Feb/21
Wouldn't hesitate to give him 6ft2½ peak actually...his claim could've been reached in football boots, they usually give more than an inch. Generally stood out on the pitch....
Leesheff85 said on 5/Jan/21
Would his wife be 5ft 8 rob I dont think she looks that tall
Leesheff85 said on 3/Jan/21
How tall would his wife leah be rob? I'm seeing 5ft 8 listings not sure shes this tall next to neil

Editor Rob
she did claim 5ft 8 on twitter, though could be rounding up a bit.
Jordan87 said on 22/Dec/20
330-350 I think is a bit to large for him. He is an enormous man however, naturally very thick. He is a solid 6'2" with Rob, I'd say he is 305-320.
J2Frenzy said on 5/Nov/20
People are saying in the comments that’s he’s 330-350lbs but I can’t really see it. I’d say he’s more 300-330
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Oct/20
Nothing shorter than 6ft2 peak
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Oct/20
He could pass for 6ft3 when he played for Liverpool when he was lighter. Never 180lbs, more like 195-200lbs, today he’s definitely north of 300
6'3 Julian said on 22/Sep/20
I think he’s 6’2 300 pounds, could be Mick Foleys height and weight twin
Arch Stanton said on 21/Jul/20
6'4 is certainly a joke, as he was over 2 inches shorter than Rylan who Rob had at 6'4 flat last time I looked!
Arch Stanton said on 21/Jul/20
Must have been something from last year as I thought 280 two years back and 23 stone is nearer 320! Somebody says 25 and half now, he'll be catching Eddie Hall soon!
Arch Stanton said on 21/Jul/20
I think he said he was 23 stone on something and that was a few years back. I don't think he looked under 200 pounds even in his earlier playing days. He almost drank himself to death, I hope his recent heart problem helps him cut down and get into better shape. If they ever remake Good the Bad and the Ugly Razor could play the prison warden!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Jul/20
Rob, any chance of 6ft2½ peak?
He looked strikingly tall when he played for Liverpool.. I think he weighed more than 180lbs even in his playing days, at least 190lbs. He was rugged, hard and imposing character...textbook defender. With the kind of weight that he’s gained he lost a little a imagine...but I could be wrong

Editor Rob
That could have been possible.
Big T said on 24/May/20
Regarding his weight during his playing days, I read that he was under instructions to stay under 98kg (215lbs) because he was notorious for gaining weight. The 180lbs must have been from early in his playing days!
Ferdinand said on 23/May/20
I reckon he still knocks on the door of 6'2", at least in the morning. As far as his weight goes, in the Harry's Heroes charity football thing on ITV he was confirmed to be (at least) 350lbs...
OriginalAnon said on 26/Mar/20
Still looks 188cm. Definitely no lower than 187cm. 6'4'' what a laugh. He's nowhere near that.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Nov/19
He’s put on enormous weight actually. Maybe he is pushing 270lbs. But despite this I think he could still be around 6ft2 and a bit over it peak. Could pass for a 6ft3 guy in the 90’s
Ferdinand said on 8/Jul/19
Looks 6ft1.5 but does seem to have a very low eye-level indeed. Claimed on his twitter to be "25.6 stone"
Jordan87 said on 6/Jun/19
6'4" I a Joke. However, this guy easily run me over.
berta said on 29/Apr/19
i think he could have been ( maybe still is?) a strong 6 foot 2. 188-189 20 years ago.
Cameron Scott Goodchild said on 29/Mar/19
He seems 6'3.5 when pictured with listed 6'3 David Seaman.
Nik Ashton said on 24/Mar/19
I am not convinced that he is more than 6’1”!

Editor Rob
I think Neil is over that in person, but his 6ft 4 claim seems a helluva lot!
Nik said on 21/Mar/19
It's very interesting that he claimed to be 6'4"!
FMExTREME said on 20/Mar/19
He use to live near me 12 years ago and I see him about in the Welcome pub, town, super market etc... even back then he probably only had about an inch on me and I’m 184cm in the afternoon maybe a bit below 188cm Id say 187cm in his early 40s and maybe 6’1 flat now.
On weight he was weight recently on Harry Redknapp’s show and was weighed at 152kgs which is over 330lb
Michael Knight said on 23/Feb/19
Had a nigbt out with him once he told me himself he was 6.4in but i would give him 6.3in i think he was well over 6.2in. Imo big bloke.
Peter 180cm said on 28/Jan/19
Looks 184cm with less footwear,so at the very most he could be a weak 6'2 although he clearly doesn't look it here.187cm MAX.
mwood said on 26/Jan/19
Can confirm my lovely M&S brogues had a heel ever so slightly under 1 inch... Ruddocks looked incredibly similar.
Regardless, he is absolutely massive, his hands are like dinner plates!
mwood said on 25/Jan/19
I met Neil Razor Ruddock last year at the football blogging awards, I would have put him at about 6ft 2 ½
Click Here
At most I'm about 6ft 3 ½
In the picture we we're both wearing brogues with about a 2 inch heel.

Editor Rob
I've never seen a 2-inch heel on a brogue, but one thing is Ruddock claiming 6ft 4 is hard to believe.
Kyuss101 said on 10/Sep/18
Always looks 2" taller than Vinny Jones. Imo Jones is lying
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jun/18
250lbs maybe, 280lbs is extreme
Arch Stanton said on 15/Jun/18
More like 280 than 180 now!
Arch Stanton said on 15/Jun/18
If they ever remake the Good Bad and The Ugly, Razor should play the prison warden in it! He'd make a great character actor in a western! If Razor is 6 ft 2 Rylan possibly could be 6 '4.5, I think that was the last Big brother I saw probably five years back
Nik said on 13/Jun/18
@ Sandy Cowell - Swinging on the rail, eh? I think I have done it myself! Breaking the rail as well would have really left me fearing the consequences!!
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Jun/18
@ Nik - ...but I swung on them once too often!
Nik said on 13/Jun/18
@ Sandy Cowell - I have been guilty of messing the curtains up too! Neil Ruddock can make many a person hide behind the curtains!
I think he is probably 6'1.5" - 6'2" nowadays!
blazer said on 12/Jun/18
Can't picture him at 180 pounds.. possibly kilos. Still looks 6'2 though.
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Jun/18
@ Nik - The one time I did hide behind the curtains, I was just short of four years old - and I pulled them down myself! I got a real hiding 'for my own good', which just added to the trauma, and I never did it again!
Lmeister said on 12/Jun/18
A strong 188cm in his heyday. I bet he was more than 82kg even in his youth. Would have guessed 88kg and later on close to 100kg. Nowadays at least 125kg.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Jun/18
I think he’d still measure close to 6ft2
Andrea said on 11/Jun/18
Even taking into account his footwear disadvantage, he looks closer to 6'1 than 6'2 here. And obviously (and noticeably) heavier than 180 pounds.
Jordan87 said on 11/Jun/18
He is easily 265 lbs now.
Nik said on 11/Jun/18
@ Sandy Cowell
Hiding behind the curtains is OK as long as Neil doesn't spot the buldge in the curtains, if he does spot you behind the curtains then he would rip them off the rails! He would snarl at you, but for me it would be a knuckle sandwich! Ha ha!
Nik said on 11/Jun/18
@ Sandy Cowell - Absolutely! I would also rather bump into Rob down a dark alley than Neil Ruddock, particularly if I have made him cross! I'm quite happy to take him on about it as long as he only knows I am called Nik and live on the planet 🌎! I wouldnt dare do it to his face!
jessman said on 10/Jun/18
In the latter stages of his career he was described as 6'3. Never thought of him as any more than 6'2 peak. Weight-wise, he was also one of the heavier footballers and 200 lbs during his playing days seems closer to the mark. Looks close enough to 6'2 in pic with Rob.
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jun/18
@ Nik - Well, I'd rather bump into Rob down a dark alley, and as for Neil being under 6ft2, would you take him on about it? I'd rather hide behind the curtains, 4-year-old style! 😨
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 9/Jun/18
He clearly gained a lot of weight since retiring.
Nik said on 9/Jun/18
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
Doesn't he just? However 12st12 must have been his weight when he was a player! Now the big question is whether he is still 6'2" or not, from the above picture I am not convinced about the full 6'2" for his nowadays height but I will reserve judgment at the moment!
I like his snarl!
Dream(5'9.5") said on 9/Jun/18
180 ibs?! He looks heavier than that, but looks can be deceiving!
Adam Scherr said on 9/Jun/18
do you tell the , that you will measure before taking the photograph?

Editor Rob
Well I see Neil with folk in front and asked him to do a pose, that's all.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Jun/18
Rob, maybe a strong 6ft2 peak?
He’s unrecognizable from 20 years ago

Editor Rob
Wouldn't rule that chance of 6ft 2 and change out.
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jun/18
@ Rob - I know your weight and you are hardly overweight by any stretch of the imagination! Neil, on the other hand, is a very big guy in every single way! I gathered that that weight applied to his early career, but seeing it written down like this is just going to make us all aware of what a big boy he's become - but smashing with it, of course! 😉

Editor Rob
Yeah I don't know what he might weigh these days, but it's certainly a few more stones than his peak playing days.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jun/18
He looked heavier when he was playing like 200lbs. He did look tall though so 6ft2 sounds about right

Editor Rob
Ruddock still looked over 6ft 1 that day, he's now age 50, whether he has lost height of note (beyond 1/4 inch) I'm not sure...but I mean I'd have guessed him as being close to 6ft 1.5, but with less footwear would say near 6ft 2 was possible.
You can see with
Matt Le Tissier he was a decent 6ft 2 guy.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jun/18
More like 250lbs
Micky said on 8/Jun/18
He's clearly more than 180 lbs these days.