Danimal said on 29/Jan/06
I once read way back in the day that Tom Cruise's real height was 5'6 3/4".
pawn said on 29/Jan/06
....to me you look between 5,5" 5,7" barefoot
Glenn said on 29/Jan/06
just look at all my photos.gauge by that.or come over and brake out the measuring tape.
Anonymous said on 28/Jan/06
He must be 6'0" because in Vanilla Sky that was what the height chart confirmed. Hmmm, he isn't small afterall.
Jeff said on 28/Jan/06
Yeah, I accept unquestionably that Tom stands at 173 cms in this photo(some may short,others may say nudging average). However, with human nature being what it is - that's 173cms "in shoes". Who knows, perhaps even elevator shoes. The reality is that the guy is no more than 5'7" in bare feet.
Travis said on 27/Jan/06
i got a pic 4 my lil sister of tom cruise when i was in texas last year and ill say he was no taller than 5'7" cuz i am 5'8" and i could see i was taller but in the movies he looks at least 5'10" he MUST wear lifts
pawn said on 27/Jan/06
just prove it Glenn
Glenn said on 26/Jan/06
yeah you get me.Im 5-5.
arold said on 26/Jan/06
http://www.mediabistro.com/unbeige/original/tom-cruise.jpg http://www.liquidgeneration.com/blog/uploaded_images/tom-cruise-pregnant-katie-holmes01-744379.jpg
no way he's 5-8 check out the above links
Anonymous said on 26/Jan/06
I'd just like to ask Glenn, what field of work are you in that allows you to meet all these celebs? Because whatever it is, I want your job man!
Anonymous said on 25/Jan/06
Is Glen really 5'8 ? He looks 5'5 to me.
trueheight said on 24/Jan/06
supergreat pics glenn, love the hair
Glenn said on 23/Jan/06
I do it for guys like you,D-ray.thanks for the interest!
Aero said on 23/Jan/06
The thing that makes Tom Cruise look short to me is the proportion of his torso with respect to the rest of his body. Either he always wears his trousers really high, or he has exceptionally long legs for his height.
A-Bomb said on 23/Jan/06
I'm pretty sure Tom is somewhere around 5'7 1/2" and 5'8" which really isn't as tiny as the jibes he gets may suggest. I really believe with Tom the reason why he gets so much heat is because he has a knack for hooking up with significanly taller than average women (Roger 5'8", Kidman 5'10" and Holms 5'9"). In turn (and especially when these women are wearing high heels) Cruise, out in public at least, never lived up to the leading man stereotype of being taller than his female counterpart - infact he always appeared significantly shorter. Think about it despite being taller than Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman and numerous other A list stars Tom is really the only one to get continious comments relating to his height. I really think the attitude can be traced back to the reasons I gave above and not actually because he is traditionally short. Anyone agree?
D. Ray Morton said on 22/Jan/06
Bakane writes:
"the funniest thing in Glenn's pictures, it's to see Glenn's evolution :)"
Totally - and it's also great how Glenn's facial expression/general demeanor matches or echoes that of the star he's with.
Many thanks for putting the photos up, Glenn. Please - keep 'em coming!
(Btw, perhaps he's stuffing his s***kickers, but "Tiny Tom" ain't lookin' that tiny. It's ridiculous - a depressing comment - that his height range is considered by many to be *that* short - or that anyone cares how "short" he is in the first place.
Glenn said on 22/Jan/06
I was putting my bookbag on the floor when I noticed the picture was being taken fast,so Im bent,and Im foward.look at our shoulders.now picture me in the same exact pose as he.Id be as tall or a hair under.I have a photo where he is on his tip toes a bit,a minute earlier.wait till I find it.you see his feet too!
TJ said on 22/Jan/06
I disagree with those who suggest he looks taller than Glenn in the pic on the left. With Glenn leaning in, if anything Glenn looks taller. In the other pic, there's really nothing in it if you look at the eyes. If Tom was wearing lifts in either pic, he's shorter than 5'8. Dmeyer, I think Speilberg is 5'7.5.
Glenn said on 22/Jan/06
I faked this one too,huh Lawrence?
A-Bomb said on 21/Jan/06
Perhaps a 5'8" boost isn't out of the question. Afterall Rob we are talking averages here aren't we? Perhaps 5'8 1/4" first thing in the morning, 5'7 3/4" last thing at night. By this sites standards that's 5'8". I mean if Tom Cruise was wearing lifts in the above pictures wouldn't he look at least two inches taller than Glenn? And I really haven't seen any solid evidence that Cruise is a low as 5'6" so...
dmeyer said on 21/Jan/06
rob i met spielberg a few times and i dont think he is as short as 171 more like 172 or173 cm
Bakane said on 21/Jan/06
the funniest thing in Glenn's pictures, it's to see Glenn's evolution :)
I love your Hard Rock period.
By the way, he looks the same height on the two pictures, so if he wears lifts, it's always the same size.
CelebHeights Editor said on 21/Jan/06
Tom catches Glenn on the Hop AGAIN! Another pic added. Glenn, you're doing a good job for making Tom taller ;-)
trueheight said on 21/Jan/06
Umm, alot of ppl here don't know that its REALLY easy to get 4 inch lifted shoes, especially if you got money. And he did look very smallish in Top Gun in the volleyball sequence
Glenn said on 18/Jan/06
funny,I think the cruise photo is the least strange looking one lawrence.
Glenn said on 17/Jan/06
I try not to get into that just in case someone is looking,but most celebs are jerks.cruise and depp are super cool.so is elijah wood,ali,christopher reeve,burt reynolds etc.
sf said on 17/Jan/06
Yea, to me, in some of those pictures they look about the same height, actually...
Kirk said on 15/Jan/06
A-Bomb: All depends on which picture your looking at. Have a look at this link;
This pic was probably taken seconds after the one you posted. It looks like in the pic you posted Tom was maybe pulling Bono down? And he may even be standing on an elevated plane?
A-Bomb said on 15/Jan/06
A picture of Tom Cruise looking taller than Bono http://www.tomcruisefan.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=70&pos=8
And a picture of Bono large heeled boots from that night
So maybe Cruise is a 5'8"er or maybe Bono is truly a 5'5 1/2"er
A-Bomb said on 13/Jan/06
Hey Glenn just to stray off topic a bit, but are the celebrities you meet actually alright people from what you've seeing of them? I know you didn't like Gibson much, but what about Cruise, Depp etc? Are they nice guys? Did you get a chance to say much to them?
Sean B said on 13/Jan/06
Early last year had a chance of bumping into the great man him self in Jury's Hotel - Limerick, Ireland. I'm 5' 7'' and a half, but with shoes on I'm near 5'8 3/4. As I shook Tom's hand (It did enter my mind very quick on how tall he was) He was about 3/4 of an inch smaller then me, Then I did make sure to look at what type of shoe he was wearing - He was wearing some type of shoe/boot with an at least 2 inch heel, I swear if this man took off his boots, we are looking at at a guy around 5' 6'' - to the best of my knowledge, but from a distance he is very slim and looks taller. So yes Tom is very much a man of near 5' 8, take away his boots, you get a 5' 6'' man!
Glenn said on 13/Jan/06
I guess I didnt read carefully.sorry.
Shred Guy said on 12/Jan/06
I agree with the the 2nd paragraph of Anonymous' post (the one he made on 11/Jan/06). I think people should take this site with a pinch of salt - which most people do...it's not exactly a serious site about a serious subject! It's just a bit of fun as far as I see it!
Yes, and I agree with the real raw truth completely. People don't normally think of people in centimetres or feet and inches (well, I know I don't!). Most people just think in terms of average, tall, or short. Tom's under average and not quite short - putting him in a grey area. That's why some people meet hm and go "Jeez, his short!" or some meet him and think "yeah, about average...".
Either way his not 5'8 (I say this as this is what his height appears to be - until you realise he wears lifts). That's pretty obvious to me. I still stand by 5'6 or 5'7. I'm so sure of this it hurts! just look at all the pics on this messageboard and really analyse them!
Oh, and elio - no need to call anyone pedantic...lets keep the name calling to a minimum. This is a messageboard for people who want to post their opinions. This is mine. Please respect it, as I do yours. :P
the real raw truth said on 12/Jan/06
who cares if tom is 5-6 or 5-7? thing is that HES SHORT and when you are that short it doesnt matter the difference an inch makes. does anyone care if Prince is 5-2 or 5-3? does it make a difference?
uhdbvsch said on 12/Jan/06
Tom is 5-6 and wears big sole shoes with lifts that makes him 5-10. simple as that!
if he was close to 5-8 hed be over 6 feet with all that shoe+lifts concept WHICH IS NOT THE CASE.
SO 5-6 for Tom.
Rob I think its time to downgrade Tom's heigh.
wacho said on 12/Jan/06
glenn? are you ok? you didn't get it?
Glenn said on 11/Jan/06
devito is like 4-8.where in hell do you get 5-9? huh? no offence are you nuts? I must send proof of that.
it makes a differnce to you to take your time out to write that book.
it doesnt have a height in the id.I told you I dont have a licensce.
dmeyer said on 11/Jan/06
i watched a lot of getty images and tom can look between 5'8 to 5'10 even thaugh when i met him in person he looked 5'9.75" or 5'10 since he is no more than 2" shorter than kidman and since he is a lithel shorter than foxx and also a lithel shorter than holmes by 1 to 1.5" so i think he is between 5'8 and 5'9 actualy in that pic with glen he looks 5'8.5" to 5'9 i dont think he is over 5'9
elio said on 11/Jan/06
I admit, this whole height thing is absurd. But we can't help ourselves.
If celebrities feel the need to lie about their height and exaggerate it, then they should be prepared to be uncovered for trying to fool the general public.
If successful people like Tom Cruise didn't lie about their real height then perhaps people would be less negative about being under average height. Instead people can either take and believe the 5'9" lie his publicity team has told them ... or know that he is smaller and presume he is lieing because being under 5'8" is a bad thing. Either way, it's damaging to the public opinion of men under average height.
There's a growing trend for girls to look more negatively at people who aren't 6 foot +. I saw a couple of online profiles of girls recently who explicitly wrote in their details that they did not want to receive messages off guys who were under 6 feet tall. I suspect if you asked them if they found George Clooney, Viggo Mortissen, Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell or Brad Pitt attractive, then they would say 'yes' to at least two of them. But like MOST people, they believe the fake listed heights most of these actors recieve. Perhaps if they knew that the people they felt attracted to in the movies were well under 6 foot then they wouldn't be so quick to reject normal guys that aren't tall.
Incidently, the combined efforts of the pedantic people on this forum have pinned Tom Cruise down to almost 5'8". Which is far taller (and probably more accurate) than the 5'6"-5'7" listings he seems to be getting more and more frequently these days. Thus, I think Tom would (or at least 'should') appreciate a page like this.
MD said on 10/Jan/06
Glenn, if you have an ID could you please scane it blurring out private information (of course), and simply leaving the height visible? Thanks.
leonari said on 10/Jan/06
ADAM: You must be the biggest idiot on this site. never has anybody claimed that cruise is 6 feet. Congrats. You proved that you have no clue about heights nor stars. Even Cruise himself would never claim 6'feet and in fact he never did. Little hint for you genius: Penelope isn't 5'6" no matter what she says in a movie!!! She is 5'4 if you ask me!!! The height of a character in a movie has nothing to do with the real height of a person!!
Glenn said on 10/Jan/06
then I have ID.just not a lisence.HE'S NOT 5-10.IVE SeEN HIM 2O TIMES.he's 5-8 tops.
Adam said on 9/Jan/06
"He's at least 5'10" is probably a true statement. Why? Because when Tom was with Penelope Cruz, (who is 5'6) he towered over her-WHEN SHE WORE HIGH HEALS.
Now, being 5'6 and wearing high heals must have made Penelope at least 5'9 herself, and with Tom being very noticeably taller than her in this situation, we can saftely come to the conclusion that Tom is probably near 6'0. Period.

Editor Rob
yep, case closed...check back soon for Tom's 5ft 10 listing folks!
MD said on 8/Jan/06
Glenn, not to continue picking, but everyone is required to have a least and identification card, even if you don't have a driver's license.
175cm16andgrowing said on 8/Jan/06
Yes, I read about that, Glenn :D. Has to be cool and noisy there :D.
You're really 33 years old? I thought you'd be from 23 to 28 or something but you are 33... WOW.
Tom Cruise looks tall in his MI-movies, also kinda in the Samurai-movie. He makes himself normally look taller because of his hairstyle :D.
Glenn said on 8/Jan/06
actually if you want to know the bizzare truth,Im 33 years old and never had proper ID.no licence.in new york you dont have to drive.
Shred Guy said on 7/Jan/06
Nope not jealous, Glenn....just curious and a little sceptical.
I'm just scrutinising your pic with Tom as I have done with all the other pics of Tom. It's easy to be unaware how tall/short you are. You may genuinely be 173cm, but you could easily be shorter (or taller!).
MD said on 7/Jan/06
It would mean everything...if you told the truth on your driver's license. Are you implying that you didn't? Really, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but that really struck me as an unecessary post.
Glenn said on 7/Jan/06
I have a friend who is 5-6 who on his license says 5-9! so even if I produced a license for you,it doesnt mean anything.those who doubt me,are jealous,thats all.thanks to those that defend me.ever in new york city any of you doubters or believers,look me up sometime.youll see my height and some celebs! toms shoes look normal to me by the way.
Cycklops said on 6/Jan/06
At the DMV you can tell them to change your height if you want. I've done it before.
Tom looks 5'8.5" in that picture. But we can't see the feet. He's notorious for his lifts...so if his shoes have 1.5 inch lifts in them, and they've got a half-inch more heel than Glenn's...that makes Tom 5'6.5". And considering how much smaller his head and body are than Glenn's, I wouldn't doubt that.
Has Glenn commented on Tom's shoes in that picture?

Editor Rob
I doubt he can remember...but his estimate was 5ft 7-8.
Tristam said on 6/Jan/06
Glenn could just as easily fudge his own height on his driver's license (as do many people). Myself? I believe Glenn's 173 cm. He doesn't have much to gain by telling people that he's 173 cm on the 'Net if he's any shorter.
175cm16andgrowing said on 6/Jan/06
Why do you ask Glenn such a thing? He does pics with stars, he sends them Rob, we can see the pics. He hasn't to do that, lenn does it on in his own and Glenn surely also wants to know the height of the stars. So...why should he lie?
Glenn said on 6/Jan/06
true about my height but your missing another point.the page aks if you have a photo with the celebrity in question.I do of most celebs.do you?
Shred Guy said on 5/Jan/06
C'mon - 5'7 max and 5'6 minimum!!
I base this on numerous pics of him! Just have a look at any sighting of him with Penelope Cruz (who is apparently 5'4). Tom was always two inches taller than her. Look at any photos of him with Katie Holmes (most likely 5'9 or a fraction below) and you'll see that he's always two inches shorter. This puts him in the range I mentioned before.
Add lifts or elevator shoes into the equation and you end up with a guy that's most probably 5'6 or 5'7.
By the way I'm not totally convinced of Glenn's height. How are we to tell how tall Glenn really is? Isn't it more accurate to compare Ceuise's height with well known stars such as Katie Holmes and Kidman? Lots of people have met these actresses and can estimate their height quite well. Therefore it would be more logical to compare heights with them instead of an unkown. Am I not right?
Tristam said on 5/Jan/06
A-Bomb: That's the whole thing. IF you meet these celebrities, you're meeting them in *public*. I'm going to go out on a limb here but I think the situation would be a bit different if you were both barefoot. Fat chance of that happening.
A-Bomb said on 5/Jan/06
First of all I have to apologise to Glenn for having some previous doubts. Secondly I have to say it's kind of eerie seeing these pictures. It's just that after nearly a year of speculation we actually finally get a good glimpse of what we would stack up like if we ever met these celebrities. Sly, Cruise, Depp and Gibson all appear taller than a lot of people here had them tagged at. I'm not saying that there aren't lifs involved, but regardless of that this is most likely the heights most of us would encounter if we ever met them.
Tristam said on 3/Jan/06
I had always wondered about photographs of Tom with top-ranking Scientology dudes, since Tom seemed to always but *at least* 2 inches taller than them. Apparently Scientology attracts some of the shorter elements of the population:
According to that site, both Pat Broeker and David Miscavige are 5'4".
The next site has nothing to do with the previous, but does have a photo of Tom and Miscavige:
After doing one Google's click worth of research, I guess Miscavige is Scientology's "leader."
CelebHeights Editor said on 3/Jan/06
Former scientology image officer said in latimes: "He's about five-seven, and everything was built in proportion to his body size" in reference to scientology-base quarters.
Fab said on 2/Jan/06
Tom cruise is eye level with Katie holmes when he wears BOOTS and when she wears flip-flops. So theres no way he can be more than 5'7.
Lithuania said on 2/Jan/06
In some episodes of "Vanilla Sky" Tom Cruise looks taller than Cameron Diaz, who is ca. 180 cm :) But in these episodes we don't see their feet (because Tom is prbably standing on a chair to look not shorter than his girl:)).
Glenn said on 1/Jan/06
thanks for backing me up Parker! by the way I can look 5-10,5-11 depending on the shoes as well.(MC boots).not in those pics.keep in mind,ONE THING,all of you seem to forget POSTURE.at least I didnt read any commemts on posture.I have 2 friends that I swore were 5-9.both stood straight to correct me at 5-11.I was stunned.Im not saying tom is that height,what Im saying is that in certain pics one person will be standing straighter that the other giving that illusion of being an inch or so taller or smaller.

Editor Rob
yeah, Cruise, Stallone, Pitt are masters of good posture...
Glenn said on 1/Jan/06
again, I dont think cruise is shorter than 5-7 or taller than 5-8.bare feet would solve alot.
Mel Gibson would be the first Id see in bare feet.going from 5-8 to 5-11,Mr.gibson has.
Tristam said on 31/Dec/05
And yet more interesting photos of Tom...
Footware is hidden, but again (and again and again), I'd seriously doubt that Katie's heels would outdo Tom's lifts. In this pic, we've *finally* got a pic of both of them with very similar posture. Katie looks to have 2 inches on Tom.
I think Cruise has very much been on the receiving end of the benefit of the doubt thus far. What you really need to do, Glenn, is ask Tom to take a pic with you both barefoot. :-P
Parker said on 31/Dec/05
Cruise is definately very hard to pin down. Interestingly enough, at his request, I measured my 18 yr old son yesterday at 171cm. He can actually look 5'9 in Gap boots, so I really do think Cruise is on similar lines.
dmeyer said on 31/Dec/05
if he is 2" shorter than her it means he is very close to 5'9"
CoolJ said on 31/Dec/05
Is Glenn positive he's 173 on the dot without shoes?
Parker said on 31/Dec/05
Rob - I think you've got him listed spot on. In the link below he's got himself to 5'11 in the most obvious looking lifts I've seen - Even then I think he would be struggling to get 4 inches out of them. I agree with Glenn, he's not shorter than 5'7 and not taller than 5'8.
Glenn said on 31/Dec/05
I have a better photo Ill show soon where he looks 5-10 cause im slightly slouched putting my bookbag on floor,and he is standing as straight as possible.keep in mind,I know this might sound nuts,but in the photo you see now,Tom shoes appeared normal,but the concrete street we were standing on was out of level and was going uphill a bit on his end.I know you must all be thinking Im coming up with excuses.there were times he looked 5-7 in 2000.5-8 in 1993.now back to 5-8 or 5-9.and lets not forget the possible lifts.
Gramps said on 30/Dec/05
Or...he's 5'10", wearing no lifts, and slouching!

Editor Rob
Tom's doing his best to get to the magical 8 figure on here...
mcfan said on 30/Dec/05
Glenn -- did you notice Tom's shoes? Could he have been wearing lifts? and were you wearing shoes or tennis shoes? My own personal opinion is Tom is 5'7-5'8 but he does wear lifts at times.
Parker said on 30/Dec/05
Shred Guy - You left an option out - He's 5'8 and wearing no lifts. Why is that not a viable option?
Tristam said on 30/Dec/05
Of course, I'd wonder what footwear was going on with both Glenn and Tom. I'm certainly not going to assume that Glenn had on more hefty footwear than Tom. As Gramps said, the photo makes Cruise appear to be 5'9. But don't most photos of Cruise (in public) make him appear to be 5'9? (thanks to his trusty lifts and excellent posture, of course)
Shred Guy said on 30/Dec/05
Thanks for the alternate URL Rob.
Well, I've always said that Cruise is 5'6!! That pic shows he can reach 5'9. This means either that he's 5'7 and wearing 2" lifts or he's 5'6 and wearing 3" lifts.
I thought we all knew Cruise could reach 5'9 or even 5'10?!
If the pic of Cruise with Glenn was with anyone not visiting this message board we would scrutinise the picture, as we can't see either persons footwear.
All I know is that Cruise is either 5'6 or 5'7. Still not sure which though....all the pics I see with him and people who have been accurately measured (i.e. sports personalities) seem to show that he is defineatly not 5'8, could be 5'7 or is most likely; 5'6 - 5'7.
Could someone show me why I could be incorrect?
P.S.That was a genuine question! Not a "I'm right, you're wrong" type of rhetorical question.
Gramps said on 30/Dec/05
Whoever "Glenn" is (?), if in fact he is 5'8", then Tom Cruise looks at least 5'9" in the photo.
JUSTMATT said on 30/Dec/05
In my opinion Cruise is max 170 cm and I want to explain you why: Gleen in this photos is probably 175-176 cm tall and Cruise is the same height even if he seems taller than Gleen by 1 inch because he is near the camera. So both are 176 with shoes on but Tom Cruise for sure has 2 inches lift inside his shoes so he is max 170 or maybe 168 cm. That's my opinion!
dmeyer said on 30/Dec/05
that pic prove tom is around 5'9"
Parker said on 30/Dec/05
Glenn - I've always felt Cruise could be 5'8, but the obvious thing people will ask is what was his footwear like when you met him?
Glenn said on 30/Dec/05
again all hot air.90% of you people never met a celebrity in your life.Rob,the editor has now seen my pics and will post.cruise is 5-7 or 5-8.no bigger or smaller.
Glenn said on 28/Dec/05
he is 5-7 or 5-8.unlike most of you,I met him many times.hopefully you will see the picture I posted.

Editor Rob
Glenn has pulled the rabbit out of the hat and sent me a few pics...I will upload the cruise one soon...
Amanda said on 27/Dec/05
Katie said she was 5' 8"-5' 9" (meaning 5' 8.5") and Tom is slightly taller than Katie when they both wear flat shoes. It's only when Katie wears heels that she looks taller. And to see a half inch height difference does not require a special eye! It's HALFWAY between 0" (ie. same height) and 1", hence the name half inch.
Monty said on 27/Dec/05
Tom is close to 5'9 because if you watch Minority Report you'll see him and Colin Farrell they are almost the same height.
clad-in-black said on 27/Dec/05
Tom cruise is 170-173cm. The End.
Im in that range myself, and when i have shoes with big heels on(my adidas running shoes), im around the same height as my elder brother bare-foot, he's 5 ft 10(178cm) on the dot.
dmeyer said on 26/Dec/05
hey rob i agree that he is around 172 cm but do you agree that sometimes he can look 178 cm because thats wath he looked when i met him on war of the worlds he was wearing 1" heels maybe he had lifts in them but he was runing in that scene

Editor Rob
many times he can look near 5ft 9, but I've never seen him look 5ft 10 in even pictures though. Maybe you were shocked that he wasn't as short as expected though? 178cm seems the biggest estimate for him. I dunno :)
Jason said on 26/Dec/05
When did he say he weighs 201lbs? I've seen his weight listed as 203lbs (his publicist must have come up with that one on a good old drinking bender), but never heard of him saying something as absurd as that himself.

Editor Rob
yes, 14 and half stone is stretching it...unless he has muscle-mass density twice that of average joe
cendrin rovini said on 25/Dec/05
He's 168cm max. Everyone in Germany who saw him said that.
Steph said on 24/Dec/05
Well, I am 5' 8" and Tom was about an inch taller than I was when I saw him and Katie a couple of months ago. I was surprised because I always thought he was like 5' 7" or something, which is an inch shorter than I am.
leonari said on 23/Dec/05
C : you don't seem to understand that cruise wears lifts or elevator shoes which give him 2 inches. So you don't have a 5'9" guy but a 5'7" guy and thats how tall/short he is. Please get real!!
Drooperdoo said on 22/Dec/05
Paul Newman was accused of lying about his modest height. Incensed, he went down to the radio station and was measured. He was indeed the 5'9'' he claimed. He stars with Cruise in the color of money and is a couple inches taller than his co-star. Go to this page and scroll down to see the cast photo. Cruise looks like he's struggling to hit 5'7''. http://www.videoportfolios.com/video-production/gallery.html
Anonymous said on 21/Dec/05
He looks more in the 5'6" - 5'7" range. NOT the 5'7" - 5'8" range.
He doesn't look tall in his movies (often JUST average height or shorter) so, I doubt he's in the 5'7" - 5'8" range. I think he gives the impression of looking taller than he is because he has very, very good posture.
In all the photos I've seen here that are of him in public or on set it seems obvious (to me at least) that he's 5'6 or maybe 5'7". It's impossible to say within an inch as his height fluctuates quite a lot.
I can't help but observe his shoes - he always wears boots/suspicious dress shoes which make him look taller. It's like what alot of Hollywood actresses do - they consistently wear large heals to make everyone think they are taller than they really are.
mcfan said on 20/Dec/05
If we just look at what you see on screen there's no way this guy is under 5'7 and there's no way he's over 5'8.5, so his height then would have to be within that range. I think he looks 5'8 with a posture that sort of leans back slightly giving the impression of someone slightly taller. I've seen him look over 5'9, but there can be no doubt he's either wearing special shoes or has lifts in them.
Anonymous said on 16/Dec/05
OK, check out this link of a photo from "The Outsiders":
That's definitely Cruise on the far right, and that's also definitely 5'5.5" Estevez on the far left. I'm not sure what's up with this photo; I definitely think the height posted here is too high (I'm sticking with his 5'7" even), but he's not shorter than Estevez. Any thoughts?
Codex said on 14/Dec/05
Almost ALL actors LIE about their heights, if Tom Cruise claims he is 5 ft 7.5 i would be skeptical about it.
In his films he looks pretty short and obviously wears lifts, he could be around 5 ft 6 very easily,id give him 5 ft 7 to be generous(and thats probably pushing it a bit).
Anonymous said on 11/Dec/05
I really think this should be bumped to 5'7 even. I think the most convincing photo was the straight shot of Cruise with the Olympic competitors. Even if that woman is 5'5, Cruise still only has a couple inches on her (AND he has his precious
Nike Shox on).
Glenn said on 10/Dec/05
yes,5-7.pictures of him and I on the way.no way 5-10.ive mat him many times.5-8 tops.
trenton said on 10/Dec/05
hi guys. i was watching vanilla sky the other night and i noticed in a scene where cameron diaz, whose clad in a blanket and high heels, is talking to tom. she approaches him and appears shorter than him by at least 2". i will say that throughout the entire scene we don't see both actors from head to toe in the same shot. in another scene where he's getting a mugshot, his height is nearly 6' tall! is tom cruise taller than cameron diaz? i'm kinda confused here...

Editor Rob
on the rooftop at the end he's shorter than Kurt Russell I think...but yeah, I remember him looking big in a few scenes of that movie...
Joel said on 10/Dec/05
by the way, even if he does request before interviews not to be asked about his height, I think this is a reasonable request. I mean if everyone knew that Cruise lacked so much in height, it might ruin his image. It would be negative publicity. Now, if he were a comedic actor like Chris Kattan, that would be different; but he is a serious actor, as well as a Holly Wood stud.
Betel said on 29/Nov/05
I have seen his films and he may be 172 but more likely to be 170 in my opinion. If he was any taller than 174 he could be made to look much taller with simple lifts. I've seen Nicole talk about her height as 5'10 when they were married. She stated she wished she was shorter but that Tom is only about an inch shorter than her in real life. I don't know why he looks so short in some older films if this was true. It looks like Tom is no taller than 174cm and probably 170 at lowest.
starwars23 said on 26/Nov/05
tom cruise says on 24/Nov/05
I"am 5"10 change my height
lol that made my day
tom cruise is no taller then 5'7" his girl katie is maximum 5'9" and she is atleast 2 inches taller she alwyas slouches so she does not look it however look at this picture http://www.citycynic.com/im/00105cruiseholmes.jpg
she is not slouching here and she is about 4 inches taller she is probably wearing heels but she would never wear heels bigger then 3 inches while around tom, plus toms heel has to add about 1.5 inches.
Rational Observer said on 26/Nov/05
About the centimeters: cool. It's exact, but it's difficult to translate what it actually amounts to.
About Tom Cruise: I think we can all agree that the man is around 5'8. If he was less than 5'6 I don't think he would be able to have achieved the success he has. 5'5 and under is abnormally short. 5'8 is acceptably short. He really just made it to a as far as I'm concerned.
Anonymous said on 20/Nov/05
hey rob i met rufalo he is 5 foot 8 if you watch colateral there is an elevator scene and cruise looks 6 cm taller than rufalo and also when meeting statham he looks taller i think cruise can look 5foot 10 on ocasion also when i met tom on war of the worlds he looked 5 10 even thaugh he is 170 172 cm barefeet he can look way taller with lifts
A-Bomb said on 19/Nov/05
Rob at gettyimages type in a search for Robin Williams and Tom Cruise and there's a posed picture of them from the late 1980s. Both have fairly good posture in it and are looking quite similar in height.

Editor Rob
A-Bomb said on 18/Nov/05
Watching the tour diary's from War of the Worlds recently and they had some full frame shots of Tom next to Tim Robbins (which they avoid during the actual film) and he does look around 172cm. I really don't think he wore lifts in that film either. I think some above average soled shoes yes, but in the shots of him next to Speilberg there was only a slightly higher than usual advantage for Tom - if lifts were involved there would have had to be more height than what he got. I really think Cruise is 172/173 now - minimum 170.
Chappy said on 18/Nov/05
Interesting thread about Cruise and the whole height thing. I am 5'5 inches tall and have never wished to be any taller. I just don't get it. I have no hang-ups about height. I accept I will never be able to dunk a basketball and usually need a step stool to get something off the top shelf, but other than that it's all good. But, I can say from personal experience......a lot of women do seem to really go for tall men. Not sure why that is, but I never lost any sleep over it. Cruise is a cool guy and a fantastic actor regardless of height. If I were him, I would dump the lifts and be who I am. People can accept that or get over it....Just my two cents...
Anonymous said on 3/Nov/05
Woah, woah, woah!
Look at this link:
If that Cullum guy is 5'4 max then how the heck can anyone claim that Tom is above 5'6"?!
Shaun said on 31/Oct/05
What if you are measured standing facing the wall. At my last medical in 2003, I stood on some scales and facing the wall my height was measured at 1.71cm (5'7"1/4). I am normally around half a centimetre under this height. So is there a difference in height between having your back against the wall or facing it? Tom Cruise's height 5'6"-5'7". 5'8" is borderline and should not be considered short for it is a reasonable height. I do not believe that he is under 5'6". He certainly has height neurosis due to the media manipulation of his lack of stature but I would say he reaches around the 1.70cm mark. 1.72cm is too generous!
TJ said on 22/Oct/05
But Dillon isn't 5'11.5 Salvatore. He's said himself in interviews that he's 5'10, so that's the max he could be.
Salvatore said on 20/Oct/05
Hey i was looking under photo's under Matt Dillon... Dillon is listed as 5'11.5"... look at cruise... Here is the nitty gritty... if Tom Cruise is almost 5'8"... then he has taken growth Hormome... look under Matt Dillon, then under Find Matt Dillon Photo's... he clearly isn't 3.5 inches shorter than dillon
Sean B said on 18/Oct/05
Early this year had a chance of bumping into the great man him self in Jury's Hotel - Limerick, Ireland. I'm 5' 7'' and a half, but with shoes on I'm near 5'8 3/4. As I shook Tom's hand (It did enter my mind very quick on how tall he was) He was about 3/4 of an inch smaller then me, Then I did make sure to look at what type of shoe he was wearing - He was wearing some type of shoe/boot with an at least 2 inch heel, I swear if this man took off his boots, we are looking at at a guy around 5' 6'' - to the best of my knowledge, but from a distance he is very slim and looks taller. So yes Tom is very mush a man of near 5' 8, take away his boots, you get a 5' 6'' man!
Shred Guy aka Anonymous said on 14/Oct/05
168cm is defineatly on the right lines. I find it hard to believe that he could be any taller. 168 would account for people speculating that he's short and would also account for the fact that he can get to 5'9". However, if he does wear 4" lifts then he could be a fraction smaller.
It's funny how he fooled everyone. I for one would never have guessed he was this much on the short side if I hadn't read through this message board......
J.J.F said on 13/Oct/05
Incredible case of the wobblies in that pic, Ronie! The sharp upward angle between the toe and lace-area of those elevator shoes illustrate how you can spot them.
Though as 'Anonymous' points out below - Tom is a rather extreme case as 4" elevator shoes are a dead giveaway and smaller ones are tougher to spot.
trueheight said on 8/Oct/05
being an avid music fan, and playing in a band (power/thrash/instrumental metal). We have just started gigging :), And I wear 4 inch heels!!! cuz i play lead guitar, and almost every metal bands' members wear 3+ inch heels, its a know fact. Steve Vai (a good 5-10 himself), i met the guy and he was 6-2 because of the heels, its just a staple of that form of music. I could give two farts about whether tom wears lifts, men have been wearn lifts since modern civiliaztion, I just wanna know the guy's biological height, which in my research (not much time recently busy w/ college) i will venture to say the guy is 65-66 inches max. I wish I knew stallone's workout regime for his back posture, that could easily make me 5'10 w/ shoes lol. Anyway, i used to love old tom, one of my fave actors, but height discrepancy and more importantly his maniacal beliefs (I'm a psych major) have really put me off the guy. Consensusly, i think we can all agree that no matter what tom is a below average stature, very handsome man. Stature isn't everything to women, they just want a guy taller than they. Why pick katie as a lover/childebearer??? so that maybe toms sons and daughters will be "normal" in the range of height is my best guess, cuz i think penelope cruz is way way way yummier!!
HeightFind said on 6/Oct/05
Well done,TrueHeight. Yes, I am almost certain that Tom is 5'6" barefoot.As I posted in the Stallone thread,I think that 5'8" would be the minimum height required barefoot to successfully pull off the height thing.That's why Stallone can look 5'11",even 6 feet tall in his shoes:his legs and arms are just long enough to pull it off without looking weird.Indeed, he looks like a fairly big guy in his films and out in public.Cruise on the other hand just looks strange: a 5'6" guy trying to look taller.It's the same with Bono(5'6") and his huge shoes:the end result just looks silly.
Trueheight said on 6/Oct/05
hey guys,
Heightfind: EXACTLY!! i posted the same ideas in the past cruise archives, i don't know if rob still keeps them. I've been looking into elevators as an interest after discovering one of my friends wears them (he's 5-4, gets to be 5-8 just an inch under me). The thing is he don't look like a 5-8 guy cuz of his body frame. I have a "normal" 5-8 frame w/ broader shoulders than normal, my friend on the other hand is "pear shaped" and he completely can't work it w/ his shoes. Its not for attracting mates you see, he is gay and has alot of flings, but it gives him confidence. Plus he's a white guy, and its an anomaly for a white person to be that short. I'm asian, thats why i'm considered "tall" sometimes. Body frame/arm/leg/hands is very important in determining true height. although there are anomalies of tall ppl w/ short arms and vice a versa, its generally in an acceptable range. We all know how long tommy's legs look right? but pay special attention to his upper body!!! He's got a nice torso physique to pull of a taller man image, but he has very very short arms and hands. I mean its sooo noticeable to me in every one of his movies. Probably a 68in wingspan max for mr. cruise. I used be hated being called lanky b/c of my 73in wingspan, it was unattractive to say the least for a 5-8 guy. But as a guitarist, my wide shoulders and long arms/fingers puts me head and shoulders as far as ease of facilitation w/ the instrument. enough about me, I doesn't take a rocket scientist to see Tom's disporportionality. As a consensus, I think we would all agree that using lifts is no biggie, we just wanna find his real height right guys? O yea, looking into lifts, 5 inches max for guys is totally possible. Dog the Bounty Hunter is actually 5-7! can you believe that?? He wears 4 inch custom cowboy boots for a 5-11 stature, and he CAN pull it off, he revealed this in one of the past episodes. Heightfind's opinion really rings true; Anybody ever seen the movie BLOODSPORT w/ van damme? (the greatest enter the dragon knockoff). Jean Claude is accurately 5-8, as revealed by his past gymnastics records; But remember CHONG LI(bolo yeung)???? that guy looked MASSIVE in that film. I was appalled yestereday when i found out he was actually 5-5!!! Verified by a photo standing w/ friend the late Bruce Lee (5-7.5). So to sum it all up, its all about body frame/porportion that can distort the porportion of tall/short. After seeing tom in the press today w/ katie(towering 4 in above), i'll stick to my 5-5 maybe 5-6 for Mr. Cruise.
Sticks said on 28/Aug/05
Bleemo, women are all over the place in heels because the heels are tiny. When they get practice walking in them they're fine. Men's shoes don't involve balancing on a little heel so practice should make them even better than women. And Tom Cruise doesn't wrestle in his shoes so that's not an issue. Rob's point about lifts doesn't mean much. Tom Cruise is getting the good stuff and Rob wouldn't even know what that would be. None of us are experts on what the best shoes out there can give. We just know what we've heard and we've heard about people getting a lot of lift.
Russel Crowe was nose to nose with a woman who said he was at her eye level and she's 5'5" wearing very low heels. He was in runners. A man who saw Law in sandals from 3m said he was 5'6.5". You'll doubt this for your own reasons, but the evidence is there. These guys are way shorter than I thought. When I came to this site I felt like a renegade because I thought Brad Pitt was under 5'10". Rational analysis of the evidence made me revise my opinions down again and again. I had no idea. The more evidence gathers, the more obvious it is: they've completely fooled us. So it's a good thing all of the evidence drops off the end of the page, Rob. We wouldn't want that stuff to build up.
Bleemo said on 27/Aug/05
I agree about the dubios nature of lifts, I just don't see how they can give you that much height. When women wear 3 inch heels they are all over the place and it takes practice to get used to them. I think it would be really obvious if a guy had 4 inch heeled boots on, he would walk like he needed the loo or like Herman munster.
Like I said on one of the wrestler's sections I recall a wrestling commentary where a guy who'd been in the business for decades said you could get almost up to 3 inches in height wearing special boots, but it was like trying to wrestle in clogs.
I think the 2 inch cliche is a cliche because that is how much most people are willing to add to their heights via lifted shoes. Maybe the extremists like Stallone and Cruise wear slightly bigger ones because they are neurotic twerps, but most do not. If you take that into account and apply it to some celebs it actually makes sense.....
* Russell Crowe listed as 5ft9 before being a big name, now around 5ft11
* Orlando Bloom Said in an interview that he was 5ft9.5 before becoming a big name, now suddenly is 5ft11
Jude Law jokes about being 5ft9 really but is listed as 5ft11
* Cruise is often listed as 5ft9-5ft10, but has in older age talked about being 5ft8 ish, in reality he must be 5ft7 or less for so many to speak of his shortness, but probably isn't under 5ft6 either.
* Ford listed at 6ft1 at tallest never really looked more then 6ft and might have been 5ft11 all along
and so on it's never ending take 1 inche for someone who isn't so bothered, 2 for a regular actor and 3 for a big ego and I doubt you'll be fair off. ALso With the exception of a few action egos like Vin Deisal and Arnie I think most actors over 6ft2 are pretty much their heights as there is little to be gained by adding height after this point.
frankie said on 25/Aug/05
Rob said a wise thing about "eyelevels" ,i'm around 5'9" (5'.8,5)and when i look at someone who is my height sometimes i feel taller sometimes shorter.. an inch difference is very low pecentage over a human body's size to be sure of somebodyelse's height...
sticks...just to support your theory of his partners' posture while they are framed in pictures and mine about his lifts check this one
http://www.perfectpeople.net/picpage.php3/cpid=72824 (he looks shorter than her yet)
Z2 said on 24/Aug/05
"load of tosh!"--Just because someone states an opinion on someone's height doesn't mean that person is insecure about themselves. You are calling out someone else's OPINION. "Sticks" opinion of Tom Cruise is 5'3.5", not 5'3". Also, no one asked you to respect his opinion or mine. You said people like "Sticks" should not open their mouth. I can clearly tell you are a "teeny-bopper." You haven't said anything remotely intelligent. I happen to believe, and this is MY opinion, that Tom is 5'3". I think he's this height because when he's in his ridiculous "lifts," he is still somewhat shorter than Katie. If he was a true 5'6" or 5'7" he'd be Katie's exact height or taller. He is clearly still shorter. So, don't go around telling everyone their opinions are ridiculous.
Sticks said on 24/Aug/05
Parker, I don't selectively use sightings, you selectively read them. Re-read the post you said I ignored. The observer was 5'11" and said Cruise was four or five inches shorter. Your preferential reading of sightings convinced you you had a number of 5'9" Holmes sightings as well. I use the evidence fairly. You pick and choose your evidence to suit your pre-conceived notions.
Leonari, I know that a man who is around 5'3.5" is short. You have to come to terms with the fact that some men are that short and that Tom Cruise could be one of them. This is the same "reason" you gave for refusing to believe Stiller's own refererences to his height (5'2" and 5'3"). You said something like, 'A man that short is sooo tiny that Stiller couldn't be that short.' Your intuition isn't evidence of anything. You're not making an argument.
load of tosh, I'm not joking and I won't lose any sleep if you don't respect my opinion. I only posted in this thread recently because I'd never taken an interest in the guy's height. In my mind he was 5'7" as I'd heard in the media since I was a kid. When I started to get a sense as to how much shorter male stars were than they were supposed to be 5'7" seemed less likely but I still didn't take any interest in it. Then while looking for other heights I came across several sightings pegging him below 5'7" from people shocked to find him that short. I evaluate the evidence of every star the same way. Look at the sightings, the average is an upper bound for his height because of lifts. The high-end is suspicious because publicists are paid to confuse people like you, tosh-load. Are there any clusters of sightings? What does that imply? What height best explains the data? That's what I've done. To those of you who think there isn't any evidence for my point of view, read the sightings. Half of them have him under 5'7" and that is an average that would include any lift that he was getting. The five-eight sighting makes note of his suspicious footwear. Tom Cruise can afford the best lifts in the land, so if he's raising flags, he's getting seriously lifted. There's a 5'6" woman who said he was an inch or two shorter than she was while he was in runners and she was in all-stars. tosh-load, leonari, and parker: remind yourselves that you've never seen him. You are, like me, sitting at your computer trying to understand evidence. The opinions of people who have seen him are more important than ours.
Parker, comparing pictures of people is a poor way to determine height unless you *know* one person's height. You've never given any indication that you even understand what I'm saying on this point, which makes discussing things with you painful. Listed heights aren't the truth. You use them as if they were. Your arguments using listed heights are meaningless. Of course there are errors in estimating height, that's why more sightings are better. Random errors tend to cancel eachother out. The reason the six sightings in the Nash thread are within an inch of eachother and consistent with a pre-draft measure of the man (!) is that people do estimate heights similarly and Nash probably doesn't bother with lifts or at least lifts of many different sizes. Twelve Cruise sightings go from around 5'3.5" to 5'10". Six Nash sightings go from 6'0-6'1". Why, if people are so crappy at estimating heights, are those six sightings of Nash so close?
Disgust isn't an argument. If you guys want to come up with one, I'll discuss it, but just howling that this is an outrage is meaningless. The most rational use of the best evidence has him around 5'3.5".
Parker said on 23/Aug/05
Sticks - I apologise if I appear mocking. If you think Cruise is 5'3.5 you are entitled to your opinion. Unlike you, I don't think sightings are the best evidence, people estimate heights very differently. You also are selective in the sightings you choose to take into account. There was one at the bottom of the page that said he was 5'11, which you've chosen to ignore. There is a sighting of Sharon Stone on her page that suggests she struggles to make 5 feet. I think photographic evidence, using people as reference points, is the best way to guess a persons height. I do agree with Frankie, and would not dismiss out of hand that Cruise could be as short as 5'6 - I don't think he is, but again I'm using Dustin Hoffmann as the reference point in Rainman.
As I say, If you think he's 5'3 that's your opinion. In the picture with the president, the top of Cruise's head is above the President's eyes - meaning the top of his head is around 5'10 - again I can accept Frankie's view on special shoes, posture etc etc. but I struggle to see how Cruise can get to 5'10 from 5'3 without standing on a box - just my opinion of course.
All the best
Sticks said on 23/Aug/05
I believe Cruise is around 5'3.5" and I'd defend that view as the one that best explains the evidence. I've never seen the guy. Sightings are the best evidence, and the predictions from the sightings are consistent with all of the credible evidence.
Parker, you've posted a lot of pictures. All of them are consistent with the view that Tom Cruise is lifted from around 5'3.5" to higher heights. If you'd like to tell me which of these many pictures you think shows that he couldn't be around 5'3.5" I will happily show you why you're wrong. Why is it that you never even attempt to account for the sightings? Discussing pictures with you is difficult because you refuse to acknowledge what you don't know about the picture. You don't know how tall Clinton is standing, for example, and you don't know what's in Cruise's shoes. The guy's getting his picture taken with a President. He'll have his A-game footwear on. You linked to a picture with Cruise and Stiller and seemed to be mocking the idea that they could be 5'3" and 5'2". What would you estimate their height difference to be in that picture? It looks like it's a little over an inch. I don't think it's proof that I'm right. It proves nothing at all, so why post it? You write about Spielberg's height like you've personally measured the guy. You bring up 7" lifts and 9" lifts but you never show any pictures that would require them. So instead of just pretending my view is ridiculous, show it.
You mentioned "all those sightings of Katie Holmes at 5'9"". How many sightings in that thread have Katie at 5'9"? One. There's one quantified height based on a sighting in that entire thread (profiles are products, they don't count) and that came from Mr. Klaus (5'8" Giamatti, 6' Law, 6'3" Costner, etc.). Here's one at 5'7-8":
Saw Katie Holmes in the soho Sephora yesterday (2/27) wearing a pink wool coat, shades and yapping into her cell phone. As I think I
CelebHeights Editor said on 23/Aug/05
From gossip newsgroup: "Tom Cruise I've seen several times (always with boots with heels), he's probably max 5'6". Nicole Kidman's not that tall either, maybe 5'9" with flats"
Sticks said on 22/Aug/05
Parker, how do you know how tall Steven Speilberg is? How do you know how much lift he and Cruise were getting in that picture? How do you know Spielberg was getting the same amount of lift in the picture with Fox? You don't know any of that and you don't know how tall Fox really is. I'm confused as to why you would believe publicity which is biased but deny the accounts of people who have seen him in person. You think you're only believing what you see, but you're not. Just consider the picture with Spielberg again. You seem very certain that Cruise is an inch taller than Spielberg based on that picture. That picture was no accident. Cruise knew it was coming and so did Spielberg. They dressed accordingly. Don't you think Cruise could be wearing big lifts in that picture? If so, why would you be so quick to draw the conclusion that he's taller?
CelebHeights Editor said on 22/Aug/05
From Jeannette Walls, MSNBC.com Gossip columnist: "Tom Cruise, who usually greets the press with a crucifix and garlic cloves, stayed and yakked with us for about 15 minutes. His hair was greasy and if he's 5' 9" then I'm 6' 7".
CelebHeights Editor said on 21/Aug/05
From gossip newsgroup - "My sister met Tom Cruise once and told me that he's pretty little. She said no taller than 5'5" or so"
And another - "A girl from my area was in NY last year and saw Tom Cruise and she said he was around 5'5" or so. I couldn't believe it but this girl is @5'8" herself and she swore he was that much shorter than her"
Parker said on 14/Aug/05
If you look at the pictures Rob mentioned earlier of Cruise and Kidman from 1992, then if Cruise is 5'3 he must have had 9 inch lifts inside his shoe to look as tall as Kidman.
dmeyer said on 13/Aug/05
even thaugh i was sure he was alaest 175 but i know a guy who saw him in france tom was shoping in his store and he told me that tom was baerly 170 maybe less
Mr. R said on 12/Aug/05
normally I basically agree with you. But this time I have to disagree with you. I saw Tom last year at Dodger Stadium in tennis shoes, trainers for our UK friends. As I said he was shorter than the female interviewer, who was 5-8 as she walked past me afterwards. Also, he would not be nearly as short next to Nicole if he was over 5-9. Lastly, people don't believe this, but I met Jamie Foxx at Las Vegas airport, and he is barely 5-9 if that. Tom is more than an inch shorter. Also, lifts can be concealed in ANY shoe!
troy said on 11/Aug/05
no way dmayer, i've seen him three feet away from me ..i'm 5'9" even ,he wore snickers and a baseball hat, he was at least 2 inches shorter ,no jokes.
DMEYER said on 11/Aug/05
DMEYER said on 11/Aug/05
belyrng said on 1/Aug/05
Tom Cruise is 5 feet 7 inches tall. This has been published in many periodicals and supported by his comp card. I owned a model and talent agency and we were given talent books by major agencies that represent models and talent. I have books full of info- honest info alongside "marketing" info. Tom Cruise is 5'7" but marketed at 5'9". Jennifer Lopez is 5'4", but marketed at 5'6". Tea Leoni is 5'6", but marketed at 5'7", etc, etc. These are honest heights people, straight from the agencies that represent them.
dmeyer said on 24/Jul/05
i am sure i met him he is no shorter than 177 cm
SEF said on 13/Jul/05
My colleage went skiing in the Alps a couple of years back. In the ski hire place, they had framed a ski hire form and hung it on the wall - because it was Tom Cruise's, who had hired some skis from there a few years previously. On the form, you have to list your height (so you get the right skis), and his was down as 1.68m. Whether he wrote this, or the ski shop measured him, I don't know.
leonari said on 12/Jul/05
PARKER: Maybe Spielberg is standing on higher ground, OK. But what about the position of his legs man???? Get in that position and you will clearly see that you are shorter than when standing up more properly which like Cruise is. So I would say that compensates for Spielberg standing on higher ground and they appear to be of the same height. Now you give old Tom 1.5 inches(over 4 cm!!!!) where are these cm?? COME ON!! Look at the picture more closely!
Drew said on 11/Jul/05
I've watched the Mtv MAking of War of The Worlds, and he looked around 1/2-1 inch shorter than Spielberg.
McFan said on 10/Jul/05
Justin Chatwin and Tom Cruise were eye to eye in certain scenes in "War of the Worlds." However, it was very clear from other shots that Chatwin was 2-3 inches taller than him. Were they trying to give Cruise the appearance of someone taller? He looks like 5'7 or 5'8 at the very most. One thing that always confused me about Cruise was "Risky Business." He was a couple inches taller than Rebecca DeMornay even with her 3-4 inch heels and she's listed as 5'6-5'6.5. Was he wearing lifts then? He looks the same height as Spielberg who's 5'7.5.
Parker said on 10/Jul/05
J - I can answer your question on Rob's behalf - Sour Grapes. People have to find something to pick on. Also I work with about 150 guys in the UK - Of the total only 20 are 5'8 or less, so in reality I guess 5'8 could be deemed short if my experience is similar across the UK/US.
frankie said on 9/Jul/05
i've just seen the war of the worlds...besides his huge footwear notice how odd is the way he moves ..weird..sometimes he look as tall as his son (in the movie) sometimes he seems to be 3 inches shorter
Parker said on 3/Jul/05
Anyone watch Rainman in the UK last night? I taped it and watched it this morning. For the character, Dustin had to adopt a poorish posture most of the time, but there are 3 scenes where you can get a definite height measure between the two. Coming down the escalator, their dance scene together in the hotel, and walking to the Bus station at the end. I paused the tape at each scene- in each case Dustin's eyes were exactly level with Cruise's mouth, giving Cruise a clear 3 inches over Hoffmann.
I'm not going to post on Cruise again. I'm 99% sure I know his exact height now.
Mr. R said on 27/Jun/05
Viper, the day I saw Tom Cruise at Dodger Stadium, he was wearing regular tennis shoes, or "trainers" as they are known to the UK folks. Also, Viper, did you get my note about Brian Roberts of the Baltimore Orioles being 5-7?
Mr. R said on 26/Jun/05
Rob, my friend, you know how much I respect you. However, the key to the Willis/Jaime Foxx pics is not Willis, but Foxx. I have met Jaime Foxx, and he is between 5-8 and 5-9. Cruise is at least an inch shorter, maybe a little more, which makes him 5-7 to 5-8, which is your listing. Also, you have the famous picture of Cruise with the 6-1 baseball player Cabrera, and Cruise is clearly about 5-7. Lastly, you have my eyewitness account. I saw Cruise last year at Dodger stadium. I watched him interviewed by a woman from FOX sports, and she was at least an inch taller then him in heels. She walked past me after the interview, and she was about 5-8. Face it, Cruise may be between 5-7 and 5-8, but he is closer to 5-7. Rob, respond to my overwhelming evidence. The prosecution rests!
CelebHeights Editor said on 27/May/05
"I'm 5ft 9 inches tall. Don't make a big deal of it" - from a fan site, but unknown if Tom ever said that in an interview...
Mr. R said on 24/May/05
KJ, it is very clear that the media is not allowed to ask Tom about several items - Nicole, his kids, and his height. The way it works with all celebrities is that their publicists meets with the media beforehand, and let them know which topics are off limits. If they violate this, they will be
Banned from access to that celebrity. Therefore, Tom NEVER gets questions about his height. Also, you never see it from the pics, but Tom, like many others, travel with bodyguards, who are trained to stay away from the photographer's lens. This way, us mere mortals cannot raise the awful height/lifts question!
Bill said on 16/May/05
His lifts are quite clear in the film Collateral on the Bridge scene when fox throws the brief case over the side, when tom runs onto the bridge the height of his heels in his shoes are a dead giveaway.