The Crown

Avg M: 5ft 11.8in (182.4cm), F: 5ft 5.9in (167.4cm)
Height of John Lithgow
Winston Churchill
John Lithgow
6ft 4 (193 cm)
Avg Guess (46 Votes)
Pk: 6ft 4.03in, Cr: 6ft 3.04in
Height of Matthew Goode
Matthew Goode
6ft 1 ¾ (187 cm)
Avg Guess (21 Votes)
6ft 1.75in
Height of Alex Jennings
Duke of Windsor
Alex Jennings
6ft 1 ¾ (187 cm)
Avg Guess (6 Votes)
6ft 1.96in
Height of Stephen Dillane
Graham Sutherland
Stephen Dillane
6ft 0 (183 cm)
Avg Guess (12 Votes)
6ft 0.33in
Height of Jeremy Northam
Anthony Eden
Jeremy Northam
6ft 0 (183 cm)
Avg Guess (5 Votes)
6ft 0.15in
Height of Matt Smith
Matt Smith
5ft 11 ½ (182 cm)
Avg Guess (143 Votes)
5ft 11.88in
Height of Ben Miles
Peter Townsend
Ben Miles
5ft 11 (180 cm)
Avg Guess (4 Votes)
5ft 11in
Height of Jared Harris
King George VI
Jared Harris
5ft 10 ¾ (180 cm)
Avg Guess (25 Votes)
5ft 10.8in
Height of Vanessa Kirby
Princess Margaret
Vanessa Kirby
5ft 8 (173 cm)
Avg Guess (28 Votes)
5ft 7.88in
Height of Emma Corrin
Princess Diana
Emma Corrin
5ft 7 ½ (171 cm)
Avg Guess (16 Votes)
5ft 7.78in
Height of Jodi Balfour
Jacqueline Kennedy
Jodi Balfour
5ft 7 (170 cm)
Avg Guess (3 Votes)
5ft 7in
Height of Eileen Atkins
Queen Mary
Eileen Atkins
5ft 6 ½ (169 cm)
Avg Guess (2 Votes)
5ft 6.63in
Height of Erin Doherty
Princess Anne
Erin Doherty
5ft 5 ½ (166 cm)
Avg Guess (11 Votes)
5ft 5.82in
Height of Anton Lesser
Harold Macmillan
Anton Lesser
5ft 5 ½ (166 cm)
Avg Guess (15 Votes)
5ft 5.42in
Height of Gemma Whelan
Patricia Campbell
Gemma Whelan
5ft 5 ½ (166 cm)
Avg Guess (15 Votes)
5ft 5.18in
Height of Lia Williams
Wallis, Duchess of Windsor
Lia Williams
5ft 5 (165 cm)
Avg Guess (4 Votes)
5ft 4.63in
Height of Claire Foy
Claire Foy
5ft 4 (163 cm)
Avg Guess (8 Votes)
5ft 3.66in
Height of Victoria Hamilton
Queen Elizabeth
Victoria Hamilton
5ft 4 (163 cm)
Avg Guess (1 Votes)
5ft 4in

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.