How tall is Andrew Scott

Andrew Scott's Height

5ft 8 (172.7 cm)

Irish actor best known for roles in films The Stag, Dead Bodies, Nora, Spectre and Victor Frankenstein. On TV he has a memorable Moriarty in the BBC show Sherlock. In this convention photo we had pretty similar (0.6-0.7in) footwear. Andrew officially claimed to be 5 feet 9Β½ inches tall.

How tall is Andrew Scott
5ft 8 Rob and Andrew @ Sherlocked, 2015

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Add a Comment67 comments

Average Guess (64 Votes)
5ft 7.7in (171.9cm)
5'7 and a fraction said on 24/Sep/23
He's always looked like a weak 5'8 guy to me. Would have guessed him 5'7 1/2 in Sherlock. This listing is the most he looks.
Gerald S said on 21/Mar/23
Rob, could Scott please join the Bond Actors tag as C?
QM6'1.5"QM said on 18/May/22
He's crystally clear 172cm,
1/4 shorter than Rob!
Nik Ashton said on 21/Oct/21
Maybe Rob should claim 5’10”!
Editor Rob
I'll stick with 5ft 8 thank you 😎
Johno said on 14/Oct/21
@Sree, with the Tom Hardy comparisons, Hardy was taller than Scott however, Scott's footwear only seemed to be about 0.8, 0.9-inches thick whereas Hardy's footwear looked at least 1.3-inches, thus a ~0.5-inches footwear difference.

I suspect, Hardy like Rob would actually have ~0.75-inches on Scott. Hardy would be similar in height to Rob, perhaps 0.25-inches taller.
Editor Rob
If he was 5ft 7.5 then he'd be a 2 inch inflator...I feel he ain't much shorter than myself up close.
Sree Smith said on 9/Oct/21
Rob ,He can look 5ft 7.5 with Tom Hardy.
Johno said on 4/Oct/21
*solid 3/4s of an inch.
Johno said on 4/Oct/21
As it is now, Rob has about ~2/5-inch on him, than take away shoe advantage and you're looking at a solid inch of difference between Rob and Andrew, with Rob obviously being the taller guy.
Genau said on 29/Jan/21
5ft7 7/8
slim 6'1 said on 22/Jan/21
Knock off the quarter inch, you edge him out
slim 6'1 said on 2/Jan/21
Weak 5’8
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 12/Nov/20
Rob could be 3/8" taller for sure.
Slim 6'1" said on 7/Oct/20
5’7 & 7/8ths at his low
Slim 6'1" said on 27/Sep/20
U’ll edge him barefoot
Slim 6'1" said on 27/Sep/20
Like Colton Haynes, 172cm
Slim 6'1" said on 21/Sep/20
I wanna watch Sherlock one day, it looks awesome!
Slim 6'1" said on 21/Sep/20
He’s in 5’7” range
Pradip said on 28/Aug/20
Just looking 0.25 inch shorter than you rob
Nik said on 16/Jul/20
He clearly ain't as tall as Rob Paul!
JohnMoore-162cm said on 18/Mar/20
5ft8 at most , anything above 5ft8 1/4" is just impossible.
Nik said on 5/Feb/20
5'9.5" is out of the question!
Joel Masterman said on 7/Jun/19
Rob how likely is 5"7 7/8ths?
Editor Rob
There is a decent chance of around that mark, taller than 5ft 7.5 guys, but not a guy who is 5ft 8-8.5 range.
Zampo said on 19/Nov/18
5'7.5 is what he looks to me.
joshjeffords said on 1/Oct/18
He looked pretty short on Benlcok and few other things.
Dont think hes a full 5 8 bet hes closer to 5 7.
Nik said on 25/Aug/18
@ Johno - I can see where you are coming from!
QM6'1QM said on 22/Aug/18
This is awesome photo, Rob!
For sure, he's 5'7.75-5'8" for me.
Gracian said on 18/May/18
Hi Rob, I appreciate that you gave Ne-Yo downgrade to 5'7.75" and thank you for that. I think Andrew is another candidate to be on the list 172 cm. Please, Rob, look at him with Christoph Waltz: http: //
The difference of up to 3/4 inches is simply impossible, considering that Scott has an advantage of hair over Waltz. Rob, you can also look at him from Gatiss: Click Here
Between Scott and Gatiss the difference always looks very large. Andrew's hair can often deceive us and make he look taller. Rob, will you give Scott downgrade a quarter inch and upgrade for Gatiss by 1/8 of an inch?
Editor Rob
5ft 7.75 is a possible value for Scott
Anonymous said on 7/Dec/17
Legit 172 cm.
The Shredder said on 5/Dec/17
I give him 5'7.75 but not a thing les
Johno said on 2/Nov/17
It is pretty obvious that Rob could stand taller in that photo and even without the posture correction, there is nearly 0.5-inches difference there.

Scott is about 0.75-inches shorter than Rob.
Editor Rob
I don't think Andrew was much smaller than myself in person...although 172cm is rather possible for him.
Johnny said on 31/Oct/17
I don't understand why several actors claim a precise fake height - in this case 5ft 9 and half. If you want to round up your height you should say only 5ft 9! Why just 5ft 9 and half?
Rent said on 23/Aug/17
Half inch shorter than you Rob (-1cm), 5'7.75" for him.
errybodyshutup said on 9/Jul/17

World Citizen said on 1/Jun/17
Looks not shorter than you, good listing.
delancey said on 25/May/17
172/173 cm type guy. But closer to 5'8 than 5'7.75.
Revisionist said on 1/May/17
Agree with 172.4cm guy. Andrew looks pretty much exactly 172.4 here. Rob appears to be leaning slightly too.

He's closer to 5'8" than 5'7.75" so this listing is fair. It would be unfair to round him down.
Sully said on 1/May/17
Big Rob, he is clearly 1 cm shorter than you. Look at your eyelevel compared to his , and even more foolproof look at the top of your head compared to his.My guess for him is 172 cm (5'7.75").Same height as giant Jenny.
Editor Rob
Andrew is about 1.5 inches taller in person than someone like Big G, so yeah about 5ft 7.75 vs 5ft 6.25 is probably fair!
John said on 23/Mar/17
Nothing over 5'8.25 and nothing under 5'8. Listing is accurate.
Chris said on 17/Mar/17
Just saw him today in London. I'm 5'6 and he had an exactly 2 inches on me. Listing is 100% accurate.
oih said on 15/Dec/16
i think rob tends to forgive a bit of height (about 1/8th to quarter inch) towards others in some ratings...
172.4cm guy said on 5/Dec/16
I just saw Spectre over the weekend, and I immediately thought...that actor (Andrew Scott) is my height! Lo' and behold Rob has a pic with him, and he measures up just as closely as I would probably stand next to Rob. He looks like a weak 5'8" guy, probably 172cm, but 5-8 looks ok.
MD said on 24/Nov/16
Scott is definitely shorter than you in that picture. Not by a lot, but he's not a full 5'8".
MD said on 22/Nov/16

Again, what do you make of the picture of him with Russell Tovey? It's not even supposed to be a two full inches between the two, but Andrew is towered in that shot.

Click Here
Editor Rob
MD, it looks a bit like Tovey's head is closer, which might be adding an inch to his height. I would say Scott at worst was a little fraction under 5ft 8, he really didn't feel much smaller.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 5/Nov/16
Rob, why is it that most celebrities who stood with you looked a quarter inch shorter than you listed them? Either you're 5ft8.25, or you precieve people as a quarter inch taller than they actually are. I don't know, but that's just my feeling.
Editor Rob
well I am basing height off being a solid 173cm myself.

Scott isn't really far off my height from seeing him...I felt he would be a guy who measured similar to Jenny, just about 5ft 8, hence 5ft 8 is ok for him.
eee said on 3/Nov/16
rob do you have better posture than most people?
Editor Rob
I think it goes up and down, although in this photo I probably am half inch lower than my measured height.
Alex said on 21/Oct/16
1.72 minmum probs, clearly shorter than rob.
MD said on 16/Jun/16
With 5'9.75" Russell Tovey who admittedly has a footwear advantage:

Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Jun/16
Weaker 5ft8 than Rob
just a guy said on 22/Nov/15
5'7'' is spot on. 5'7.5'' max.
Chris said on 15/Nov/15
He looked a solid 3 inches shorter than Daniel Craig in Spectre when they stood next to each other, and 180cm Ralph Fienes made him look 5'6. I think this guy is no taller than 170cm, in Spectre it looks that clear.
Tr27 said on 12/Nov/15
Looks more 5'7.5" than 5'8".
Sam said on 9/Nov/15
Oh boy, Rob is suffering for celebheights! You people better appreciate it and believe his eye-witness accounts!
Editor Rob
people can believe or choose not to...that's why I try as much to find any quotes, so it offers a balanced view to any visitor. They have the choice to believe my estimate (or even any of the contributers own estimates) or go with their own or stick with actors claim !
grizz said on 7/Nov/15
Lmeister, he didn't seem the same height as Craig, not even close.
Lmeister said on 29/Oct/15
Almost the same height as Daniel Craig in Spectre. Both were big shoes. I bet in Dons Rob is easily taller than Daniel Craig.
MD said on 27/Oct/15
Rob, I think you're ever-so-slightly taller than him. Not by enough to be noticeable a first blush, but enough where if you look closely you can see it.
Axaros said on 26/Oct/15
lelman Rob looks something like 5'8.25" on his youtube videos IMHO
Editor Rob said on 26/Oct/15
I think this photo was taken just about 10-10.30am...although this day I could barely walk, I had damaged my ankle bone and every step was agony. Up close I thought he was quite close to 5ft 8.
lelman said on 25/Oct/15
Rob looks taller than him, but isn't Rob more like 5'8.25"?
120 said on 24/Oct/15
Rob, Do you think 5'7.75" is debatable?
Duhon said on 24/Oct/15
Isn't Rob 5'8.25" even in the evening?
CD said on 24/Oct/15
Rob would you be at your low here or 5ft 8.25?
Allie said on 23/Oct/15
I don't know, I think Rob can edge him out, so I'd say 5'7.75, but Rob, iirc, you said you're a tad over 5'8? I mean, if that's the case and you can hold being a tad over 5'8 for a majority of the day, then I think this photo he could be 5'8..
Sam said on 23/Oct/15
I agree I get the impression there that he's a tad shorter than you Rob.
184.3cm (Night) said on 23/Oct/15
Im seeing a weak 5'8 here, you edge him out in this pic Rob. He isnt standing the best but still.
littlesue said on 23/Oct/15
He looks slightly shorter than you so maybe 5ft 3/4?
Sean said on 16/Jul/14
I believe it. He's very well proportioned.
cole said on 4/Jun/14
He looks 5'8, maybe 5'7.75 with Benedict Cumberbatch on 'Sherlock', a good shout for a good actor.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.