English actress, best remembered for roles in Yield to the Night, I Married a Woman and Queenie's Castle. In a 1956 edition of The Sarasota Tribune, her measurements were given, including bra size 36.5 inches, waist 24, hips 35 inches and
"other vital statistics are 24 years, 124 pounds and 5 feet 5.5 inches"
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 16/Feb/21
I watched the episode of Thriller again this afternoon that I've previously harped on about called 'Nurse Will Make It Better', starring Diana Dors and Patrick Troughton as an alcoholic priest.
Diana will have been 43 at the time it was made. I saw it when it first went out on ITV when I was 13 nearly 14, in early January 1975, so it'll have been made in 1974, so Diana might even have been 42, being born at the end of October, 1931. I noticed this time of watching it how relatively line-free her face was. One could still see that she was a beautiful woman under that grey wig and witchy wort!
Diana's character was described as 'a big lady', but she was buxom rather than fat, and had a creepily friendly demeanor, while trying to attract vulnerable young followers, making them better in return for their souls. Very scary, and it was this thriller, another called 'Penda's Fen', from 1974, and a Play For Today which I saw aged 7 which impacted on my childhood the most. I was too scared to sleep on my own until I was 16!
Diana, at her 5ft5.5 or so, was considerably taller than her patient's actual doctor in this. He looked around 5ft2, and if it was his decision to call her a big woman, it'll have been highly justifiable!
One thing I must say about the old thrillers is that their implied horror can be just as effective as overdone horror. A dog is killed off in this, a golden Labrador, because he won't stop barking at Diana's Nurse Bessie. I found it a welcome change NOT to see the animal lying butchered. The film I have on in the background, 'Single White Female', shows a golden Labrador pup lying dead in the road, having wound up Bridget Fonda's unbalanced flatmate because the dog is upset when Bridget leaves for work and the flatmate is jealous, so she throws him out of the window. How positively vile.
5ft5.75 for the legendary Miss Dors. 💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Oct/19
Diana was born 88 years ago today. She went far too early - aged just 52.
RIP Dear Diana 🕯️ XXX
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Dec/18
Yes, Rob, gone but not forgotten.
I saw that 'Thriller' episode last night. It didn't scare me this time round, but it showed Diana looking quite a bit taller than many of the other female stars with whom she starred. I think they must have been rather tiny!
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Dec/18
@ Rob - Eric Sykes, Henry Cooper, Diana Dors, Reg Varney and isn't that little Arthur Lowe at the end? What a fine bunch of stars and a great picture!

Editor Rob
Yes, sadly all gone.
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Dec/18
@ Rob - Indeed she was one of the golden greats, and carried herself proudly, as well she might!
I was utterly shocked to find that Diana had no comments yet, and I am looking forward to the marvellous opportunity of seeing her in that 'Thriller' I remember so well from my childhood. There are so many stars in the series, including a young Helen Mirren to name but one. The stars that are still with us today will be at their peak heights back then, and there will be many late classic stars to size up too, Ms Dors being about as fine an example as I can think of!

Editor Rob
She held up pretty well (not exactly sure if it's a thick sandal or not) with Henry Cooper
Click Here.
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Dec/18
⭐️ The play was part of a 70's 'Thriller' series and the one I referred to was 'Nurse Will Make IT Better'.
I've just ordered the series, and it is crammed with many, many stars! 😁👍
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Dec/18
When I was about 12 or 13, I watched a terrifying tale on TV called 'Nurse Will Make You Better', later renamed 'The Devil's Web'. I remember Diana talking about driving to the studio to continue the filming of this production, when there was a bit of a car accident, in which her crucifix came clean off from round her neck! Now isn't that creepy?
She was, in fact, playing either Lucifer himself or an apostate from Hell. I was a bit too young to understand entirely, but I'll tell you this: it scared the life out of me! 😱
Of course, Diana herself was a beautiful young woman in her prime, the optimal height of whom I can't see having been below the listed 5ft5.5.
👸 (Platinum Blonde!!!) 👙

Editor Rob
Diana certainly could give a taller impression in photos, but I think this listing looked about right, I remember a film she did with George Baker in late 50's - Tread Softly Stranger - and he had a considerable height advantage over her.