Jackie Lee said on 14/Aug/22
Rob do you think she could be taller like most people claim? Almost everyone is saying that she's 5'9 or something like that and I've seen some people claiming to be 5'10 and Eugenia was the same height as them when they met.

Editor Rob
I doubt she’s that tall
Hann said on 3/Jun/22
Maybe she is 5.7 in mornings but becouse of low weight, she can lose 5 cm of height during the day...
When I was a teenager, I had problems with weight. I weighed only 37 kg. My morning height was 173 in the evening - 167 cm...
Now with weight 46 kg, my evenig height is 171 cm
ChaosControl2 said on 1/Apr/22
Jackie Lee said on 30/Mar/22
I'm 5'5.5" to be exact but I just say 5'5. I've been guessed as short as 5'2 and as tall as 5'8. Height inflation causes people to underestimate how tall height looks. Most people who claim to be 5'5 are noticeably shorter than me and many people don't believe me when I tell them my height, they think I'm at least 5'7 or 5'8. Normies have no idea how height looks like.
Yeah. I told a woman I was barely 6’3 when she commented on my height and build (we were talking about inconvenient clothing sizes) and she said I had to be at least 6’4 cause I was a good bit taller than her 6’2 husband. I then brought up my bad posture and she said that standing straight up in the morning I’d be 6’5 (I wish, I’d probably barely make that in construction boots) then guessed my friend (who’s 6’3 like me but a lot skinnier and with much better posture) as 6’6 (both me and him measured ourselves later in the day proving our claims). I’ve had people insist on 6’4-6’5 for me before
Jackie Lee said on 30/Mar/22
I'm 5'5.5" to be exact but I just say 5'5. I've been guessed as short as 5'2 and as tall as 5'8. Height inflation causes people to underestimate how tall height looks. Most people who claim to be 5'5 are noticeably shorter than me and many people don't believe me when I tell them my height, they think I'm at least 5'7 or 5'8. Normies have no idea how height looks like.
ChaosControl2 said on 24/Mar/22
Jacke how tall are you and what are the most ridiculous guesses you’ve received?
ChaosControl2 said on 24/Mar/22
Jackie Lee said on 23/Mar/22
Are you serious? That's more than a foot range people guess you at. No way a 6'3 guy can be guessed at 5'8 or 7'0. It makes more sense if it's 6'1 or 6'6.
I’m completely serious. Admittedly the 7’0 guess was by a girl who must’ve been at least a foot shorter than me and the 5’8 guess was a bit random but yeah I’ve had some crazy guesses. Most people guess me in the 6’2-6’5 range which makes more sense
Jackie Lee said on 23/Mar/22
Are you serious? That's more than a foot range people guess you at. No way a 6'3 guy can be guessed at 5'8 or 7'0. It makes more sense if it's 6'1 or 6'6.
ChaosControl2 said on 21/Mar/22
Jackie Lee said on 20/Mar/22
People online thinks she is anywhere from 5'4 to 5'11 lol. People have no clue about height
Pretty true in general, I’m just under 6’3 and have had guesses anywhere from 5’8 to 7’0
Jackie Lee said on 20/Mar/22
People online thinks she is anywhere from 5'4 to 5'11 lol. People have no clue about height
ChaosControl1 said on 22/Feb/22
“Online people always say I’m taller” she says while claiming 5’7 at a strong 5’5
Nik Ashton said on 2/May/21
@ Sandy Cowell - You are so right in that members of each gender are of unhealthy weights and for the rest of their lives these people all need the necessary amount of love, help, support, and encouragement from everyone in their lives and from professionals too. In fact everyone in society should always have love, empathy, and understanding for everyone whatever their circumstances and they should give them the best possible help too. Nobody should ever give up on helping people overcome their problems and achieve their goals however long it takes them to do this, everyone should be patient, helpful, understanding, caring, and supportive with everyone for as long as it takes for them to overcome any problem or achieve any goal. You are so right in saying that anyone who is too underweight or overweight should be monitored by professionals and everyone in their lives from now on to make sure the problems don’t reoccur in the future, you are also spot on saying that professional help should be found as soon as possible for someone who is reliant on food control whether this means the sufferer seeking help or someone in the life of the sufferer seeking the help for the sufferer. Everything I have said in this comment should apply for anyone with any problem.
This smashing girl lights up this website and I like her “ha ha” and I also like her usage of the word “like”, she has a vested interest in the subject of height too! Listen to this though, she is listed as 5’10” online!
Cheers to you too Sandy! I give my best to Eugenia too!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 29/Apr/21
@ Nik - Sometimes it's not as clean cut as striving to be what is considered a healthy BMI. Someone who has been using weight as a means of controlling his/her life would be repelled to be fattened up to a 'normal' weight. Professionals have long recognized this, and that is why they treat the victim, who is usually female, but not always, for the causes as to why starvation has been the chosen route to control life's problems.
It's a lifestyle that's often taken years to develop and 'perfect' and the aim is to help the girl or boy, woman or man to cope and learn to 'make friends with food'. If this means avoiding obviously high fat/high sugar foods at the beginning in preference for low fat/high protein foods, fruit, vegetables and low-fat milk, this can be the basis on which to form a life-saving emergency eating plan. ✴️ Over a long period of starvation, the body not only oxidizes its muscles, but its vital organs, including heart (itself a muscle) and brain. ✴️
Then when the patient grows physically and mentally stronger, the cure can be upstaged a little, and different foods introduced as and when the sufferer is ready.
In certain female cases, the girl will be horrified by what she's seen of the adult world, and starving herself will delay puberty and her periods, which she might fear. Yes, cases whereby both girls and boys have chosen to opt out of growing up for as long as possible are not unheard of.
There is always the chance that the sufferer backslides into food control when things get bad in life, and as with alcoholism, history can often repeat itself. That is why life saving and later, life enhancing professional help is so very essential.
Cheers, Nik! 😉👌 This is a frightful subject, I know, but it can't be 'caught' as such.
⭐ Always seek professional help if you feel that you or someone you know is becoming reliant on food control. ⭐
Again, I send my best to Eugenia.
Nik Ashton said on 27/Apr/21
@ Sandy Cowell - I wish Eugenia well too and I agree with everything you said, being as healthy as possible is the thing that matters more than anything and I wish her all the best. I believe in Eugenia like I do everybody. We should all (whether underweight or overweight) be given all the necessary and never-ending love, help, and encouragement on the way to trying to be of a healthy weight,
Nik Ashton said on 27/Apr/21
@ Sandy Cowell - I wish Eugenia well too and I agree with everything you said, being as healthy as possible is the thing that matters more than anything and I wish her all the best. I believe in Eugenia like I do everybody and everyone (whether we are overweight or underweight) should be given love, help, and encouragement on the way to trying to be of a healthy weight.
ajax509 said on 22/Apr/21
@Ben What is more likely, 13% for her or 5ft 9 in Airmax for Greg?
Incognito324 said on 21/Apr/21
184guy2 said on 17/Apr/21
so unhealthy
Agree, probably weighed 20 kg
184guy2 said on 17/Apr/21
so unhealthy
Eric W Tam said on 14/Apr/21
People who think she's 5'9 need some soul therapy and just accept they are turboman***
Big Ben said on 10/Apr/21
@ajax509 - If she was below 10-13% she would be dead. If a man goes below 3% he would be dead too. Women CAN'T -- I repeat -- CAN'T go below 10-13% because they would be dead. Female bodybuilders competing at the highest level tends to be slightly over that (for like a few hours) while men competing in Mr. Olympia tends to be around 4,5-6%.
ajax509 said on 9/Apr/21
@Big Ben Teacher, all women are designed like this of course...
Big Ben said on 9/Apr/21
@ajax509 - No, it's not. Essential fat for women is 10-13%.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Apr/21
This young lady is clearly underweight. I hope she has the energy to conduct her life properly and energetically, but I somehow doubt it. If she doesn't fill out a little bit, she risks all manner of health problems in the future. She's a lovely looking girl and should take care of herself. Her limbs are far too thin. Eugenia's face, however, is acceptable, and it's usually the face that shows a sudden weight loss.
I wish her well. 😁👌🌹
ajax509 said on 8/Apr/21
lol @Yharnamman 😂 this is far less than 12-13%
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 8/Apr/21
I know someone who was 5'5 and 80 lbs. Trust me she look much better than Eugenia. I'll say 70lbs at her current weight consider her bone density could be heavier at close to 5'5.5", i heard she use to look a little healthier at 100lbs back in 2014 consider the time she was only 20. I hope she will eat more and gain 30lbs back.
Sean Forrest said on 8/Apr/21
I remember Vegan Gains did a video on her around 4-5 years ago where he showed her streaming replying to a subscriber that they weighed 84lbs to which she responded they weighed around the same! She unfortunately lost even more weight since that upload. I hope she finds help
Yharnamman said on 8/Apr/21
@Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 Realistically I was gonna go with 80 lbs, she is dangerously low 12-13% body fat(same as 3-4% for a male).
So she weighs as much as one of my dumbbells I use for lunges.
Nik Ashton said on 7/Apr/21
Rob says she is taller than she thinks!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Apr/21
Eugenia is a very striking girl and could pass for 5ft6 due to her slimness.
5ft5.5 😉👍💐
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 7/Apr/21
scary.. She weigh in like 62lbs..