Canson said on 23/Feb/23
6’3.5 is fair
IceCold1 said on 11/Oct/22
I changed my mind. He looks closer to 6'4
IceCold said on 13/Apr/22
Closer to 6'3
Zero said on 2/Mar/22
I’ll buy 6’3.5
Arif said on 14/Jun/21
Dont think he is 6'3 and abit if wiz khalifa is 6'2 and abit. Wiz needs an upgrade
Duhon said on 10/Mar/21
Would "G Eazy" be Celebheight's G's rap moniker?

Editor Rob
yeah, a more laid back moniker like Eazy...and he does look close to his claim too, so he's no fake G
Axel20 said on 17/Dec/20
Click Here
MGK with G Eazy.
I have no idea about who is taller but G Eazy appears taller in this picture.
What do you think Rob?

Editor Rob
I would say it is tricky because G Eazy I feel is at a camera advantage there, so gaining a bit of height.
Slim 6'1" said on 11/Nov/20
192 like snoop dogg
recapa said on 11/Nov/20
191cm at low.193cm out of bed.slightly overlisted.
Slim 6'1" said on 7/Aug/20
192 fo sure
Slim 6'1" said on 3/Aug/20
Average guess looks good enough
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 25/May/20
Rob, just curious that will you rule out 6'3 7/8 for Snoop Dog and G-Eazy?

Editor Rob
They could measure it
185vietnamese said on 19/Mar/20
I doubt this guy only about 160 lbs. At 180 lbs he should look fitter than this.
Canson said on 11/Feb/20
6’4.75” Kobe Bryant (Rest in Peace) had more than just 1” in the picture. I could see 6’3.25”
Canson said on 11/Feb/20
6’4 with shoes 6’3 range barefoot
Canson said on 11/Feb/20
6’4 with shoes 6’3 barefoot
185vietnamese said on 12/Dec/19
@Drew Jackson
He’s standing far away, if they’re standing even. He could edge Gordon by at least 2 inches.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 6/Nov/19
Rob, what was the chance of 6'4 for G Eazy?

Editor Rob
He's pulled off looking it before.
Unbewohnt6666 said on 28/Jul/19
Rob, how much could g eazy weight?

Editor Rob
180 range is possible
K.A 188 said on 14/Apr/19
@185 :that picture is so f***Ing weird lol honestly i won't rely on that picture for any assumption the camera angles,the posture and plus snoopdogg looking like he doesn't want to be there
viper said on 25/Mar/19
John said on 3/Feb/16
Finally G Eazy gets a page. Anyways, he does give off a 6' 6"- 6' 7" impression because of his slim and lanky build, Pretty silmilar to MGK.
You must be thinking of someone else. A 6-3 3/4 guy could never look that tall unless they are in lifts
Canson said on 7/Dec/18
@Christian: to answer your question about friends with wives or girlfriends taller I do have one. He’s probably half inch shorter than his gf. Both around 5’9.5 and 5’9”
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Nov/18
I was once asked by a little boy if I was 7 feet tall, but I wouldn't count that because that boy probably has no knowledge about height so he doesn't know better. He didn't seem to be older than 9 or 10.
Canson said on 9/Nov/18
@Jdubbz: I’ve been guessed at 6’7” before due to my proportions but this has happened maybe a couple times. 6’6” I’ve gotten regularly like Bobby says. The most common though looking back is 6’5. If I’m in flatter shoes 6’4”
Jdubbz said on 4/Nov/18
I disagree. I'm the same height as you and Canson (193.8 at low) and I very rarely get guessed that high. Normally I'm guessed at 6'5, but I get 6'4 quite often as well. Most people in my area seem to be quite honest.
Canson said on 3/Oct/18
@Christian: if I claim 6’4 1/2 I usually don’t get doubted but sometimes (rarely) I do. 6’4 is hit or miss. Sometimes it’s acceptwd other times I’m told I’m taller but usually when I’m in boots or Jordan’s
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 10/Sep/18
But have you been guessed taller though? (before you claim your height) I've been guessed 6'7" plenty of times but people don't usually doubt me after I claim to be 6'5.5". I have a friend that's around 182 as well, but a weaker 182 than you since he's 5'11.5" but he says he often get guessed at 6'1".
Canson said on 10/Sep/18
@Bobby3342: even at 6’5.75 or 6’5.5 in sneaks I’ve gotten told I was 6’6”. It’s fvckin ridiculous and sad. I don’t buy in but it seems worse where you are. I don’t see it quite as often in Northern VA and I always claim 6’4 or 6’4 and change only when I get someone close in height or have a footwear advantage
MAD SAM said on 6/Aug/18
IDK guys I'm like 182 cm and no one doubts me when I say 6 foot so it works, I would rather feel odd of telling my height as "five eleven and three-fourth"
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Jul/18
I've personally never seen a 6'6" guy that claimed 6'5". But I've seen plenty claim 6'7". I've seen a small few 6'5.5" guys that claimed 6'5" but I wouldn't really call that "downplaying" since it's only a half inch round down.
Myself said on 21/Jul/18
Hahah, i feel bad for the 6 ft guy!
Although being in the centre of attention all the time is not so bad, i think i would also feel more confortable being in a group like that, or with people of more similar height, at least sometimes, to not be the only one on which all the eyes are always pointed at!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Jul/18
Do you have any friends whose wife or girlfriend's around the same height or taller than them?
Canson said on 21/Jul/18
@Christian: I’ve seen a couple 6’6” guys claim 6’5. One may have been 6’5.75 but he edged me by 1.5. Coincidentally he told my friend that he is really 6’6” but he feels it’s too scary. Another one that does this is a guy who I saw once that I stood next to and he was slouching on purpose. He said I say 6’5 but I’m really 6’6”. Then he said 6’5.5. Once he stood straight, 6’6” is more believeable. He’s at least 6’5.75
Canson said on 21/Jul/18
@Myself: I don’t either but have had times when someone has had one on them and we’ve used it. A buddy of mine is a handyman
Canson said on 20/Jul/18
@Myself: I have met most of them playing ball. My five closest friends (hang out almost every weekend with our wives/girlfriends) as well. Had to throw that last tidbit in there because only two of us are actually married (me and one other). But the shortest of all of us is 6’0”, then a solid 6’3 (he is the eldest of the group and 20+ years older than me), then me at 6’4.25, then a friend The same height as Christian 6’5.25, then a 6’6 friend (198-198.5 cm), then a 6’7 (200.7 cm). The other one that
lies about his height doesn’t come around often. Funny part is that our wives/girlfriends are relatively tall. My wife is 5’8 (5’7.75), the 6’5’s wife is 5’9, the 6’6’s girlfriend is 5’11”, then the 6’7” friend’s ex-wife was 5’10-5’11 (his son is my godson and he will be huge). The 6’0” guy’s fiancée is 5’8” as well. His current girlfriend is also about 5’8”. You wanna talk about being around all tall people? The 6’5 friend and his wife recently got married. The 6’5 friend has tall parents of course (a 6’2” father and a 5’10” mother) and a 6’8” uncle and 6’6 uncle on his mom’s side and dad’s side respectively
Myself said on 20/Jul/18
Hmmm...well walking with a tape measure in the pocket i don't think would be the best idea either...if i would do it i think i would get laughed at extremely, hell i would even laugh at myself (!!!)!
I thought in USA 90% of people would inflate at least half an inch and more, but you are saying that it is not true? Because what i was saying is that if it would have been the case then i would inflate myself too, there's no point in wasting time on this during daily life imo, unless they become quite close friends.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 19/Jul/18
Yeah, even tall guys very rarely actually downplay their height, let alone on purpose. The only guy I've ever met who intentionally downplays his height is a 6'8.75" guy who claims 6'8" because he feels a bit self conscious at times. I've seen a tiny few who claim lower probably because they either mismeasured or measured while still growing and aren't aware that they grew. I have a German friend who I met in college who's 195cm but claims 6'4" but it's most likely that either he grew since measuring 193 or he doesn't know how to properly convert from cm to inches, since 195cm is about 6.4ft which he might've mistaken for 6'4".
Canson said on 18/Jul/18
@Myself: my 6’7 friend played two years of college (and two years) of high school ball with me. He’s a legit 6’7 at his low and was listed 6’9” in high school at one point and 6’8 in college (they actually did say 6’9 before). I had another 6’5-6’6 ex teammate who was our roommate and he visits once in a while. He claims 6’7” even today (for no reason) as he does not play ball anymore other Than Rec. He was listed 6’7” on the roster. He gained maybe early freshman year to 6’5.5-.75. And he inflated all of us. It’s actually quite comical with the 6’7 friend and our 6’6 friend that we met playing Men’s league ball tell the guy that he’s not even 6’6” every time he calls himself 6’7” and to stop inflating us. I call him out too and tell him that shoes aren’t part of his body. To be fair I do get guessed (no argument) on my normal height often. But then you get those liars where I’ve been in casual and still guessed 6’5-6’6.
Canson said on 18/Jul/18
@Myself: I disagree that I “should” have to upgrade my height just to accommodate someone else. That’s something that I would never do. I would gladly pull a tape measure out if need be and have done that before lol. To be honest, morning and evening isn’t the issue. It’s shoes. People claim their shoes and won’t admit it until they know that they are caught red handed with no way out then they make a joke about it or will try to convince everyone why that’s how you’re supposed to measure
Myself said on 16/Jul/18
Well, i think the main issue is actually the fact that most peoples inflations come from those who probably made an early morning measurement rounded up and sometimes even in shoes, telling others their "real height" (inflating), so the only way for them to believe that i'm below 6'4 and you are just over that, is to explain them how it works...But since people are so stubborn and they always think they know better than you and that you are a random height conspiracy theorist, it's better to just upgrade your official height claim yourself (like i wouldn't get too many questions if claiming 6'4 i think, aswell as you by claiming 6'5, or "almost 6'5"), or just say that in this moment you have thick shoes + insoles and you are not that tall, in an extreme case...
And...Where do you meet so many tall guys? Or it's something that has happened over a number of years, and/or you hang out only with people over 6'2? (hahah) Because it's surprising if i see anyone taller or same height as me in like 5 months, seeing probably even more than 1000 men...
Canson said on 15/Jul/18
@Myself: not to sound like I’m discriminating but women are the worst. I’ve seen several women say that someone is a certain height and then try to inflate someone else. I went to a bar once and a trainer that I ran into eyeballed me standing up and said you look “about 6’6” and that her brother is 6’4” I told her no I’m 6’4”. Likely her brother doesn’t have proportions or is lying about his height. It’s also that she was commenting on my physique as well and that she was trying to uptalk someone’s height which a lot of women do for some reason. They think it’s less insulting to inflate someone (some guys do as well) than to tell someone they aren’t as tall as they claim to be which is complete bull. They aren’t addressing the liar instead They are pissing on the honest person telling them they’re incompetent, lying, or downplaying the latter of which is a sign of being ashamed of ones height when they downplay it which is something that most tall guys aren’t. They aren’t ashamed they’re honest
Canson said on 15/Jul/18
@Myself: I rarely mention anything about shrinkage throughout the day outside of this site unless someone is already aware or brings it up themselves. I just say I’m “about” “a little over” or 6’4” sometimes “6’4 and a half still” and leave it at that since I’m 6’4.25 (193.7-.8 at a low). I have had that happen too where a couple guys have claimed 6’1 and tried to tell me I was 6’5-6’6. One of them admitted it was in “Church shoes” the other was a random drunk who was with another friend of his who also lied about his height “saying he’s almost 6’4” when my 6’3” friend edged him out clearly and I immediately called him on it. A friend of a friend actually does that. We measured him 6’3.25 and he swears he’s 6’4 or 6’3.75 and inflates everyone. I told him that he and my 6’3 flat friend are the same height and he told him that he’s been saying that for years and that he’s always lied about his height. People go all out until you use the words “I have a tape measure”. Even then, all types of excuses come out such as “well with shoes on” or “you may not have measured properly”. I don’t entertain any of it. And with the shoe thing i always say Shoes aren’t part of your body. That shuts them down quick. And with the taller in the morning, if I were you, I wouldn’t even bring that up as it will he just another excuse for people to use. Fact is the morning/evening is debatable but it also has to do with what you are at the current time you measure. So if someone in the afternoon measured 6’4” out of bed but is 6’3.25 then they aren’t 6’4” at that moment. And the likelihood of someone measuring out of bed is about as close to zero as you get. Very few people outside Celebheights do that.
Myself said on 13/Jul/18
It's funny that the shortest was the most accurate, while a 178 cm friend keeps believing i'm downgrading myself and i'm at least 193 cm.
This latter friend and another 177/179 cm one, both refused to believe that we shrink 2 cm during the day and it took them like more than 4 months to begin believing in what i told them...They kept laughing when i told them that i'm 2 cm taller out of bed, lmao, and recently one of these friends joked to 2 of his friends that are graduating as doctors about the fact that we shrink 2 cm during the day and they actually confirmed him that it's actually true! hahah
Myself said on 13/Jul/18
I got guessed 2 meters once by a middle aged woman and by a 181 friend and i'm 192.3, 192 when my spine kinda hurts and i'm tired or 191.7/8 when my herniated discs considerably hurt and i'm exhausted. (and i got these 2, not too well thought guesses, while i was wearing 1.5 cm footwear)
My 184-186 cm friend (i can't tell how tall he is) refused to believe my 192 cm claim and said he thinks i'm 198 because one of his friends claims that height and is similar to me...
Another friend, 173-175 cm, guessed me at 196 cm...
Canson said on 12/Jul/18
@Christian: it probably depends on your build and proportions too along with shoe selection. But ive also noticed very heavy guys don’t hold their height well so if that’s what youre up against it makes a huge difference because you may have someone who doesn’t stand completely straight and may lose a lot of height claiming 6’5 and could look 6’3. Whereas you are actually 6’5” barefoot and are thin from what you described yourself. So they will call you 6’7” to keep from downgrading someone else which is even more insulting to tell someone they don’t know how tall they are in that direction. That’s even worse imho. I don’t wear a shoe that adds a lot some days and can get guessed 6’4 and sometimes still 6’5 when I’m actually 6’4” and don’t even reach 6’5 in a pair of flats. Other days jordans or Timbs I’ll get 6’6”. It’s strange tho because at 6’5.25 at a low, if I saw you I would guess you at 6’5 and even if I were a shoe measurer or claimer I would say 6’6” for you. I can relate. It’s frustrating because it’s insulting to tell you that you’re taller than you actually are (calling you incompetent or a liar) along with the fact that you are (just like me) about as tall as you want to be. Others feel that taller is better no matter what.
Someone actually told you that you don’t measure your height correctly? Wtf? Maybe it’s not correct to them because you are honest. I’d love to see a reaction if you pulled a tape measure out somewhere and they measured you then the reactions on their faces. Some may try to use “Well with shoes on you’re this” while others may be too embarrassed to do that because they know deep down that they’re doing that. Lol I even had two people tell me that they “feel that they’re entitled to measure in shoes because they claim it”. The other pulled out his license when I was sitting at a bar and had 6’3” I looked at him and said no way. He said “I measured in shoes because my dad always told me that that’s how I’m supposed to do it that way since I’m always in them”. The second was at least an honest guy who didn’t inflate me (the first was on his way to since he knew he was busted but then stopped). But the second made the laziest excuse I’ve heard (even if his father taught him that) because height is measured barefoot usually. Not in shoes. It’s a bailout excuse for people who are insecure with their height if you ask me.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Jul/18
I'm already almost used to being described or guessed at 6'7" at this point, lol. Even if I claim my height first (instead of people guessing first), some people will tell me that I don't measure my height correctly or that I look taller than my 6'5.5" claim. A lot of people have no clue of how tall a 6'5 3/8" guy looks like.
Canson said on 11/Jul/18
Wish there were a better pic with Kobe. Ground level, posture, shoes etc. he doesn’t look 6’4 with him or 6’3.75. I have to agree with Bobby3342, that if this were all I had to go off of with a 6’4.75 guy, he wouldn’t be anything over maybe 6’3 at most maybe 6’2.75
Click Here
Myself said on 11/Jul/18
Looks like all 6'3.75 on this site are guessed by you, Christian and some other guys always at least half an inch shorter....Well it makes me think that if you are right maybe i would have been listed at a legit 6'4 on this site :D
Too bad i'm not! :( I haven't grown in the last 4-5 months after my latest 3 mm spurt and i'm 21 now.
I hope to get again some of those little spurts each 4 months for the next year to reach 193 cm low, heheh, but i think it's over...
Canson said on 9/Jul/18
@Bobby: I still don’t see how they’re giving you 6’7 though when you measure like I do at a low 6’4.25ish. Even frauders typically will give me 6’5/6’6 or 6’6. The latter is when I’m in Timbs or Jordan’s which still don’t get me all of the way to 6’6”. I’ve only gotten 6’7” from a few people considering being 36 years old. They usually cannot assess height themselves is the real issue. I’m a small whisker over 6’5 out of bed barefoot and if I hit the extreme low 6’4” flat or a mm over. To be fair, a friend of ours guessed me 6’3 once as well because I was likely at the extreme low (at a bar late night) and he had a significant footwear advantage and was very very honest. He was perhaps even a hair over 6’0” to be honest and called himself 6’0”. Other times I’ve seen him out I can tell it’s aboit a 4” difference with us if we’re in similar footwear. He may dip to 6’0” flat but nothing below it and he’s honest
Canson said on 8/Jul/18
@Bobby: aren’t you like 6’4 7/8 out of bed? I thought you mentioned that once. Is 6’4 1/4 your normal low or an extreme low?
Canson said on 8/Jul/18
@Bobby: well said! I’ve never measured 6’7” even in boots! I’ve gotten around 6’6.75 in steel toed boots out of bed almost. I’m actually not as tall as I thought when I first started on the site because my hair is shorter. I used to think I was 6’4 3/8-6’4.5 at a low but I’m actually just 6’4.25-.3 and if I’m at an extreme low I’m only 6’4. But everything else you said is true! Kevin Durant May have grown but max he’s 6’9.25-.5 (6’10 out of bed).
Canson said on 8/Jul/18
@Bobby: well said! I’ve never measured 6’7” even in boots! I’ve gotten around 6’6.75 in steel toed boots out of bed almost. I’m actually not as tall as I thought when I first started on the site because my hair is shorter. I used to think I was 6’4 3/8-6’4.5 at a low but I’m actually just 6’4.25-.3 and if I’m at an extreme low I’m only 6’4. But everything else you said is true!
Canson said on 27/Jun/18
@Christian: lol one day I called a guy who was prob 6’3.5 out about saying he was 6’5” then that he was 6’5 in shoes. He even said “Well you can’t prove that you’re only 6’5” in shoes”. Funny thing is my “legit” 6’5 (6’5.25) buddy had a tape measure with him. Ahhh the reaction on his face. He tried to tell me that I was close to 6’6” when I was in a casual shoe and still had him by half inch. This was about 2 years back
Canson said on 25/Jun/18
@Bobby: I’ve only been guessed 6’7” by people who can’t tell height. 6’6” I’ve gotten from people who lie before but not 6’7” I’m under 6’6” with shoes
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Jun/18
I have a 6'3" coworker who claims 6'5" and despite me calling him out on his lie, he still claims it anyway. Also I have a 5'11.5" friend that tells everyone he's 6'1", but atleast he was always aware that he's 5'11.5" but claims 6'1" because he "wants people to see him as taller". You couldn't have said it better about the "lie has become the truth". When it comes to height, the lies have become truths so much, that honest guys like us often get told we're downplaying our heights.
MAD SAM said on 4/Jun/18
Gonna give him 193 cm straight up he’s a pretty tall guy
Anonymous777 said on 2/Apr/18
Barely taller than Logan Paul, who's listed 186-187cm. What do you think Rob?
Click Here

Editor Rob
He does seem a couple of inches smaller than G Eazy
Wolfy said on 30/Jan/18
Rob who would you say is taller, G Eazy or Machine Gun Kelly?

Editor Rob
Both guys seem comfortably over 6ft 3, I think you could probably make a case for them being too close to call.
Christina Moulton said on 25/Jan/18
I am absolutely in love with G-Easy think he is brilliantly beautiful and such an amazing voice I would give anything in this world to meet him and maybe get a picture and hang out with him

Editor Rob
He appreciates your height vote too!
Tall Sam said on 22/Jan/18
Honest looked a 6'4" guy with the cast of SNL. His music did nothing for me, but the woman he was singing with sure was stunning.
Canson said on 18/Jan/18
@Tarinator 6’1.75: unless there is scientific proof or unless someone has met him in person with whom we can verify their height and compare in a picture that isn’t favored, there is no such thing as a fact. It’s not a fact he’s that height. He could’ve measured 6’3.75-6’4 morning or in shoes we don’t know. If I had a nickel for every time a 6’2.5-6’3 guy said he’s 6’4” or a 6’3.5 guy claimed 6’5 and so on (usually lower heights tho) then I’d be rich
Next to a confirmed 6’4.75 Kobe Bryant he doesn’t look only an inch shorter
Tarinator 6'1.75 said on 17/Jan/18
@Christian-6’5 3/8”
It is not really an opinion that his height is 6’3.75”-6’4” range. That is what his height actually is. He maybe even measured himself or got measured at 6’4”. I am on the other hand some 2 inches shorter than him (6’1.75”-6’2”) and would be the height you said he is. Maybe in some 60 years he will be 6’2”.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 13/Jan/18
Rock is more like 188cm but we can agree to disagree.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 9/Jan/18
Yeah, 6'3.75" can be ruled out for Eazy.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jan/18
Rock is 189cm
LeBlanc said on 7/Jan/18
@Christian IMHO, G Eazy looks 190cm comparing him with The Rock and Kobe Bryant.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 5/Jan/18
He doesn't look 6'3.75" at all next to 6'2" Dwayne Johnson and 6'4.75" Kobe Bryant
Click Here Click Here
Anonymous said on 4/Jan/18
Definitely 192-193 range
Juicy J said on 22/Dec/17
He's 6'5 with shoes...
Randolph said on 19/Dec/17
He looks 6’4 imho.
LeBlanc said on 16/Dec/17
Rob, how tall do you think G-eazy and the rock is next to each other?
Click Here
PD 213 said on 15/Dec/17
this a good listing, but ive seen pics of him shorter than mgk, who u have him listed shorter than g-eazy
Jason said on 13/Nov/17
192cm at his lowest
LeBlanc said on 27/Oct/17
190cm guy. His 6'4" claim is in shoes for sure.
Realist said on 19/Aug/17
I never knew he was this tall
SC said on 4/Jul/17
This one is hard he looks to be about 6'4 but a pic with Kobe he looks 2 inches shorter
World Citizen said on 29/May/17
He looks like a former classmate of me, but he is almost a head shorter.
travis said on 26/Apr/17
i thought he was 6'5 in videos
Don't know what to claim(5'11") said on 9/Apr/17
His face has the look of a 6-3 to 6-4 guy.
toma said on 8/Apr/17
looked about 6 5
Boomga said on 28/Mar/17
I never knew he was so tall , thought he maxed 5'10 when i saw His "I mean It" video
Wrs567 said on 22/Mar/17
Rob, is G Eazy really nearly 6'4''?
Or is Chris Brown actually more taller than we think? Something is a bit off
Click Here

Editor Rob
there looks at least 3 inches...but whether there is more is harder to tell.
189Night said on 5/Feb/17
This guy is not below this mark, he has horrible posture and wears thin shoes when not performing
Johnson said on 20/Jan/17
IMO, 6'2.75"(190cm) seems spot on for this guy when he stands next to Kobe Bryant who's 6'4.75"(195 cm)
S.J.H said on 15/Jan/17
I can't see Machine Gun Kelly shorter than G Eazy. Probably both were close to 6'4 like snoop dogg
Elite said on 13/Jan/17
@G-Eazy, he even admits in an interview that he's 6'4"
Elite said on 13/Jan/17
@G-Eazy, Kobe is at most 6'5" listed on this website. Stop being a G-Eazy fanboy and admit that he's so much shorter than 6'5". G Eazy irl is only 6'3.25".
G-Eazy said on 11/Jan/17
Kobe is 6'6...
Snow said on 17/Oct/16
I disagree with this listing. I would say he's between 188 -
limmy lixton said on 19/Dec/16
He's probably not 6'5 because next to Jimmy fallon he didn't look that much taller and he's 6' and next to rapper j. Cole who's 6'3 he looked slightly taller but not two inches
ly said on 25/Oct/16
Rob i have to ask what made you think he is less than 6ft4.I remember you saying that he seemed quite believable or quite close to 6ft4

Editor Rob
I think all I've seen that the john wayne type listing is a good fit.
Steve said on 23/Oct/16
He's really skinny so I thought he was actually 6'5
Brandon said on 18/Oct/16
Type "Michael Phelps and G Eazy" on google and u will see phelps only 0.75 inch(2cm) shorter than eazy. I would go with 6'3.25"(Eazy) and phelps 6'2.5"
Snow said on 17/Oct/16
I disagree with this listing. I would say he's between 188 - 190. Here's him with 6.45 Kobe
Click Here
Height revealer said on 8/Sep/16
What range of height would come up around his chin?

Editor Rob
5ft 6-7 ranger, anywhere amongst that height.
Borats Chicken said on 4/Sep/16
Rob, is it possible he could 6'3.75? kinda looks it next to jimmy fallon

Editor Rob
spotting 1/4 inches or weak 6ft 4 needs a bit more examination, I haven't seen enough to say for sure he would go to 192 range.
lazare said on 29/Jun/16
Could you add Chief Keef ?
Google says 6', a mugshot list him at 5'7 (he was 17) and he take a picture with 5'9 Jamie Foxx on Instagram they have a similar height
jajamen said on 6/May/16
Rob,he looks quite skinny, what would his weight be?

Editor Rob
180 range maybe
MD said on 29/Mar/16
When you say "in the game" does Snoop Dogg no longer count? Even then you have Waka Flocka, and this height could still be revised downward in which case you have 6'3.5" Machina Gun Kelly and Wiz Khalifa just below him. He's tall, but he's not unusually tall for even many his rap contemporaries.
SC said on 25/Mar/16
So that makes him the tallest rapper in the game?
MD said on 19/Feb/16
@Dee, it may be his clothing and long legs. He has some of the thinnest legs I've seen on a guy that tall and he accentuates that with really slim-fitting jeans.
Dee said on 17/Feb/16
Wow. I've always thought G-Eazy was taller than 6'4 for some reason. He looks closer to 6'5-6'5.5 range to me.
John said on 13/Feb/16
Most likely 5'7.5"-5'8", considering she has about 3.5"-4" more footwear advantage over Eazy, which makes her look 5'11"-5'11.5" standing next to him, and I'd imagine the top of her head coming up to his eyelevel if he would've stood straight.
Beavis said on 10/Feb/16
Rob don't usually list rappers on here. Why this guy? Never heard of him until now.

Editor Rob
there's a growing number of rappers, but this guy came out with a height which is believable, or at least very close to what he looks.
Vick said on 5/Feb/16
How tall do you think his girlfriend(Devon Baldwin) is?
Click Here
John said on 3/Feb/16
Finally G Eazy gets a page. Anyways, he does give off a 6' 6"- 6' 7" impression because of his slim and lanky build, Pretty silmilar to MGK.
Aaron zamora said on 3/Feb/16
I guessed his height right on the money! I honestly believed his 6'5 listings though but that might be because at times he wears bigger heeled boots. He's a good upcoming artist. He deserved to be on this page.
Michael H said on 2/Feb/16
Thanks for putting this one on rob. I always new he was in the 6'4-6'5 range.