Sandy Cowell said on 7/Apr/23
Reasons to be cheerful about being short:-
You don’t have to pay VAT on clothes and shoes because you fit into kids’ clothes. How good is that?
Ian gets 5ft3. 🐥
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Feb/23
Listen to ‘Clever Trevor’ and see how Ian turns double negatives into an art form! Brilliant!
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Nov/22
I highly recommend Ian’s concert ‘Ian Dury & The Blockheads 78’, a concert he and the band gave in Germany. Ian speaks in broken German and his language is nothing short of HILARIOUS.
You can find it on YouTube.
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Oct/22
He widdles when he piddles, and you can never read his books! 🤣
(As expressed in a quotation from a song with an offensive title, or should I say, more offensive than usual!)
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Oct/22
Good idea, Jade Pixie!
I’ve just been listening to some of his hilarious songs…..
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Jul/22
⭐️ Ian’s voice belies the fact that he’s only five foot three. Had he not had polio, he’d probably have reached around 5ft10, and yes, it most certainly did effect Ian’s growth, Christian…..
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Jul/22
Sorry, but I can’t resist this…..
What did you learn in school today?
👦👦👦 “Jack 💩!”
The minute the teacher turns away…..
“That’s it!” (👦👦👦)
How many times were you truly intrigued?
“Not any!” (👦👦👦)
Is boredom a symptom of mental fatigue?
👦👦👦 “Not many!”
And when have you ever been top of the class?
👦👦👦 “Not once!”
And what will you be when you’re out on your @rse?
👦👦👦 “A dunce!”
What are your prospects of doing quite well?
👦👦👦 “Too small!”
And what will you have at the very last bell?
👦👦👦 “F*** all!”
With encouragement like this from our English teacher at 17/18, was it surprising that I enjoyed school? 😂😂😂
This guy’s poetry is immaculate, and so very, very funny!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jul/22
The particularly funny song is called Mr Love Pants and has a picture of a boxer dog wearing boxer shorts on the cover.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jul/22
I’ve just heard Ian’s ‘Common As Muck’ and sent it to my sister-in-law, wishing her a happy weekend. It was followed by a song which was awash with rude words, and very funny! 😂👏
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jul/22
When I was 17/18, our English teacher was very fond of Mr Dury, finding his music cheeky and likeable.
One of his songs goes “We’re as common as muck….”
Five three.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Oct/21
Health service glasses were one of Ian's Reasons To Be Cheerful! 😎
Now I will add one of my own...
When my cats are hogging my pillow, at least I can move my 5ft body down the bed and still be comfortable! 😆👌
Ian gets 5ft3.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Jan/21
Another reason to be cheerful could be the teeny weeny masks that are put on kids' toys. The big 6ft bunny bought for Coronation Street's David by Shona as a Christmas present was rather jolly, and I noticed over Christmas that a guy was driving his car with his car's dangly toy wearing an authentic looking mini mask - very funny!
Ian gets a cheeky 5ft3! 😄👌
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Nov/20
It's at hard times such as these that I think back to Ian's comical 1979 record, 'Reasons To Be Cheerful' and try to add a few of my own. Celebheights would figure high on my own personal list.
My brother's and my own personal favourite was 'health service glasses'. I'd just recently admitted that I couldn't see the blackboard, so it was time to get specs. We both had a tinted pair and a backup pair of health service ones. Mine had frames made of pink transparent glass and looked bloody hideous so, even though they fitted better than my 'posh pair', I wouldn't have been seen dead in them. After a year I'd had enough and swapped over to contact lenses!
Ian gets 5ft3. 🕯️
Littlelee5ft6 said on 3/Feb/20
I'm surprised by the average guess of 5ft 4 when all commenters are guessing hes 5ft 3
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Oct/19
⭐ In case you're interested, Ian had a hit with a song called 'Reasons To Be Cheerful' back in '79! It was very funny!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Oct/19
That was definitely not a reason to be cheerful!!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Oct/19
I missed Ian's housewarming party! 😤 That would have been back in 1982.
TheBat said on 9/Oct/19
Definitely 5'3". Extremely talented singer as well!
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 8/Oct/19
Could polio have affected his growth during his childhood?

Editor Rob
Yeah it may have done