Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Mar/22
Rob, is weak or strong 6ft3 more arguable?
I've seen 6ft3½ listed for him as well in places

Editor Rob
Can look a decent 6ft 3 range
berta said on 14/Aug/21
sandy cowell he really isnt 7,6 procent bodyfat. He is around 10 procent in reality. but still very lean.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jul/21
His 7.6% body fat is very lean.
Isaiah must be a very virtuous fellow indeed, a piller of self-control, and he's honest to boot with his 6ft3. 🏆
berta said on 11/Mar/21
he lies about his bodyfat. he is in very good shape but have never ever been under 10 procnet bodyfat. probalbt around 11-12. and a guy like terry crews claims 4 procent bodyfat and is about 8-9 procnet in reality. if yout 4 procent bodyfat you will feel sick and will almost die. Bodybuidlers on stage is about 4 procent.
FriedChicken said on 15/Nov/20
Can't see lower than 6'2.75
This listing is good
Tall Sam said on 5/Nov/20
@Canson, I wouldn't be surprised if Mustafa could still pass as a full 6'3" guy but maybe a somewhat weak one.
Canson said on 4/Nov/20
@Tall Sam: I would’ve guessed 6’3 flat just in appearance
Peter175 said on 22/Jan/20
The height is believable, the weight maybe, but no way is he 7 percent bodyfat
TheBat said on 30/Nov/19
6'3" is what I thought. Looks like that range consistently
Tall Sam said on 26/Aug/19
I'd say next to 6'1" Bill Hader, 6'2.5"-6'2.75" looks like a better fit for Isaiah rather than a big 6'3".
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MAD SAM said on 13/Aug/18
191 cm at 6’3.25”
jonas henriks said on 14/Apr/18
he 220 7% lmao, he so small compared to 205 50 cent. He is taller but dont look bigger then weak 6"3 210 and 13%. He is a decent size but what he claimed looks super impressive.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Nov/17
Rob, could you add Fabio Lanzoni?
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He's been given 6ft3 aswell...I think he may have been that peak but perhaps a fraction below it today?
Dingus said on 12/Nov/17
Surprised he's taller than Terry Crew.
grizz said on 18/Oct/16
I just love how celebs use low bf for their bragging rights even though they are nowhere near that mark. 7% bf is right in the 6-pack or even 8-pack territory while this guy barely has a visible 4-pack. He's in the 11-13% range realistically.
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Oct/16
Who is this handsome young scamp? I've never seen him act in anything as yet, though I will be looking out for him!
6ft3, 15 stone 10 and 7.6% body fat is no mean boast at all!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Oct/16
The Old Spice guy!