tony t. said on 9/Jan/12
I'm also pretty positive the top of alex riley's head would be right on the 6'2.5 mark if he were to be measured using a stadiometer. Also i wouldn't buy anything under 5'6 for evan bourne.
tony t. said on 9/Jan/12
Rikashiku don't make me laugh. Some our differences are by .25. Can you really tell .25 by watching tv or a youtube vid? I certainly can't. lol you actually think yoshi tatsu is as tall as the miz? C'mon you're kiling me here. Epico 6'0.5? He's barely taller if at all than 5'11 kofi. Maybe by a smidge. And as far as shad gaspard i am 100% positive the guy would be very similar in height to barrett. I'd bet my house. Again we're dealing with .25's a lot of times with these guys. It's not really a big deal.
Vegas said on 9/Jan/12
bournes not as short as 5'5
Rikashiku said on 9/Jan/12
More like this tony.t
Yoshi Tatsu - 6'0"
Epico - 6'0.5"
Del Rio - 6'2.75"- 6'3"
Edge - 6'3.25
Hunico - 5'9
Big show - 6'11.5
Cena - 6'0.5
Justin Gabriel - 5'11"
Heath slater - 6'0"
Christian - 5'11.5"
Cody Rhodes - 6'0"
Shad Gaspard - 6'5"
JTG - 5'10"
Michael Tarver 6'2.5"
Skip Sheffield - 6'1.5"- 6'1.75"
Miz - 5'11.5"
R-Truth - 5'11"
Sheamus - 6'2.75"- 6'3"
CM Punk - 5'11.5"
Dolph ziggler - 5'11"
Kofi Kingston - 5'11"
Evan Bourne - 5'5"
Wade Barrett - 6'6"
Jack swagger - 6'5"- 6'5.5"
Shad Gaspard - Again? Really tony.t?
Brodus clay- 6'5"
Alex Riley - 6'2"- 6'2.5"
John Laurainitis - 6'3.5"
tony t. said on 8/Jan/12
Yoshi Tatsu - 5'11
Epico - 5'11
Del Rio - 6'3 - 6'3.25
Edge - 6'3 - 6'3.25
Hunico - 5'8.5
Big show - 6'11.5
Cena - 6'0.5
Justin Gabriel - 5'11.25 pretty identical in size to kofi kingston
Heath slater - 6'0.5 - 6'0.75
Christian - 6'0 - 6'25
Cody Rhodes - 6'0 - 6'0.25 wears insoles in his boots
Shad Gaspard - 6'5.5
JTG - 5'9.75 - 5'10
Michael Tarver 6'2.25
Skip Sheffield - 6'1.75
Miz - 6'0
R-Truth - 5'11
Sheamus - 6'3
CM Punk - 5'11.5 5'11.75
Dolph ziggler - 5'11
Kofi Kingston - 5'11.25
Evan Bourne - 5'6.75
Wade Barrett - 6'5.75 - 6'6
Jack swagger - 6'5.5
Shad Gaspard - 6'5.5 - 6'5.75
Brodus clay- 6'5.5 - 6'5'75
Alex Riley - 6'2.5
John Laurainitis - 6'3.5
Rikashiku said on 8/Jan/12
btw, Kozlov is barely 6'3". He's shorter than strong 6'3" Connor O'Brien.
Rikashiku said on 4/Jan/12
I remember one of the Interviewers talking to Kozlov when he was just standing in the audience with his "dubble dubble E" thing going on, he was said to be 6'8".
@hr, video games are NOT credible... LMFAO!
hr said on 3/Jan/12
lol in that case i'm wrong, what can i say because as we all know Vladimir is about 6'4
Vegas said on 3/Jan/12
hr says on 2/Jan/12
but when you look them up on wwe games and websites they are less than that and never above 2.5 inches.
really?? funny wwes website says 6'8
Click Herebossman was billed 6'9 when he first entered wwe, he was billed 6'8 in crocketts promotion as bubba rogers when he started in wrestling, wight was 6'11 in wcw, he wasn't any more than 6 inches taller than john tenta and tenta was 6'6 in his thin boots
Rikashiku said on 2/Jan/12, they have done that lmfao and my accuacy is better than most.
Holy crap Bossman was billed at 6'9"?!?! when was that? I know he was as tall as 6'4" Slick.
I thought Issac Yankem was billed at 6'7"? or is that a different gimmick Kane had?
Big Show was billed at 7'4" in WCW and he was more of a weak 7'1".
Giant Silva was billed at 7'7" and he's really closer to 7'2".
Finlay is more 5'9" than 5'10", but maybe in his prime he was 5'10-5'11", im not sure but he was a big guy.
Sheamus, billed at 6'6" but is really 6'3".
hr said on 2/Jan/12
the commentators might say batista or koslov 6'7 during the show or a wrestling match, then the week after they would say 6'6 or 6'5, but when you look them up on wwe games and websites they are less than that and never above 2.5 inches.
Vegas said on 2/Jan/12
hr says on 1/Jan/12
@Rikashku plz
they never, and i mean never build up a superstar more than 2.5 inches unless they were as big as giant gonzales.
of course they do, they billed koslov at 6'8 and he was ~6'3
they billed kurt angle 6'2 and he was ~5'10
finlay was billed 6'2 by wwe and again ~5'10
mysterio is billed 5'6 and he is ~5'2
bossman was billed 6'9 when he started in wwf, and he was 6'3-6'4
tiny lister was billed 7ft when he started in wwf then dropped to 6'9 but he was ~6'5, kanes overbilled by 5 inches, remember he was billed 6'9 as isaac yankem
hr said on 1/Jan/12
@Rikashku plz
they never, and i mean never build up a superstar more than 2.5 inches unless they were as big as giant gonzales. his real height was 7'8 which was meaasured during his basketball career(and for godsake, in sports like basketball they measure people in a professional manner... bare foot and multiple times to get an accurate readings. so i don't want contradictions)
btw your accuracy attempt was off(slightly under for some wrestlers) but alot more accurate than most people.
Rikashiku said on 31/Dec/11
@Vegas, Umm I wasn't talking about that pic, I don't even remember when you posted a pic of Sheamus or Terry. I saw this pic on google by accident. Yes I have posted pics without footwear before, but I state before the links that these are "bad" pics that show no footwear. Reading can help.
Some athletes don't mention it to much and others do it to add to the illusion of Pro Wrestling.
Danimal says a LOT of things. Taker looked like he lost height in 2004 because he was pretty tall compared to other athletes in 2001 -2003. In 2003 he was listed at 6'8" and Kurt Angle at 6'0" instead of the usual 6'10" and 6'2" BS. Yes, I've seen the Taker and Jones... "storyline"... the very bad storyline. Jones looks like he has 2" on Taker in this video. I can't see what the thickness of their boots are but it might not be that much. The quality of the video isn't that good. In backstage segments Taker can look as tall or taller than Jones but again, it is backstage segments which aren't trusted.
Oh I wasn't talking about that pic, I was talking about the one you posted to show the difference between his leg size in 2000 and 2005. I had already linked several pics of Leviathan in FULL and not cut off and you decided to go with this cut up pic? That pic doesn't even show up in my google search.
@hr, we already know that. In the Golden Age to the Attitude era they added 4" to their heights. It was the Athletes AND the Company adding inches to their real height and weight.
Chris Masters said that when he debut he was announced at 275lbs but he was really 265lbs.
From Attitude to Invasion Era, they added 1- 2 inches.
john cena is 6'0. He was billed 6'3"-6'2"-6'1"
stone cold 6'1 like he says in his bio. He was billed 6'3"-6'2"
triple h 6'2. he was billed 6'5"-6'4" and probably peaked at 6'3"
undertaker 6'7 billed at 6'10"-6'11"-7'0"-6'8". Probably peaked at 6'7.5 or 6'8"
the rock 6'3. billed at 6'5"-6'4". said in a film to be 6'3"
kane 6'7.5. billed at 6'7"-6'9"-6'10"-7'0"-6'11". probably peaked at 6'8"
the big show 6'11" billed 7'4-7'0-7'1-7'2-7'0". said he was 7'1" before WM21.
khali 7'1-7'0.5". billed 7'7"-7'5"-7'4"-7'3"-7'2"-7'1"
randy orton 6'4. billed 6'3"-6'4".
benoit 5'9 at last appearance. billed at 6'1-6'0. Peaked at 6'0"
eddie 5'7.5 billed at 5'8"-5'9"-5'10". probably peaked at 5'8". taller than Chavo.
kurt angle 5'10. billed at 6'2"(lol)-6'0". peaked at 5'11"
batista 6'2.75. billed at 6'7"-6'6"-6'5"-6'4". probably peaked at 6'3" or more.
For the hell of it and thanks to conversing with Vegas, I will do others with more accurate listings.
Travis Tomko 6'3.5" 255lbs billed at 6'6" 300lbs
Giant Bernard 6'6-6'7" 340lbs billed at 6'6" 380lbs
Nathan Jones 6'9"? looking 310lbs billed 6'10-6'11-7'0" 350lbs
Matt Morgan 6'8.5"? 300lbs billed 6'10"-7'1" 320lbs
Drew McIntyre 6'4.5" 230lbs billed 6'6" 240lbs
Sheamus 6'3-6'2.75" 260lbs(big dude) billed 6'6"-6'4" 290-270lbs
Chris Masters 6'3" looks 250lbs now, really slimmed down billed 6'4" 265-75lbs
Ezekial Jackson 6'2" 280lbs billed 6'4" 300-285lbs. Peaked 320lbs.
Mason Ryan 6'4-6'3.75" 290lbs billed 6'6" 300lbs. Debut at 275 peaked at 295.
Umaga 6'3"-6'2.75" 270lbs last seen billed 6'4" 350lbs. peaked 320lbs.
Rosey 6'3-6'4" 310lbs last seen billed 6'5"-6'7" 400-370lbs
Hurricane 5'9" 190lbs billed 6'0" 215lbs
Shad Gaspard 6'5" 270lbs billed 6'7" 280lbs
hr said on 31/Dec/11
in wrestling they add inches depending on your height. if you are 5'4-5'11, they'll build you up to + 1-2 inches.6'0-6'4 they put on an inch to 1.5 because its unecessary to over exaggerate at this height because its ideal for a championship material superstar as they can do variety of cruiser weight and big man wrestling moves, although talents like the undertaker are rare as he is taller and bigger than most but can sometimes fly around.
6'5-6'10 they build you + 2 inches to make you that much more impressive as a big man.kevin nash even says it himself that he's 6'10 but they build him 2 inches more to make him that much larger than life at 7'0. so
john cena is 6'0
stone cold 6'1 like he says in his bio
triple h 6'3
undertaker 6'8
the rock 6'4
kane 6'10
the big show really is 7'0 although they had him 7'2 in 2002
khali 7'1 not 7'3
randy orton 6'4.5
benoit 5'9.5-5'10
eddie 5'7 build height 5'8
kurt angle 5'10.5 5'11
batista 6'4
Vegas said on 30/Dec/11
yes that photo of sheamus and terry i posted, i remember i posted it to show how tall mike jarvi was, rika you have posted loads of photos not showing footwear and i that shot of sheamus and terry didn't show footwear ;)
i met heidenreich (along with sandman, test, chris masters first time) in march 2008, jericho claims 5'11, triple h claims 6'4,rock claims 6'4,khali said he was 7'2 on conan, lesnar says he is 6'3, tenta(earthquake) claimed 6'7 for himself on an online forum he used to frequent shortly before his death, hogan claims he was 6'7 and 6'5 now..... point is wrestlers will nearly always try to make themselves taller
lets forget about morgan and jones, what about taker and jones, robs got taker at ~6'7, our resident mr know it all danimal claims taker shrunk to 6'6 in 2001 and this video is 2002
Click Herecutting legs?? thats the shot i found for batista in ovw when i google searched, its still there
Click Here
Rikashiku said on 30/Dec/11
an Inch isn't really as thick as I thought. I seeing 6'3.5" for Terry now instead of 6'2".
I saw a pic of Sheamus and Terry together some time a go. They and other wrestlers were together in a Bar(not the one where they're sitting down) and Sheamus was a slight taller. Like I said Vegas, only pics that show footwear are good enough for me, but these kinds of pics are hard to find.
282lbs?! When was this meeting? If Heidenreich is 6'6" then that makes Nathan Jones about 6'9".
The only time I saw Jones and his height mentions is when he was in team lesnar. I wasn't a big fan at this time of WWF and all I remember is Jones being billed at 7'0" and Jones continuing to say he is 6'10".
208cm is roughly 6'10" and maybe Morgan is wearing thicker sole boots or he's taller than 6'8 or as you said, he is eally 6'10" and maybe HEidenreich is really 6'7", after all, the man himself said it and Sports measurements can be off an inch or so, for instance, Scottish Rugby player Richie Gray has been listed at 205cm several times despite being taller than 204cm Alastair Kellock.
Cutting more pics are we? I still remember the time you cut the pic of Batistas legs.
tony t. said on 29/Dec/11
I always thought there was 2 inches between snitsky and kane during their fued. As for tomko, I hadn't looked at him in awhile. Thought he was a bit taller. I'd buy 6'3.75 for him...if he's lucky haha
Rikashiku said on 28/Dec/11
I actually put Steiner down as 5'10.5", in shoes at least 5'11.5", there is 3 inches between them making Rob about 6'2.5", there could have been more so 6'3" is believable too. Terry does have more height than HHH does and even looks to have the same amount of height over the top rope as Tomko does. But, he is still shorter than Sheamus.
I remember you saying Heidenreich was 6'7" the whole time a while ago stating he towered over Animal and that he is taller than JBL. I said 6'5" for him but you or someone, might have been Viper(confusing because you both have 5 letters in your names, and the V). Isn't football just as bad as WWE with Height listings? Jones was given 7'0" by Michael Cole. Also, boot soles differences. So you're going to say after defending 6'8.5" for Morgan the entire time that he's really 6'10" now Vegas? or is Jones 6'8.5" now? Because he isn't that much shorter than 7'1/4" Conan Stevens.
Click Hereand Conan with 5'6" Peter Jackson
Click Hereand
Click HereRemember, Nathan was a Teenager at 200cm when he went to prison. Maybe he was 207cm when measured in prison or 206cm, maybe he grew after his 20's and thats not impossible. My brother was 193cm when he was 21 and he measured 195cm at 25.
Kane has eyebrows?
Keep in mind that not everyone has the same size heads and I thought 4 inches came down to the eyes.
So you wanna say that Kane is 6'6.5" now?
Rikashiku said on 28/Dec/11
Dome, there is no word to describe that comment of yours...
Alberto Del Rio -6'2.5" (1.89 m)
CM Punk -5'11" (1.80m)
John Cena -6'0.5" (1.84m)
Randy Orton -6'4" (1.93m)
The Miz -5'11.5" (1.82m)
Cody Rhodes -5'11.5" (1.82m)
Kofi Kingston -5'10.5" (1.79m)
Evan Bourne -5'5" (1.75m) (You actually had him at 5'9?!?! wtf Dome!)
Dolph Ziggler -5'10.5" (1.79m)
Sheamus -6'2.75"(1.89.8m)
Big Show -7'0.5" peak (2.15m)6'11.5" or so now 211cm
Jack Swagger -6'5"-6'5.5" (1.96- 197m) (HAHAHA no, he is not 3" taller than Barrett)
Christian -5'11.25" (1.81m)
Kane -6'7.5" (2.02m)
Wade Barrett -6'5.5"- 6'6" (1.95m- 198)
Undertaker -6'7"- 6'7.5" (2.00m- 202)
WWE Alumni Superstars Height
Jeff Hardy -6'0"- 6'0.5" (1.83m)
John Morrison -5'11" (1.80m)
Chris Master -6'3"- 6'3.5" (1.90m- 192)
Chris Benoit - I have no idea. He looked 6'0" in the past but then looked 5'9" around 2006.
Chris Jericho -5'9.75" (1.77m)
Kurt Angle -5'10" (1.78m) peak 5'11" 180cm
Matt Hardy - 5'11.5"- 6'0" (182cm- 1.83m)
Brock Lesnar - 6'1.5"- 6'2"? (186cm- 1.88m)
Batista -6'2.5" (1.89m)
Hall of Fame Superstars Height
Andre The Giant -7'0" (2.13m)? I know he was listed at 6'10" at a French Wrestling Company when he was 22 and he kept growing.
Eddie Guerrero -5'8" (1.73m)
Shawn Micheals -5'11" (1.80m)
Ric Flair - 5'10" (1.78m) PEAK 6'0" 183cm ??? Anyone know?
Ricky Streamboat -5'9" (1.75m)
Hulk Hogan -6'3" (1.90m) PEAK looked about 6'5" 196cm. Considerably shorter than 6'7" Dennis Rodman and looked similar in height to DDP.
Bret Hart -5'11.5" (1.82m) Always looked around 5'11".
Just for the hell of it.
Rob Terry - 6'2.5", might be closer to 6'3".
Travis Tomko - 6'3", could be .5" more
Spike Dudley - 5'7", starting to look this more than 5'5"
Scott Steiner - 5'10.5", he's lower than 71"
Scott Hall - 6'4"- 6'4.5" now. He's shorter than Jake the Snake, might be shorter than this.
Jake the Snake - 6'5", could be shorter now. With Rand Orton he looked just about the same height as 6'4" Orton. I don't know what the thickness in their shoes were though. Jakes didn't look very thick and Orton looked like he had 9" on Jericho in the segment. Actually, looking at him with 6'2"-6'2.5" BG James he looks 6'4" maybe a slight more.
Big boss Man - 6'4", we've all seen his ID
Slick - 6'4" ??? He's a tall guy. Taller than Godfather.
Lucky Cannon - 6'4.5"- 6'5", and a good mid card wrestler... that is all you can expect.
Andrew Martin - 7'0"- 7'1", pretty tall guy.
The Ben said on 28/Dec/11
I met Rob terry last year at a TNA fan interaction and at the most I would say 6'3, Probably nearer 6'2.
I stood next to Steiner outside a hotel in 2003 and he was in street clothes, He looked far smaller than on TV, His frame wasn't that big, In the ring that night his physique looked amazing but in street clothes he looked 5'10, Maybe 5'11, His weight was even harder to judge, 235 to 260.
Rikashiku said on 28/Dec/11
Im looking at that posedown with Scott Steiner and Rob Terry and there might be 2.5" between them but Steiner has footwear on so it could be 3"(I hope you weren't counting Terrys hair Vegas). I read a while ago that Steiner was something like 71" tall. Scratch that, he's barely over 70" maybe 179cm? If thats the case and Rob Terry has just over 3- 3.5 inches on him, then that makes Rob Terry about 6'2.25"
At 3:36 you can see that Steiners shoes give him an inch in height. Looking at 3:25 it looks about 3" so without his shoes its 4" between them making 70.5" or so Steiner and a 74.5" Terry which means Rob Terry is about 6'2.5" or so. He looked pretty tall when he stepped into the Ring, he looked to have a similar amount of height over the top rope as Travis Tomko does who is just under 6'4".
Rikashiku said on 27/Dec/11
No Vegas, but I have seen them in regular clothes together in pictures and person. Sheamus was just taller by an inch. Yes, I still say Batista was 80lbs heavier, BEFORE HE STARTED WRESTLING BECAUSE THATS WHAT HE SAID, BEFORE! WHEN HE MET ROAD WARRIOR ANIMAL AND ROAD WARRIOR HAWK IN A GYM AND THEY BROUGHT HIM TO A TRAINING CAMP :D.
Well if you want Heidenreich to be 6'7" then Jones has to be 6'10", if you think he's 6'9" then Heidenreich is 6'6". Yeah, Jones has been getting 208cm for years, he was 200cm when he was a teenager.
Camera tricks and wedged shoes are a magical thing aren't they.
Because in the Ring, Kane is 3 inches taller than Snitsky, thats what Kane has to do with it. So you got shots of their footwear? Head shots are fine and all but even I can look 6'5" with thick soles and wedged BOOTS. So I guess JBL is 6'7" too then.
Both Kane and Snitsky had thick boots, Kanes looks .5" thicker than Snitskys. Anyway, I've started seeing 6'5" for Snitsky now. I used to think 6'4" just because he was an inch taller than Batista and looked 3 inches shorter than Kane and was shorter than JBL but not by much when you take a closer look.
I remember there being a huge height separation between Bubba and Spike in their early ECW days.
Whoa! Bob Holly has a Celebheight?!
Dome said on 27/Dec/11
Alberto Del Rio -6'5" (1.96 m)
CM Punk -6'0.5" (1.84m)
John Cena -6'2" (1.88m)
Randy Orton -6'3.5" (1.92m)
The Miz -6'1.25" (1.86m)
Cody Rhodes -6'0" (1.83m)
Kofi Kingston -5'11.5" (1.82m)
Evan Bourne -5'9" (1.75m)
Dolph Ziggler -6'0" (1.83m)
Sheamus -6'3"(1.90m)
Big Show -7'0.5" (2.15m)
Jack Swagger -6'7" (2.00m)
Christian -6'0" (1.83m)
Kane -6'11.5" (2.12m)
Wade Barrett -6'4.5" (1.95m)
Undertaker -6'10" (2.08m)
WWE Alumni Superstars Height
Jeff Hardy -6'0.5" (1.84m)
John Morrison -6'0" (1.83m)
Chris Master -6'4.25" (1.94m)
Chris Benoit -5'10.5" (1.79m)
Chris Jericho -6'0" (1.83m)
Kurt Angle -5'11.5" (1.82m)
Matt Hardy -6'1.5" (1.87m)
Brock Lesnar -6'5"(1.96m)
Batista -6'2.5" (1.89m)
Hall of Fame Superstars Height
Andre The Giant -7'4" (2.26m)
Eddie Guerrero -5'8.5" (1.74m)
Shawn Micheals -6'0" (1.83m)
Ric Flair -6'0" (1.83m)
Ricky Streamboat -5'9" (1.75m)
Hulk Hogan -6'6" (1.98m)
Bret Hart -5'11.5" (1.82m)
Beastman said on 27/Dec/11
We "really" need pages of Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy, Bobby Lashley, Edge, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, CM Punk, Wade Barrett,
Mark Henry and John Bradshaw Layfield. I would've expected them more than Viscera, Great Khali or Bob Holly.
Rikashiku said on 27/Dec/11
Really tony.t? really? If Tomko is 6'5" then Christian is close to 6'2" and Cena is over 6'2" and Giant Bernard is 6'9" and Bob Sapp is 6'6" but obviously they are not.
Tomko is 6'3"(or less), Christian just under 6'0", Cena just over 6'0", Bernard 6'7"(or 6'6") and Sapp over 6'4".
Click HereClick HereStill think he's 6'5"?
Here are men who are over 6'5".
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereStill think he's 6'5"? Ok if thats the case then Rand Orton is 6'5.5" because he's taller than Tomko. Well, Tomko is starting to look like a weak 6'4" now.
Low Ki is 5'7"? Well, that makes a 5'7"-5'6" Daniel Bryan wouldn't it? Linke, can you give a source for that? I wish more wrestlers would tell their real heights. Some do on screen like Nathan Jones.
Michael Tarver - I used to think 6'3" but Im thinking now he's more 6'2.25". Looked to weigh around 220 and 250lbs in his career. He may not look it but he is pretty big, good build on him.
Skip Sheffield - 6'1.5" between 260 and 275lbs. Good build, big but not to big and very agile for someone his size.
Snitsky - I'll put him up to a weak 6'5"(6'4.75").
Click HereGreat big pic. JBL is still taller but just by a little bit. You can also see the botox in his face.
Super Crazy - 5'6" between 180 and 200lbs?
Rikishi - 6'0" No idea what his weight varied in during his career.
Vegas said on 26/Dec/11
Rikashiku says on 24/Dec/11
Funny since he's shorter than weak 6'3" Sheamus
Weren't you the one who crusaded to make everyone think Morgan was only 6'8"?
Really? Well he's 3 inches shorter than Glen Jacobs, just over 2 inches taller than Batista and just slightly shorter than JBL.
He always looked close to a foot shorter than Bubba Ray.
have you seen sheamus and terry staredown in the ring?? single photos are of little use, terry was taller than brutus magnus and is taller than hogan in tna, barefoot he still has best part of ~4 inches on scott steiner in what looks like 1.5 inch shoes there, btw you really think batista had 80lb on terry :D terry is only billed 260lb by tna
Click Hereyes morgan is 6'8 range, i pinned him at 6'8.5, big show is 6'11, jones doesn't look 6'10 next to them, he didn't look 6'10 next to morgan (certainly not 2 inches) or ~6'7 taker in 2002 (barely 2 inches taller than him), jones looks 6 or at most 7 inches taller than lesnar in that clip i posted, go ask chaz who posts on andre the giants page how tall jones was, he met him in person at the strongman contests back in the 1990s in the uk
i said snitsky wasn't 3 inches taller than heidenreich, whats kane got to do it with it?? if kane was 12 inches taller than snitsky it wouldnt make any difference, he still wouldn't be 3 inches shorter than heidenreich, JT has the shots you need, thats in-ring obviously, 1 inch betweens snits and big jon
Click Here as for kane and snitsky, its less difference than between terry and steiner for sure, looks more 2 inches to me 6mins 20secs, kanes also got half an inch footwear advantage over either heidenreich or snitsky too
Click Herei have never seen spike look nearly a foot shorter than bubba ray, thats a measured ~8.5 inches difference, the girl measured 1/5th of a inch under 5ft and robs 1/4 inch over 5'8
Click Here i don't remember that much height between bubba and spike let alone more
Rikashiku said on 25/Dec/11
There looks about 4 inches between Tomko and Giant Bernard who is about 6'7" which is funny because both are listed at 198cm. There might be more between them but I do see an easy 4 inches. Thank goodness they're both bald.
Im not sure if my other comment got through or not but I can see Spike at 5'7". Its just that at times he can look nearly a foot shorter than Bubba Ray.
Snitsky stays at 6'4"- 6'5" because he's barely taller than Tomko. But in one pic he looks 6 inches taller than Batista which is funny because in another pic he has the same height advantage over a woman in the same party.
Keep in mind that backstage segments can't be trusted. Occasionally one superstar will be standing on a box. Vince McMahon once looked 3 inches taler than the Coach at a Survivor Series event. 2007 I think it was.
I'll do other wrestlers too just out of boredom and I can't sleep, if you think Im not accurate then place your own input and maybe some pics to help out. A lot of it is by memory.
Vader - 6'2"- 6'2.75" between 320 and 380lbs maybe? Big guy. I don't do well with fatter athletes weight. It really depends on the density of the fat and how much of the body mass is fat and muscle.
Mark Henry has a bit of muscle on him.
Mark Henry - 6'1" between 350 and 410lbs
Albert/ Giant Bernard - 6'6"- 6'7"? between 300 and 370lbs maybe more peak
Hurricane - 5'9"- 5'10"? between 180 and 210lbs. Guy had a good build on him
Orlando Jordan - 6'3.5" between 235 and 250lbs
Blue Meanie - 5'10" between 260 and 280lbs
Hollywood Nova/ Simon Dean - 5'9" not sure about his weight
Bobby Lashley - 6'1" between 280 and 245lbs
Jamal/ Umaga - 6'2.75" between 320 and 270lbs
Armando Alejandro Estrada - 6'1" between 230 and 240lbs
Jake "The Snake" Roberts - looked about 6'5" between 230 and 260lbs
Trevor Murdoch - 6'2"- 6'3" between 240 and 250lbs
Paul Burchall - 6'2" between 225 and 245lbs
Elijah Burke - 5'11"- 6'0" between 220 and 240lbs, great build on this guy
Sylvester Terkay - 6'5.5"- 6'6" between 280 and 330lbs
Monty Brown - 6'1.5" I used to think he was 6'0" but he is taller than I thought. Between 260 and 270lbs, again great build.
Rhyno - 5'10" between 250 and 270lbs
tony t. said on 25/Dec/11
tomko's 6'5
linke said on 25/Dec/11
Lowki/Kaval claims 5'7.
Rikashiku said on 24/Dec/11
Funny since he's shorter than weak 6'3" Sheamus
Weren't you the one who crusaded to make everyone think Morgan was only 6'8"?
Really? Well he's 3 inches shorter than Glen Jacobs, just over 2 inches taller than Batista and just slightly shorter than JBL.
He always looked close to a foot shorter than Bubba Ray.
Vegas said on 24/Dec/11
rob terry is taller than 6'2, he had inches on a 6'2 listed nfl star on impact earlier this year
morgan is not 2 inches shorter than jones, forward to 8mins 10secs, big show in 2003 only had morgan by 2-2.5 inches
Click Here snitsky was not 3 inches shorter than heidenreich
spike dudley was much taller than 5'5 in person
Rikashiku said on 22/Dec/11
@linke, Miz as a thing for wearing elevated shoes. He appeared taller than 6'1" (forgot his name) Napoleon Dynamite guy even though he's just about the same height as John Morrisn, shorter than Cena and 3 whole inches shorter than Alex Riley.
@Tony, I still say Del Rio is a weak 6'3". He always looked shorter than Edge, not similar in height as shorter than strong 6'3" LAurinaitis and Conner O'Brian. Hmm, Laurinaitis has always been given 6'3" for his height(until recently someone changed his w1k1to 6'5") and he is always slightly taller than Del Rio and has maybe 2.5" inches on HHH? He's tall next to HHH and McMahon.
Laurinaitis could be about 6'3.5", or he's got heels in his shoes.
I can see Miz at 5'11.5".
linke said on 20/Dec/11
Miz at 5'11 would lead to daniel bryan being 5'6.
Click HereHe's 6'0 and DB is 5'7 range.
tony t. said on 19/Dec/11
I still say del rio is a strong 6'3. He was very similar in height to edge all throughout there feud and even at times appeared a fraction taller except when edge was in big black boots - and plus with edge losing some height and all from surgeries. I used to think john laurinaitis was 6'3.25. That was my original conclusion for him, but I'm starting to think he's more in the 6'4-6'4.5 range. I believe you're right about miz and bateman Rikashiku. I'd say miz 5'11.5-5'11.75 - he's pretty much the same as punk. R-truth I still believe 5'11 and bateman 5'10.75.
Rikashiku said on 18/Dec/11
How can you have JBL at 6'3" and HHH at 6'2"??? JBL had nearly 4 inches on HHH at WM21. Even 6'4" Orlando Jordan was taller than HHH and he was shorter than JBL.
Its more like this.
JBL 6'5.25"
HHH 6'2"-6'1.75"
RANDY ORTON 6'4" AND HHH 6'2"-6'1.75"
EDGE 6'3.5" AND BIGSHOW 7'0"
BATISTA 6'2.75"
MIZ 5'11"
SAM RICK said on 17/Dec/11
hs2011 said on 13/Dec/11
Bateman looks ~3 shorter than Johnny Curtis.
Rikashiku said on 13/Dec/11
Here is Bateman with 6'1" Johnny Curtis
Click HereLooks a good 2 or more inches.
With 6'0" Byron Saxton.
Click Here6'3" O'Brian, 6'2.5" Del Rio, 5'10"-5'11" Bateman, 6'6" Novak in front of 5'11" Ziggler, 6'3" Masters, 6'0" Saxton, 5'9" -> 6'0" in heels Quellet, 6'5"-6'5.5" Clay, 6'1" Dibiase, 6'1" Curtis.
Click Here5'7"-5'8" Daniel Bryan with Derrick Bateman
Click HereAnother Bateman and Curtis pic
Click HereIm watching the match with Dibiase and he looks about 5'10" next to him but its probably the difference in mass that makes him look smaller.
The Miz is shorter than 6'0.5" Cena by an inch and Truth is similar in height.
Del Rio isn't that much shorter than Clay and he is more 6'2.5". He's shorter than strong 6'3" John Laurinitus and Connor O'Brian.
I can see 6'5.5" for clay, maybe 6'5.25". Problem is, he isn't that close to 6'6" and he will probably look short next to Wade Barrett and the same height as Swagger.
tony t. said on 12/Dec/11
I believe cm punk is 5'11.75. He was about the same height as jeff hardy. Very similar.
Hardy 6'0
tony t. said on 12/Dec/11
Bateman is under 6'0, but probably more 5'11. He wasn't a whole lot shorter than 6'1 dibiase. Miz is def. 6'0. R-truth 5'11
and about brodus clay, if he is 6'4.75 - 6'5 then that would mean del rio is only 6'1.5 - 6'2 and del rio is a strong 6'3. I say brodus is at least 6'5.5. I'd like to see him next to barrett and swagger.
Rikashiku said on 7/Dec/11
@Joe, Miz is more like 5'11.5" and R Truth is more like 5'11".
Sheamus is 6'2.75"- 6'3" and Wade Barrett is 6'5.5"- 6'6".
Alex said on 6/Dec/11
Clay, I got a pair of Nike shox that I had since 2006 and they still feel like they give about 1.5 inches of height. Easily give the most out of the sneakers I got. If he has more sole inside then yea closer to 2 inches is likely
joe said on 5/Dec/11
miz 6ft 2 he was next to r truth who is 6 ft 1 and miz was taller
sheamus is not 6ft 6 wade barret was 6 ft 5 and they were no where near
joe said on 5/Dec/11
john cena- 6ft 1 251 pounds
Enigma said on 5/Dec/11
lol WWE bills CM Punk and The Miz at 6'2 now (both 5'11),yet they still have Cena at 6'1 when he's clearly taller than both of them.
Rikashiku said on 4/Dec/11
@Clay, 260 could be true too, but he's a really bulky guy and carry's a bit of mass on him. Maybe not as much as Ezekial Jackson is but maybe as much as Titus O'Neil. Yeah, 260-265 must be about right. 270 max even?
Tman said on 4/Dec/11
Rob maybe you should give him 1,85m (6ft.75'') even on Award shows where he has no shoe advantage he always looks an easy six foot and I just cant see this guy being edged out by Christiano ronaldo!
Rikashiku said on 3/Dec/11
Whoops, I mean 280lbs for Barrett, not 290. I think he looked over 280 when he was tag teaming with Drew McIntyre. He does look a lot bigger back then than he does now.
I'd leave Brodus down as a weak 6'5". He looks a whole inch shorter than Novak and just taller than 6'3" Masters.
If Bateman is 6'0" then that would make everyone else 2 inches taller. Daniel Bryan would be 5'9" instead of 5'7" even though he is the same height as Kaval and it would meant hat Percy Watson and Titus O'Neil are both 6'4" and 6'6". Novak is a chin taller than Bateman.
Clay said on 3/Dec/11
Alex - 2 inches from his Nike's is highly possible. He could have internal sols in there as well.
Rika- nice list. Skip Sheffield is no 280+ lbs though. More 6'1 260-265.
linke said on 2/Dec/11
bateman is 5'10 imo like rika pointed out,percy watson and titus made him look very small.
Vegas said on 2/Dec/11
when was barrett 290??
tony t. said on 1/Dec/11
Brodus clay isn't under 6'5.5 I actually think he is dead on 6'5.75
derrick bateman is closer to 6'0
Ras said on 30/Nov/11
Rika I agree with your listings for Otunga and Kofi Kingston, I changed my mind after watching a match between air-boom with Mason Ryan vs Ziggler, Swagger and Otunga. Kofi looked around 6 in shorter than 6'4" Mason and Otunga looked a bit shorter than Kofi, he's perhaps a weak 5'10".
BTW how come Jacob Novak is billed just 6'5"?
Anyone takes a bite on their weight?
Rikashiku said on 29/Nov/11
Just for the hell of it.
NXT(1,2,4. 3 never happened, there is no such thing as a 3rd season)
Wade Barrett 6'5.5-6'6" Billed at 6'7" changed to 6'5". now billed at 6'6"
Skip Sheffield 6'1.75"
Daniel Bryan 5'7"-5'8"
Justin Gabriel 5'11"
Heath Slater 6'0"
Michael Tarver 6'2.75"-6'3" (he's quite tall, easily the second tallest on this season.)
Darren Young 5'11.5" Taller than CM Punk but shorter than John Cena.
David Otunga 5'10" billed at 6'0" but really is 5'10".
Percy Watson 6'2"
Kaval 5'8"
Lucky Cannon 6'4.75"- 6'5"
Michael McGillicutty 6'1"
Alex Riley 6'2-6'2.5"
Husky Harris 6'0"
Eli Cottonwood 7'0"
Titus O'Neil 6'4"
Brodus Clay 6'4.75"-6'5" billed as high as 6'10" and 6'8"
Jacob Novak 6'6"
Derrick Bateman 5'9"-5'10"
Connor O'Brien 6'3"-6'3.25" (taller than both Del Rio and Kozlov)
Byron Saxton 6'0" billed at 6'2"
Johnny Curtis 6'1.5" billed as high as 6'4" and 6'3"
Rikashiku said on 29/Nov/11
Ras says on 27/Nov/11
Good list, but for my own corrections(not that they're completely accurate but a safe shot) I'd put these guys at these heights:
Big Show 6'11" (peak 7'0.5"-7'1"(Big Show himself said he was 7'1" at one point))
Daniel Bryan 5'7"- 5'8"
Ezekiel Jackson 6'2"
Hunico 5'8.5"- 5'9" (He's 3-4 inches shorter than 6'0" Epico and similar in height to Primo who is about 5'8")
Uso's 6'0"
Jinder Mahal 6'4" (one of few superstars listed around his real height. He is the same height as 6'4" Rhys Ali and slightly shorter than 6'6" Jacob Novak)
Mark Henry 6'1"
Randy Orton 6'3.75"-6'4" (He's 2 inches shorter than Wade Barrett)
Sin Cara 5'7" (like other fresh talent, he looks his height)
Ted DiBiase 6'1"
Tyson Kidd 5'7" (has been listed between 5'7" and 5'9", his real height is 5'7")
Wade Barrett 6'5.5"-6'6" (he is tall, taller than most superstars at 6'4")
Yoshi Tatsu 6'0" (Roughly the same height as Christian(or taller) and has a towering presence over Tyson Kidd)
Alberto del Rio 6'2.5" (shorter than 6'3" Conner O'Brian and John Laurinitis)
Alex Riley 6'2"
Brodus Clay 6'5" (2 inches on Chris Masters and 1 inch shorter than Jacob Novak)
Curt Hawkins 6'1" (same height(maybe a slight shorter) as Zack Ryder and 2 inches shorter than 6'3" Tyler Reks)
David Ottunga 5'10"
Drew McIntyre 6'4.5" (Yeah!)
Epico 6'0"(Epico is actually quite tall. He has a smaller frame than other superstars so he can deceivingly small at times. He is 3 inches taller than Hunico and towers over Sin Cara)
Jack Swagger 6'5"-6'5" (Depends on Wade Barretts height. He is shorter than Wade Barrett by almost a full inch.)
Kofi Kingston 5'10.5" (shorter than Cody Rhodes)
Mason Ryan 6'3.75"- 6'4" (shorter than Drew McIntyre but 2 inches taller than Ezekial Jackson)
The Miz 5'11.75" (shorter than christian, similar height to R Truth)
Primo 5'8"(atleast this height, slightly shorter than Hunico and 2 inches shorter than 5'10" Carlito)
Rey Mysterio 5'1" (He looks taller in the ECW days, maybe 5'2"-5'3", he is one of the shortest wrestlers I've seen but he is solid.)
Triple H 6'1.75 (6'2.75" peak. He was billed at 6'5" in his early career and does look taller in the old days than he does now.)
The women:
Who cares :)
Josh said on 28/Nov/11
I tend to think that Cena, being a spotlight hog and all, probably purposely downgrades his height so that he looks suprisingly tall next to wrestlers who are billed as several inches taller than him. eg. Batista,Sheamus,Barrett. Because Cena was consistently billed as 6'3-6'4 when he was in OVW and when he first came to smackdown.
tony t. said on 27/Nov/11
Cena's got at least 2 inches on R-Truth
tony t. said on 27/Nov/11
Ras those are some really good estimates
I'd put Rhodes at 6'0.25
Daniel Bryan 5'7 possibly 5'8
Hunico i think is more 5'9 tops
Jinder mahal is more 6'3
Dibiase is just 6'1
I've considered barrett 6'5.75 before or he could be 6'5.5
Yoshi was taller than jtg. I think he's 5'10.75 and jtg is 5'10 tops
del rio and edge are both 6'3 i believe. Maybe a little higher.
Brodus clay is closer to 6'6
cm punk i used to think he was 5'11.75 but he sometimes does look a bit shorter than that. He's a tough one.
I'm gunna probably be in the minority here but i actually believe that evan bourne is a bit taller than what i usually hear most ppl say. He's taller when he actually stands up straigher. He's not 7 inches shorter than Kofi Kingston who I believe is 5'11.25. I actually think evan is 5'7 or at least VERY close to it. He's just never stnding up straight enough for people to realize this
I'd put mysterio at 5'3
Triple H i think is still 6'2
Beth Phoenix i think is more 5'6 or above
The Bellas are 5'5 - 5'5.25
Kelly Kelly 5'4.5 or above
Kharma 5'9 or above
Alicia Fox is 5'9
Natalya more 5'4 or above
Rosa Mendes is closer to 5'8 or above
Nice estimates overall though
james said on 27/Nov/11
john cena is 186.6-188.6 cm
jason said on 27/Nov/11
cena is about 186-188.7
Ras said on 27/Nov/11
These are my estimations for both raw and smackdown male rosters:
Big Show 6'11.25" (peak 7'0.5")
Christian 5'11.75"
Cody Rhodes 6'0"
Daniel Bryan 5'7"
Ezekiel Jackson 6'1.5"
Heath Slater 6'0"
Hunico 5'9.25"
Jey Uso 6'0"
Jimmy Uso 6'0"
Jinder Mahal 6'2.75"
Johnny Curtis 6'1.5"
Justin Gabriel 5'11"
Kane 6'7" (peak 6'7.5")
Mark Henry 6'1"
Randy Orton 6'3.75"
Sheamus 6'2.75"
Sin Cara 5'6.5"
Ted DiBiase 6'1.75"
Trent Barreta 6'0"
Tyson Kidd 5'7"
Undertaker 6'7" (peak 6'7.5")
Wade Barrett 6'5.75"
Yoshi Tatsu 5'9.25"
Alberto del Rio 6'2.75"
Alex Riley 6'2.25"
Brodus Clay 6'5"
CM Punk 5'10.5"
Curt Hawkins 5'11.5"
David Ottunga 5'11.5"
Dolph Ziggler 5'11"
Drew McIntyre 6'4.5"
Epico 5'10"
Evan Bourne 5'5"
Jack Swagger 6'5.25"
John Cena 6'0.5"
John Morrison 5'11.25"
JTG 5'10.25"
Kevin Nash 6'8.75" (peak 6'9.25")
Kofi Kingston 6'0"
Mason Ryan 6'4"
Michael McGillicutty 6'1.75"
The Miz 6'0.25"
Primo 5'8.5"
Rey Mysterio 5'2" (I really doubt he's shrunk one bit)
R-Truth 5'11"
Santino Marella 5'9.5"
Triple H 6'1.5 (Peak 6'2")
Tyler Reks 6'3"
Zach Ryder 6'1"
The women:
Beth Phoenix 5'5.75"
The Bellas 5'4.75"
Eve Torres 5'7"
Kelly Kelly 5'3.5"
Kharma 5'8.75"
A.J. 5'1"
Aksana 5'4"
Alicia Fox 5'8"
Kaitlyn 5'4"
Layla 5'1.5"
Natalya 5'3.75"
Rosa Mendes 5'6.25"
Tamina 5'7.75"
tony t. said on 25/Nov/11
I've said it before, I think cena is 6'0.75
Alex said on 25/Nov/11
Cena at 6'2.5 in shox would mean hes 6'1 barefoot. Not sure if hes a full 6'1 barefoot but def close though. Rob's listing for Cena is accurate I think
Thanapat said on 24/Nov/11
I think Cena height is not 185 Cm.Cena is tall 186-188 Cm. I think that because he taller than other superstars tall 6'1".
Clay said on 21/Nov/11
Further proof Cena stands at like 6'2.5 in his Nike's next to Foley there.
Alex said on 16/Nov/11
6'4.5 evening I'd claim 6'5 before 6'4 but its up to him. Or he could just say a bit under 6'5
Alex said on 15/Nov/11
Tman, each to their own. I am 6'0 evening. If I was say 6'0.75 midday-evening I'd just say 6'1 or just under 6'1 never round down 3/4 inch.
hs2011 said on 15/Nov/11
I actually spoke to my friend today about his height to verify what I was telling you. He was measured at 6'5" flat not 6'4.75" when he was having his BMI checked (lol), before midday about 11am. He thought he was only 6'4" so after college he measured himself in the evening and was 6'4.5" and he still claims 6'4". You might disagree, but I'd claim 6'5" if I was him. It's not much of a stretch.
Foley did look 6'1" range on RAW, but his posture is pretty poor compared to John Cena.
Tman said on 15/Nov/11
I really Don't see anything wrong about being 6'4.75 midday and claiming just 6'4 I really don't
Alex said on 15/Nov/11
Actually checked out some of Raw last night and Cena and Mick Foley looked about the same height. some angles Foley looked slightly taller than some they looked the same. Most here put Foley at 6'2 though but he looked 6'1 last night
Alex said on 14/Nov/11
6'4.75 midday would result in 6'4.5-6'4.7 range in the evening. Its more 6'5 then 6'4. Claiming 6'4 would be downplaying yourself. 6'5 would be a slight upgrade but its more 6'5 than 6'4 though
Alex said on 14/Nov/11
HS, your friend could be as low as 6'4.5 evening 5pm or later unless he hits his low midday. Either way he could easily just claim 6'5. A weak 6'5 but certainly more than 6'4
Tman said on 13/Nov/11
hs2011 says on 12/Nov/11
I know, it's a little strange. He was measured at 6'4.75" at a lunchtime (about 12/1pm). I asked him why he doesn't claim 6'5", when he really is that height, and he just shrugs his shoulders. I guess he's not overly concerned about being 6'4" or 6'5" since he's really tall either way.
if he was measured at that height at 12/1pm than why should he claim 6'5 ? lunchtime is the beginning of your midday height so you friend is right when he states he's height as 6'4
hs2011 said on 12/Nov/11
Alex says on 5/Nov/11
HS, your friend at 6'4.75 claims 6'4 only? If hes 6'4.75 evening then thats crazy to claim just 6'4 flat.
I know, it's a little strange. He was measured at 6'4.75" at a lunchtime (about 12/1pm). I asked him why he doesn't claim 6'5", when he really is that height, and he just shrugs his shoulders. I guess he's not overly concerned about being 6'4" or 6'5" since he's really tall either way.
logan noll 1996 said on 12/Nov/11
John Cena is 6 feet tall. He looks the same size as my dad who's 6 feet tall.
Alex said on 8/Nov/11
6'0.25 may be bang on for Cena. I just can't see him being anything over 6'0.5 and claiming 6'0 though hes claimed 6'1 as well.
jake, 1.82 m said on 6/Nov/11
6' 0.25" (1.835 m)
Alex said on 5/Nov/11
HS, your friend at 6'4.75 claims 6'4 only? If hes 6'4.75 evening then thats crazy to claim just 6'4 flat.
Rikashiku, Cena could be 6'0.5 which would make Orton 6'4. Even Cena at 6'0 put Orton a hair under 6'4
Rikashiku said on 5/Nov/11
If Cena is 6'0.5" then that should make Randy Orton either short of 6'4" or 6'4" even.
Alex said on 3/Nov/11
Johno, yea I had more height on him then Cena did because hes leaning a bit. Straight up I had about the same as Cena did on him. 2-2.5 inches
hs2011 said on 2/Nov/11
My college friend was measured at 6'4.75" and still only claims 6'4" and not 6'5" so it is possible for guys to downgrade that much.
johno said on 2/Nov/11
Alex says on 1/Nov/11
If Cena was 6'0.75 no way would he claim 6'0 at least I dont think so LOL. 6'0.5 is possible. 6'0.25 may be bang on though
As i said on the angle page, you had more height on kurt angle then john cena did
Alex said on 1/Nov/11
If Cena was 6'0.75 no way would he claim 6'0 at least I dont think so LOL. 6'0.5 is possible. 6'0.25 may be bang on though
LAN Jiao said on 1/Nov/11
cena is max 6-0.25 and flat 6'0. solid 183cm.
Legend said on 31/Oct/11
Orton isn't quite 6'4. He's 6'3.5 even though I've said he's 6'3.25 before.
hs2011 said on 29/Oct/11
Orton isn't over 6'4" but Cena could be 6'0.75" (185cm) at most IMO.
Alex said on 28/Oct/11
Cena isn't more than 6'0.5 so Orton isn't over 6'4 though
hs2011 said on 27/Oct/11
Orton has always had 3"-3.5" on Cena and is a legit 6'4" guy IMO.
Vikram goud said on 26/Oct/11
My comment is that how tall ur are. it none to be. But how u fight in the entire WWE carrer is to be sappose .when ur in height the carrere automatically comes
Alex said on 26/Oct/11
I've seen Orton have at least 3.5 inches on Cena as well or just about 4. I think Orton could be a full 6'4 then Cena would be 6'0.5. If Cena is just 6'0 flat then Orton would be 6'3.5
Rikashiku said on 24/Oct/11
Here is Cena with supposed 6'4" Randy Orton in normal clothes.
Click HereIf Orton stood straight he could have a whole 3 inches on Cena so that would make Randy pretty close to 6'4" while Cena has admitted to be around 6'0".
nice guy said on 22/Oct/11
guys if someone like him says he is 6 feet then he is probably 5'11 since celebs usually add a few cm to their heights..take vin diesel for intsance he is a like a weak 5'10 (177cm tops) but claims being 6ft (in his lifts i guess xD)...celebs fool ppl by wearing those shoes or having a good posture and wearing the right clothes which make them appear long and tall...anyways since its cena ill give him a solid the very least 181cm and 183cm max ..out of bed maybe
Alex said on 16/Oct/11
Clay, 6'2 in
Nike Shox would make Cena 6'0 1/2 barefoot. Very possible. If I took a picture with Cena we'd be VERY close in height and within MMs likely
Clay said on 15/Oct/11
In the wrestling ring he stands at 6'2'' minimum IMHO.
Viper said on 14/Oct/11
You think Punk could be under 5-11?
He actually looked flat out tall on Ghost Hunters Live a few years back. They must be all 5-9 and shorter on that show.
anon1 said on 14/Oct/11
i agree with Alex definatley 6'1.5'' in sneakers
Legend said on 13/Oct/11
6'1.5 seems a little too tall for him. I guess in shoes maybe, but I have some doubt.
Alex said on 13/Oct/11
Cena has wore
Nike Shox which give about 1.5 inches so in shoes hes easily 6'1.5
Legend said on 12/Oct/11
Ok, but I don't think CM Punk is for sure a legit 5'11.
CHRIS said on 12/Oct/11
Clay said on 11/Oct/11
Larc 6 ft 1.75 in says on 9/Oct/11
Everything under 6'0 for him is insane, he looks clearly taller than that.
Agreed. :)
Alex said on 10/Oct/11
Larc, yea I would think Cena is at least my height or a hair taller. 6'0.25-6'0.5 seems about right
Larc 6 ft 1.75 in said on 9/Oct/11
Everything under 6'0 for him is insane, he looks clearly taller than that.
Alex said on 8/Oct/11
I'd be suprised if he was under 6'0 barefoot really
MK said on 6/Oct/11
Could be 5'11.5 and with some shoes on he is maybe 6'1, which is what the wwe bills him as.
Alex said on 5/Oct/11
Yea Cena would be closer to 6'1 than 5'11. He has claimed 6'0 and 6'1 meaning he could be right in the middle at 6'0 1/2 or 6'0 barefoot and 6'1 in shoes
jake, 1.82 m said on 4/Oct/11
Could just be the 6ft he claims and not taller.
tell-em said on 4/Oct/11
keanu reeves is 6'0" and that pic is horrible anyway.
miko said on 4/Oct/11
More chance of Cena being 6'1 than 5'11.
linke said on 4/Oct/11
Punk imo is 6,so is christian.Cena is min 6'0.5.Anybody saw that pathetic movie of him with brian j white?He actually looked taller than white who is listed 6'1 over here.Not saying that cena is 6'1 but he looks atleast 6 even at night.
Alex said on 4/Oct/11
Legend, I hightly doubt he'd be as low as 5'11.5. Punk is 5'11-5'11 1/2 and Cena was a solid inch taller. Cena also had a minimum of 2 inches on 5'10 Kurt Angle and looks 6'0-6'0 1/2 with almost all the wrestlers. I'd put him at 6'0.5 before 5'11.5 for sure but thats my opinion
micyficy said on 4/Oct/11
Cm Punk, 5'10.5"
John Cena 5'11.5"
Triple h 6'1.5" or 6'2
Legend said on 3/Oct/11
He could even be 5'11.5 IMO.
Alex said on 30/Sep/11
Cena was billed at 6'3 in OVW years ago. Def a very solid 6'0 guy. hes def in that 6'0-6'0.25 range at his evening height
linke said on 30/Sep/11
Yeah,lashley is no way near 6'3.My wife[then my girlfriend lol] also commented about how lashley didn't look 6'3 during his feud with cena.In 2005-06,when lashley made his debut on smackdown,i though he was 6'2 atleast but then again I was only 15 back then and used to think kane was 7'0!!
SRB said on 29/Sep/11
Click Here
LAN Jiao said on 28/Sep/11
turk are exaggerate a list of wwe werestler. LOL.. 2-3inch down would be closer to all barefoot height. cena is just a strong 6footer.
turk said on 24/Sep/11
kane 208cm john cena 188cm sheamus 198cm randy orton 195cm edge 195 cm jack swagger 200cm undertaker 205 cm the great khali 220 cm
lakegary said on 22/Sep/11
I know this is about Cena but I have to talk about Bobby Lashleys hight. They claim 6'3"! No way is he that tall. I met him in 2007 Im 6'2" in my shoes and I had a solid 2-3 inches on him, hell I looked down on his head. I say 5'10" barefoot for lashley 5'11" in boots. About Cena I also met him I had 2 solid inches on him he is 6'0" in his shoes.
lakegary said on 22/Sep/11
I know this is about Cena but I have to talk about Bobby Lashleys hight. They claim 6'3"! No way is he that tall. I met him in 2007 Im 6'2" in my shoes and I had a solid 2-3 inches on him, hell I looked down on his head. I say 5'10" barefoot for lashley 5'11" in boots.
Clay said on 20/Sep/11
Sheamus looked 6'3-6'3.5 next to Conan. So Wtf.
Legend said on 19/Sep/11
He looks 6 feet flat to me.
steven5ft11 said on 19/Sep/11
who ever said sheamus is 6ft6 is wrong, on "night of champions" last night he was described as 6ft2 by either michael cole or jerry lawler......and rob u should look tht up
Alex said on 12/Sep/11
More like 6'0 at the minimum. I think hes 6'0 and change. 6'0.25-6'0.5 is my best guess
Alex said on 12/Sep/11
Vegas, yea Morrison's body fat is def 5-6% I'd say but thats at around 195 to maybe 200lbs. Someone like Cena for example is probably around 8% but at 240lbs where hes much bigger.
Legend said on 11/Sep/11
Cena's 6 feet flat at most.
Vegas said on 11/Sep/11
morrisons bodyfat % must be one of the lowest ever in pro-wrestling history
Click Here
Alex said on 8/Sep/11
John Morrison at most may be 200lbs
saad said on 8/Sep/11
i am not like randi ortan but his music is best
i am not like the miz , alex riley,edge,cm punk poor in the world,kane,mark henry big daddy v and the great khali
i like 1 jhon cena 2 rey mysterio 3 undertaker 4 big show 5 sin cara 6 shawn michael 7 triple h
James said on 7/Sep/11
Maybe takers posture is not very good but still if undertaker is 202cm then BIZZARLEY Cena looks 6'4 (193cm) if Undertaker is 6'7.5 LOL.
Must be the camera angle or cena is wearing some seriously big wrestling boots.
turk said on 7/Sep/11
john cena 188 cm 6 feet 2 in dir
ahmet said on 6/Sep/11
This guy is an honest guy of 6 feet...It is not height complex, one-size ...He has a very large body.
Clay said on 5/Sep/11
LoL John Morrison 175-185. Try 195-200 lbs.
Kane said on 3/Sep/11
@WWEFanNation John Cena 6'0"(183cm), 235-245 pounds (body builder)
Triple H 6'1" 1/2 (187cm) , 250 pounds
Batista 6'2" 3/4 (190cm) , 280-285 pounds
Randy Orton 6'3" 1/2 (192cm) , 215-225 pounds
Shawn Michaels 5'10" 1/2 (179cm) , 175-185 pounds
Bradshaw 6'4"-6'5" (193-196cm) , 250-270 pounds (Fat Weight)
Edge 6'2" (188cm) , 210-220 pounds
Undertaker 6'6" (198cm) , 265-275 pounds
Kane 6'7" (201cm) , 280-290 pounds
Rey Mysterio 5'3" (160cm) , 150-160 pounds
Cm Punk , 5'11" (180cm) , 185-195 pounds
Jeff Hardy , 6'0" (183cm) , 180-190 pounds (Skinny)
Matt Hardy , 6'0" (183cm) , 200-220 pounds (Thick)
Shannon Moore , 5'8" (173cm) , 165 pounds
The Great Khali , 7'1" (216cm) , 380-400 pounds
The Big Show , 6'11" (211cm) , 400-410 pounds
John Morrisson , 5'11" 1/4 (181cm) , 175-185 pounds (Cut)
Chris Jericho , 5'9" 1/2 (177cm) , 185-195 pounds
Carlito , 5'9" (175cm) , 180-185 pounds
Lance Cade , 6'4" (193cm) , 245-265 pounds (Might Be 6'5")
nooooooooo Big Show is 7'1 485lbs
Great Khali 7'1 420lbs
Kane 6'9 323lb
Chris Jericho 5'8 226lb
Undertaker 6'9 299lb
Triple H 6'2-6'3
all of these weights are wrong some of the heights are do as much research as me and then you'll find the real heights and weights of superstars their billed weights are right in WWE and their heights are off most the time and go and look on their websites and things you'll find then that its all true.
Zippiddy doo da face said on 30/Aug/11
6 seems on the money
ali said on 30/Aug/11
sheamus 6'6
Jim said on 27/Aug/11
John Laurinaitis was 3 inches taller then Triple H so he is a solid 6'4.5" or so
Terryman said on 20/Aug/11
Tony t I agree with those estimates!
Terryman said on 19/Aug/11
Cm punk should get his own page here and I think he's 1,82m and he's just too good this guy just says what he feels and thinks about the crapy show that wwe is now!
tony t. said on 19/Aug/11
Cena - 6'0.75Triple H - 6'2John Laurinaitis - 6'3.25C.M. Punk - 5'11.75
Alex said on 18/Aug/11
Yea Vegas, Lutz looks 6'0 with Rob and Jenny and Cena would be slightly taller than him even if they were both equal distance from the camera.
Vegas said on 16/Aug/11
lutz looks more 6ft with rob and jenny
anon1 said on 15/Aug/11
look, cena is taller than 6'1'' listed kellan lutz
Click Here i can't see any lower for 6'1'' than cena
Hansen said on 14/Aug/11
john cena was 6ft. solid 6ft, the comparison face to face next to the rock who claim 6ft4 makes cena 6ft3 lol. reality height is a bite from the rock. im not going to say rocky was 6ft1 , or the fans would thrown a tons of banana skin on me lol.. maybe the rock could be 6ft2?.. just a guess..
SAM RICK said on 14/Aug/11
Well John Cena deserves to be the face of the WWE cause his honest about his height.6'0.5
Micheal Cole said and I quote "The Miz 6'2 231lbs..." while he is 6'0 during RAW while he was facing Rey Mysterio for the WWE TITLE.
"Ezekiel Jackson the powerhouse 6'4 309 lbs..."while it was also stated he is 6'2 and 285lbs.
"Time to see power of the 6'4 263 pounder Jack Swagger aganist the speed and agility of Trent Barreta'' although this was said by Josh Matthews on Superstars some weeks before Wrestlemania 27.
"I thought he was 6'6'' Michael Cole said.
"CHRISTIAN 6'2..." whose 6'0 said by the voice of the WWE.Too much controvesy
Sathish said on 13/Aug/11
Hi buddies cena height is 6'1 feet
cena fans said on 12/Aug/11
his height is 6 feet 1/2 when wear nikes is 6'2 1/2
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Aug/11
Looked 186-187cm range opposite The Rock...
Clay said on 1/Aug/11
tell-em says on 25/Jul/11
lol. rob is way off on a lot of his estimates, i'm sure even he knows that. lol brock and cena standing toe to toe is good evidence. you're just a child always on his period with embarrassing height estimates. you're awful man.
Whatever dude. I'm done fightin' with you on here. You haven't proved jack s***, but you're not worth the time. Your arrogance is nausiating.
Alex said on 29/Jul/11
If Cena is 6'0 1/2 he'd be about 6'2 in
Nike Shox.
anon1 said on 28/Jul/11
i am not wrong tell-em, its just my opinion
Alex said on 28/Jul/11
In Flex Magazine he claims 6'1. He has claimed both 6'0 and 6'1
tell-em said on 27/Jul/11
anon, you're wrong. cena knows his height, you don't.
anon1 said on 27/Jul/11
He is slouching in that video he has 3 inches on angle atleast. And yeah in sneakers is probably around 6'2''
Alex said on 26/Jul/11
There has been more than a couple faceoffs with Angle and Cena and Cene has always had MIN 2 inches on Angle. Usually looks about 2.5 inches but in that video it looks more like 2.
TallItalian said on 26/Jul/11
John Cena with 5.10 Kurt Angle:
Click Here (I think 6 ft 0.5 for Cena is overestimated)
anon1 said on 25/Jul/11
Looks 6'1'' but a legit 6 footer.
tell-em said on 25/Jul/11
lol. rob is way off on a lot of his estimates, i'm sure even he knows that. lol brock and cena standing toe to toe is good evidence. you're just a child always on his period with embarrassing height estimates. you're awful man.
CJ said on 25/Jul/11
In sneakers prob 6'1.5 or 6'2.
Terryman said on 22/Jul/11
cena is 184cm and a few mm's, he realy is a legit 6ft
Alex said on 20/Jul/11
James, I am often guessed at 6'1 easy. Sometimes 6'2. Yea some builds make you look taller or shorter than you really are.
James said on 20/Jul/11
Alex says on 18/Jul/11
James, yea I been guessed at 6'1-6'2 a lot too. More times at 6'1 than 6'2 though.
I have friend who 'claims' to be 6ft and a half (184cm) and I would NEVER guess him as high as 6'1-6'2. Everyone is built differently i guess unless my is lying about his height?
Alex said on 19/Jul/11
Rock has a slight advantage more over Cena than Brock did. Like 1/2 inch difference is all I would say.
tell-em said on 19/Jul/11
it's official clay, you're blind.
Clay said on 18/Jul/11
tell-em says on 11/Jul/11
there was no bigger lift. its a 6'0.5" man with a 6'1.5" man. clay's just an idiot who can't tell height. evidence shows.
The Rock had no more an advantage over Cena a couple months ago than Lesnar did back in 2003. I doubt you have The Rock at 6'1.5...
Alex said on 18/Jul/11
James, yea I been guessed at 6'1-6'2 a lot too. More times at 6'1 than 6'2 though.
anon1 said on 17/Jul/11
cena cant just be 6'0'' unless vince is 5'11''. he was taller than vince and cm punk on raw. looks about 6'1''
James said on 17/Jul/11
Alex says on 16/Jul/11
James, a lot of guys 6'0 and change claim 6'0 then some will round up to 6'1. I am slightly over but I just claim 6'0 since I am more closer to 6'0 than 6'1. Now a guy 6'0.5-6'0.75 could easily just claim 6'1.
Even though 6ft is tall and above average a lot of guys are greedy and would claim higher at 183-184cm like 6'1 and in circumstances even 6'2.... then again though a fair amoutn will just say 6ft or 6ft and a half.
I agree as well Alex, Cena does not look under the 184cm mark
Josh said on 16/Jul/11
I think sheamus is a little taller than some of u think he is. see these videos.
Click HereClick Here
Truthman said on 16/Jul/11
His posture is always fully straight because of his strong spine muscules. He can pull off loking 6'1 outside of WWE around normal sized people
Alex said on 16/Jul/11
James, a lot of guys 6'0 and change claim 6'0 then some will round up to 6'1. I am slightly over but I just claim 6'0 since I am more closer to 6'0 than 6'1. Now a guy 6'0.5-6'0.75 could easily just claim 6'1.
juan seeya said on 16/Jul/11
john cena is 255 - 260 lbs
Really thick for his height
Viper said on 16/Jul/11
LOL at solid 6-1. More like solid 6-0
James said on 15/Jul/11
rob do you think 183cm is a possiblity for Cena? I think if he really was a legit 184cm i doubt he would say he would be MAYBE 6'1 in cool shoes.
Not saying he is as low as 182cm but you never know?

Editor Rob
I think he can pull off looking a tall six footer, or 184 more than most who claim six feet
Alex said on 14/Jul/11
Cena I can buy at 240lbs solid. Big Show is far more than 400-410lbs today. He was in the low 400lbs back in 1999-2000.
hs2011 said on 13/Jul/11
Well there was NEVER anywhere near 1.5" between Orton and Edge, so Edge at 6'2" flat means Orton is 6'2.5" at best. Bradshaw was barely taller than Orton, so he can't be much over 6'3" by that logic despite being a measured 6'5". Edge was also never 2cm shorter than Batista and was more than 0.5" taller than Triple H. Jeff Hardy was never 3cm taller than CM Punk either.
Some estimates there that I could deffo agree with, but not many I'm afraid.
xyz.reg(6 ft 0.5er) said on 13/Jul/11
John cena is 6ft-6ft 1in..Rock i think nowadays is slightly less than 6ft 3in..more like 6ft 2.5in..triple h is 6ft 2in approx..!!!
WWEFanNation said on 12/Jul/11
OK People so.
John Cena 6'0"(183cm), 235-245 pounds (body builder)
Triple H 6'1" 1/2 (187cm) , 250 pounds
Batista 6'2" 3/4 (190cm) , 280-285 pounds
Randy Orton 6'3" 1/2 (192cm) , 215-225 pounds
Shawn Michaels 5'10" 1/2 (179cm) , 175-185 pounds
Bradshaw 6'4"-6'5" (193-196cm) , 250-270 pounds (Fat Weight)
Edge 6'2" (188cm) , 210-220 pounds
Undertaker 6'6" (198cm) , 265-275 pounds
Kane 6'7" (201cm) , 280-290 pounds
Rey Mysterio 5'3" (160cm) , 150-160 pounds
Cm Punk , 5'11" (180cm) , 185-195 pounds
Jeff Hardy , 6'0" (183cm) , 180-190 pounds (Skinny)
Matt Hardy , 6'0" (183cm) , 200-220 pounds (Thick)
Shannon Moore , 5'8" (173cm) , 165 pounds
The Great Khali , 7'1" (216cm) , 380-400 pounds
The Big Show , 6'11" (211cm) , 400-410 pounds
John Morrisson , 5'11" 1/4 (181cm) , 175-185 pounds (Cut)
Chris Jericho , 5'9" 1/2 (177cm) , 185-195 pounds
Carlito , 5'9" (175cm) , 180-185 pounds
Lance Cade , 6'4" (193cm) , 245-265 pounds (Might Be 6'5")
ANDREA[ITA] said on 12/Jul/11
his claim is probably his lowest height! 6 ft in the night! so 184 is bang on for him ;)
anon1 said on 12/Jul/11
Solid 6'1''
tell-em said on 11/Jul/11
there was no bigger lift. its a 6'0.5" man with a 6'1.5" man. clay's just an idiot who can't tell height. evidence shows.
Legend said on 10/Jul/11
Cena is 5'11.75
Clay said on 9/Jul/11
Stefan says on 8/Jul/11
It´s impossible that Cena is under 6-1. With 6-2 1/3 measured Lesnar: Click Here
We dont know what the two men have on their feet in that pic. It's possible (actually extremely likely) Cena had a bigger lift from his shoes.
Yeah Del Rio is a solid 6'3'' IMO.
phil said on 9/Jul/11
guys, i met cena briefly whilst he was in australia last week. stood next to him for a few minutes. He is EASILY 6'1, id say pushing 6'2.... never really stopped to suss out his shoes though...
Alex said on 9/Jul/11
I've seen a few shots where Lesnar looked slightly over an inch taller than Cena. I think its 6'2 Lesnar and 6'0.5 Cena.
hs2011 said on 8/Jul/11
Del Rio is clearly shorter than Edge:
Click HereVegas, nice photo of Del Rio with 6'5" Mark Jindrak. He looks ~6'3" IMO. Does he pass for that tall in person?
Stefan said on 8/Jul/11
It´s impossible that Cena is under 6-1. With 6-2 1/3 measured Lesnar:
Click Here
JT said on 8/Jul/11
John Cena is probably about 6'2, he's not that far off 6'4 guys like Randy Orton or Edge.
I beleive Del Rio's smaller than billed aswell, 6'3 probably.
Clay said on 7/Jul/11
Del Rio is no 6'5''. Maybe 6'3-6'3.5?
hs2011 said on 7/Jul/11
Edge was clearly 1"+ taller than Del Rio, who looks in the 6'2"-6'3" range IMO.
Del Rio was predominantly listed as 6'5" as an MMA fighter, but Pride FC listed him as 192cm which could be his height in shoes I suppose. Anyone ever met Del Rio?
Josh said on 6/Jul/11
My guesses.
John Cena-6'1
The Rock-6'3
The Miz-6'0.5
CM Punk-6'1
Randy Orton-6'4
Del Rio-6'4
Triple H-6'3
Edge-6'3.5(6'4.75 before neck injuries)
CJ said on 4/Jul/11
Can someone take pics off of RAW, would those help?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Jul/11
Don't rule out 185cm
Alex said on 3/Jul/11
In a flex magazine I have from 06 it shows John Cena standing next to his 6'1 cardboard cut out and he looks slightly taller in sneakers. Cena is a very strong 6'0.
Anonymous said on 8/Jul/09
christian claims 6'1
TELLEM said on 7/Jul/09
Clay says on 3/Jul/09
We dont know Christians height all we know is he supposively ''a legit 6'2 ''.
i do know his height, and he isn't anywhere near 6'2.
Bill said on 7/Jul/09
Jack swagger is 6'3-6'4,his myspace stated 6'4 before they built him at 6'6.Christian is 6'0 flat,I see a max 4 inches between him and swagger.Christian is same height as cena...I guess cena should be downgraded to 6'0 flat.Edge,punk,mvp wear lifts so u cant really guess.
punk-5'11 with ugly lifts
Clay said on 7/Jul/09
Hugh is frustrated I think, as I get sometimes, about all the downgrading that goes on at this site but he seems to be aiming too high a lot lately.
Rika said on 5/Jul/09
Nah, they're boots, ive seen them up close. That, and they're to thick to be normal kicks.
But still, 6'3 for edge, 6'4 for Orton now after seeing him with Swagger who looks about 6'5. Afew months ago, his profile said 6'4.
Actually, before watching a League game, they showed MVP with the Warriors team and most of the Warriors are around 6'2 and acouple around 5'11. The funny thing is that MVP was the shortest out of them all :D.
i'd like to say 5'11-6'0. I didnt really watch it much, i was pre-occupied. Im looking for videos and pictures right now.
Actually, back to the footwear thing. Edge did wear kicks but in other scenes hes wearing boots. Like he wears normal shoes with pads over then and then boots.
Im looking at videos again.
adrian said on 4/Jul/09
Just saw him doing an interview on an australian morning breakfast show and when asked his stats he said "about 6ft and 250 pounds"
Vegas said on 4/Jul/09
Clay says on 3/Jul/09
We dont know Christians height all we know is he supposively ''a legit 6'2 ''.
6'2 he is not obviously, that would make edge about 6'5
jake hager aka jack swagger played football at Oklahoma and was listed there at 6'5 260lb
Click Here Click Hereswagger has an easy 4 inches+ on christian
Click Here
MK said on 3/Jul/09
'Hugh' is clearly on here for atention, the 1cm 'upgrade' is an obvious cry for attion. IGNORE HIM.
Clay said on 3/Jul/09
We dont know Christians height all we know is he supposively ''a legit 6'2 ''.
TELLEM said on 2/Jul/09
Hugh 191cm says on 2/Jul/09
Mvp is not 5ft11.5. He's more 6ft1ish.
hes 6'0 man! just a tad bit shorter than 6'0.5 christian
hs2009 said on 2/Jul/09
Here's a candid from Matt Hardy's MySpace of Hardy, Gregory Helms, Umaga & Edge. Umaga looks 6'2"-6'2.5" & Edge is leaning BIG time but still looks as tall. If he stood up straight he'd be 6'3.5"-6'4" for sure IMO.
Click Here
Hugh 191cm said on 2/Jul/09
Mvp is not 5ft11.5. He's more 6ft1ish.
Vegas said on 29/Jun/09
Rika says on 28/Jun/09
Nah, Ive seen Edges Boots, they're massive so he would appear tall.
like jericho, punk and a few others edge wears kickpads over his boots so to the untrained eye those guys are wearing huge boots when in actuality they are wearing normal wrestling footwear with a big covering
Click Here
Clay said on 28/Jun/09
I give Orton a half inch over Edge.
Rika said on 28/Jun/09
Nah, Ive seen Edges Boots, they're massive so he would appear tall. Look at the Video where they argue with Crime Time while they're watching See no Evil. Edge is atleast 2 inches shorter.
On the same night, he's next to Orton on the stage and is taller than Orton.
Hugh 191cm said on 23/Jun/09
I've always beleived that orton is 6ft4 flat and edge is literally a fraction shorter at 6ft3.5-6ft4.
Alex said on 22/Jun/09
I've been saying Orton 6'4 and Edge 6'3 for a while.
hs2009 said on 22/Jun/09
Orton has much better posture than Edge as well. When Edge stands up straight him & Orton are virtually identical, I've posted numerous photos of this in the past but people see what they want to see I guess :P
Clay said on 21/Jun/09
Thats hilarious I havent seen one photo of Edge and Orton with Orton having more than .5 of an inch on Edge.
Alex said on 21/Jun/09
Cena isn't far off Lesnar when it comes to just arms. Everywhere else Lesnar is easily bigger, check, neck, legs.
Yousuf 6'1.5" said on 21/Jun/09
Edge iz a gud 6'3". But you guys should look at MVP next to John Cena. In that 5 man tagteam match, considering MVP's wrestling boots and John Cena's huge pumps, MVP's 5'11.5".
Rika said on 20/Jun/09
I'd peg Edge at 6'3. In alot of scenes with him and Orton he looks atleast 2 inches shorter.
And orton is maybe 6'4-6'5.
Clay said on 16/Jun/09
Edge is more 6'4.
Anonymous said on 16/Jun/09
lol cena is actually taller than he thinks he is.. he said he was 6ft at 13.. every male atleast guarenteed grows an inch after that age so 6foot 1 for cena is really accurate
Vegas said on 15/Jun/09
cena on craig ferguson, ferguson claims 6ft 2 for himself
Click Here
Rika said on 15/Jun/09
Nah. Ive seen MVP and he is my height (6'1) He is taller than Matt HArdy who looks really unfit nowadays.
Even shorter than Jeff who is 6'1.
Punk looks 6'0-6'1.
I know for a fact that Kofi Kingston is 6'0.
Cena actually suits 6'0-6'1. But he does look taller than the other guys listed above by 1-2 inches. Shoe advantage?
Anonymous said on 13/Jun/09
Yousuf....I agree with you...its funny that punk claims as being 6'3ish when he looks barely 6'1 in lifts...check last week smackdown he was same height as jeff hardy who is 6'0-6'1 and his shoes barely give him advantage.Cena has claimed both 6'0-6'1 so has christian.I think they are pretty close to each others height being bang on 6
Yousuf 6'1.5" said on 12/Jun/09
And regarding christian, he is bang on 6foot. Although his billed at 6foot2. CM punk is 5'11. Next to edge who is 6foot3 he constantly looked 4 inches shorter than him. Also CM Punk next to chris jericho a couple weeks back looked 2inches or 1.5inches taller
CM Punk - 5'11
MVP - 6foot, 5'11.5
John Cena - 6foot
Yousuf 6'1.5" said on 12/Jun/09
Cena is defn8ly 6foot. Mayb 6foot1 in those huge nike n
Reebok pump upz he wears in the ring, thats why he's billed at 6'1. MVP is probably 5'11.5 n maybe 6foot. WWE bills him at a whopping 6foot3! But the wrestlers are billed according to their gimmicks and to what they want to be billed at.
Hugh 190cm said on 12/Jun/09
I think he is a weak 6ft1 but I could've sworn that Cena looked 6ft1.5-6ft2 beside 5ft11.5-6ft Robert Patrick in the Marine.
Clay said on 11/Jun/09
Brock is easily a bigger man than Cena, not really close.
Hugh 190cm said on 11/Jun/09
184-185cm is bang on. Weight? 235lbs at least. more likely 240-245lbs.
Tony said on 11/Jun/09
On the odd occasion I have seen Brock and Cena in street clothes. Brock seemedto have a larger frame, bigger shoulders etc. Cena's arms (biceps) "appeared" alot more bigger than Brocks. Perhaps it's down to Cena having better muscle definition?
Anonymous said on 10/Jun/09
Just checked some tna videos.....christian looks about 2-2.5 inches taller than angle in tna and 2 inches shorter than sting who is max 6'2.Infact if I'm not wrong, tna described sting as 6'2 against his match with mick foley.I think sting has definitely shrunked.
Das said on 9/Jun/09
Cena surely looks same height as christian in the video.mayb both are 6 feet,6'0 guys can give 5'11 impression
Anonymous said on 9/Jun/09
Since we consider christian at 5'11-6,then cena is certainly same height.In the rap battle video,there's camera advantage for cena and christian was slouching.In this video,both men have a face off and cena does appear max 0.25taller but his nike looks thicker.
Click HereI bet that barefeet cena must be max 182-183 from the video.
The Ben said on 9/Jun/09
I haven't got a pic with christian but i stood right next to the guy 2 or 3 times in 2006 and i was taller then him, i'm just over 6ft.. He was 5' total max he could be touching 6ft..
I expected more...its hard to tell with wrestlers until you meet them in person.. 6ft with a stocky body can look much shorter then someone like christian who's actually prett skinny!
Rika said on 9/Jun/09
Angle doesnt wear lifts. So he alwayd did look short with the other wrestlers.
In 01-03 he wore boots that looked to give maybe 1.5. But thats nothing to the 2in thick boots other wrestlers wear e.g.Kane, HHH, Edge.
Clay said on 8/Jun/09
Christian has been reffered to as a legit 6'2. 5'11''? Get real.
Anonymous said on 8/Jun/09
@ The Ben ,if christian is really 5'11 then he must be the tallest 5'11 I've ever seen.He's taller than angle by atleast 2-2.5,alex said that angle was atleast 5'10.Neither does christian wear lifts...I'm shocked must say.Btw,have u send that pic to rob..i'm big fan of christian.As for kennedy,he looks pretty short next to 6'4 guy in his movie.
Rob. said on 7/Jun/09
Cena looks every bit of 6'1" to me.
TELLEM said on 5/Jun/09
kennedy was shorter than vince macmahon and kennedy was in wrestling gear. hes 5'11. mvp is 6'0, christian 6'0
Alex2 said on 5/Jun/09
Yea, weird how they didnt show Cenas body on 12 Rounds... 48" Chest is not really big for Cenas size/age im 16 and im 45-45.5", Arms are Huge though
Gago said on 4/Jun/09
I see him at Gold's Gym very often, he's a big guy, this listing is right and Alex, he's NO WAY natural.
The Ben said on 4/Jun/09
Ive met christian and he's shorter then me, Im just over 6ft, i give christian 5'11... cena looks 6'0 to me.. Ive just seen 12 rounds and i cant believe they dont use cena's body as a selling tool... they keep him totally covered for the full film, basically relying on his very very suspect acting skills to sell the movie.
There are some pics on mr Kennedys official site and he looks under 6ft, there are pics of him on the set of behind enemy lines 2 and he looks 5'10 190 Lbs (i know he isnt that small) He's billed on his site at 6'2 and 240 LBS...
Anonymous said on 4/Jun/09
@ tellem,Mvp is shorter than christian,mvp wears these large boots and still looks 6'1 max.same with punk.Christian lookssame height as cena.I'll say christian is about 6'0.5 and 200lbs,and cena is 6'0.5 and 240 lbs
hs2009 said on 4/Jun/09
Kennedy claims 6'1" & 230lbs.
He looks the same height as Matt Hardy on Hardy's MySpace. Hardy in turn looks the exact same height as Evander Holyfield.
TELLEM said on 3/Jun/09
kennedy is 5'11. hes shorter than 6'0 mvp whos roughly the same height as christian.
Clay said on 3/Jun/09
Kennedy - 6'0.5-6'1 230-235 pounds.
Alex said on 2/Jun/09
Arm wise Cena isn't far off of Lesnar. Lesnar's arms were 21 (assuming thats flexed) then I'd say Cena is 19-20.
Alex said on 2/Jun/09
Lesnar likely has 30-40lbs on Cena. Cena looks a solid 240lbs to me with Lesnar at 275-280 cutting to 265 for fights.
Not sure about Cena being natural. Me and him are about the same height. I feel on the big side at around 200lbs and he probably has around 40lbs on me at least. Thats very big. His chest probably is 48 inches.
The Ben said on 31/May/09
What does anyone think Mr Kennedys height and weight are???
LukeyD said on 30/May/09
Cena is 6'2,ive met him.
Alex2 said on 30/May/09
Ace, col how big are you? Have any pics? What would you say Cena's chest is 48?
The Seth said on 29/May/09
i'm 5'9" 140 lbs.
Cena's got me by 100 lbs. and four inches. I met him in his home state of Massachusetts. Not far from my home in southern Maine.