How tall is John Schneider - Page 3

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Average Guess (89 Votes)
6ft 2.94in (190.3cm)
Kal-El said on 24/Apr/07
On one interview he said he was 6'4, why a tall person like him would lie about his height? He doesn't need to.
patrick said on 13/Apr/07
Very nice words Jude! I love to read such human testimonies.
Even i did not have my own opinion, i would be inclined to trust someone like you more than "others". I happen to agree with you and not only about his 6'3 height but regarding his heart; This guy is how Tom Welling described him, a real "father", he "is" J.Kent and that is some compliment! Write again if you can Jude!
Jude Stringfellow said on 17/Mar/07
I met John in St. Mountain, GA in 1972. He was 6'3" then at 19, and I doubt he's grown or shrunk. Saw the man again several times in 1981-1983...hotter, yet very very hot - and still 6'3". Gorgeous smile, big heart, gotta love the man for his walk with Jesus! Hi John! (1/2 a velvet heart)
Anonymous said on 14/Mar/07
does anyone have a photo of the kind of boots john schneider wears in the duke of hazzard?
patrick said on 23/Feb/07
Yes, Tom WELLING is 6'3 (or more?) but Tom Wopat, i think is 6'; not less unless he always wears lifts!
patrick said on 11/Dec/06
Yes...if Tom Wopat is 5'11 and everybody knows he is not!
I think Tom is 6' and so, Jhon is what he look like: 6'3;
Always the same method considering in shrinking everybody who could prove an actor is taller than you estimate him; That is not really honest and in philosophy, it is called "reductionism".
Viper said on 11/Dec/06
Looks around 6-2 there with Wopat.
bo said on 21/Nov/06
John Schneider is 6'4". I found that out from John himself.
mc said on 10/Nov/06
Well today John Schneider was in town for a charity event, he did an autograph line (he stood the whole time) and showed his movie (Collier & Co) with the proceeds going to charity. I was in line a long time watching him. At first I thought he was not very tall (about 6'1") he was in ordinary sneakers. But, it turns out he was just slouching a lot. When someone tall would have their picture taken with him, he would stand up strait and he was 6'3" easy. When someone shorter was with him he would slouch and lean in to not look so tall. He was standing up strait, but normal with the tall people not standing on one leg, or trying to be closer to the camera, etc. He did not have to worry about his height, or try to fake it. Instead you could tell it was the opposite, he was slouching not trying to stand out most of the time like someone conscious of their towering over people.
patrick said on 18/Oct/06
In the midst of the street? Anyway, the point is "why": that would be interesting to know the reason why the director did this and why, everytime it is about Tom's height, "something" seems making things out of focus;
The proof: "this" very site ! Besides Sly's and Tom Cruise's ones, no other sounds cause as much as controversy; That's a "sociological phenomenon" !
Even in an episode of the second season, Chloe tells Clark "from your 6 foot...WHATEVER" ; Why not saying the real height if not to keep it in the haze of "mystery" and make people talk !!!
Because that is exactly what is happening; it's never clear; For me it is but it is my opinion based upon my own perception and some photos more than statements;
i take the John's one about his 6' friend as much more valid than fancy ones i read here! Do you know that in many other sites devoted to Smallville or not, Tom is most often evaluated as being 6'3 and 6'4?
Frankly, i hope to be able to get to SV set next year since a 7th season is probable to end it in order to judge by myself! If i am possibly able to get close to them!
Viper652 said on 17/Oct/06
I personally dont think it was a box. If anything it was probably a sidewalk.
tim said on 17/Oct/06
when you guys refer to jared not being on a box that is ludacris, if he wasnt it would make him 6'7, secondly jared at age 21 was described at 6'2 so unless you grow after 21 which doesnt happen to ofter than he is 6'2.. tom is shorter than jared but not by much id say he is 6'1.5 and as for john hes a touch over 6'2, when you put shoes onto all these heights, it appears to be the height that each actor descibes themselves as..
patrick said on 9/Oct/06
OK, i know it is not usual to call on Editor Bob as referee butthere, frankly, Mr. Viper's obvious bad faith NEEDS someone being judge and unbiased, capable to read each one's arguments.
I repeat: when it's about Jared, he is NOT, he CANNOT be upon a platform (even though that is so easy to see that his pals are also on it!) BUT, when it's about Tom: he is on a slope or on a box or JS is barefoot or what else?
Mr Bob, "you be the judge" not about J Schneider's and thus, Tom's height but about the credibility of Chibifibi's and "I" (and John about Tom's article)arguments.
In advance, thanks.
Viper652 said on 6/Oct/06
Well, its still inconclusive evidence since you cant see their feet. And to be perfectly honest it truly does look that way to me.
patrick said on 6/Oct/06
Of course, Tom HAS to be on a slope while Jared CANNOT BE!
That is really too funny! What slope ? And above all, WHY a slope ?
Disheartening, discouraging and finally hopeless !
Viper652 said on 5/Oct/06
Actually it looks like Welling is standing on a slope, but you really cant tell since you cant see their feet.
patrick said on 5/Oct/06
To Chibifibi: THANKS A LOT ! At last, someone who piked up the picture i am talking about FOR MONTHS!!!
So, what do Mrs Viper and Anonymous will object this time:
1/ Tom is upon a box
2/John is kneeling
3/ John actually is 5'11
4/ Annette O'Toole is actually a dwarf munchkin
5/ that happens to be a "trick" and Tom is not "really" there
6/ we are all blind and do not see that Annette is effectively much taller BUT disavantaged with angle shot
7/ it happens to be a very good drawing made by order from me to an artist JUST to allow me to be right
So, that photo gets matched to what is sooo easily visible and confessed by John many times.
I confess being looking forward to read the "irrefutable" arguments that won't fail to present;
That photo is taken in front of them: no special angles, no special position, no anamorphosis due to wide angle objective. A plain, very common right snapshot.
Bravo again Chibifibi !
Viper652 said on 27/Sep/06
Schneider never looked 6-3 on the Dukes of Hazard. 188-189 Max.
patrick said on 27/Sep/06
i am in any way obsessed with anything (no feel offended) but i am VERY interested in a fact i already wrote about here: how strange it is to notice how THIS guy creates such a polemic !
i ran through many other actors listed in here and i never got its macth;
i am sure Tom would be very amazed with all these questions about his height !
the point is even in other sites it seems that that question comes back too very often; some saying Tom is "giantlike", others saying he is almost normal;
Only Sylvester Stallone and Tom Cruise seem to be also likewise "in question";
I feel personaly that interesting; that reveals how "we" interpret what we watch; "i" see differently than "you" and others see; here is something to be noticed; I magine how crucial it is if we were witnesses in a "case" !
frankly, i and all people around me, see him as i describe below; i do not say i am right but just tha's the way i see him; maybe he is an ET able to create images in each of our minds (joke);
it is true that some people look taller than they really are; for Ted Dawnson is one of them; i saw him at Paramount studios; he was close to me and seemed very big and tall; that come from his long long head (presumably);
It's amusing how many people are mistaken about Sean Connery's height; he ALWAYS is stated at much more than he is; yet, he's always a bit slouching; that comes from something "in him"; some guys are "tall within themselves";
question of "soul" i presume; Here is what i am interested in; Rock Hudson looked like a giant more than (young) Clint Eastwood whom is not a man to be neglicted; Clint is a great soul for me; so, what all of that, all these subjective impressions are depending on ? I DO NOT KNOW !
The fact is John and Tom went well together; they had a touch of magic as if they really were father and son; That's, besides, what says John Schneider (who claimed being a bit smaller than Tom in an interview ! ouch !!)
sf said on 27/Sep/06
My "Superstars" '83 book has him at 6'4", for whatever that's worth. And it also says, "When John isn't working on his TV series or singing on various TV specials, he keeps himself busy writing music, playing tennis, and reading horror stories." Good to know...
Anonymous said on 26/Sep/06
Oops, I meant to say Welling is shorter. LOL.

All kidding aside though, I seriously think both are the same height. Even if your analysis is right I wouldn't put them both over 6'3", because Welling's model card listed him at 6'2" (how can he be much taller then that?!? lol). And seriously even if they manipulate the effects Welling still cannot be much taller (no more than an inch, just look at proportions). I would give Welling 6'3", Schneider maybe a bit less after all he is getting a bit old now. If you're right on the DVD comment then that explains the recent changes in height.

I don't think we can ever know for sure. But I'm positive Welling is no more then 6'3" and I personally think he's 6'2". Maybe a tad under 6'3" for Schneider. So Schneider 6'2" and Welling 6'2.5" tops.
Anonymous said on 26/Sep/06
patrick you are obsessed with Welling and Schneider to do all that crazy stuff. And I still don't believe you.

I still think Schneider is shorter and there is nothing you can do about it.
patrick said on 21/Sep/06
NO, no and no again! Re-read what i wrote: in few scenes he appears shorter; besides, it's explained on a DVD bonus: "the" father should have to be "taller"; they then changed their mind;
I am re-watching all the seasons and, knowing very well the plots, i can take the time toexamine accurately the picture, frozen it all the time;
I bet my month salary on not only you just cannot see tom smaller but in most cases clearly taller than his "father"!
Everybody at home sees it because...that doesn't need nothing but not being blind!
It has been said so long and so many times that J S was taller that became a truth; I never bought it andI AM NOT ALONE (by far) NOTICING THAT!
A tip: when watching a photo or a still shot (dvd), look at the lines of perspective AND the SIZE of their respective heads, the height of their respective shoulders; sometimes a guy looks taller (or shorter) BUT the examination of the proprtions reveal that it's a play of perspective effects;
Believe me: i am a drawer and practicing that allowed me not to make a lot of mistakes!
But, nevertheles, check the DVD bonus where they talk about how they manage to transform the set to get the effects they wanted;
Check out the google picture o ftom and John and Annette where they pose and where all is revealed! soooo esay to do!
Anonymous said on 20/Sep/06
What do you mean never? John appears taller well into season 4 and even in season 5.
patrick said on 18/Sep/06
NEVER! Tom just a couple times appears smaller and precisely in the firts episodes of the first season ! Clark is then at the hospital;i am quite sure he was shot barefoot; apart from that, as John said on sept 13rd and Anonymous on august 7th, Tomm is clearly taller than the great John Schneider; it is so obvious and just needs to be checked out, to read the DVDs and "pause" now and then; moreover, John always does what Brandon Routh says having done in SUPERMAN returns: he pull and cranes his head up and backwards, what he didn't do in the other shows he was in before;
Nevertheless, John Schneider is clearly a legit 6'3, not less; seeign him in these other shows shows always him much taller and often bigger than anyone else.
Anonymous said on 17/Sep/06
In season 1 thru 4, John appeared taller.

Now in 5, Tom appears taller at times.

Unless Tom's still growing in his late 20's, something's fishy.
Viper652 said on 14/Sep/06
Well, usually John is taller tahn Welling.
john said on 13/Sep/06
I don't think so Viper652. I watched an episode of SV just last night on DVD and paused more than once and each time it was clear to both my wife and I that Tom was taller. Both times they were juxtaposed and Tom had the slight edge in height.
Viper652 said on 12/Sep/06
Schneider is taller than Welling for sure.
john said on 11/Sep/06
I've seen every episode of SV and more often than not Tom looks slightly taller than John. It does vary though as camera angles can make a difference as well as footwear.
Viper652 said on 10/Aug/06
Schneider looks 6-2 to me. He only had a couple of inches on 6-0 Tom Wopat in Dukes of Hazard.
George H said on 9/Aug/06
I've seen a few episodes and to me Schneider always looked about an inch taller.
Viper652 said on 8/Aug/06
Tom is closer to 6-1 in his barefeet.
Anonymous said on 7/Aug/06
Nah, Tom is definately taller than John. Tom is at least 6'3"
Anonymous said on 20/Jul/06
Tom is smaller, only when he wears those boots does he ever appear taller. Barefoot he's less than Schneider. They've intentionally made Schneider less than Welling in this season when compared to season's all about the footwear.
patrick said on 20/Jul/06
you're wrong about Tom being smaller than John "Kent" Schneider!
it is OBVIOUS (and DVD allow to check that out) that Tom is on the contrary, ONE inch or so taller than John; minimum i/2 inch;
Find the photos where they both appear with Annette O'Toole and many other shots, including the one where John has become a "ghost";
Please, fellows, OPEN your eyes !
However, John Schneider is definitly AT LEAST 6'3'' and maybe near 6'4''.
Mr. R said on 22/Feb/06
Tom Wopat is about 6 foot. I met him in New York a few years ago.
Karis said on 21/Feb/06
Tom Wopat is 6'1" or maybe 6'. I don't think he is 6'2"
Jonathan Kent said on 25/Nov/05
i have met him and dean cain is 6" and he is about dead on 6"3
Jason said on 6/Nov/05
I used to have a good friend from LA who is friends with Schneider (she lived nearby Schneider and his family and would visit them with her husband and kids). Unfortunately I lost contact with her in 2003 but if I ever talk to her again I will be sure to ask her opinion of his height (her husband is 6'5'' so maybe she has a good idea)...
CelebHeights Editor said on 22/Oct/05
Somebody (comment accidentally deleted) mentioned they emailed his official site and got a reply he was '6ft 3'.
Kenshin said on 14/Jun/05
The difference between tom's and john's height is 1 inch so that would make tom 6'2
Smoke said on 7/Apr/05
It is the presence of John Schneider on Smallville that tells us that Tom Welling is slightly under 6'3", next to Schneider Tom really does look closer to 6'2" than 6'3" as many have discussed on Welling's height listing. I really do think Tom is a solid 6'2.5" (189 cm) though.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.