Glenn said on 12/Mar/06
He can be anywere from 5-7 to 5-9.unless he is in bare feet,we will never know.I dont wear boots like that.
sean said on 12/Mar/06
Glenn, do you wear similar boots? Because if you don't, Depp ends up looking pretty close to your 5'8". Why do you think he's 5'9 - are these bad angles?
Glenn said on 11/Mar/06
it had a heel going these boots.and someone confided in me he wore those days he looked almost 6 feet! now he looks 5-9,-5-10.
Editor Rob said on 11/Mar/06
Added another pic of Glenn and Depp, he was in timberland type boots. Also another axl rose and changed the old jack nicholson shot (scanner cut top of their heads off) to a better one glenn had scanned today.
Glenn said on 4/Mar/06
Wow.thats Very Was Taken By A Girl Who Is 5-4.
UNK said on 2/Mar/06
Depp doesn't wear those boots. Maybe in Donnie Brosco he did, but no where else.
In Donnie Brasco Depp is 3 inches taller than Pacino in every scene.. and Pacino has the cuban heel too. I don't think Pacino is much more than 5'5", so 5'8 - 5'9" is still seeming correct for Depp.
Here are the boots he had on when Glenn met him.
Knowing now that Glenn is barely 5'8", and looking at Depp's boots... I don't know man, 5'9" tops... I think you gotta shave that 1/4".
Anonymous said on 1/Mar/06
Yes! Cuban Heels = 2 inch, Cowboy/Biker Boots = 1,5 inch.
Johnny Depp is 5'7 + Cuban Heels he is 5'9 + 1 inch lifts he can look 5'10.
rwfender said on 1/Mar/06
Those boots Brian found look like they would give someone around 2 additional there a picture of depp wearing those specific boots?
Brian Drover said on 1/Mar/06
Johnny wears the RM Williams Bushman boots with Cuban Heels. Check this out...
Nice boots!
trueheight said on 28/Feb/06
one could lower their eyes by simply tilting their head down. this makes more sense 'cause Depp's sholder is still higher
Anonymous said on 28/Feb/06
Notice how glenn's eyes are higher than his ears and Johnny's eyes are lower than his ears...they are not from the same perspective angle. Notice how JD's shoulder are higher than Glenn's. JD's chin and adam's apple are higher too. Notice how the light source on Glenn's photo highlights his forehead and jacket while JD's photo seem to have been lit from a studio lightbox. Shadows below their chins don't have the same light source angle. Notice the horizon line of the photograph....this photo was taken by a person 4 inches shorter....
D. Ray Morton said on 15/Feb/06
Converse add about 3/4" to one's stature.
"he was wearing boots (by the way I love his boots does anyone know what brand he wears)"
Amen to that! I've always wanted to know what they were. They're awesome. If you happen to find out the make elsewhere, please report back!
Jonathan said on 14/Feb/06
I meet johnny depp on the tonight show and he was wearing really big boots, I'm 5'8 and he was probably 2 incehs taller.... I was wearing converse and he was wearing boots (by the way I love his boots does anyone know what brand he wears) so i guess he would be 5'8 w/o the boots cause converse are like walking barefoot
Glenn said on 7/Feb/06
bloom is very rude and arrogant.
anny said on 7/Feb/06
who ever says depp is even close to 5'7 is completely insane,didnt anyone see depp on the tonight show promoting charlie and..., he was less than an inch shorter than leno,with normal tennis shoes i recall.
depp is i think a solid 176.5, which is a rare height,thus the reason for the uncertainty.
sean said on 6/Feb/06
if you look through getty images, "depp" - you'll find pictures of johnny depp standing next to bruce willis. although both have knit hats on, willis looks 3 inches taller than depp.
1) how tall is bruce for accurate comparison?
2) is their footwear comparable?
If bruce is 6 foot, depp is 5'9. if bruce is 5'11, depp is 5'8.
Funny thing is, in the same photo series, depp is right next to keith richards, who is listed as 5'8.5 on this site (perhaps should ask glenn how tall richards was), and both depp and keith looked similar height, this is with keith slightly leaning, head cocked a bit, and johnny straight.
So, unless everybody is in bare feet and we have a measuring tape, we can guess depp is between 5'8 and 5'9.
bikagyura said on 4/Feb/06
you mean he looked a jerk?
Anonymous said on 4/Feb/06
and a jerk.
Glenn said on 4/Feb/06
bloom actually looked 5-11 when I saw him. and a jerk.
Matt said on 2/Feb/06
If Willem Dafoe is 5'7" - 5'8" it is very possible Depp is in the same range. Personally I think Depp is 5'8"-5'8.25" barefoot and 5'9.5-5'9.75" with a pair of boots on. I also believe Orlando Bloom is really only 5'9.5" - 5'10" and not the 5'11" that he claims. I know there is a high camera angle and Depp is slouching a bit in this photo but look how small he looks(
look at this one...(
and this (
I just can't imagine Depp being 5'10.75" inches with a pair of his 1.5 inch boots on. I see a 5'8" guy.
Glenn said on 1/Feb/06
dofoe is also said to be 5-8.not picking on him.its just fascinating that ive seen him look 5-9 and also 6 feet!
Anonymous said on 1/Feb/06
I was watchin Crybaby and Depp appeared short in the film. There was a scene where William Dofoe was the police officer taking him to his jail cell and Depp was significantly shorter than Dofoe. Dofoe is only about 5'9" tops.
westlondon said on 31/Jan/06
depp gets NO flack for his height unlike some much taller than him guys. He is a legend who is happy with himself and other people pick up on this.
Glenn said on 31/Jan/06
thanks chris.I contributed to the site greatly and would expect more tact.I agrre with 5-9 on depp.not 5-7.looks an inch bigger than me,when I see him on his short days.
Chris said on 29/Jan/06
Come on guys. stop fighting. It is thanks to Glenn and Rob this site it´s really interesting. So, stop mocking on him!!!
Glenn said on 29/Jan/06
whatever man.chill out? nerve.did I attack you before you got snippy? no.people where commenting to me at what a jerk you were,so free country that somewhere else.who am I? who the hell are you? the site is to make opinions,true,but you ALL OUT ATTACKED MY couldve said your constructive critisim in a nicer must be real to you now cause you were making further comments on heights.again,im not interested in dealing with you or making further comments to you so I will drop it like that.others were expecting a apology too.doesnt matter.we know how you are.
Anonymous said on 28/Jan/06
Listen Glenn, who are you? Why should I apoligize to you, this is a great free country and I could express my views and opions any which way I like to. I haven't made myself a fool to anybody because my critisim is constructive. My opinions can mean or make a whole lot of sense when it comes to height on this site to many surfers, so why don't you back off and drop it. If the photos are real then so let them be, if they are not this site is getting the wrong info on celeb's heights. Whatever dude, I don't surf this site for photos of people I don't reckon with. I visit this site because I like to add proof or subtract proof in calculating CELEBRITIES true heights. Again I don't have the legal entitlement to charge anybody with anything, and even if I did I wouldn't bother because you have the right also. Again Glenn, chill out.
Glenn said on 28/Jan/06
dont be still havnt been a man and made yourself a fool to everyone and accused me of serious charges.dont respond to my photos anymore.
Lawrence said on 26/Jan/06
Of course I factored boots please read my previous enteries.
Glenn said on 23/Jan/06
kind of agree with you Lawrence,but did you factor the cowboy boots he had on?
UNK said on 23/Jan/06
He appears about an inch taller here... he does appear to be slouching, but the chin down makes you taller.. The correct way to measure yourself is back straight, feet together, and chin down. People think if they look up they will seem taller, but it's just because their eyes are looking up... it's a mistake... the top of your head is at it's tallest point when your chin is down. Depp's head is in perfect measuring position, however his back does seem to be slouching.
5'9"... no more than that.
A-Bomb said on 23/Jan/06
I think Depp looks two icnhes taller than Glenn here, he seems to be leaning in forward slightly which is why it seems less. But, there are two factors we don't know 1) They are on a street so the pavement may be favouring Depp and 2)exactly how much height Depp's shoes give him and how much Glenn's give him. But, I'd say it makes a strong case for 5'9".
RW said on 22/Jan/06
how on earth do you see a 2 or 2.5 inch difference in that picture? Glenn and Depp look pretty close to the same height to me in that picture. Maybe Depp might look 1/2 in. taller
Lawrence said on 21/Jan/06
In this pic Glenn, Depp looks a solid 2" -2.5" taller than you. Therefore 5'9.5"(Depp's original height) + 2.25" (Depp's "heels") = 5'11 3/4" in this pic
and you are (supposedly) 5'8" + 1.25" (supposedly in regular shoes - no lifts)
= 5'9 1/4" So yes there is a 2" (or more) difference in this pic between the both of you. Right Glenn, Depp is 5'9.5" exact. and you are 5'7.5" - 5'8"
Glenn said on 20/Jan/06
some say 5-11,some say you know, this sounds like Im making this up but, I forget that I actually asked him his height half hour before this pic,and he looked me in the eye,paused,and said,"I dont know,I forgot" bet guess was always 5-9 barefoot.Lawrence still has the balls to make comments? check out my other photo shops Lawrence? I agree,depp looks 2 or 3 inches taller here cause he is also not standing lets figure this outhe is 5-11,6 feet here,im 5-9 in subtract his 2 inch or 3 inch heels that would make him 5-8,5-9.correct?
Lawrence said on 20/Jan/06
Ok UNK , but, Depp is slouching his back and neck and his face is coming down where as Glenn's face and chin is up (as ears are just under the eye and Glenn is standing very straight.) Now picture Depp standing straight and raising his head just as Glenn, Depp is now 2.5" taller by this pic, but since Depp has 1.25" heel advantage he would be 1.25" taller than Glen = Depp is 5'9.5"

Editor Rob
yes, that is possible, I can see this...I think glenn said depp in the past has appeared like a 5ft 11 guy!
UNK said on 20/Jan/06
I really do think Depp is 5'9", but LAWERENCE why would we just stare at his shoulders and neck? It's the top of your head which is your final height. Maybe Depp as a small head... their bodies are totally different. Sure if we were measuring from their feet to their shoulders, Depp would be taller, but we are not - we are measuring from their feet to the top of their head.
What throws me about this pic is that Depp has cowboy boots on (link to them below). Sure he looks slightly taller, but with those boots he should really look a few inches taller if he is 5'9.25". But like Glenn says he is a chameleon of height, so who knows.
Lawrence said on 19/Jan/06
Just stare at their shoulders and tell me... Depp is not taller?!, Depp looks like he could be his dad. Thank-you!
J.J.F said on 18/Jan/06
WOW, Laurance - those are some seriios charges there. I, as a European, believe in 'innocent untill proven guilty', unlike in the States...
Glenn has nothing to gain from photoshopping all those images, surely? He hunts for autographs, best place to do so is on movie sets and at evenents. That is where most of the piocs are taken.
Remember - innocent untill proven otherwise...
Glenn said on 18/Jan/06
this was taken,as with most film set photos when the actor leaves his trailer and walks to the set.90% of the film sets here are open,not closed.even when its indoors you can always get to them when they walk out to go back to trailer or the waiting SUV.I think he is 5-9,I have another photo were he looks 5-11 next to me! you have to understand,depp,gibson,and stallone are the 3 chameleons of height.the shapeshifters.or shapeLIFTERS.they can appear tall one day and short the next.depp always looked 5-11 in the early 90's,now looking 5-9.thanks A-BOMB,and UNK for backing me.come to NYC and Ill hook you up with whoever is in town!
Glenn said on 17/Jan/06
Glenn said on 17/Jan/06
everyones an expert and talks hot air,but whos really combing the streets,events,aiports,clubs and mainly hotels? me.come up to NYC and talk trash.
Glenn said on 17/Jan/06
ali was in the street after a book signing all knowing and all seeing lawrence.DUH.
Glenn said on 17/Jan/06
lawerence,your making a fool of yourself,cause,alot of these celebrities ive met time and time again,and have different pics of the encounters.which will show up on the site.bad cameras,old photos are not enough for jealosy or outrageous claims of the worst imaginable pastings and photo shops.thank you UNK.yes,in NYC its very easy,as in LA,MIAMI and VEGAS.
UNK said on 17/Jan/06
If you live in NYC, LA, or London it is extremely easy to get pictures taking with celebs - especially if you try. With out trying I have run into a dozen celebs in the NJ/NYC area over the years. My friends and family members have run into even more. Now if I had the time and initiative, I could meet celebs every weekend. My point is, get off Glenn's back... chances are he is for real.
I agree you can't judge someone's exact height by a picture. What these pictures do is let us know we are in the ball park. With Depp, I truly think he is slightly less than 5'9". I come to this conclusion by looking at many pics of him with Kate Moss, Vanessa Paradis, and his movies. This pic with Glenn just goes to show that I am probably right. However, the Editor may be right also. 5'9.25" is definitely not out of the question. Pinning Depp's height down to an exact measurment is impossible because, as we all know, his height varies slightly during the day due to science. All we could say is he is around 5'9".
Anonymous said on 16/Jan/06
This is a hoax, cropped pic from Depp movie "Donnie Brasco" look at this photo Depp is wearing same outfit and in same background area, Glenn must of got this specific clip from another source, but this photo is 100% same Depp outfit and background:
and also why would Depp take a picture of an average joe on the set of Donnie Brasco? While filming admittance is strict and positively restricted., what are they long time friends?!! and also every actor/actress is a Glenn fan waiting for him to arrive? What does Glenn phone them to ask him/her (actor or actress) where they are so he (Glenn) could meet them there. Or Glenn is always in luck and just runs into them. I don't know, but I do know that Glen is not a celebrity and his photos are uncanny.
Lawrence said on 16/Jan/06
Rob, alot of "Glenn"'s pictures look ify dude. His face always almost looks so bright and pale as if it were from a different setting. I've worked with graphic design and photography and therefor have some concerns about these photos.
All this I'm typing is leading to the main point of this site. It is a site about height, yes, And I hope it to be clean and honest. Thats why I enjoy some time visiting this site and writing to you. Please hear me out. I'm not suggesting all Glenn's pictures are wrong, but I am saying 2 things: First, there is no scientific evidence that Glenn is even 5'8" tall (to me he looks 5'7") and secondly how can we compare any of these photos to celebrities when most of the pictures look questionable and his real height not really knowing?? Did we actually go up to Glenn and measure him with a good old measuring tape in bare feet?, no so how can we make analogies of celebrities real heights when we are uncertain?
Glenn with Ali- This pick looks fake, first off Glen is wearing a tank top and Ali a suit, what is Glen so important to be invited to this event or party? but also look at Ali's arm overlaping Glenn', it looks fake dun it. Also another possibility is that Ali's face looks like it was cut and pasted on.
Billie Joe Arms.. with Glen- ok this pic looks the most credible cause it could be and probably is a backstage concert picture, whatever. But Green day is slouching big time and if he would be up straight I'd bet you 2 inches past 5'7" Glenn.
Antonio and Glenn - looks like Antonio's head was cut and pasted again! More light exposure on Antonio's face as compared to Glen's...
Cruise and Glenn - The most hideous picture I have ever seen. This pic looks out of this planet - it just looks so odd.
Al pacino with Glenn- this photo looks fake, I mean the lighting on Pacino looks so much different almost existing on its own.
Keanu and Glenn- looks so fake, the physical chemistry in this photo looks so off. Once again looks like faces are cut and pasted. There are so many keanu photos out there with that look.
Steven Seagal and Glenn- Almost looks like Steven was plopped in the scene, colors look so off.
only some suggestions to name a few.
Rob, sorry dude, maybe Glenn is 5'8" but from what I see in some pics that look credible, he looks less than 5'7". We need some real proof just as we are trying to get some real proof on celebrities, I know everyone wants to be a celebrity. Alot of these supposed photos look out of this world, horrible, hideous, strange and unnatural looking (fake).
In conclusion Rob, either you and Glenn are buddies so you know for a fact he is 5'8" or you really trust him for an unknown reason. Even if he SAYS he is 5'8" how do we know that for sure???? And even if he sends these photos and you have no problem posting them how can we know if they are credible, please reasure celeb heights site fans. We need concrete proof if we really want to nail the very accuracy of celebrities heights, what are their real heights goddaw* %$!!!???
Thanks for your time Rob, and have a good day!

Editor Rob
yes, we're having to take Glenn's word he's 5ft anybody would take my 5ft 8 word. Although, I did give a full-size picture proving my height...but hey, it might be faked so I could really be 5ft 3 ;)
I understand the issues you might have. If those pics you speak of are 'fakes', someone might turn up at least one of the original pics where the star looks exactly same...they always manage that on There's no doubt that photo manipulation can create very believable results. Am I to fly over to NY, demand to see every single negative and then measure Glenn...I dunno, I'm due a holiday soon, so you never know :-)
At the moment people can take Glenn's word and view all the photos and decide. Skepticism is a healthy endeavour, but I have to either accept glenn's pics as for what they are, or just ignore them. Taking the collection as a whole, I've seen more than enough to decide. Whilst some of the glenn pics might have an appearance that would send the commenters on bigboys wild with cries of 'fake', other explanations can be offered.
The pics themselves are scanned in and in some of them I've adjusted some of the coloring and sharpened a few that were more out of focus simply to try to make a few more clearer, if you get the drift...they are of a bigger sized than what I show on the site.
To address some of the points. The Ali pic is focussing just slightly behind Glenn (the two people in background are more in focus), hence Ali is more out of focus than Glenn. Similarly with Seagal, the camera appears to have focussed beyond the two subjects. In a couple of pics one person might be moving slightly as its taken and maybe is more blurry than the person who is static?
I do see the problem with Antonio - is it possible that the central subject in a picture might bear the brunt of an up-n-close flash exposure, so he looks more over-exposed...similarly different skin tones may raise an eyebrow...but some of these pics are taken in dark so the flash will really only be illuminating the main subjects (i.e. like the Keanu pic)
I don't know about the Pacino appears he's had the pic signed at some future point by Al, like the Arnie one?
But the photos I say first and foremost are to show somebody has met a celeb. Anybody can come out and say 'I've met Robin Williams and he's 5ft 10', but if they also produce a pic then maybe they're encounters are worth taking note of? Some of these pics will be put on the site to put a 'name to face', some of them you might be able to get an idea of height or not.
You bring up interesting points Lawrence, and other people can judge the pics like you and may agree/disagree with your views.
Leeroy said on 16/Jan/06
LAWRENCE, what alternate reality do you live in that you can't tell that Depp is the same height as Glenn? Have you even seen Donnie Brasco... Depp looks taller by 2 inches? Come on dude, get real. There is no way Depp is 2 inches taller. They are very close to each other and there is no big diffrence. You're delusional man.
Mario said on 16/Jan/06
Depp looks in Glenn's picture the same as what he does in Donnie Brasco.
Lawrence said on 15/Jan/06
Ok Rob, I understand your point of view, but do we really have proof this pic wasn't cropped, do we have solid concrete evidence? Does this pic. hold any credibility??!! I can send you a pic of me and Depp but who's to say its the real thing???
Any how, assuming that this photo is real, even if Depp is wearing max 2.5" cowboy boots, (which I doubt are really that high)and Glen is wearing 1.25" standard heels, that gives Depp in this particular photo a 1.25" height advantage, and judging by the camera's angle, in favor of Glen because his face appears closer and bigger than Depps, Depp still looks taller by 2" even though Depp is slouching and Glen is fully straightened up with chin up ( as his ears are just under his eyes) in this photo, look at their shoulders you can't compare Depp's shoulders to Glen, Depp has almost 2.5" on Glen. So Even if Depp's boots make him have a 1.25" advantage on Glen, Depp is still a solid 5'9 1/4" without boots on.
If what I just typed doesn't all make sense please, please LOOK again at this photo Rob, carefully this time!

Editor Rob
are you saying the pic might possibly be a fake? I dunno man, if someone can send me a better looking 'fake' by all means do it...considering Glenn says he doesn't own a computer yet, maybe he's spent the last 10 years in internet cafe's becoming one of the world's best photoshop artist ;)
Now, if this was just a one-off picture then I can understand being skeptical..., but since he's supplied 50 pictures so far of him/celeb I think he is more than credible (although I think many of us at the beginning doubted that he'd met 'most celebs')...
Here is a link where the pages+glenn pics can be seen...
Is he an autograph dealer? Well, on Jack Nicholson's page there's a pic of him and in his hand it looks like he's got a bunch of prints from Easy Rider to get signed by Jack, never know, he might just be! ;)
As for the pic - I can see what you see in terms of his stance, etc...remember, the pic really is there for 'showing someone has met him'...maybe some shots we can't really tell much from, but hey there's no harm in showing it
Glenn said on 15/Jan/06
tell him Rob.
Lawrence said on 14/Jan/06
Who is this Glen guy any ways, how can we verify Glen's height??!!, you guys are really out of it!! This pic does not say much and should be removed from this sight at once! There are so many possibilies with this picture. So to say that it is acurrate is bull crap. This picture is like any other picture found on various Depp sights.

Editor Rob
lol, pictures are shown for 2 reasons: to show someone has actually met the celebrity and in this case Glenn commented on 30/Nov/05 that Depp can look 5ft 10/11, lately looking 5ft 9ish....another reason is just to put names-to faces. Yes, some pics might help to see how tall a star may look, other times they may not...but honestly, I wouldn't get worked up about it ;)
Anonymous said on 13/Jan/06
I agree with you UNK...i always thought johnny was 5'9 tops but in this picture he looks the same height as Glenn plus he is wearing boots. Unless Glenn is wearing boots too, wouldnt that make Johnny probably shorter than Glenn barefoot? I am beginng to think Johnny is more 5'8ish...he looks even thinner than onscreen in that picture too
UNK said on 13/Jan/06
Am I in the F$%king Twighlight Zone here??? I posted his boots below... and he doesn't look taller than Glenn in this pic at all. Look at their eyes and the top of their heads, not there shoulders. Even if Depp is slouching a bit, what is he, a half an inch taller at most?? Look at the links to his boots below.
I think people asking you to scan an ID is crazy... you've done more than enough for this site. Maybe if you could desrcibe the type of shoe you usually wear it would help. For instance (and I know it's hard to remember), would you say in this pic you had a 1.25" heel on roughly, higher, lower?
I know I've never worn a shoe out in public with more than a 1.25" heal, so if it were me, I could easily saw max 1.25", probably less, no chance of cowboy boots or biker boots.
elio said on 13/Jan/06
actually, Boots he is taller, no boots he may be the same or shorter (depending on the size of his boots).
I think 5'9" on the dot would be as accurate as I can tell right now.
Anonymous said on 12/Jan/06
how do we even know this pic is 100% authentic???!!!
boots or no boots Depp is taller than this boy,
Depp is 5'9" or more!!!
hombre said on 10/Jan/06
He seems shorter than 5'9.25. According to the pics here.
UNK said on 9/Jan/06
Here are the boots he had on that day. You could see his outfit is the same. I really think he should look taller than he does next to Glenn in those boots, if he's truly 5'9.25".
Anonymous said on 7/Jan/06
I believe Depp is 5'9" at most, probably a little less, but how do you know Depp's wearing cowboy boots? He probably is but a picture of his footwear would make better evidence.
CoolJ said on 4/Jan/06
Glenn has cool hair.. Anyway.. Depp is also standing behind Glenn somewhat and slouching.. Although it may be fair to downgrade him to 175
Glenn said on 4/Jan/06
correct.depp is 5-9 in bare feet is my best is 5-7.
Anonymous said on 3/Jan/06
Depp is 5' 9"... 5'10" in normal shoes.
UNK said on 2/Jan/06
Depp needs to be downgraded to at least 5'9" even. Maybe 5'8.5", he's no taller than Glenn and he has boots on.
175cm16andgrowing said on 1/Jan/06
Johnny Depp is listed as the following:
182cm (5'11.75'') and 70kg (154lbs)
5'10 and 155 lbs
5'7'' and 190lbs
The last one is bs, the middle one seems also to be bs and the first also... 5'9'', 140lbs, that should be correct.
FASULO said on 1/Jan/06
I think that this 176 is completely unrealistic.Zach says good.If depp had cowboys boots then(5-6 cm) is absurd.Depp is a good 170-173.STOP
Zach said on 31/Dec/05
Erm, Rob that pic of Depp WITH cowboy boots on next to this sites current superhero, 5'8 Glenn, doesnt support your quoted height of him being 5'9.25. If he's got cowboy boots on than he's either Glenn's height or even less.
Bleemo said on 31/Dec/05
Looking at the glenn photo and taking into account the boots it's hard to imagine him being over 5'8, infact it's pretty much impossible for him to be over that. Maybe Christopher Lee was refering to Depp when he talked about the 5'7 inch actors on the set of Sleepy Hollow?
175cm16andgrowing said on 31/Dec/05
Johnny seems to slouch a little so yes, he's just as tall as I am right now!
elio said on 31/Dec/05
Surely he can't be over 5'9, if 5'8 Glenn is roughly the same height. Maybe Depp has an inch on him ... but with cowboy boots (AKA publicly accepted elevator shoes) .
he's got to be somewhere between 5'8" - 5'9"
Anonymous said on 22/Dec/05
Just stop all this bull s*** Jackie, DEPP is 5'9", Thats not tall at all...and thats his height!!!!
Jackie said on 21/Dec/05
You cannot compare pics of actors in movies because they use camara angles, lifts and other things to alter height.
To compare Depp to other actors you must look at candid shots. In mostly all of Depp's photos he wears rather large boots and therefore gives the impression of being taller. Even with these boots on he still isn't that tall. The reason his there really isnt contraversy over his height in the media is because he dates actresses who are short(Winona Rider, Vanessa Pardis) making him look taller. Also because he lives in France and isn't seen in too many pictures with other stars.
Anonymous said on 21/Dec/05
To say that Depp is shorter than 5'9" is absolutely ubsurd. Anything moderately shorter than 5'9" would show up everywhere, from photos to movies, etc...but that is not the case with Depp he always either meets or beats most actors height on screen...and if he is shorter than actors its by only a few inches, nothing drastic. For example: its common knowledge that Bruce Lee was 5'7.5" and he always looked short and shorter than every other actor on film, but with Depp he is slightly taller than that 5'7.5" status..making him 5'9" FOR SURE!!!!!!.....QUIT UNDERESTIMATING DEPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Viper652 said on 21/Dec/05
You know, I think Rob has Depp's height right. Clearly, he is not 5-10, but he looks average height to me on screen.
UNK said on 20/Dec/05
Intersting pics Anonymous, but unfortunately I don't think they tell us much. I find it real interesting that they would put Kate in bare feet and Depp in his "suspicious" boots, but there is no proof that there are actual lifts in the boots, therefore we have no idea what the actual heigth advantage is. More so, there is no proof that in the standing up photo kate didn't put shoes on (I don't think she did.. but can't be sure).
My bet is that Depp is no more than 5'9" int hte morning, but these photos alone don't warrant a downgrade.
Anonymous said on 19/Dec/05
Seems like Depp is always wearing them funny boots.
If you look at this picture you can see a buldge in the back of his boot.
Maybe that is from lifts inside them.
And he does look short in these photos.
And compare the footwear of the two here.
What do you think, Editor Rob, about these photos? Do you think they offer a enough evidence that he might not be quite 5'9"?
mcfan said on 5/Dec/05
I think he looks 5'9. I'm pretty sure he used to get listed as 5'11 when I was a teenager, which surprised me because he looked quite small-average in "Nightmare on Elm Street" where I think he was barefoot for a scene or two.
Glenn said on 30/Nov/05
I met depp many times.and have 2 photos with him.HE CAN look 5'10'' 5'11'',lately looking 5'9''.BUT he is known to wear my best guess on him is 5'9'' tops,5'8'' minimum.I once had a weird experience of reading 2 different magazine articles about 6 years ago that both interviewers mentioned his height,one said petite and small.the other said at nearly 6 feet tall,depp is taller than you would think.thats what the articles actually said! and its true! he is the chameleon of height,looking tall one day and short the next! I witnessed it!
8-ball said on 22/Nov/05
I saw Depp mingling a little while back at a bar/restaurant/nightclub and he sure didn't look no 5'9.25". The dude looked pretty small. Its hard to say cause I'm alot taller but he looked more like my 5'7-8" friend. He seemed to be a nice guy.
George said on 21/Nov/05
Relating to the last message:
If your friend met Johnny during the POTC filming, I suppose Johnny was wearing his 2 inches boots. So with 2 inches on, it seems we can upgrade his height to 5'7'. That's a possibility.
Always pay attention to what kind of shoes does an actor wears when you meet him, just remember this, guys
Annonymous said on 17/Nov/05
He can't be 5'9.... 5'8 1/2 maybe
You're wrong said on 15/Nov/05
Jack Osbourne is listed as 5'8". Jack probably isn't exactly 5'8" When you see him next to Johnny you know Johnny can't be more than 5'8".¤t=jd_jack3.jpg
Magic Eye said on 10/Nov/05
a good 5'7'' period.
Bruce said on 8/Nov/05
He's 5' 10"
Anonymous said on 8/Nov/05
I totally agree with the lowest listed height, but I think even that is exaggerated. Every celeb I have ever met is 3" shorter than listed (and inch shorter than their lowest height sometimes). I have had good luck meeting celebs too, and I'm at a height where I can easily determine tall/short. (At 5'8", you can tell who's short for a guy, and who's tall for a girl). I have even met a handful of supermodels who are tall, but not as tall as listed. Johnny Depp is prob 5'8".
Konrad said on 29/Oct/05
5'8-5'9 is correct. I have a photo of him standing next to Vanessa Paradis (magazine not on internet). Vanessa is wearing heels and the top of her head reaches Johnny's ear. Vanessa is 5'3, the tall heels probably give her 2-3 inches, that takes her to the Johnny's ear at 5'5-6ish, another few inches and that's Johnny at 5'8 to 5'9.
Someone in in reality said on 25/Oct/05
Usually celebrities are only their lowest listed height (unless it's REALLY ridiculous like 4'5"), so I'd guess that Depp is about 5'7". Anyplace that you read that says he is taller is probably just wishful thinking.
A-Bomb said on 15/Oct/05
Hey Mr. R if Geoffrey Rush is really only in the vicinity of 5'9" surely this makes Depp below that height (Rush was always looking down at Depp in Pirates). What do you think now then?
Manila said on 12/Oct/05
I worked with Johnny on Pirates of the Caribbean 2 for several months. I was around the guy on set, and off. In his Jack Sparrow boots and flip flops. I stand 5'6", Johnny didn't tower over me, but he is at least 5'9"...
Anonymous said on 7/Oct/05
WHAT KIND OF SHOES DID YOUR SON WEAR? What kind of shoes was Depp wearing? Think Terri before you type something.
Terri said on 7/Oct/05
He has to be a least 5'9" because my son is 5'8" and shook JD's hand at a Restaurant in Orlando. My son says he is a little taller than he is and may be 5"9" to about 5'10".
George said on 3/Oct/05
Those boots must have at least 2" heels. So you mean Johnny is 173cm? I always believed that is his real height.
Check out his boots
tikigirl said on 2/Oct/05
Finally, you're right about one! We saw Johnny rolling a cig in Downtown Disney shortly after the Pirates of the Caribbean exhibit and he's a perfect 5'10" in his boots. MMMMmmmm.
FASULO said on 29/Sep/05
I've just seen Willy wonka and the first impression is confirmed:Depp is really short.176 cm is purely a myth.i would say 5'7"-8",no more
Lawrence said on 13/Sep/05
If Depp was 5'7" he would appear short at all times, however that is not the case, throw in 1.5"-2" and you get his height, He MUST be between 5'8.25"-5'9 3/4" GUARANTEED.
A-Bomb said on 5/Sep/05
I'd say 5'9", no less than 5'8 1/2". I've been watching a few Depp films recently and he is often the shortest male on screen. However, that said I honestly think it is a case of him playing against taller actors and him playing what are meant to be shorter characters. Captain Jack Sparrow for example, you hardly think tall when you hear that name, it seems that character would more realistically be 5'6" so they don't bother giving him lifts and don't bother correcting much of the height variations.
Jeff Zhou said on 3/Sep/05
Celebrities are often listed 3 inches than their usual height to make them feel better and sound better. Say Tom Cruise they say he is 183 cm or 6 feet tall but he's actually 5 '7'! I'm 6 feet maybe a little shorter and I'm like half a head taller than him when he signed his autography for me!
wcstats. said on 14/Aug/05
Lawrence, again lol no kidding huh . all this arguing over an actor's height. Seems everyone is looking for an excuse to undermine his height. geez get over it.
wcstats said on 14/Aug/05
I agree with lawrence. I doubt he's any shorter than 5'8.5. I'm willing to bet he's 5'9 possibly with some change.
Lawrence said on 11/Aug/05
If Bill Murray is 6'0"-6'1" then Depp is definetly not less than 3.5" in this photo thereby making Depp between 5'8.5"-5'9.5" GUARANTEED,TRUE SAY!!! There is no way Murray wears elevators or shoes any taller than 1'5"-GUARANTEED!!
Depp could possibly be wearing NO MORE than 2" heels but with a suit, probably not. SO DEPP ISSSSSSSS 5'8.5"-5'9.5" GUARANTEED...GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULLS NUMB *UTS!!!
CelebHeights Editor said on 8/Aug/05
Sighting spotted on a pirates fansite - "I am 5' 6" tall and I would say he is around 5'10"- he was quite a bit taller than me."
Anonymous said on 7/Aug/05
hmmm he always looked kinda short to me, but i dont think hes 5'7". 5'9.5" is more like it.
Anonymous said on 14/Jul/05
Watched Jay Leno last night and Johnny Depp was one of the guests. He was wearing sneakers that gave him, at most, an inch. He looked almost 2 inches shorter than Jay. So if Jay is listed as 5'11...Depp should be around 5'9. I'd say the listing here is quite accurate.
Anonymous said on 12/Jul/05
I think Depp is somewhere between 5'7.3/4"-5-10". Agreed?!
CoolJ said on 5/Jul/05
Rob, nevertheless, I think its safe to say he's under 5'9.
huney said on 5/Jul/05
well i've seen him in person a few times in NYC and he's about 5'9" with 2 inch heel in flat feet he's definitely only 5'7". I've also seen him in sneakers and he only looked about 5'8".
Anonymous said on 1/Jul/05
Seen him on Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) Subway. He was my height. Depp is 5'9.5" No doubt about it!
Gotxo said on 29/Jun/05
Banderas was listed 175 at his 20's, he did looked that compared to the rest of the cast in plays like 'Bajarse al moro'. He is avg for his generation.
I can't prove that and he was acused of wearing boots, but Robert Rodriguez does
looks like the strong 6'2" he's listed. He is between Depp and Banderas (#2link)
Lawrence said on 28/Jun/05
George, do you have proof Banderas is 174/175?
George said on 26/Jun/05
This time, I mean, this time it's obvious...I gotcha Johnny...
If Banderas is 174/5, Depp is no more than 173/174
Anonymous said on 26/Jun/05
I would say this guy is probably no taller than 5'8.5". 5'9.5" Casper Van Dien seems to have an inch on him in the movie Sleepy Hollow. There was also a photo I saw in a newspaper when Once Upon a Time in Mexico came out. It show Robert Rodriguez and Selma Hayek sitting on a chair, and Antonio and Johnny are standing beside them. Antonio looked taller than Johnny. You could question Antonio's and Casper's footwear, or you could question that 5'10' claim.
Anonymous said on 25/Jun/05
If Johnny were 5'7"-5'8" he would look like the rest of the actresses beside their heights. But Depp is always taller than almost all female stars.
huney said on 25/Jun/05
I've seen Johnny up close in person a few times and he's definitely 5'7"-5'9 with lifts.
Anonymous said on 25/Jun/05
NightOwl, download the scene in Astronauts wife and crop it up showing height difference
CelebHeights Editor said on 25/Jun/05
I saw the 'barefoot' scene in Astronaught Wife. It's not the best but I've watched it a few times and I cannot see a great difference. There is a second scene which 'suggests' they are both barefeet (depp in socks) but it doesn't show a full-frame shot to this effect - in any case that scene again, for what it's worth, shows them near enough same height.
wcstats said on 23/Jun/05
anonymous, i agree with you on that. I'm sure he's 5'9 at the least. Of course i'd like to believe he's shorter because i'm 5'8 but i have to look at reality and not fight it. I have all the 21 jump street DVD's and there is an episode with christina applegate ( and she is an official 5'5) and depp appears 4 inches taller than her easy and there both without shoes. so yeah i agree with you right on with your comment on his height.
Anonymous said on 22/Jun/05
NightOwl you are just hoping Depp is the same height as you. Feel good for who you are, you may be under 5'8" Im guessing. But Depp is 5'9.5" Sorry.
wcstats said on 22/Jun/05
NightOwl, Ok well i didn't know the true height requirement however it said somewhere in a book thats similar to "the Guiness Book of World Records" or something of that nature that Moss is the shortest supermodel at 5'6 inches so I took that at face value and since depp always appears a few inches taller it gives the illusion that he's 5'9 but i really don't know now. Maybe she is 5'4 but i'll have to keep my mind open to the facts here.
Tony said on 22/Jun/05
Rob the difference of height between Johnny and jerry in that pic is 2 inches(5cm)aprox,even if jerry was wearing 4 inches shoes(hmm never seen elevator shoes that tall) he would be 5´11" , so a 5`9"-5`10" guy with shoes should be 5`11" or even 6 feet, so im sure johnny is max 5`8" 1.72cm perhaps.
wcstats said on 22/Jun/05
NightOwl, in case i didn't post this in the post below. However, it is true that both of them aren't standing straight up and are walking, yes, however, Depp is looking slightly more down than she is. Look at the picture more carefully.You even said it your self bro, that depp is 5.5 inches taller than vanessa. Anyways I just don't think it's true that vanessa is shorter than 5'3. It is said she is this height possibly a 1 cm taller. I don't think you have valid proof that vanessa is shorter than her listed 5'3. so johnny is around 5'8.5 to 5'10. I'm willing to bet he's 5'9 at the least.
Also, with that pic of kate moss and him walking down the straight and johnny is giving the finger to the camera. Johnny is down the hill slightly more than moss is and they are clearly wearing regular foot wear. Johnny is still probably around 1.5 inches taller than her. if they were on equal ground i would add probably another 1.5 inches more which adds up to about 2.5 to 3 inches on Moss. so again Johnny is about 5'9 and don't say Moss is shorter than 5'6 because i believe that is the minimum height requirement for being a female supermodel if i'm not mistaken.
So again I agree with lawrence and UNK with 5'9.
wcstats said on 21/Jun/05
NightOwl, it seems like everyone who has a different opinion or conclusion than you is in idiot. For instance, Tony has a different conclusion than I do and he may or may not be right i don't know? However, am I calling him an idiot because he thinks depp is 5'7 and i think he's at least 5'9. If he's right he's right. It seems your hellbent on proving your right and anyone who thinks otherwise you have to be condescending know it all towards them. Besides it's ludicrous to argue over someone's height. BIG FREAKIN DEAL!
You take this as a personal affront too much. relax!
wcstats said on 20/Jun/05
It's interesting how every star i look up and most of the time people are trying to minimize there height. Makes me think that the demographic that goes to this site has a napolean complex lol NightOwl, it sounds like your making quite a stink out of his height and it's a bit ludicrous. I mean C'mon now.
Now in the picture UNK had of vanessa and Johnny in flat soled shoes is a good picture thanks to him. Now if you look at that picture the middle of johnny's eyes is aligned with the top of her head like others stated which is roughly 4.5 inches. However, he is not standing straight up and is looking down a bit so i add about 2 inches more or 4.5 +2 = 6.5 inches.
It is common knowledge that Vanessa is 5'3 inches if not 1 cm more like people stated with her if you look her up. now add 5'3 to 6.5 inches and you get about 5'9.5 and if there is a difference of 0.5 in the soles of there shoes this means he's probably 5.9 at the least.
Anyways, on the Jay Leno show Johnny was a guest(wearing his usual boots that raise him up to 2 inches max) and he was exactly the same height as Jay Leno ( who is 5'10 to 5'11 without shoes). Now that would mean Jay Leno is 5'11 to 6 foot with his shoes on which makes Depp 5'9 to 5'10 without his boots if you compute. Therefore, i agree with UNK and Lawrence on his height.
sticks said on 20/Jun/05
"The Scientist": How do you reflect on the picture of Pitt, Clooney, Damon and Garcia, where Damon is tallest and Pitt is over 2cm shorter and conclude that Pitt's 5cm taller than Damon?
Anonymous said on 20/Jun/05
Lawrence: It is not he end of the story because if the difference between 5'8" and 5'10" didnt matter than why would you insist that he was no shorter than 5'9" and say that 5' 8 was too short.
Lawrence said on 20/Jun/05
There is not much to argue. Why all the arguing. Depp is between 5'8.5-5'10" whats the big deal about him. 1.5" ain't worth all this arguing. If we are talking 2.5"-3" that is different. But we can safely say with all the evidence that Depp is floating between 5'8.5"- 5'10". END OF STORY.
wcstats said on 20/Jun/05
I saw Johnny Depp on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Now Oprah Winfrey is 5'6 to 5'7 tops. Now, Oprah was wearing high heels (that raise a person(s) no less than 2 inches) making Oprah 5'8.
Now Johnny was still 2 inches taller as i saw on the show at the least which implies he's 5'10 to 5'11 in shoes (which are usually 1.5 inches) meaning he can't be any shorter than 5.8 and a half.
So i'd say Johnny is 5 feet 9 and a half inches tall to 5 feet 10 tops. strangely he just looks shorter probably do to unproper stature.
The Purist said on 19/Jun/05
Obviously we should check Vanessa's height. She's no taller than 163 cm (bit less than 5'4''). Here she might be dressing something like 5 cm (2'') shoes and johnny 3 cm (I mean his boots). So Vanessa now is 167 cm and how much is the distance between them? I guess 10 cm (4 inches). So Johnny is (1.77) (a bit less than 5'10'')with boots on and 174 cm (5'8.5'' exactly) barefoot. Good to know he's 0.5 centimeters taller than me.
Jen said on 19/Jun/05
Wow that stage picture clearly shows that Brad cannot be taller than 5"11! And god knows whats in those shoes of his!! So do you guys think that Damon is taller?? Or has he been known to wear lifts too?
sticks said on 19/Jun/05
jaydough, do you think Pitt and Damon do all of their scenes in standard 1" heeled shoes? Do you think one actor might be intended to look taller in the movie and that the film-makers have the technology to make a short actor appear taller with lifts? Pitt appears on-stage with Damon in a picture where they're both wearing lifts and Damon is taller. That doesn't mean he's taller barefoot, but it means there's no impressive difference between them. Ocean's 11 and 12 tell you almost nothing about their relative heights. Both Damon and Pitt are within an inch of 5'8.5".
Drew said on 19/Jun/05
"and Johnny is 5"9, but looks shorter cos of his small frame."
Actually he looks TALLER because of his SLIM frame. Slim people generally look taller than they really are, and that's the case with Johnn, who could easily look 5'10 when he's only 5'8". But yeah anyway...
Lawrence said on 18/Jun/05
Lets assume that 5'3" is underestimated for Vanessa, lets give her 5'4".
Add .5" flip flops to her height = 5'4.5"
Ok, now Lets say Depp is 5'8.5"
and add 1" running shoe heels = 5'9.5"
So is there a 5" Difference? For sure.
Because the middle of Depp's eyes are right in line with the very top of Vanessa's head.
The middle of the eye to the top of one's head is between 4.5"-5"
Therefor depp is 5'8.5".
Anonymous said on 18/Jun/05
Theron's got to be 5"9, she looks tall in every picture that i've seen. Apart from that one with Damon. Lol. So Damon must be more than an inch taller than her! He looks around the same height as Pitt anyway...oh, and Johnny is 5"9, but looks shorter cos of his small frame. End of.
FASULO said on 18/Jun/05
I saw 3 weeks ago Astronaut's wife and I can say Depp barefoot is 2 cm shorter than Theron(the kiss sequence is very good to evaluate).I would say Depp is 5'8"
Tony D said on 18/Jun/05
"5'6" for a man is short. 5'6" is a more average height for women"
Lawrence im sorry but the average height of an american woman is 1.62 close to 5
Mr. R said on 17/Jun/05
If Depp is 175 cm, how can Penn be 177? Clearly in this pic, Penn is shorter. With my personal knowledge that Kevin Bacon is about 5-8.5, and with Penn standing shorter next to him in Mystic River, I would say that Penn is a little below 5-8 AT BEST, which Depp between 5-8 and 5-9 according to this pic.
5'8.5''er said on 17/Jun/05
In my opinion this picture explains it all - Vanessa is 5'3'' (160-161 cm) maximum. There are almost exactly 13 cm between them. So Johnny is 173-174 cm. Plus Johnny has 1 cm of shoes more than her. Thanx UNK
Lmeister said on 17/Jun/05
Hmmm about heels...All of these guys Jerry, Johnny and Sean prefer heeled shoes. I don't think that Sean Penn is 5'9.5'' nor Johnny 5'10''...Johnny and Sean are probably 5'8.5'' and Jerry 5'7.5''...
A-Bomb said on 17/Jun/05
That picture of him next to Noel Gallagher makes him look a pretty convincing 5'10"er. I don't think he is 5'10", but now i'm thinking definitely 5'9". Though i wouldn't be surprised to find that Kate Moss has always been shorter than we suspected.
J. said on 16/Jun/05
Depp is in the 5'7"-5'8" range, no doubt about it. It's common knowledge. But a lot of time, with general people, if they're a fan of a celebrity they will 'refuse' to acknowledge their true stature and render them taller. Even the editor stubbornly keeps many of the smaller celebs at a higher height because we can't believe they're so 'small' because of who they are. It's the bizarre celebrity complex that many civilians have.
Sharon said on 16/Jun/05
NightOwl I mean your hair looks a bit like Steve Nash's hair. First off Depp's age is catching up to him. If you look at him in his 20's and now, there is obvious difference. He looks much older now. I don't know if its the go-tee or if its his tired looking puffy eyes and face. I think Depp should quit smoking. Depp seems to have lost that spark in his face. That is natural with aging I guess, but I bet that the smoking speeds up the process of aging. As for his Jaw, Depp's jaw is more square, so the bottom of his jaw is almost in line with his chin. This is what gives him aesthically pleasing features.¤t=oscars2005.jpg
And my mind will never change that Depp is 5'9" or a bit more, unless someone has real dawming proof that he is shorter.
Drew said on 16/Jun/05
The skull size has nothing to do with the height of a person. I mean. seriously, for example, look at say Brad Pitt (5'10") and Edward Norton (6'+) in Fight Club. The size of their heads are pretty much the same. If Brad Pitt was say 6'3" with the same size head, he wouldn't look weird. So saying that Johnny Depp's head wouild look weird if he was 5'7" is just ridiculous!
Anyway, Johnny Depp looks taller because of his small frame. I am just under 5'10" (177cm) and people generally think I'm 6' because I'm very thin (barely 140lbs).
jaydough said on 15/Jun/05
It seems that Depp's height is hard to distiguish because he ally has those big boots on and we cannot be sure about the heights of the actors he is seen with since they too can be lying. The only way to find out Depp's real height would be to measure him. Maybe someone could find a photo of him in front of a scale when he was arrested or maybe a copy of his license(which could actually be false since you get to put down your own height when you get it). Anyway there has to be something out there on the web.
One question i have is where exactly did Depp get known to be 5'10". Did he ever say it because I have never heard him talk about his height...or dida fan just list him as 5'10" and that became his known height.
leonari said on 15/Jun/05
UNK is totally RIGHT this facial feature is nonsense! Michael J. Fox has very thin , decent facial features and is what I call a really short guy at 5'4" getting up in the morning.Sharon what you are saying is discriminating and thats not the reason ROB created this site nor this forum! If tom cruise is 5'7" or even 5'8"(which he isn't !!) he is considered one of the best looking guys around, same goes for Depp as UNK pointed out or Clooney who is also 5'10 MAX. Your comment ain't smart plus you don't seem to realize that most celebrities are short or average when it comes to height but they are often very talented and good looking. The way you think is just not intelligent and you don't seem to know a lot about the height subject in general...Proportions are what's important! So short guys have fat noses, large chins what else big lips???? you don't make sense to nobody .sorry.
UNK said on 15/Jun/05
What's so insane about it is that at 5'9"(ish) he is one of the best looking guys around. So what? At 5'7.5" he wouldn't be? It's just a bizzar thing to say, the size of a persons head is not in direct realation to their height.
You have never met someone while they were sitting down and then were surprised at how tall or short they were when they stood up? If I gave you a bunch of different head shots, I guarantee you couldn't guess their heights.
And NO, if I picture my 6' friends head on a 5'9" body, similar to his body type... I don't find it funny. Sure if you start messing with different body shapes, and stuff like that, it gets funny, but that's not what we are talking about here.
UNK said on 15/Jun/05
"Depp's face on a 5'7.5" body would be hard to believe". That's the most insane thing I have heard in a long time... ha ha!
Sharon said on 15/Jun/05
NightOwl, your face has much softer features than Depp. Depp has a more built jawline and yours is more narrower. Depp's jaw doesn't angle as downward as yours, making less predictable to judge height. For some reason Depp's face is more difficult to guess his height, its very well proportioned and mature looking, thats what's hard to distinguish with his height. I'd say Depp is definetly 5'9", not any shorter. Depp's face on a 5'7.5" body would be hard to believe. Did anyone ever tell you, you look a bit like Steve Nash?!
Anonymous said on 14/Jun/05
why can't actors/actresses measure themselves barefoot against the wall with a precise measuring device (for example in the corner with a hard book) and give us the honest truth, is it that hard or time consuming?
Sharon said on 14/Jun/05
Because Johnny is a very good looking guy, he can get away with looking 5'10"
I think he is 5'9.25"
Lawrence said on 14/Jun/05
Jaydough I agree with you that Depp is a good, fun, funny and creative actor. I am 5'8 and 29 years old. When I was 17 I was 5'7". I bet you, you will grow 1" more by the time you are 30. You may not think so but you will. Even tough it doesn't matter to you, you'll have that 1 more inch.
As for Depp I think we have come to the conclusion that he is around 5'9"
No further evidence at this time can verify his exact, precise height.
Jaydough said on 13/Jun/05
Lawrence: In regards to your question of what made me watch every one of depps films and only being 17, the answer is obvious. Depp is an amazing actor. If you have seen his movies you would know. He turned a movie like fear and loathing in las vegas into a watchable film. He changed his voice for movies like Donnie Brasco and Ed Wood. He chooses films that others might not even consider. He played a cross dresser and a man with sissors for hands. He made Once Upon a Time in Mexico a good movie when the main character played by Banderas couldnt. Even with few lines in Edward Sissorhands he made the movie very well. I could go on and on but you probabley know all this stuff.
Anyways, people do not usually grow more than a 1/4 inch after the hit 18. I am only 17 and i am 5'8" and i am just as tall as the average person in my school. I am senior and most of the other seniors are already 18 and i fit in right in the middle of them in height. If someone is 5'8" when there 18 they wont be 5'9.5" when there 25. An average person at 17-18 is the same height at 25 and 30. Therefore, how could 5'8" be average for someone in high school but not when they are 20+. It cant. If the statistics show an average Amercian man to be 5'9"(I have found this through lots of research)then how can 5'8" be short. That would mean one would have to be 5'9" to that very mark to be average. And someone 5'10" would be tall. Not everyone is 5'9" even. An inch makes little if no difference and 5'8" is not short. That is why many celebrities are able to get away with adding an inch to their height because i addinig an inch would not change whether or not they are tall or short.
Depp, whether he be 5'8" 5'9", or 5'10" he looks like he is average in height and he is able to get away with 5'10" to the rest of the world.
Also hands do not actually tell some one how tall they are. I visited Plant Hollywood in AC and i had lager hands then Keanu Reeves who is 6'+.
Lawrence said on 13/Jun/05
Gotxo, you couldn't have said it any better. We should all be proud of who we are and not dissipate our short time on our insecurities, rather we should put forth an effort to understanding and learning ourselves and others so we don't hurt each other so shamelessly.
delfonic said on 13/Jun/05
Once I was at Planet Hollywood in London. They had hand prints of several stars on concrete slabs that tiled the lobby area. I put my hand in several of them to compare. Most male stars were at least a little bigger than my hands. However, Johny Depp's were tiny. My hand was a good 1/4 - 1/2 inch longer than his at every finger. I stand 5' 9" barefoot, and my hands and feet are proportionate with the rest of my body (US size 9 shoe). While this does not prove his exact height. It does prove he has small hands for a guy 5' 8", much less 5' 10". Also, one of my best friends met him face to face at a Hunter S. Thompson function. My friend is the same 5" 9" barefoot as myself. He said Depp was the same height as him. But Depp was in big boots while my friend was in normal low-heeled dress shoes. My money says Depp is about 5' 8" barefoot, about 5' 10" in his usual footwear.
A-Bomb said on 13/Jun/05
Oh and hey Lawrence in regards to Depp based on all photo evidence i'd say he is 5'9". But then i think back to when i met Chuck D who always looked 5'9" - 5'10" to me, but then i met him and he was shorter than me (despite the listing here - though if i was editor i also would never trust fan encounters). Even now i look at him and he still looks 5'9". Since then i've always looked at heights on screen and photos as dubious - that's when i got really interested in the topic. I have not met Depp, but i just wouldn't be surprised to find he is only our height, really. It's not until you are confronted with a case up-close that you can visualise it, but it can happen. I don't think he is, but it's not beyond the realms of possibility.
A-Bomb said on 13/Jun/05
Yeah but Lawrence do you ever consider it could be worse. I'm 5 millimeters taller than you so we are basically the same height. With shoes on we are around 5'9". People who are 5'7" just hit 5'8" with shoes on. The difference b/n 5'8" and 5'8 1/2" to you is paramount so in that way you sort of just make it with shoes on (and lets face it we wear shoes a hell of a lot of the time). If you were 5'7" you would kill for that half of an inch you have. If you were 5'6" you would kill for an extra inch because at 5'7" you can get away with just falling into that average bracket (75 percent of heights are between 172cm and 182cm according to that chart wish pushes us marginally into the bracket by my standards). At 5'6" you're pushing it saying you are anywhere near average. I'm relieved i'm above 170cm, though only by 2cm it makes me feel like i just made it.
Let's face it we aren't tall, we aren't even average, however at our height we can at least fool people into thinking we are about average. Anything less than us and they'd struggle to get away with it. We could say we are 5'9" and people who do not have an eye for height (ie the great great majority of people) would not blink an eyelid. We should be thankful because in many respects we just pushed past a certain line and are just below another one.
leonari said on 13/Jun/05
Nightowl is a man of heart and he is so right! You really know what life's about!! Respect man.
Lawrence said on 13/Jun/05
Jaydough it amazes me that you are 17 years old and have willingly watched every Depp film. Why and how could this be for a 17 year old born around 1988. What made you watch all these Depp movies? Jay, You probably don't feel short because you are 17 years old. So at school you are mainly around people of the same age, since you are still growing you are around the same height as most others that is why you probably don't feel short. Once you start to hit your mid to late 20's if you are still 5'8" and (especially if you are thin) you may feel shorter than other adults. So I still say that 5'4 - 5'8" whether you are fat , built or skinny is short. Anything taller than 5'8", I believe, would not make someone feel short. 5'9" is a height that is generally safe. For example we all know 5' to be short and we know 6' to be tall. The middle of these measurements is 5'6". 5'6" for a man is short. 5'6" is a more average height for women. So 5'9" is half way more than 5'6" and halfway less than 6'.
That is why I think 5'9" is an average height for a man and not 5'8". So I agree with you that alot of people lie about their age to make them self sound and feel like an average height person. I also agree with you that Depp is an average height guy no less than 5'9".
jaydough said on 12/Jun/05
i am only 5'8" without shoes and i dont feel short. I am 17 and at my school i am like average. i have to say that i have seen every depp movie and he doesnt look 5'10" but i dont think hes 5'8" either. I think Depp is around 5'8.75"-5'9.25". This is average for a man. I know A lot of people who lie about their height. My brother who is 5'6" says hes 5'7" and his friend who is 5'9.5" says hes 5'11". My friend is shorter than me by a 1/4 inch but he says hes 5'9". People tend to add an inch to their height to make them sound taller. Maybe depp has done this, maybe not. I know i sometimes tell others im 5'9". People cant even tell. I have never been called short and im only 5'8" so Depp is definately average.
Lawrence said on 12/Jun/05
NightOwl, I am NOT gay, but I think I love you, those utter words you typed are the most beautiful I ever heard. Thank you.
Gotxo said on 11/Jun/05
A-Bomb: I should belive that chart 1000 times rather than the 5'9" studies.
I'm Spanish and the mean for the young ones is a true 5'10", very belivable. I see a lot of 15 y.old boys that are near 5'11 or over. I can't belive we're taller than americans (Spanish from spain are caucasians too, but more in the line of French, Italians and Irish, radical differnt to anglosaxons).
Plus the chart is made through medical national research NHANES III
The 5'9" measure comes from the NHANES of the '80s and it was used to calculate
insurance polices (METROPOLITAN insuraces used them). They still used since a recent date to obtain the height/weight ratio of their customers in order to get his probably life expectancy. The problem is the data was oudated at height qualifying as fat ones a lot population(that was now also taller).
Those stupid events helped Anorexia to gain victims.
Unfortunately the '80s NHANES study became so popular that it's conclusions are still on colective mind & it's chart continues spinning around.
Lawrence said on 11/Jun/05
I know you must love yourself for who and what you are and accept yourself, however it seems as though the bigger prize always goes to the more arrogant, tall, physically stronger people. Its like if your not a business man your nobody, and thats the problem I believe is wrong with America. We always give the top prize to the bigger, unorganical, superficial person. If life means you must be a CEO, business man, someone who always thinks about money then life has no meaning at all. Its a joke. And thats how it seems life in America is. The real truth they hide from the squemish and small. Any how not to go off topic, but some times we must realize that any height is always acceptable and we must not get discouraged from to much or the lack of it. I don't know if thats my twisted perception or if Its truth. I thank god I'm alive and healthy, though there is nothing I could do to change my height, I accept myself and hold no resentment towards anyone, so Mr. Anonymous I hope that answers your question.
A-Bomb said on 11/Jun/05
That chart below is interesting, but that's only for white American males, an American hispanic's average is 168.5 (granted there are for the time being more whites than hispanics). I've seen far more charts that indicate that the average height for an American male is 5'9". That moves everything down by 2 centimeters which will put in a totally different percintile to what you are according to this particular chart. 5'8" will now be taller than around 40 percent of males. But, anyway noticing a difference by moving from heels which give you 4.6 millimeters more height than usual is definitely pschyological and not physical. I bet you if i gave someone 2.5cm heels and told them they were 3.5cm heels they would still have that 1cm boost of confidence in their minds and would still feel part of "the herd" as it was put.
Anyway lets take this chart; since there is a drop off of 25 percent between 172cm and 177cm does it not mean that someone who is 172 cm can still feel part of "the herd". Put someone who is 172cm and 177cm next to each other and you will see a difference, but not a huge tremendous one, one won't be tall and the other really short in comparison. Does anyone get what i'm saying? It makes sense when you think about it.
If someone is 172, then 12.5% of males that are taller than them are between 172 and 174. So the difference on paper between these two centimeters is substantial, yet in the physical real world, it's hardly a thing, really. So since there is such a big drop off between only five centimeters, Lawrence don't let it get to you, you're short according to stats on what tall is, and are actually not all that physically comparitively short. That only wearing slightly more built up shoes makes you feel more like you fit in when it shouldn't is pretty good proof of this. Anybody with me?
Anonymous said on 11/Jun/05
Just noticed i used "their" instead "they're" in my last comment my bad. But i also do want to ask a question to Lawrence. If you did find out that Depp was 5'7 1/2" or 5'8", which he may very well though that Stiller pic does make it seem he is taller, would you feel better about your own height?
Anonymous said on 11/Jun/05
I don't know Lawrence you shouldn't get to hang up there with your height. I'm a smidge below 5'8" (a few millimeters) at the end of the day. I have a friend who is 5'7 1/2" and nobody would be able to tell the difference by seeing both of us next to each other. And your anatomical comparison is a pretty poor one. It's all relative to the size of the object. Hence if a pencil is two inches longer than another pencil, compartively in human terms that would be the difference b/n someone who is 5'8" and 6'2", get my drift. And also certain types of girls look at every last detail of height, would you really want to waste your time with someone who wouldn't go out with you because your half an inch shorter than she would like? Anyway their your beliefs, so if you want to spend your life thinking like that then so be it.
As for Depp. Yeah he always seems shorter than most of the other cast members in his films, however he also never looks below 5'8 1/2" in public appearances. Maybe they just cast tall people around him.
Lawrence said on 10/Jun/05
What the hell are you talking about Ricardo? I know my own height to the exact measurement. I am exactly 5'7.5" and I ain't gonna lie about that by saying I'm 5'10". When I'm in a crowd or where there are alot of people I feel shorter, even if its by one inch. Every inch counts on the pyscology of being tall that is for sure. I believe anything under 5'8" makes men feel short. For example If I wear shoes with higher heels than average I suddenly feel a part of a group and almost their heights because I become 5'9" with shoes. However, If I wear runners, a mere 1" sole, I suddenly feel shorter than almost everyone because I'm barely 5'8.5 with shoes on. It comes down to 1", if you don't have that one inch on top of 5'7.5" I mean thats not tall at all. Ricardo if you were 5'7.5" instead of 5'8.5", you may think that is not a big difference but it sure as hell is. So if you say its only a pinky finger smaller you are lost. That 2" difference is like night and day. It like my dic* is exactly 6" and yours is 4", I bet you would feel smaller would't you. So you are right Depp is not diminutive, he is definetly an average height guy. But not much shorter than 5'9".......
And believe me girls look at every detail to the last 1/16 of an inch!!
Anonymous said on 10/Jun/05
NightOwl This photo is kate moss.
RW said on 10/Jun/05
I just dont picture depp being someone to wear lifts...i know he wears boots a lot though. I can't see him being short than like 5'8.5 but its so hard to tell just watching him on the big screen
Ricardo said on 10/Jun/05
Lawrence you are very lost. You are one of those guys who thinks they are 5'10" but are really 5'8". What i don't unerstand about u is how u can say 5'8" is short. it's only a pinky finger smaller than 5'10" which is considered a tallish height. I am 5'8.5" and i don't find i am short, most guys are around my height maybe slightly taller. My best friend is 5'9" but very skinny and everybody says he looks like 5'11". When the camera is filming someone they usually look taller on screen,. But in depps case he doesn't really look that tall, watch the movie "secret window" and youll relise he aint that tall. No one can say for certain though, i do remember reading somewher where he said he was 5'8". But i would say he is around my height, 5'8.5" cuz he doesn't look diminuitive, just average.
Fasulo said on 10/Jun/05
C'mon guys I know you're great Depp's fan but saying Depp is 175...!Depp is the shortest in all his films and it's very interesting how someone noted that
in his earliest movies it was again more evident.After that if he is really a solid 5'9" he would seem a tall man(with lifts,elevators..)for an actor,thing never happened.It's funny how people prefer understimate Pitt's height(really
a solid 5'11")than Depp's.
Lawrence said on 9/Jun/05
Ok I have come to my own conclusion (through data, photos and arguments): Johnny Depp's height is no shorter than 5'9" and NO taller than 5'10". So in reality an inch between 5'9"-5'10" ain't no reason for ongoing argument....unless...?!
leonari said on 9/Jun/05
LAWRENCE you pretend to know a lot about heights of celebrities and that may be true... BUT to say that VANESSA PARADIS is a model it just proves you have no clue about the french showbusiness whatsoever my friend. Vanessa Paradis is a singer and a big star in France, BUT not a model!!!!! PLUS french chicks are in general quite small. I went to a Lycée francais(french school) and I have been very often to France and I can tell you that most french girls are in her height department(5'3" - 5'4") and she ain't a tad over 5'3". I have also been to the Cannes Film Festival and saw both Depp and Paradis but from quite a distance to be able to evaluate an exact height for them. But I have to agree with you: Depp ain't below 5'9".
RW said on 9/Jun/05
I think he is probably close to 5'9, give or take a a half inch, who was telling me something about 5'6 and how is that relevant?
San said on 9/Jun/05
Lets use logic...Brad Pitt (5'10"/5'11") is taller than Orlando Bloom (5'9"/5'10") who is taller than Johnny Depp (5'8"/5'9"). For all actors lets give an inch as benefit of doubt due to hair/slouching/lifts/shoe heel. Brad is the same height as Jay Leno (5'11" with or without lifts). Orlando is an inch shorter than Leno. Remember...Brad may have some nice lifts inside those shoes.Orlando always does something with his curly hair to make him look taller..whats he gonna do next? a beehive maybe? Depp wears a hat and/or boots most of the time.
Lawrence said on 9/Jun/05
Night Owl first of all how can you verify the authenticity of that photo, for all you could no it could have been cropped, etc. Secondly who and how can you prove Vanessa to be only 5'3", 5'3" is very short for a model and she is not in many, if any, American films to verify that. With that in point, for all you know her height is incorrect. By looking at all her photos at festivals with Depp she looks like she is no less than 5'5". By this there is no way we can predict Depp to be 5'9" or less unless we went up to him with a proper measuring tape and measure him correctly, barefoot. Or we could also send many letters to him demanding he measure himself properly and be honest with his results...This topic is killing me and I want to find out one day what his real height is before he is too old and losing height.
leonari said on 9/Jun/05
Juliette Lewis 5'6"... YOU MUST BE KIDDING RW...that the joke of the day. Juliette is a tiny women 5'4" max!!!
RW said on 9/Jun/05
I was curious as to when Johnny said he was "5'8?" I dont outrule the possibility of him being 5'8 or 5'9 or even 5'10 i guess but i have never seen or heard him discuss his height with anyone so i was just curious
Savage said on 8/Jun/05
What about in "Whats Eating Gilbert Grape" Depp towered Juliette Lewis who is 5'6. He looked way taller than her
Lawrence said on 8/Jun/05
Someone please give me some up to date hardcore evidence that Johnny Depp is 5'7.5-5'8".
Lawrence-the height expert said on 7/Jun/05
Night Owl, even though that pic is an above the waist shot, you can imagine the buttom portion, because it does exist.
For example we will use two extremes. If Depp for instance is barefoot and so is Stiller...we know that stiller is 5-7'"-5-8" we can generalize on that. So that would mean Depp is 5'10'.
Ok so to challenge your point even if Depp was wearing high shoes no more than 2.5 inches,(what man wears shoes higher than 2.5"..almost all mens shoes and cowboy boots are 2-2.5") and suppose Depp is 5'8-5'9" as you think he is...that would make him between 5'10-5'11.5" tops with shoes on giving him a 3.5" advantage as seen...but get real Ben Stiller is at least wearing 1.5" shoes so that means that Depp now is 5'11.5 with shoes and Stiller 5'9.5" with shoes there is a 2" difference going by that... but look at the pick Depp is 3-3.5" taller than Stiller and so Depp is 5'10". I'm 5'7.5" inches myself and looking at Depp's body structure and proportions, his height is definitely not 5'8-5'9"..he is 5'9 3/4 - 5'10" exactly. Case closed.
Lawrence said on 6/Jun/05
Ok some hardcore evidence that Depp is 5'10" do you explain this one....
Ricardo said on 4/Jun/05
You guys are all very stupid. How he hell can you say depp is 5'11". Are you mad! Obviously you fellows haven't seen pirates of the Caribbean where 5'10" Orlando Bloom towered over him by at least two inches. Don't be a bunch of idiots, he is lucky to be listed as 5'9" in my book he is 5'8". Go and watch Secret Window where Depp is shorter than everyone in the movie and come back and tell me what you think of his height. Lawrence is right.
sam said on 2/Jun/05
NightOwl and others, I don't know what you're talking about, because (having seen many Depp films) he has looked slightly taller than actors who are supposed to be 5'9" and has seemed slightly shorter than actors are supposed to be 5'11". From what I've seen, I'd stick to 5'10".
Mr Luis said on 14/May/05
I think that he is 5'8. In Don Juan De Marco (1995) he wored 2 inch heals (who are visible) and he was as tall as Marlon Brando. Marlon Brando was 5'10 at his peak, no doubt about it, but i don't think that Brando who was 71 years old at that time was 5'10.
just me said on 12/May/05
i found a pic of him with oasis and if noel is only 5ft 8in depp is small look at this pic
sean said on 29/Apr/05
5'7-5'8, saw him a couple years outside viper room
Ra said on 17/Apr/05
Depp and Sly. 5'9 and 5'9. Maybe 5'9 and 5'10 :)
A-Bomb said on 14/Apr/05
An interesting one. It was only when I was watching "Pirates" and saw that Sparrow was smaller than most of the other characters (and that when he was in shot with Bloom they seemingly always used tilted or not full body shots) that I thought that Depp isn't as tall as he claims (he also doesn't seem tall in Ed Wood, Gilbert Grape, Dead Man, or the Astronauts Wife). Then again in "Once Upon Time In Mexico", "Chocolate" and in most of his public appearances he appears to be 5'9" or 5'10". I'd say he is 174cm.
Willy said on 31/Mar/05
Many of his fans who have actually met him say that they were surprises at how small he is, and would guess he is 5'8. Plus at the finding neverland premiere he wore flat shoes and Kate Winslet who is 5'6? had about 2 inch heels on, and they were the same height.
J. said on 9/Mar/05
I have to chime in...I like Johnny a lot as an actor but he needs to stop lying about his height. I always thought that it was a common knowledge among people that Depp is diminutive. He's 5'8" max. He's not quite 5'9" and 5'10" as his height is pretty funny. Look at some old episodes of 21 Jump Street and you'll see that 5'9" is not quite right. It's just not.
Ricardo said on 4/Mar/05
5'9" is still a little too tall for him
leonari said on 1/Mar/05
If Depp is really 5'7 he is the tallest looking 5'7" on the screen nowadays.But as I always say: The proportions matter...
Ricardo said on 22/Feb/05
The funny thing about it is dat that depp doesn't even try to look tall, if you watch scret window you will see the corelation between depp and the height of the doorway... definately not 5'10", but i guess he could be 5'9", although i can remeber in some interview, sometime when Depp said he was only 5'8".
sean said on 21/Feb/05
his height is referred to twice, both saying he's not nearly 5'10
Ricardo said on 19/Feb/05
Why can't u just beleive celebheights editor that mr. Depp is 5'8", he said so himself