How tall is Kirk Hammett

Kirk Hammett's Height

5ft 7 ½ (171.5 cm)

American Guitarist, known for being part of Metallica.

How tall is Kirk Hammett
Photos by PR Photos

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Average Guess (21 Votes)
5ft 7.76in (172.1cm)
Daniel Lee said on 15/Apr/23
@Rob Matt Heafy needs a page
Janes said on 17/Nov/21
171cm. Peak height 172 cm.
Jkiller said on 16/May/20
5'7.75 (172cm)
SorinPro368 said on 14/Feb/20
Knowing that Kirk didn't really age, he probably is still standing at around 1.71-1.74m. He is visibly taller than Lars, who aged like hell, so definitely not under 1.70m
abcde said on 21/May/18
Kirk and Robert 172 (min 171 cm), Cliff was max 187, James weak 186 cm nowadays, Lars 167cm, Mustaine 179cm, Jason Newsted 175 cm nowadays maybe 176 cm peak
abcd said on 15/Mar/17
Rob add Robert Trujillo and Jason Newsted to this website
j.t. said on 16/Nov/16
Robert is 174cm.
abcd said on 24/Jan/16
Hammet is 172 cm , Robert rather 171cm
Dan said on 3/Sep/14
How tall do you think Robert Trujillo is Rob? He is listed as 5'9 but he looks closer to Kirk's height. Maybe 5'8 ?
cinek said on 26/Jan/13
173 max 174
Jack said on 25/Jan/13
I think he looks 5'8"
Danimal said on 20/Jan/12
marco says on 25/Feb/11
kirks about 5'7 just hitting 5'8 him and newstead (5'8) always were close in height

Newsted was 5'9" and was taller than Kirk who was 5'7"-5'8" and Kirk was taller than Lars who was 5'6"-5'7". James was at least 6'1".
Ralph said on 31/Jul/11
I have met kirk, back in november of 2009 at a meet and greet, hes most def 5'8
marco said on 25/Feb/11
kirks about 5'7 just hitting 5'8 him and newstead (5'8) always were close in height
A-Bomb said on 21/Feb/09
Yeah Corey Taylor is 5'7" at the most, on the tonight show performing Duality he looked absolutely tiny next to Leno when he came to shake their hands at the end of the show. Once again when I saw Slipknot live last year Corey looked really small. Anyway it's strange because I always thought of corey as 5'10ish or 5'11ish as well. Same goes for Hammett - i always thought he appeared taller than this, but you see him next to Hetfield and you know he's 5'7ish.
glenn said on 21/Feb/09
5-9? who? try im wondering 5-7 tops.i examined him alot a few weeks ago.
glenn said on 26/Jan/09
i posted on the height request page.thanks.
Anonymous said on 25/Jan/09
I know you met the guys from shadows fall and lamb of god. as for shadows fall, I asked alot of people they told me the two guitarist matt and jon are average height are around 5'10" or so, the bassist paul might be an inch taller, from alot of people saying he is 5'11" but I think on the 5'8"-5'9". I think matt and jon are one of those people like corey taylor who gave a 5'10" impression but really they're 5'7" or 5'8", I dunno alot of 5'7"-5'8" give a 5'10" impession. I none of these guys wear big shoes, they wear mostly converse. I kno for sure the vocalist brian is at least 6'1" bcuz I met him but never met the others. the drummer jason bittner claims 5'7" or 5'8", but I think he might be 5'5"-5'6" and I also heard 5'9" for him from couple people lol, sometimes he can look near like portnoy and dimebag darell. I wouldn't know I never met any of them except for brian. as for lamb of god I heard randy is 6 feet maybe 5'11" I wouldn't kno, he's tall angular man who can give an impression of 6'1". willie was said to be 5'10" or so from alot of people, but more like 5'7"-5'8". same mark morton who's people seek 5'7"-5'8" but really I think 5'5"-5'6". and the others guys from lamb of god seems about the same as randy. I kno you met them glenn so I wouldn't really kno.
glenn said on 22/Jan/09
lars is 5-6 tops.robert is 5-8 to 5-9.maybe more on the 5-8.5.kirk is exactly like me.perhaps.a weak 5-8.more 5-7.5.james is a mystery.ill ask him soon.
ER. said on 22/Jan/09
I always figured Kirk was more 5-8, and Lars 5-7 tops. Robert I'm not sure of, 5-9 maybe? Hetfield is the tallest in this band by far. He is 6-1 but can give a 6-3 impression.
Anonymous said on 7/Jan/09
Dino is not any taller than Tim Yeung, I swear to god, I've seen pictures of him and Tim having same footwear, and Dino is like the same height or barely any taller. So I'd say 5'7" for both Dino and Tim. Maybe Tim 5'6ish.
glenn said on 7/Jan/09
there is no way dino is 5-6.i pratically know him.ill settle with 5-7.
Danimal said on 6/Jan/09
Kirk was/is between 5'7" and 5'8".
Anonymous said on 5/Jan/09
Dino is not 5'8". he looks more like 5'6.5-5'7 to me, trust me. I saw him stand next to 5'6" pushing to 5'7" Tim Yeung with the same footwear, and they're about the same height. I've seen 5'8" guys who met him telling me that they are at least an inch or two taller than Dino.
Insider said on 4/Jan/09
5'7 max. 5'9 with his stage boots.
mike said on 12/Oct/08
guys no way kirk has talk as if he's an old man...he's probably still 5'8", or maybe never even that, he was just mistaken for being taller.
Anonymous said on 2/Mar/08
kirk was 5'8 or a little over when he was younger. but I can see he has lost some height nowadays, so yea 5'7ish seems correct.
glenn said on 19/Feb/08
i met dino in all his bands.which also includes assesino,brujeria.i havnt met him in divine heresy yet.
joe smoe said on 19/Feb/08
isn't dino cazares 5'8 as well, you should make a celebheights page on him as well, i dunno if u met him or not.
joesmoe said on 16/Feb/08
according to his myspace, kirk claims he's 5'9 but I think 5'7-5'8 seems right for him, I think he was a little bit taller when he was younger, but did seem like he lost some height, so 5'7.5 seems right. I thought he was the shorter or same height as lars when he's was younger.
Anonymous said on 29/Oct/07
Kirk is gotta be around 5'6 - 5'7, I think like 5'6.5 the most. I agree wouldn't go for 5'7.5, And I believe I'm taller than him because I'm around 5'8 or 5'9.
Anonymous said on 7/Oct/07
I wouldn't go for 5'7.5, he must be around 5'6.
glenn said on 4/Sep/07
he had dress shoes.i had boots.
ras said on 3/Sep/07
Rob, he seriously looks 168 with 173 Glenn. Like 5 ft 6.25.
xD said on 5/Jun/07
lol 5'8 on metallica website, oh well i dont trust it.
Brad said on 8/May/07
5' 7". Change the figure. I'd go 5' 6.5" also.
HellBoundPower said on 7/Apr/07
I'd say 5'8" is about right. You guys need to put Hetfield on here.
Glenn said on 25/Dec/06
Kirk is taller.
aussie bloke said on 25/Dec/06
Kirk looks around the same height as Lars in the movie some kind of monster, so I reckon he would be struggling with 5ft8, more of a 5ft6-5ft7 man.
Frank said on 20/Nov/06
I met Kirk and Lars in a bar in Buffalo (No Names, that was the bar) back in 1994. No way is Kirk 5' 8". He is atleast 2 inches shorter than that. My wife is 5' 7" and she towers over him.
Glenn said on 4/May/06
Strange angle.he is 5-7 minimum.
D. Ray Morton said on 3/May/06
Btw - was that at one of the "SKOM" screenings?
D. Ray Morton said on 3/May/06
Glenn, were you slouching just a tiny bit here? Kirk looks like he might about 5'6.5", 5'6" even (depending on posture).
YaoMing said on 30/Apr/06
kirk looks noticeable shorter than glenn da 5'8
Anonymous said on 18/Mar/06
Danimal- in no way is lars 5-7.5-5 tops.sometimes looks 5-4.rob is 5-8,mustaine 6 even,newstead 5-9,hetfield can look 6-3 most of the time,but 6-1 is correct.correct on cliff.kirk is 5-7,5-7.5.
Danimal said on 28/Jan/06
Hetfield was 6'1", Lars was 5'7", Cliff was 6'2", Kirk was 5'7"-5'8", Jason was 5'8"-5'9", Dave Mustaine was 5'11"-6'0", Rob is 5'9". Tale of the tape.
Marc said on 26/Jan/06
According to Kirk himself, he is 5'8. My cousin had met him in the late 80's (when their music was good) and had said that all the members, except Hetfeild, were short. My cousin is about 5'6" and said Lars, Kirk and Newsted were each only about an inch or so taller. Lars is 5'7", Kirk is 5'8" and Newsted is 5'9".
Danimal said on 25/Jan/06
He's between 5'7" and 5'8". When they were younger, 5'7" Lars was taller than Kirk.
Glenn said on 24/Jan/06
kirk is 5-7.
Jon Smith said on 24/Jan/06
yeah kirk is tiny especially next to james 5'8 is what ive always heard

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

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