Arch Stanton said on 7/Jun/23
Mulholland Drive is a major road in the hills above Los Angeles Sandy, associated with the rich and famous, and has been the subject of films and mentioned in songs like Tom Petty's Free Falling! "I wanna glide down over Mulholland, I wanna write her name in the sky". No surprise that Marlon lived there!
Sandy Cowell said on 18/Apr/23
Wow! Marlon lived in a road called Mulhollamd Drive!
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Apr/23
I can’t keep this to myself!
I have a new set of underpants and their brand is of the ‘Marlon’ variety!
How funny!
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Apr/23
Ahhhh! Marlon sits with a pussycat on his lap as the unfortunate man relates the story about his daughter getting beaten ‘like an animal’ and the police doing nothing. Of course the man wants Don Corleone’s help. The gangster, who I personally feel has goodness in him, replies: “Accept this as a gift on my daughter’s wedding day.”
5ft8.5 though I reckon he hit 5ft9 in his prime. I saw snippets of him on a Sky Arts programme from the 1950s only yesterday. Tall for his time and very handsome.
🌟 Now we hear how he took in a little boy who was wandering the streets years back. (Part of the Godfather storyline).
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Mar/23
Marlon was so engaging in The Godfather, which I saw last night. I intend to seek out more of his films now. I was playing music from the award-winning movie much of today. I LOVE IT!
5ft8.5. He was noticeably taller than the young Al Pacino, and Brando wasn’t very young in 1972, when the first Godfather movie was made. He’ll doubtless have been taller in his youth.
Arch Stanton said on 9/Feb/23
Jesica said on 20/Apr/22
Marlon looked 5'8-5'8 1/2. I loved him in Sayonara. What a beautiful movie!
My favourite Brando performance, lovely film indeed. In Countess to Hong Kong Brando looked about 4 cm taller than Sophia Loren in his slippers. I'm sure he hit 5 ft 9 earlier in the day.
Lamont Cranston said on 27/Jun/22
Check out the still picture from ‘The Wild One’ he is easily sporting 2”+ heels on those motorcycle boots.
Len Blake said on 12/Jun/22
Brando's sister actress Joeclyn Brando, talented, pretty appears
5ft1in tall in Blue Heat with Glenn Ford.
Ian C. said on 23/Apr/22
Check out Brando in a scene with Lee Marvin in the Wild One. Marvin is doing everything possible to get as short as he can go. He's slouching, flexing his knees, anything at all to erase the five inch height difference. And then Brando and Marvin have a fight, and Brando is obviously doubled by somebody else, whereas poor Lee has to do his own stunt work.
Jesica said on 20/Apr/22
Marlon looked 5'8-5'8 1/2. I loved him in Sayonara. What a beautiful movie!
Qiyu Song said on 18/Feb/22
Flat 5’9 out of bed
Arch Stanton said on 9/Feb/22
5'9 and a half out of bed peak?
BoobleGooble said on 6/Feb/22
What do you think his out of bed height is?
Arch Stanton said on 24/Dec/21
5'10 in shoes is believable.
Pierre said on 5/Jul/21
In "The Wild One " I just watched this day he looks around this mark,around a weak 5"9'.
5'10 Dude said on 29/Jun/21
I can agree with a bit under 5'9. I watched "On the Waterfront" the other day and he looked very average in height beside the rest of the cast.
Matt99 said on 23/Jun/21
Rob would you be more surprised if he measured 5’8.5 than say 5’9? That 5’8.75 measurement could have been early noon so it’s not impossible for 174cm.

Editor Rob
yeah I might be a bit more surprised at 174 flat
Ian C. said on 28/May/21
Marlon Brando was a big bruiser of a man. He just wasn't tall. I would back him in his prime in a fistfight with John Wayne. Brando is one of the few actors who could have credibly played a professional baseball player.
Brando's Stanley Kowalski is rightly regarded as one of the great acting performances of the movies. And no wonder, since Brando got to rehearse and refine the character in over a thousand performances of it on the stage. Also, he was unknown as a movie actor when Streetcar came out, so people seeing the movie at that time were not watching Marlon Brando, the actor and movie personality, but Stanley Kowalski, the brutish and insecure blue collar bully.
This is actually a common phenomenon: Most actors turn in their most powerful performances in the roles that first made them famous. Think of the unknown actors who became stars, and never eclipsed the acting that made them famous. Boris Karloff in Frankenstein, Sylvestre Stallone in Rocky, Gene Hackman in The French Connection or Sean Connery in Dr. No. Because audiences were seeing them before they had developed their star personas, audiences saw only the characters they played.
Marlon Brando may have been the least disciplined successful man in history. He seems to have had no restraints on any of his appetites at all, and just ignored the needs of most of the people he worked with He was just plain lousy in The Godfather, but was awarded a Best Actor Oscar (when he played a supporting role in the movie) because he was Marlon Brando.
ALEXIZ/180cm said on 6/Apr/21
174 cm max
Rich Paul said on 27/Feb/21
Watching a video clip of Brando appearing with Bob Hope the year On the Waterfront won Best Picture, I noticed Hope was two inches taller. Hope was supposedly 5-10. That means Brando was 5-8. He looked about the same height as Frank Sinatra in Guys and Dolls.
JD said on 26/Feb/21
You know how sometimes you all of a sudden realize after seeing someone all your life that they can't possibly be the size you think of them as? I really always thought of Brando as a big bruiser of a man but...Well, there ya go. Weird. No matter how many times I've seen him.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Feb/21
Arch, I think Brando is put on a pedestal at times but he did his share of rubbish aswell
Arch Stanton said on 29/Jan/21
Are my opinions "bizarre" LOL? I can recall far, far more people agreeing with me than disagreeing with me on here and online. I didn't say Brando's acting wasn't revolutionary or disputing that he was very talented, I said Brando is "wildly overrated in terms of consistency and watchability".
Brewster said on 22/Jan/21
@Arch Stanton: I respect we all have our own opinions, but to call Brando overrated is simply bizarre. As an Actor in the 50's, his acting was revolutionary. You said you're into your 50's movies, yet the acting from Brando was beyond most actors at the time. I have seen some of your other opinions on other pages in the past and I always found them strange.
Mikester said on 8/Jan/21
he looked huge next to dick cavett... thought he was like 5ft11 or something after i saw that.
Fabrizio said on 2/Jan/21
Brando in the Padrino is 173,5
Vincent Caleb said on 12/Dec/20
Tbh never was a huge fan of him either. I really like Eastwood personally. Jimmy definitely is a legend too.
Arch Stanton said on 12/Dec/20
I would say a big part of the legacy of Marlon, James Dean and Marilyn Monroe is their iconic image and attitude. Those three are among the most overrated classic Hollywood stars in my opinion, Dean barely had a chance to appear on screen and Monroe was in a lot more duds than hit films and not a talented actress. That said, I'm a sucker for the look of 50s films, and most of their 50s films were visually good to look at. Most of the classic stars I would agree with their status, in fact there's some actors in B films who I think should have been far more successful than they were.
Arch Stanton said on 12/Dec/20
Yes Vincent, he's certainly one of the most "important" and "influential" actors in terms of method acting and edgy approach, those are certainly all time great performances and films. But watch films like Countess from Hong Kong, Desiree, Burn, The Formula, Candy, The Following Night of Day etc and they are unremarkable. Very talented actor, but I didn't enjoy watching him as much as most of the classic stars, he didn't have that ability to make any film great like Jimmy and Cary did.
Vincent Caleb said on 9/Dec/20
In Streetcar named desire, on the waterfront, last tango in Paris, godfather, apocalypse now, he gave some of the greatest performances ever. No one is as versatile or ever will be. There is a reason Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson, Duvall, De Niro, Dennis hopper and countless others consider him the greatest of all time. Without him acting wouldn’t be what it is today.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Dec/20
Sinatra and Marlon detested each other, I suspect it was a clash of big egos!! Sinatra also had difficulty with Trump, same thing!
Arch Stanton said on 4/Dec/20
5'8.75 I'm pretty sure was a real measurement. IMO Brando is wildly overrated in terms of consistency and watchability, if you really go through his filmography there's so many disappointing films, he was nowhere near Jimmy Stewart and Cary Grant level in consistent greatness. But he was certainly a very talented actor and edgy, and did appear in a few great films, my favourite performance is probably Sayonara, beautiful film! If I was in a cafe with Sinatra and Marlon in Guys and Dolls era, I could imagine myself chatting to Frank for hours and Marlon sulking broodily over the dukebox in the corner haha, I don't think I'd have liked him much, Sophia Loren said the same thing and she was a fun kind of person.
CJ Garcia said on 4/Dec/20
James Caan looked to be (at least) 2 or 3 inches taller than Brando in the Godfather, and Caan is 5-9, but maybe Caan was wearing lifts? I don't see why he would wear lifts, because it would only make Brando appear to be shorter?
Vincent Caleb said on 29/Oct/20
Good listing, for one of the greatest actors(if not the greatest) ever. “I coulda been a contender.”- on the waterfront
Julius Regnart said on 29/Aug/20
Rob, how do you think of his weight on the Godfather? I think he is on the 200 pounds.

Editor Rob
I doubt any less than that range
Sinclair said on 19/Aug/20
I feel Brando could pull off 5’9” at times, like in Bedtime Story and The Chase but I would estimate a flat 5’9” to be the absolute maximum for Brando barefoot. This 5’8.75” listing is a great shout, I thought Brando looked 5’8” range by the time of The Godfather.
mande2013 said on 6/Apr/20
Rob: How tall would you say James Baldwin was:
Click Here
5'5.5-5'6 range?

Editor Rob
Yeah, he could have been almost 5ft 6
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Apr/20
Marlon Brando was born 96 years ago today. He lived to the age of 80.
RIP Marlon XX 🕯️
Ezequiel said on 5/Mar/20
A demo reel for a film also claimed his height to be 5’10.
Tall Sam said on 13/Dec/19
Yeah, he could look pretty big in film and photos, more so than most other actors around his very average height. I mean obviously there's the anecdote about him showing up to Apocalypse Now set having ballooned in weight so Coppola and his crew improvised to film him to look like a huge, tall beast of a man but in One-Eyed Jacks or Last Tango in Paris, he could give a taller impression than you'd think, and I would say it had a lot to do with favorable angles and blocking. Of course, based on The Freshman set photos he may have been no stranger to big lifts.
Arch Stanton said on 13/Dec/19
6'1 LOL?? You've obviously not seen A Countess from Hong Kong!!! Like Dirk Bogarde at times he could pass for 5 ft 10 but I think this is spot on. There's been times when Bogarde could even look tallish when with smaller women!
RZ80 said on 12/Dec/19
Rob - is it just me or did he usually give off a very tall/big appearance? How come? I'm a bit baffled and always thought he was like 6'1 and not just half an inch taller than me. See here:
Click Here here:
Click Here and here:
Click Here I mean it's gotta be the angles and whatnot but still...

Editor Rob
Yeah sometimes you'd think Brando was above average, certain photos could be picked and a case made for 5ft 10+
Burt Gummer said on 25/Sep/19
The average man in the United States is about 5 feet 8 inches barefoot and lies by adding 1-2 inches to that.
Alex Nassar 5'10" said on 17/Sep/19
Men are getting slightly shorter in America, while women are getting notably taller. This is likely due to the fact that there was a big emphasis on taller men marrying shorter women among the past generation, which results in generally taller women and shorter men. For instance, just looking at the new year of students in university, you can tell that the men are averaging around a weak 5'9" while the women are seeming to only be an inch or so shorter than them.
cmillzz said on 20/Aug/19
Brando was never severely malnourished nor sleep deprived while growing up as a kid/teen. There’s really no reason to think he’d magically be taller as an adult if he had been born in the 90s just because the average height has gone up since the 1920s. Ironically though, In the US, the younger generation isn’t any taller than their older counterparts on average. If anything, the younger generation is very slightly shorter. I believe men born in the 1970s are tallest on average.
Animus said on 19/Aug/19
Variance in height is not completely genetically determined. It’s been well-established in the scientific literature for a while that additive genetic effects cannot account for all the variance in height, which is quite obvious when you think of cases of deprivation or if you look at identical twins. Identical twins are rarely exactly the same height (although usually very close). Therefore, non-additive genetic effects as well as environmental effects must contribute too.
Obviously average height has changed from the 1920s up to the 1990s, which in large part must be due to improvements in environment, since it is overwhelmingly likely that selection pressures have not produced the average height increase (too few generation cycles).
So, why wouldn’t Brando have been taller had he been a millennial? There’s a reasonable probability that he would have. The question is how much. That would depend on factors that are not easily ascertainable.
I’d say Brando had cleared 5’9 if he was born in the 90s. As tall as nearly 5’10 is within reason.
Fabrizio said on 11/Aug/19
Marlon brando giovane era 174 cm, anziano 172
cmillzz said on 30/Jul/19
Cut out this nonsense please. He wouldn’t have been any taller had he been born in the 80s or 90s.
Animus said on 16/Jul/19
It's hard to predict how much taller a specific individual would be as height depends on a multitude of factors. How well-fed was Brando as a child? (Obviously very well-fed as an older man.) How much sickness did he endure? How would his pre-natal environment have been different had he been born in, say, the 90s? And so on and so forth. With that being said, I think you could roughly expect the average person born in the 90s to be roughly an inch taller than its counterpart born in the 20s. So, I would guess Brando would have been nearly 5'10 had he been a millennial.
KONE said on 2/May/19
I read a lot of different articles saying different things about how much height humans have gained in the last decades and century as a whole. So what do you thing, if someone like Brando was born in the 80's or 90's how tall would he be?
James Keffer (185 cm) said on 30/Mar/19
Well Rob, I agree that 5'8.75 would've had to come from somewhere but maybe Brando wasn't quite at his full posture when he got measured.
Click Here : In his early 60s, he's the same height as Michael Jackson who you have down as 5'9 although Brando may have been till at his peak height in his early 60s. Anyways, I'd give Brando 5'9 at peak and 5'8.25 at death.

Editor Rob
One thing Brando did seem to do is wear bigger heels in later years, although I am not sure he wore them as much outwith films as in them.
James Keffer (185 cm) said on 24/Mar/19
Rob, do you think it's possible that he was a flat 5'9 at his peak? I've always seen him as a flat 5'9 guy.

Editor Rob
5ft 8.75 to 9 looked likely from his early films, I think the biographer had to have got the 8.75 from somewhere, maybe it was a measurement.
Spencer said on 2/Jan/19
He looks about 5'9" in the Godfather.
Pierre said on 24/Dec/18
Woaow i have see him this day in "Sayonara" i was thinking he was something like 5"10' or even 5"11'.
James Keffer said on 15/Oct/18
@Roban his lifts were also obvious in "You rock my world".
Click Here Brando and 5'9-5'9.5 Michael Jackson in YRMW photo shoot.
Roban said on 13/Oct/18
His lifts were obvious in the 1984 film A DRY WHITE SEASON
Rising - 174 cm said on 10/Oct/18
If Brando had held onto his height fairly well by 65, he would look tall with his 4" elevators or whatever they were:
Click Here Click Here Click Here and then you have scenes like this with Brando still in elevators and Broderick barefoot:
Click Here The 5'8.75" peak still seems right since he was in cowboy boots in The Chase(1966) and still a good inch shorter than Robert Redford. Though he might have pulled off taller than Robert Duvall in that film or certainly no shorter.
Animus said on 24/Sep/18
I think they used a different actor well over 190cm as a stand-in in some of his scenes in "Apocalypse Now" to elicit an illusion of height that would explain Brando's bulk.
James Keffer said on 15/Sep/18
Rob, check this out
Click Here he looks aprox. 2 inches taller than 5'7 Mathew Broderick.
Click Here He looked really tall with lifts compared to (5'9) Michael Jackson
Click Here but with regular footwear, Jackson looks a hair taller which would make Brando slightly under 5'9. He was definetly in the 5'8-5'9 range although he may have been closer to 5'8 than 5'9 in his later years due to shrinking but overall, I think your claim of 5'8.75 is pretty accurate.

Editor Rob
Bulky shoes/lifts in latter roles helped Brando maintain a taller look at times.
MAD SAM said on 21/Aug/18
I thought he was a 5’10” guy, guess I was wrong ; anyway I willing go with 5’8.75” at 174.5 cm listing
Tall Sam said on 30/Apr/18
Yeah, his build and favorable camerawork certainly made him look taller on camera, especially the way he looked in Apocalypse Now when Coppola had to improvise around Brando's sudden gain in bulk. It's actually kind surprising, just from the way they look in films, seeing him next to Paul Newman and Newman looks nearly an inch taller:
Click Here
berta said on 29/Apr/18
he had a build that could make him seem like a 177 guy. wide shoulders and a face that could fit on a 6 foot guy easy. But i really have no idea on this guy
Matt99 said on 16/Apr/18
Would his extreme low be around 5’8.5 then?

Editor Rob
On his worst day ever, maybe he could have went down that...
Matt99 said on 6/Apr/18
Rob would his extreme low be 5’8 and 3/8 range?

Editor Rob
Not sure he would measure that short.
Ian C. said on 1/Apr/18
Seemed a lot bigger than Frank Sinatra in Guys and Dolls, but that might have been because he was so much heavier and stronger, rather than taller.
Matt99 said on 29/Mar/18
Rob when in the day would he hit this height? Midday? Like 12:30-1pm?

Editor Rob
I think he would hold this mark for a fair while, past lunchtime.
The Shredder said on 23/Mar/18
He looked about 140's up untill about 21 , he was a pretty slim guy. he started bulking up around Street Car Named Desire , which he was 170 - 180 range.
Animus said on 20/Mar/18
I wouldn't say 144lbs qualify as 'very thin' for a 5'8¾ man. Many young men at that height with minimal body fat will weigh around that figure. Brando, at 165-175lbs, had both more muscle and fat on him.
Anonymous said on 8/Dec/17
Brando looked to be the same height as 5’8 Sean Penn, I think 5’8.75 is probably accurate for his younger years.
James said on 28/Aug/17
The 144 lbs was before he even became an actor.
Peter175 said on 24/Aug/17
He looks nearer 160lbs range than 140lbs range. My guess is around 155 lbs. Don't think he was quite as low as 144 in street car for example and definitely not in the godfather
Shredder said on 22/Aug/17
He was 17 at 144 and he was very thin. Just google pics of him from 1945 and before.
James B said on 17/Aug/17
144 pounds well muscled at 5'8.75?
James B said on 17/Aug/17
144 well muscled at 5'8.75?
Arch Stanton said on 12/Aug/17
Spot on I think, thanks.
Peter175 said on 8/Aug/17
Yeah is Dean sub5'7 then? because it looked near 3 inches at times between them
Rising - 174 cm said on 27/Jul/17
I agree with you both. I'd say he could look 174 cm a lot with Sinatra and James Garner among others so this is believable and makes no sense such a precise figure would be made up. Certainly, he's no taller with a solid 5'9" guy like Paul Newman. But now James Dean may require more scrutiny!
Arch Stanton said on 23/Jul/17
@Rob, "In a biography, by Peter Manso, he mentioned "Already at his full height of five feet eight and three-quarters, " usually when it's that precise you state it. It's exactly what I guessed with Loren and SInatra and what he generally looked.

Editor Rob
that figure ultimately is believable.
RisingForce said on 26/Jun/17
I haven't read the book, but I assume, particularly with such precise height and weight figures, Manso had access to Brando's medical records. If so, then he'd be in a position to know if Brando never grew any taller than 5'8.75". It makes sense if Brando would then round and write his height as 5'9", but then as an actor padded it a little with a more appealing 5'10", such as this screen test where his weight is now given as 170:
Click Here or on his driver's license. James Dean is more of the mystery, imo.
The shredder said on 26/Jun/17
the 144 lbs is very believable , he was really thin at 20 in the late 1940's on stage.
RisingForce said on 24/Jun/17
Brando was about 5 inches shorter than 6'1.5" James Garner in Sayonara. Here's a screenshot of the 2 face to face indoors without their hats:
Click Here
Here's Marlon at the 27th Academy Awards in 1955 with a maybe 177 cm Rod Steiger and 5'6" Katy Jurado:
Click Here Steiger is obviously taller, but in fairness, he's closer to the camera and wore lifts at times himself, but Brando and Jurado are almost the exact same height. He sure doesn't look 5'10" in shoes there, in fact, if she's 5'9" in heels then he's no more than 5'9.5" in shoes in this photo.
RisingForce said on 11/May/17
Brando's footwear in On the Waterfront:
Click Here Click Here I wouldn't be surprised if he had lifts.
With 5'10" Bob Hope at the 1955 Academy Awards:
Click Here You can really see from 1:15 on that Brando is noticeably shorter than Hope, more than an inch, especially when they're side by side and Hope stands straight.
With 5'6.5" Grace Kelly at the 1955 Oscars:
Click Here Click Here Don't know what kind of heels were popular then, but it's doubtful she'd be any more than 5'9.5", if that and Brando certainly doesn't look any taller in dress shoes.
I agree with Frank2, Arch and most others here, he looks 5'8.5", such as being an inch taller than 5'7.5" Frank Sinatra and shorter than 5-9ish men like Paul Newman, James Caan and Monty Clift.
Jerry said on 2/May/17
He looks about my dad's height and build actually, 5'8.5" during his peak id say. Not a bad height by any means.
James said on 24/Apr/17
Al Pacino is 5'5".
RisingForce said on 21/Apr/17
Yes, but I think Pacino was only 5'5.5", making Brando 5'8.5". And I'd Brando was 5'9", Caan and Newman would be 5'10" and Sinatra 5'8". I'm fine with 5'8.75" and it's probably spot on, but that's the most, imo, rather than the least. Manso did say that was Brando's full adult height and it's common to get access to medical records posthumously. Brando wore the most ridiculous elevators in the 80s and 90s, what are the odds he never wore them in his prime?
Peter175 said on 20/Apr/17
If he's 5'8, Pacino is 5'5".
He's at the very least 5'8.75 like the biographer stated. I think he is probably as close to 5'9 as possible
RisingForce said on 11/Apr/17
I'd say more 174 cm than 175 since Paul Newman was clearly taller than Brando here as well:
Click Here And Newman was most likely about 175 cm himself, imo, maybe 176 cm max since Steve McQueen who was measured 5'9.5" seemed taller than Newman and Newman's mugshot seems to support this. But I can buy the between 174-175 cm figure of 5'8.75". I think he probably shrunk to 5'8.5" by evening though.
Original said on 3/Apr/17
@ RisingForce yeap I agree he was peak either 174 or 175. Nice height.
RisingForce said on 19/Mar/17
Edges out 5'7.5" Sinatra by about an inch at the start of this video:
Click Here 5'9" range Paul Newman had Brando by at least an inch here:
Click Here Montgomery Clift is listed here at 5'9.5" and edges out Brando while slouching:
Click Here He looked 5'8.5" and yeah, 170-175 pounds in his prime to me, but I'll agree with the 5'8.75" measurement. Better chance of 174 cm than a full 175, imo.
Original said on 18/Mar/17
Original said on 22/Jan/12
Brando is 5'8.75" peak and 175 pounds.
RisingForce said on 15/Mar/17
JD, was that the same bio as the Manso one? I can believe it, I do agree with Arch that Brando often looked 5'8" range.
RisingForce said on 24/Feb/17
Btw, I had completely forgotten I had posted about average height and Brando's elevators late in life so my apologies. I can be forgetful, but I don't mean to repeat myself. In any event, just like with John Wayne, I tend to believe the precise figure if it looks believable.
RisingForce said on 24/Feb/17
Of course a quarter inch would be possible well beyond 17, but Manso does say it was his full adult height and I believe it's the best guess because 5'8" was average during Brando's peak and I don't think he looked over that. He at least wore elevators in his 60s, it's said he did in the Godfather too so maybe he also did earlier. James Caan was supposedly 5'9" range, certainly not much above 5'10" if we're wrong so I think a 5'8" range Brando fits here:
Click Here (BTW that pic is an example of why I don't think Pacino ever reached a full 5'6") But of course if I can believe someone could be 5'8.75" , then they could just as easily be a quarter inch more or less.
Shredder said on 23/Feb/17
He was 17 at that time. So even if he was 5'8.75 it is possible he grew to 5'9 or more , not 5'10 though
RisingForce said on 16/Feb/17
Rob, do you think it's worth adding the quote from the Peter Manso Bio? In case you want to add it, I was still able to find it verbatim: "He had reached his full adult height of five feet eight and three quarters."

Editor Rob
I got the quote and have included it.
RisingForce said on 15/Feb/17
I think the 5'8.75" height mentioned in that bio is as accurate as you could get. 5'8" was average for a man in the 50's so I don't think Marlon was much more than that. Huge Frankenstein boots in his 60s, which makes me wonder if he wore lifts during the prime of his career as well.
Hijopotamus said on 29/Jan/17
MJ was 5'9" and light weight bone type.
62kg sounds right
JD said on 13/Jan/17
read one of his biography's which stated his adult height was 68.5/68.75 according to medical records (for what its worth)
James said on 13/Dec/16
Brando was probably wearing built up shoes in the pictures with Dean.
Shredder said on 12/Dec/16
He looks about 3 inches over James in some photos
Nick Teixeira said on 25/Nov/16
He doesn't look any more than an inch taller than James Dean and he is apparently 5'7". Celebrities often lie about their height so I think Brando is 5'8" barefoot and the 5'9" and 5'10" claims were due to shoe lifts, which people say he did wear in movies
James said on 3/Oct/16
He had to lose a lot of weight for "The Godfather". He didn't really balloon though until shortly before "Apocalypse Now" was filmed in 1976.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Oct/16
Funny how some people here obviously believe brando was 5'10! I suggest you watch Countess in Hong Kong in which he is in slippers with Sophia Loren and you can safely rule out over 5 ft 9, and a possibility of just under 5'9. Looked an incht aller than Sinatra to me in Guys and Dolls, more likely 174, 5'8.5-75 range.
Shredder said on 4/Sep/16
Rob , how much do you think he weighed around the Godfather?
mande2013 said on 31/Aug/16
Rob, does this look like a full four inch difference to you?
Click Here

Editor Rob
probably not, I would think Pacino might be on slightly lower ground, although in the photo it might be at least 3.5 inch
Gx79 said on 20/Aug/16
How tall does Brando look nxt to 5'5.5 Marilyn in heels
Thank you rob
Click Here this pic might prove he was really 5'10 barfooted too
Gx79 said on 18/Aug/16
Rob how tall does Brando look in this pic
Click Here thank you

Editor Rob
could appear a 5ft 10 range guy there.
Evelyn said on 12/Aug/16
I worked at London City Airport, and on a date prior to November 1998, I was at my desk, waiting to go home, it was about 13.45hrs. Whilst checking things in the computor, I was aware of a male, kicking a ball backwards and forwards to a child, a boy I think, of approx. 3yrs of age. There was a gap with our flights, so my section of the airport was a bit quiet. My 'phone rang, and I was informed by a colleague elsewhere, that the adult in front of me, was Marlon Brando. I discreetly looked up, and thought, MB? He was a short, fat, older male. I was quiet surprised. Although I was sitting, he was just 2 metres away from me, so I saw him right before my eyes.
I told myself that this couldn't have been MB, but that day, I read in the local Guardian freebie, that MB was in town, and he'd come to buy a property in Chigwell - where I lived, so it was him. Being a small Airport, we all knew, most times, who was about. Must have been the weight that aged him terribly, He looked much older than his years.
I'd never seen his films, until I saw on TV about a year ago, The countess from HK - think it featured Sophia Loren, whom I met in 1964. That's all for now.
James said on 7/Jul/16
Brando and Caan were both wearing lifts in "The Godfather".
Brando should be downgraded to 5'8".
charlie said on 5/Jul/16
Marlon looks closer to 5 ft 7 inches. James caan looked 3 inches taller than him and he is 5 ft 9 inches
Gonzalo said on 25/May/16
1,75-76 at the most. He looked short. I think he had lifts help in several of his movies. In Apocalypse now for sure
Dan said on 19/Mar/16
In Eleanor Coppola's book about the making of Apocalypse Now, she mentions the first day she met Brando on location; she states something like (been years since I read it), "I saw a short heavy set man on the beach..." who turned out to be Brando. If he was 5'10" I doubt she would have referred to him as 'short.'
Tom said on 7/Mar/16
Brando always wore lifts, just like Richard Burton.
rc 5'10 said on 23/Jan/16
rob i want you to think on his gas traning card he was 5'9 and very heavy okay the heavy you are can cause pressure on the spin and your disk but if you look at brando in his younger years he is 5,10 barfoot what do you think rob

Editor Rob
he wasn't like a massive guy or anything, I wouldn't expect his height to be effected
Jim said on 22/Jan/16
Brando was about 5'9.5 or so at his peak. Closer to 5'8 before his death. Not tall but not short by an actor's measure either. He was a good height for leading man back then.
Gx79 said on 22/Dec/15
I say he's 5'10.5 at peak then 5'9 due to weight
Emma said on 20/Dec/15
On his screentest for rebel without a cause he is listed as 5.10 height and 170 weight.
But I always thought he was shorter than the regular Hollywood actor and closer to the 5.7 Tom Cruise than 5.10
the shredder said on 16/Nov/15
He was measured 5'8.75 at 17 , but still an open case because we don't know how he was measured. Barefoot , shoes , morning , night?
Gx79 said on 28/Oct/15
Rob are you sure he's 5'9 our is it a guess

Editor Rob
everything is a guess unless a measurement is known, then we can be more confident.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Oct/15
Rob, do you think his extreme weight gain affected his height later on?

Editor Rob
it certainly would put more strain on discs and might increase risk of losing a bit more than average.
I remember there was a photo on here a while ago of Depp and Brando together and he wore these big bulky shoes to aid his height.
Gx79 said on 17/Aug/15
Rob how can u tell how big he is no one can unless you were next him wouldn't be fair to put what he's always be listed at 5'10'
viapto said on 16/Aug/15
good photo for comparison brando next robert kennedy 5 9', brando looks a bit taller, young marlon can be maybe 5 9.5' that was a good height for 1950 Rob? he was in the average height in 1950 or he was taller at this time. other ladyesmans at this time was 5 9' too like paul newman and Tony Curtis.
Click Here 5 9' is a common height for actors in usa, action heros silvester stallone, antonio banderas, jason statham, wesley snipes. actors cillian murphy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, jeremy renner, shia labeouf, jared leto, ian somerhalder tom hardy. 5 9' is average in usa?
Gx79 said on 25/Jul/15
He was taller then James dean by 3 inches
shortboy88 said on 24/Jul/15
brando was 5'7.75'' or 172 cm. basically a weak 5'8
lou cobb who is 5'10-11 had about 2-3 inches on him on the waterfront
mande2013 said on 21/Jul/15
No way was Brando 5'10. Just look at some set pictures from Last Tango in Paris of him standing next Bernardo Bertolucci who I think was 5'10.5.
Gx79 said on 13/Jul/15
Rob would u change some height if u some hade evidence u were wrong about ther height

Editor Rob
if I see enough of someone to think X might be a better listing than Y, then I will change it. Sometimes the more you see of someone, the greater you believe X over Y.
But, it still doesn't mean it is right, we are all still guessing ultimately.
gx79 said on 3/Jul/15
rob i found this on tumbler
Click Here what do you think

Editor Rob
considering he's been on 5ft 9 for many years now, and that description is the latest version, you altered it :)
Gx79 said on 1/Jul/15
Rob are you going to update his height to 5'10 because that photo was during the 50s before he wore lifts or cub in heels

Editor Rob
I still think 5ft 9 was the best fit for him.
Gx79 said on 30/Jun/15
Rob what do you think maron Brando with 6'1karl Malden
Click Here does Brando still look 5'9

Editor Rob
he can look near to 6ft there.
Gx79 said on 22/Jun/15
Robe he is a pic with Brando barfoted
Click Here hers same pic he's in sock
Click Here
Now would you still stick with 5'9 for him or 5'10 he was at least 2.5 or 3 inch taller then Sophia who is 5'7.5 which would make Brando 5'10 or 5'11 maybe rob what do you think
gx79 said on 20/Jun/15
rob here is a pic do you think brando is still 5'9 or 5'10 by this pic
Click Here

Editor Rob
5ft 9, I would say his heel was reasonably big there, it kind of blends in but looks thicker than your standard 1-inch style.
Gx79 said on 19/Jun/15
@ maze You sure you were taller then Brando because I hade people think they were taller then me and it turn height when we stood side by side they were an inch or 2 inch shorter then me or lower but people like to think there the tallest person.
Gx79 said on 13/Jun/15
@steve both marlon and Montgomery both look same height they both are slouching the same look at top. Of there head and compare they look same height what do you think rob
Steve said on 9/Jun/15
He wore huge lifts in The Freshman. So big they looked silly.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Jun/15
[Editor Rob: 170-80 range, and at some points later in career was well into 230's I think.]
Try 300lbs+. That's pretty much why he was out of the limelight for most of the 90's.
the shredder said on 8/Jun/15
Rob how tall do you think he was in the 90's ?

Editor Rob
by time say with Johnny Depp I think he lost an inch, but maybe he had dodgy footwear at times, I'm sure on one film he wore big shoes....
Steve said on 29/May/15
Brando was shorter than 5'10" Montgomery Clift.
Click Here
the shredder said on 29/May/15
Another question Rob , does he look more in On The Waterfront than he does in Streetcar and his screen test? Even though he is in bulky sweaters and Jackets , he's face looks a bit puffier.

Editor Rob
not much, a few pounds maybe but not a big 15-20 difference.
the shredder said on 29/May/15
So Rob , you think He was 230 in Superman? He was listed 170 for a screen test in 1947 , in Street Car and Waterfront looks more 180 based on that .

Editor Rob
not sure if quite that much, but maybe a bit less around that time and apocalypse. I suppose compared to his latter days when he was over 300 pounds, he looked relatively trim!
Ron said on 26/May/15
Rob, What do you think his weight was in his prime?

Editor Rob
170-80 range, and at some points later in career was well into 230's I think.
Mazr said on 11/May/15
I had the opportunity to meet Brando when I was in HS in 1972. I was 5'10" at the time and was easily over an inch taller than he was and he was wearing boots with heels at the time. There is no way he was over 5'8". Like almost every guy under 6' ft he exaggerated his height by at least an inch.
Red Beard said on 6/May/15
Hey Rob I think he was 5'9 but when I saw his audition tape for rebel without a cause , they listed him 5'10 in the audition. His height is not accurate do you think he was 5'9 or 5'10
Heylo said on 28/Apr/15
All the comments about him being short is ridiculous. If he was about 174-175cm then that was a strong average or even slightly above back in the day. Being 177-179 cm today was like being 173-175 back in the days so he was definitely not short. Hollywood is ****ed up, listing 6ft as a golden height back when the average in america was below 5'9..
mande2013 said on 17/Apr/15
176 in the morning and 174 at night perhaps? Either way, basically 5'9. He looked about three inches than Maria Schneider, who by the way deserves a page I think. By the way, when does height loss really begin? A lot of sites say it actually begins at age 40, but I read that more as it could begin as early as 40 depending on one's overall health and what not, because I know plenty of people in their late 50s and early 60s who haven't lost a centimeter. My grandmother didn't really begin to 'shrink' until she was in her seventies. I have an aunt who's 61 who's lost an inch, but she's had some serious health issues and an uncle who's 65 who's lost an inch, but he's quite tall to begin with and also doesn't have very good posture, but my father who was always weak average is about 60 and doesn't appear to have lost height. How do you feel about this topic Rob?
Spencer said on 22/Mar/15
He looks 5'9 ish in the Godfather. I think 5'9.5 peak.
Lorne said on 21/Mar/15
Yeah, it seems odd that him and Nicholson, Pacino aren't more frequently discussed, considering not only their popularity, but that there respective heights were discussed in the media during their so called peak eras.
Arch Stanton said on 14/Feb/15
Looks a strong 5'9" in The Chase.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Feb/15
Rob it's funny how little traffic and comment he really gets. I'm pretty sure if celebheights hopped into the DeLorean and went back from 2015 to 1955 this guy would get all the traffic and comments that Tom Cruise does!

Editor Rob
unfortunately there's no comments from 2005-2012 still available, but there has been periods of discussion about him intermittently over the years. But it's true that if you had the Internet at different time periods things would look a lot different. People who in last 10 years get a trickle might have had a flood if the site was available during their peak era's.
I'd love to keep this site going as long as I can, if I am still healthy I will keep at it as long as I can. That's 10 years now, I could still have 30 more years in the tank!
Arch Stanton said on 10/Dec/14
180cm Glenn Ford had Brando by about 2-2.5 inches in Teahouse. Ford was nothing over 180, see him with Poitier in Blackboard Jungle. I think a whisker under 5 ft 9 for Brando would have been spot on.
Arch Stanton said on 10/Dec/14
Oh come on, in slippers in Countess from Hong Kong anything over 5 ft 9 is effectively ruled out with Sophia Loren.
Gx79 said on 26/Nov/14
Rob do u think he can look 5 foot 10-11

Editor Rob
I think at times he could have looked a bit over 5ft 9, but between 5ft 10 and 11, not really
Voiceless Dental Fricative said on 18/Oct/14
Duval and Caan looked at least 1 inch taller than him in the Godfather. Though his posture was poor due to the character.
George smith said on 12/Oct/14
He was 5 foot 10 when I meet him and he was wearing slippers we were eye to eye looked more 5 ft 10 and half or 70.5 inch
Gx79 said on 28/Sep/14
He was taller then jack Nicholson and he's 177 cm that means brando was 5 foot10 or 5 foot 10 and half
Sam said on 18/Sep/14
He was probably 5'10 in dress shoes ..
Thug said on 2/Sep/14
I'm 5 foot 10 and he looks the same height as me by looking at his photo
Sam said on 2/Sep/14
Powerhouse, Brando was wearing some monster shoes on the set of The's doubtful he was much taller than Broderick barefoot at that point. The tallest they made Brando seem was in Apocalypse Now...that's the only role where he seemed taller than average.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Sep/14
@Powerhouse he only had about an inch on Sinatra in Guys and Dolls.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Sep/14
@Powerhouse I've seen virtually all of his films, at least 50s and 60s and I thought he could often look 5 ft 8 range. You'd have a point with under 5 ft 8 but 5 ft 8 range is quite arguable. I still think he'd have measured 174cm barefoot but 5 ft 9 flat is OK.
Powerhouse said on 2/Sep/14
Anybody saying anything under 5'9 for Brando have never seen him in a film. In the movie The Freshman at 66 years old Brando had 2 inches easily on 5'7.5 Matthew Broderick.
marlon1 said on 24/Aug/14
he looks 178.3cm what do you think rob here a picture of him next to sinatra
Click Here
Marlon1 said on 12/Aug/14
He was 5 foot 10 and 1/4 I took a picture mesure of him standing next to Sinatra
177cmGuy said on 15/Jul/14
Brando was probably a flat 5'9 at his peak. Although just average height his presense looked intense especially in the godfather and apocalypse now.
Sam said on 3/Jul/14
Brando is pretty well towered by Burt Lancaster, Charlton Heston, Harry Belanfonte and Sidney Poitier here...only Sammy Davis Jr. looms shorter.
Click Here
Realist said on 27/Jun/14
Peak 174 later years more 171-72. One of the most attractive guys Hollywood has ever had. Rob does broad shoulders look good on shorter guys like 5'7-5'8?
Arch Stanton said on 19/Jun/14
Actually Viva Zapata! is probably better known that The Ugly American and he had an Oscar nom and BAFTA win for it so probably worth mentioning instead.
Arch Stanton said on 19/Jun/14
Rob can you update with best remembered for roles in films like The Godfather, A Streetcar named Desire, The Wild One, On The Waterfront, Apocalypse Now, Julius Caesar, Last Tango in Paris, Sayonara, One-Eyed Jacks and The Ugly American, and add a photo? I could have sworn you used to have one of him in The Wild One.
RisingForce said on 5/Jun/14
The biography was written by Peter Manso, iirc, and you use to be able to view a preview online. I don't specifically remember it saying he was measured, but it said something along the lines of "He had reached his full adult height of five feet eight and three quarters."
By the way, the more shots you see of his shoes around the time of The Freshman, the more ridiculous they seem.
Click Here Click Here Definitely not short. Somewhere in the 5'8"-5'9" range, but it makes me wonder how long he wore lifts. I remember hearing that Brando, Caan and Pacino all wore lifts in The Godfather!
the shredder said on 31/May/14
Measured in his teens as 5'8 3/4. We do not know how this was measured , moring ? Shoes? evening? Was he exactly 5'8 3/4 on the tape? said on 29/May/14
definitely no more than 5'8
5'8.5'' guy said on 24/May/14
looked 5'8 in streetcar next to 6'1 karl malden and 5'3 vivien leigh
Arch Stanton said on 21/May/14
He does actually look 5 ft 10 in One Eyed Jacks but he's in boots.
Gusty said on 20/May/14
He was 5 foot 10 when I got older he looked like he was 5 foot 9 1/2
Lorne said on 23/Feb/14
I'm sorry but he looked more than an inch taller than Sinatra to me. The 5ft8.75 measurement could ultimately be spot on, but I think peaking at 5ft9 pre-weight gain is fair. Look at him in his late 60's with Matthew Broderick; he was still at least 5'8... And he weighted 300lbs! I know it's just 1cm, but 174, I struggle with that, though not impossible... But 5'7-5'8 is!
Arch Stanton said on 16/Feb/14
I've paid attention to Sinatra's footwear in most of the films I've seen him in and I can't remember an occasion where they looked suspicious. Bing Crosby on the otherhand EVERY film I've seen him in his footwear was high at the back and looked very suspicious.
cos said on 15/Feb/14
don't forget Frank Sinatra used to wear lifts aswell to look taller. therefore it is possible that Sinatra hit 5'9 in lifts and met Brando who would be 5'10.5 in dress shoes.
cos said on 15/Feb/14
I would say 5'9.5 peak and 5'10.5 - 5'11 possibly in footwear and gave an illusion of a 6 footer.
Arch Stanton said on 8/Jan/14
In fairness though he is starring alongside Michael Rennie and Alan Napier!!
Arch Stanton said on 8/Jan/14
Really looks more 5 ft 8 in Desiree though.
BobbyGray said on 7/Jan/14
@kartal5: The host is Dick Cavett and he's known to be around 5'3...Brando was most likely 5'9 in cowboy boots or lifts. You have to keep in mind that the average height for males back in Brando's peak (the 50's) was 5'8, maybe 5'9. The majority of people back then were shorter so that's why he was able to look taller in some of his earlier movies. His body proportions along with an imposing build with lifts most likely pushed him up to 5'9 at max. I'm guessing maybe he was 5'7 flat.
Arch Stanton said on 24/Dec/13
I agree on 174cm. He barely an inch taller than Sinatra in Guys and Dolls. I really think 5'8.5"-5'8.75 would make the most sense.
the shredder said on 25/Nov/13
He took his shoe off and he had no lifts in that interview , he was no way 5'8.75.
Powerhouse said on 24/Nov/13
@kartal5 The host Dick Cavett is 5'5
kartal5 said on 14/Nov/13
Brando looks pretty tall compared to the host here
Click Here although i dunno what height he is.
the shredder said on 13/Nov/13
Rob , can you can take down the official site 5'8 comment and replace it with the 5'8.75 measurement?

Editor Rob
I need the reference for the measurement, the 5ft 8 on the official site is gone, but it was there at some point so worth mentioning, or even linking to from the archive site.
the shredder said on 12/Nov/13
Rob , his offical site is not up , plus do you buy the 5'8.75 measurement in his , he could have grow ?

Editor Rob
being measured near that mark is very possible
BB said on 25/Oct/13
@Arch Stanton: It's funny because that's one of his movies where I think he looked shorter. 5'8-5'8.5 maybe. Even in his healed boots he looked shorter and stockier. He had short-ish legs it looked like; like his upper body was longer than his legs. Which gives the illusion that he looks shorter.
Arch Stanton said on 22/Oct/13
Well, he does look a solid 5'9" in The Wild One.
Sam said on 18/Oct/13
I don't know if its a "gift" to survive that long after getting that obese but there's no question Brando lived it up in terms of wine, women and, uh, food.
Ian C. said on 16/Oct/13
Brando was an unusually physically gifted man in that he was able to double his young adult body and still live past eighty. It must have been quite a treat to be young and rich, with that kind of vitality.
Lorne said on 9/Oct/13
Sorry Stanton, having watched his films, I still say 175. Is better than 174, though maybe 5ft8.75 was spot on all along. Could be exactly 175, which is just a hair under 5ft9, so like weak 5'9.
Arch Stanton said on 8/Oct/13
I'd say he was more likely near 5 ft 9 than 5 ft 8. Seeing him next to Red and James Garner. Garner had about 5 inches on him, and he had about 3-3.5 inches on Red who I think was between 5'5" and 5'6". I still think 174cm would seem to fit him well but I guess 175cm is possible.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Oct/13
Rob pause at 31:29
Click Here Red Buttons was around 167cm. My initial thought early in the film was that he looked near 5'9" but in seeing them face to face without hats do you see a full 5'9"?

Editor Rob
he can look 3, possibly 3.5 inches taller.
possibly red was between 5ft 5 and 6
Arch Stanton said on 7/Oct/13
Mmm he does actually look 5'9 in Sayonara next to Red Buttons who was between 5'5" and 5'6 I think.
BB said on 25/Sep/13
I still say 5'8.5.
Powerhouse said on 14/Sep/13
5'10 at his peak.
Arch Stanton said on 12/Aug/13
the shredder says on 11/Jun/13
Rob , what do you think would be his outright claim ?
[Editor Rob: 5ft 9 I think early on, he might have pushed a 5ft 10 in heydey]
In lifts, maybe.. Who was it who persuaded Rob to upgrade him to 5'9"? He was right originally with 174 in my opinion!!
Arch Stanton said on 12/Aug/13
This is Brando's page not Cruise's!! I still think 5'8.5 is the best shout for him.
Cass said on 9/Aug/13
You mean that with shoes Tom Cruise hits 5'9?
Knowitall said on 7/Jul/13
Lorne, we're you there with a tape measure when Tom Cruise hit five eleven?
Cruise was never five eleven in his entire life. Nor was he five ten. Time to get real here.
Marlon was fantastic in that screen test.
BB said on 5/Jul/13
@shredder: yeah, but anyone can give themselves an extra inch or so on a DL. Though at that point he was much heavier so maybe he would have even dropped an inch...
BB said on 26/Jun/13
But Rick, even back then producers/agencies would boost an actors height to make them bigger/"manly" or whatever. It was easier to get away with back then too. No where else has he legit been listed higher than 5'9. He had such a presence that you didn't notice his height.
Arch Stanton said on 21/May/13
I think you were nearer originally!!
Arch Stanton said on 20/May/13
Rob, he looks easily an inch shorter than Robert Duvall Brando in The Godfather. Watching it now, if Duvall is 5'9.5" Brando was surely little more than 5 ft 8. He looked 5'8" range in On the waterfront too. Would you consider a downgrade to 5'8.5"? I doubt Brando would have lost height by then, he wasn't even 50 when they shot that film. I think 174 would be nearer.

Editor Rob
I've had him 174 and 5, for the moment I've left him at 5ft 9
Lorne$ said on 9/May/13
@knowitall: Actually, Tom Cruise has hit 5ft11 with high cut boots and lifts. Note that in order to look 5'10, you must measure 5'10,( bcuz most people wear one inch heels) and so cruise has hit 5'11 multiple times, definitefly. Cruise is 172cm, possibly a full 5'8, so Occasionaly he wears high cut boots that give a full 3 inches. And we are well aware that getting more than 2.5 in is nearly impossible, which is exactly why Cruise can't be under 172cm. Otherwise, you contradict yourself when Cruise is clearly 2 inches taller than 5ft8 Dana Carvey, and other examples, which couldn't be accomplished by a 5ft6 guy, as some people say. Not that you said that at all, just illustrating the point here of Cruise. As for Brando, a couple of off pics don't change his established height over decades, or that he was still a strong 5'8 guy, at 67 years old, and weighing 300lbs or so. But 5'8.5 is a reasonable minimum estimate for Brando, far from ridiculous. But I believe firmly that the 5ft8.75in "measurement" is his minimum peak height, with a full 5ft9 at least equallyi likely. But I'll go with the full 5ft; all of his films, and everything else just doesn't point to him being less than a full 175( and for the record, Brando lpoked '5'10-up, many times, meaning he would've hit close too 6 feet, in some of his more outrageous footwear...)
Knowitall said on 5/May/13
Tom Cruise couldn't manage to hit five ten unless he wore 'Frankenstein' boots.
Lifts don't work the way most people think they do. A one-inch lift inside a shoe that already has a one-inch heel will only gain the person roughly half an inch. The only way to gain the same height as the shoe provides is to wear platform shoes.
Brando wasn't any taller than five eight and a half. He was barely taller than five seven Frank Sinatra in Guys and Dolls.
Brando was at least five inches shorter than Karl Malden who was supposedly six one.
But what's really telling is five ten Montgomery Clift was at least two inches taller than Marlon:
Click Here
BB said on 2/May/13
It's odd because in "Streetcar" (in some shots) he does really look (at the least) 5'9, but in "Waterfront" he looks smaller for sure at 5'8. Im sure thats just film and the way it can change height appearence, but Waterfront doesnt try to make him look dominant and imposing, like Streetcar did.
Is 5'8 considered the "just below average" thats in middle between "short" and average"? Most people consider that the cut off for "not short". Marlon was kind of stocky but proportional -- muscular with average length legs.
Overall I just think he was between 5'8.5-5'9. Though I do think your observation is interesting.
Lorne said on 1/May/13
BB- you are correct. Tom Cruise is 172-173cm(a weak 5ft8) and he can manage 5'10 on occasion, albeit with high cut boots AND lifts, which ultimately could be giving 3 inches. However, I think Brando was closer to 5ft9 peak. Honestly, the 5ft8.75in listing could be spot on, but I think he would have hit 175cm on a sradiometer, ESP. Pre-weight gain. Either way, he was nearer 175 than 174cm range. Also, at age 65(ish) he wore platform shoes in that film with Matthew Broderick, and looked like he would have measured at least 5'11 in them. Granted, these we're thick platform style shoes, but he was at least 5ft8 barefoot, possibly a tad more, since I doubt they gave more than 3 inches. The point is, he still looked at least a solid 173cm barefoot, and he was in his late 60's, not to mention he was near 300lbs! So as far as I'm concerned, he had lost a decent amount of height. Considering he looked a strong average when he was younger, 5ft9 just makes sense. Of course, he coulda been just under the 175cm mark in the evening, but 5ft8.75 would be the absolute minimum, and a full 5ft9 just seems more likely. Either way, he was 175cm.
Arch Stanton said on 1/May/13
He's got 2-3 inches on 5'4" Eva Marie Saint who I think is in heels which give about 2 inches. Brando though is wearing thick workman's boots. 5'8" range in my opinion.
Arch Stanton said on 1/May/13
I'd guess 5'8.5", 5 ft 10 looks a joke to me. I'm not sure he was a full 5'9" either but it's possible but my honest impression of him in On the Waterfront is a strong 5'8" guy.
Arch Stanton said on 1/May/13
Watching On the Waterfront now and he looks a stocky 5'8"-5'9".
BB said on 30/Apr/13
Lorne, that's not nessecarily true. He could easily be 5'8.5 and still look 5'10 with lifts. I think he barely scratched 5'9. Just because he looked taller, doesn't mean he was.
Lorne said on 12/Apr/13
I like this upgrade. I agree with Shredder, he could look 5'10 in some films, I think he would need to be the full 5ft9 to look 5'10 with lifts.
The Riddler said on 27/Mar/13
He's small compared to slim pickens and karl malden in One Eyed Jacks
Tempest said on 26/Feb/13
He's towered by nearly every other male actor in On the Waterfront. They must have picked a tall cast. He looks 5'7" in it.
Brandon said on 12/Feb/13
I know it's only a mere inch, but I think he was 5'8 more than 5'9. Maybe he was 5'9 as his "official" stats say but, (and again only an inch) he looked 5'8. Look at him in The Wild One -- he wears thick heeled boots and still looks kind of small; his legs weren't that long. Film makes everyone look bigger and who knows if he had been wearing slight lifts in his movies or in pictures. He was just well proportioned.
Will said on 5/Jan/13
Marlon Brando was a big guy but that doesn't mean that he was also standing tall. He was only just 5ft 8 IMO.
matt678 said on 2/Dec/12
Rob do you think that 5ft10 peak is possible? said on 6/Oct/12
he looks exactly the same height as Frank Sinatra. he can't be over 5.8.. maybe under
saba said on 3/Oct/12
All I can say is that the guy was fit especially in the film 'A street car named desire' I would definately not kick him out of bed!After he hit his 30's it was all down hill he became fat and greedy and shagged any female in sight.
jtm said on 17/Sep/12
definitely one of the greatest actors of all time. who do we have nowadays? nicolas cage? hahahaha. btw i don't understand why he got upgraded back to 5'9. i thought he claimed 5'8.75.
Sonny said on 16/Sep/12
He looked tall in The godfather.I always tought that he was maybe 6',5'11" at least.Bu,now i see that even 5ft10 is questionable.Anyhow,one of the greatest actors of all times.
little sue said on 21/Aug/12
The Shredder ' Eve Marie Saint was always listed as 5ft 4.
the shredder said on 20/Aug/12
Rob , how tall is Eva Marie Saint ?

Editor Rob
I'm not sure on her
Anon said on 12/Aug/12
Thanks, the shredder. In A Streetcar Named Desire I guessed him at 170-175 too. He seems a bit bulkier than me. :) But I just saw One-Eyed Jacks (1961, so he would have been 36-37) and he was already pretty fat by then. He must have been about at least 180-185 at that point. Say man, do you also have a guess for his weight in the early 70s in Last Tango in Paris and The Godfather? I'd guess about 190-200 range, but like I said I'm not very good at estimating weight. :p I'd appreciate it if you shared your guess with me. :D
the shredder said on 11/Aug/12
I'd guess 175 lbs in street car .
the shredder said on 2/Aug/12
Rob , I missed used what I was saying ... In a book by Peter Manso it said that at age 17 Marlon was at his full height of 5'8 and 3/4 and 144 lbs !
the shredder said on 1/Aug/12
Rob , the cmg site is not up and it changed him to 5'10 before ... Would you replace that with the 5'8.75 measurement qoute from a bio ?

Editor Rob
do you know the exact quote?
the shredder said on 1/Aug/12
Rob , is there anyway he was 5'10 ? Not saying he was !

Editor Rob
with a wee lift I'm sure he could look it to people, and his physical looks probably helped give an illusion of height.
hgsc said on 26/Jul/12
In later films Brando could look 5'10" but I notice he wore some pretty chunky shoes. In On the Waterfront,one of his earlier fims, I would say he only looks 5'8". Even 5'8.5" would be pushing it in my opinion, nowhere near 5'9".
Still, 5'8" or 6'8" he was a great actor, one of the best.
@Rob: Would you say that in On the Waterfront 5'8" would be a fair guess for Brando?

Editor Rob
he could look a good 5ft 9 a lot of time, in some later films he looks indeed to have height issues by wearing big footwear to enhance his stature.
the shredder said on 10/Jun/12
Rob , what made you change his height ? You not sure about that measurement ? BTW , I heard that Al Pacino claims 5'7 in one of his books

Editor Rob
an even 5ft 9 I think is a fair mark for him.
Sam said on 10/Feb/12
Brando and Paul Newman look close in height here:
Click Here
JohnnyRB said on 9/Feb/12
Click Here Marlon Brando and 5ft7.5 Frank Sinatra
Tom said on 5/Feb/12
Here Brando looks at least two inches shorter than Bob Hope who supposedly was five-foot ten.
Click Here
Original said on 22/Jan/12
Brando is 5'8.75" peak and 175 pounds.
Drake J said on 19/Jan/12
My grandfather once saw him and said that he was not as tall as many people saw him on screen.
He looked taller, because he is just muscular. My grandfather was 177cm.
Marlon Brando was a bit shorter than my grandfather.
Anyway, my grandfather said that he was the only actor with charisma. Other actors had been so boring since Marlon Brando.
james said on 25/Dec/11
Rob have James Dean drop to 5'6.5 or Marlon up to 5'9. Just look at any of the pictures of them together!!
toby said on 20/Dec/11
brando said he weighed around 170 pounds for most his life, not including when he got fat and went over 200 pounds
the shredder said on 28/Nov/11
So whats your guess for the film ? He is clearly more then the 180 guess in A Streetcar .
the shredder said on 28/Nov/11
Rob , weight is hard to guess but what would you guess his weight in The Godfather ? ... pre fame his weight was listed 170 and your guess him 180 for A Streetcar ?

Editor Rob
possibly close, only seen a few clips of movie last year and not seen it for ages
the shredder said on 25/Nov/11
I know its hard to tell 5'8.75 , but I think he looked taller , He pretty much says 5'10 , I know this sounds nuts but I think he can pull off 5'11 in films .
toby said on 14/Nov/11
brando had favourable proportions which was one reason he looked taller
the shredder said on 7/Nov/11
Rob , check at the book from Peter Manso ... It says the 5
8.75 in it .
the shredder said on 4/Nov/11
Rob , does this look 2 inches between him and James ? ...
Click Here ... Btw , how tall does the actress look ? ... I say Jimmy should drop under 5'7 or Brando the full 5'9

Editor Rob
might be more chance of 5ft 9 brando.
the shredder said on 31/Oct/11
Rob , it sounds crazy , but do you think he grew to the full 5'9 ? ... He really looks at least that in movies .

Editor Rob
yeah it's possible
the shredder said on 28/Oct/11
Rob , Its only .25 , but I don't see him less then 5'9 ... The book with the 5'8.75 is from Peter Manso .
the shredder said on 19/Oct/11
Rob , that official with 5'8 is not there anymore ... I think you should replace the saying with the 5'8 measurement ?
the shredder said on 19/Oct/11
Rob , that official with 5'8 is not there anymore ... I think you should replace the saying with the 5'8 measurement ?