Donna Jean said on 2/Oct/24
I met him in 1954. I was 5’5 barefoot and also wearing heels, so would have. Been 5’7 . He was certainly taller than me. Id sat by 2.5 or 3 inches. Looked like my brothers height , 5’9.5 .
Jessee said on 2/Oct/24
I saw his clothes in person , at the museum in Fairmount Indiana. Im 5’8.5 140lb, and all his clothes looked larger than what I would wear. As was his shoe size (i wear 10.5) He seemed like he could have been no shorter than 5’8, and was definitely more muscular than me. I saw his 3 of his full body racing suits, and they were almost exactly my height, if not larger, large in the chest / shoulder region than me, and the suits looked very form fitting on him in pictures. There was also his chair there, and a picture of him in the chair, if i was to sit in it i think id look a hair smaller in frame than he did, all of his sweaters and vests pullover looked larger than ones i would have. He did not come off as “small” to me. 5’8 was not average height in the 1940s or 50s . If you read a 1950s book called “ASeparate Peace” the main characters refer to them selves as both being “on the short side, 5’8 and a half”. Records indicate 5’10 was average height in those eras. Actors were often taller than average. Hence why he may have been seen as short. His bongos were also there, and i compared my hands to the top of them and then looked at a picture of him , and his hands looked larger compared to the bongo than mine did. He also did a sculpture of his face, made to scale using measuring tools, and it looked exactly like my head size, as well as there being a life mask replica there, which looked exactly the size of my face, but nose on the small side. I can not possibly inagine him being shorter than 5’7 .5
roloxio3 said on 19/Mar/22
Rob,Corey he is 176cm tall 😃
He is 5"9 range.
Paul Newman : 176cm tall
Corey Allen : 176cm tall
Marlon Brando : 174cm tall
James Dean : 170cm tall
roloxio3 said on 16/Mar/22
Hey Rob,how tall is Corey Allen

Editor Rob
This is a good
Video which shows the difference.
BoobleGooble said on 6/Feb/22
One of the coolest actors of all time.
169.5-170cm in my opinion
Empire of the sun said on 21/Sep/21
Is it possible 167-168 range for him?

Editor Rob
Not sure I'd argue quite that low, though 169cm is a figure that isn't exactly dismissible.
5'10 Dude said on 21/Jul/21
I'd lean more towards 5'6½ for James Dean. He looks a fair bit shorter than both Marlon Brando(5'8¾) and Paul Newman(5'9½). James Dean was kinda short, but not super short.
MRICE said on 4/Apr/21
An older cousin of mine lived in West Texas when they were making Giant. She said she saw this little guy with real thick glasses over mingling with the Stars. She was there just hoping to see or meet James Dean. At some point he walked over to her and said hello and she didn't know who he was just look past him. Later she found out it was James Dean. She said he couldn't have been over 5 ft 5 in tall. She was flabbergasted.
em97 said on 26/Mar/21
strong 5”7 171 cm
Horris said on 22/Mar/21
from bed 171cm
during the day 170cm
evening 169cm
Rich Paul said on 23/Feb/21
I believe Dean was 5-6 at most. Watching him in East of Eden he was the shortest male actor and barely taller than Julie Harris.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Feb/21
Both 5ft5 and 5ft10 are stupid guesses
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Feb/21
James Dean should be celebrating his 90th Birthday today. His legend lingers on; I'm thinking right now of an REM song which mentions his name in the nicest possible of ways.
The tragic actor gets 5ft7.
RIP James 🕯️ XXX
8th February 1931 - 30th September 1955
Guillermo said on 7/Feb/21
@ Arch Stanton regarding James Dean. What about teenage angst?
slim 6'1 said on 20/Jan/21
How tall “was” since he’s passed on
Slim 6'1" said on 20/Dec/20
RMC said on 30/Oct/20
What would be his weight, he used to appear kind of slim, I would guess around 56kg

Editor Rob
57kg range isn't impossible, I remember Sinatra used to have himself listed at 135 pounds at one point in his younger days...
RubenSolooo said on 21/Jun/20
I wouldn’t think he is as short as 5‘5 but also not as tall as 5‘8. I think the average guess is spot on. His hair seem to give him quite some height and others said he used to wear really thick shoes, so thick shoes combined with those hair, I think could give an illusion of 5‘8 or even 5‘9 sometime, but his real height is probably 169-170cm.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Feb/20
James Dean was born 89 years ago today. I just found 173cm for him; I knew he wasn't unduly tall, but judging from the height on his page being a whole inch shorter and the average vote being less than 5ft7, he is certainly not as tall as his agency had him down as.
Dying at just 24, he is remembered for the fact that he died at such a dreadfully young age - and, of course, for his chiselled facial features.
Man in Black said on 31/Dec/19
5'7" I guess. There's that group photo that includes Brando in the shot and there looks about 2" between them. His famous hairstyle is giving the perception of an extra 1", generally speaking, which is why people probably think 5'9". 5'9" in a thick heeled shoe maybe + hair.
Tall Sam said on 31/Oct/19
With 3 feature films, IMO James Dean was untested, sure you can say he was overrated and more of an icon than a great actor. Rebel Without a Cause is an excellent movie but who knows if he could have hit the highs and lows of someone like Marlon Brando through his career, though he seemed less substantial and well-trained than Brando did.
Also, I think certainly 169 cm could not ruled out for Dean. He looked fairly short in the films even though the average was presumably lower back then.
Arch Stanton said on 29/Oct/19
IMO one of the most overrated personalities in the history cinema considering his output, he's remembered really for his image. Monroe overrated too, very few great films I can think of. Hollywood even in those days was never a fair place, I often spot some obscurer but charming actors and actresses in B movies which baffle me why they never became big stars. I've noticed that some of the most beautiful actresses I've spotted B movies from the 30s-50s had short careers, makes you wonder if they quickly realised the seedy side of the industry and refused to comply with the creepy studio bosses!

Editor Rob
I am always surprised in conversation about movies with people how many names of the past are forgotten or not even known - some 20 somethings I know have no idea who Dean or Liz Taylor are!
Tim9998 said on 29/Jul/19
Rob? Why did always look taller on screen and in pictures?
He always looked somewhat 5‘9-5‘9.5 to me?????

Editor Rob
Maybe his body frame could give an illusion of 5ft 9 at times, but the more he appeared with other people, the further away from that he began to look.
Helen Adair said on 27/Oct/18
Marlon Brando license says 5'10"
Helen Adair said on 27/Oct/18
His Driver license says 5'8" not 5'6"
Tees said on 11/Jul/18
And still you wish you had the looks of James Dean, i'd say 170cm.
ednerd said on 26/May/18
I met James Dean and his forehead alone was 5'8"
Tunman said on 23/May/18
He can give a small impression at times like only 5'6 but definitely handsome.I still thought under 5'7 tbh like an easy 2" smaller than Brando actually even slightly more. 5'10 is a joke so is 5'5.
Perhaps very similar to a certain 5'8 (5'6.5-6.75)
Khaled Taban said on 10/May/18
no more than 170cm
haxxx said on 27/Apr/18
No more than 169,5 cm. His driver license said 5'6.
55746645 said on 5/Apr/18
Barefoot 5'6.50. Even his driver license said 5'6.
Peter175 said on 14/Mar/18
James Dean was totally a 5'6 range guy. He always gets described as super short and 5'7 isn't super short. I know there are exaggerations but I cant see him a full 5'7 barefoot at night. Brando basically towered him and Dean was known to wear huge boots.
169 cm is probably the best shout
ethan couch said on 8/Mar/18
I'd say about 5'6.5. he was so attractive and i hope to be like him.
Powerhouse said on 11/Feb/18
I have been watching a lot of Dean lately and to be honest I have always said 5’7 flat tops. Which does makes sense that he would have a 5’8 army measurement with a boot. But you know after watching some of his films again he just doesn’t appear to be quite that tall. In rebel without a cause look at his boot, it’s a big heel. Not a standard 1 inch heel, but probably closer to 1.25-1.5 inches.
He appears short even for that time. His proportions are not great, if you look at him in the picture where he is practicing ballet dance he looks almost hobbit like. An impression that a real 5’7 guy wouldn’t give off. He is looking like a typical 5’6 flat guy at best although I don’t think he was that short. Also compare him with Brando, Newman, and others. I think 5’6.5-5’6.75 is closer to the truth. I believe he would measure that mid day without shoes.
The Shredder said on 6/Feb/18
5'6.75 seems the best fit , with 5'7.5 in basketball shoes and 5'8 in army boots.
Psychedelic Earth said on 2/Feb/18
Editorob. What is likelier, 169 or 171?
I’d go with the former, the guy looked kinda short.

Editor Rob
171 I think is just too high, I still think 170 is ok, but 169 would be my lowest guess.
Smiles03 said on 16/Jan/18
He's like 5'8 he's problay 5'10 in boots
rick said on 13/Jan/18
I think this is spot on, he doesn't look to be really 171 or over, but 169 seems a little too low
Anonymous said on 19/Nov/17
He's like 5'8, 5'9 broblay 5'10 in boots
bubbles said on 17/Nov/17
5'7 for james dean ? oh no he is over 5'9
Slim 6' said on 29/Oct/17
169 tops IMO.
Shredder said on 29/Aug/17
I think 5'6.75 is a better shout , it adds up to 5'7.5 in basketball shoes and 5'8 in army boots.
Slim 182 cm said on 25/Jul/17
Final guess.
RisingForce said on 2/Jul/17
I believe Dean was probably 5'7.5" in shoes. A real 5'7.5" man like Frank Sinatra wasn't much shorter than Brando, while Dean was more visibly shorter:
Click Here Brando really only looked 174 cm to me without bigger footwear so I can buy his apparent height of 5'8.75", but nothing more. And more convincing yet is Dean with Paul Newman, who I doubt was ever more than 176 cm:
Click Here Newman slouches a lot in the video, but it's obvious he's quite a bit taller than Dean.
Interestingly, if I'm right and Dean was only 5'6.5" barefoot then he was the equivalent of a roughly 5'8" man today. Maybe not in Hollywood as leading men were still usually taller with that only just starting to change during Dean's brief career as Brando, Newman, Clift etc. were rising stars, but it does put things in perspective.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Jun/17
Rob how likely is 5ft7½?

Editor Rob
compared to a guy like brando, I really struggle to see that as possible. I can believe 5ft 8 in shoes for him.
Slim 181 cm said on 16/Jun/17
Or 171. We need to stop underestimating celebs by 1.25 cm.
Slim 181 cm said on 15/Jun/17
RichardSpain, unknown?... let's grab some digging tools.. Just kidding! I think James could of measured 170 cm.
RichardSpain said on 27/Apr/17
With his hair and footwear maybe 170cm , Rob. But in my opinion he was more small or short. His height is unknown.
RisingForce said on 26/Feb/17
I have to guess 5'6.5". He really looks short with Brando, who was certainly no taller than 5'9" and I believe just under it at 5'8.75". Dean was slouching and Brando COULD have worn lifts, but even so, it's a big difference. I think he probably claimed to be 5'8" or was listed at that so a 1.5" exaggeration isn't unheard of, especially for a leading man. Although I don't know basketball sneakers for Dean's era would have added an inch.
Putz said on 6/Feb/17
Dean was three foot five, while Brando was a tiny five foot two. They never appeared with John Wayne, who was a wopping eight foot two, but had a very small Johnson.
James said on 13/Dec/16
Brando was probably wearing built up shoes in the pictures with Dean.
Nick Teixeira said on 25/Nov/16
If you see his films, he is pretty short, even when he's nor slouching. I think this is pretty accurate. 5'7", no more and no less.
Scott said on 11/Nov/16
He definitely wasn't 5'10'' because Jim Bakus had some inches on him in 'Rebel Without A Cause.'More like 5'6'' to 5'7'' tops.
Horseman said on 16/Oct/16
5'6 - 5'7 zone
Arch Stanton said on 15/Oct/16
169 IMO. Dean and G would have been identical ;-)
Al Pacino said on 19/Sep/16
167-170 range
Shredder said on 6/Sep/16
Brando seems to have around 3 " on him , I say James was 5'6.75 and Brando 5'9.5.
Shredder said on 31/Aug/16
LOL , it was a fake DL.
gx79 said on 27/Aug/16
@ Verona Rios were did you see his drivers licens
Verona Rios said on 26/Jul/16
His driver's license says 5'6, so I think it's a great official argument to downgrade him.
Robby D. said on 5/Jun/16
Watched "Tab Hunter Confidential" last night on Netflix and it showed James Dean and Paul Newman standing facing each other reading a script. Paul Newman seemed to be at least three inches taller. I think James Dean may have been 5' 6 1/2".
Rc 5'10 said on 2/Jun/16
He's 5'8 Rob
Powerhouse said on 10/Feb/16
The draft card listing was probably a boot/shoe measurement, one thing is for sure he wasn't 5'8, never looked that tall by himself or when next to others. Looks like a 5'6 -5'7 guy. Brando was 2.5 inches taller then Dean, and just comparing him with others as well, its clear he was not a 5'8 guy, and was probably a flat 5'7 tops.
mande2013 said on 8/Feb/16
How can heights listed in military records be off? Aren't the armed forces exceptionally accurate about body measurements and such? said on 13/Jan/16
5'5? too low. my bet is on 5'6,but no more
Andrew said on 11/Jan/16
Larry King said that Paul Newman was only 5'7 when he did a tribute show to him just after his death. Not the kind of thing you'd lie about on a tribute show. But Newman is clearly taller than Dean in their screen test together. The two were even lovers for a time. If you look at this pic of Dean barefoot, assuming the ballet bar is at around 36 inches height which would be a normal height for one, I can't see Dean being 5'7. More like the 5'5 that's been attributed by some who knew him or 5'6 tops.
Click Here
Dome173 said on 16/Oct/15
Rob, could you explain why did you list him as 170 cm? That's a large downgrade... I would say he was between 171.5 and 173 cm... 173.5 in the morning I would say... Anyway, a really great page. I like it very much!

Editor Rob
to me Dean looked in the 5ft 7 range rather than the near 5ft 8 range.
mande2013 said on 11/Sep/15
@Powerhouse There's some debate as to whether or not the military had more of a tendency to discriminate against shorter man during the Civil War era. This is even satirized in Buster Keaton's film The General. Nowadays, 5'4/5'5 guys can serve pretty freely in the military.
mande2013 said on 7/Sep/15
I would say 5'7 flat is the tallest a male can possibly while still seeming like a 'short dude'. I can usually spot a 5'7 flatter 'like that', and they still look like borderline short dudes. For some odd reason, I notice a huge different in appearance between them and the 5'7.5-5,7.75 males who tend to look a lot closer to their 5'8/5'9 counterparts. There does seem to be a stark contrast between the 5'7 flatters and the 5'7 and changers, much larger than between the 5'8 flatters and the 5'8 and changers.
Powerhouse said on 6/Sep/15
@George F... In the 1950s the average man was between 5'8 and 5'9. James Dean was listed at 5'8 back then and was told he was too short to be an actor to which he replied how can you measure acting in inches. Also the average American soldier during the Civil War was 5'8.25 143lbs and that was the 1860s. So people weren't as short as you think. My Great Grandfather was 5'7-5'8 and looking at pictures of him in the 50s with his friends he is usually the shortest man in every picture, never appearing average. But regardless your statement is incorrect because 50 years ago was 1960 and at 5'10 you would not be considered very tall back then.
George F said on 5/Sep/15
Danimal: John has put it beautifully very nice listing about heights today and what is considered above average but it also depends in which country we are talking about. I have read in the Alps average height is 6ft 1. I also agree with Danimal that these are current day heights. 50 years ago if you were 5ft 10 you considered very tall because most people were 168-170 cm.
Danimal said on 3/Sep/15
John said on 8/Jan/15
Under 5 5 very short
5 5 - 5 6 short
5 7 - 5 8 below average
5 9 - 5 10 Average
5 11 - Above average
6 0 - 6 4 Tall
6 5 and above very tall
You're basing those heights on CURRENT DAY standards. You do realize that he was a star 60 YEARS AGO, right? Average height for a man was NOT 5'9"-5'10" in the early/mid 50's.
Ron said on 2/Aug/15
So what would you say his weight was in rebel without a cause and giant? 150 lbs maybe? Or les

Editor Rob
ron, I doubt he was anymore than that mark
Gx79 said on 23/Jul/15
He could have worn converse that would make him 5'7.5 that mean barfoted make him 5'7
Or it could of been without but a half dozen other matter
Gx79 said on 16/Jul/15
Rob let be honest h was measured at 5'7.5 in high school he could of grown a half and now 5'8!

Editor Rob
I don't know if that was barefoot or not. The fact the hospital sometimes take height in shoes, leads me to think at times a person is really giving a footwear height.
Gx79 said on 16/Jul/15
Rob let be honest h was measured at 5'7.5 in high school he could of grown a half and now 5'8!
Arch Stanton said on 27/Jun/15
I think Dean was better looking than Tatum but Tatum can certainly resemble him, certainly enough to play him, check out
Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 27/Jun/15
If they did a James Dean bopic any time soon I reckon Channing Tatum could pull it off, quite similar actually if Tatum grew his hair into a big quiff.
Zardots said on 9/Jun/15
He was the same height as Nick Adams who is listed as between 5'6" and 5'6" but it is safe to assume that the numbers were cooked to make each man taller to enhance his desirability. Typical PR, just like the bio information claiming Dean to be blonde when we can plainly see he had brown hair and was a brunette. said on 25/May/15
just watched east of eden again and i really think he is just a strong 5'6. maybe a downgrade?
Steve said on 16/May/15
You know what Jimmy would say, " How can you measure talent in inches", if I read that right.
tp11 said on 16/May/15
is big james dean's face? i think face's size is important if he is short.he could be seen as a tall guy by proportion such as face,body,leg and so on...and that is key of his success.
Mc51295 said on 6/Apr/15
I guess that proves that you don't have to be a really tall guy to be one of the most famous sex symbols of all time.
Avatar said on 8/Feb/15
5'6" to 5'7", not taller
Steve said on 6/Feb/15
He could have been 5''6" because Paul Newman was a lot taller than him in a test they did. Newman looked several inches taller. said on 3/Feb/15
could he be 5'6?
John said on 8/Jan/15
Under 5 5 very short
5 5 - 5 6 short
5 7 - 5 8 below average
5 9 - 5 10 Average
5 11 - Above average
6 0 - 6 4 Tall
6 5 and above very tall
Andrew M said on 30/Nov/14
I'd expect his draft-registration card to be correct, Rob. The military tend to be pretty precise about these things. My late, favourite uncle served in WW2 and said the British military were strict about you "making the weight", even feeding you and sending you off to bed early!
Still, it's reassuring that such a "big" star is barely over my height! said on 13/Oct/14
5'9 is ridiculous.. he was visibly a lot shorter than brando. 5'7 max
rree said on 10/Oct/14
you should chang his height to 5foot9
fdffg said on 7/Oct/14
on your weight website you have him listed as 5foot10 he looks 5 foot9

Editor Rob
it's not an actual height listing, just a reference to what his height/weight was being described during his career.
Pera von Essen said on 6/Oct/14
I think it is hard to tell how tall he was. Does anybody know that? Maybe he was 5 foot 9?
John said on 2/Oct/14
1.71m. 145 lbs. 32" Waist. US 9 Shoe Euro 42
GDR said on 10/Sep/14
He looks 5. Foot 9
Marlon1 said on 13/Aug/14
I would say 5'8
John said on 12/Aug/14
Size US 9 shoe
jj said on 29/Jul/14
Rob,do you think who is tall ,tom cruise and james dean?

Editor Rob
Tom might edge him said on 29/Apr/14
he wasnt under or over 5'7 thats for sure, he looked exactly that
H. said on 27/Apr/14
Seems 5'6 to me from the pictures with Pier,and his body proportions
Heylo said on 21/Apr/14
Berta, i don't think that site is to trust. Brad Pitt is listed at 6 feet..
Brad A. said on 19/Apr/14
Just saw Giant. James looked about 5'6 or 5'6.5 said on 31/Jan/14
the 5'7 is based on what?
little sue said on 21/Jan/14
You can put anything you want on a driving license as you fill the forms in at home and send them off in the post!
Beliavskiy said on 20/Jan/14
His driver's license says 5'8, kinda looks like a 6 but it's an 8.
berta said on 28/Dec/13
look again brother
Click Here i dont think we can trust the driver license but if it says 5´6 then he is probably not that mutch taller maybe close to 5´7
Robby D said on 25/Dec/13
I just looked his driving license up online and it says his height was 5'8" and his weight 160lbs.
berta said on 19/Dec/13
driver license says 5`6
Arch Stanton said on 27/Nov/13
Looks more 5'6" range in East of Eden. Short even for his generation.
HRG said on 28/Sep/13
Rob, do you think that he could be 5 ft 8 tall?
Powerhouse said on 1/Sep/13
looks at least 2 1/2 inches shorter than Brando, I think Dean was about 5'6 but he cant be over 5'6.5
Elvis said on 26/Aug/13
I'm 5ft 7in and it's a weird height to be because it isn't that short but it's in the short range.
If I was 5ft 9in it wouldn't be an issue because that's average but 5ft 7in or 5ft 8in is just on the cusp of being a decent height but just not close enough.
Arch Stanton said on 6/Aug/13
Rob have you seen Rebel without a Cause? He had at least 2 inches on Sal Mineo but looked proportionally 5'7" tops. Mineo looked around 5'5" in the film I thought and he was only about 16 at the time. I see a 5'8" listing for him on the database but he looked nowhere near that in the film. Possible that he grew a few inches afterwards you think?
Brando was 174cm in my opinion.

Editor Rob
probably was 5ft 5 range
al said on 5/Aug/13
We know that Brando is between 5'8 and 5'9,so 5'6.25 is fair for Dean i think.
Sam said on 22/Jul/13
He could look close to 3 inches shorter than Marlon Brando, and it is known that Brando wasn't a tall guy.
Click Here
Che said on 14/Mar/13
5'7.5". He did like to wear large heeled engineer boots though
Elvis said on 28/Nov/12
5ft 7in isn't really that short for a man. It's average or only just below average in most countries.
Bud said on 15/Nov/12
James Dean was 5'5" - Natalie Wood and Pier Angeli were 5' [that's why they were associated with Dean; he never towered over them]
jo jo said on 10/Oct/12
James: 5' 6''
You can look up his license. It's not his actual license, but the info seems correct.
leonari said on 8/Aug/12
I totally agree Shredder. I think Rob downgraded him twice. Now it could be accurate...But even 5'6.5 is an option for Dean
the shredder said on 7/Aug/12
5'7 at the max ... this 5'8 army listing must have been in boots
Dean said on 6/Aug/12
In an interview, Julie Harris said he was 5'6".....
Mot said on 16/Jan/12
I think Jimmy was taller than 5'7, look at that, in this photo he looks almost 5'9 next to 5'9.5 Paul Newman:
Click Here
He also looks average height in Rebel Without a Cause, definetely a couple of inches taller than Sal Mineo. Jimmy appears short only in The Giant next to the huge Rock Hudson, who was something like 6'5.
So I think 5'8 is a good estimate for Dean, while I think his weight was about 140-150 lbs.
the shredder said on 28/Oct/11
Rob , go to 8:37 ... Next to a height chart ... Could under 5'7 be more likely ?
Click Here

Editor Rob
I think the camera is near the top of his head in that clip, it depends on shoes/posture, it's a hard one to call on such a short clip like that
the shredder said on 20/Oct/11
Rob , I saw a cut out of him that was 6'3 ... Why do they make cut outs of stars taller then there heights ?

Editor Rob
I don't know, I've seen ones smaller aswell, but generally I think the ones I seen are pretty close.
the shredder said on 3/Oct/11
Rob , James at 5'8 or 5'7.5 measured and Brando at 5'8.75 measured does not add up , how you think there's 2 " or 3 " between them ?

Editor Rob
I think Dean at 5ft 8 was a push, maybe it was 'in basketball shoes'
Anon said on 12/Aug/11
James was 5'6 and 3/4 inches.
Steve said on 12/Aug/11
I believe the 5'7.5" basketball listing. The draft card listing of 5'8" I think was the military just rounding off.
Bambi said on 3/Aug/11
Yeah I'd agree with the basketball listing. I think he was 5 ft 8 although I guess we'll never know.
Weird. I thought he looked 5ft 9 or 10 but I guess that's just the bravado he puts on.
the shredder said on 25/Jul/11
Rob , This is not a joke , but He can look as short as 5'5 ... Not saying he was that low though ... Maybe he was 5'6 ?
Editor Rob said on 20/Jul/11
When looking to find a natalie wood quote I saw her mention that James was 'very short'. She herself claimed 5ft 2.5 as her own height.
Lol said on 12/Jun/11
Now that´s great to hear, James :D
James Dean said on 7/Jun/11
Maybe I am 5'8'', but I am definitely around 5'7'' in Madame Tussauds.
mark said on 26/May/11
James dean was 5ft 8""
as it shows in madame tussauds
Elvis said on 22/May/11
I'm in the same measurements as James Dean 5'7" to 5'8" region and 10 to 10 stone 5lbs. I have a 32" waist and I think he was probably the same, he most probably had size 7 or 8 feet.
I don't think young men this size is short just below the 5'9" average, great talent.
the shredder said on 12/May/11
Nicholson IMO was 5'9 peak ... Now like 5'7.75 ... Dean looks 5'5 to 5'7 with posture lol I know it sounds nuts !
Scott said on 10/May/11
Dean was 5'6" doesn't make him any less of a legend.
jtm said on 24/Apr/11
thank you rob for changing it and i don't think nicholson was ever 5'9.5 more like 5'8.5 at his prime and 5'7.5 nowadays.
leonari said on 23/Apr/11
Rob: You changed his height??! He was at 5'7.5" right? You did the right thing. As usual!
James Dean is the perfect example of a well proportioned, skinny flat 5'7" guy. Asking most people they never suspected him to be under average.
Rob said on 22/Apr/11
5'7 sounds about right. Great actor. Rob, if you've seen Rebel, what do you estimate Sal Mineo's height was? He looked a good 2 inches shorter than Dean. Although he was only 16 then. I don't think he's listed here.

Editor Rob
not seen it for ages so don't know about Sal
Shaun said on 25/Mar/11
Mm, flatten down the quiff and I suspect he was 5'6.5". What astounds me about him is how he managed to make such an impact and died only aged 24!!!
the shredder said on 14/Mar/11
Rob , his weight is listed as 135 ... do you think that is too low ?

Editor Rob
that's about the weight of Jenny, he did look a slim guy so maybe he was that weight.
guyfrommars said on 13/Mar/11
Looked tiny (more than a head shorter) than 6'5" Rock Hudson in Giant. They both wore cowboy boots, but Dean had bigger heels on them.
the shredder said on 12/Mar/11
Rob , here is Brando taller then Nicholson ...
Click Here
I don't see 5'9.5 for Nicholson vs. 5'8.75 for Brando !
the shredder said on 11/Mar/11
Rob , something eles I must say ... could Brando be taller then that 5'8.75 measurement at 17 ? He had about 1 inch on Nicholson !

Editor Rob
that is the debate, whether he did grow further.
the shredder said on 11/Mar/11
Rob , something is off in the Brando pic ... How is that less then 2 inches ?

Editor Rob
Dean looks a guy who has a laid back posture at times, I think all the 5ft 7.5/8 mentions in high school etc could be in sneakers.
tell-em said on 8/Mar/11
brando probly had his trustee boots on...he wore boots and lifts.
moi said on 7/Mar/11
You can't go by arrest records - someone we know (NOT a friend, we had a restraining order against this convicted felon boyfriend of a relative) anyway...among is MANY arrests during the same two month period (yes, he was an idiot) were heights listed from 5' 3" up to 5' 10". When he chest butted me, we were almost eye to eye and I am a 5' 6" woman. He was looking up at me which puts him about 5'5". Not sure why the discrepancies.
Sam said on 7/Mar/11
But the lowest estimate I've heard for Brando is 5'8.75".
the shredder said on 7/Mar/11
Rob , you think about downgrade ? He looks not even 5'6 or 5'7 sometimes !

Editor Rob
I don't buy 5ft 6 but 5ft 7 and 5ft 8 in shoes I think might be nearer.
Q said on 6/Mar/11
Click Here
Brando (5'8) looks much taller. i'd say 5'6/5'6.5 for Dean.
Jeff said on 4/Mar/11
A traffic ticket that James Dean received on Sept 30th 1955 has him listed at 5 feet 10 inches. Google James Dean traffic ticket to see for yourselves.
guyfrommars said on 28/Feb/11
Anonymus: There were a lot of short actors in the golden age of Hollywood, as well as a lot of tall guys. It's the same as today. And just as today, they tried to make the short guys appear taller by a variety of means, from lifts and elevator shoes to camera angles and short female co-stars. Humphrey Bogart, James Cagney, Alan Ladd, Frank Sinatra, Spencer Tracy - just to name a few. The "lightening up" came when short actors were "allowed to be short". They didn't boost the height of Dustin Hoffman. Even when casting him next to tall ladies, such as Jessica Lange.
someone said on 18/Feb/11
I saw "East of Eden" last night and he looked short - he was the same height or shorter than almost all females in the film, and all the males towered over him.
ryan said on 13/Feb/11
he is 5'6 max
jtm said on 25/Jan/11
rob is it possible that you could give him 5'7 flat. he never looked over that to me and i wouldn't be surprised if he was 5'6.
RobA said on 4/Dec/10
5'8" sounds right. I went to the same spot (Griffith Observatory in Hollywood)where he leaned back overlooking his car in Rebel Without A Cause and put my albows at the same pose as he did and mine had to sit higher. I'm 5'7" with shoes on.
adam said on 22/Jun/09
Correct. And also Dean was clearly shorter than Brando who wasnt exactly a tall man himself.
Frank2 said on 19/Jun/09
And Dean was probably wearing lifts!
adam said on 18/Jun/09
Dean was 5-6 and a foot shorter than Rock Hudson.
Frank2 said on 16/Jun/09
Never met Mineo.
RisingForce said on 16/Jun/09
I don't remember the difference between Mineo and Dean in Rebel Without A Cause. I don't remember Dean towering over Mineo though, maybe 3 inches taller? Dean looks like a 5'7" guy to me who csn give a shorter impression when he slouches.
Did you ever meet Sal Mineo, Frank2?
Frank2 said on 15/Jun/09
Mineo was about 5'4".
Eric said on 14/Jun/09
Just watched rebel without a cause, boots 2 inches max, but he was considerably taller than Sal Mineo. If you compare him to objects of a definite height (cars in the movie etc.) he seems not to be between 5'5-5'8.
Frank2 said on 5/Jun/09
James Dean was 5'6". I got that from two people who worked with him. One was from actress Julie Harris and the other was the late filmcomposer Leonard Rosenman who was sort of like a big brother to Dean.
RisingForce said on 29/May/09
What was the difference between Dean and Sal Mineo in Rebel Without A Cause? That's the one movie of his that I haven't seen in quite a few years(although it's actually my favorite of his 3 movies). I remember Dean giving the impression of being average height in that movie. I suspect that was because the cast was short. I don't remember Dean towering over Sal Mineo who was supposedly 5'4". As you mentioned Dean's good proportions could make him look taller. He was also thin and probably not more than 145 pounds which could also make him look taller.
I agree with 5'7" max for Dean. He was possibly 3 inches shorter than 5'10" Paul Newman.
Click Here Look at the dufference between Dean and 5'8.75" Marlon Brando.
Click Here Click Here Click HereEven considering Dean's horrendous posture and the possibility that Brando wore lifts, it's tough to imagine much less than a 2 inch difference between them.
leonari said on 28/May/09
I recently watched all Dean movies. He was a 5'7" guy with good proportions, quite athletic and wa wearing boots in "Giants" for example. I think Rob should change it to 5'7" or 5'7.25. He is not 171 cm in my opinion.
RisingForce said on 28/May/09
He did look 5'7" max next to 5'10" Paul Newman and 5'8.75" Marlon Brando. I always pictured him taller, but he may have been no bigger than 5'7" flat. One of my favorite actors from that era(along with Brando and Newman), but it's ridiculous that Dean's official height listing was 5'10"!
leonari said on 21/May/09
I agree with Max. But closer to 5'7" than 5'6" or even straight 5'7" on the dot
Max said on 21/May/09
I think James Dean was 5'6" to 5'7" without shoes. 5'7.5" is too much, I'm pretty certain.
Ahleks said on 17/May/09
In his biography, it says he was 150 cm (4'11") at age 15. He ended up at a decent height under the circumstances.
RisingForce said on 7/May/09
based on everything i've read he was bisexual. not that it matters though, he made a massive impact on pop cultrue and movies either way.
Chelsea said on 18/Apr/09
5'7" without shoes.
he's a hottie (:
anyone know if he was gay ?
i hope not :/ but i've read that he was.
Travis said on 7/Apr/09
His official site has him listed as 5ft 10 not 5ft 8. Also in the book "The Death of James Dean" there is a copy of the speeding ticket Dean received just prior to his death which gives his height as 5ft 10. Personally I think 5ft 7.5 is right on, just wanted to share that information.
RisingForce said on 4/Apr/09
5-6 flat seems a bit low to me.
adam said on 3/Apr/09
Dean was 5-6. A 5-8 Dean would mean a six feet Paul Newman and a 6-8 Rock Hudson.
Jesiah said on 29/Mar/09
"How can you measure acting in inches?" or something like that is what James Dean said when they said he was too short. On a side note there was a movie about him called "James Dean" that starred James Franco that I never saw on sale, only for rent, and today I bought two copies from the 99
RisingForce said on 25/Mar/09
I really have my doubts that Dean reached 5'8". He almost always wore boots and yet he still looked short, in the 1950's! More like 5'7" seems accurate, look at him with 5'8.75" Marlon Brando.
sodapop said on 25/Mar/09
James Dean was taken too soon from this World, 24 and an America legend, Thanks leonari
Nicholson said on 25/Mar/09
I heard people s height changes during the time of the day.Im a Dean freak
and Im sure Dean was sometimes 5'7 and sometimes 5'8.Which really is'nt
that short.Bruce Lee was that height too I believe. The trick about fighting
at that height is one must be fast and flexible with elongated strength
can't hurt either.
Victoria Nicholson
RisingForce said on 24/Mar/09
Yeah, he didn't look any taller than 5'7" and I highly doubt that a 5'8" guy would be told that he was too short to be an actor, especially in the 50's.
leonari said on 24/Mar/09
agree with sodapop.the man was 5'7"
RisingForce said on 24/Mar/09
Well in my mind Brando has been confirmed at 5'8.75" so Dean surely can't be over 5'7" then unless Brando was wearing lifts and Dean wasn't.
sodapop said on 23/Mar/09
He looks 5'7", 5'8" with shoes, 5'9" with boots
RisingForce said on 2/Mar/09
I'm not sure about 5'6", but I did think he looked around that next to Newman(who I think was in the 5'9"-5'10" range) and Brando who I think was 5-8ish. Your picture of Brando next to Paul Newman suggests that.
Click HerePlus another picture you posted suggests that Frank2's description of Brando's boots as Frankenstein boots was accurate.
Click HereIf the footwear is thick in the front and the back then you can get 4, possibly 5 inches with lifts in them. Regular elevator shoes are thicker in the back so it the concept is the same as high heeled shoes except the heel is mostly in the shoe. With regular elevator shoes you can gain about as much as you cna walk on your tip toes. With the boots Brando is wearing there, those rules don't apply.
TELLEM said on 27/Feb/09
i think he was 5'6 risingforce, frank2 made sure of himself that he was.
RisingForce said on 26/Feb/09
What makes me question 5'7.5" for Dean is this simple question. Would a 5'7.5" guy in the early 50's really be told that he was too short to becomee an actor?
Look at him next to Paul Newman. He looks in the 5'6" to 5'7" range next to Newman.
Click Here
Steve said on 6/Feb/09
I think 5'7" or 5'7.5" tops sounds right. Hard to believe he'll be 78 Feb. 8th.
Anonymous said on 4/Feb/09
Josh: You are 100 % right!
Josh said on 4/Feb/09
He looked about 5ft 8 plus with cowboy boots on. That could have put him 5ft 6 an half -5ft 7 barefoot and about 5ft 7-5ft 7 an half in shoes. In one scene in giant he did come up to rock hudsons chin and in rebel without a cause dennis hopper looked about and inch taller where dean looked about a clear 2-3 inches taller than sal mineo.
glenn said on 7/Jan/09
thanks for that info drooperdo.i also think brando was nearer 5-10 myself.
leonari said on 6/Jan/09
Dean was at least 5'6.5 to 5'7" flat. Nothing below. Max he could have been what Rob has him listed at. 5'8" his official height...NEVER.
Steve said on 6/Jan/09
Dean looks 2-3 inches shorter standing next to Brando in that picture from the set of East of Eden. Can't really tell though, Brando might have been wearing boots.
glenn said on 6/Jan/09
not at all risingforce.i sound like a dick if anything at times.but,look at my history.not to sound like a dick
Drooperdoo said on 5/Jan/09
Glenn, go to Madame Tussaud's and stand next to James Dean's wax figure. At 5'8'', you'd be several inches taller. Remember: Dean was a boot-wearer. Take him out of his boots and he's 5'6''. As for Brando, he's listed at 5'10'' on an old screen test that some studio did for him when he tried out for an early version of "Rebel Without A Cause". Go to Youtube. Key in "Brando" and "Rebel Without a Cause Screentest".
RisingForce said on 5/Jan/09
I didn't mean to sound like a dick. I just meant that if people were basing Brando being exactly 5-8.75 off of the fact that the height was listed in the biography then that's likely incorrect.
I looked through that specific biography online and found his height given as 5-9, but not 5-8 3/4 anywhere. I was just trying to stop the rumor that spread here that he was listed 5-8 3/4 in that biography because when people hear specific claims like that they assume that's their exact height.
glenn said on 5/Jan/09
on this site a hair makes a difference.
RisingForce said on 4/Jan/09
TELLEM says on 1/Jan/09
WOW risingforce so i said .25 less! thats a huge difference! who cares
It's significant because I kept hearing about a biography saying exactly 5-8 3/4 him which led people to believe that was his exact height. Reading 5-8 3/4 for someone is a lot different than 5-9. The heights are virtually the same but when you read an exact figure it seems more accurate.
glenn said on 1/Jan/09
official site? does brando run his official site? if he was alive, would he run it or even coherently know his own height? not to sound like a dick.if he was 5-8 flat in his prime,i wish i put in a taller appearence like that in general.
TELLEM said on 1/Jan/09
WOW risingforce so i said .25 less! thats a huge difference! who cares
Mister Lennon said on 1/Jan/09
I guess that Dean was in the 5'7 range and Brando in the 5'9 range.
RisingForce said on 1/Jan/09
If Brando wasn't in the 5-8 range then why would his official site list him at 5-8. 5-8.75 max in my opinion.
His bio didn't have him at 5-8 3/4 either. I looked, it said 5-9.
glenn said on 31/Dec/08
thats makes perfect sense leonari.i never saw brando look as low as 5-8 or dean as low as 5-6.then again i never met them.i know people who have.and saw pics of brando.compared myself next airport surroundings he was at he seemed 5-9.dean i hear 5-7 to 5-8 for.
TELLEM said on 31/Dec/08
i could buy 5'8.75 morning height for brando, but that is all
leonari said on 31/Dec/08
I agree with Glenn: Brando sure was very very close to 5'9". But at 5'8.75 James dean could very well be a flat 5'7" guy. And thats how tall I see him in all his movies...Well thats only like 3 movies but enough evidence for me.
glenn said on 30/Dec/08
ill settle with 5-8.75.
TELLEM said on 29/Dec/08
brando was 5'8.5...his bio book had him at 5'8 3/4....frank 2 posted a pic of brando and some 5'10 actor (4got his name) and brando looked 5'8.5
the shredder said on 29/Dec/08
The shortest I think Brando is 5'8 3/4 ... which would have made him 5'10 with shoes ... If you look at the screen test he did they list him 170 lbs and he looked thin , even for a 5'9 - 5'10 guy , a 5'8 flat guy would not look that thin ! ... Im sorry but this is going to sound crazy , but James was shoerter then 5'7 , go to this video at exactly 8:45 , right there standing in front of a height chart , if you don't include the hair HE ONLY LOOKS 5'6 to 5'7 ... and thats NOT even including shoes ! ... Rob , PLEASE look at it and PLEASE don't include the hair !
Click Here
glenn said on 27/Dec/08
i dont know why you still think brando was 5-8 risingforce.its clear he is at least 5-9 next to dean.i dont but anything shorter than 5-7 for dean,and he was possibly 5-8.brando i heard 5-8 to 5-10 for.and he sure can look the higher end.i never saw brando once look 5-8.he always looked 5-9 to 5-10.if he was 5-8,then dean would be 5-6 which is ridiculous,but not 5-6 rumors for dean abound.however,brando never looked just flat 5-8 next other people.
Steve said on 27/Dec/08
His cousin Marcus, you mean?
Drooperdoo said on 26/Dec/08
I just got back from Madame Tussaud's in London, and I was surprised that the wax figure of James Dean conformed with the height given by the actor's cousin--5'6''. I thought for sure that they'd inflate his height. But no. I--at 5'7''--stood next to the wax figure and was noticeably taller. Good for Madame Tussaud's!
RisingForce said on 26/Dec/08
5-8 Marlon Brando was clearly taller than James Dean. Both were rumored lift wearers.
Click HereClick HereClick HereNot the best pictures and Dean is slouching a lot but nobody in their right mind would claim Dean is as tall as Brando.
5-9, 5-10ish Paul Newman looks really tall next to Dean
Click HereAnother where Newman looks quite a bit taller, and Paul is slouching.
Click HereNow I believe average height for a man in the 50's was 5-8. If that's accurate then why would Dean almost always look short even if lifts if he were 5-8?
I think at most he's 5-7.5 but I have a feeling he may have been shorter.
Anonymous said on 18/Sep/08
Deans true height was about 5ft 7.5 like the basketball listing and could look near 5ft 9 or so with cowboy type boots.
Frank2 said on 11/Sep/08
Dean was shorter than 5'8". No question about it.
Steve said on 11/Sep/08
Dean was another guy like Jim Morrison, who always wore boots in public. They both had height complexes I think.
HG said on 9/Sep/08
Back in '91 I worked for a post-production company that rented out offices to other producers. While there I became friendly with the husband of actress Eva Marie Saint, a long time T.V. director. He would tell me stories about how he got to know Dean while directing him in T.V. productions early in Dean's career. For what it's worth he described Dean as having been about my height (5'8")and size.
adam said on 11/Aug/08
"Im not that tall you know.. Im 3 inches shy of 6 feet" -James Dean, 1953
xo said on 5/Aug/08
Dean was probably 5'6 barefoot, 5'7'' or 5'8'' depending on shoes. But hey it proves you can be the coolest person in the world and be short.
Jack8 said on 5/Aug/08
I knew Winton Dean when he was living in retirement in Brooksville, central Florida in the 1980's. He was 5' 10" and really didn't look like his son. In what photos I saw of them, Jim was smaller by 2 or 3 inches. BTW, Winton and his wife were very private and I believe he told me they moved several times just to avoid reporters, just in Florida. He also showed me Jim's Selective Service Reclassification which was conducted in LA while filming "REBEL". He had been reclassified 1A in May,1955 and he expected to be drafted for 2 years in the fall of 1955. His original classification had been as a student with Quaker beliefs during Korea. Many Quakers draft age men were 'set aside' during the Korean War, but would have been conscripted if that conflict became a World war. I have a feeling Winton who worked with the VA may have helped. Don't forget, Jim was almost legally blind w/o his specs. Also, Winton told me that 'unofficially' Jim's military service was being defered until he finished 'Giant'. There is an interview done on the set of 'REBEL' with journalist Alice Canfield, shortly after Jim's visit to LA selective service, where he talks about going into the Army
Frank2 said on 3/Aug/08
Hudson was a very tall man. His official studio bio stated he was 6'4", but in an old interview I read, he stated he was 6'5", but lost an inch over the years. I saw him on numerous occasions while working on the Universal lot in the 1970s. I'd say he looked a solid 6'4" when he was starring in McMillan & Wife. Hudson was a true gentleman.
adam said on 2/Aug/08
I believe Frank2. Dean could have been only 5-6. Rock Hudson sure looked about a foot taller than Dean in Giant. Could Hudson have been 6-6? I believe so.
Frank2 said on 1/Aug/08
No matter what he was officially listed at, believe me, he was shorter. Back in the 1970's I knew film composer Lenny Rosenman quite well. He came out from NYC with Dean and wrote the music for both EAST OF EDEN and REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE. According to Rosenman, Dean was about 5'6". Sadly, Rosenman died this year. He was a true Renaissance man. A class act all the way and a very talented composer.
Mr. R said on 1/Aug/08
In high school, he was listed at 5-8 for his basketball team.
leonari said on 1/Aug/08
Allegra: you can not be serious??
rob roy said on 1/Aug/08
the late james dean epitomize a unique breed of young actors in his days. he definitely created another revolution of acting by raising the bar that most teenagers at that time try to look, act like him. what a great talent he is. his untimely death cause the movie industry a great loss no doubt about this. there will be no substitute of him. there is always one james dean.
Frank2 said on 31/Jul/08
Go to youtube, type in "East of Eden test" and you'll see the one Warner Brothers shot with Dean standing next to a very young Paul Newman. Newman who was about 5'10" back then but tended to slouch is a lot taller. Dean was more like 5'6". He wore huge lifts in Rebel. And still he was shorter than just about the entire male cast.
dago red said on 18/Jul/08
Hard to believe anything over 5'7". Does it matter, though? He's awesome.
Allegra said on 10/Jul/08
James Dean was DEFINITELY 5'8 to 5'9. No way could he possibly be shorter. There is one thing, Dean was a SLOUCHER!!!!! When you slouch, you aren't tall, he was a very moody actoer. If he wore lifts and slouched, then he was 5'10. If he wore lifts and had good posture, 5'10 to 5'11. So with good posture and barefoot, easily 5'8 to 5'9. Give him some credit. Also Curious said that he read "Surviving James Dean," I read that too and we would both agree that what would be the use of them comparing measurements if James Dean was considerably shorter than William Bast. They were relatively close in height which made Dean mad when Bast was taller at 5'9, so Dean was like 5'8 to 5'8.5!!!!! End of DISSCUSION!!!!!
leonari said on 23/May/08
Johnny: Rob has him perfect!! not a mm above 5'7.5 if you ask me.
Curious said on 22/May/08
I read William Basts' book "Surviving James Dean". Bast was one of Dean's best friends and he said that him and Jimmy use to measure their heights and Jimmy use to get mad at him because he was taller at 5'9". He said Dean was 5'8", 5'8.5" stretching and that he "gave him an inch". So it sounds like 5'7" or 5'7.5" sounds about right.
jonny said on 23/Apr/08
5'7 flat!!!
chris175 said on 31/Mar/08
Click Hereid say rob has him spot on if newman is 5-9.5
sven said on 2/Mar/08
yes i agree,rob is possible dean looks 5-8 or 5-9 with boots?5-7.5 is possible morning height?
metalmaster said on 2/Feb/08
anonymous in that video dean appears a little under 5-9 with hair and big boots which give him 2 inch (imho)...For me is a little under 5-7,5-7.5 is morning height.
Rob is possible?
anonymous said on 31/Jan/08
I was watching the clip of Sentence of Death with Dean and about 8:45 into it you can see Dean appears to be standing straight in front of the height chart and appears about 5'9". But that's with the help of his thick hair on top as well as his shoes/boots. Probably below 5'9" with all this help if you really measured him. 5'7"1/2" without shoes seems accurate.
the shredder said on 29/Jan/08
He WAS around 5'6 ... look at the height chart video I posted ? ... He was not even over 5'7 with shoes and thick hair ... why would they make a fake height chart and downgrade his height to make him look like a jackass ?
ANYTHING over a little under 5'7 is a BIG JOKE !
leonari said on 28/Jan/08
He could have been 5'6". When he played with Dennis Hopper (who was probably 5'8 in his prime ),Hopper looks taller than Dean.
metalmaster said on 27/Jan/08
yes its time for a downgrade
the shredder said on 24/Jan/08
I agree Metalmaster , just look at that height chart ... The man was 5'6 and people will still disagree even when its in front of there face ! He is struggling to get over 5'7 with boots and hair next to that height chart ! Why would they use a FAKE height chart ?
Its REALLY time for a downgrade ... ANYTHING over a little under 5'7 is just B.S. !
metalmaster said on 23/Jan/08
5-7.5 is morning height for me,no way that dean is 5-7.5 at night...he looks 5-8 with big boots,5-6 for him at night,5-7 morning or a little under
glenn said on 20/Jan/08
if it does or doesnt shl,im just telling you nicely i held it in my hand in new york 4 years ago and it said 5-8.maybe there was a typo.i see why you thinks its 5-6,it looks it in the blur.but it doesnt mean it says 5-6.or like i said.a typo.meaning mistake.
sf said on 20/Jan/08
Why is everyone putting so much stock into a fake driver's license??
Slh said on 20/Jan/08
glenn compare the 8 of the date of birth (02-08-31) and you look clearly that the 8 that you tought is a 6
no way that is a 8 ,i think 5-6
the shredder said on 20/Jan/08
Thankz Glenn ... It says 5'8 !
Btw , I still think the height chart video points him more around 5'6 barefoot ! PLEASE ROB , atleast downgrade to 5'6.75 ?
glenn said on 20/Jan/08
i saw the same one.its said 5-8.
Slh said on 19/Jan/08
sorry my engl is bad but the driver license that i have posted not list him at 5-8 but at 5-6!Is very clear...
Why glenn you say that it list him at 5-8? sorry
the shredder said on 19/Jan/08
Rob , are u going to downgrade him ? Sorry but I just don't buy this listing no more ! ... I really think he was closer to 5'6 !
the shredder said on 18/Jan/08
Sorry guys but I have to disagree ! He was NO more then 5'7 ... Look at the height chart video , stop it on 8:44 when he has good posture ... He has shoes on and his hair adds to his height ... It is clear that with shoes + hair that he is struggling to hit the 5'7.5 5'8 mark ! ... Now look at it without looking at his hair , just the top of his head ? Its clear that it is more towards 5'6.5 now ... Then take away his shoes ... He would be in the 5'6 range for sure ! ... Unless the height chart is fake ? I will NEVER go past 5'7 anymore ! 5'6 could have been the REAL DEAL ?
Btw SlH , even glenn sees the Drivers License list 5'8 , I know Im not seeing things !
glenn said on 18/Jan/08
those are the ones i says 5-8.
Viper said on 18/Jan/08
Hell, 5-7 1/2 could be exactly right.