American singer best remembered for songs such as "Heard It Through The Grapevine", "What's Going On" and "Sexual Healing". On his passport his height was listed as 6ft, although he was also described in media as being 6ft 1.
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Apr/23
Oh fantastic! He’s here! I’ve been listening to his music and it’s GREAT !
6ft tall. 🕯
Rory said on 4/Jan/23
Yh no less than 6ft, 6ft 0.25 is a believable range as well but I'd rule out 6ft0.5 and above.
Canson said on 16/Nov/22
@Mr T Black: definitely nothing less than 6’ for him
Terrell King said on 9/Oct/22
As a Marvin fan for many years, he was 6'1.5, although according to a friend who saw him in person, slightly built.
5'10 Dude said on 7/Dec/21
6'0 seems pretty accurate, but he does come off as even taller than that. He had good proportions that's for sure. He looked similar height to Stevie Wonder who is listed here at 6'0 though I don't think he was taller than Stevie.
Spencer said on 28/Sep/18
In pictures and videos he looks at least 6'1". My guess is 185-86 cm.
Sam said on 12/Dec/14
Could you update the top? I believe it should state "Visitor J mentions that his height was 6'1" as used to describe him once in a tv appearance, although on his passport it had 6ft 0".
SHORTY said on 5/Jul/14
He's one of those people whose build gives a taller impression. He was still tall though and a lot of his footwear during the 1970s made him appear a couple of inches taller. That passport was a hell of a find though.
MrTBlack said on 2/Apr/14
Back in Marvin's day, 6' was the height to be at. Now and days, it's like 6'1.5-6'2".
Allthough he may have been 6'0.5".
martin said on 24/Feb/14
the newly found passport lists him at 6'0. Always thought he looked taller, a strong 6'1.

Editor Rob
maybe he was an honest 6ft and with footwear at times looked like a 6ft 1 man
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Nov/13
Rob, is it possible that he may have been 186cm?

Editor Rob
not looked at him since adding really
bear said on 22/Jul/13
met marvin gaye in person in 1972 in washington dc doing a concert he might weigh 185 and about 6 ft tall some of us girls will agree he was goodlooking too.
Martyr said on 20/Sep/12
I'd say 6'1.5 easy
SoulTrain said on 16/Jul/11
Don Cornelius was 6'3" for sure.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Jun/11
I think he was near 6ft2
Truth said on 26/Mar/11
Don cornelious is 6'4 all though some sites say 6'5 and 6'7
j.d. said on 22/May/09
All of the footage i've seen of him whether performing or interviewing convinces me that he is 6'1''. His daughter Nona is 5'10'', which is very tall for a woman, and if the tall father-tall daughter and tall mother-tall son theory is true then he had to have been this height for sure. He's still a legend regardless.
Hugh said on 10/Oct/08
Marvin Gaye was a tall man. 6ft2 sounds more accurate.
gfunkmoney06 said on 26/Aug/08
I just watched an interview that Marvin did on Soul Train with Don Cornelius. Don was about 6'1" according to some website I found on him and he looked to be around 2 inches taller than Marvin. Maybe he's only 5'11".
thekiddd said on 19/Jun/08
If you see his albums, He wears platform heels you know. That's why he looks more than 6'1". His claim was 6'2", so he was about 6'1" maybe 6'2".
Anthony said on 16/Sep/06
Gaye was definitley a tall man, at least 6'1.
Here he is towering over a young Stevie who had not yet grown to his adult height of 6'-6'1:
Click HereI'm not sure how tall frequent duet partner Tammi Terrell was but Marvin looks well over 6'next to her.
Click HereMan, dig those platforms!
Click Here
T-Bone said on 21/May/06
If your 6'1" your probably going to be taller than most people you see. If I remember correctly "one out of every 26 people is 6'1"
T-Bone said on 18/May/06
He's not anything more than 6'2" which is true. He wore platform shoes. I still think he is 6'1", I think he just said 6'2" to bill himself up an inch.
phil said on 11/May/06
I just saw him on a PBS special showing old Motown footage. It was the early 1960s and Marvin was signing with both male and female dancers around him and he towered over all of them, including the male dancers.
Stanley said on 15/Apr/06
I've read that Stevie Wonder is only 6'0.5 and no more!
That was supposed to had come directly from him.
Where do you guys get your information from?
Dominic said on 10/Feb/06
He might have also been a lot younger in that photo, could have grown alot more.
Dominic said on 9/Feb/06
He's got a couple inches on Stevie on the picture I posted on Stevie Wonders height. I'd say he's about 6'3.5

Editor Rob
wonder's height at that photo, not sure of it...
T-Bone said on 1/Feb/06
Alot of site's say he's 6'2" but 6'1" sound more reasonable to me.