Jdubbz 198.8cm said on 10/Dec/22
ChristianPerkins said on 14/Mar/22
Looks shorter than Rob in the 2007 pic. But looks 5'8 3/8" in 2014.
No way dude. Even if you take away his hair, the top of his head is still a quarter inch or so above Rob's hair, which itself adds about a quarter inch. He looks 5'8.5 at the very least in the 2007 pic, if not 5'8 5/8". He clearly edges out Rob in both photos.
Okidoki said on 29/Apr/22
Rob, do you think he has read somewhere that Yoga adds that much height or is he joking? :P I guess it can add about a quarter inch maybe.

Editor Rob
Maybe maximised posture with it?
ChristianPerkins said on 14/Mar/22
Looks shorter than Rob in the 2007 pic. But looks 5'8 3/8" in 2014.
I'd say Milo has the edge on Rob in 2014, albeit very slightly.

Editor Rob
He definitely seemed taller and if you went through photos of him with celebs, he often looks his claim!
Jaxteller said on 14/Jan/22
Jon Huertas says him and Milo are the same height here:
Click Here. On Jon's page Jon is listed as taller though.

Editor Rob
They do look very close.
Johno said on 12/Sep/21
He looked partially shorter than you in the first photo.
In the second one, the fact that he has a 0.4-inch footwear advantage and you are leaning and you still cross his hairline, shows me that you are the taller guy and the fact he does the one foot trick to gain height, I am going to score him down on that one, sorry.
5'8, early afternoon.
5'8 boy said on 2/Sep/21
Rob how much height would the shoes he has here give?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Higher up angle is reducing how thick those shoes look. From ground level I doubt they are less than 1.25 inch range.
Elene said on 10/Aug/21
A bit taller than rob between 5’8.25 and 5’8.5is likely
5'8 boy said on 18/Apr/21
Rob, What do you think his morning height is - 5'9?

Editor Rob
5ft 9.25 at least out of bed I'd have thought.
Eric W Tam said on 23/Oct/20
RPHX, WOW! That's insane if he's average height despite his parents both literally being in the sub 5th percentile in terms of height. I wonder when he sprouted. I also wonder if either parents perhaps had a giant on their side of the family tree.
Gordon 5 foot 8.5 said on 16/Jul/20
Hi Rob,
What do you think here with regards to this clip
Click Here
If you pause around 9 seconds it looks like his heel is a good 2 inches higher than where it should be. Could Milo really be no more than 5 foot 8 and is wearing lifts along with thick soled shoes like the redwings he favours to give him a few inches?
Certainly looks like he has something in his shoes

Editor Rob
I don't know if he's got any lift in his boots, they are a decent thickness though.
HJ said on 16/Jun/20
on Gilmore girls he looked more like 5' 7"-8". maybe as he grew older he started wearing lifts.
Andy5'91/2 said on 10/Jun/20
Looks a clean 5’9 with the footwear advantage a solid 5’8 1/2 is right (5’8.6) interesting fact if i met him i’d be exactly an inch taller at 5’9.6 sometimes i feel like rounding to 5’10 but i guess 5’91/2 is more fair
QM6'1QM said on 21/May/20
'Five eleven would be nice - just two more inches!' I think yoga adds one-and-a-half.
One-and-a-half/two inches isn't too small. Kinda like big in real life.
berta said on 8/May/20
0,5-1 inch shorter than sylvester stalllone i think th elisting is good
JohnMoore-162cm said on 14/Apr/20
He does lean over people to get the full 5ft9 mark , he has missed it.
Jkiller said on 21/Mar/20
5'8 and a half is legit for this guy
jayp said on 21/Mar/20
Hi rob , what would you say his height out of bed would be? In cm

Editor Rob
Comfortably over 5ft 9. 176.5 maybe out of bed.
hcham said on 10/Jan/20
Similar to Norman Reedus here
Click Here
Aar?n R said on 4/Dec/19
Rob he looks the same height as you in the first pic, I think he's making you lose height in the 2nd. He's pulling you down isn't he?

Editor Rob
Well he was a bit, more trying to go up a bit on one foot for an extra cm.
TheBat said on 22/Nov/19
Solid 5'8.5". Fantastic actor too.
hcham said on 9/Oct/19
Looking taller than Jon Huertas
Click Here
RPHX said on 22/Sep/19
There’s a picture of him with his parents on the carpet at this year’s Emmys. His father looks 5’2” at most. His mother is around 4’11” or 5 ft.
MD said on 30/Apr/19
With Seth Meyers listed at 5'10.75" here, but who I think is shorter than that.
Click Here
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 25/Apr/19
Rob, could it be the worst Milo is only your height in person?

Editor Rob
I don't think he looks under 174 range.
Jaxteller said on 30/Mar/19
He does on some photos yes, but the one I linked on march 26, is from last week and he doesn´t rise on his toes as you can see. Yet he is as tall as Sterling and a bit taller than Huertas. Interesting huh?
Jaxteller said on 26/Mar/19
How can Milo be taller than Jon Huertas here (they're the same height, and are wearing equally thick shoes) and as tall as Sterling K brown? Lifts maybe?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Milo developed a habit of rising up on toes a bit, he can pull off over 5ft 9 in many photos.
K.A 188 said on 6/Jan/19
Rob, I think he is the same height as you. He looks taller in the recent picture because he got height awared wearing thick and pushing is head up
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 26/Dec/18
Do you think Milo's "height aware"?

Editor Rob
He has become more height aware. Back at the first convention he did in 2007 he was just standing normally, but over last few years if you look at full length photos at events, he does do the one-foot rise trick, which he was doing the more recent time I seen him.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Dec/18
He's not 172.7 at a usual low but not 173.7-174 either. He's 173cm at evening, especially when going outdoors and on his feet, like at conventions.
Trevor Long said on 23/Dec/18
175. rob is not 172.7 he measures 173.7-174 consistently afternoon height.
Rourke said on 13/Jul/18
Rob, I know pictures are deceptive due to footwear/posture etc, But what is it with these celebrities claiming to be taller than you and clearly being shorter

Editor Rob
Milo is one guy who I think became more height aware. 11 years ago I never saw him going up on one foot, then the next time, I watched him rise up (mainly for men) for extra cm or 2 with people. I still feel he's taller than me though.
Zineddine said on 15/Jun/18
rob do you thnik milo height range between 173-4 or 174-5?

Editor Rob
From what I've seen I'd go with a good 5ft 8.5 range. A chance of slightly more compared to slightly less than 8.5.
Nik said on 7/Jun/18
@ Im 171CM - neither!
@ Rob - I like your lean!
Zampo said on 16/May/18
In the photo on the left. I guess Rob at 171 cm with the lean. He looks about 175 cm. So adjusting for the lean a 2 cm difference. Take off a 1 cm due to his footwear and advantage and that puts him at 174 cm. The picture of 2007 helps confirm he is between 173-174. I do think he is taller than Rob so 174 cm is reasonable.
QM6'1QM said on 4/May/18
No doubt, this guy owns elevators and insoles! I think he's not taller than 5'8.5". Maybe, 174 cm, but 173 cm is must good guessed for this actor.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 22/Apr/18
Milo is at least 1/4 taller than someone like Jeremy Renner who look a flat 5'8 after consider to have shoe advantage than 5'8 1/8 rob.
Samcro said on 13/Feb/18
I am pretty sure he uses lifts or has got special shoes made. Just google "Sterling K Brown &Milo Ventimiglia". Sterling is 183cm or so and in some photos they are the same height without any special stance! See this image for example:
Click Here
What do you think Rob? Any updated thoughts from you?

Editor Rob
I still go with a decent 5ft 8.5 range for Milo, a guy who definitely has a trick to adding a bit of height.
am 178cm said on 18/Jan/18
He's Proaably A Solid 175cm guy he looks taller than u in both pictures
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 19/Dec/17
yeah, 174 makes sense, he just missed out on the 5'9" mark and he raises his leg and leans over people for added height.
Im 171CM said on 27/Nov/17
Would my height be average or short I'm African American..thanks people.
Anonymous said on 30/Sep/17
as tall as rob
the Slav said on 12/Aug/17
Are you sure he's taller than you?
Doesn't look it

Editor Rob
well he was taller I feel, but in 2007 not really noticeably, like 174 at most.
Blake said on 7/Aug/17
I can see the pain in your eyes on the photo on the left! How do you think an actor would react if you told them what you did or to stand tall for the photo? They would probably slouch on purpose or tiptoe

Editor Rob
a proportion already would know, but of course a few might try to spoil a photo 😑 very few though!
Bobby said on 25/Jun/17
In the new photo, he looks 5'9.5 accounting for the footwear advantage over Rob. Is a flat 5'9 possible for this guy?

Editor Rob
he has a bit more footwear and I'm sure you can see I have a lean...
I wasn't intending to, but he pulled me in a bit!
As you can see, we are closer when there's no lean and footwear is more same range 👍
Cameron said on 3/Jun/17
I do think short starts at around 5'7.5" or so, 5'8.5" is just on the low end of average.
World Citizen said on 24/May/17
Looks more 5 ft 8.25
berta said on 22/Feb/17
rob he doesnt look taller in the first photo the old one. I think he is a guy that want to look little taller than he is. I think you and him are the same height. he is not 1/4 taller than you.

Editor Rob
he was similar range, at least the first time, but (with guys mainly) he definitely was doing 'rise on one foot' to gain half inch, it's something that he can be seen doing at public events.
Nik said on 12/Feb/17
He is too tall to be short.
Heyja said on 10/Feb/17
In my mind 5'9" is in the average range (for an American white guy), but 5'8" is where short starts.
Eight and a half? I'm not sure!
c-mo said on 1/Jan/17
Heem said on 6/Dec/16
5ft 8½ is short IMO.
not really .
it is a little below average but not short yet . short would be 5'7.5 and below
Heem said on 6/Dec/16
5ft 8½ is short IMO.
TJE said on 14/Oct/16
Odd how someone fairly honest about his height tries to look taller in photos...
GP said on 20/Aug/15
Rob, don't you think that height aware person like Milo would most likely use lifts? It makes me question if he could have possibly used lifts with you and he is 5'8" in reality or even a bit under that. And in the first photo he is turned his body that placed him a step closer to camera. I have noticed that lot of actors use that method which gives them an inch advantage. What's your thought Rob?

Editor Rob
his boot looked normal, there wasn't any kind of evidence to me, but he has 2 tricks, pull you in a little and the one-foot rise.
Samcro said on 19/Jun/15
Thanks for the reply Rob, I should practise that He makes it look quite natural, which makes it difficult to notice.
Samcro said on 14/Jun/15
So how does the trick work, He looks taller than rob on his most recent photo. Would like to learn that trick

Editor Rob
it's a trick I explained in a video I did last year
Click Here, I call it the Cobra in the clip.
That is basically what Milo was doing with guys that I watched...with ladies he wasn't bothering as much. But it's shifting weight and pushing up onto one leg for a bit of extra height. You can see Milo doing it with
Routh here.
Editor Rob said on 29/Apr/15
This is the technique he now does in lots of photos
Click Here
I mentioned it in my video about 'Sly Photo Tips'. Just shifting onto more of a one-leg stance to give an extra half inch of height.
JB said on 9/Apr/15
Ya who cares that he rounded up half an inch? Some guys add inches to their height and its insane.
b-mint1994 said on 21/Mar/15
@Dan: He rounded up half an inch. That's not as bad as the guys who add 2-3 inches to their height
Dan said on 7/Feb/15
It makes me a little mad that he claimed 5'9 because it makes us "real" 5'9ers look shorter than we actually are.
Ali Baba said on 17/Dec/14
Adrian Pasdar looks nearly suicidal in that pic. Hopefully he was more cheerful in person than the pic would make it seem.
Eclipse said on 29/Nov/14
I find his ''up-on-one-foot''trick to be amusing! Obviously, he didn't seem height cautious when Rob met him back in 2007. 5'8.5 tops!
JB said on 23/Nov/14
I'm surprised he's as tall as he is. On gilmore girls he looked short, I thought he looked 5'7" tops. I'm surprised he's 5'9"(or close enough to it.)
Junior31 said on 19/Nov/14
Rob when you met him did you ask him how tall Stallone was??? If not and you met him again could you! This can be a piece of that difficult puzzle!

Editor Rob
he never went up on his feet back the first time I seen him, then this year watched him with people and he was raising up a bit for men mostly, a little trick maybe Sly himself has passed on to him :)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Nov/14
In most pictures I've seen, Adrian Pasdar has at least 2in on him. Either he's a fraction over 5ft10 or Milo is 5ft8 tops.
Andrew M said on 4/Oct/14
A leading man in a hit show, and less than 5'9"! He's done alright!
Chris said on 29/Sep/14
Does he wear lifts in these shots?
Click Here
His shoes look stuffed, but shouldnt his kneecaps be higher too if he had lifts in there?
184.3cm said on 28/Sep/14
Madness..he goes from looking 173cm to looking 176cm years later. doesnt look too happy either.

Editor Rob
it's not madness, he's got better posture more shoes and goes up on one foot with men in photos.
Josh b said on 3/Sep/14
Click Here
As Rob stated, Milo seemed height aware and was up on one foot to get some advantage.

Editor Rob
a half inch gain just from a slight foot raise. One of G's tricks I believe.
Dmeyer said on 21/Jul/14
Rob if not looking at 0.4in advantage how tall did he look

Editor Rob
he could look near 175, but he was up and down on one foot in that session...mainly with guys.
Andrea said on 16/Jul/14
Yeah, i said it! :) In fact, there are some shots where he can look taller than this... Wouldnt surprise me if he borrowed some lifts from G too ;)
5'9 5'10 said on 8/May/14
Your eye level seems higher but again you guys are only a half an inch apart depending on the eye to chin level someone with a lower eye level can look taller.
Kemalettin said on 6/May/14
Rob are you sure he is 5ft 8,5 inch? He look same as Tom cruise 1,72 cm. Maybe he have a high insoles lifts in the shoes?

Editor Rob
I think he can be 5ft 8.5, I don't think he is as short as 172cm, he looks taller than that.
Andrea said on 9/Apr/14
Rob, did he start wearing lifts?
Click Here
He does look taller than 5'8.5 with solid 6'2.5 Brandon Routh... (and he probably isn't even 5'8.5)

Editor Rob
well looking at the
other shot, Routh is in sub inch sneakers, Milo is in thicker boots, he could have about 0.75 inch footwear advantage...plus Milo is standing with a hip-shift on one foot which can add another cm...suddenly you are gaining a bit more height than normal.
Persian said on 7/Mar/14
173/174 so clean ( 173,5 cm ) not more !
johnmcc said on 23/Dec/13
This is quite shocking as well i thought he was at least 177cm. Doesnt look any taller than Rob here.
LG69 said on 26/Nov/13
@MD, there could be something to that. I remember Adam Richman being listed at 5'11". This was in his early days of "Man vs Food." Recently, he has been listed at 6'. I know he lost weight, but that won't give him 1". He didn't appear 5'11" to me, let alone 6'. Always thought he looked 5'10-5'10.5"max.
MD said on 13/Nov/13
Mickelson's height "increase" has nothing to do with his physical growth (and certainly not in his 30's) and everything to do with him becoming more famous. This happens with a lot of athletes.
LG69 said on 11/Nov/13
I don't know how much yoga can give a person in height, but the golfer, Phil Mickelson, was known to grow about 1" in his 30's. He was always listed at 6'2", but about 5 years ago his height was listed at 6'3". When asked about it, Phil said his growth spurt was probably due to his yoga sessions. I heard his yoga instructor say that she grew 1/4 of an inch. Yoga decompresses the spine, and can cause a person to stand taller. This yoga instructor admitted 1" is unlikely but not impossible.
Wiven said on 27/Sep/13
He may be 5'8 but measure at 5'9 after yoga sessions, what yoga does is decompress the spine and give better posture to give you the natural height you are supposed to be.
cole said on 11/Aug/13
How was his footwear btw?

Editor Rob
roughly same, within 0.2 inches
cole said on 11/Aug/13
174 cm is right. Could maybe look close to 175 in the picture with you Rob, but he seems a tiny bit closer to the camera.
Edlt2882 said on 5/Aug/13
I was next to this guy at Comic-Con several years ago. I am 5.725 and when he was next to me, he seemed close to 5.11. But I looked at his shoes, and the boots he was wearing gave him three inches on me easy. So 5.8 does seem valid.
Mike said on 19/May/13
Can yoga over time give you an inch and a half?
BEB said on 4/Apr/13
I'm not doubting Milo, but can yoga really boost you up one and a half inches?
Mathew said on 10/Nov/12
Looks like he's added the 1.5 yoga inches to his 5'9" claim because he doesn't even look as tall as Rob. But then again that's only going by this picture, I'm otherwise unfirmiliar with him.
Silent d said on 27/Sep/12
I was quite shocked how short he was because i thought he was at least 5 foot 10. After watching pathology he looked 5 foot 8. I'll give him 174cm. Wasn't that tall next to alyssa milano who is 5 foot 2.
Yaspaa said on 25/Aug/12
He may edge out Rob in real life, but not in the pic, regardless of chin or eye level.
c-mo said on 2/Aug/12
look at their chin and eye level ...they are almost identical but milo has a slight edge
rob is a STRONG 5'8 dont forget that fact
rob got him right at 174cm ....i dont know why so many guys here want to downgrade everybody
lol93 said on 21/Jan/12
guys he is 5'9 probably out of bead and he drops to 174cm after 2-3 hours he may be 173 at night, so 174cm is correct if he had the same footwear with Rob if Rob had less he could be a weak 5'8
ChiasmataX said on 20/Dec/11
@c-mo If Milo is indeed 174cm then Rob is indeed 175cm. Just look at the picture, Rob is further from the camera and Milo is nearer. Usually the nearer you are to the camera the bigger/taller you look. Even this advantage Milo is shorter than Rob. Unless it was his posture or something I can't see him taller than Rob.
c-mo said on 14/Dec/11
you guys are just hilarious this guy is obviously 174cm no less than 173cm for sure ...5'7 ? yeah right... stop downgrading everybody !
avi said on 1/Dec/11
Rob are you 5'9.5 because if hes 5'9 you must be
Physics Enemy said on 9/Nov/11
0.5" shorter than 5' 8.25" Rob. 5' 7.75" or 172 cm then.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 1/Nov/11
looks a bit shorter than rob here...
Will said on 26/Sep/11
Milo is 5'7" tall just by looking at the photo.
Chuck said on 17/Aug/11
Worked as an extra on set with Milo. I'm 5'7 and he was no taller than me. We were stood face to face in the scene and whilst I can't say exactly how tall he was, he was no 5'9! I honestly don't think he's even 5'8. We both had sneakers on.
Dean 5ft 9.25 said on 3/Aug/11
"i dont know, i am 5'9" makes him sound like a muppet lol..he doesnt know then suddenly he does? clearly the sign of a guy whoes wondering if he can get away with rounding up lol he looks 5'8 flat if his hair was like yours rob!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Jun/11
172-173cm with Rob.
Legend said on 12/May/11
He's hardly even 5'8 flat.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Apr/11
172cm(5"7.75) in this picture
Does not look 174cm(5"8.5) at all
Aaron said on 20/Apr/11
It's a good thing to be short and look tall? I wouldn't really agree; wouldn't that mean you have a weaker build than other 5'9" guys who are more robust and therefore look 5'9"?
ano said on 21/Mar/11
this guy definitely looks taller. Great body proportions!
I look like him and am just a bit taller. So obviously not jealous one bit!! LOL!
James said on 26/Feb/11
In the pic looks no more than 173cm
5'7.56 said on 22/Jan/11
Milo might be 5'8.25 at most, he wasn't standing straight but he looks a quarter of an inch shorter than Rob in here, therefore 5'8.5 doesn't seem like it.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Jan/11
Looking 5"8(173cm)
Tropico said on 27/Dec/10
How can anyone think Milo looks shorter than Rob? Look at the top of their heads, it's clear! There is a marginal difference.
danny said on 15/Dec/10
idont know but seems milo is shorter
Will said on 5/Dec/10
Milo is 5'7 1/2". He is half an inch shorter than 5'8" Rob.
lolo said on 24/Nov/10
strong 5'8 spot on 5'8.25-5'8.5
Alex5 said on 3/Jul/09
Looks 5'9".
bam said on 25/Jun/09
imagine if he did find a way to stretch himself out to 5'11, lol.
hey. said on 5/Jun/09
Lol, he looks SHORTer than Rob in this pic.
MD said on 28/May/09
I really think the guy is only 5'8", Rob. Both your head and your shoulders are higher than his, and even if he straightened up, he'd only be as tall as you or maybe .25 inches taller.
Editor Rob said on 27/May/09
He said in the dailymail:
"Yoga makes me feel taller. I work out, I run and tend to get stiff; yoga stretches me out. I'm 5ft 9in and think, 'Five eleven would be nice - just two more inches!' I think yoga adds one-and-a-half"
Jay said on 26/May/09
wow he is not much taller than Glenn. Should you not downgrade him, Rob as he is over 1cm below you?
Akshay said on 23/Apr/09
He looks 5-7 type of guy..yet he is able to pull off a 5-9..looked shorter than Lauren lee smith in pathology an she's 5-10 max..
lego said on 8/Apr/09
I think he is 5'7.5''. 1)If you are honest, you wouldn't start with "I don't know" when answering a question about your height. 2)Some picture definately show he is wearing lifts when you look at the angle of his legs compared to the feet.
RisingForce said on 25/Mar/09
Why would he be downgraded to 5'7"? Should Rob downgrade himself too?
lou said on 15/Mar/09
Downgrade please. He's 5'7"
Comets said on 10/Mar/09
I remember him in Gilmore Girls and he wasn't that tall, just slightly taller than Alexis Bledel and way shorter than Lauren Graham...I think since then he has been wearing lifts..but no, at best I think he is 5'7, not nearly 5'9
RisingForce said on 12/Jan/09
Yeah but he looked pretty tall in an obvious pair of elevator shoes at the Rocky Balboa premiere next to 5'8", 5'8.5" Sharon Stone who was wearing heels.
bam said on 12/Jan/09
rising force you are absolutely right. He is 5'9 morning, 5'8.5 later in the day. Its weird how he looks short on heroes though.
RisingForce said on 1/Jan/09
I think he's honest about his height but these look like elevator shoes to me.
Click HereMaybe he was hanging out with Sly too much back then. I'm not familiar with him outside of Rocky Balboa so I don't know what his footwear is normally like.
I still say 5-9 out of bed but if you're talking about evening height then yes 5-8.5 sounds good.
bam said on 17/Dec/08
rob, is he closer to 5'8 flat, or 5'9? In other words, if your estimate was a quarter inch off, what would your second estimate be.e

Editor Rob
5ft 8.75 rather than 5ft 8.25, but I think 5ft 8.5 is the best estimate. I doubt he'll do another convention over here, some do one and that's that.
RisingForce said on 5/Dec/08
Sorry about that, just a typo.
RisingForce said on 4/Dec/08
I consider Milo 5'9". I go by morning height and Rob stated that his morning height is anywhere from 5'8" to 5'8.75" and that he had thicker shoes than Milo here.
I have no problem with Milo's 5'9" claim in fact I think it's dead on accurate.

Editor Rob
that's a big morning height gap, anywhere between 5ft 8.6 and 8.75 ;)
Leung said on 23/Nov/08
Yeah I reckon he could have been 137lb a few years ago because he used to look like a skinny little ferret.
MD said on 21/Nov/08
I could totally buy 137 lbs for him at the beginning of the series. He has always been skinny up until recently.
Realme2008 said on 20/Nov/08
I don't think he weighed 137 pounds at close to 5'9". That's a bit of exaggeration. Trust me I'm 5'9", and I weigh 141 now. I'm still very skinny. Him weighing 137, and jumping to 155 is preposterous. He probably weighed 145 when Heroes started, because he wasn't 137- pounds-skinny.
Leung said on 9/Nov/08
Yes I agree, Rob and Milo are the same.
el toppo said on 9/Nov/08
i agree with Robert. They are both exactly the same height.
Teddy89 said on 23/Oct/08
yes he's 174 cm
MD said on 16/Oct/08
He has pretty decent proportions, which may be the reason for that observation. Though, his legs are a little short compared with the rest of him, IMO.
dmeyer said on 16/Oct/08
on screen he dosnt look tall or short he looks average
MD said on 10/Oct/08
For reference, this Men's Fitness article (can't find the date) places him at 5'9", which is something he could get away with claiming being 5'8":
Click HereIt also says starting out on
Heroes he only weighed 137 lbs, but now hovers around 155 lbs.
howie day said on 9/Oct/08
he is 5'8 flat..he just donest look like 5'9 er and bareffet next to kristen bell he looked 5'8..he is not 5'9
Brad said on 16/Sep/08
Same height as Sly.
RisingForce said on 15/Sep/08
Looks the same height as Rob but Rob stated that his shoes were slightly thicker than Milo's. Rob's posture also is a little better. Milo is closer to the camera however. He's probably 5'8.5", possibly 5'9".
Big King said on 6/Sep/08
I guess the short and average humans are taking their out of bed height.
RisingForce said on 6/Sep/08
Rob, what was Milo's footwear like? I've seen him wear big shoes which possibly had lifts in some pictures.

Editor Rob
definitely not over 1 inch.
c-note said on 30/Aug/08
jep milo is a solid 5-8
Margherita said on 1/Aug/08
I'm 5ft 10
In heels! :)
Davey said on 25/Jul/08
Margherita how tall are you?
Margherita said on 24/Jul/08
wow omg I knew Milo was average but thought Adrian was well tall.
Viper said on 24/Jul/08
Shawne Merriman looks 6-1 here with 6-3 Vernon Davis.
Click Here
Viper said on 23/Jul/08
Way to be wrong anonymous, lol.
Mr Money said on 22/Jul/08
Wrong Anonymous, Shawn Merriman's pre-draft measurement was 6'2.4.
Joe said on 20/Jul/08
He's 5'8. Rob looks marginally taller.
Anonymous said on 30/Jun/08
Unlike the NBA, the NFL measures players at barefoot and lists them accurately, but rounds them off to the nearest inch. So the shortest Merriman could be is 6'3.51''. Think about it and admit your defeat immediately.
P.S. I am a neutral source that is always right about sports related issues.
Anonymous said on 30/Jun/08
I think he is 5'8 and when he said 5'9, i think that his height in shoes.
Jason said on 22/May/08
Shawne Merriman is no 6'4''. He is closer to 6'2'', like Viper says.
Viper said on 20/May/08
6-2 1/2 Brandon Routh looks taller next to Milo than 6-2 Shawne Merriman does actually. And Merriman is closer to the camera no less.
Click HereClick Here
Viper said on 14/May/08
And btw Deric, If you follow Maryland football then you should know hes shorter than 6-3 Vernon Davis.
Viper said on 14/May/08
Nope. Ive seen the man up close and its been well documented that hes a measured 6-2-6-2 1/2.
Deric said on 14/May/08
I'm pretty sure Shawne Merriman is at least 6'4, I'm an football fanatic, have followed him through his college days, he is 6'4, I don't know why your just too proud to admit that your wrong, even though the proof of him being his actual state height is undeniable.
sammy said on 6/Apr/08
i hoped he was taller but okay
Brah said on 20/Mar/08
The woman in that pic, Sarah Lancaster, is listed as 5'8" everywhere online. Milo looks about the same height (don't let the mound of hair on her head fool you).
However, if she is wearing heels (which she probably is in that outfit), he is actually taller than her.
Robb said on 19/Mar/08
Looking kinda tall . . . ?
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Bosco said on 12/Mar/08
ror, milo is closer to the camera in that pic, he looks like a solid 172 in there...you will be a tiny bit taller if he stands right next to you

Editor Rob
I've met a lot of the first season heroes cast, so I think 174 fits him admist all the other actors.
MD said on 10/Mar/08
Is Milo leaning in that picture to such a degree that's he's really 5'8.5"? I only ask because he looks 5'8" in that picture with you, and really only looks 5'8" in everything I've ever seen him in. I'm not sure where the extra half inch is coming from.
Bosco said on 9/Mar/08
I saw and scene of heroes between him and kristin bell..he was barefoot and had like 2 inches on her..but she was in heals..so I think this guy..its 5'8 (173)
no taller than that
scotty said on 16/Feb/08
I think 5'8 give or take
eli said on 15/Feb/08
charliemoto: that's Adrian Pasdar an actor from Heroes
Charliemoto said on 12/Feb/08
isn't that David Copperfield on the Right?
dmeyer said on 16/Jan/08
sly can look 5'11 to 6 ft in good elevator ,and then he wears enourmous elevators beside milo and looks the same height
Dellilo said on 31/Dec/07
5'8 seems about right. He's really hot too.
Tessa said on 12/Dec/07
Kristen Bell is listed at 5 ft 1 , so i'd say hes easily 5 ft 8.
Danius said on 4/Dec/07
His long neck probably throws people off about his height, looks 5'8 in this picture, the guy beside rob looks 5'10
Caesar said on 27/Nov/07
Man is this guy a bad actor. His scenes in Heroes are cringe-worthy. Anyway, I think this height is pretty accurate; he doesn't seem short enough to be 5'8 or lower. He stands up well to 6'0 David Anders.
bruce_willis said on 18/Nov/07
cmon, he's 5'8
allana said on 15/Nov/07
i met him in london at the london eye! he was so awesome to talk to. i'm 5'9 and he was the same height pretty much, if anything slight taller cause he was crouching idk, maybe it was his shoes lol. Routh makes everyone look pretty short
Viper said on 5/Nov/07
Milo actually looks an inch shorter with Routh than he does with 6-2 Shawne Merriman.
RobertJ said on 4/Nov/07
Milo looks 5'8'' next to 6'2.5'' Brandon Routh.
Click Here
glenn said on 23/Oct/07
we run a tight ship.you have to be in the 5-8 club.
j said on 22/Oct/07
why are all the guys that run this site or that are used to compare heights of celebs 5' 8"

Editor Rob
it's a conspiracy.
5ft 8 isn't the best height for tall comparisons as invariably a lot of time the taller guy will drop his posture more, it's great for 5ft 4-11 though.
For comparing against women 5ft 8 men is a good height.
Hi! Rob said on 19/Oct/07
Are u also a celebrity, Rob? Why don't u let us see your face? Do u know, how tall Rhys Millen is? He seems to look like you!
Original said on 18/Oct/07
He's 1,73-1,73,5 in pic no taller
Kevin said on 17/Oct/07
whos the guy on right ?

Editor Rob
adrian pasdar, other heroes actor.
P.I.M.P said on 17/Oct/07
Yo rob Adrian Pasdar is the guy in Top Gun right (I think his call sign is chipper plays one of the other pilots)?
oh and heroes did he look 5ft10 rob hmmmmmmmm?
Keep it reeeeeeeeeeeal!
Lynn said on 16/Oct/07
from which height do you perceive that a person is taller than you?
For example I am about 177 cm in the evening, and often I cannot notice difference between me and guys in the 175-179 cm range.

Editor Rob
175cm usually, but sometimes people have loose stances or differing eye levels a lot. Can throw things off, one guy I know has a kind of permanent raised eye level. A military guy in fact.
dmeyer said on 15/Oct/07
if milo had lifts then he could look 5'10 to 5'10.25 sly is a hair tall so 5'10.75 the both look considerably taller than 5'6ish burt young
radio_man said on 15/Oct/07
he's 5'8 maybe 5'7.05....no way he is 174

Editor Rob
considering he isn't shorter than me, the only 100% height I'm gonna trust on here ;) and his shoes were not more than mine forget anything under 173cm.
Viper said on 15/Oct/07
If you've seen him in person Antron, hes not 6-4, or even 6-3 for that matter. Couchscout has him at 6-2.4, and there are other references of him being measured at 6-2.
Danius said on 15/Oct/07
hes 155? im taller than him and weigh 20 lbs less but i look built, wow i thought he weighed like 125 lol
Ron Mexico said on 15/Oct/07
I read in mens health or fitness, the one with him on the cover that he is 5'9'' 155 lbs
antron said on 14/Oct/07
what reason does that site have to exaggerate? Here are various other listings at or near 6-4, one of which is ESPN, hardly a BS listing :
Click Here
Click Here the NFL's official site and Chargers official site has him at 6-4 as well. I can't find any listing of him at 6-2. The shortest I find him is 6-3 and change. It doesn't really bother me if he's 6-2, I just don't have any evidence he is. Do a google search for "Shawne Merriman 6-2" and there are no matches for the 6-2; substitute 6-4, and everything matches. I will concede that maybe he's just convinced everyone he is 6-4, but I doubt he's far from it, if at all.
Brah said on 14/Oct/07
Also, the woman in that Balboa pic is Geraldine Hughes...She is 5'3" and with those heels would be closer to 5'6".
So, Sly may be close to 6 feet (in his elevators) there....
Brah said on 14/Oct/07
That Rocky Balboa picture is deceptive. Sly is actually much further back than Burt Young and Milo. You can tell because Milo only weighed 137 pounds at the time (he put on some muscle this year for 'Heroes') and his frame is absolutely tiny compared to Sly's.
Yet, the photo makes you think otherwise.
Viper said on 14/Oct/07
"Merriman measured at 6'4.3" in the 2005 combine"
Thats a BS listing when other sources say 6-2 and Ive seen him in person.
dmeyer said on 14/Oct/07
the shoes he has beside ventimigglia are huge they look like monsters and he still look only 5'9

Editor Rob
they're elevators sly's wearing for sure. Nowhere near 6ft in them...but, the photo is I think beneficial to Milo. You can see he's taller than milo without doubt in other pics.
Lynn said on 14/Oct/07
do you think Milo had lifts at the Balboa premiere?
Click Here

Editor Rob
wearing lifts when standing within 5 feet of Sly is not a good idea...
antron said on 14/Oct/07
Merriman measured at 6'4.3" in the 2005 combine :
Click Here
dmeyer said on 13/Oct/07
rob waths funny is that in the pic were sly looks only 1 cm on milo so 175 cm his shoes are suspicious so sly could be 5'7.5

Editor Rob
someone said there's no pics of sly looking 5ft 8. Well, the milo with me and then sly with milo can show such rarities as occuring. Of course he wears elevators, so we can take him down to 5ft 7 as william goldman saw ;)
Nah, I think there's a little advantage in angle in that photo, sly is bigger.
dmeyer said on 13/Oct/07
he looks barely as tall as you so max 174 by that mark sly looks the same in some photos
Viper said on 13/Oct/07
Looks nothing over 5-8 with 6-2.4 measured Shawne Merriman. Though Merriman is closer to the camera.
Click Here
Franco said on 13/Oct/07
his body is dead on of a 173-174cm guy, actually more 174cm than 173cm.
besides Rob was standing more straight while Milo is slightly curvedm if he were straight he'd be 1cm taller than ROb.
so 174cm is definetely Milo's height and dare i say, an easy one to spot.
Kevin Durant said on 12/Oct/07
I think Milo Ventimiglia is a 5'8" because he is the same height as Editor Rob. In the recent Rocky Movie Sylvester Stallone is at least 2" taller than him.
bam said on 12/Oct/07
rob, how do you get to meet so many celebs? Are all photos you take in the UK?

Editor Rob
yes all uk, that was at london film con on early september.
Anthony said on 12/Oct/07
That's a seriously awesome photo, Rob.

Editor Rob
they only smiled in a handful, so they looked grumpy in lots of those pics that day. They were knackered that day. If I'd went later in the queue I'd not have been able to stand between them, they were just shoving folk in front of them...
leonari said on 12/Oct/07
ROB: Let me put it differently: Can you rule out a ful 5'9" for Milo?

Editor Rob
at best a very strong 174cm, but this mark is best estimate for the moment
Lynn said on 12/Oct/07
Uhm... now I have some doubts.
Here seems taller.. very taller... something like 6'-6'1"
Click Here
are you sure Milo had not his knees bent in your pic?

Editor Rob
are you trying to imply Stallone can look 5ft 8 in a photo :P
!There you have it, although stallone does have a good 2 inches on milo when he's in elevator shoes, that wouldn't be sly's favorite photo...
nah, he's standing pretty normal.
Anonymous said on 12/Oct/07
I agree he is no more than 5'8 barefoot
Antron said on 12/Oct/07
Upon this examination, he's 5'8" no more no less
Lynn said on 12/Oct/07
I think you already knew that Milo is your same height, don't you?
paul said on 12/Oct/07
how talls that other guy adrian?
leonari said on 12/Oct/07
So a full 5'9" for Milo is out of the question. He is 5'8" if you ask me. What do you say ROB???????

Editor Rob
would need to see him more.
derbi said on 12/Oct/07
Rob, he doesn't look taller than you in the pic. Is he though?
What kinda footwear did he have on?

Editor Rob
they looked like laced black stan smith type so near to 1 inch. I was in 1.06 nike that day.
Lkris said on 8/Oct/07
Milo looks really short in this pic when we know that Masi Oka is 5'6". And if you see where their feet are Milo seems to be in front of the others.. So i dont know how to explain this pic.. do you?
Click Here
dmeyer said on 25/Sep/07
close in height with sly
antron said on 19/Sep/07
Described as 5'9" in Men's Fitness this month. Looks it, could be slightly shorter, 5'8" and change... but not 5'7."
JJ said on 18/Sep/07
Hi guys, Milo was the post-emmy party last night, and right outside where we located him he had normal dress shoes and I would say 5'9 is his legit height -- he's a small dude, average skinny!
Big-T said on 19/Aug/07
then how come he looks 2 inches shorter than supposdely 5'9" Adrian Pasdar on Heroes?

Editor Rob
never seen 2 inches of difference in their scenes.
kate said on 8/Aug/07
he's definately 5'9 cause i once saw him in santa monica like near one of those british pubs and i'm 5'8 and he was a bit taller than me when i passed by.
Krupa said on 15/Jul/07
Yeah, he's no tall boy. I would say 5'8 at most... still towers over my 5'1 self lmao.
I just discovered this website! It's quite fascinating.
Josh said on 23/Jun/07
No more than 5'8 (173cm).
wasa said on 11/Jun/07
I think he's 174cm to be exact.
JJ said on 29/May/07
Man, Every celeb is short nowdays, The new era.
Ron Mexico said on 15/May/07
if you see the new fergie video, milo is the love interest in it, and even if she is at her absolute tallest measurement in it, it would make him around 5'7.5'' because he is a just a forehead taller
Elisabeth said on 10/May/07
I think he is between 5'8" & 5'9".Which is also known as average height.
Elisabeth said on 10/May/07
I am guessing around 5'8".But maybe Sarah is right.But,I do know that he is about average height.No affense Milo.
sarah said on 10/May/07
i saw him in california once and i'm 5'8 and was a little taller, so i'm guessing about 5'9
Scarlet said on 18/Mar/07
I see Stallone at 5'9 and Ventimiglia at 5'7-5'8. Milo has a very slim body type. If he was taller he would look longer.
horacle said on 13/Mar/07
No scarlet i see more stallone at 5'9.5 and milo at 5'8.5. They have made stallone taller because he is his father in rocky.
Scarlet said on 12/Mar/07
Yes sorry I mean 2 inches shorter than Stallone. Milo is about 5'7
timber said on 11/Mar/07
MD, I think Scarlet meant 2 inches shorter, not taller.
MD said on 10/Mar/07
lol @ Scarlet. So, Stallone is 5'5"?! LOL! You're really putting a strain on your credibility, Scarlet.
Scarlet said on 9/Mar/07
2 inches taller than Stallone in Rocky Balboa. I say 5'7 for Milo
horacle said on 1/Mar/07
i think he is 5'8.5 no more no less
AAAA said on 20/Feb/07
Merriman was measured at 6'4 at the combine, so that would put Milo at 58.5-5'9. Probably like 5'9
Viper said on 6/Feb/07
Hes looking 5-7 with 6-2.4 Shawne Merriman
Click Here

Editor Rob
you need to go to the erika christensen page to see how to link to getty properly, I showed an example of how a link should look on that page
Scarlet said on 18/Jan/07
Silvester Stallone is 67 inches barefeet without stilt size lifts. Ventimiglia is 65-66 inches.
Lucky said on 24/Dec/06
i met him onece once he looks to be 5`8
MD said on 6/Dec/06
Good find, Y-Man.
Josh said on 24/Aug/06
I´m not sure hes 5'9 , He looks to be a solid 5'8 (173cm) alexis bledel is around 5'6.5 and hes barely 2 inches taller I also saw that in She´s all that hes one of the boys who cleans Laney´s house and he looks way shorter than Freddie Prinze Jr. hes probably 5'9 with sneakers.
Emily said on 18/Nov/05
He was filming at your school? You are sooo lucky!
Katie said on 30/Sep/05
I just saw him today filming at my school...he seems pretty short and skinny, but then again i was a few meters away.
caulfield said on 24/Sep/05
If barely looks taller than Alexis, it means he's correct because Alexis Bledel is 5'7"
Wizerd said on 18/May/05
Hes not that tall, he barely looked taller than Alexis Bedel