Plissken said on 8/Apr/22
@Shaq - this is factual, this is why so many guys lie about their height and I think sometimes Rob should forgive them, see.. it's coming to a day and age where unfortunately, we're viewed as numbers and not people.
If you tell someone right infront of them you're 5'7, and you are 5'7.. they will now view you as the term ''5'7'' but if you tell them you're 5'9, because every 5'7 guy adds on 2 inches, they feel relieved, because 5'9 is a better 'number' of less ridicule than 5'7, and despite not looking any different in height whichever one you say, leaves a lasting affect. ''I met a guy, and he was 5'7'' but with a guy the exact same guy claiming 5'9, it isn't spoken about.
I think everyone is adding on 2 inches, until we get some sort of phone height that automatically can read peoples heights or some BS. I'm 5'10 and can easily claim 6'0, but if I say I'm 5'10.. they say ''no way? you seem like you'd be taller'' because every 5'10 guy chucks on 2 inches, and when they hear 5'10 they automatically ''view'' the height of a 5'8, who's added on 2 inches, it's a strange world.
I think movie stars and wrestlers caused this, tbh. Everyone adds 1-2 inches, no matter what. I hate it, but if I say 6'0, it's like 'yeah' but if I say 5'10, it's a conversation, despite the fact I am genuinely 5'10 lmao.
P.S this guy is 5'5
BN said on 3/Jul/19
no way hes 5'6'. Theres photos of him & ex Bella Thorne where shes not even wearing heels and shes still got a good 2 inches & some change on him. I don't believe her 5'8' claim btw, 5'6.5' with 5'7' being the max. Mod even looks like a 5'4' - 5'5' guy but to be fair he's probably just under 5'5
Shaq said on 30/Jan/18
clowns like him are the reason people think 5'8 is short. oh well there's worse. some are barely 5'5 and want to claim 5'8.
Height Revealer said on 15/Nov/17
Pretty good chance Bella has height on him, Rob. 5'6.5 vs 5'7? Haven't seen much of this guy

Editor Rob
not a great deal of photos of them posing really, but 5ft 8 claim seems a little much for Mod.
Amanda said on 19/Oct/17
If Mod Sun is 5,6.75 why Bella Thorne looks taller than him? Bella probably is 5,7 barefoot?
Please Rob what do you think?