Ben - 186cm said on 20/Feb/23
That quote from Hammond is hilarious and I can’t believe no one has mentioned it “I’m taller than Mel Gibson” nope, way shorter. “I’m taller than George Clooney” nope, even bigger gap than Clooney. “I’m taller than Tom Cruse and Hitler” nope and nope: even without lifts Cruise would have Hammond by more than an inch. Hitler has him by 2.5-3 inches.
Comical claims from Hammond. Where was he getting Clooney is short from? Dude is/was above average, especially for his generation. Hammond would get dwarfed by him. 😂

Editor Rob
The quote definitely didn't live up to expectations that one time Hammond met
Amber Jones said on 28/May/22
looks 5'5 to me nothing more
Mike Sui said on 19/Mar/21
In this picture, since James May is 5'11.5 Richard looks 5'1 or 5'0, what do you think Rob, Am I high on this one?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Not one of Richard's favourite photos for helping his height claim of 5ft 7! He does look about 5ft 5 there.
Leesheff85 said on 16/Mar/21
@mike sui it really isn't
Mike Sui said on 7/Feb/21
5'6 is waayyy to much for him like seriously too much.
Mike Sui said on 7/Feb/21
5'6 is waayyy to much for him like seriously too much.
Conrad said on 17/Dec/20
5ft5,5 out of bed is the max.possible
End of day I'd say 5ft5/165cm tops
Roots4828 said on 6/Oct/20
I thought the height difference between Richard and Jeremy would be bigger, honestly. I can see 5’6” for him.
Nik Ashton said on 29/Sep/20
@ Phil Semple - I wouldn’t say that a guy of 5’5.5” is that little though.
Phil Semple said on 27/Sep/20
There's no way hes 5'7, like he claims. Because the truth is, 5'7 isn't really that short. I know a few guys that height and I never think of them as small, even though I'm 6 foot. If you're 5'7 you're going to be taller than nearly all wonen, and only an inch or two shorter than the average guy. I find that people who are noticeably small, like Richard Hammond, are nearly always 5'3, 5'4 or 5'5. That's the height range on a man, when you really notice they're little. I'd say he's 5'5
Sinclair said on 11/Aug/20
I’m satisfied with the 5’5.5” listing for Hammond. With 5’7ish Tom Cruise’s massive footwear, I felt that Cruise looked a few inches taller than Hammond.
Nik Ashton said on 25/Feb/20
Look at this:
Click Here

Editor Rob
Not sure why that blog was trying to put the NTA awards background onto the photo, really bizarre, but the
nikke said on 2/Jul/19
Looks about 163 cm or 5'4 from all the content I've seen.
Littlelee168cm said on 19/Feb/19
Because he isn't 5ft 7
NattyK said on 28/Jan/19
Why isnt he listed at 5'7" like he says he is.
tree said on 30/May/18
Clarkson had more than a head on him
Click Here
heightaddict said on 27/May/18
He’s shorter than Tom cruise no doubt although Tom cruise is nearer to 5’8 than 5’7 and I do agree wirh him in that he looks shorter than he probably is as Jeremy Clarkson is unusually tall and James May is on the taller side of average , needs an upgrade
Quoter86 said on 12/May/18
Bad listing. He looks 4" shorter than May in all the pics on Google and 9" shorter than 6'4 Clarkson. 5'7 minimum.
Jake94 (5'9 said on 21/Jan/18
Body of a 5'8" guy, head of a 5'2" guy
Guest66 said on 22/Dec/17
His small head definitely makes him look shorter than he really is. I think he's still above the average female height Could be a solid 5'6", just no more.
Anonymous said on 7/Dec/17
He claims he is 5.7.Lol!!!!
Jay said on 3/Dec/17
The Top gear guys are some of the best broadcasting ever, they really are brilliant, and I am referring to the original three, not the new version...

Editor Rob
Hammond does sometimes have a laugh at his height and Clarkson's on the show.
uncle bob said on 16/Nov/17
he is shorter than tom cruise
Terry said on 6/Nov/17
I would say 5ft 6 flat. I am 168 in morning and 166 at night, so I class myself 5ft 5 and a half or 166cm, which is what he is listed. I do think he would measure slightly taller. I do agree with what he says. Clarkson and May are tall and do make him look far shorter.
Timothy Jones said on 31/Aug/17
Loved and miss him in Top Gear. I'd give him 5 foot 6.25 in
Don said on 25/Aug/17
A bit over 5'6
Dean said on 30/Jun/17
Great guy. Strong 5ft7 at least
Nik said on 26/Jun/17
He could be 5'5.75"!
Cameron said on 22/Jun/17
I think Hammond might pull of the "looks shorter than he actually is" thing. He's clearly below average but he doesn't look that abnormally short when walking around town.
jervis said on 13/Jun/17
Its hard to believe that Clarkson is only 2 years older than Cruise.
jervis said on 11/Jun/17
looks very short with Cruise,a least 3 inches shorter,he looks max 5ft5.
dotdotdot said on 1/Apr/17
When Mindy (his wife) was on Loose Women about Richard's crash, she stated that he's 5'3. I'd say about 5'4-5'5.
Finn said on 17/Mar/17
He doesn't even look like 170 cm. Closer to 165 cm.
Ian said on 20/Feb/17
Peter with all do respect have you ever actually seen the show? If you did you'd know that picture isn't accurate at all, Like I said he's nearly a foot shorter than Jeremy. Hammond is 5'6" at best barefoot maybe he could scrape 5'7" with boots on. He's not quite Danny DeVito short but he's clearly below average. Pretty sure if Hammond is 5'11" I'm like 6'2"....just saying.
Peter said on 18/Feb/17
His height is severely underrated. He's not short at all just Clarkson who is really really tall. Look at this picture with him and Clarkson.
Click Here. He looks like max 5 inches shorter than him which would put him at 5'11.5. He's taller than average British man. And James May looks 2.5 inches shorter than Clarkson which would put him att 6'2.5. So there you have folks. The true heights of the Top Gear stars. Have a good day!
Evan said on 17/Feb/17
I'm intrigued by this one. I've watched every Top Gear and now every Grand Tour episode. At times I could have sworn he was every bit of 170cm and at other times it seemed like he couldn't be any more than 164cm. Not sure if he wears lifts or not. There where certainly times when he didn't appear much shorter than James May. He appears shorter in The Grand Tour than he did in for most of Top Gear. He's still too young to have lost height, I suspect he wore lifts for much of Top Gear and now he isn't. This would mean he's closer to 164cm than 170cm, short man.
Ian said on 2/Feb/17
I do think he's within a foot of Clarkson, although probably just barely. A weak 5'6" would be my best guess.
Michael said on 29/Jan/17
Rob, check this out please
Click Here
This is Grand Tour, Episode 01. In that scene they all stand one-foot barefoot, one-foot in sneakers (which add almost nothing to height).
I think you could reconsider Hammond's height.
He wears sneakers almost everytime and seems to be very honest on topic of height.
Napalm Jack said on 22/Jan/17
Hmm, didn't have him down as quite as low as is listed here...
Michael said on 22/Jan/17
@Editor Rob:
Both have 5'7 frame. Cruise is using lifts on your picture (as he always do).
Gian92 said on 21/Jan/17
he seems to me 5'7

Editor Rob
Michael said on 3/Jan/17
Hello, Rob.
Wow, why is Richard 166 now?
He seems fairly 5ft 7in...
Magick said on 24/Nov/16
Problem with Hammond is he's always wearing those super low soled converse type shoes which give no height, someone wearing thick soled trainers/dress shoes would automatically have an inch on him, I can see him being a little taller than listed for this reason.
MJKoP said on 27/Oct/16
@D: I can see that. Maybe with a little Robert Carlyle mixed in there...
D said on 3/Oct/16
DAT Hugh Jackman face dat he got there lol
eh said on 23/Jul/16
he can look 5'6
The Man said on 23/Jul/16
Apparently 5'7" is a "fairly normal" height, according to Richard Hammond. And btw, he's not even 5'7", he's 5'5 1/2". Last time I checked, the average UK male height is 5'9 1/2"-5'10", and that's for males of all age groups. Younger men (20-30) may average around an inch taller than that. The level of insecurity Richard has is understandable though, when you're barely taller than the average woman in your country.
instagram: ___flapjack___ said on 19/Apr/16
Ok so I know his two daughters and he is 5ft 7 with no shoes if you don't believe me follow my instagram x3 underscores either side of flapjack
BT said on 27/Nov/15
@Aaron: That pavement is sloping though, look at the sidewalk behind them. May is standing on the highest point and Hammond on the lowest point. 6'4.5 for Clarkson, 5'11.5 for May and 5'5.5 for Hammond looks quite spot on.
Aaron said on 9/Oct/15
This has already been offered before, but it sure looks like a foot of difference between Hammond and Clarkson. All shoes visible.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 5/Oct/15
There are times, when he stands very straight which is rare, that Clarkson looks like he has a foot on Hammond.
Sam said on 13/Sep/15
Its dis-honest to claim anything more than your barefoot morning height, in my opinion. Of course you could probably "round up" your morning height 1/2" max (if you're at the .5), but that's being generous and as far as it should go.
nar said on 10/Aug/15
Rob, give us your opinion about people that are for example 5'5 1/2 and claim 5'7 1/2. I mean why would he even add that 1/2 and not just say 5'7 for example? What do think is in their minds?
Also what do you think about those people who are, for example, 5'10 and claim that they are 6'3?

Editor Rob
nar, people who give inflated heights are sometimes worried or insecure about their height. Rounding a little is fine if you are talking in full inches and don't want to say 'and a half'.
Jimbo said on 24/Jun/15
Give the guy a break. Charm wins over altitude except in a fight. For boots, I prefer Tony Lamas.
an anonymous peach said on 10/Jun/15
5ft 7.5? Yeah right... maybe straight out of bed with the thick boots he loves to wear, but even then he'd be struggling.
Gus said on 7/Jun/15
Totally agreed Mr. Hammond has the "Napoleon complex", always saying he's taller than his 5'4" frame (this if you catch him on a good day I mean : ))
david said on 23/Apr/15
He cant be more than 5ft 4. Cruise towers over him yet Hammond is nearer the camera than Cruise.
John said on 10/Mar/15
Looks 5'4 in pictures with James May
Rhonda said on 7/Dec/14
He was a lot smaller than Chatty man Alan Carr , id say 4" smaller
CW said on 12/Nov/14
I don't even think hes taller than Seth green who stands at 5'4" I'd say their the same height
CW said on 12/Nov/14
I'm 5'7 and 16 years old there is no way Richard Hammond is anywhere near my height I'd say he is the same height as my mother, who is 5'3.5/4" I'd sy he's 5'4"/5'5"
The Hamster said on 5/Oct/14
I think he is 160 cm
TNTinCA said on 21/Sep/14
Clearly he is NOT 5'7". I could see 5'6", but I think Rob's height is spot on. Despite the size of his co-hosts, you can see just how short Richard is next to other people on set.
Marty said on 30/Jul/14
Why does Richard Hammond lie about his height. He is 155 - 158 if you scale the photos with his co-presenters. 170 is being generous.
T said on 10/May/14
The 5ft 7.5 claim was the length of mattress he would need. Presumably half an inch for a bit of extra room. He said 5ft 7 recently on Twitter.
Lmeister said on 2/Apr/14
He is shorter than Juan Pablo Montoya who is listed 5ft6 = 168cm. I used to think that Hammond is a weak 5ft7, but now I would list him 5ft5.5 = 166cm.

Editor Rob
since Hammond tried to claim the ludicrous half inch over 5ft 7, I think maybe it is only fair to give him the real half inch, over 5ft fits him better.
The Exorcist said on 19/Feb/14
Jeremy Clarkson: 6'4.5"
James May: 6'0"
Richard Hammond: 5'6"
Click Here
tom said on 16/Feb/14
I think this listing is right, he's shorter than 5'7". It's easier to compare him to James May than Jeremy Clarkson, as he's so tall, or Tom Cruise who has notoriously variable footwear. If you compare the two, James May has a good five inches on him at least, and he is at most 6'. So that by logic 5'7" is the most Richard Hammond could be, but more than likely he is smaller than that.
ThePhantomLord said on 29/Jan/14
Don't forget he could be wearing built up shoes, all the celebs have em....Cruise, Chuck Norris & that geezer from savage garden to name three.
Gaz said on 8/Jan/14
this video at 1:30
Click Here with Sebastian vettel who is on here at 5ft 8.5in..Vettel looks quite abit taller than him it's hard to tell how much tho.

Editor Rob
hammond tries to stretch his claim to 5ft 7 and a half.
I think he was measured on the Glennometer, a device that adds nearly 1.5 inch of height
Nel said on 15/Dec/13
166cm barefoot (5ft5.5)
The Exorcist said on 6/Dec/13
When Tom Cruise makes you look small, you KNOW that you're small! lol
Click Here
Click Here
Rob, do you think Tom is wearing lifts in these pictures?
hurricane brat said on 25/Nov/13
made me laugh!
Click Here
Megatron said on 23/Nov/13
I like Richard Hammond, im currently 13 and the same height as him, I'm gonna be tall...

Editor Rob
I'm surprised Hammond has the gall to say on tv he is 5ft 7 and a half.
Bertie Bus said on 8/Aug/13
I stood beside Richard for several minutes as we waited to get off a plane a couple of weeks ago. 5ft 7in or a little more is correct. Any less and he would have been shorter than I am and he was a little taller.
little sue said on 2/Jul/13
I watched the new Top Gear a few times and Brian Johnson looks an inch or two shorter than Hammond
JC said on 1/Jul/13
In the first episode of series 20 of Top Gear, whilst on the test track, Hammond stood next to Brian Johnson, who's 165cm. Hammond was the exact same height. So he's really 165cm, no taller.
LoveRichard said on 6/May/13
don't care how tall he says he is... big personality... so stinking cute... it's a totally good package!
Sbu said on 10/Mar/13
@Rob did you see last weeks Top Gear Africa Special? Hammond claimed 5'7 1/2". Its creeping up, maybe next series he will be 5'8" :) I think your estimate of 5'6" is more likely.

Editor Rob
that's really stretching things a bit!
little sue said on 3/Mar/13
Richard Hammond just said on Top Gear 'I'm 5ft 7.5, lol, only on a good day!!
Brad said on 28/Feb/13
5' 6". "I'm not actually that short". By Cruise, you sure are.
oregon said on 29/Jan/13
looked 5.5 next to Tom Cruise and Jeremy Clarkson....check it out Rob!
Trent said on 27/Jan/13
My estimates are:
Clarkson 6'4, May 5'11.5, Hammond 5'5.75
Ben said on 9/Jan/13
I am about 5'7" and I don't consider myself short. In other words, I'm short, but I'm not THAT short. I think that I am about the same height as Hammond, if he is 5'6" or 5'6.5" than you have to understand that people our height like to give ourselves the benefit of the doubt haha. I'd call Hammond 5'7" even if he wasn't exactly that.
miko said on 20/Dec/12
He claimed 5'7 on his official (verified) Twitter account today.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Nov/12
Rach says on 10/Aug/12
5ft 8 because he is about 8 odd inches shorter than 6ft 5 Clarkson
Nearer 10 inches..
Arch Stanton said on 1/Nov/12
Barefoot 5'5.5-5'6" is about right.
ZZenit said on 28/Oct/12
He was dwarfed by 176 cm (5'9.3") Sebastian Vettel in this video (around 2:00):
Click Here
Joejoe1992 said on 12/Oct/12
I was 5ft 6 at 14 and I am now 18 I was 6ft 1 so you never know. My dad is 5ft 9 but my mam is 5ft 1 so I dunno how Im 6ft!? My brother was 4ft 8 when he was 11 but he's 5ft 10 now so I guess its just my family.
I once met Richard Hammond a couple of years ago when I was about 5ft 10 and I was a bit taller than him so I would say about 5ft 6.5. When I met him he was wearing shoes with a small hight added to them so I just took about a inch of for them
BethieB said on 17/Sep/12
When I was an exchange student two years ago, I finally got lucky enough to watch the show being filmed and meet the guys afterward. (My host father works behind the scenes and knew I'm a fan.) All I can say is that I'm 5'1 and a bit, Richard was a good six inches taller than me (I had flip flops on), James is definitely at least 6', and Jeremy is a giant!! They are all incredibly funny blokes, though, great fun, and didn't take the piss out of me TOO badly becaus I'm American. Lol! (Unfortunately I did NOT get to meet the Stig or go out on the track. Something about "insurance") =(
KL said on 29/Aug/12
5'6 is a good estimate I think. Hammond strikes me as a bit self-conscious so it wouldn't be a surprise if he added an inch to his actual height, by saying he's 5'7. He's definitely not less than 5'5 though.
GK said on 27/Aug/12
Mia, how is being short 'woeful'?! It's not a performance! Just because you are 6ft 1 don't think you're better than others, and if you have to use your height to give you status/confidence/superiority you're obviously lacking in other areas of your life. Richard Hammond = Legend
leonari said on 20/Aug/12
Maximus : Even a full 5'6 is a stretch. Loves big boots. No Way in hell is he 5'7
Maximus Meridius said on 19/Aug/12
Rob i thought he was 5ft 7in maybe you should upgraded his height back up too 5ft 7in he always look 5ft 7in range too me rather than 5ft 6in range how come he got downgraded.

Editor Rob
i think from all the comments and looking at him with others 5ft 6 is a good shout
Rach said on 10/Aug/12
5ft 8 because he is about 8 odd inches shorter than 6ft 5 Clarkson
Hob said on 6/Aug/12
Tommy poor judge. even in shoe advantage tom cruise only look max at 3" on richard hammond wore 0.5-0.6" sneakers [if draw a line on both tip head]. james may never look over 15cm(6inches) taller than hammond. i could have go for richard hammond at 5'7 , james may 6'1 and clarkson 6'4.5 rob listing much accurate. if hammond was only 5'5 , clarkson would be 189cm and james may 180cm 5'11 flat many will argue for this.
Tommy said on 5/Feb/12
Click Here
Yeah, Leonari. The ground appears to have a slight slant and Cruise has a footwear advantage, but that along with his height of 5'7.75 shouldn't account for him appearing about 5 inches taller than Hammond. Hammond does look consistently around 7 inches shorter than James May, who is 6'ish, and there looked to be around 2.5 inches between Hammond and Moyles, pictured somewhere else together on this page. I think Hammond is 5'5.
leonari said on 20/Jan/12
After this guy with Cruise: I say below that.
steven said on 19/Jan/12
if Richard Hammond is 5'6 then Jeremy Clarkson and James May should downgrade as well. J C 6'4 and J M 6'0
Godred said on 19/Dec/11
@Shaun - I don`t see May much over 5`11,maybe .5.
Shaun said on 18/Dec/11
May looks nearer 6'1" than 6' to me. Hammond I think would measure something similar to challenger #1 and #12.1. 5'5.5" would be my guess, he always looks too short to be what he claims.
leonari said on 24/Nov/11
Wears boots with a large heel and covers them up with long jeans that are wide at the bottom. Could be a tad shorter.
Brandon said on 23/Nov/11
He's about 5'6"
jimmy said on 12/Oct/11
i saw him wen i went to surrey air ambulance event at top gear track (dunsfold) and he was slightly samller than my dad whos 5'8" im 15 and im 6'0"
Neil said on 8/Oct/11
Always remember, half the people you know are below average.
klopê said on 3/Oct/11
ha ha no way hes 7'5" this guy is really short 5'4" mx
marty said on 14/Sep/11
Many famous men seem to be 5' 7" tall, Charles Bronson, Bruce Lee, Tom Cruise, Boxer Jeff Fenech, Steven Spielberg, Kurt Cobain etc I'm also about 5'7" but I'm definitely not famous LOL
Jack said on 19/Jul/11
I went to the Top Gear show once, Hammond was wearing normal shoes and was 5'7'' max, so barefeet Hammond is 5'6'' to 5'6.5'' max.
Aly said on 8/Jul/11
He's gorgeous! I definitely think he's about this size - looks like it nextto other people. An he's so funny =)
DrJJ said on 28/Jun/11
The Hamster is in the same range as the Bieber. Anything more is ludicrous and would make James May 6'2" and Jezzer 11 feet tall.
Hattori Hanzo said on 15/Jun/11
That said, 5 ft 6 in seems a more likely height.
Hattori Hanzo said on 15/Jun/11
Richard with 5 ft 7.5 in (171 cm) Chris Moyles,
Click Here
Granted, it's not possible to see footwear but Moyles has never struck me as the lift-wearing type (would have to be rather substantial ones at that - 2.5 in perhaps). My father recently 'met' Hammond in a car park outside a hotel in Cornwall, upon seeing his rather expensive camper van, my father crudely commented, "Hey Richard, that's some TOP GEAR you've got there", whilst pointing absent-mindedly at the aforesaid vehicle. Richard replied with a listless, "Oh, haven't heard that one before" and went back to packing his luggage. Oh yeah and my father (175 cm) remarked on him being considerably shorter than himself, despite Richard wearing his trademark Cubans.
James said on 6/May/11
can look taller than this next to 6'4ish Jeremy Clarkson.
The Truth said on 6/Apr/11
I met Richard Hammond yesterday, I am 5'10 and very good at guessing heights and he is 5'6 100%. I seriously suggest this height is reevaluated
sarah said on 17/Mar/11
I'm 5'7" and was visiting friends in the UK when we went to a Top Gear taping. I stood next to Richard Hammond and with both of us wearing flat shoes we are the same height. But really who cares how tall he his? You know what they say... Great things come in small packages!
Murray said on 5/Mar/11
I'm 5'9" and a 36C doesn't make me much taller. But with my implants a good bit bustier!
Jim said on 22/Feb/11
Richard Hammond next to James May and Jeremy Clarkson
Click Here
Anonymous said on 21/Feb/11
No way he's 5-7. Just google "james may and richard hammond". James is listed at 5'11.5, and he's clearly around 6 inches taller.
Sarah said on 3/Feb/11
Considering Richards short he's actually quite tall. I thought he was like my height which is 5ft 2inch I am only 11 so I am not short. I really like Richard he's cool.
Bateman said on 1/Feb/11
USYD, at 16 I was about 5'6" or 5'6", at 20/21 I reached my final height of 6'1.5" so it's possible. Though, in my case it went like that because I hit puberty rather late which does not seem to be the case for you, so 6'2" probably won't happen, but you never know.
Codberg said on 27/Jan/11
I actually live near Richard Hammond and last summer on the day of the England Germany game he was at a school fete I was at. I'm 5'11.5 and I was surprised how tall he was!! Seeing him on Top Gear next to Clarkson he does look small but I was stood next to him for quite some time and he didn't look that short to me. So maybe 5' 7" is accurate. I did clock his footware, he was wearing flat baseball boots so he didn't have the benefit of heels.
Stealth said on 26/Jan/11
Just been to the topgear recording. Hammond is is 5'4" ish, James may about 5'11/ 6ft as a reference
Anonymous said on 26/Jan/11
Just been to the topgear recording. Hammond is is 5'4" ish, James may about 5'11/ 6ft as a reference
Ash said on 22/Jan/11
he is 170cm but who cares? its not like it makes a difference. with his cute puppy dog eyes and small size,u instantly want to protect him from mean mr clarkson. and anyways its not like it affects his great humour.
Grace said on 21/Jan/11
I work with Richard and co on the Top Gear set, and I'd say that he is about 5"7, which when you stand next to him, doesn't seem small at all.
Anonymous said on 16/Jan/11
The average depends on the country. Average in the US and UK for all males is about 5'9.5" according to stats. 5'7" is still within the "normal range".
dk said on 16/Jan/11
Aged 16, it's unlikely you'LL get much taller, so 6'2" may be a pipedream. However, you are at LEAST taller than Richard Hammond.
You THOUGHT wrong.
Andrew said on 30/Dec/10
Just watched a Sport Relief thing on BBC 1. Richard Hammond and Eddie Izzard stood next to each other. Gotta say Hammond look a good inch shorter, didn't see the shoes.
Barret said on 9/Dec/10
Hi Mia, I stand at 6'6" and I prefer tall women. So, someone of your height would be ideal for me. I like shorter women too, but I have to be honest, men who are 5'8" or 5'9" tend to be better suited to them proportionately - and more power to them. Go for it guys!
Oh, and what's this blog about? Oh yeah, Richard Hammond! He's a funny guy, no matter how little the guy is.
Jake said on 21/Nov/10
@mia, i'm 5"8, and when walking down the street, many men are shorter... all men aren't a woman's ideal height, and its not as if people can do anything about their height?
george said on 4/Nov/10
@mia your just freakishly tall, im 5'9 average for a man is 5'10
moral of the story... your screwed
mia said on 3/Nov/10
well im 6'1.5... im a woman and having met richard whilst filming top gear i can say he is THOROUGHLY SHORT. anything below 5'9 for a guy is woeful. james was near enough my height although slightly taller and jeremy was atleast 3 inches taller. moral of the story... ANYTHING BELOW 5'9 FOR A MAN IS TOO SHORT. x
Anonymous said on 28/Oct/10
if he is 5ft 7in and his wife is 5ft 1in that is a perfect heigh difference men on average are 6 inches taller than women.
big tom said on 1/Jul/09
my family went to a top gear show once and we have been to 2 mph shows and my daughter was online with hammond and she is 5'6.5" - 5'7"(shes 12) and my wife was wierdly the same height as james may, she is 5'11"-6'.
I am 6'6.5" and i can tell you that with bad posture jeremy clarkson is 6'4.5"
Hammond ------------ 5'6.5" to 5'7"(168.75 -170cm)
May ---------------- 5'11.5" to 6' (181.5 - 183cm)
Jezza--------------- 6'4" to 6'5", most likely 6'4.5"(194.5cm)
i think its unreasonable to skit hamster for his height, he is only 2-2.5 inches of the uk average, ya dont see anyone skitting a 5'11" guy for being two inches over it.
i agree with tom.
theres no way there is more than 9 inch difference between jezza and hamster
Nismofreak said on 22/Jun/09
I don't know but I doubt he is 5ft 7. I think he is an inch shorter, he really doesn't look that height. If I had to say, he looks 5ft 5.5 or a flat 5ft 6 inches...but then again we can't forget about morning height.
Lara said on 21/Jun/09
Richard looks way smaller than that my mum is only 5ft5 and im only 5ft2
Jon said on 6/Jun/09
People are always obsessed about being taller, over 6ft+ is lanky and unnecessary, even if you have a reasonable amount of muscle. It is better to be normal (under 6ft) symetrical and athletic than a giant freak. People over 6ft start to perform worse at everything physical on average.
Ian said on 26/May/09
"5'11 guy says on 6/Apr/07
The Dutch guys who think they tower over us Brits should pay the UK a visit sometime. The average height here in the southwest is 6ft easily.
I've been to Holland and I'm weak 6ft height(average height 5ft11.5) and I saw grannies taller than me. There were lots of people well over 6ft there including woman. Everyone in my group noticed the height increase over there. I've been round Britain and no area is taller than others. The Average height is somewhere in the 5ft8-9 in britain for men. Yes young men are taller or give an appearance of taller because they look so skinny these days but as you get older a little shrinkage in your height happens and that brings the average down in the UK.
Ian said on 26/May/09
I'm about 6'5.5" and Hammond would be estimated at 5'5" he's until my chest , and May is to my chin.
Absolute rubbish. A 6ft May wouldn't be as low as your chin and hammond isn't 5ft5 and from my chest(I'm 6ft) to top of my head is 16"
Van Der Heigen said on 21/May/09
Hammond is short, I'm from Holland and I went with a few cousins of mine to a Top Gear show...we are big fans of those three car maniacs as well, and on the set Hammond is really short, I'm about 6'5.5" and Hammond would be estimated at 5'5" he's until my chest , and May is to my chin, but Clarkson is same compared to to me, but I think he is much taller than me if he kept a straight posture.
some unknown woman said on 19/May/09
On my father's side of my family Hammond would be considered very tall. On my father's side of my family I'm taller than most of the men and I'm 5'3 1/4" to 5'8" (depending on which shoes I'm wearing).
Duck said on 18/May/09
I doubt hes actually 5'7, he must of added a few inches because of him always being around Jeremy and James who are 6'5 and '6.
Veronique said on 17/May/09
Im 14 years old girl and im 5ft and 7,5(or 8) in tall.
i dont want to grow taller :( !
My mom is 5ft 6in and my dad too.Do you think i will grow more ?
Sharon said on 13/May/09
My husband has met him and he could see over his head. Husband is 5'7.5" so he reckons 5'5" absolute max.
Jay said on 4/May/09
i met him a few weeks ago i'm 5'9" and i could practically see over his head so 5'6" seems right for hammond...
James S said on 11/Apr/09
Hammond is 5ft 7 but he seems a lot shorter with Jezza, Look at him with 6ft James (5ft 10 with his posture) and Hammond looks of a normal height, so 5ft 7 is perfect.
american boy said on 11/Apr/09
Im 15 live in in America, and im 5'9 and at the school i go to im considered short with other guys standing 6 to 6'8
Random Person said on 6/Apr/09
Not too sure about this 5'7 listing. My guess would be 5'6 on the dot.
Alexmum said on 5/Apr/09
I'm 5ft 8 and my 15 yr old son is 5ft 11 - he's well built as well - my dad was 6ft 2 tho and built like a lamp-post!
Doug said on 2/Apr/09
5'7"? I know a number of 5'7" guys and they never look as short as Hammond does. I guess it is because he is standing next to Clarkson most of the time who looks a foot taller at times. He does seem to be 5'5"-5'6" I would say 5'6". 5'11 guy, thats because a lot of Dutch do tower above Brits on average. If the average UK guy spent some time in Amsterdam he would feel on the short side without a doubt. A high percentage of Dutchmen are 6 foot or over and I have never seen so many 6'3"-6'6" guys in one place before. I'm 188cm and usually when I walk down the street in the UK I'm notiecably taller than most people I see. In Amsterdam it is far more common and a very high number of guys are 5'11-6'2" there. There is nowhere in the UK where average comes even close to 6'. If you are 5'11.5" legit you will be tallish on average wherever you are in the UK. Yeah in school I was average, perhaps only a tiny bit over average height actually, I was 5'9" at 15 or 16 when I had a growth spurt and reached 6'1" by 17 or 18 then grew another inch and bulked out in my early 20s. The tallest guys in general in my school year even at 15 I recall peaked around 5'11-6'1" and I can only think of the similar sort of proportion who were this height as ANonymous says below. I sure wish I had been my adult height in school! I can only think of a very small number of guys who were any taller than 6' in school and those were the very tall ones who were like 6'3"-6'6" and mostly bullied for being "lanky gits". I think I recall the tallest guys in Grade 11 (age 15-16) claiming 6' or 6'1" and there was of course a huge guy who was 6'4" by the age of 11 which is extremely unusual and one or two who had the Peter Crouch thing going on.
Anonymous said on 12/Mar/09
"5'11 guy says on 6/Apr/07
The Dutch guys who think they tower over us Brits should pay the UK a visit sometime. The average height here in the southwest is 6ft easily. I'm 5'11.5 at 15 years of age, which is basically average for my age group."
I'm from the Southwest and was the same height as you when I was 15. However, I was and still am (6' at 16) one of the taller students in my year, I can only think of 7-10 students who are basically my height (5'11"-6'1") out of 80-ish, with only one who is taller, 6'3" or so. In town I always feel above average, so I don't know why you believe the average is six foot, I'd say its around 5'9.5".
Random Person said on 22/Feb/09
Hmm I'd say 5'6.75 in the morning and 5.6 by night. Clarkson definetly doesn't do him any favours however 5'6 seems spot on albeit 5'5 seems too low.
Random Person said on 3/Feb/09
He does seem 5'5.75 - 5'6.
Lmeister said on 30/Jan/09
Next to Chris Moyles 5ft7-5ft8 he looks 5ft6...
Sb said on 29/Jan/09
I dont think he is 5ft 7. I know standin Nxt to clarkson dosnt do him any favours, but look at him Nxt to average size people, i'd say hes 5ft 5, 5'6 max.
J. said on 22/Jan/09
I'm pretty certain richard hammond is either 5'6 or under, i saw something on a program before and they mentioned his height being 5'6 or under, so he may be lying.
Liam said on 18/Jan/09
id class 5'7 as being a short guy. im 6' and there are plenty of people who tower over me and plenty that are smaller so 6' is just average (for males) but people are getting taller as time goes on!
Matt Macgeoge said on 17/Jan/09
my names matt and iam one inch higher than richard hammond i feel so proud, richard should i worry about not getting a job ? please email me at
Helen said on 11/Jan/09
I'm 5'7, but I'm like well tall for a girl. I'm the same height as Hot Hammond! Yay!
Anonymous said on 9/Jan/09
Steve, at your age, you may grow under certain conditioning from things such as exercises, diet, etc. However naturally speaking, you will not likely grow any more.
Confused said on 3/Jan/09
Hi, my name is Steve. I'm 29 and 5' you think i have much growing left in me or is that my lot? x
amy said on 29/Dec/08
well up here in the north west most of the boys/men are around 5'5 - 5'10 at the tallest. im 14 and almost every boy in my year at school is between the heights of 5'2-5'5. girls are even smaller !!
Alex said on 18/Dec/08
I'm a 14 year old boy and i'm only 5'5, yeh i feel small at school, the average being about 5'10, but being 5'7 is no bad thing
Mitch said on 10/Dec/08
Im 6 foot 2 and im 15 years old. good or bad ? im not lanky im well built so im not like some sort of skinny twig , im a prop in rugby so im naturally muscly lol
Average Joe said on 3/Dec/08
5'11 guy says on 6/Apr/07
The Dutch guys who think they tower over us Brits should pay the UK a visit sometime. The average height here in the southwest is 6ft easily. I'm 5'11.5 at 15 years of age, which is basically average for my age group.
True Im 6'0 and just feel average, taller than some, smaller than some
Hamster said on 2/Dec/08
Hey!! My Macs converter claims that 5'7" equals 175 cm!
So...thats a good height I guess, I have never met him, but Im just hoping he's as "tall" as he says he is:!)

Editor Rob
I always knew Mac's were useless!
Sofie said on 4/Nov/08
He knows his height. If he says he's 5'7, then he's 5'7. Saw him live the other day, and it seems about right. (And Clarkson's 6'5 is actually my family's male average! Yeah, we're tall!)
Lozzer said on 2/Nov/08
He has a proportionate sized body for his height...
M said on 9/Oct/08
I'm 5'6 and considered tallish for a woman and Richard is still taller than I am. Therefore he's not incredibly short. Although he's under the average height for men in Britain.
M said on 8/Oct/08
I'm 5'6 and considered tallish for a woman and Richard is still taller than me (even if it is only by an inch). So he's not incredibly short.
Maddie said on 22/Sep/08
Well Cara i'm sure you'll grow if your only 12. Don't give up hope yet. What did you think of Richards Biography?
cara said on 20/Sep/08
i read richards autobiography and im as tall as his wife and i'm only 12
Maddie said on 17/Sep/08
In Richards Autobiography he said he is 5'7 and his wife Mindy 5'1. I am nearly 16 and am only 4'10. I wouldn't mind standing next to Richard to see how tall he is compared to me.
Anonymous said on 17/Sep/08
In Richards autobiography he said he is 5 foot 7 and his wife Mindi is 5 foot 1. I am nearly sixteen and am only 4foot 10. I would love to stand next to richard to see how small he is compared to me.
d.. said on 1/Sep/08
he's bought a house 2 miles from me, he used to live a few miles away but sold to move nearer to london then didnt like it so is moving back.
he's a bit of a piss head so i'll go down the local and get your answer ;)
Sesh1 said on 15/Aug/08
Clarkson is 6'5 May is 6'0 6'1isn, so hammond is about 5'7 5'8 (dont dare contredict me or al contredick u back
Lynx said on 10/Aug/08
I reckon that Richard Hammond is about 5 foot 7. If you watch Top Garden Ground Gear Force, when he's stood next to Davina McCall you can see that she's a few inches taller than him, and she's listed as being 5 foot 7, yet she's wearing heels, so without them I reckon that they would indeed be roughly the same height.
Kelly said on 7/Aug/08
Richard is the height he says he is. I am 5'6, and I met Jeremy Clarkson recently. He is a giant at 6'5. I had my pic taken next to him and I look shorter than Richard stood next to Jeremy, so he is definitely taller tham 5'6.
Melanie said on 7/Aug/08
I believe Richard is 5ft7. I don't think Richard would lie about something like that. It isn't important how tall you are, and by the way, why all these discusions about his height. Is his height THAT important?!
Anonymous said on 4/Aug/08
No, the average british man is 5'9 no taller.
Anonymous said on 21/Jul/08
Hammond is not that short in life, it's just his bad luck that Clarkson is a genuine 1m96! Even so, the difference between them appears to be a good 30cm instead of the claimed 26, making Hammond seem 5ft5 or 5ft6 at best ;)
Gus said on 17/Jul/08
id say hes 5ft7 max
Chris said on 28/Jun/08
Hahaha thats the biggest joke ive ever heard.Hammond being 5ft7...Jeremy is not the reason for him looking short.He is barely 5ft6.Come on this is ridiculous
ramdom person said on 28/Jun/08
Well Jeremy Clarkson is around 6'5, so anyone stood next to him would look tiny. Though Hammond seems to be smaller than about 75% of the people he stands near. I'd say he's around 5'5 - 5'6. Still, what does it matter? He looks fine as he is ^_^
Ian said on 11/Jun/08
He was on BBC program Blue Peter and was significantly smaller than both Zoe Salmon 5ft7(she looked 4 inches taller) and Andy Akinwolere don't know his height, he looked 2 inches smaller than him. I believe Hammond is smaller than 5ft 7.
Gary said on 16/Apr/08
Having stood in between Jeremy and Richard on a film location, Jeremy, as we know is a tad on the tall side, but Richard was definitely shorter than me, and I am 5'7" on the nose (well, to the top of my head!).
Omie said on 31/Mar/08
After a chat in a trailer with them about politics, i had asked them all to line up against each other. Richard is VERY short, James is average, and Jeremy is massive. Yes, it is his head though.
claire said on 28/Mar/08
when i used a dating agency i found all men lied about their height. when you meet them they're always 3-4 inch shorter than they said in their profile. the only solution was video dating where they couldn't lie because i'd ask them to stand next to the door!
Kelly said on 19/Feb/08
Rubbish! Sorry! ive stood almost next to him and i wouldnt say he was any taller than me in my bare feet - im 5'4
Matthew said on 2/Feb/08
Met him here in South Africa last week and he is maximum 5'5. I am 5'10 and he barely reached my shoulder. Clarkson is tall, but most of that height is his is MASSIVE
Non-lier said on 25/Jan/08
I think you can take it as ALMOST-truth, that when a celebrity says that they are 5'7", 40-50% of the time they are actually 5'5"
person guy said on 16/Jan/08
He is actually 5,6 and 3/4 on the boarder line to 5,7. I met him a little while ago and im 5,7 and you can hardly tell the difference.
5'4 tall girl said on 14/Jan/08
he's quite small actually in top gear..clarkson n may seem to tower him lotta
caitlin said on 7/Jan/08
well on his interactive dvd game their is a question about his height and the answer is 5 foot 9

Editor Rob
sack the maker of that game!
G-MANN said on 30/Dec/07
In an FHM interview, when asked about he height he said "I'm normal! 5 foot 7 and a bit. Clarkson's the freak, he's 18 feet tall for Christ sake! Although I have realised if you stand nearer the camera you appear taller, but Clarkson's has cottoned on to and stands even closer to the lens, making me appear microscopic."
loilee said on 27/Dec/07
I am watching a show with Richard Hammond in ('Richard Hammond Meets Evel Knievel') and he is smaller than everyone he meets. He's even smaller than the guy in the corner who's doing sign language!
If he's 5'7" then I'm Bob Monkhouse.
Lmeister said on 18/Dec/07
Richard might be 5ft6, but not lower. Even average height guys look shortish in Top Gear, because even James May is taller than average. Not only short men lie about their height quite a few tall guys have claimed to be taller than they really are. A lot of guys say their shoes on height.
Spev said on 12/Dec/07
QUOTE: "Well, I think Richard Hammond would know his own height!! If he says he is 5'7" then im sure he is (:"
Short men lie about their height in the same way old women lie about their age. Honest - one of my pals swears to God he's 5'8" and I strongly doubt if he's even 5'5"!! No way on earth is The Hamster 5'7". He's 3'2". Tops.
Sally said on 26/Nov/07
Haven't met any of them unfortuately. However 5ft 6in is short for a bloke. Obviously if you are famous like Richard it's not such a draw back. I have a son who is 5ft 6in, not bad looking, but because of it finds great difficulty meeting girls who wish to date him. They all think he's cute but....
toby said on 25/Nov/07
i can't remember this but when i was about 3 i had dinner with jeremy clarkson who wasn't apparently that tall back then.
john said on 20/Nov/07
james may with shoes on is 6'0
ph said on 19/Nov/07
I stood right NEXT TO Mr Hammond at West Midland Safari Park on Saturday. He was looking at sealions with his family and I happened to be doing the same eith my family. I am fairly short, 5ft 6in but even I was DEFINATELY taller than Richard Hammond, even with his big hair.
GUK said on 14/Nov/07
James May is about 6ft, I used to go to the same Indian restaurant as him in Chiswick, I'm 5ft 11 and he was slightly taller.
Vin said on 13/Nov/07
Most people are shorter than they think.If they were properly measured they would be surprised.This Top Gear lot are only overgrown schoolboys(apart from Hammond)anyway,mental age 12.
Richard Hammond is probably between 5'2" to 5'4" or maybe even shorter.
It's true,standing next to the giant Jezza Clarkson does him no favours.
James May is probably the U.K. average height but why on earth does he sport that silly early Seventies haircut? It looks vile.
Arth said on 14/Sep/07
In a picture quite far below, May and Hammond are adopting a similar posture so their true height, assuming their shoes have the same sized heels, are represented against eachother.
Clarkson's stooping enough to give nearly 2" height drop. My personal estimation of their heights is that Clarkson's a solid 6'5", Hammond's 5' 6.5" and May's a straight 5'11. 4 1/2" of height difference between hammond & may seems about right compared to 6" between clarkson and may, a little less with the poor posture of clarkson taken into consideration.
5'10 Teenager said on 3/Aug/07
I would say that he is roughly 5'7 because Jeremy Clarkson is huge at 6'5 and standing next to him doesn't do him any favours really. it's like me and my friend we're both 14 but she's 4'11 and i'm 5'10.
Paul said on 14/Jul/07
I've met James May and his posture is terrible, he walks head down and seems noticeably stooped. He seems to have lost weight and is pretty lean in build, which adds to the impression of tallness, He was a few inches shorter than my 6'5.5 so 6'2 seems a fair guess.
Anon said on 28/Jun/07
I'm 5 7.5 or 5 8 and I know when I was in England I didn't feel quite as short as I do at home in the US...
and yes 5 ft. 7 is short, but the guy is handsome...
Amy said on 22/Jun/07
According to the Health Survey for England 2004, the average adult male height in the UK is 5'9". That doesn't mean that Richard Hammond is VERY short, but he is below average. Nevertheless he certainly makes up for it in personality! At nearly 5'11" (179cm), I am way above the average of 5'3.5" for an adult female. I'm even taller than the average guy too, which is a real pain!
Anonymous said on 10/Jun/07
If Hammond is 5'7", from this pic i'd say that James May is around 6'0 and Jeremy Clarkson has to be at least 6'4"
Click Here
dia25 said on 2/Jun/07
Richard Hammond is the cutest man i ve ever set my eyes on.His height is by no means a disadvantage.I m 5'10 barefoot but i wouldnt mind a shorter man.It s not the inches that matter its the character and the sense of humour.And i would have to say that Mr Hammond combines them both.Love ya Hammster!!!!!
the giant said on 30/May/07
i am 7'4 and you all really look short to me...
Lora (Iddy 1) said on 26/Apr/07
Well, I think Richard Hammond would know his own height!! If he says he is 5'7" then im sure he is (:
And as for being attracted to small people, im also very small myself..and definatley think Richard Hammond is GORGEOUS!!
5'11.5 guy said on 19/Apr/07
5'9 certainly isn't the average here in Bristol/Bath. Otherwise I'd tower over most people, and I don't.
Smiffy said on 18/Apr/07
According to the Guardian and BBC websites, (...all I could be bothered looking at!) the average height of British males is 5'9". Seems true, because with the exception of a few of my male friends, most are all around the same height, between 5'7" and 5ft 10ins!
Claire said on 13/Apr/07
I'm 5'7" or at least I say I am, but really I'm 5'6 3/4 and 3/4's of a 1/4 - so it may just be the same for Richard...
Dave said on 12/Apr/07
Jeremy = 6'5
James May = 5'11
Hamster = 5'6
There is no way that Hammond is even 5'7 because he is just so short, my Dad is 5'7 1/2 and he is quite clearly taller than Hammond so I think it should be changed to 5'6.
5'4 dudette said on 9/Apr/07
Oh come on Hammond's really not that short! I'd say 5'6-5'7 but no shorter than that. He'd probably look pretty average if giant Jeremy wasn't standing next to him, he's mahoosive! James is probably pretty average and you can see that when he stands between Hammond and Jezza. However I have to say that Hammond is a very good-looking bloke (although I do love James' hair!). They're all just very cool people with big height differences!

Editor Rob
actually a month ago for the first time in a while I watched Top Gear and when Clarkson stands up he really does look huge against hammond, 5ft 6 might not be out of the realms of reasonability. Hammond crazily said the other guy James was 6ft 2 or 3 one time...
Dave said on 9/Apr/07
To the 5'11 bloke: I don't think the average height in the southwest of UK is 6ft, I'm from Brighton which is south East and I can say that 5'9 is probably the average male height for us brits and it's quite noticable that the dutch is taller.
I have been on the top gear show and I am 6'2 barefoot, with that height Richard Hammond was only up to the top of my mouth so I would guess he is no more than 5'6 and a bit less than the billed 5'7, as goes for James May, I am about 3 inches taller than him so somewhere in the 5'11 range is probably correct. But Jeremy Clarkson is a giant and seems a solid 6'5 which might explain why he towers almost everyone at the show and is a head taller than Hamster.
6'0 guy said on 8/Apr/07
So James May is in between 5'11-6'1 tall with his shoes on?
I would love to go to Top Gear studio to see James by myself. I am 6'0+ (bare feet) and 6'1+ with my shoes on. He looks like about same height as me.
5'11 guy said on 6/Apr/07
The Dutch guys who think they tower over us Brits should pay the UK a visit sometime. The average height here in the southwest is 6ft easily. I'm 5'11.5 at 15 years of age, which is basically average for my age group.
Darren R, said on 8/Mar/07
What is wrong with people's estimation of James May's height? He is CLEARLY at least 6', I'd challenge anyone to show me a decent picture that would suggest otherwise.
Kraig said on 25/Feb/07
Everyone, I think Richard Hammond knows his own height! If he says he is 5ft 7" - he IS 5ft 7"
Beth said on 21/Feb/07
Richard Hammond is so short and cute! He is like a shorter version of David Tennant (p.s i love them both). Jeremy Clarkson is really tall. I'm happy at four foot ten, but then I am thirteen! Enjoy being short, Richard!
Lerenzo said on 5/Feb/07
i'm 5'8 is that short for a man? would women find that attractive if a guy is only 5'8?
Rosie Orisinal said on 5/Feb/07
I agree that Jeremy Clarkson is massively tall and should stop being so shortest. Richard Hammond is the only remotely fit one of the top gear presenters.
PC said on 17/Jan/07
Downgrade overdue on Hammond. He's no taller than 5'6"
Jennifer said on 23/Dec/06
I am 5'5 my husband is 5'6 . My husband is all English and all man. Mr. Hammond's height is adorable.His presence is fantastic. He is by far the most attractive of the three.Mr. Clarkson is a giant. Mr. May is about 5'11 I would estimate.Remember
unless you are a flat 5'0 this is a useless argument. Because at 5'0 you are at a disadvantage in the adult world.Not because you are unattractive.But because the world designs things for around 5'8 and up. Hammond Rules!!!
kanov said on 20/Dec/06
I once thought that Hammond is 165 cm tall (5ft 5in), Jeremy is 195 cm (6ft 5 in) and James May in the middle at 180cm (5ft 11in). At least it looks that way, but a couple of centimeters up or down...Hammond isn't very short. You can see that despite being below average, his head still sticks clear up from the roof of many saloon cars he tested when standing next to it(which are usually around 1.4m in height).
Jayne said on 4/Dec/06
My husband and myself have stood next to Jeremy Clarkson. He is enormous! I'm 5ft 5 and a half, and my husband is 5ft 7 and three quarters. I kid myself that my better half is taller than he is, but, frankly, he loooked like Clarkson's lunch! I'm quite happy to agree with the official figures.
Pete said on 2/Dec/06
I've met Richard Hammond and he's not 5'7". My mate stood next to him who's pretty short at 5'8" and he was noticeably taller. The Hamster was wearing cowboy boots as well, so 5'6" max definitely.
Anonymous said on 13/Nov/06
The average height for the UK male is 5ft9 in 2006. In 40 years time will be 5'10 and in 100 years predicted at 6ft.
PC said on 4/Nov/06
In Sky magazine (June issue) it has Hammond's height as 5'6". Clarkson also describes him as 5'6" in the Times magazine. He does look this height on tv.
Troy said on 4/Nov/06
Actually, to date the Dutch are the second tallest people in Europe (average male height 6'0") only to be beaten by Montenegrins (whose males average 6'2"!)
At 5'8", I'm among the smallest males here.
Chris said on 6/Oct/06
Steven: For all of time except maybe the last 40 years the Dutch have been a lot shorter than the British.
Steven said on 5/Oct/06
People in Britain are very short compared to over here in The Netherlands, 5'10 would be average over there for a male. Schnitzerferk you are talking noncense.
Chris said on 27/Sep/06
Schnitzerlferk says on 24/Sep/06
"5'7" for a male IS short.
The male average in britain right now is 5'11.5"
In other words, 6ft isnt technically actually that tall.
Its only 1/2" above average.
Most of the guys at college i go to are over 6'3", and some are nearly 6'10"
I myself am at a very weak 6'1/2" and feel very short all the time, i look up even to some females.
Generations are getting a LOT taller, and back in the 50's people used to stare wildly at anyone above 6'2" and you used to have to need custom made clothes, nowadays 6'2" is considered quite normal and nothing much to brag about."
Mate, please. 6'10"???!!! When you say some, for arguments sake, let's say you mean 1/15 males are nearly 6'10". That's about 7% of your college - 6'9"?
May I ask where you go to college? Also, at nearly 6'2"...189cm you are shorter than some females???
While young people in the UK 'may' average 5'11.5, it's not the average for the adult male population by a long shot. Not even for the young generation. It's the same for Germany btw. 5'10" adult male average.
I agree that you see a lot of tall people around, taller than myself anyway...but not 6'2" at least where I'm from. I also don't agree that 5'7" is that short.
Chris said on 27/Sep/06
I would say about 1 in 13-15 males 18 yrs and over in London is 6'2", which nobody can claim to be average. (And that guess is just based upon what I see daily and didn't require much thought.)
I say London because height varies as you go from North to south of the UK; people are shorter in the north on average so that emphasises the point.
Viper652 said on 27/Sep/06
Im around 6-3 and I tower over most people. When I was more 6-1 in high school and college I was taller than most. Either Schnitzerlferk is a huge liar or thats just the alcohol talking.
Diddy said on 26/Sep/06
Re Anonymous comment(26.09.06), looks like my kids are going to tower over me!!
But I think you´re right Anon. (hope that`s not too friendly!), in that most children don´t reach a lot more than their parents, unless in my case, a shortarse with a tall husband, and it´s looking like my two are going to be about 5´8 (daughter), and 5´11 (son).
Anonymous said on 26/Sep/06
Britains average height is not 5'11.5''. That is too high. Until recently about 5'9'' was correct. Allowing that young people are taller 5'10'' is probably average. Young people are taller but they do not tower over their parents. Height in the UK is increasing steadily but slowly. Younger generations are reaching adult height at an earlier age though. Whereas 50 yrs ago a 15 yr old boy might grow several inches nowadays many boys of this age are virtually fully grown. This might help to give the impression of a race of giants among young people.
Elio said on 25/Sep/06
my apologies... I thought when you said 6'2" was normal that you were implying it was within average height.
I would say that you have an unusually tall group of friends.
Anonymous said on 25/Sep/06
Schnitzerlferk, most of the guys you go to college with are over 6'3''. Well you must be at basketball college then. Average height for young men in the UK would be around 5'10''. Young British people are taller than older generations but the Brits haven't had the big jump in height that the Dutch have had.
Diddy said on 25/Sep/06
I think 5ft10 is considered about average for a bloke, so anything above is tall, and anything below is short. My husband is 6ft2, and I consider him tall. Mind you, I´m just tipping 5ft on a good day, so most people are tall COMPARED to me, but that doesn´t make them all tall. Whichever way you look at it though, there´s no denying that I`m short!! I would say Hammond is short for a bloke, but perfectly formed!!
Schnitzerlferk said on 24/Sep/06
I never said that 6'2" was considered average, i said it was considered a normal human height, in the 1950's my dad used to get comments like "hows the weather up there?" and "its not natural to be that big"
Today he now gets "youre big, but theres way bigger out there"
you dont gawk at 6'2" people in the streets, they are run of the mill people you see everyday-i certainly do.
From my knowledge britains average male is 5'11.5", i know it used to be along the 5'10"-5'11" range but it is ever changing and increasing.
I would consider 6'0" above average
6'2" is tall
6'4" is very tall
6'6"+ is huge
Shwinch said on 24/Sep/06
In today's Times, Clarkson describes him a 5'6: "A man who'd just learnt that actually the cure for being 5ft 6in is not to be on television all the time."
Schnitzerlferk said on 24/Sep/06
Click Here
He's 5'7"
james is 6ft, 6'1" max
jeremy is strange in that he sometimes looks 6'5", and could even push 6'6", but then ive seen him near some celebrities which makes him look like 6'2", id just say a good nice average 6'4" and a possible 6'5" would do him nicely.
5'7" for a male IS short.
The male average in britain right now is 5'11.5"
In other words, 6ft isnt technically actually that tall.
Its only 1/2" above average.
Most of the guys at college i go to are over 6'3", and some are nearly 6'10"
I myself am at a very weak 6'1/2" and feel very short all the time, i look up even to some females.
Generations are getting a LOT taller, and back in the 50's people used to stare wildly at anyone above 6'2" and you used to have to need custom made clothes, nowadays 6'2" is considered quite normal and nothing much to brag about.
emily said on 23/Sep/06
being vertically challenged myself i don't see what all the fuss is about! 5'7''s not small!
Joe said on 22/Sep/06
I watch Top Gear quite a lot, and i'd say Hammond is 5'6. Clarkson is 6'5 but could be just under. I reckon James May's height is more of the 5'11/6'0 mark. He's not any taller and he's definitely NOT 6'2 as he's listed as.