How tall is Rob Paul

Rob Paul's Height

5ft 8 ⅛ (173 cm)

I created in 2004 as an entertainment site about Celebrity Height. I measure 5ft 8 ⅛in at night, which is usually about the height I am in most photos with celebrities. In 2019, first thing in the morning, I measure around 5ft 8 ⅞in. For some height-related videos check out my Youtube channel. As of January 2023 I measure close to 5ft 8.25 (173.3cm) at lunchtime and in this Video you can see my current weight.

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Average Guess (1192 Votes)
5ft 8.35in (173.6cm)
Editor Rob said on 1/Jan/25
Happy New Year to all visitors to CelebHeights!

Wishing you good fortune and a peaceful 2025
Darksol64 said on 6/Dec/24
I'm a 187cm or weak 6'2 guy legit barefoot at my normal low just before bed and I can tell you where I live in the U.S. I feel like a half-giant when I wear my 2 inch extra thick running shoes to basically look 6'3 in public. I'd say it's certainly no more than 15% of guys I come across that would measure a real 6 ft.

Sorry to all the 6'0 claimers out there.... measuring 6'0 in your shoes in the morning is a far cry from a legit 6 ft.

As far as what a legit 6 ft actually is....I'd say it's a barefoot morning time measurement -no less- than 6'0 and 1/2. You might measure a quarter under at your low, but to me it's close enough. Only measuring 6 ft first thing in the morning is a very weak 6 ft. I would just claim 5'11 and most people would be surprised and say you look 6 ft anyway with all the fake height claims out there. Wear thick shoes they will think you're 6'2.
c-mo 176-177cm said on 6/Dec/24

6'8 is far from perfect lol . 5'11 - 6'0 IS the perfect height . i have analysed height for a long time and i can say that i am sure that 5'11 and 6'0 barefeet are perfection

6'0 is above average by the way . even for young european guys it is stil above average . average height for a young european is about 178 - 179 cm at night or so . at 183cm you are 4-5cm above that

and in the rest of the world except 1 african tribe you are legit tall

it is so sad that you want to do the surgery even though you are 6'0 . wtf . dont do this to yourself please

you have to come to your senses man
ConnorS-6'0 said on 6/Dec/24
Well guys, i have been to my appointment, but I didn't get my answer yet. I only got weighed, had my height measured and i had my blood pressure checked. I have got another appointment that has been arranged. So i will have to wait just a little bit longer until I find out if I can have the surgery or not.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 6/Dec/24
Emil Well, im still asking for the surgery today at the doctors. I want it so its worth it to me. You cant change my mind, its pointless trying to.
Editor Rob
I'd be shocked if the NHS are going to sanction leg-lengthening for a 6ft man.

They are more likely to arrange a psychology assessment.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 6/Dec/24
@viper No, it's not. Not even close. 🤣
ConnorS-6'0 said on 6/Dec/24
FiveNine Finally, thankyou! At least you get it. Everyone else here is just plain delusional. Im not being rude everyone, im just stating the facts. Im sorry if you do take offence to what i said. Im merely pointing out that 6ft isn't tall, that's all. It really is just average, not as average as 5ft 9 and 5ft 10 no, but it's still average, and as soon as you realise that the better.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 6/Dec/24
@Rapha I wouldn't say that, 1.5 inches between us is a solid enough difference. If you're still trying to convince me that im tall aswell, then im sorry to say this but you're failing. Im not tall and i never will be, being 6ft just doesn't cut it anymore. You need to get with the times. Its no longer tall, more like upper average now, but still average regardless. It had its heyday back in the 30s and 40s and in the 1800s, but 6ft is just a very normal looking average height now. It blends in perfectly with a crowd of people. If i was tall then i would be towering over most people, i clearly don't. I can see 6ft being bang on average height in the 2030s, since guys are constantly getting taller with good genetics, healthy diet and nutrition. Anyway, as for your height, i would say it is just about when tall starts. Strong 6'1" range to 6'2" is officially when tall starts. Idk man, i really think 1.5 inches is enough to differentiate the two heights. The shorter height is barely above average and the taller one is clearly tall. I don't look tall next to even you either, its pathetic. 6'0" just doesn't look it at all, proportion wise aswell. Click Here
Rapha said on 6/Dec/24
ConnorS-6'0 said on 3/Dec/24
@Canson I'm sorry lol but i really don't look tall with you, because I'm clearly not.

@Connor: The point you need to understand is that Canson is by unievrsal standards considered very tall. You are certainly noticeably shorter than him but that does not mean that you are not tall, you are just not very tall.
bmb said on 5/Dec/24
@Rob Which seems more common now here: full-inch integers or half-inch integers?
Editor Rob
That's something I've never calculated, but there is a fairly high percentage of fractional listings on here.
Canson said on 5/Dec/24
@Connor: that’s right at eyebrow level. That’s above avg.

No disrespect but you should probably find some interests other than just hejght anbd stop obsessing over it and work toward improving what you can control because you’ll drive yourself crazy. You being artificially taller isn’t going to make things better in life. I am what I am and am content but if I were 6’ I’d have to
Embrace it. You can alter footwear to add a fraction, use glucosamine, and build your body.
Gerald S said on 5/Dec/24
Rob, judging by the many celebheights I shout on here, would you call me an expert at judging heights?
Editor Rob
I would agree with a fairly high percentage of guesses, at least within a small margin of error.

The more you see/watch, the greater knowledge you can have on celebrity height.
Rapha said on 5/Dec/24
Cbrady said on 3/Dec/24
I truly don't believe the proportion of men who measure a solid 183 cm at night is as high as 30 percent. Many 6 claimers will drop to 5-11.5 to 5.11.75 range and will pass for the 6 mark. As Rob says there are just as many 5.11.5 guys as there are 6 foot guys.

@cbrady I agree with you that not many guys will be 183 cm as their low evening night, I would say only as posted before 15%. Then of course, it depends of what is the definition is of a legit and accurate 183 cm guy. If it is a guy that has an average of morning and evening height of 183 cm, or gets measured at the doctors around 10 or 11 clock in the morning at 183 cm, then we might have a slightly higher percentage of maybe around 20% of all males that reach this height.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 5/Dec/24
There are some countries where I would be considered tall, like Japan and China. but they are few and far between. Everywhere else my height is average. There's nothing anyone can say that will negate that, your argument is weak, no offence guys.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 5/Dec/24
@c-mo 176-177cm And my height is NOT perfect, its imperfect. Perfect height for me is 6ft 8, im not joking, im actually being serious. I loved being close to that height in my platform boots.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 5/Dec/24
@c-mo 176-177cm I have always felt inadequate at my height, mate. Its got absolutely nothing to do with your comment. And i apologise for insulting you btw, i was out of order. Im a bad person, you've got nothing to apologise for. Nah, you have helped me open my eyes to reality. You're right, i was deluded when i used to think 6ft was tall. I saw for myself that its clearly not. 6ft is above average, barely, though. It still belongs in the average height category because again i get a lot of guys the same height as me. I don't think even 6ft 1 is tall either, but its tallish. Legit tall starts at 6ft 2. And i am ugly, im foul.
Emil said on 4/Dec/24

I'm also 6'0 and a fraction like you, and whilst I wouldn't mind another inch or two, limb lengthening ain't worth the risk. Even with the best surgeons there's a palpable risk of a fatal outcome. Consider it carefully, bro
viper said on 4/Dec/24
Most guys are under 6-0. Its tall
Average Capricorn said on 4/Dec/24
Hey Rob. Am I technically lying if I round up my afternoon height (5'7.5) to 5'8? It's a weird height because I can claim 5'7.5 but it kind of sounds insecure. 5'8 sounds casual but not accurate? Lol.
Tarif the Majesty said on 4/Dec/24
Hey Rob Sir, I saw the video where you say you're famous and I would say you are. According to AI chatbots, you have an estimated reach and influence of 10 M-50 M people irl and online. That's really amazing! Considering Andrew Tate is probably within the range of 100-200 M people.
Editor Rob
The website definitely had several hundred million visits over 20 years!

Just wish I could have done more conventions over the last few years, I miss them.
Tarif the Majesty said on 4/Dec/24
Sir, I can barely fit in my dad's Sonic LT car. My knees hit the dashboard and head almost hits the roof (1-2" apart). What height range would you guess someone that size? I remember some people here guessing my height at 6'6" before the videos. I entered in various AI chatbots what my height would be because of that and they said around 6'6-8". What say? I have a friend whose 6'1.75" and he's 3.5" or more inches shorter in pics with me.
Editor Rob
I dn't think we have that car here in Scotland, but remember if somebody is carrying extra weight, there's a greater chance of sitting height being affected.
FiveNine said on 4/Dec/24
Connor is right about 6foot tall dudes not really being looked at as tall.
My 6’0” friends are definitely in my height category.
To be honest when I have
to look up at someone over 6’1” — being 5’9” then becomes a reality.
Being over 6’1” is definitely more of a genuine tall height.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 4/Dec/24
@Arch Stanton I'm hideous enough already. There's no point in worrying about my legs looking too long and disproportionate for my body when i already look awful naturally. If anything, having longer legs would look better on me, at least to me. My legs aren't even that long for my height, which just makes my height of 6ft even more terrible.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 4/Dec/24
Arch Stanton said on 3/Dec/24
"Ah, according to Official Health of the Nation figures, the number of British men over six feet tall is increasing. The data indicates that around 30 percent of men under 25 in Britain are already surpassing the 6-foot mark." Under 25s maybe, but if you stopped and measured 1000 guys barefoot in a city street the idea that 300 of them will be over 6 ft seems outrageous to me.

Idk, it doesn't seem so outrageous to me. I've seen loads of guys over 6'0" and loads that are the same height as me or slightly taller. So 6'0" is still an average height. There's no way that 6'0" is taller than 90% of the world male population, that's incredibly inaccurate. If that was the case, then I would be taller than most people I see. I'm clearly not taller than most people. And I have already proved that 6'0" is average in 12 countries, and you want to tell me that my height is taller than most guys on the planet? Lol give me a break! Plus, it's not even average in the Netherlands. Again, the average height there is 6'0.5", so I would actually be considered somewhat short there. Give up mate, you're fighting a losing battle.
Rapha said on 4/Dec/24
@Connor. I live in a country where the average height for males is slightly higher for males than in the UK. I am 4 cm taller than you and I measure around lunch 6 ft 1.5 inches barefoot or 187 cm. I feel in most settings tall. In a big event or gathering, i belong usually to the tallest people ( in comparison mainly with men between 30 and 50).

Obviously, there are men taller than me but i am very rarely towered by another man. The point I want to make is that we have a total different way of perceiving our height. I am not so much taller than you and you can not tell me that the 4 cm height difference between us make such a big difference in perception.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 3/Dec/24
@Canson I'm sorry lol but i really don't look tall with you, because I'm clearly not. Click Here
Abdul-177 said on 3/Dec/24

We will welcome you with open arms once you return
ConnorS-6'0 said on 3/Dec/24
@Canson Btw its very strange that you consider me tall, especially since you're 6ft 4 and I'm much shorter than you. lol Most guys you're height wouldn't think im tall compared to them. Also, i dont need a psychiatrist. I just need the surgery, and hopefully it will go ahead, fingers crossed.
Abdul-177 said on 3/Dec/24
Jawilder said on 1/Dec/24
Hey Abdul! I’m doing great! Hope all is well with you. Maybe a return in the near future. Tell everybody I said hi.

Thank you so much for asking, I am doing well. I hope you will return , we all have missed you a lot!

I will tell them. Have a good day my friend😀
Rapha said on 3/Dec/24
Hi Rob

I was curious about one thing. As we all know, after a full night sleep of lets say 10 hours, we are at our maximum height in the morning. Let's assume that one person will remain in bed for 48 hours and be lying in bed the whole time. Would that person after coming out of bed after 48 hours be taller than if that person would be lying in bed for only 10 hours? In case that is the case, how much taller would that person be after remaining 2 full days in bed rather than only 10 hours?
Editor Rob
I've never tested a duration that long, I remember about 15 hours being something I've tested before and really didn't go beyond my usual max morning height.
c-mo 176-177cm said on 3/Dec/24
i wonder if connor thinks the way he does because of one of some my comments in the past . i said that 6'0 is above average but not quite tall yet and said that you are deluded if you think 6'0 is tall . when connor read this he insulted me heavily and got banned if i remember right . well i shouldnt have used the word deluded so that was my fault . and i hope i have not make connor feel inadequate about being 6'0

6'0 is above average even for young european men . and it is a perfect height . 5'11 and 6'0 are the best heights in my eyes .

they are the most aesthetic heights and you are a little above average while maintaining good face and body proportions.

the best looking male celebs in the world are around 5'11 - 6'0 . Leonardo Dicaprio , George Clooney , Jamie Dornan to just name a few

also connor you are not ugly at all what are you talking about dude . you are decent looking

you look decent and have a perfect height . you shouldnt complain
Henrik said on 3/Dec/24
ConnorS-6'0 said on 30/Nov/24
Men who are 6'0" are dwarfed by 6'4" men and taller.

Well, maybe, but 6ft 4 Adam Baldwin called David Boreanaz who is 6ft 0.5 a big guy who he couldn't dominate...
Henrik said on 3/Dec/24

I never had leg lengthening surgery. The orthopaedic surgery that I had was in my elbow.

I guess that I can somewhat relate to how you feel if your stepfather is 6ft 5. At 6ft 2 I have to admit that I've always felt a tad disappointed that I didn't reach 6ft 4 which is the height of my uncle. When I was a teenager, I sort of had this obsession of going to websites on the internet that claimed you could grow taller with certain stretching exercises before your growth plants had fused. I never did the exercises but I'm fairly certain they dont work. Or else they would be recommended by doctors, obviously.

On the other hand, I know someone who is 6ft 4 and says that he would rather be 6ft to 6ft 2.
Cbrady said on 3/Dec/24
I truly don't believe the proportion of men who measure a solid 183 cm at night is as high as 30 percent. Many 6 claimers will drop to 5-11.5 to 5.11.75 range and will pass for the 6 mark. As Rob says there are just as many 5.11.5 guys as there are 6 foot guys.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 3/Dec/24
@Rory People already laugh at me anyway, even before i started hating my height and wanting the surgery. Im a joke and i always have been.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 3/Dec/24
@Rapha The height percentile calculator is BS and inaccurate. There's no way I'm taller than 85% of males, more like 55% or 60%. I see an equal amount of guys my height and guys who are taller than me. I know you're trying to make me feel better about myself, but it's not working. My height is crap, end of.
Pirate7 said on 3/Dec/24
Rob, if my mouth level is 171.5cm at night, what would you expect me to measure as my height at morning? Thank you a lot if you answer to this!
Editor Rob
I'd have thought near 190-191 range, but it depends on your head size.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 3/Dec/24
Here's a youtube video debunking the claim that 6ft is 'tall'. Even he says its just above average and not tall. Click Here
James B 172cm said on 3/Dec/24
Rob would you say 168 pounds at 5ft8 with low body and decent muscle is really hard to achieve?
Editor Rob
For some it will be easier than others...At your height and age you'll have a better chance of that than me.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Dec/24
"Ah, according to Official Health of the Nation figures, the number of British men over six feet tall is increasing. The data indicates that around 30 percent of men under 25 in Britain are already surpassing the 6-foot mark." Under 25s maybe, but if you stopped and measured 1000 guys barefoot in a city street the idea that 300 of them will be over 6 ft seems outrageous to me.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Dec/24
I don't know where you're getting the 30% figure Connor, no way are 3 out of every 10 random guys in an average street over 6 ft barefoot in the UK. Click Here This says 6 ft is taller than about 90% of the world male population. In the US 14.5% of men are taller than 6 ft. That seems more accurate to me. In the UK I would say 6 ft is taller than about 90% of all people.

If you could pay £50,000 and be Kevin Nash the rest or your life, I would understand it, but height is a natural and proportionate thing. I don't understand how strapping on a pair of Peter Crouch legs would make you happy. Your legs will look hideously out of proportion with your body. There are very few people who are over 6 ft 7 who look good even in proportion, I can only think of Michael Crichton, Kevin Nash and Brad Garrett, Joonas, that Dutch giant guy and Mark Easton who look good in the giant range of heights!
ConnorS-6'0 said on 3/Dec/24
Here's some definitive proof that 6ft isn't tall, comparing it to two other average heights 5ft 9 and 5ft 10, 6ft still does look average there. Even next to a 5ft 5 woman, its nothing outstanding. Its not tall at all. Click Here Click Here
Tarif the Majesty said on 3/Dec/24
Sir, I did what you told me to do this morning and here's what I found: My eye level clears 5'8" range easily into 5'9". Maybe 5'9.25" max.. With bad posture, by the way. So, I'm looking to be 6'1.75"-2.25" (187-189 cm) tall with bad posture (my usual posture). And with good or decent posture, my eye level clears 5'10", into 5'10.25". Maybe 5'10.5" max.. Assuming 4.75-5" is the average eye level length of a tall guy 6'2" and above. So I might be 6'3-3.5" (191-192 cm) in the morning. 6'2.75" would be a good lunchtime claim.
Editor Rob
Go with that claim then and sell your stadiometer! Stick to the tape measure and envelope method.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 3/Dec/24
@James B 172cm I don't even talk to anyone anymore mate, let alone women, only people on Celebheights. I've cut myself off from everyone, even my family.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 3/Dec/24
@James B 172cm No, I'm actually almost underweight for my height. I just weighed myself now, im currently 10 stone 5lbs 3/4. And yes it is my looks. Im that ugly i look like Shrek, and I'm not a good person either.

@Abdul-177 I compare myself to all humans. Yes, 6'0" is only very, very slightly above average, but its still average overall regardless. Anyone who says its tall is deluded. I dont even tower over most people, only the elderly, women and short guys, but that's only a very small percentage. Most people nowadays are either average height themselves, or are way over 6'0" and that is the truth. A 6 footer doesn't even stand out in the crowd, so how tf is it tall? Lol it doesn't even look tall either. Tall starts at 6'2", tallish is 6'1" and 6'0" is just very slightly above average, but is still in the average height category, just at the high end.
viper said on 2/Dec/24
95 is closer to deaths door. Lol 85 is like the new 75
Rory said on 2/Dec/24
Leg lengthening at 6ft is absurd really. I can kind of agree with the idea that 6ft isn't tall, in the west now it is more upper average I'd say for the under forties..but still at 6ft your height isn't an obstacle to a happy/healthy life...your personality,your lifestyle,your choices,your appearance might need to change but your height doesn't. Let's face it there's guys out there at 5ft8/9 or 10 with money,success,women,fulfilment,intellect and confidence whod just laugh at you for your imaginary ailment at only being 6ft.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 2/Dec/24
I just read an article that says back in 2020 the average height for men in the UK has increased to 5ft 10, no longer 5ft 9 if that was ever true in the first place. And even the person who wrote this article doubts that 6ft is tall. And if what he/she said is true about 5ft 10 being the new average height overall, then that means 5ft 11 is the new average height for the young generation, which just proves my point once again that 6ft is definitely not tall, not even tallish either. Its only above average by a microscopic amount, 6ft is a nothing height. For those of you who aren't 6ft and really wish you could be 6ft, you're not missing out on anything. Its nothing special, its just bland. But seriously guys, just give it up. 6ft isnt tall, overall its just average, period. Anyway, here's the article: Click Here
Rapha said on 2/Dec/24
@connor : I have just typed your height in the height percentage for males in the UK and at 183 cm you are taller than 85% of males. Only 15% of males are taller than you and you want to tell me that you are not tall in the UK?
ConnorS-6'0 said on 2/Dec/24
@Duckman If you drop to 182.5cm in the afternoon, then i would say claiming almost 6'0 as your height would be more accurate, or 5'11 7/8. Having an extreme low of 181.8cm definitely puts you in the weak/almost 6'0 category.
James B 172cm said on 2/Dec/24
Connor are you overweight? Weight loss can enhance your looks
James B 172cm said on 2/Dec/24
ConnorS-6'0 said on 1/Dec/24
@Arch Stanton Also, i don't think women would even be interested in talking to me as not only i have a painfully mediocre average height, I am quite ugly aswell. It's fine, though. I don't even want a girlfriend anyway. I prefer being single

It's not your looks man it's your attitude to why women don't speak to you
Abdul-177 said on 2/Dec/24
ConnorS-6'0 said on 1/Dec/24
@Rapha I'm from the UK, 6'0" is NOT tall here, believe me. At most, it is only very slightly above average, nothing significant at all. Most of the time, it's solidly average.

Do you compare your height to whites or to all humans ?

For a white guy 6’0 is really not tall, I’d agree with you. It’s above average.

But if you compare your height to all humans from your town, you might feel tall by that logic.
Tarif the Majesty said on 1/Dec/24
Sir, what height should I claim? According to that video you saw of me recently, how tall do I look? 6'3"? 6'4"? 6'2", even? Shorter or taller? What's your verdict? People like to get under my skin about my height. And they are allowed to disagree with my claims if they feel I am shorter or taller! But, I just need a number to claim. They are claiming because of that stadiometer measurement I got at 5'8.625", I am a weak 5'9".But, against, the wall, I measure much taller. As you can see with how I stack up against the wall, full body. My mouth hits just above the 5'7" mark making me 6'3" range. What say, Sir? I don't mind being short or tall. It doesn't matter to me. All I know is that I am tall and my height is above average by a great amount. I also don't like height bullying. I'd still be a happy person short. In fact, there would be less people who are jealous of my height and want to diminish it. So, if I was short, there would be less criticism on that front and thus, more happiness. It's probably because of the stereotypes of being a tall male especially as a Bengali that people try to knock me for my height. Which is fine. I understand why, though.Stereotypes and all...
Editor Rob
Take a tape measure from the floor to your eyes. If you genuinely see close to 5ft 10 in front of you, then go with 6ft 2.75 as your claim.
Jawilder said on 1/Dec/24
Hey Abdul! I’m doing great! Hope all is well with you. Maybe a return in the near future. Tell everybody I said hi.
Ellis said on 1/Dec/24
Haven't been on here in awhile haha. I was curious if people on here generally get guessed at heavier or lighter than they really are. I'm 6'7 and right around 215 lbs at the moment lean (12-13% bodyfat). People almost always guess me as heavier than I really am, usually in the 225-235lb range.
Editor Rob
I don't really hear much weight-guessing in person.
Canson said on 1/Dec/24
@Arch: what Connor doesn’t realize is too much of anything isn’t a good thing. That includes height. I’m good with being 6’4” but I don’t have any advantages over a 6’1-6’2 guy really. I’m just accustomed to being this height at almost 43. But I do have friends 6’5+, 6’6 and 6’7 and the taller ones have complained. The 6’7 wears his well. Very well built and he’s back in gym at 45. But he even told me once in college that it’s too tall outside of playing basketball. The 6’6 wishes he were my height. He said it’s too tall and he wears flats and slouches a lot enough to where I am eye level with him and even taller in thick footwear and orthotics I wear at times. He said same thing that he’s banged his head wearing boots in places where low doorways esp earlier in the day I’d assume since 6’6-6’6 1/8 is his low and he wakes around 6’7 or just under. You bring up interesting points with Connor tho. Maybe that’s what it’s about. But aside from the doctors telling him no (more than likely to the surgery) he won’t like the outcome esp when it’s artificial like that and comes with more risks than benefits (any surgery does) and this type isn’t necessary. He should see a psychologist or psychiatrist instead to address it with them and maybe he’d think differently. They may look at him and see a bigger issue and work to address that instead. But as far as aesthetics, Better approach is to build his body to where he can stand out that way
ConnorS-6'0 said on 1/Dec/24
@Rapha I'm from the UK, 6'0" is NOT tall here, believe me. At most, it is only very slightly above average, nothing significant at all. Most of the time, it's solidly average.
Georget said on 1/Dec/24
Rob please could you tell me how tall the lady on the right is ? She is with Kim Catrall Click Here
Editor Rob
Barefoot I'd expect her to be an inch smaller.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 1/Dec/24
@Arch Stanton Also, i don't think women would even be interested in talking to me as not only i have a painfully mediocre average height, I am quite ugly aswell. It's fine, though. I don't even want a girlfriend anyway. I prefer being single.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 1/Dec/24
@Arch Stanton My stepdad was actually closer to 6'5" when he was younger, might have been a weak 6'5" tbh, maybe 6'4.5". He's 59 years old now, and he looks like he has lost some height. He looks 6'3.5" nowadays. And yeah, in the past we didn't have the best relationship, but we get on with each other better now. And I really do appreciate everyone's concern about me getting the surgery, but I'm sorry, there's nothing anyone can say to me that will change my mind. As I said before, I'm already aware of the risks. I still want the surgery regardless. There's no point in living life being insecure and unhappy. So yeah, you got to do what makes you happy.

@Rapha My mum doesn't necessarily agree with me having this surgery, but she said she will support me. But my dad is heavily against it, and he's desperately trying to talk me out of it. It's not going to happen unfortunately, he's going to have to get used to it.
dreus23 said on 1/Dec/24
I know long-term stretching tends to make you measure taller due to better posture, but wouldn't short-term stretching with post-exercise soreness and whatnot make you temporarily measure shorter?
Editor Rob
It's something I think needs testing!
Rapha said on 1/Dec/24
@Connor. I do not know in which world you are living but even in the Netherlands or in Bosnia, your height would be average but those countries have the highest average height in the world.

In any other western countries, you will be considered tall and not even
to mention countries in Asia or in Latin America where you will be borderline very tall.

Of course, if you compare yourself to basketball players, then you would be considered short but you should obviously know that those group of people belong to the tallest population overall so it is not an acurate guide of reference.

I have the impression that you want to be over 2 m because you think that your insecurities in life will go away but I highly doubt it.

I know someone who is 212 cm tall and he has the same insecurities and anxieties than anyone else. He told me that he often gets annoyed by people that always stare at him. He has also some back issues.

It is your decision to do the surgery but I would really think twice about it. Btw, what are your relatives saying about the leg lengthening surgery?
MD said on 1/Dec/24
A general observation, but it's been interesting/fascinating having been here awhile to witness a change of culture over time. I noticed since you've been back, the push here is to add height to celebrities. I'm not sure if it's a good trend, but it is a different one. lol
ConnorS-6'0 said on 30/Nov/24
For those of you who still want to insist that 6'0" is 'tall'. Need I remind you that 30% of American men and British men are taller than that, 30% is quite a big percentage, much larger than you think. Id argue that the percentage might be even 40%. The satistical data on average height might not quite be as accurate as what we were led to believe. And again, 6'0" is only tall around 5'7" men and shorter, and around women which most of them range to 5'3" (maybe even shorter than that) to 5'5", and elderly people which from what I saw not many of them are tall or even average.

Its not an opinion but rather an objective fact that 6'0" for a man is just a mediocre height. Seriously, it's really not tall, just solidly average. Its maybe very slightly above average at best, even that is a bit of a stretch. 6'0" is barely taller than 5'9" and 5'10" men. Men who are 6'0" are dwarfed by 6'4" men and taller. It makes no sense to say 6'0" is tall, there's a lot of men taller than that. Especially a lot of the young generation which are taller than 6'0". Its definitely not tall in the Netherlands, the average height for men there is actually 6'0.5", not 6'0". And for those people who say 6'0" is never short no matter where you go is blatantly false. It is just below average in the Netherlands, so it is at least somewhat short. Even in the UK and America 6'0" can definitely be short sometimes. There are many other countries which has an average height of 6'0" such as South Sudan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Denmark, Norway, Serbia, Germany, Croatia, Slovenia and Czech. Need I go on? But yes, even here in the UK its common to see men taller than 6'0" that range from 6'4" to 6'5", so at that point in time you would certainly feel short. Again in my personal experience, when i was walking around Doncaster in the town centre, and in other places like York and Sheffield, I saw a significant amount of guys taller than me. The large percentage of taller men definitely outweighs the percentage of men that are shorter than me, which only reinforces the fact that 6'0" is not tall. It is delusion to think otherwise.

Moreover, societal standards change over time. While historical data might suggest that heights were lower in previous decades (e.g., during the early to mid-20th century), modern nutrition and health advancements have contributed to increases in average heights across generations.

Height trends show that younger generations tend to be taller than their predecessors due to improved nutrition and health care. Studies have literally indicated that there has been a gradual increase in average heights over the last century. For instance, research published by various health organizations indicates that boys born today are likely to be taller than those born several decades ago.

As i said before, 6'0" used to be tall back in the 1930's and 1940's, but nowadays not anymore. It's clear as day that people are getting taller and the average height has increased. Heights such as 6'2" and 6'3", even 6'4" are much better than 6'0". I still stand by what I said, especially about 6'0 being mediocre and that it's not a particularly tall height. So what I said does hold some truth. 6'0" really isn't this great golden height that everyone or at least most people think it is, it's vastly overrated and I literally proved it.
Arch Stanton said on 30/Nov/24
Isn't your stepdad 6 ft 6 Connor? I suspect that might be one of the underlying causes of your obsession with being very tall. Was he intimidating or belittling to you or something? I can understand being around a man that tall a lot feeling that 6 ft is short, but obviously 6 ft 6 is quite rare and you should be taller than about 90% of people.
Arch Stanton said on 30/Nov/24
Connor, when you're 85 and on death's door and looking back at your life, do you think you'll still regret not being 6 ft 8, not getting the leg surgery, or wishing you could have just accepted being around 6 ft and lived a good, productive life? Keep in mind that leg health is vital for good cardio vascular and brain health, being able to walk regularly and stay in good health is so important, you'd be crippling yourself for what?? To look an ungaily height and stand out in public as a sort of circus freak? You'll never walk properly again with that surgery and surely be in constant pain. Would your world be magically great if you were 6 ft 8? I doubt it. Work on your physical health/buffing up, eating better etc and with better self-esteem you might worry less about your height and might find nobody really cares if you're very tall or not! Ask most women what they think an ideal height for a guy is and I reckon 6 ft would be the most common answer!
Gianni 5' 7 said on 30/Nov/24
Hi Rob! My height first thing in the morning is 170.5 cm. 3 hours awake I'm 169.5 and at night I fall down to 168.9. Should I be considered a strong 5 ft 6 or a weak 5 ft7? Also, you'd say my height is short or just shortish for Italy? Thank you very much
Abdul-177 said on 29/Nov/24
c-mo 176-177cm said on 22/Nov/24

leg lengthening surgery at 6'0 ? wtf O_o

6'0 is a perfect height . and it is not short at all . it is actually above average

dont do it mate

at 6'0 you will be taller than a good amount of men . but you dont have to be taller than most men anyway . it is not about being the tallest guy around you know. a height is not any less perfect when you dont tower other men . you dont need to be insecure at 6'0 . you should rather be thankful to be 6'0 . i am 5'9.25 evening and i dont feel short . and if i could choose a height to be it would be either 5'11 or 6'0

work on your insecurities instead . the surgery is expensive and the process afterwards is painful and draining . and if i am not wrong it is very typical to have athletic problems afterwards . for example you will not be able to run well anymore if i remember right ..i think i read this somewhere

dont do this to yourself


At 177 cm I feel decent despite being lower than the average person in Denmark. I can also admit that my height is good.
Abdul-177 said on 29/Nov/24
Hi Jesse/Jawilder. What happened . We all miss you from our group

Please return
Duckman said on 28/Nov/24
Hi Rob, I’m 184cm soon as I wake up, then float around 183.2 to 182.5 for most of the day, and my absolute minimum measurement after an active day walking about is 181.8, so would 6ft be a reasonable claim?

Furthermore I’m 19 and grew about a centimetre within the past year, do you think I would reach a 183cm minimum height or higher?
Editor Rob
You might have just got a last little boost at 19, so if there's anything left in terms of growth, take it as a bonus. You'll definitely look a six footer to the majority of people, so claiming it is fair.
Cobra 5'9.5" said on 28/Nov/24

Hi Rob! Nice to see that the comments are back. Do you think 5'9.5" could be closer to the average height for the younger generation?
Editor Rob
From my observations in bigger cities/towns in Scotland recently (I've not been out the country for 5 years now!) the younger generation seems to average closer to 5ft 10 than 9.
reachjtm said on 28/Nov/24
Happy Thanksgiving to Rob and all the other posters here!
Andrea said on 28/Nov/24
dreus, I did think Will could have been close to 5'11 at first on The White Lotus, but from seeing him with other celebrities, I really wouldn't go over 5'10.5 and I can actually see anywhere in 5'10-5'10.5, maybe right in that 178-9 range... As for Hechinger, I do remember thinking he didn't look over 5'6 on the show, and with others I'd still say he can look 5'5-5'6 a lot, more than anything over 5'6!
Alex 6'5 said on 28/Nov/24
@Robbe thanks for showing me that picture of Mika Törrö and Robert Helenius. What do you think how tall Törrö is?
ConnorS-6'0 said on 28/Nov/24
@Rapha Also, i strongly disagree with 6'0" being a 'great' height. It's a very flawed and imperfect OK height, just OK, neither good or bad.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 28/Nov/24
@Rapha Yeah I'm not very tall, im not even just quite tall, just average or very slightly above average at best, even that is pushing it. I want to be very tall so I can feel comfortably tall everywhere I go and not feel inadequate to taller people anymore. So being 6'8" would definitely minimize the likelihood of me finding someone taller! Only 1% of men would be taller than me, that's basically it. Also, the other reason i want to be 6'8" is so I can cosplay as Darth Vader and be more accurate as I'm too short at just 6'0". If I have the leg lengthening surgery to become 6'8" then I wouldn't need to wear platform boots for the costume anymore. It would definitely help me with my insecurities as i wouldn't need to wear then anymore for going out in public either.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 28/Nov/24
#Jawilder Why do I need to be banned? I've done nothing wrong.
c-mo 176-177cm said on 27/Nov/24
James B 172cm said on 24/Nov/24
A near 5ft8 I can feel tall amongst other men occasionally


interesting . me at 5'9.25 evening height i have been called "big strong man" 3 times in the last couple of years . 2 times in the (same) hospital when they wanted to give me a medication that i was worried of . they meant that my body can handle it because i am apperently a "tall strong (i am buff thats why i guess) man" . one nurse said it who was like 5'6 and one male nurse who is 6'2 . it surprised me that a 6'2 man calls me that . but of course i know that they said it primarily to take away my worries of taking the med . but hey ...would they have said the same if i was 5'5 ? i dont think so

and one time the exact same thing my female boss said on work when she asked me to carry something

i dont think i am tall but i do think that a legit strong 5'9 range man with a broad body frame can be seen as slightly tallish at times under certain circumstances . and because of height inflation he will be guessed as 5'11 by many people

and i live in germany . you are from UK ? the average height is less in UK than in germany so i guess at your height you might sometimes experience the same thing as me
Progking185 said on 26/Nov/24
@Andrea for some reason going into Gladiator 2 I thought Fred was like 5'11 and didn't know his height. But he looks maybe 5 inches shorter than Joseph Quinn. 5'5.5 possibly. I think most of the cast is in that 5'10-5'11 range though.
dreus23 said on 26/Nov/24

I also think you're lowballing Hechinger a bit. He looks proportionally 5'5 and 4 inches shorter than Mescal but he looks identical to Steve Zahn:

Click Here

Click Here

He looks to have a somewhat big head for his height though, so looking at the back of his head he does tend to look close to 5'7, maybe 5'6.5 with most people

With Harry Lawtey for example:

Click Here
dreus23 said on 26/Nov/24

I think Sharpe could be closer to 5'11 than 5'10

Looks 2 inches taller than heeled (4 inches?) 5'6 listed Meghann Fahy: Click Here

With heeled 5'4 Claire Foy (5'7 in heels perhaps):
Click Here

I thought he could look pretty close to Theo James and only slightly shorter as seen in this shot
Click Here

Easily 4 inches taller than heeled 5'6 Sophia di Martino (with admittedly suspicious footwear):
Click Here

Maybe 5'10.5?
ConnorS-6'0 said on 26/Nov/24
@Rob 6'8" is in the 99.9th percentile i think? Correct me if im wrong.
Editor Rob
Yes, it's a very high figure like that.
Jawilder said on 26/Nov/24
@Rob any chance you can ban Connor again? I don’t think this site is healthy for him at all.
Rapha said on 26/Nov/24
@Connor. 183 cm is a great height for a man and already tall. Nowhere you will go, you will be considered short. It is correct that you are not very tall but why do you want to be very tall?
Rapha said on 26/Nov/24
Hi guys

What is your opinion about a guy that is 187 cm tall or 6ft1.5 inches. Would you say that this guy is solid tall?
Andrea said on 25/Nov/24
"Editor Rob
At the moment that would take me a while to think of."

You can think calmly 🙂
In addition to Will Sharpe, can you add a couple more people I saw in The White Lotus that came to my mind and I think could make a good add?
- Jolene Purdy: she's been in several shows, other than Donnie Darko, and she gets listed around at a very optimistic 5'6, so she definitely needs a more realistic listing somewhere... From a VERY quick look, I'd say 5'2 at the very most.
- Fred Hechinger: recently in Gladiator 2, he definitely looks under his listed 5'7, at most 5'6 with a good chance of 5'5-5'6 from what I've seen.
Btw, to help you out deciding on Will, along with Cumberbatch Click Here , you can also see him with Jesse Eisenberg Click Here and Jamie Campbell Bower Click Here ...
Editor Rob
Surprised Jolene is listed online at 5ft 6, 5ft 2 is certainly closer to the truth!
Gianni 5' 7 said on 25/Nov/24
Hi Rob,
Which height would you consider the cutoff for being short for a young male in the UK? 5 ft 7 or 5 ft 8?
Editor Rob
In terms of average, I'd still say 5ft 7 might be seen by a good chunk of the population as short. I believe once you get to 5ft 6, the vast majority would think of you as short.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 25/Nov/24
@Henrik Thankyou for sharing your experience. Yes I'm well aware that the surgery will be painful, and im mentally prepared for it. I still want it, though. There's nothing anyone can say or do that will change my mind. How tall are you now after getting the surgery? And how tall were you before?
ConnorS-6'0 said on 25/Nov/24
Rob since im almost 6'8" in my platform boots. How likely is it that i will be the tallest person walking about in public?
Editor Rob
You could walk days and not come across somebody taller. Go to a bigger city and the odds increase you'll find somebody that tall more regularly, especially if during commuting hours.
James B 172cm said on 24/Nov/24
A near 5ft8 I can feel tall amongst other men occasionally
Henrik said on 24/Nov/24
ConnorS-6'0 said on 20/Nov/24
I have got a hospital appointment on the 6th of December, and I'll be asking the Doctor or nurse for it. I really hope they will let me have the surgery! Wish me luck!

You say that almost as if insurance or taxpayers universal healthcare (if you're in a country with UHC) would cover for it. A 6ft guy who wants surgery to be 6ft 6 has to be considered cosmetic plastic surgery that ought to be payed out of one's own pocket. Anything else would be sheer madness.

As someone who's had it himself, I feel obliged to warn you that orthopedic surgery is extremely painful. It's supposed to be the most painful surgery there is even. Although I guess it's hard to describe and you won't really know it until you've really felt it. I'm still in pain after two years and I probably will be for as long as I live.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 24/Nov/24
@Rob Also, does that stadiometer i got measured on have a 2mm error? It's the exact same model i measured myself on back in 2015. Should i just accept that measurement or does that put me at exactly 6'0"?
Editor Rob
The only way to truly tell if it's got an error is to get a tape measure beside it.
plastika said on 24/Nov/24
Hi Rob, do you think a guy who's 175cm (technically 174.7cm~175.1cm) would be considered short in the UK and Europe, especially among the younger crowd?
Editor Rob
He's still within average range in his group, but you will find a proportion of people thinking or calling him short. How big a proportion is the question!
ConnorS-6'0 said on 24/Nov/24
Rob, it will be my birthday on Friday. I'll be 30 years old! I know it may be too soon to start worrying about this, but at what age should i worry about shrinking? And if i can't have the surgery, what can i do to decrease height loss? I know i will never be able to prevent shrinking altogether, as that's impossible.
Editor Rob
Just keep physically active, walking and not doing lots of activities that put tremendous strain on your spine. You could make it to your 50's without any loss.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 24/Nov/24
@Canson Well, personally i don't feel tall at 6'0", let alone 'solid' tall, especially with guys my age. It just seems like the average height is increasing, nowadays theres far too many guys over 6'0" for me to feel particularly tall. And i dont even see that many guys shorter than me nowadays. (im from the UK btw) But anyway, to each their own. I got measured at 202cm in my platform boots with lifts. I actually felt good at being almost 6'8"! I dont think it's as bad as people make it out to be, and I'm being serious! I really do think that. Yeah i had to duck under a lot of doorframes, but it wasn't that big of a deal. Infact i much prefer it over my real height! I might even choose to be 6'8" when I have the surgery, that's if they will allow me to have it. We'll see what happens.
Canson said on 23/Nov/24
ConnorS-6'0 said on 20/Nov/24
@Canson I don't agree with that. 6'0" is slightly above average at best. But really, its just solid average. Nowadays, there's just too many guys over 6'0" for me to feel tall. The only time i feel tall is when im around guys that are 5'7" and shorter. But most of the time im seeing a lot of guys that are way taller than 6'0" and some that are my height or slightly taller. There's no way 6'0" is tall today, let alone solid tall! It used to be tall back in the 1930's and 1940's and earlier, but not anymore, though. 6'0" is basically the new 5'10". I have got a hospital appointment on the 6th of December, and I'll be asking the Doctor or nurse for it. I really hope they will let me have the surgery! Wish me luck!

I don’t agree with you Connor on 6’ being avg but to each its own.. A decent strong 6’ looks tall to most. Not short. You’re pretty much there. Just a 1/8” under at night. but Good luck. I will say there are no benefits (other than me being accustomed to being 6’4”) that a 6’4 guy has over 6’0” if not using the height for something. You’re talking about excessive heights like 6’6 or 7. Most guys will say 6’2 is perfect some my size or taller 6’4”. I’m fine with 6’4 myself being used to it and I see near the 6’5 mark (just under it now or right at it at best) out of bed so it’s not bad either but I’ll def take 6’4 over 5. But beyond 6’5 maybe 6’6 the benefits you get from your height begin to peter out. To me 6’5 flat strong 6’5 is really it. In the 6’6 range you have problems if you wear boots etc ducking under doors
Progking185 said on 23/Nov/24
@Connor6'0 6'0 is a great height. at close to 6'1 i feel fairly tall most places, though i would also call you tall. I dont notice much of a difference. But 5'11 range is more slightly above average. Your good
@Canson 6'0 is generally tall but I think "solid" tall is more like 6'2
Rory said on 23/Nov/24
Yh I don't believe those who get leg lengthening truly will find happiness hang up and insecurity will then just be replaced by another and the cycle goes on. At 6ft w,e issues you have in life your height isn't part of it,it's a diversion.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 23/Nov/24
@c-mo 176-177cm I appreciate your concern, but I'm 100% certain it's what i want. I'm still going ahead with it.
ZDA said on 23/Nov/24
Rob would you say 181 cm is tall in uk?
Editor Rob
Tallish, but amongst the younger crowd it's still in solid average-upper average range.
Bandz said on 23/Nov/24
What is the average eye level for taller male?
Editor Rob
Once you get to 6ft 4-5 you are looking at 5 inch being more typical.
Andrea said on 22/Nov/24
I already asked you in the past, Rob, but for every person from the HC which celebrity (amongst the ones you met of course) do you think would measure as close as possible to them? And what about Big Adam, Al and Lewis, and maybe even Josh and yourself?
Editor Rob
At the moment that would take me a while to think of.
c-mo 176-177cm said on 22/Nov/24

leg lengthening surgery at 6'0 ? wtf O_o

6'0 is a perfect height . and it is not short at all . it is actually above average

dont do it mate

at 6'0 you will be taller than a good amount of men . but you dont have to be taller than most men anyway . it is not about being the tallest guy around you know. a height is not any less perfect when you dont tower other men . you dont need to be insecure at 6'0 . you should rather be thankful to be 6'0 . i am 5'9.25 evening and i dont feel short . and if i could choose a height to be it would be either 5'11 or 6'0

work on your insecurities instead . the surgery is expensive and the process afterwards is painful and draining . and if i am not wrong it is very typical to have athletic problems afterwards . for example you will not be able to run well anymore if i remember right ..i think i read this somewhere

dont do this to yourself
ConnorS-6'0 said on 22/Nov/24
@ConnorS-6'0 Oh yeah I've seen that guy before. He's now 6'6" or 6'6.5 I believe? I wonder if that's how tall I will be?
Henrik said on 22/Nov/24
I think someone with an eye level of 180cm should normally be about 192cm tall. I guess they could at most be like 195cm if they would have a really big forehead. You'd come off as shorter than you really are with a low eye level.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 21/Nov/24
@Rob How tall could i end up being when or if i have the surgery?
Editor Rob
There was a guy on the LiveLifeTaller channel who was already close to your height and wanted to become very tall. It's been mentioned on here in the past, Click Here.
Torrinator said on 21/Nov/24

One that stands out to me is Costas Mandylor he went from 5’11” to 5’9 1/4” after Rob met him in person I believe.
Alex 6'5 said on 21/Nov/24
Height inflation seems to have gotten into connors head. 6'0 is definitely still easily above average/tall depending of the country. And by no means can you say that 6'0 is short. Thats pure madness. Instead of the surgery work on your insecurities.
Matt6 said on 21/Nov/24
Hi. What would you say is the maximum height a person could be with 180cm eye level?
Robbe said on 21/Nov/24
@Alex 6'5

Strongman Mika Törrö is nowhere near 6'9. Here he is with 6'6.5 Robert Helenius Click Here
ConnorS-6'0 said on 20/Nov/24
My stadiometer measurement of 2024: Click Here

I wish i could be at least 6'2", 6'3" would be even better.
Editor Rob
6ft is still a tall height in England, a bigg majority of men are sub 6ft than those 6ft or over.
Hicars said on 20/Nov/24
Rob whats your height sonetime after eating a big Thanksgiving meal?!
Editor Rob
I don't think I've noticed anything different after such a big meal. However, if you are sitting on a wooden chair that doesn't have the best ergonomics, that might effect your height a tiny amount after the meal.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 20/Nov/24
Here's me in my Vader costume next to a 6'7" vehicle barrier.

Click Here

Click Here
ConnorS-6'0 said on 20/Nov/24
@Canson I don't agree with that. 6'0" is slightly above average at best. But really, its just solid average. Nowadays, there's just too many guys over 6'0" for me to feel tall. The only time i feel tall is when im around guys that are 5'7" and shorter. But most of the time im seeing a lot of guys that are way taller than 6'0" and some that are my height or slightly taller. There's no way 6'0" is tall today, let alone solid tall! It used to be tall back in the 1930's and 1940's and earlier, but not anymore, though. 6'0" is basically the new 5'10". I have got a hospital appointment on the 6th of December, and I'll be asking the Doctor or nurse for it. I really hope they will let me have the surgery! Wish me luck!
Tarif the Majesty said on 20/Nov/24
In this video, can you analyze my height, Rob sir? I measured at 6'3.5" here. What do you think? Happy International Men's day!

Click Here
Editor Rob
You have to watch your heels, they rise up a bit when measuring. Also, I wold ditch the envelope in favour of a can.
rlheight5'11 said on 19/Nov/24
I hope you’re well, have you seen the email I sent to you?
Editor Rob
I had a look and think I saw a brief one mid september, but nothing else.
Andrea said on 19/Nov/24
"Editor Rob
He looks at least an inch shorter than Dynamo.

Giant guard could be 6ft 7 there."

Is that based on Raphael being 5'5.5 then? If around 5'6, I'd have said at least 6'8 range for the guard at a glance... I mean, would you say a Arie Dekker looks taller with you?
Editor Rob
If Raphael was weak 5ft 6 then yeah I can see the guard that tall. Would say Dekker seems taller in comparison to myself - he does have a longer head than the guard.
Andrea said on 19/Nov/24
At this point I'm kinda afraid to say that, but... glad to see you back, Rob. Again. 😬
In case you've forgotten, can you now take a look at those names I've mentioned last time, especially Murray Bartlett, Will Sharpe and Daniel Ings, who are all definitely worth an add IMO? And I'll also throw in Renate Reinsve, who I've already requested a few times and recently seen her again in that Presumed Innocent show with Jake Gyllenhaal...
Editor Rob
Murray I can see 5ft 11 range, he isn't much taller than someone like Offerman.
Matt99 said on 19/Nov/24
Hey Rob, which celebrity would you want to measure under the seca 213 the most?
Editor Rob
I think Tom Cruise would be top of my list to measure...before he starts shrinking!
Arch Stanton said on 19/Nov/24
No worries Rob, good to see comments back again!
Shox said on 19/Nov/24
Hi Rob. Would you say that legit 193cm/6'4 person is considered tall in Finland? I am 193cm and i barely even feel tall when walking in the public. I guess my low eye level affects that as well.
Editor Rob
Yes, at that height in Finland you are still very tall.
Tallmarcs said on 18/Nov/24
Who is the biggest upgrade and downgrade you have done ROb?
Editor Rob
There might have been the odd error where I spotted it pretty fast, but there's probably been a few early changes of 2 inches!
Gerald S said on 18/Nov/24
It’s great to be back, Rob. I hope you’re well and that the move went smoothly. I look forward to requesting, seeing and commenting on a variety of new additions on CelebHeights (best website in the world).
Editor Rob
ConnorS-6'0 said on 3/Oct/24
@Andrea I definitely felt average last weekend when i was out with my dad. There were quite a few guys around the same height as me, some were slightly taller. But i also saw a lot of guys who were way over 6'0" like 6'3"-6'4" and even taller. I definitely did not feel tall back then!

I respect your opinion about the surgery, but i still want the surgery despite the pain and potential risks that come with it. You only get one life so why not? I'd rather be happy than be insecure for the rest of my life.
Rapha said on 3/Oct/24
Hi Rob

Some people with your heights stats, would go for a height of 174 cm as it might be a height you measure at 10 am or 11 am in the morning or possibly still around lunch. Have you ever claimed 174 cm or 5 foot 8.5 inches?
Editor Rob
I never really claimed 174cm, I always stuck with the 173cm mark.
Editor Rob said on 2/Oct/24
Apologies guys for the comment being turned off again :(
A lot of unexpected issues surrounding selling our house and buying a new home have come up and need my fullest attention.
Canson said on 2/Oct/24
@Connor: that’s a risky surgery and not sure if the benefits are really worth the risk and the $$$$. I can see feeling short at 5’5 or 5’6 but 6’0” is solid tall. But to each its own
Progking185 said on 2/Oct/24
Nice to be back!
@Connor6'0 looks like those shoes give more than 7 inches, you look 6'8+ in shoes there. For cosplay thats a good height for Vader. If you measure 6'7-6'8 in shoes you'd look like a good 6'6 range guy.
Also I wouldnt advise on getting surgery to be taller, 6'0 is already a great height.

@Rapha I am 6'0.5 at night, or little above. I add a 1/4 inch as I measure 6'0.75/185 during most of the day. Mornings I'm 6'1. I just claim 6'1 to anyone who asks.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 2/Oct/24
Any plans to meet more celebrities Rob?
Editor Rob
I would like to, because there are some cons in Scotland now which had great guests!
Abdur-Rehmaan said on 2/Oct/24
Hey Rob Paul Does Shoe/Trainer Size Indicate Your Height Or Have Some Correlation I Am Size 12.5 Or 12 Ppl Guess What 6'1 Or 6'2 I Was Wondering Do U Have A Rough Idea Average Shoe Size For Strong 6'1 Or 6'1 And A Half I'm 190 Lbs As Well.
Editor Rob
There is a correlation. You'd typically expect a fair proportion of men that height range to be near to size 11.5-12US.
Epik said on 2/Oct/24
Rob, I noticed on your celebheights hoodie merch, you have an element symbol of "C" at the beginning of the word. Were you a big chemistry guy growing up?
Editor Rob
Nah, it was just the Breaking Bad font I used!

I actually donated my original blue hoodie to some charity, so maybe somebody is wearing that one today. I still have a green and dark blue. If I ever make new videos again in the future (any videos I put up on Youtube were made a year ago), I will switch to my green hoodie.
James B 172cm said on 2/Oct/24
ConnorS-6'0 said on 30/Sep/24
@Andrea I'm actually thinking about getting the limb lengthening surgery one day, if i ever get enough money for it, i wouldn't mind being taller. Nowadays when im in the town centre i get quite a lot of guys taller than me, at times i can feel average and even short on rare occasions! I swear guys are getting taller! It feels like its getting to the point that 6'0" isn't even a tall height anymore! It's starting to feel like the new 5'10"! However i dont think I would want to be 6'6" though, that's way too tall. Id prefer to be 6'2", 6'3", 6'4" or even 6'5" but no more than that. I'd only want to be extremely tall for my Darth Vader cosplay, but not for everyday living! I can imagine how difficult and problematic it would be being that tall n

Connor you do realise being tall in general is not good for health or longevity?
Alex 6'5 said on 2/Oct/24
Rob, what is your opinion to "height inflation"? I have noticed that so many people in internet seem to be at least 6'0 nowadays and people dont even consider 6'3-6'4 guy that tall anymore because of height inflation. I am 6'5 and my 6'3 friend looks very tall from a distance and i rarely see people taller than him even in a country where the average is a bit over 5'11 for young males..I feel like most people dont have any clue of heights nowadays.
Editor Rob
Height inflation impresses nobody. Height honesty is the way to go!

I hope I've done my bit for spreading it.
Torrinator said on 2/Oct/24
So Rob, is it fine to go with a facing stadiometer measurement if you can stand better that way? Don’t want to feel like I’m cheating haha
Editor Rob
Yes, unless you are on your tip-toes or tilting your head, then no reason to go with the facing method.

There's probably a certain percentage of people who have been under-measured a small fraction when standing with their back against a wall.
hysbn said on 2/Oct/24
Hey Rob.Is it too wrong to claim 6 feet if i wake up at 183.4 and go to bed at 181.3-181.4
Editor Rob
It's more of a morning range. I personally wouldn't claim that mark, unless I said '6ft in the morning'.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 2/Oct/24
@Rob It seems like i have a strong chance of measuring solid 6'10" range with the helmet on or even almost 6'11".
Gerald S said on 2/Oct/24
Rob, can we add US Vice Presidential Candidates, J.D. Vance and Tim Walz?

Photos from today’s debate below

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

A good 1.5 inches between them, so I shout 6’1.5” for Vance, 6’ for Walz (at least for his peak).
Editor Rob
Can't see Vance under 6ft 1.5 the more I've seen of him.
Grant 6'1.5 said on 1/Oct/24
Hey Rob, I know youve answered a lot of questions about barron trump over the past few years. Do you think you could create a page for him now that he is in adulthood? Glad to see you back
Editor Rob
Maybe, if he's done growing now...
Matt99 said on 1/Oct/24
Rob I wake up at 178cm and my low is 176cm, most of the time I’m sitting at 176.2cm, is 5’9.5 a fair claim?
Editor Rob
Yes that's a perfect claim.
Alex 6'5 said on 1/Oct/24
Hi Rob. Is laying on the floor accurate method to measure myself?
Editor Rob
You can get the equivalent of a bust a gut. Just make sure heels are touching the skirting/baseboard and then put an object flush with your skull.

I did a video many years ago Click Here showing my height in that position.
Iron Mike said on 1/Oct/24
Hey. Do you know any mens running shoes that gives 1.5-2+ inches of height? Ive heard some people say that some of those Hoka running shoes can give as much as 2 inches but im quite skeptic about that..
Editor Rob
I've never tested many running shoes. 1.5 is big for any type of sneaker and a lot of them will lose 0.2 inches after months of wear.

At the moment I've worn the Air Max 270's for 6 months solid and they dropped about 1/4 an inch, albeit I really do a lot of walking each day so my 6 months of wear is probably 3 years on average!
Andrea said on 1/Oct/24
Rob, here's a brief video of that Raphael Rowe guy I've mentioned a few times with Dynamo: Click Here
To me he easily looks shorter, how much is the question, but if Dynamo is 5'6.5 himself (which is what you said was possible for Raphael), I'd really rule out 5'6+ and say that he could well be more of a weak one, like I've said before, don't you think?
Speaking of him, how tall do you think this massive guy with him could be? Click Here
Editor Rob
He looks at least an inch shorter than Dynamo.

Giant guard could be 6ft 7 there.
Andrea said on 1/Oct/24
Connor, even though I do think that 6' is a very good height for which you should never worry about in life, I don't doubt some people that tall still wouldn't mind being taller. But one thing is not minding, another thing is wanting it so much to the point of undergoing such a surgery, which for me is just unthinkable and definitely not worth the trouble.
As far as your perception about height goes, unless you moved to Netherlands or something, I find it hard to believe that at 6' you feel average, let alone short... Although it always depends on the situation of course, 6' still IS comfortably taller than average pretty much everywhere, so you're probably just focusing too much on taller people, and height in general IMO.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 1/Oct/24
Rob, here's my measurement in the boots.

Click Here
Hicars said on 30/Sep/24
Do you only list eighths if celebs been measured at that?
Editor Rob
Generally, it is quite rare. Although I think sticking to the 1/4's is probably enough. Maybe if somebody says a whisker/smidge under or over a figure then they have a good chance of having measured 7/8th or 1/8th.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 30/Sep/24
Rob, here's my measurement in the boots. Click Here
Editor Rob
You can seem near 6ft 9. Difficult to guess how much might be added by the camera against the tape.
Putrescent said on 30/Sep/24
@Andrea, looks like Diego's been added!
Torrinator said on 30/Sep/24
Rob, I know in the past you’ve said you should get the same measurement facing a stadiometer as standing with back against it. However I seem to consistently get 2mm less with back against, I did check the base of mine with a spirit level and it seems to not be perfectly level (meaning when back against heels are lower than toes compared to the opposite when standing facing). Could this account for the difference and which should I go with? Hope that makes sense btw.
Editor Rob
All it takes is the floor being off a couple of mm in one place to cause that. It's when you start getting half inch or more differences. That suggests a bigger slope or simply standing better one way when measuring.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 30/Sep/24
@Andrea I'm actually thinking about getting the limb lengthening surgery one day, if i ever get enough money for it, i wouldn't mind being taller. Nowadays when im in the town centre i get quite a lot of guys taller than me, at times i can feel average and even short on rare occasions! I swear guys are getting taller! It feels like its getting to the point that 6'0" isn't even a tall height anymore! It's starting to feel like the new 5'10"! However i dont think I would want to be 6'6" though, that's way too tall. Id prefer to be 6'2", 6'3", 6'4" or even 6'5" but no more than that. I'd only want to be extremely tall for my Darth Vader cosplay, but not for everyday living! I can imagine how difficult and problematic it would be being that tall naturally!
Gerald S said on 30/Sep/24
Rob, can you add Australian songwriter and Tik Tok Icon, Mia Rodriguez?

I have seen her in the flesh multiple times; a real deal 5’6” from my observations.
Alex 6'5 said on 30/Sep/24
Hey Rob! Could you give your estimate on how tall this guy is? (Strongman Mika Törrö) He claims to be 205cm/6'9 but is clearly shorter than Thor in this picture. Click Here
Editor Rob
It looks like his head is a little further back from Thor. Just from glancing at some photos, I wouldn't have guessed as tall as 6ft 9, maybe similar to Thor.
Hicars said on 30/Sep/24
Rob Knowing I am 6'1.375 and you are 5'8.125 I think you might come up to the middle area of my nose right?
Editor Rob
With an ideal photo it would look around that range. If the camera was lower, a chance of looking closer to tip of nose.
Rapha said on 29/Sep/24
Hi Rob

Would you say that stating your low evening height is underrating your height as you are taller than that for at least half of the day you are awake?
Editor Rob
It can depend on how much you shrink in total. With a smaller morning to evening, it's not going to really effect things, but I guess if you had 1.25 inch shrinkage, then there's going to be a half inch difference.
Rapha said on 29/Sep/24
Hi Rob

If someone claims their low evening height +0.25 inches added on top of that. Do you think that this height claim is fair and can be stated as someones height?
Editor Rob
It is fair to go with that. Since a lot of people will sit on fractions, then it's a question of whether to round or state the 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4.

I wouldn't bat an eyelid if somebody said a fraction like that.
c-mo 176-177cm said on 29/Sep/24

i know that video . it is brutal . short men really have it harder

what i find interesting though is that when they asked the women which of the men they would take 2 of them said they would pick matt. thats the guy next to 5'3 Rob in the video and he seems to be 5'8 range as Rob said . one more proof that 5'8 is a decent height and pretty safe from heightism for the most part . i think 5'8 is below average but not short enough to have a big negative impact on your life . maybe you will hear some short joke here and there in your life but i think it is a decent height . i think 5'7 is a little short and problems are starting but the real heightism starts at 5'6 or 5'5 and below

and in the second set with 5'0 stu most ladies chose the 5'10 fellow apperently

i think if you are at least 5'8 barefoot it is mostly about your face and body frame / structure .

ideal is 5'11 - 6'1 range . i dont see above 6'1 as ideal but 6'2-6'4 is very good especially if you can pull it off . but you need good proportions and face / head aesthetics at 6'0 + otherwise you will look lanky or have poor facial / head aeshtetics . i noticed that at around 6'0 or 6'1 many men start to look off proportionally and head/faceshape wise . when i say 6'1 is in the ideal range i mean someone like Stephen Amell who has good body and facce/head proportions . if you have good face / head and body proportions then 185cm is pretty much perfect . however in my experience it is the 180cm men who look best overall . not many can pull off 185cm to the point of making it perfect

6'5 - 6'8 has also advantages and can be good if you can pull it off and have the right frame but it is too long . but better than short for sure. i think 6'9+ is too much . i would rather be 5'7 than 6'9 . but i would rather be 6'6 maybe even 6'7 than 5'7
Andrea said on 29/Sep/24
Putrescent, I posted about Diego Calva sometime ago and I agree that 182 looks too low. In fact in this article he gets called 184, which I believe may well come from him: Click Here
Rob should definitely give him a page!
Andrea said on 29/Sep/24
Well, I can understand going from 5'5 to 5'8, even if only 3 inches you go from short to near average, so I'm sure it makes quite a difference, but talking about these surgeries, what about this guy who apparently went from near 6' to 6'6??? Click Here As far as I'm concerned, that's just insane! Not only if I could choose between 6' and 6'6 and magically be it without any surgery, I think I would take 6' any day, but well, to each their own... But feeling the need to be 6 inches taller, when you're already near 6', and getting your legs broken for that with a long process from which you may never fully recover... well, insane probably doesn't even begin to cover it!
Editor Rob
You can see the still towards the end of the video, it's a very big jump in height. Whether it truly helps whatever deep-rooted mental issues the person has I don't know.
Derek said on 28/Sep/24
Rob, are you still accepting pics? I have pics with Sid Eudy and Diamond Dallas Page that I think would be a nice contribution to your site
Editor Rob
Please upload to something like and just submit a link in the comment. Of course it's useful seeing fans with celebrities :)
afterthought said on 27/Sep/24
Not sure if you can answer this, but are stadiometers 100% accurate? I've been measured by a stadiometer a couple times in my life. Once at a doctors office and once by a physical trainer. Both times I was measured at 5'7. My mom has been measured by one as well and it said 5'7. The thing is, when I stand next to her, both barefoot, upright posture in the mirror, I'm clearly a little taller. Even if it's only a half inch taller, wouldn't a stadiometer pick that up? Do they only measure in whole inches and not quarter/half? I was in my mid 20s when measured so it's not like I've had a growth spurt or anything, probably. Thanks!
Editor Rob
There's usually a small margin of error in the manufacturing process, but some that have had a lot of use and maybe the bit that measures the head is loose or wonky, could well give an error.

It's always best to get a tape measure and do a measurement at home in a couple of different places if you are every concerned about a Doctor's stadiometer being seemingly off.
Andrea said on 27/Sep/24
First group, that's pretty much what I'd have guessed too. Second group, I'd have said more 6'3, 5'8, 6'1-6'2 and 5'11, but of course I could well be wrong. If the camera had been more central, I think it would have been easier...
On another note, here's an interesting video of an actor guy (that I think you mentioned sometime ago) who underwent limb lengthening surgery: Click Here
Editor Rob
At some stage in the future I'm sure we'll discover a bigger named actor who has underwent it maybe early in his career.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 27/Sep/24
ConnorS-6'0 said on 26/Sep/24
ConnorS-6'0 said on 25/Sep/24
Hey Rob, I got my new boots and here's me wearing them against a 199cm door!

Click Here

Click Here The boots give me almost 7 inches!
Editor Rob
They look huge, maybe try measuring yourself in them and then with Vader helmet to see how tall you end up.

I will ask my carer to measure me as soon as I'm fully suited up, and I'll let you know what I measure. Btw, i found out my shoe lifts are 4.93 inches overall. Would you say I have a good chance of being over 7'0"?
Editor Rob
I don't think you'll end up at 7ft, but it will be interesting to find what your carer measures you at. Just be careful in those boots+lifts.

I'll be careful, I can walk in them without any discomfort. Maybe 6'10" or 6'11" is more likely?
Editor Rob
It will be interesting if you did manage to get near 6ft 10!
Hicars said on 27/Sep/24
Rob what height difference in your opinion would be where it's hard to tell a difference in person or photos?
Editor Rob
When it gets under half inch, it becomes harder to really spot. Even different hairstyles can make half inches seem equal or greater than it really is.
mellow said on 27/Sep/24
If I measure in at 5'9 1/2 at 12 PM, what's the most reasonable height claim for me?
Editor Rob
Going with a height around lunchtime is perfectly fine.
Putrescent said on 26/Sep/24
Hi Rob. Do you think you could create a page for Diego Calva? He's listed at 182cm but he does seem quite a bit taller with someone like Pitt. However, he also looked two inches shorter than Will Poulter.
5'11james said on 26/Sep/24
@Rob I found out something weird today.

I think I've hit my absolute low. I measured 179.5 or 179.6 today at night time, which normally, I'm 180 or 180.1 around then and before bed. I never usually dip below the 180 mark.

Very strange haha...
Editor Rob
Yeah, that sounds like it might be an extreme low.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 26/Sep/24
@Rob I forgot to mention that the boots give me 6.99 inches.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 26/Sep/24
ConnorS-6'0 said on 25/Sep/24
Hey Rob, I got my new boots and here's me wearing them against a 199cm door!

Click Here

Click Here The boots give me almost 7 inches!
Editor Rob
They look huge, maybe try measuring yourself in them and then with Vader helmet to see how tall you end up.

I will ask my carer to measure me as soon as I'm fully suited up, and I'll let you know what I measure. Btw, i found out my shoe lifts are 4.93 inches overall. Would you say I have a good chance of being over 7'0"?
Editor Rob
I don't think you'll end up at 7ft, but it will be interesting to find what your carer measures you at. Just be careful in those boots+lifts.
Epik said on 25/Sep/24
Rob, I gotta say I admire yourattitude towards respecting others regardless of height. I wish society can treat shorter men with the same respect as taller men, instead of ostracizing them.
Editor Rob
Yes, we all come in different heights and celebrities too!
ConnorS-6'0 said on 25/Sep/24
@Rob I have all my lifts in my boots (six layers) in these photos. Both doors are 199cm. I know one of them is at a low angle, but how tall roughly would you say I look?
Click Here
Click Here
Editor Rob
The low camera will be adding height against the door, but you could look 6ft 8 there
Andrea said on 25/Sep/24
Just out of curiosity, assuming the short guys really are as tall as they claim to be, how tall do you think the other ones in the two groups are, Rob? Click Here
Editor Rob
With the 5ft 3 guy, the man in white jumper could be near 6ft 5 and others 5ft 10, 8 range, 6ft.

Other group at a glance could be near 6ft 4, nearly 5ft 9, 6ft 1, 5ft 10
ConnorS-6'0 said on 25/Sep/24
@Rob I just got measured by my carer in those new boots, 6'9.25"
Editor Rob
In the Vader costume people will see you coming a mile off!
ConnorS-6'0 said on 25/Sep/24
Hey Rob, I got my new boots and here's me wearing them against a 199cm door!

Click Here

Click Here The boots give me almost 7 inches!
Editor Rob
They look huge, maybe try measuring yourself in them and then with Vader helmet to see how tall you end up.
Gerald S said on 25/Sep/24
Rob, why do you think Little Richard was called Little?

I mean he was even tall for his era; I can believe a solid 5’10” peak.
Editor Rob
I've no idea!
Taweret said on 24/Sep/24
Sorry rob I was meant to ask how much posture do u think mils is losing? And how tall he looks to the lady next to him if he is indeed losing height? She has less then a fraction footwear idk mils footwear
Editor Rob
He could be losing 2-3cm more than the other 2 people.
Epik said on 24/Sep/24
Rob, do you do any abdominal/core strengthening exercises? I heard it can support your spine and maybe less prone to height loss as you age.
Editor Rob
Just basic sit ups, but I do slack at times.
Gaevin said on 24/Sep/24
Rob, considering your lifestyle choices (diet, exercise, job), do you think you can still hold 5ft 8 at evening time at age 55?
Editor Rob
I'm 48 now, so another 7 years I believe I will still have a good chance.
James B 172cm said on 24/Sep/24
Rob have you hit your goal weight of 11 stone 6?

I need to lose a few pounds and blame it partly on weekend boozing
Editor Rob
167-8 pounds last time I checked a month ago.
Gerald S said on 24/Sep/24
Hey Rob, here's a perfect addition to Celebheights- American Rock n' Roll legend, Little Richard!

Little Richard’s height is definitely a contentious issue (not so little); I hear he had passports at 5’8” and 5’11”, and was neither! I’d give him near 5’10” as he was close to 5’9.75” Bowie below.

W/Bowie Click Here
W/Bowie Click Here
W/Bowie Click Here
Editor Rob
I remember looking a while ago and never being sure on Richard.
uddipta saikia said on 24/Sep/24
I Wish I Was Like Your Height Rob
Cooper Clarke said on 24/Sep/24
Hi Rob, what celebs do you have in mind currently? Great to have you back here!
Editor Rob
I'd forgotten a lot I was looking at earlier in the year, so am starting again looking at folk.
Hicars said on 24/Sep/24
I measure my self at afternoon at 6'1.375 So when anyone asks me I claim 6'1 because after that I will just go gown to the 6'0.875 I mention for my evening. Do you that is fair Rob?
Editor Rob
It's an honest claim.
Canson said on 23/Sep/24
@Editor Rob: how about a page for Pat Mahomes and Lamar Jackson? Mahomes looks a weak 6’2 with Brett Favre while Lamar looks a solid 6’2
Abdul-177 said on 23/Sep/24
Hi Rob, it’s great that you are back after a long break. Do you plan on adding Hasbulla to your page?

And if not, how tall would he be in this picture? Click Here

Based on the screenshot I took from a video he wears his Islamic cap from his culture, and he wears these black boots or shoes that you see in this link - Click Here .

If you had to determine his barefoot height without any accessories, how much would you estimate him to be ?

He is listed to be 95 cm tall on the internet, and on some pages his height is listed to be 90 cm, 100 cm or a bit past 100 cm , like 105 cm. But if you had to be completely honest would you say he’s somewhere between 90-95 cm, like 94.5 cm right out of bed, and more or so 93.5 or 93 cm flat at his absolute lowest height ?

And do you have any plans on adding Abdu Rozik too? He have have been growing taller , I guess that he’s on growth hormone.
Editor Rob
At that height it becomes harder to guess.

He likely is under 100cm, whether 95 or 97 is harder to say.
Taweret said on 23/Sep/24
Hey rob sorry I didn’t know mils footwear in the picture, but maybe you have some idea? Yeah that picture I’ve had in my phone for months I’ve been dying to hear your height estimation on it. Plz let me know !
Editor Rob
First thought was 184 and 158-9. It depends how much Mils might have lost in posture.
Taweret said on 23/Sep/24
Hi rob, I got permission to upload this on my relatives behalf! But I was wondering how tall do you think the man and woman are that are standing with all blacks Mils muliaina, if Mils is about 181 cm tall? Mile is slouching I think, idk how much height he’s losing. But the man on the left my relative has 3 cm shoes and his partner has less than a fraction!!

Click Here
georgett said on 23/Sep/24
Click Here Link*
Editor Rob
Whether Gigi has slightly looser posture or not, it's hard to imagine she was less than an inch taller at least.
georgett said on 23/Sep/24
Rob, how tall does Gigi look here with Blake ?
Gaevin said on 23/Sep/24
What’s your diet like right now?
Editor Rob
2 years without any fizzy drinks. Zero booze for ages now. Cut down on treats a lot. Been eating more fruit as well as nuts/granola. It's better than it's been for years I feel.
Alex 6'5 said on 23/Sep/24
Sorry to bother you but i would have 1 more question; So i have measured myself in home often and if i do back to wall measurement i measure only around 193cm but if i do face to wall measurement i get roughly 195cm. So i was wondering can that same difference occur in doctors measurement because they measure with back to wall method? I would appreciate an answer very much:)
Editor Rob
Sometimes a floor can slope away/towards a wall, so if you measured one way or another, there can be a slight difference. An inch is a bigger difference, which to me might suggest you are standing worse with your back against it.

On a stadiometer, the rod doesn't interfere as much with your stance as a wall can.
Alex 6'5 said on 23/Sep/24
Hey Rob. Could you give your estimate on how much height do New Balance Foam X more V 5 running shoes give? They look quite thick. And its great to see that comments are back again. Thanks:)
Editor Rob
First thought was close to 1.5
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Sep/24
Great to be back, Rob!

Hope all is well with you.....
Editor Rob
Yes, glad to see some familiar names are still visiting!
ConnorS-6'0 said on 23/Sep/24
@Rob Maybe 1.5 inch for the helmet would be more realistic.
Editor Rob
Best doing a measurement barefoot in the Vader helmet. I'd be curious to know exactly how much it gives you.
Hicars said on 23/Sep/24
I am 6'2 in the morning and go to 6'0 7/8 in evening and night time. What would I get listed here at Rob?
Editor Rob
Depends how tall you look with others, or even in person. Might turn out you get 186 listing, but if in person sometimes I might not be sure if you were nearer 6ft 1 or 2 and go with the 1.5.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 23/Sep/24
Rob, one of my carers has measured my Vader helmet, he said its 2.75 inches. Would you say that's correct?

Click Here
Editor Rob
Surprised it would give that much, but I've never really seen one up close to confirm!
Gaevin said on 22/Sep/24
Rob, how accurate are the scales at the doctors (using weight and height at the same time?)
Editor Rob
Some that are attached to walls have a greater chance of error. Stadiometers that are solid, or freestanding are fine - seen a few folk measured at hospitals using same stadiometer I have.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 22/Sep/24
ConnorS-6'0 said on 22/Sep/24
@Rob Maybe you should buy a pair of those platform boots I've got and do a video measuring yourself in them, either my old ones or the knee length platform boots. (I just ordered them today.) It's very likely you would measure a solid 6'0" or even 6'1" range in those boots!
Editor Rob
My stadiometer has been packed away since May, even tape measures! We are in process of selling up.

That's a shame
Andrea said on 22/Sep/24
In addition to the last two names I've requested before the break (Alvaro Morte and Nell Verlaque), could you consider adding these people, Rob?
- Adam DiMarco: just from seeing him in The White Lotus, I'd have thought at the very least 5'11 and possibly even more... Then I saw he was in a Supernatural episode, so I checked to see if he had any scene with Jensen/Jared and I was quite surprised by how short he looked with Jensen! I mean, you should probably watch it yourself, but here's a screengrab to show you what I'm talking about: Click Here Of course Jensen seems to be in his usual boots, but even being (very) conservative and assuming he has near an inch more footwear, it is hard to imagine Adam over 5'10-5'10.5, isn't it?
- Murray Bartlett: even in his case, I'd have thought taller at first, but the more I've seen the more I doubt he's over 5'11. Check him out with Russell Tovey here! Click Here
- Will Sharpe: I remember I saw him randomly listed at 5'8 at one point, which is clearly too low... With Cumberbatch I can see 5'10-5'10.5: Click Here
- Richard Gadd: he claims six feet here Click Here , which is the range I thought he could be in his Baby Reindeer show (although he actually seemed noticeably taller than Tom Goodman-Hill, that I don't know but saw you have at 6'0 himself!)
- Daniel Ings: in The Gentlemen I think he could actually look a bit shorter than Theo James at times, but then again I also think he generally wore flatter shoes, so I doubt there's going to be much between them. Overall I'd say a genuine enough 6'.
- Maggie Rogers: although she has only claimed 5'3 herself on FB Click Here , she gets listed at a big 171 which is certainly a bit of a joke if you see her with someone like Pharrell Williams: Click Here Whether she's even 5'3 or not is more like the question...
- Dolly De Leon: I don't know if she's someone you would add, but since I've found a height claim, I thought I'd mention it: Click Here
I know it's quite a few names (that gathered up during these months), but there's no rush, so take all the time you need. Just... consider them. 😊
Editor Rob
There were only really 2 scenes in the Freaks & Geeks episode were they appeared on solid ground. Towards the end of the episode it seemed like Jensen could be 2.5 inches taller. Their Footwear was seen just before the close up, so 5ft 10.25 seems a fair guess. Gadd can look around 6ft. Others I will add to the list to consider.
Sam83 said on 22/Sep/24
Hi Rob, that’s great thank you. My sister has now ordered the black pair and sounds like she will be taller than me then (which I think she actually wanted to be for once, being the younger sibling!) The shoes I have for the party don’t really add any height at all, so seems like I’ll be the shorter sibling!
Her friend is 5’9 and has chosen same pair, so was just wondering if there will be quite a noticeable height difference between us, which I guess there will be if those add 5 inches or more and put them both over 6ft!
Editor Rob
She should be looking quite close in height, especially if her eyelevel is slightly higher than yours.
Andrea said on 22/Sep/24
Are you really back, Rob? 😮😬 Once again, I hope that everything is fine and that the hiatus really helped you! 💪
Editor Rob
Yes, and I will add Richard Gadd too, I remember you mentioned him!
ConnorS-6'0 said on 22/Sep/24
@Rob Maybe you should buy a pair of those platform boots I've got and do a video measuring yourself in them, either my old ones or the knee length platform boots. (I just ordered them today.) It's very likely you would measure a solid 6'0" or even 6'1" range in those boots!
Editor Rob
My stadiometer has been packed away since May, even tape measures! We are in process of selling up.
Sam83 said on 22/Sep/24
Hi rob, how much extra height / how tall would someone of 5’7.5 be in these please?
Click Here
Click Here

Would they be noticeably taller compared to someone of 5’11 if barefoot?
Editor Rob
At least 6ft 1/2 inch, a chance of a little more like 3/4 range.

Second blue one doesn't look much different
Tarif the Majesty said on 22/Sep/24
Regarding my height: I get consistently guessed around 6’1-2”. My therapist said I am 6’1.5”. Or around two inches taller than him. He’s 5’11.5”. 5’11-6’0” is a guess people would also guess me at. The lowest 5’10-11” range. Actually, very few guesses 5’8-9” and 5’9-10” here and there. Remember, these are just guesses!

I recently saw my cousin. He’s 6’5” now! He looks at least 2 inches taller than me. Although I can see above his mouth which is around 5’9” range. And I am taller than his 6’0.5” dad. And my eye level is 5.75”. I would guess my height to be 6’3-4” in comparison to him. Thats more reasonable than 7’4”! It makes sense because in pics I am taller than 6’0” and 6’2” guys consistently. Not by an incredible amount but by a few inches. So I’ll just go with 6’3.5”.

People think I am obsessed with being over six foot: No. I would be okay being 5’0” if I was. I am not super insecure. Maybe just confused about my height. But, not insecure. Height is just a number!
ConnorS-6'0 said on 22/Sep/24
ConnorS-6'0 said on 21/Sep/24
Hey Rob, how much taller will these boots make me?

Click Here
Editor Rob
If you are wearing them with the Vader costume, you will be as tall as Prowse in his 40's. Looking like a 6ft 5-5.5 range guy.

What about if I put lifts in them? Like with the same 4 layer lifts from your shoe lifts video?
Editor Rob
Remember the boot has a bit of angle to it already - heel higher than toe - so it might be difficult to add much more lift inside.

You might squeeze nearly an inch lift inside, but might become more difficult walking about in them.
Tarif the Majesty said on 21/Sep/24
Hey Rob! Glad you are back. I hope you are in good and healthy shape and condition. God bless!
Editor Rob
I am now.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 21/Sep/24
Hey Rob, how much taller will these boots make me?

Click Here
Editor Rob
If you are wearing them with the Vader costume, you will be as tall as Prowse in his 40's. Looking like a 6ft 5-5.5 range guy.
2004mars said on 21/Sep/24
After hitting the gym what is your lowest height ever?!
Editor Rob
Lowest is still solid 5ft 8 after hard day's work - but not been to the gym for many years!
bmb said on 27/Apr/24
@Rob Ok, looks like my actual lowest height (long work day) is looking 176cm. On a relaxed day, My usual low height is looking 176.6cm. Am I 5ft 9.5 or still more towards a weak 5'10" (like 5ft 9.75) area?
Andrea said on 27/Apr/24
At the risk of being snubbed again... Given the success his Baby Reindeer show is having, if you want to add Richard Gadd I found him claiming six feet here Click Here , which is the range I thought he could be on it (although he actually seemed around an inch taller than Tom Goodman-Hill, that I don't know but saw you have at 6'0 himself)...
Canson said on 27/Apr/24
@Editor Rob: can you make a page for NBA hall of famer Reggie miller? Listed 6’7” but claimed 6’5/6’6 and looks about 1” taller than MJ and a fraction shorter than 6’6” Penny Hardaway was in the 96 nba east all star pic

Here he is with Wemby with wemby having footwear advantage and he’s a close to 60 but maybe still same height as he looks tall. Maybe he’s 6’5-6’5,5 now and was 6’5.5-6’6 before or a solid 6’5.5 peak?

Click Here

Here he is with 6’4.5-.75 MJ and 6’6 penny hardaway

Click Here
James B 172cm said on 27/Apr/24
Rob do you think maybe prince Williams sons have a shot at being 6ft5?
Editor Rob
He'll have a decent shout at it.
Grant 6'1.5 said on 27/Apr/24
@Rob some people have guessed me as tall as 6’4 because this problem. It gives my head an illusion of appearing smaller than it actually is. But like i said my head is 9.6 inches which i have read in your post on people like pete davidson, logan paul, jim carrey is normal for my height. If you were me Rob what kind of person would you think about seeing for this to possibly seeing the cause or curing it?
PS i took another picture from another angle here.

Click Here
Editor Rob
Difficult to tell, full length photos might give a good indication of whether your proportions help full people into believing you are 6ft 3 or even 4.
Gavin v said on 26/Apr/24
I just saw somewhere from this site that your head size plays a role on how people see you, in my case it seems 8.75 inches. That’s why people called me 6ft, and 6ft 1😂
Connor6ft said on 26/Apr/24
Rob my eyelevel is above 171cm or nearly 172cm depending on the time of day, is that average for my height or just slightly above?
Editor Rob
If I remember in photos you had a pretty average eyelevel for around 6ft, so that figure sounds expected.
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 25/Apr/24

You should create a page for actor Jon McLaren, who has been in a wide array of Lifetime movies. He’s listed as 6’2” on IMDb, but his resume has him down at 6’0”. The former has always struck me as being a bit generous.
Gavin v said on 24/Apr/24
Rob, my chin starts at around 5ft 2.5. My eyelevel seems to be 5ft7 (maybe 5ft 6.75) and my height is 5ft 11.25. Would you say that these stats look reasonable for my stature?
Editor Rob
Yes, those are within the typical range. Maybe your head is a fraction smaller than average for your height.
Torrinator said on 24/Apr/24
Rob, I watched “How to calibrate your stadiometer” and decided to check mine. It seems to actually bend inwards slightly when freestanding - mine didn’t come with stabilisers so I improvised using an elastic band and spirit level and got 2-3mm difference. Does that mean mine is off slightly and I should knock a couple mm off measuring when freestanding?
Editor Rob
Yeah, I would account for the 2mm difference when measuring on the stadiometer.
Andrea said on 24/Apr/24
Also, Rob, I had been meaning to request a few random names which I mostly forgot now, but a couple who spring to mind at the moment are Alvaro Morte and Nell Verlaque. Alvaro, I remember I already asked you about him a few years ago and we both agreed that he was somewhere in 5'11-6' range... Although I never really went over the first season of La casa de papel, I've recently seen him in the movie Immaculate and my guess remains the same: at least 5'11, quite possibly over, but probably not quite 6'. See him with Felipe: Click Here Click Here As for Nell, since she's listed at a big 5'11.75 on imdb, I thought she could use a more realistic listing. Granted that I've only seen her in Thanksgiving, she certainly seemed a tall girl, but more like 5'8-5'9. Definitely not 5'11.75 or anywhere near that!
Ehsan Jabar said on 24/Apr/24
Good to see you back rob! Hope you're well
Editor Rob
Yes I am!
Connor6ft said on 24/Apr/24
Hello Rob, its great to see the comments are back! I hope all is well with you, just wondering are you still around 173cm in 2024? Im guessing you are in your mid 40s?
Editor Rob
I'm still 47. I really have barely measured this year, but checked this moment (3pm) and still strong 173cm range.
Connor6ft said on 24/Apr/24
Hey guys i got a new screen accurate Darth Vader helmet for my Vader costume! Click Here

Photo of me with a 6ft 7 door Click Here

Also i walked around Tesco suited up as the dark lord of the sith, i got a lot of attention from people and the staff! How tall would you say i look in the suit?

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here
josh b said on 24/Apr/24
Hey Rob, hope everything is going well :) i'll take comments starting back on the 21st as my birthday present lol but in all seriousness pace yourself with commitments outside of the site that must take priority, i'd like to believe the vast majority of commenters would agree and understand completely. I understand the chance is quite remote and its not an issue if not but just before comments were stopped i added a bunch of photos from a few conventions and was just wondering if they were floating around somewhere or do i need to re-upload them? Cheers
Editor Rob
Re-link them if you saved them to an online gallery page like imgur.
Grant 6'1.5 said on 23/Apr/24
@Rob no I didn’t lose any weight it just started out of the blue and gradually reduced in width over a 3 month process it’s super weird. I didn’t know that a persons cheeks could play a role in the appearance of their proportions I thought it was only their skull.
Editor Rob
It is a strange one - usually you see people filling out a bit in their 20's, rather than losing a little bit of mass around cheeks!
Richard91 said on 23/Apr/24
Hi Rob, would 1inch lifts cause any issues since they are pretty small? And if not, could you tell what lift size is still safe to use? I have been wearing 2inch lifts and was wondering if downsizing to 1inch would reduce my risks greatly of getting some issues later. Thanks
Editor Rob
I personally don't recommend lifts. 1 inch of course is better than 2, as it's not putting as much strain on the joints because of the lower angle.
bmb said on 23/Apr/24
@Rubbishposter Sounds like we are height twins. On a lazy day, I would measure just barely over 5'9 1/2" several hours out of bed. While on a work day or on a day with plenty of walking in general; I would measure just barely over 5'9 1/4" when I come home (Just realized now that 176cm flat seems to be my absolute low range). I am pretty heavy, so I am going to shrink a lot faster during the day. Not sure what with those stats, But I usually claim 5'9 1/2 for now.
Canson said on 23/Apr/24
@Editor Rob:

How much do you see between LaMelo and Hayward? And Hayward has gone on record saying he’s 6’8 in shoes in the AM. Had 6’6.75 combine so he’s prob somewhere near 6 6.5 based on how he looks on the court

Not sure he’s lower than 6’5 but I wouldn’t guess much higher than 6’5”. Maybe 6’5 1/2” listing?

Click Here

This one isn’t a good pic but it’s him with 6’6-6’6,5 pj Washington. I’ve seen other pics and it’s 1.5” prob.

Click Here
Editor Rob
It can look more than 2 inches in the first photo.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Apr/24
Are we back or is it just for a few days? Hope everybody is well! :-) Even if you could manage one Sunday at the end of the month or something to allow comments Rob that would be something!
Editor Rob
Comments are back, though I may not be able to reply to as much these days. We'll see how it goes.
Andrea said on 23/Apr/24
Since I've recently done watching The Sopranos (for the first time)... what about adding a few more names from the cast like these ones, Rob?
- David Proval: he apparently even was in movies like Shawshank and Mean Streets which I don't remember and haven't seen, but on the show he looked a short guy for sure, to the point that even the other characters made funny remarks about his size... I see he gets listed at 5'6.5, but he definitely looked shorter than that to me... I remember a brief scene with Michael Imperioli where he seemed at least 2.25-2.5 inches shorter, so most likely under 5'6. Then again, he was already in his late 50's, so I don't know if he could have a lost a fraction by then...
- John Ventimiglia: listed at 5'10, he never really gave me that impression, but somewhere in 5'9 range I can see that, with maybe 5'9.5 as his best case scenario.
- Matt Servitto: not that it proves anything of course, but interestingly he gets listed at 5'11 in this badge from the show Click Here , though even in Banshee (with Antony Starr Click Here ) I'd have said more 6' than 5'11.
Editor Rob
David is an actor who has popped up in a lot of stuff, 5ft 6 peak and 5ft 5 today I might go with.
James B 172cm said on 23/Apr/24
Yeah rob 160 pounds is perfect weight for your height
Kevin (Kev) said on 23/Apr/24
Rob what holiday do you gain the most weight on?!
Editor Rob
Definitely around Christmas to New Year!
Alex.7 said on 23/Apr/24
Hey, i have 1 more question for you Rob. So i am wearing 1.4inch lifts inside my Air force 1 mids and im wondering that can those lifts cause any health issues for me or cause me to lose height over time? I would be really happy if you can answer Rob :)
Editor Rob
The heightened angle might - like ladies heels - raise the risk of some issues developing over time.
Grant 6'1.5 said on 23/Apr/24
Hi Rob hope your well. I have a question for you because I know ur good with height and judging proportions, so Right now I’m on a journey to figure out something that happened with my cheeks around the age of 18 when for some odd reason I lost like all the width of my face in my cheeks and now it’s very pushed in and not proportional. My head is 9.5-9.6 range at 6’1.5 which is normal so i don’t know why it wouldn’t look proportional. Here are some pics if you have any suggestions on who to see or what to do?
Click Here
Editor Rob
Did you lose a bit more weight?
Rubbishposter said on 23/Apr/24
G’day Rob! Good to see you again. I hope everything’s well lately.

I’m about to turn 18, so I think I’m done growing, but I wanted to ask you something.

My out of bed height is 178.8cm. My evening height is 176.7cm. With these numbers, is it fair for me to claim 5’ 10”?
Editor Rob
I think it's a fair enough claim. Something like 'about' 5ft 10 might cover your range.
Zeeshan Asif said on 22/Apr/24
Hello Rob,
I'm glad to see you're back and hope that you can have more time to open up comments even though i know its a lot for you. My brother recently had a physical, he's 18, woke up at 6 am, rides a bike to school for around a mile and back, goes to school, and comes back around 2:30. However, he then lays down on his bed like so
Click Here picture in the website article). The physical measures him at 160 cm, but based on what I've told you, would you say this is an accurate measurement and what do you think he might measure midday?
Editor Rob
He would gain maybe 5mm or so after 30 minutes resting. Depends on when the physical was.
James B 172cm said on 22/Apr/24
Have you seen this rob?

Click Here
Editor Rob
Some of the guys were honest enough about it!
James B 172cm said on 22/Apr/24
As of this morning I weigh 165 pounds and I have a gut/beer belly on me lol
Editor Rob
I am sitting on 170 pounds just now. I would like to be 160.
Taweret said on 22/Apr/24
Hey robbo, want u to know that any question I’ve ever asked on here I did extensive research myself on it! For some reason I can’t find what you said the average height for a women aged 18-25 is today in America or the uk would be! Have tried your search bar and everything, so what would be the average height rob? I’m gonna guess 166 cm ?
Editor Rob
Nearer 165 these days I'd estimate.
Andrea said on 21/Apr/24
Are you back back, Rob? I hope the break helped you recover your energies and that everything is fine of course! 💪
What about a page for Jannik Sinner? Although I don't follow tennis, I've seen quite a few discussions of people arguing that he has to be taller than the 188 he keeps getting listed and from seeing him with other celebrities I can certainly see where they're coming from... So I did a bit of a research and found a 191 claim in 2022: Click Here What do you think? Could he be that or even taller? I mean, check him out with Buffon recently: Click Here
Editor Rob
It could be a case of 188cm at 18 and he gained more height and is now around 6ft 3. He certainly looks it these days.
Alex.7 said on 21/Apr/24
Hi Rob. What height do you think would be considered tall for male in Europe?
Editor Rob
At least 6ft
Jake: 1.84 m - 1.85 m said on 21/Apr/24
Hope all's well, Rob!

Could you please add Hugh O'Brian (regularly got described as 6ft or more in articles if you look) and could've been around that mark?

Also, a few others to consider: John Hoogenakker has been in a lot of late, and character actor Allan Cuthbertson, gets 6ft 1 listings (who was in a plethora of classics)?

Christopher Briney, Jay O. Sanders (veteran character actor in so many things) and Teo Yoo (Past Lives) would be really good additions too.

Also, the great director Alan J. Pakula!

Editor Rob
Allan is one missing, I feel weaker 6ft 1 range. Jay already had a page, last I seen him was an episode of Spenser for Hire and he definitely looked a couple of inches over Robert Urich.
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Dec/23
rlheight5ft11 - I have a model snow fox who is exactly the same shape as my red model fox!

I’d love to see a white fox in my garden some day, but I know that could never happen, alas. The only white animal I’ve owned was a white cat, Erramius, who died when I was in hospital at the end of last year. She was 15 and-a-half. It was my childhood ambition to have a white cat.

Wishing you a great weekend, rlheight5ft11! 👌🏼🎄
rlheight5'11 said on 2/Dec/23
Nothing better than waking up to snow and hearing it against the window.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 2/Dec/23
@ James B 172cm It may be massive from your perspective, but i would just call 6’4” very tall. Id say 6’8” or 6’9” is when massive really starts! You’ll be 11-12 inches above the average height!
rlheight5'11 said on 1/Dec/23
I know this sounds random but I could picture you posting height skits on Tiktok.
rlheight5'11 said on 1/Dec/23
@Sandy Cowell
Snow fox ❄️🦊🦊
rlheight5'11 said on 1/Dec/23
It's getting colder ❄️🦊
Snow.. where you are , I think?
Editor Rob
Yes, some snow overnight!
c-mo 5'9.25 said on 1/Dec/23

is it possible to not lose any height in our 50s ?

i am turning 38 soon and am afraid to lose weight in my 40s
Editor Rob
Of course you could make it through that decade with no (or at least tiny 1-2mm) loss, but you will be in the minority if turning 60 you are still the same as you were in your 30's.
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Dec/23
rlheight5ft11 - Too true, and so glad Celebheights is back! Nice to speak with you again. I’m listening to the German group Tangerine Dream. They make fabulous soundtracks. I’ve been listening to a lot of German music this week, as my Grandmother passed on on the 28th November, 53 years ago.

Have a great weekend, rlheight5ft11. 😄
James B 172cm said on 1/Dec/23
Rob is a legit 6’4 still considered massive in the UK and US?
Editor Rob
Still looks very tall in the UK.
Abdul-5'10 said on 1/Dec/23
Gavin v said on 29/Nov/23
Rob, what exercises would you recommend to keep your peak height as much as possible as you age? [I do light weight abdominal crunches, deadhang (hanging on a bar) for 30 seconds for 3 repetiions]

I will recommend to do the plank , and to do pull ups too. But in general I will recommend to hit any gym to start getting muscular. That’s the key.

I have been lifting non stop for 8 months now, and my one rep max in barbel bench press is only 221 pounds, or 100 kg. That’s not really impressive. But yeah, I recommend anyone to hit the gym just a few times weekly at least.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.