How tall is Rob Paul

Rob Paul's Height

5ft 8 ⅛ (173 cm)

I created in 2004 as an entertainment site about Celebrity Height. I measure 5ft 8 ⅛in at night, which is usually about the height I am in most photos with celebrities. In 2019, first thing in the morning, I measure around 5ft 8 ⅞in. For some height-related videos check out my Youtube channel. As of January 2023 I measure close to 5ft 8.25 (173.3cm) at lunchtime and in this Video you can see my current weight.

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Average Guess (1171 Votes)
5ft 8.35in (173.6cm)
Matt99 said on 1/Oct/24
Rob I wake up at 178cm and my low is 176cm, most of the time I’m sitting at 176.2cm, is 5’9.5 a fair claim?
Editor Rob
Yes that's a perfect claim.
Alex 6'5 said on 1/Oct/24
Hi Rob. Is laying on the floor accurate method to measure myself?
Editor Rob
You can get the equivalent of a bust a gut. Just make sure heels are touching the skirting/baseboard and then put an object flush with your skull.

I did a video many years ago Click Here showing my height in that position.
Andrea said on 1/Oct/24
Connor, even though I do think that 6' is a very good height for which you should never worry about in life, I don't doubt some people that tall still wouldn't mind being taller. But one thing is not minding, another thing is wanting it so much to the point of undergoing such a surgery, which for me is just unthinkable and definitely not worth the trouble.
As far as your perception about height goes, unless you moved to Netherlands or something, I find it hard to believe that at 6' you feel average, let alone short... Although it always depends on the situation of course, 6' still IS comfortably taller than average pretty much everywhere, so you're probably just focusing too much on taller people, and height in general IMO.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 1/Oct/24
Rob, here's my measurement in the boots.

Click Here
Hicars said on 30/Sep/24
Do you only list eighths if celebs been measured at that?
Editor Rob
Generally, it is quite rare. Although I think sticking to the 1/4's is probably enough. Maybe if somebody says a whisker/smidge under or over a figure then they have a good chance of having measured 7/8th or 1/8th.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 30/Sep/24
Rob, here's my measurement in the boots. Click Here
Editor Rob
You can seem near 6ft 9. Difficult to guess how much might be added by the camera against the tape.
Putrescent said on 30/Sep/24
@Andrea, looks like Diego's been added!
Torrinator said on 30/Sep/24
Rob, I know in the past you’ve said you should get the same measurement facing a stadiometer as standing with back against it. However I seem to consistently get 2mm less with back against, I did check the base of mine with a spirit level and it seems to not be perfectly level (meaning when back against heels are lower than toes compared to the opposite when standing facing). Could this account for the difference and which should I go with? Hope that makes sense btw.
Editor Rob
All it takes is the floor being off a couple of mm in one place to cause that. It's when you start getting half inch or more differences. That suggests a bigger slope or simply standing better one way when measuring.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 30/Sep/24
@Andrea I'm actually thinking about getting the limb lengthening surgery one day, if i ever get enough money for it, i wouldn't mind being taller. Nowadays when im in the town centre i get quite a lot of guys taller than me, at times i can feel average and even short on rare occasions! I swear guys are getting taller! It feels like its getting to the point that 6'0" isn't even a tall height anymore! It's starting to feel like the new 5'10"! However i dont think I would want to be 6'6" though, that's way too tall. Id prefer to be 6'2", 6'3", 6'4" or even 6'5" but no more than that. I'd only want to be extremely tall for my Darth Vader cosplay, but not for everyday living! I can imagine how difficult and problematic it would be being that tall naturally!
Gerald S said on 30/Sep/24
Rob, can you add Australian songwriter and Tik Tok Icon, Mia Rodriguez?

I have seen her in the flesh multiple times; a real deal 5’6” from my observations.
Alex 6'5 said on 30/Sep/24
Hey Rob! Could you give your estimate on how tall this guy is? (Strongman Mika Törrö) He claims to be 205cm/6'9 but is clearly shorter than Thor in this picture. Click Here
Editor Rob
It looks like his head is a little further back from Thor. Just from glancing at some photos, I wouldn't have guessed as tall as 6ft 9, maybe similar to Thor.
Hicars said on 30/Sep/24
Rob Knowing I am 6'1.375 and you are 5'8.125 I think you might come up to the middle area of my nose right?
Editor Rob
With an ideal photo it would look around that range. If the camera was lower, a chance of looking closer to tip of nose.
Rapha said on 29/Sep/24
Hi Rob

Would you say that stating your low evening height is underrating your height as you are taller than that for at least half of the day you are awake?
Editor Rob
It can depend on how much you shrink in total. With a smaller morning to evening, it's not going to really effect things, but I guess if you had 1.25 inch shrinkage, then there's going to be a half inch difference.
Rapha said on 29/Sep/24
Hi Rob

If someone claims their low evening height +0.25 inches added on top of that. Do you think that this height claim is fair and can be stated as someones height?
Editor Rob
It is fair to go with that. Since a lot of people will sit on fractions, then it's a question of whether to round or state the 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4.

I wouldn't bat an eyelid if somebody said a fraction like that.
c-mo 176-177cm said on 29/Sep/24

i know that video . it is brutal . short men really have it harder

what i find interesting though is that when they asked the women which of the men they would take 2 of them said they would pick matt. thats the guy next to 5'3 Rob in the video and he seems to be 5'8 range as Rob said . one more proof that 5'8 is a decent height and pretty safe from heightism for the most part . i think 5'8 is below average but not short enough to have a big negative impact on your life . maybe you will hear some short joke here and there in your life but i think it is a decent height . i think 5'7 is a little short and problems are starting but the real heightism starts at 5'6 or 5'5 and below

and in the second set with 5'0 stu most ladies chose the 5'10 fellow apperently

i think if you are at least 5'8 barefoot it is mostly about your face and body frame / structure .

ideal is 5'11 - 6'1 range . i dont see above 6'1 as ideal but 6'2-6'4 is very good especially if you can pull it off . but you need good proportions and face / head aesthetics at 6'0 + otherwise you will look lanky or have poor facial / head aeshtetics . i noticed that at around 6'0 or 6'1 many men start to look off proportionally and head/faceshape wise . when i say 6'1 is in the ideal range i mean someone like Stephen Amell who has good body and facce/head proportions . if you have good face / head and body proportions then 185cm is pretty much perfect . however in my experience it is the 180cm men who look best overall . not many can pull off 185cm to the point of making it perfect

6'5 - 6'8 has also advantages and can be good if you can pull it off and have the right frame but it is too long . but better than short for sure. i think 6'9+ is too much . i would rather be 5'7 than 6'9 . but i would rather be 6'6 maybe even 6'7 than 5'7
Andrea said on 29/Sep/24
Putrescent, I posted about Diego Calva sometime ago and I agree that 182 looks too low. In fact in this article he gets called 184, which I believe may well come from him: Click Here
Rob should definitely give him a page!
Andrea said on 29/Sep/24
Well, I can understand going from 5'5 to 5'8, even if only 3 inches you go from short to near average, so I'm sure it makes quite a difference, but talking about these surgeries, what about this guy who apparently went from near 6' to 6'6??? Click Here As far as I'm concerned, that's just insane! Not only if I could choose between 6' and 6'6 and magically be it without any surgery, I think I would take 6' any day, but well, to each their own... But feeling the need to be 6 inches taller, when you're already near 6', and getting your legs broken for that with a long process from which you may never fully recover... well, insane probably doesn't even begin to cover it!
Editor Rob
You can see the still towards the end of the video, it's a very big jump in height. Whether it truly helps whatever deep-rooted mental issues the person has I don't know.
Derek said on 28/Sep/24
Rob, are you still accepting pics? I have pics with Sid Eudy and Diamond Dallas Page that I think would be a nice contribution to your site
Editor Rob
Please upload to something like and just submit a link in the comment. Of course it's useful seeing fans with celebrities :)
afterthought said on 27/Sep/24
Not sure if you can answer this, but are stadiometers 100% accurate? I've been measured by a stadiometer a couple times in my life. Once at a doctors office and once by a physical trainer. Both times I was measured at 5'7. My mom has been measured by one as well and it said 5'7. The thing is, when I stand next to her, both barefoot, upright posture in the mirror, I'm clearly a little taller. Even if it's only a half inch taller, wouldn't a stadiometer pick that up? Do they only measure in whole inches and not quarter/half? I was in my mid 20s when measured so it's not like I've had a growth spurt or anything, probably. Thanks!
Editor Rob
There's usually a small margin of error in the manufacturing process, but some that have had a lot of use and maybe the bit that measures the head is loose or wonky, could well give an error.

It's always best to get a tape measure and do a measurement at home in a couple of different places if you are every concerned about a Doctor's stadiometer being seemingly off.
Andrea said on 27/Sep/24
First group, that's pretty much what I'd have guessed too. Second group, I'd have said more 6'3, 5'8, 6'1-6'2 and 5'11, but of course I could well be wrong. If the camera had been more central, I think it would have been easier...
On another note, here's an interesting video of an actor guy (that I think you mentioned sometime ago) who underwent limb lengthening surgery: Click Here
Editor Rob
At some stage in the future I'm sure we'll discover a bigger named actor who has underwent it maybe early in his career.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 27/Sep/24
ConnorS-6'0 said on 26/Sep/24
Just asking out of curiosity Rob, what made you want to sell your tape measures and stadiometer?
Editor Rob
They're not sold, but just packed away in storage. We sold the house, so will be moving likely November.

Oh right I see, I hope you'll be happy at your new place! Will it be local or somewhere else?
Editor Rob
Hopefully only 10 minutes away.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 27/Sep/24
ConnorS-6'0 said on 26/Sep/24
ConnorS-6'0 said on 25/Sep/24
Hey Rob, I got my new boots and here's me wearing them against a 199cm door!

Click Here

Click Here The boots give me almost 7 inches!
Editor Rob
They look huge, maybe try measuring yourself in them and then with Vader helmet to see how tall you end up.

I will ask my carer to measure me as soon as I'm fully suited up, and I'll let you know what I measure. Btw, i found out my shoe lifts are 4.93 inches overall. Would you say I have a good chance of being over 7'0"?
Editor Rob
I don't think you'll end up at 7ft, but it will be interesting to find what your carer measures you at. Just be careful in those boots+lifts.

I'll be careful, I can walk in them without any discomfort. Maybe 6'10" or 6'11" is more likely?
Editor Rob
It will be interesting if you did manage to get near 6ft 10!
Hicars said on 27/Sep/24
Rob what height difference in your opinion would be where it's hard to tell a difference in person or photos?
Editor Rob
When it gets under half inch, it becomes harder to really spot. Even different hairstyles can make half inches seem equal or greater than it really is.
mellow said on 27/Sep/24
If I measure in at 5'9 1/2 at 12 PM, what's the most reasonable height claim for me?
Editor Rob
Going with a height around lunchtime is perfectly fine.
Putrescent said on 26/Sep/24
Hi Rob. Do you think you could create a page for Diego Calva? He's listed at 182cm but he does seem quite a bit taller with someone like Pitt. However, he also looked two inches shorter than Will Poulter.
5'11james said on 26/Sep/24
@Rob I found out something weird today.

I think I've hit my absolute low. I measured 179.5 or 179.6 today at night time, which normally, I'm 180 or 180.1 around then and before bed. I never usually dip below the 180 mark.

Very strange haha...
Editor Rob
Yeah, that sounds like it might be an extreme low.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 26/Sep/24
@Rob I forgot to mention that the boots give me 6.99 inches.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 26/Sep/24
ConnorS-6'0 said on 25/Sep/24
Hey Rob, I got my new boots and here's me wearing them against a 199cm door!

Click Here

Click Here The boots give me almost 7 inches!
Editor Rob
They look huge, maybe try measuring yourself in them and then with Vader helmet to see how tall you end up.

I will ask my carer to measure me as soon as I'm fully suited up, and I'll let you know what I measure. Btw, i found out my shoe lifts are 4.93 inches overall. Would you say I have a good chance of being over 7'0"?
Editor Rob
I don't think you'll end up at 7ft, but it will be interesting to find what your carer measures you at. Just be careful in those boots+lifts.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 26/Sep/24
Just asking out of curiosity Rob, what made you want to sell your tape measures and stadiometer?
Editor Rob
They're not sold, but just packed away in storage. We sold the house, so will be moving likely November.
Epik said on 25/Sep/24
Rob, I gotta say I admire yourattitude towards respecting others regardless of height. I wish society can treat shorter men with the same respect as taller men, instead of ostracizing them.
Editor Rob
Yes, we all come in different heights and celebrities too!
ConnorS-6'0 said on 25/Sep/24
@Rob I have all my lifts in my boots (six layers) in these photos. Both doors are 199cm. I know one of them is at a low angle, but how tall roughly would you say I look?
Click Here
Click Here
Editor Rob
The low camera will be adding height against the door, but you could look 6ft 8 there
Andrea said on 25/Sep/24
Just out of curiosity, assuming the short guys really are as tall as they claim to be, how tall do you think the other ones in the two groups are, Rob? Click Here
Editor Rob
With the 5ft 3 guy, the man in white jumper could be near 6ft 5 and others 5ft 10, 8 range, 6ft.

Other group at a glance could be near 6ft 4, nearly 5ft 9, 6ft 1, 5ft 10
ConnorS-6'0 said on 25/Sep/24
@Rob I just got measured by my carer in those new boots, 6'9.25"
Editor Rob
In the Vader costume people will see you coming a mile off!
ConnorS-6'0 said on 25/Sep/24
Hey Rob, I got my new boots and here's me wearing them against a 199cm door!

Click Here

Click Here The boots give me almost 7 inches!
Editor Rob
They look huge, maybe try measuring yourself in them and then with Vader helmet to see how tall you end up.
Gerald S said on 25/Sep/24
Rob, why do you think Little Richard was called Little?

I mean he was even tall for his era; I can believe a solid 5’10” peak.
Editor Rob
I've no idea!
Taweret said on 24/Sep/24
Sorry rob I was meant to ask how much posture do u think mils is losing? And how tall he looks to the lady next to him if he is indeed losing height? She has less then a fraction footwear idk mils footwear
Editor Rob
He could be losing 2-3cm more than the other 2 people.
Epik said on 24/Sep/24
Rob, do you do any abdominal/core strengthening exercises? I heard it can support your spine and maybe less prone to height loss as you age.
Editor Rob
Just basic sit ups, but I do slack at times.
Gaevin said on 24/Sep/24
Rob, considering your lifestyle choices (diet, exercise, job), do you think you can still hold 5ft 8 at evening time at age 55?
Editor Rob
I'm 48 now, so another 7 years I believe I will still have a good chance.
James B 172cm said on 24/Sep/24
Rob have you hit your goal weight of 11 stone 6?

I need to lose a few pounds and blame it partly on weekend boozing
Editor Rob
167-8 pounds last time I checked a month ago.
Gerald S said on 24/Sep/24
Hey Rob, here's a perfect addition to Celebheights- American Rock n' Roll legend, Little Richard!

Little Richard’s height is definitely a contentious issue (not so little); I hear he had passports at 5’8” and 5’11”, and was neither! I’d give him near 5’10” as he was close to 5’9.75” Bowie below.

W/Bowie Click Here
W/Bowie Click Here
W/Bowie Click Here
Editor Rob
I remember looking a while ago and never being sure on Richard.
uddipta saikia said on 24/Sep/24
I Wish I Was Like Your Height Rob
Cooper Clarke said on 24/Sep/24
Hi Rob, what celebs do you have in mind currently? Great to have you back here!
Editor Rob
I'd forgotten a lot I was looking at earlier in the year, so am starting again looking at folk.
Hicars said on 24/Sep/24
I measure my self at afternoon at 6'1.375 So when anyone asks me I claim 6'1 because after that I will just go gown to the 6'0.875 I mention for my evening. Do you that is fair Rob?
Editor Rob
It's an honest claim.
Canson said on 23/Sep/24
@Editor Rob: how about a page for Pat Mahomes and Lamar Jackson? Mahomes looks a weak 6’2 with Brett Favre while Lamar looks a solid 6’2
Abdul-177 said on 23/Sep/24
Hi Rob, it’s great that you are back after a long break. Do you plan on adding Hasbulla to your page?

And if not, how tall would he be in this picture? Click Here

Based on the screenshot I took from a video he wears his Islamic cap from his culture, and he wears these black boots or shoes that you see in this link - Click Here .

If you had to determine his barefoot height without any accessories, how much would you estimate him to be ?

He is listed to be 95 cm tall on the internet, and on some pages his height is listed to be 90 cm, 100 cm or a bit past 100 cm , like 105 cm. But if you had to be completely honest would you say he’s somewhere between 90-95 cm, like 94.5 cm right out of bed, and more or so 93.5 or 93 cm flat at his absolute lowest height ?

And do you have any plans on adding Abdu Rozik too? He have have been growing taller , I guess that he’s on growth hormone.
Editor Rob
At that height it becomes harder to guess.

He likely is under 100cm, whether 95 or 97 is harder to say.
Taweret said on 23/Sep/24
Hey rob sorry I didn’t know mils footwear in the picture, but maybe you have some idea? Yeah that picture I’ve had in my phone for months I’ve been dying to hear your height estimation on it. Plz let me know !
Editor Rob
First thought was 184 and 158-9. It depends how much Mils might have lost in posture.
Taweret said on 23/Sep/24
Hi rob, I got permission to upload this on my relatives behalf! But I was wondering how tall do you think the man and woman are that are standing with all blacks Mils muliaina, if Mils is about 181 cm tall? Mile is slouching I think, idk how much height he’s losing. But the man on the left my relative has 3 cm shoes and his partner has less than a fraction!!

Click Here
georgett said on 23/Sep/24
Click Here Link*
Editor Rob
Whether Gigi has slightly looser posture or not, it's hard to imagine she was less than an inch taller at least.
georgett said on 23/Sep/24
Rob, how tall does Gigi look here with Blake ?
Gaevin said on 23/Sep/24
What’s your diet like right now?
Editor Rob
2 years without any fizzy drinks. Zero booze for ages now. Cut down on treats a lot. Been eating more fruit as well as nuts/granola. It's better than it's been for years I feel.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Sep/24
ConnorS-6'0 said on 22/Sep/24
@Rob Maybe you should buy a pair of those platform boots I've got and do a video measuring yourself in them, either my old ones or the knee length platform boots. (I just ordered them today.) It's very likely you would measure a solid 6'0" or even 6'1" range in those boots!
Editor Rob
My stadiometer has been packed away since May, even tape measures! We are in process of selling up.

Good to see you posting again! Selling up?? Are you moving to a different town? Are we back just for a few days or longer this time?
Editor Rob
Hoping it's for good. Late April I was forced into a decision to move, but neither of us were really wanting to.

So it's been months of decluttering an absolutely packed to the rafters house, redecorating everything from head to toe and doing those diy jobs that were put off.

In November we'll do a temporary move, whilst we look for a new place.
Alex 6'5 said on 23/Sep/24
Sorry to bother you but i would have 1 more question; So i have measured myself in home often and if i do back to wall measurement i measure only around 193cm but if i do face to wall measurement i get roughly 195cm. So i was wondering can that same difference occur in doctors measurement because they measure with back to wall method? I would appreciate an answer very much:)
Editor Rob
Sometimes a floor can slope away/towards a wall, so if you measured one way or another, there can be a slight difference. An inch is a bigger difference, which to me might suggest you are standing worse with your back against it.

On a stadiometer, the rod doesn't interfere as much with your stance as a wall can.
Alex 6'5 said on 23/Sep/24
Hey Rob. Could you give your estimate on how much height do New Balance Foam X more V 5 running shoes give? They look quite thick. And its great to see that comments are back again. Thanks:)
Editor Rob
First thought was close to 1.5
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Sep/24
Great to be back, Rob!

Hope all is well with you.....
Editor Rob
Yes, glad to see some familiar names are still visiting!
ConnorS-6'0 said on 23/Sep/24
@Rob Maybe 1.5 inch for the helmet would be more realistic.
Editor Rob
Best doing a measurement barefoot in the Vader helmet. I'd be curious to know exactly how much it gives you.
Hicars said on 23/Sep/24
I am 6'2 in the morning and go to 6'0 7/8 in evening and night time. What would I get listed here at Rob?
Editor Rob
Depends how tall you look with others, or even in person. Might turn out you get 186 listing, but if in person sometimes I might not be sure if you were nearer 6ft 1 or 2 and go with the 1.5.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 23/Sep/24
Rob, one of my carers has measured my Vader helmet, he said its 2.75 inches. Would you say that's correct?

Click Here
Editor Rob
Surprised it would give that much, but I've never really seen one up close to confirm!
Gaevin said on 22/Sep/24
Rob, how accurate are the scales at the doctors (using weight and height at the same time?)
Editor Rob
Some that are attached to walls have a greater chance of error. Stadiometers that are solid, or freestanding are fine - seen a few folk measured at hospitals using same stadiometer I have.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 22/Sep/24
ConnorS-6'0 said on 22/Sep/24
@Rob Maybe you should buy a pair of those platform boots I've got and do a video measuring yourself in them, either my old ones or the knee length platform boots. (I just ordered them today.) It's very likely you would measure a solid 6'0" or even 6'1" range in those boots!
Editor Rob
My stadiometer has been packed away since May, even tape measures! We are in process of selling up.

That's a shame
Andrea said on 22/Sep/24
In addition to the last two names I've requested before the break (Alvaro Morte and Nell Verlaque), could you consider adding these people, Rob?
- Adam DiMarco: just from seeing him in The White Lotus, I'd have thought at the very least 5'11 and possibly even more... Then I saw he was in a Supernatural episode, so I checked to see if he had any scene with Jensen/Jared and I was quite surprised by how short he looked with Jensen! I mean, you should probably watch it yourself, but here's a screengrab to show you what I'm talking about: Click Here Of course Jensen seems to be in his usual boots, but even being (very) conservative and assuming he has near an inch more footwear, it is hard to imagine Adam over 5'10-5'10.5, isn't it?
- Murray Bartlett: even in his case, I'd have thought taller at first, but the more I've seen the more I doubt he's over 5'11. Check him out with Russell Tovey here! Click Here
- Will Sharpe: I remember I saw him randomly listed at 5'8 at one point, which is clearly too low... With Cumberbatch I can see 5'10-5'10.5: Click Here
- Richard Gadd: he claims six feet here Click Here , which is the range I thought he could be in his Baby Reindeer show (although he actually seemed noticeably taller than Tom Goodman-Hill, that I don't know but saw you have at 6'0 himself!)
- Daniel Ings: in The Gentlemen I think he could actually look a bit shorter than Theo James at times, but then again I also think he generally wore flatter shoes, so I doubt there's going to be much between them. Overall I'd say a genuine enough 6'.
- Maggie Rogers: although she has only claimed 5'3 herself on FB Click Here , she gets listed at a big 171 which is certainly a bit of a joke if you see her with someone like Pharrell Williams: Click Here Whether she's even 5'3 or not is more like the question...
- Dolly De Leon: I don't know if she's someone you would add, but since I've found a height claim, I thought I'd mention it: Click Here
I know it's quite a few names (that gathered up during these months), but there's no rush, so take all the time you need. Just... consider them. 😊
Editor Rob
There were only really 2 scenes in the Freaks & Geeks episode were they appeared on solid ground. Towards the end of the episode it seemed like Jensen could be 2.5 inches taller. Their Footwear was seen just before the close up, so 5ft 10.25 seems a fair guess. Gadd can look around 6ft. Others I will add to the list to consider.
Sam83 said on 22/Sep/24
Hi Rob, that’s great thank you. My sister has now ordered the black pair and sounds like she will be taller than me then (which I think she actually wanted to be for once, being the younger sibling!) The shoes I have for the party don’t really add any height at all, so seems like I’ll be the shorter sibling!
Her friend is 5’9 and has chosen same pair, so was just wondering if there will be quite a noticeable height difference between us, which I guess there will be if those add 5 inches or more and put them both over 6ft!
Editor Rob
She should be looking quite close in height, especially if her eyelevel is slightly higher than yours.
Andrea said on 22/Sep/24
Are you really back, Rob? 😮😬 Once again, I hope that everything is fine and that the hiatus really helped you! 💪
Editor Rob
Yes, and I will add Richard Gadd too, I remember you mentioned him!
ConnorS-6'0 said on 22/Sep/24
@Rob Maybe you should buy a pair of those platform boots I've got and do a video measuring yourself in them, either my old ones or the knee length platform boots. (I just ordered them today.) It's very likely you would measure a solid 6'0" or even 6'1" range in those boots!
Editor Rob
My stadiometer has been packed away since May, even tape measures! We are in process of selling up.
Sam83 said on 22/Sep/24
Hi rob, how much extra height / how tall would someone of 5’7.5 be in these please?
Click Here
Click Here

Would they be noticeably taller compared to someone of 5’11 if barefoot?
Editor Rob
At least 6ft 1/2 inch, a chance of a little more like 3/4 range.

Second blue one doesn't look much different
Tarif the Majesty said on 22/Sep/24
Regarding my height: I get consistently guessed around 6’1-2”. My therapist said I am 6’1.5”. Or around two inches taller than him. He’s 5’11.5”. 5’11-6’0” is a guess people would also guess me at. The lowest 5’10-11” range. Actually, very few guesses 5’8-9” and 5’9-10” here and there. Remember, these are just guesses!

I recently saw my cousin. He’s 6’5” now! He looks at least 2 inches taller than me. Although I can see above his mouth which is around 5’9” range. And I am taller than his 6’0.5” dad. And my eye level is 5.75”. I would guess my height to be 6’3-4” in comparison to him. Thats more reasonable than 7’4”! It makes sense because in pics I am taller than 6’0” and 6’2” guys consistently. Not by an incredible amount but by a few inches. So I’ll just go with 6’3.5”.

People think I am obsessed with being over six foot: No. I would be okay being 5’0” if I was. I am not super insecure. Maybe just confused about my height. But, not insecure. Height is just a number!
ConnorS-6'0 said on 22/Sep/24
ConnorS-6'0 said on 21/Sep/24
Hey Rob, how much taller will these boots make me?

Click Here
Editor Rob
If you are wearing them with the Vader costume, you will be as tall as Prowse in his 40's. Looking like a 6ft 5-5.5 range guy.

What about if I put lifts in them? Like with the same 4 layer lifts from your shoe lifts video?
Editor Rob
Remember the boot has a bit of angle to it already - heel higher than toe - so it might be difficult to add much more lift inside.

You might squeeze nearly an inch lift inside, but might become more difficult walking about in them.
Tarif the Majesty said on 21/Sep/24
Hey Rob! Glad you are back. I hope you are in good and healthy shape and condition. God bless!
Editor Rob
I am now.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 21/Sep/24
Hey Rob, how much taller will these boots make me?

Click Here
Editor Rob
If you are wearing them with the Vader costume, you will be as tall as Prowse in his 40's. Looking like a 6ft 5-5.5 range guy.
2004mars said on 21/Sep/24
After hitting the gym what is your lowest height ever?!
Editor Rob
Lowest is still solid 5ft 8 after hard day's work - but not been to the gym for many years!
bmb said on 27/Apr/24
@Rob Ok, looks like my actual lowest height (long work day) is looking 176cm. On a relaxed day, My usual low height is looking 176.6cm. Am I 5ft 9.5 or still more towards a weak 5'10" (like 5ft 9.75) area?
Andrea said on 27/Apr/24
At the risk of being snubbed again... Given the success his Baby Reindeer show is having, if you want to add Richard Gadd I found him claiming six feet here Click Here , which is the range I thought he could be on it (although he actually seemed around an inch taller than Tom Goodman-Hill, that I don't know but saw you have at 6'0 himself)...
Canson said on 27/Apr/24
@Editor Rob: can you make a page for NBA hall of famer Reggie miller? Listed 6’7” but claimed 6’5/6’6 and looks about 1” taller than MJ and a fraction shorter than 6’6” Penny Hardaway was in the 96 nba east all star pic

Here he is with Wemby with wemby having footwear advantage and he’s a close to 60 but maybe still same height as he looks tall. Maybe he’s 6’5-6’5,5 now and was 6’5.5-6’6 before or a solid 6’5.5 peak?

Click Here

Here he is with 6’4.5-.75 MJ and 6’6 penny hardaway

Click Here
James B 172cm said on 27/Apr/24
Rob do you think maybe prince Williams sons have a shot at being 6ft5?
Editor Rob
He'll have a decent shout at it.
Grant 6'1.5 said on 27/Apr/24
@Rob some people have guessed me as tall as 6’4 because this problem. It gives my head an illusion of appearing smaller than it actually is. But like i said my head is 9.6 inches which i have read in your post on people like pete davidson, logan paul, jim carrey is normal for my height. If you were me Rob what kind of person would you think about seeing for this to possibly seeing the cause or curing it?
PS i took another picture from another angle here.

Click Here
Editor Rob
Difficult to tell, full length photos might give a good indication of whether your proportions help full people into believing you are 6ft 3 or even 4.
Gavin v said on 26/Apr/24
I just saw somewhere from this site that your head size plays a role on how people see you, in my case it seems 8.75 inches. That’s why people called me 6ft, and 6ft 1😂
Connor6ft said on 26/Apr/24
Rob my eyelevel is above 171cm or nearly 172cm depending on the time of day, is that average for my height or just slightly above?
Editor Rob
If I remember in photos you had a pretty average eyelevel for around 6ft, so that figure sounds expected.
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 25/Apr/24

You should create a page for actor Jon McLaren, who has been in a wide array of Lifetime movies. He’s listed as 6’2” on IMDb, but his resume has him down at 6’0”. The former has always struck me as being a bit generous.
Gavin v said on 24/Apr/24
Rob, my chin starts at around 5ft 2.5. My eyelevel seems to be 5ft7 (maybe 5ft 6.75) and my height is 5ft 11.25. Would you say that these stats look reasonable for my stature?
Editor Rob
Yes, those are within the typical range. Maybe your head is a fraction smaller than average for your height.
Torrinator said on 24/Apr/24
Rob, I watched “How to calibrate your stadiometer” and decided to check mine. It seems to actually bend inwards slightly when freestanding - mine didn’t come with stabilisers so I improvised using an elastic band and spirit level and got 2-3mm difference. Does that mean mine is off slightly and I should knock a couple mm off measuring when freestanding?
Editor Rob
Yeah, I would account for the 2mm difference when measuring on the stadiometer.
Andrea said on 24/Apr/24
Also, Rob, I had been meaning to request a few random names which I mostly forgot now, but a couple who spring to mind at the moment are Alvaro Morte and Nell Verlaque. Alvaro, I remember I already asked you about him a few years ago and we both agreed that he was somewhere in 5'11-6' range... Although I never really went over the first season of La casa de papel, I've recently seen him in the movie Immaculate and my guess remains the same: at least 5'11, quite possibly over, but probably not quite 6'. See him with Felipe: Click Here Click Here As for Nell, since she's listed at a big 5'11.75 on imdb, I thought she could use a more realistic listing. Granted that I've only seen her in Thanksgiving, she certainly seemed a tall girl, but more like 5'8-5'9. Definitely not 5'11.75 or anywhere near that!
Ehsan Jabar said on 24/Apr/24
Good to see you back rob! Hope you're well
Editor Rob
Yes I am!
Connor6ft said on 24/Apr/24
Hello Rob, its great to see the comments are back! I hope all is well with you, just wondering are you still around 173cm in 2024? Im guessing you are in your mid 40s?
Editor Rob
I'm still 47. I really have barely measured this year, but checked this moment (3pm) and still strong 173cm range.
Connor6ft said on 24/Apr/24
Hey guys i got a new screen accurate Darth Vader helmet for my Vader costume! Click Here

Photo of me with a 6ft 7 door Click Here

Also i walked around Tesco suited up as the dark lord of the sith, i got a lot of attention from people and the staff! How tall would you say i look in the suit?

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here
josh b said on 24/Apr/24
Hey Rob, hope everything is going well :) i'll take comments starting back on the 21st as my birthday present lol but in all seriousness pace yourself with commitments outside of the site that must take priority, i'd like to believe the vast majority of commenters would agree and understand completely. I understand the chance is quite remote and its not an issue if not but just before comments were stopped i added a bunch of photos from a few conventions and was just wondering if they were floating around somewhere or do i need to re-upload them? Cheers
Editor Rob
Re-link them if you saved them to an online gallery page like imgur.
Grant 6'1.5 said on 23/Apr/24
@Rob no I didn’t lose any weight it just started out of the blue and gradually reduced in width over a 3 month process it’s super weird. I didn’t know that a persons cheeks could play a role in the appearance of their proportions I thought it was only their skull.
Editor Rob
It is a strange one - usually you see people filling out a bit in their 20's, rather than losing a little bit of mass around cheeks!
Richard91 said on 23/Apr/24
Hi Rob, would 1inch lifts cause any issues since they are pretty small? And if not, could you tell what lift size is still safe to use? I have been wearing 2inch lifts and was wondering if downsizing to 1inch would reduce my risks greatly of getting some issues later. Thanks
Editor Rob
I personally don't recommend lifts. 1 inch of course is better than 2, as it's not putting as much strain on the joints because of the lower angle.
bmb said on 23/Apr/24
@Rubbishposter Sounds like we are height twins. On a lazy day, I would measure just barely over 5'9 1/2" several hours out of bed. While on a work day or on a day with plenty of walking in general; I would measure just barely over 5'9 1/4" when I come home (Just realized now that 176cm flat seems to be my absolute low range). I am pretty heavy, so I am going to shrink a lot faster during the day. Not sure what with those stats, But I usually claim 5'9 1/2 for now.
Canson said on 23/Apr/24
@Editor Rob:

How much do you see between LaMelo and Hayward? And Hayward has gone on record saying he’s 6’8 in shoes in the AM. Had 6’6.75 combine so he’s prob somewhere near 6 6.5 based on how he looks on the court

Not sure he’s lower than 6’5 but I wouldn’t guess much higher than 6’5”. Maybe 6’5 1/2” listing?

Click Here

This one isn’t a good pic but it’s him with 6’6-6’6,5 pj Washington. I’ve seen other pics and it’s 1.5” prob.

Click Here
Editor Rob
It can look more than 2 inches in the first photo.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Apr/24
Are we back or is it just for a few days? Hope everybody is well! :-) Even if you could manage one Sunday at the end of the month or something to allow comments Rob that would be something!
Editor Rob
Comments are back, though I may not be able to reply to as much these days. We'll see how it goes.
Andrea said on 23/Apr/24
Since I've recently done watching The Sopranos (for the first time)... what about adding a few more names from the cast like these ones, Rob?
- David Proval: he apparently even was in movies like Shawshank and Mean Streets which I don't remember and haven't seen, but on the show he looked a short guy for sure, to the point that even the other characters made funny remarks about his size... I see he gets listed at 5'6.5, but he definitely looked shorter than that to me... I remember a brief scene with Michael Imperioli where he seemed at least 2.25-2.5 inches shorter, so most likely under 5'6. Then again, he was already in his late 50's, so I don't know if he could have a lost a fraction by then...
- John Ventimiglia: listed at 5'10, he never really gave me that impression, but somewhere in 5'9 range I can see that, with maybe 5'9.5 as his best case scenario.
- Matt Servitto: not that it proves anything of course, but interestingly he gets listed at 5'11 in this badge from the show Click Here , though even in Banshee (with Antony Starr Click Here ) I'd have said more 6' than 5'11.
Editor Rob
David is an actor who has popped up in a lot of stuff, 5ft 6 peak and 5ft 5 today I might go with.
James B 172cm said on 23/Apr/24
Yeah rob 160 pounds is perfect weight for your height
Kevin (Kev) said on 23/Apr/24
Rob what holiday do you gain the most weight on?!
Editor Rob
Definitely around Christmas to New Year!
Alex.7 said on 23/Apr/24
Hey, i have 1 more question for you Rob. So i am wearing 1.4inch lifts inside my Air force 1 mids and im wondering that can those lifts cause any health issues for me or cause me to lose height over time? I would be really happy if you can answer Rob :)
Editor Rob
The heightened angle might - like ladies heels - raise the risk of some issues developing over time.
Grant 6'1.5 said on 23/Apr/24
Hi Rob hope your well. I have a question for you because I know ur good with height and judging proportions, so Right now I’m on a journey to figure out something that happened with my cheeks around the age of 18 when for some odd reason I lost like all the width of my face in my cheeks and now it’s very pushed in and not proportional. My head is 9.5-9.6 range at 6’1.5 which is normal so i don’t know why it wouldn’t look proportional. Here are some pics if you have any suggestions on who to see or what to do?
Click Here
Editor Rob
Did you lose a bit more weight?
Rubbishposter said on 23/Apr/24
G’day Rob! Good to see you again. I hope everything’s well lately.

I’m about to turn 18, so I think I’m done growing, but I wanted to ask you something.

My out of bed height is 178.8cm. My evening height is 176.7cm. With these numbers, is it fair for me to claim 5’ 10”?
Editor Rob
I think it's a fair enough claim. Something like 'about' 5ft 10 might cover your range.
Zeeshan Asif said on 22/Apr/24
Hello Rob,
I'm glad to see you're back and hope that you can have more time to open up comments even though i know its a lot for you. My brother recently had a physical, he's 18, woke up at 6 am, rides a bike to school for around a mile and back, goes to school, and comes back around 2:30. However, he then lays down on his bed like so
Click Here picture in the website article). The physical measures him at 160 cm, but based on what I've told you, would you say this is an accurate measurement and what do you think he might measure midday?
Editor Rob
He would gain maybe 5mm or so after 30 minutes resting. Depends on when the physical was.
James B 172cm said on 22/Apr/24
Have you seen this rob?

Click Here
Editor Rob
Some of the guys were honest enough about it!
James B 172cm said on 22/Apr/24
As of this morning I weigh 165 pounds and I have a gut/beer belly on me lol
Editor Rob
I am sitting on 170 pounds just now. I would like to be 160.
Taweret said on 22/Apr/24
Hey robbo, want u to know that any question I’ve ever asked on here I did extensive research myself on it! For some reason I can’t find what you said the average height for a women aged 18-25 is today in America or the uk would be! Have tried your search bar and everything, so what would be the average height rob? I’m gonna guess 166 cm ?
Editor Rob
Nearer 165 these days I'd estimate.
Andrea said on 21/Apr/24
Are you back back, Rob? I hope the break helped you recover your energies and that everything is fine of course! 💪
What about a page for Jannik Sinner? Although I don't follow tennis, I've seen quite a few discussions of people arguing that he has to be taller than the 188 he keeps getting listed and from seeing him with other celebrities I can certainly see where they're coming from... So I did a bit of a research and found a 191 claim in 2022: Click Here What do you think? Could he be that or even taller? I mean, check him out with Buffon recently: Click Here
Editor Rob
It could be a case of 188cm at 18 and he gained more height and is now around 6ft 3. He certainly looks it these days.
Alex.7 said on 21/Apr/24
Hi Rob. What height do you think would be considered tall for male in Europe?
Editor Rob
At least 6ft
Jake: 1.84 m - 1.85 m said on 21/Apr/24
Hope all's well, Rob!

Could you please add Hugh O'Brian (regularly got described as 6ft or more in articles if you look) and could've been around that mark?

Also, a few others to consider: John Hoogenakker has been in a lot of late, and character actor Allan Cuthbertson, gets 6ft 1 listings (who was in a plethora of classics)?

Christopher Briney, Jay O. Sanders (veteran character actor in so many things) and Teo Yoo (Past Lives) would be really good additions too.

Also, the great director Alan J. Pakula!

Editor Rob
Allan is one missing, I feel weaker 6ft 1 range. Jay already had a page, last I seen him was an episode of Spenser for Hire and he definitely looked a couple of inches over Robert Urich.
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Dec/23
rlheight5ft11 - I have a model snow fox who is exactly the same shape as my red model fox!

I’d love to see a white fox in my garden some day, but I know that could never happen, alas. The only white animal I’ve owned was a white cat, Erramius, who died when I was in hospital at the end of last year. She was 15 and-a-half. It was my childhood ambition to have a white cat.

Wishing you a great weekend, rlheight5ft11! 👌🏼🎄
rlheight5'11 said on 2/Dec/23
Nothing better than waking up to snow and hearing it against the window.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 2/Dec/23
@ James B 172cm It may be massive from your perspective, but i would just call 6’4” very tall. Id say 6’8” or 6’9” is when massive really starts! You’ll be 11-12 inches above the average height!
rlheight5'11 said on 1/Dec/23
I know this sounds random but I could picture you posting height skits on Tiktok.
rlheight5'11 said on 1/Dec/23
@Sandy Cowell
Snow fox ❄️🦊🦊
rlheight5'11 said on 1/Dec/23
It's getting colder ❄️🦊
Snow.. where you are , I think?
Editor Rob
Yes, some snow overnight!
c-mo 5'9.25 said on 1/Dec/23

is it possible to not lose any height in our 50s ?

i am turning 38 soon and am afraid to lose weight in my 40s
Editor Rob
Of course you could make it through that decade with no (or at least tiny 1-2mm) loss, but you will be in the minority if turning 60 you are still the same as you were in your 30's.
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Dec/23
rlheight5ft11 - Too true, and so glad Celebheights is back! Nice to speak with you again. I’m listening to the German group Tangerine Dream. They make fabulous soundtracks. I’ve been listening to a lot of German music this week, as my Grandmother passed on on the 28th November, 53 years ago.

Have a great weekend, rlheight5ft11. 😄
James B 172cm said on 1/Dec/23
Rob is a legit 6’4 still considered massive in the UK and US?
Editor Rob
Still looks very tall in the UK.
Abdul-5'10 said on 1/Dec/23
Gavin v said on 29/Nov/23
Rob, what exercises would you recommend to keep your peak height as much as possible as you age? [I do light weight abdominal crunches, deadhang (hanging on a bar) for 30 seconds for 3 repetiions]

I will recommend to do the plank , and to do pull ups too. But in general I will recommend to hit any gym to start getting muscular. That’s the key.

I have been lifting non stop for 8 months now, and my one rep max in barbel bench press is only 221 pounds, or 100 kg. That’s not really impressive. But yeah, I recommend anyone to hit the gym just a few times weekly at least.
Gavin v said on 30/Nov/23
Rob, would you say someone who has a job that makes them sit for 8 hours are likier to lose less height as oppose to those who have a physically demanding job?
Editor Rob
Some physical jobs that involve movements like twisting and bending are going to put more stress on various parts of the spine compared to the sitting job.

However, there's still pressures on the lumbar discs when sitting for many hours. I don't sit for hours at a computer like I did in my 20's, I get up regularly.
Gavin v said on 30/Nov/23
Rob, your opinion on leg lengthening surgery?
Editor Rob
It's an extreme 'solution' to body dysmorphia.
Andrea said on 30/Nov/23
To be honest, the main reason why I still have Netflix is because my family has it, so I sometimes "exploit" that, but I've rarely used it myself in the last year.
Anyway, speaking of Squid Game and to keep it about height, there's a couple of very tall guys in it. One, an ex basketball player, who claims 6'8 (though it wouldn't surprise me if that was a "basketball claim") and another one, who claims 6'7... Here he is next to a height chart: Click Here Do you agree that that's most likely a shoe height?
Editor Rob
I think that guy actually positioned himself so there's no advantage, so between 6ft 6-7 is quite possible, depending how thick his shoe is.
JovanU said on 30/Nov/23
Rob is 6ft 1 above average or bottom tall in general? I always feel like I'm average between younger males in Serbia.
Editor Rob
In Serbia, for a 20-30 year old guy, it's a couple of inches above average.
rlheight5'11 said on 30/Nov/23
@Sandy Cowell
I missed talking to Rob and others on here as well as reading new comments, Rob felt the same way, I'm sure.
Andrea said on 30/Nov/23
Rob, are you watching Squid Game: The Challenge on Netflix? Although I tend to abhor any kind of reality show (and actually didn't find the series as great as many do), it's grabbing me like crazy, to the point that I genuinely found myself pissed off after an episode last night, LOL!
Editor Rob
At the moment I don't have Netflix, I will probably go back to it next year.

I rarely watch reality stuff. Jenny watches a couple and for some reason enjoys Ru Paul Drag Race UK.
Gavin v said on 30/Nov/23
Rob, what was the lowest height somebody thought you were?
Editor Rob
I once heard somebody dare ask if I was 5ft 7.

It made sense because they had a high eyelevel, like 3.9-4 inch range.
Gavin v said on 29/Nov/23
Rob, what exercises would you recommend to keep your peak height as much as possible as you age? [I do light weight abdominal crunches, deadhang (hanging on a bar) for 30 seconds for 3 repetiions]
Editor Rob
I'd maybe incorporate some toe touching with that.

I think the key is keeping active and doing simple stretching moves as we age, whilst ensuring we keep a good diet.

Even though my own Father has lost a lot of height by 87, I've been making his meals for years now and ensure he gets good quality food and I supplement it with whole milk and protein drinks.

He's survived several falls down half a flight of stairs without breaking a bone yet.
Andrea said on 29/Nov/23
Rob, what about...
- Joshua Leonard: probably best known for the famous The Blair Witch Project, I've recently seen him in Unsane too and from that and a quick look at him, I could buy 5'11 range...
- Michael Gandolfini: with Burn Gorman Click Here and Jon Bernthal Click Here I can see 5'9-5'10. Definitely not 5'11 or 5'11.5 as he gets listed at on imdb!
- Havana Rose Liu: she gets listed at a specific 5'4.5 on this agency Click Here, though is she really that tall? Hmm...
Editor Rob
Michael first thought is weak 5ft 10.

Not seen anything of Havana yet, but that is quite a specific mark. Could always be near 5ft 4 and adding the extra half.
Maricks said on 29/Nov/23
What is your favorite holiday?
Editor Rob
I still enjoy Christmas time as I get to see all the family and have a nice relaxing time.
James B 172cm said on 29/Nov/23
James B 172cm said on 27/Nov/23
Rob are male silverback gorillas really 7feet tall when stood upright? Or is it that a myth maybe
Editor Rob
More like 5.5-6ft range.

Well Rob apparently the tallest silverback gorrilla on record was 6ft5 or 6
Editor Rob
Yeah, that would be some sight in person when it goes up on his legs.
Sandy Cowell said on 29/Nov/23
Ha ha, Rob! Next to Nipper, Jenny looks like a giant!

What a lovely picture…… 😁👌🏼
(Hicqs) said on 28/Nov/23
Rob would you be look at the bottom of a 6'1 guy chin
Editor Rob
In many cases yes, right around chin.
Gavin v said on 28/Nov/23
Rob, question. When i take my measurement, i dont really bust a gut but i hold in my breath a little. Is it ok to to that?
Editor Rob
Yeah it's ok, the difference between doing that and standing tall is probably only a couple of mm.
Gabbriel said on 28/Nov/23
If i am 181.7 cm put of bed, 180.4/ 180cm during the day and 179.4cm at bed time. Can I claim flat 5'11 or I should Go with 5'10.75 like Fassbender?
Editor Rob
5ft 11 is just a small round up. In public, I wouldn't worry about claiming 5ft 11...maybe 'about 5ft11' could be something to use.
Torrinator said on 28/Nov/23
Rob, I recently spoke to someone who claims 171cm - doubtful as the guy seems roughly eye to eye with me and I’m 5’5.5 (I predict he might be around 5’6 actually as my trainers are probably thicker). I saw him walk past my dad as well and look a couple of inches shorter.

On further discussion he said his measurement was actually on one foot, and standing at his very tallest. I forgot to ask if he was barefoot or not though. So my question is can someone get like 3cm from standing on one foot or is something else going on?
Editor Rob
One foot might gain him a cm or so...maybe his eyelevel is a bit lower (or it feels closer but he measures taller).
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Nov/23
It’s lovely to have you back, Rob! You’ve been sorely missed, and I hope everything is good down your end.

I’m listening to the rock trio Budgie, who I saw in the spring of 1983. They were utterly brilliant and I climbed up on the stage and touched them all! 😸🎼🎶🎵💕
Editor Rob
Yes thanks, Jenny and Nipper are also doing well. Earning their keep!
Gavin v said on 28/Nov/23
Hey Rob. Just a question to ask. If a person is measured 180 cm on the dot, does it mean a weak 5ft 11 since the exact measurement of 5ft 11 is 180.34 cm?
Editor Rob
Maybe if they drop another few mm under 180 then it's into weak 5ft 11.
Andrea said on 28/Nov/23
Really only 192-3?? I agree that his slimness (plus maybe the way certain videos are shot) probably helps him look taller, but still I'd have said more than that for sure, from the videos... and the height chart! Or maybe he purposefully choses situations with shorter than average people to appear a giant at times... xD
Editor Rob
I'm sure he probably gets guessed 6ft 5 range by others because of his frame. Interesting he only went with a 190cm claim.
c-mo 5'9.25 said on 28/Nov/23

what is your extreme low ? like being awake 18 hours + having done a lot of standing + a lot of physical stuff + dehydrated etc. ?
Editor Rob
Don't really go less than that 1/8th over 5ft 8 after proper hard day's work. I think I'd need to really do something like mountain climbing or really intensive sport to get 5ft 8 flat
Maqus Hics said on 28/Nov/23
What is the highest height you can reach ever barefoot?
Editor Rob
Best morning I could get would be 5ft 9. Typically it's 8 7/8th though.
(Hicqs) said on 28/Nov/23
Rob, what height range comes to your eyes?
Editor Rob
If looking dead ahead then within 3.5-3.75 zone. If raising eyes a little then around 5ft 4.
roberet said on 27/Nov/23
rob there is a height chart at my gym . I measure myself with it . According to the height chart I am 182cm barefoot
Editor Rob
A measurement with an object on your head would also be a good thing to check.
I think i am 6'2.5 said on 27/Nov/23
Hello Rob what could my height range be if when i stand straight a object that is around 163 cm come just below my chin but above the neck? Also my eye level is like 5-6 cm shorter than 182 cm and my shoulders seem to be slightly below 160 cm. Thanks
Editor Rob
6ft 2 range sounds believable based on what you say.
Andrea said on 27/Nov/23
How tall do you think this guy could be against this height chart, Rob? Click Here
I have no idea who he is, but I bumped into his Insta more than once and it always stunned me how he kept claiming only 190, considering how giant(ish) he can look in some of his videos. I mean, a true 190 can look quite tall for sure, but not THAT tall... I don't know whether he trolled or genuinely thought he was as low as that, but surely he's got to be well over 190!?
Editor Rob
He would be gaining a bit of height against the chart, but maybe he's 192-3 and very slim, making his appearance look even taller.
James B 172cm said on 27/Nov/23
Rob are male silverback gorillas really 7feet tall when stood upright? Or is it that a myth maybe
Editor Rob
More like 5.5-6ft range.
Matt99 said on 27/Nov/23
@zairphoenix I am your height twin! 5’10 outta bed and 5’9.25 at bedtime so 5’9.5 is my new claim when I’m in a good mood 😂
Gavin v said on 27/Nov/23
Hey Rob, I wake up at 182.5 cm, and 5 hours into the day I am 181.2 - 181.3, then I am around 180.6 at evening (I used a measuring tape, which I am certain didn’t have any errors in terms of cm and mm. used a wooden floor, and a wall, which to me both felt flat, and used a hard cover book). In total, I was awake for around 14 hours. I say that I am 181 cm if using metric. Thoughts on my height claim? (This might tie to the previous question, but what would u list me as if I was a celeb?).
Editor Rob
You're a decent enough 5ft 11, so if you go with metric, I think saying 181cm is fine.
(Hicqs) said on 26/Nov/23
After a workout in the gym how uch do you personally lose if any?
Editor Rob
Not been to gym for ages, but after proper hard work I would get near my 5ft 8 1/8th low.
James B 172cm said on 26/Nov/23
Rob one of my friends claimed 6ft4 a few days ago and yesterday said “I am 6ft3 or 4”

Does that mean maybe 6ft3 1/2 for his height? In person he has classic tall guy porportions.
Editor Rob
Maybe he falls between those marks, or has been measured both figures (or had them called out to him when being measured)
Canson said on 25/Nov/23
@Editor Rob:

Also Victor Wembanyama 7’3.5”

Click Here
Canson said on 25/Nov/23
@Editor Rob:

How about a page for Patrick Mahomes? Says here that he measured 6’2 exactly at the combine but he does have thick hair. Likely is 6’1.75 max (6’1 5/8) next to 6’2 Brett Favre. 6’1.75 is probably a good look. And Travis Kelce admits to 6’4 7/8 which he did measure at the combine

Click Here
Jeffery White said on 25/Nov/23
Hi Rob, during the day my eye level seems to be about 5'4 3/4, with top of eyebrow being around 5'5 3/4. I tend to measure around 176cm or 5'9 1/4 during the day. Taking into account my morning height of around 5'9 3/4 (with 5'5 1/4 eye level roughly), and evening height of around 5'9 - 5'9 1/8, do you think a 5'9 1/2 claim is fair enough (just rounding up a little) - meaning would I appear pretty much the same as 5'9 1/2 listed celebs on this site? Thanks
Editor Rob
Since you seem to have 4.5 inch eyelevel, you are likely going to be seen near 5ft 9.5 by a fair proportion of people.
If photographed with 5ft 9.5 celebrities, it would be hard to really tell a difference.
Jordi P said on 25/Nov/23
Hey Rob i'm 185,5cm with good shoes, 5hrs after wake up... What's your opinion on my real height? Thanks
Editor Rob
Without shoes you might be a six footer, I'd go with that claim and not claim height in shoes.
(Hicqs) said on 25/Nov/23
Rob What is your highest hight in the morning with shoes?
Editor Rob
With a thick sneaker like those air max 720 I would be 5ft 10.5 first thing out of bed typically.
Andrea said on 24/Nov/23
Rob, you're getting a taste for long vacations, aren't you? 😁 But seriously, again, I hope everything is fine... Great to see you back!
Can you add Nicholas Galitzine? If you see Red, White & Royal Blue, there are a few height jokes between him and Taylor Zakhar Perez and here they even try to measure them to tell who's taller, even if I don't really see the need of that as Taylor clearly looks the taller one in the movie by at least around an inch and sometimes more in fact (despite Taylor's character claiming they're the same height at one point!): Click Here How the woman ended up "measuring" Taylor 6'2 is beyond me (no way), but interestingly there's a moment where you can see the (4 and 5) feet marks on the measuring tape... Of course it's a very rough comparison and possibly not legit at all, but using a bit of photoshop (Paint actually 😛), this is the kind of range I could see them beside the 6ft mark: Click Here Over 5'11, but not quite 6' I can believe it for Nicholas, maybe exactly around 5'11.5?
Editor Rob
Maybe 11.5 is close, there looked at least an inch between them, accounting for their positions.

Not been outside Scotland since 2019, I actually wish I could get a proper vacation!
Arch Stanton said on 24/Nov/23
Rob would it be too difficult to update the website and auto approve comments from the regulars or something while you haven't time to update? It still seems very early Internet days that you have to update everything yourself!
Editor Rob
Yeah it is old school. I do feel moderating is a necessity for this site, because I see all the stuff submitted that you guys don't.

Not only would it cause the site to lose revenue (Google demonetises pages based on the most absurdly tame use of language these days), but some of the stuff people submit unfiltered would get them into trouble, especially in the UK.
Seedman321 said on 24/Nov/23
You should totally get Lewis for one final measurement. Just out of curiosity just to see if he grew even a millimeter after turning 20,
Same for iona
Editor Rob
Not seen either for a year, but maybe one day I will do a final check.
5'7 and a fraction said on 24/Nov/23
Hello Rob, I hope you are doing well, it's good to be back.
Editor Rob
Yes, thanks
6'0 ish said on 27/Oct/23
Hey Rob, One question
My hairline height is around 5'10.25 to 5'10.5, depends on the day.
How much do you assume my real height to be?
Editor Rob
You'd expect to be roughly 6ft or thereabouts.
avi said on 26/Sep/23
@Myself said on 24/Sep/23

I am not sure how one can consider 6'8 no disadvantageous
Essentially everyone over 6'4 would agree it's too much.
The consensus is 6'1-6'2 is optimal height even in country with supposed taller average such as Netherlands or small areas of the Balkans
The data is conclusive that being excessively tall has health issues (heart works harder, cancer risk, join and back problems, blood clots).
If you are 6'3-6'4 it is more than enough.
I understand some want more height for some sports but it comes with a price as you age.
I have never heard anyone say 6'6 let alone 6'8 is "ideal"
zairphoenix said on 26/Sep/23
Hi Rob,

I measure at just over the 5'10 mark straight out of bed and 5'9 1/4 late at night. At midday, I measure around 5'9 1/2. What height would be most reasonable to claim? Also, would I be considered a strong 5'9 or a weak 5'10?

Editor Rob
5ft 9 and a half would be what I'd recommend going with. Maybe a weak 5ft 10 is how others might see you.
Abdu-5'10" said on 26/Sep/23
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Sep/23
Hi Abdul! My catfood has arrived and the cats are very pleased! Ah! Bob Harris is talking about Emmylou Harris; When I was 18, nearly 19, I followed a guitarist onto a train and he played with the Emmylou Harris Hot Band. He had lovely long hair and I sussed out that he was a rock star. He was a very friendly guy.

The fellow who delivered my catfood didn’t half look like Curtis Mayfield and I told him so. He was doubtless too young to know who he was, but he was flattered anyway!

Always great to communicate with you, Abdul! Enjoy your young years….

Lots of love,

Sandy XXXXX 😁👍🏼🐈🐈‍⬛🦊

Thank you so much ! And you too , miss😃
rlheight5'11 said on 26/Sep/23
@Sandy Cowell
I hope you get better, I notice your name in the comments. 👍
Sandy Cowell said on 26/Sep/23
@ Abdul - One of my adopted cats won’t get off my lap!

My friend is coming home today and she’s very excited. I will look after her cats until she regains her strength, poor lady. Her boyfriend isn’t in the best of health either. I’ve been in hospital a fair few times since the 28th December last. I’m glad my friend trusted me enough to let me look after her cat family. I don’t want paying for it at all because it’s been an absolute pleasure.

I’ve been an animal lover since I was a small child. They are so rewarding to have about. Ozak has been sleeping on my back since I arrived home. I was in hospital for a week in July after a fall. I was unconscious and the Police brought me to hospital. I met them later and they were a real laugh. The smaller of the two picked me up! They said rude words, which really made me laugh! It was then that I was diagnosed with hypertension, (that hospital visit), consequently passing out quite a few times, including when I was out.

It’s always lovely to hear from you, Abdul!

My very best to you,

zairphoenix said on 25/Sep/23
Hey Paul,

I was measured at just over 176cm at my annual physical, and the time was 4:00 p.m. Would 177cm be a more reasonable height to claim, since it's what I measure late morning/early afternoon?

Editor Rob
If you want to go with feet/inches, then a 5ft 9 and a half claim would be perfect based on your measurement.
Nile Song said on 25/Sep/23
Thanks for the response Hiccup. That is an interesting case. Honestly even in my early 20s right now I wouldn't mind being mistaken for being younger than my age but I could see how looking over 10 years younger would be a bit worse - though I'm glad to hear it's becoming more of a positive as time passes.
Matez said on 25/Sep/23
Rob what does your celebheights day schedule look like?!
Editor Rob
Well I can give an example of what I'm doing today and see how CelebHeights fits in...

Up at 5.45am. Sort out a washing, as I'll have 3-4 hours to get it half dry before rain starts.

6-8am I'm working online, reading comments/replying and maybe a few edits to pages.

8-9 I'll head to shops to pick up some items for my parents - I do all their shopping.

9-10 might be playing with the Nipper and we'll go to a toddler's group at 10-11.30.

Then home for lunch.

Today I'll be taking my Mother to meet her friends for lunch (28 mile round trip), so from 1-2 I'm driving. 2-3 I'm home, playing with nipper and maybe trying to fit a 20 minute session online.

3-4 I'll drive back to pick her up and return home.

4-6 Back to Parent's home and helping them. It's basically non stop whilst there, making dinner, tidying up and doing a full wash/skincare routine for my Father (who suffers bad psoriasis, so I'm essentially his Nurse).

6-7 Dinner and then a couple of TV shows in evening before bed between 9-10.

So as you can see, I don't have as much time for CelebHeights as I used to a few years ago.
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Sep/23
Hi Abdul! My catfood has arrived and the cats are very pleased! Ah! Bob Harris is talking about Emmylou Harris; When I was 18, nearly 19, I followed a guitarist onto a train and he played with the Emmylou Harris Hot Band. He had lovely long hair and I sussed out that he was a rock star. He was a very friendly guy.

The fellow who delivered my catfood didn’t half look like Curtis Mayfield and I told him so. He was doubtless too young to know who he was, but he was flattered anyway!

Always great to communicate with you, Abdul! Enjoy your young years….

Lots of love,

Sandy XXXXX 😁👍🏼🐈🐈‍⬛🦊
Jeromeee1999 said on 25/Sep/23
Hello Rob

Why do you say in this page your height is 173.3 at mid day and during your height measurement video during the day you are at 174 - 173.7 ?

Did you lost height ?
Editor Rob
When active (like attending a convention) I'll get towards my lower range quicker than at home, where my body isn't under as much strain.
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Sep/23
Thank you Rob - very much indeed! I had my own private room, complete with a bathroom. I made good use of it, I can tell you!

I’m watching a double DVD of The Old Grey Whistle Test, and it has EVERYTHING!, including the Dutch group, Focus.

I didn’t half miss my kitty cats and when I came home, they were very happy to see me, and I them. My foxies were pleased to see me too. Oh excellent; we have Roxy Music coming up now! I used to write to Bob Harris and I met him while he was doing his rock show on Greater London Radio. He was watching a Man United football match and showed me some of his collection of bus models. What a lovely man! He is a very convincing 6ft1. When he stood up, I nearly passed out! Yes, yet another example of a man who do lie about his height. He has contributed so much to TV and radio that I really think he deserves a page on Celebheights.

Thank you for your great wishes!

Love to you, your family and all your lovely followers.

Sandy XXXXX 💕💐🐈🐈‍⬛✝️🦊

Hooray! My catfood has arrived! The cats are very harpy!
Ha ha! Clovis poked her little pink tongue out at me! 👅
rlheight5'11 said on 25/Sep/23
Sandy Cowell said on 29/Aug/23
How lovely to have you back, Rob! I’ve been worried that your little kid might be unwell, or you or Jenny, but I’ve been praying that all is well at your end.

I was thinking that too. I commented on one of robs videos trying to reach out.
rlheight5'11 said on 25/Sep/23
Do you think people are the most fittest in their 20s? Thereafter it slows down?
Editor Rob
Physically, by mid 20's you can be at a peak. At 47 I definitively feel a lot older in my body than I remember in my 20's!
Myself said on 24/Sep/23
@spainmen 193cm
Yeah, I wouldn't mind at all being 6'5, or even up to 6'8, those heights are not as disadvantageous as people make them out to be. But I have to say that lately I kinda stopped caring about height that much, I am satisfied with mine and consider myself already lucky enough. I am pretty sure that ideally I should've actually been at least around 193.5/194 cm btw, because I have scoliosis and herniated discs that surely do make me shorter...
Would be interesting to try glucosamine, to see if and by how much it makes a difference, I'd be extremely satisfied if I didn't dip below 193 cm at all thanks to it.
Abdu-5'10" said on 24/Sep/23
@Miss Sandy

I am very sorry to hear that you have been to the hospital and have had injuries. I hope God will cure your injuries and will make you stronger. And I havent heard about the meow mix before.

To be honest I have never had any interest in animals at all, I am
Not really an animal person. But it’s true that animals are God’s creation, and that is why animals are loved by humans. I am honestly scared and terrified of dogs , so I have been scared of dogs since I was a kid, today I am 19 years old, so I am very young, and I turn 20 in a month. It’s always great that someone takes well care of animals, because that means that someone really prioritizes God’s creation very carefully and very well. So that’s very fine and kind too.

Well, I shouldn’t mind my business, but have you tried to prevent your brother to ruin your stuff in your property, and is there a way to make him stop, since all of this damage will make your life worse.

I honestly feel very bad for you , dear Miss. and I hope God will be there with you to protect you to avoid any harm and any damage.

And God bless you very much, and have a great weekend too! 😀😀
Torrinator said on 24/Sep/23
Hey Rob,

Good to be back on the site. I recently measured my dad and he’s still holding 5ft 8 at nearly 64. That’s not much different to several years ago where he could maybe achieve 5ft 8 1/8th like yourself for a low. Would you say he’s doing well for his age? He’s in good shape and plays golf twice a week.

My mum on the other hand is down to 5ft 2.75 at age 54 after being a solid 5ft 3 peak. Her regular hobby is horse riding.
Editor Rob
Yeah he's holding up well. The key age of 65-70 is where many men succumb to loss, if they've held out well till that stage.
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Sep/23
Hi Rob!

I went out yesterday smelling of cat urine! One of my pussies had piddled on my strides! It was most revolting and I apologised to the cab driver. They’re only fit for the bin now! 🤮😷

My four adopted cats are settling in nicely. I woke up this afternoon and saw the two tortoiseshells were together, cuddling on the windowsill. It was a lovely sight to wake up to. 💕 So very sweet! I was singing the Meow Mix song while waiting for my medication yesterday.

One of my adopted cats is sitting on my lap and Clovis isn’t very happy!

Love to to you all,

Editor Rob
Sounds like the cats have a good home with you!
Not so good to hear you been in hospital again, hope you are recovering.
Sandy Cowell said on 23/Sep/23
@ Anbul - I have just come out of hospital and I’m eating properly to maintain the strength of my pussycats. I was in hospital because I’d fallen down the stairs - twice - having hit my head on both occasions. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t have gone to hospital had I known that they’d keep me in.

I admire these people because they are so selfless.

What added to the stress was that I was looking after a friend’s 4 cats as well as my own. I love them all so much as they are some of the most beautiful of God’s creatures.

When I arrived home, all the pussies were okay. I’d been so worried about them. They are eating like little piggies, but that’s good news! I can’t see very well at the moment and I hope I don’t make too many mistakes I need an optician but I can’t exactly leave the house as my brother smashed the door in. I still remember the day.. He used it as an excuse to stay away from our Dad’s funeral. Now he expects the social services to pay for his damage. Meanwhile, he lives at his flat, expecting me to cope on my own. He used to be such a nice little chap, but something happened. He expects a girlfriend young enough to be his granddaughter. How ridiculous is that?

Ha ha ha! My cat Ottica is stretched out by the heater and my others aren’t are away. One of the cats I’ve temporarily adopted is really tiny and only recently, she has come along to eat. It made no difference if put the food right by her as she was missing her hospitalised Mum. She and her boyfriend brought the four cats round so that I could look after them. They are so gorgeous, and there’s no way I will accept any money, or cat food, for doing this. I love cats so much, and I give my ‘services’ with a willing heart. Who wouldn’t? I’ve loved cats since I was a small child, and now, that I’m a small adult, things haven’t changed one jot!

Anyway, there’s a fly in this room and I’m trying to catch the little stinker! It just landed on my leg and I tried to swat it, but I hurt my hand and the swine got away! Ii daren’t spay fly spray near the cats because it’s so dangerous.

Hey Abdul - have you heard the ‘Meow Mix’ advert? It’s absolutely hilarious! You find it online. There are quite a few versions of it, all equally funny!

Something is going on downstairs and it sounds like a cat fight. I’d better go and investigate!
Furthermore, I think Livieliah farted in Clovis’s face and I simply will not have that!

Off I hop then to see what’s been going on…….

I wish you a happy weekend,

God bless,

Sandy XXXXX 🐈🐈‍⬛💐
Matez said on 23/Sep/23
Rob could you add these WWE superstars?

Paul Heyman 5'9-5'10
Jey Uso 5'11.75-6'0
Shane McMahon 6'1
Jeromeee1999 said on 23/Sep/23
Hello Rob i'm insecure about my height

Can i ever be considered a 172cm if i wake up at 174.8, going to 173.5 on mid day and 172.8 at 8pm on very active days ?

Thank you
Editor Rob
I would never consider your stats as being that of a 172cm person. 173cm is an easy claim to go with.
Ashutosh said on 22/Sep/23
Hey rob! i want to ask is group photo can consider as height measurement cause in some group photo i can look tall and some it's a low. And its cause of camera angle? please answer thanks rob!
Editor Rob
Position and posture vary, such that your height varies too!
Hiccup said on 22/Sep/23
@Nile Song, yes I do look young for my age. As an 18 year old, I could pass for 12 and as a 23 year old I still couldn't pass for over 16 after my voice broke. Currently, still to this day aged 28, I'll get ID'd for buying a simple energy drink and get comments quite often saying I look ''young for my age'' but it doesn't feel like it's at a complimentary age yet but more of a ''weird'' stage, like to be told you look young at 40 is far more of a compliment, it still feels a tad odd at this age. Although I'd say I'm in a far better position now because I can actually travel and do things without looking like a lost child.

I measured barefooted on a doctors stadiometer 5'7 aged 25 and today at 28 measured barefooted on a stadiometer 5'9 and a quarter. I've kind of been aware I've grown, because my girlfriend of 4 years was the same height as me (5'6 and a half) when we first met, now I'm definitely taller than her.

I wonder if being a very late bloomer (voice breaking in my late teens) meant my growth was late?

I've just had a google, yes, almost exactly like Ralph Macchio. Him aged 22 in Karate Kid is pretty much the age I looked, and I've just searched him at my current age which was him in Karate Kid III and that's the exact same as me. It's like we've had no progression from the age of 21 to 28 other than getting taller, I notice another example is Will Poulter who was short in his late teens and a late bloomer and ended up like 6'2. I can't grow facial hair other than a few hairs on my face, it's affected my life drastically because I couldn't go out socializing from 18-25 etc, it only feels like now I'm approaching the confidence to get my life on track.

I'm happy at my height now, more than happy and very blessed, I only ever wanted to hit 5'6, 5'9 was a pipe dream, now I just need to work out how to look more masculine.
Achille1999 said on 22/Sep/23
Hello Rob,

Could you describe your height, morning, lunch afternoon and night on normal days ?

Thank you
Editor Rob
In 2023 5ft 8 7/8th typically out of bed, 5ft 8 1/4 at mid-day, sometimes a little over that. By late evening 5ft 8 1/8th is lowest I seem to go.
Matez said on 21/Sep/23
Rob is it normal for when you have been on celebheights for a while it logs you out and you have re-enter you name and email? This has happened to me but not everyday.
Editor Rob
If you user another device it would do that.
Matez said on 20/Sep/23
Rob what is highest height you can reach in shoes in the morning?
Editor Rob
With those thick Air Max 720's I can be a strong 5ft 10.5 range first thing.

In elevator boots just out of bed, almost 6ft 1!
Andrea said on 20/Sep/23
Rob, even if you don't seem interested about him and probably don't give a f**k about that... I tried to ask Raphael Rowe how tall he was in an Insta live, but he kinda "skirted the issue" by saying that if I want to know to how tall he is I have to meet him in person or try to guess it from how he looks with others, also adding that people usually look bigger than they are on TV... 😬
Editor Rob
A strange response to get from a TV presenter. Would be easier just saying 5ft 6!
Matez said on 20/Sep/23
Rob have you ever gone below 5'8 on an extremely bad day?!
Editor Rob
I've yet to run a Marathon or get real badly dehydrated. Those situations could knock a couple of more mm from your body, but till now I still hold a good 5ft 8.
Arch Stanton said on 19/Sep/23
I'm 14 and a half currently James, and that's with still doing intermittent fasting and eating very clean! Maintained a 32 waist over the summer! Not interested in getting heavier!
Nile Song said on 19/Sep/23
Hiccup, do you also look very young for your age, like how Ralph Macchio appears? He had similar late growth but assuming you're not making up details, your case is even more extreme than his.
Abdul 5'10 said on 19/Sep/23
Sandy Cowell said on 18/Sep/23
Always good to hear from you, Abdul! I hope you are doing fine. 😁👍🏼 XXXXX
I am doing well. Thank you! How are you doing, Miss😀

I currently study social work at aarhus university.
James B 172cm said on 18/Sep/23
Arch-What weight are you aiming for?
Jerome1999 said on 18/Sep/23
Hello Rob,

I measure 175 on the dot after a good night of sleep.

At 2pm i'm like 173.5 cm usually on active days

At night i might go to 172.8 on active days like hiking.

What height should i claim ?
Editor Rob
A solid enough 5ft 8. Whether you go with 173 or 174cm is up to you. With a not too dissimilar height range, I personally stick with a 173cm claim.
Sandy Cowell said on 18/Sep/23
Always good to hear from you, Abdul! I hope you are doing fine. 😁👍🏼 XXXXX
Arch Stanton said on 17/Sep/23
The bulky, roid munching look is rarely good Connor anyway! You could probably gain a stone or two of muscle at your height, but there's so many more benefits to weight training and pushups than getting big. You'll feel a lot more confident and energetic for a start! I lift lighter nowadays but do higher reps. I do it for bloodflow, energy and wellbeing. I accidentally gained half a stone recently from upping my reps!
Abdul 5'10 said on 17/Sep/23

Did you used to go to a gym when you were younger in therms of body building, and to get muscular and defined ?
Editor Rob
Not been to the gym for many many years. I was fitter with more muscle definition in early 20's.
Abdul 5'10 said on 17/Sep/23
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Sep/23
PS Thank you, Abdul! 😉

You are welcome.
avi said on 16/Sep/23
A possible explanation of why some people grow later (19-mid twenties)

The growth plates fusing process known as epiphysis occurs when estrogen increases. This explains why girls tend to stop earlier. And therefore not grow as tall.

This also explains eunuchs grow taller and longer as they hardly produce testosterone and therefore estrogen will not be converted.
At some point the growth plates do fuse it just takes longer hence more growth and time to get tall

"Role of Estrogens on Bone Maturation and Growth Plate Fusion
Estrogens were first considered as female hormones primarily responsible for pubertal growth and sexual organ development in girls, acting similarly as androgens do in boys. This theory was challenged by Smith and his colleagues in the 1990s when they described a unique case of an extremely tall 28-year-old man who still had unfused epiphyses, a bone age of 15 years, and a lumbar spine BMD that was 3 SD below the appropriate control mean. He was 204 cm tall, had an arm span of 213 cm and eunuchoidal appearance structure, and, due to his open epiphyses, was still growing slowly during the third decade of his life."

"Estrogen Treatment for Modulation of Bone Growth
High-dose estrogen therapy has been documented to effectively reduce adult height in extremely tall girls "

This article breaks it down.

Click Here

This may be why some grow a bit taller as plates are not fused at 17-19 but rather 21-25
avi said on 16/Sep/23
@Rapha said on 19/May/23
"I would make the cut at 215 cm for a giant. Everything above it is giant territory everything under it is extremely tall but not giant territory."

Yes I do agree I'd say 6'11 even 6'10 because if you really see a person who is ACTUALLY this tall it is HUGE.


Yes but I said not giant for 6'6
It's giant territory.
I do agree since nowadays a lot of men are 6'0-6'3
6'6 may be categorized as extremely tall
As a 6'6 guy won't tower a 6'2
But can tower a 6'0ish guy.
(I consider 'towering'5-6 inches)

Giant territory I'd start 6'7-6'8

I do think many people do not understand how large 6'6 is

There's a guy at my office who is 6'4 zone and looks HUGE.
When I can passed him he didn't feel super tall in comparison - I'm probably at his eyebrows

I know it's proportions/ body type etc that will play into the equation can make those from further away seem taller.

I think giant 6'11-7'0 is the start.

Think about how much a 6'10 guy towers tall 6'1-6'3 guys it's crazy

Even in Netherlands 6'6 very tall I hear
I'm US and UK hardly ever see men that big
But do see them in larger crowds

I was in a densley populated area last month (in US east Coast) and I saw maybe 3-5 guys 6'4.5-6'5.5

Maybe one was a weak 6'6
No 6'7, 6'8
I've been to Europe including UK & Central Europe.
And it didn't seem much different.
I'd say for central Europe
maybe a but more 6'1-6'3 guys and 6'4 pops up more than here in in US

JJdubz doesn't seem to understand giant territory vs giant . It's pretty straight forward.
Hiccup said on 16/Sep/23
Hello Rob, As ridiculous as this sounds, is it possible to still grow at 28?

I was 4'11 as a male until I was 18, then my voice broke and I started my growth spurt that my family was worried would never happen. From 18-22 I grew from around 4'11 to 5'5, from 21-25 my height continued to grow a little from 5'5 to 5'7 and I've been calling myself 5'7 for years now, but my parents even comment that it looks like I'm still growing and after a friend commented that he's 5'7 and I'm not the same I recently measured myself the exact same way barefooted at night and I'm 5'9 flat. Is this a cause for concern or is this possible? I'm wondering if I can stretch out another inch until I'm 30 lol

To clarify both of my brothers who were normal growth are 6'2 and 6'5, my mother is 5'4 and my father is 6'0.
Editor Rob
Extremely rare to see anybody gain height in late 20's. However, if you measure yourself, it would confirm what height you are presently standing.
Abdul 5'10 said on 16/Sep/23
rlheight5'11 said on 15/Sep/23
@Sandy Cowell
Thank Abdul not me lol, I think some people here remember robs birthday.
After knowing this site for a bit over 2 years, then the birthday of Rob is remembered by me.
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Sep/23
PS Thank you, Abdul! 😉
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Sep/23
rlheight5ft11 - No problemo! 😂👍🏼
ConnorS-6'0 said on 16/Sep/23
@Rob what would you say Roger Moores weight was back in his James Bond films? somewhere in the 160lbs range perhaps? He was a pretty slim guy too.
Editor Rob
Would have guessed nearer 170.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 16/Sep/23
@Arch Stanton Yeah i could do with getting some muscles, but i will never be massive like guys such as Arnold Schwarzenegger or David Prowse. I just don’t have that big frame like those guys have, im not a big guy. I could probably get something like a lean muscular physique, but i will never be really muscular. The Darth Vader suit makes me look a bit bigger anyway, certainly a lot taller aswell!
shermarke-somali said on 15/Sep/23
hi rob I am 190.2 cm barefoot has my ultimate lowest height during the night and evening,,,,since I am only 0.3 cm away from 6 foot 3 190.5 could I just claim 6 foot 3 or just claim 6 foot 2 or 190.2 cm.
Editor Rob
Claim 6ft 3 with ease!
rlheight5'11 said on 15/Sep/23
@Sandy Cowell
Thank Abdul not me lol, I think some people here remember robs birthday.
kickstart999 said on 15/Sep/23
Hey rob how tall do you think lance barber (George cooper) is?

He’s listed as 6’2 but I feel like he didn’t really give off that much of a tall impression on young Sheldon.
Editor Rob
Maybe more like 6ft 1 range.
James B 172cm said on 15/Sep/23
Arch- I am 5ft7.75 and weigh 170 pounds currently. I do lift weights though.
Arch Stanton said on 15/Sep/23
It's good that you're slim Connor, better to be 11.5 than 22.5 stone at about 6 ft, the health encyclopedias will tell you you're within normal range. But perhaps the time spent wearing the Darth Vader costume would be better spent on some weight training! ;-)
georgett said on 15/Sep/23
Hi Rob, how tall was Taylor is those ?Click Here
Editor Rob
A solid 6ft 1
Andrea said on 14/Sep/23
I already asked you about him, Rob, but seeing that a new season is coming out soon... what about a page for Raphael Rowe, the host of Inside the World's Toughest Prisons on Netflix? With 7 seasons of it (even though though the first one was hosted by another guy), I'm sure he gets his fair share of research.
If you see the show, he does stand in front of height charts quite a few times throughout the various episodes, like this one I've posted last time: Click Here
Unfortunately, there aren't that many photos with famous people, but again here he is with Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby Click Here and Dynamo Click Here (although the ground may not be completely even) ... Also, I don't know them, but with a certain Fabio Carvalho footballer who gets listed at 5'7 Click Here and Rio Ferdinand's brother Anton who gets listed as low as 6'0 (though I reckon he's got to be taller than that?): Click Here
As I said before, I used to think close to 5'7 was possible, but the more I've seen of him the more 5'6 range does look closer, arguably even a weak one with the people I've posted above, don't you think?
Editor Rob
5ft 6.5 sounds like a reasonable figure for him.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 14/Sep/23
Rob i currently weigh 11 stone 7lbs 5/8ths, would you say i’m skinny for my height?
Editor Rob
That could be a slim weight for your height range.
c-mo 5'9.25 said on 13/Sep/23

just curious what is your extreme low height in cm ?
Editor Rob
173 is real lowest I could measure.
rlheight5'11 said on 13/Sep/23
I knew that lol.
Steven Smyer said on 13/Sep/23
Hello Rob Paul do you think if I also include drinking two to three glasses of 2% Reduced Fat Milk everyday do you think that will help me grow to my full height potential if I still have some growing to do?
Editor Rob
It might help towards daily protein intake and of course is a source of calcium and vitamin D.
3toes said on 13/Sep/23
Big Rob, how much is your eyelevel? And how much was Big G's eyelevel compared to yours? His seemed higher (smaller forehead)
Editor Rob
If perfectly level close to 4.6. I think G's seemed 4.4.
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Sep/23
@ Spainmen 193cm - I didn’t grow past the age of 15, so I have to agree with Rob that you’re a late bloomer. You have a lovely height, one which many would envy! We all develop at different rates, but it’s the end result that counts. 😉
bmb said on 12/Sep/23
@Rob Do you suppose it is possible obese people shrink faster during the day than people of average weight?
Editor Rob
I think it's something a study would have to determine.
Tawehret said on 12/Sep/23
Hey rob do you know how tall the guy in the black shirt is on the far right of this picture? He’s standing next to all Black Kieran read who’s about 192-3 cm. He’s a tik tok content creator

Click Here
Editor Rob
Looks close to 6ft there.
Steven Smyer said on 11/Sep/23
Hello Rob Paul I am 17 years, 7 months, and 4 days old to be exact. I am somewhere between 5'8 and 5'9 and I want to be taller. Do you think I could still grow more and do you have any tips on how I can grow taller.
Editor Rob
All I can say is that if there is anything left in genes, to do common sense things to maximise the potential. For instance, exercise, enough sleep and good diet.
spainmen 193cm said on 11/Sep/23

Here is my growth during my puberty, do you think I can consider myself a late bloomer?

14 year old: 5ft6.5

15 year old: 5ft10.25

15 1/2: 5ft11.5

16 year old: 6ft0.75

17 year old: 6ft2

17 1/2: 6ft2.25-5

18 year old: 6ft2.75

18 1/2: 6ft3

19 year old: 6ft3.25

20 year old: 6ft3.25

21 year old: 6ft3.5

22 year old: 6ft3.5-75

23 year old: 6ft3.75

24 year old: 6ft3.75

25 year old and now at 27: 6ft3.75-4: Morning height around 194.8-195. Normal low 193cm. Lowest at night after working out 192.5-6

As you can see, I manage to grow 1 inch or a little more after 18. And even close to 0.5nch past 21.

Despite Im 193cm I wouldnt mind to have ended 6ft5 xD

My father is 6ft5.5-6 and my mother is 5ft7.75
Editor Rob
I think you are a late bloomer, but not excessively so. A lot of your height came in 14-17 range.
spainmen 193cm said on 11/Sep/23

We are exactly de same height lol. I wish as you said I never deep below the 193cm bang on mark. I think that guys like Jared Padalecki or David Hasselhoff would edge us my a little. Althoug, Glucosamine can enhance to mantain 3-5mm more than you usual extreme low. So with that we will be solid 6ft4ers hahaha.

Im very comfotable with my height but I would not mind to be a 6ft5 guy like Jacob Elordi for example
Nik Ashton said on 11/Sep/23
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Sep/23
Good morning Rob, Jenny, Nip Nip Nipper and all you lovely commenters,

I usually wake up with a rock song in my head, but this morning, I had ‘Everybody wants to be a Cat’, whirring through my head, so I played it and sent it to Elaine, whose 4 cats I’m looking after and to Nik. It’s a funny, feel-good song and I simply love the cats’ dancing!

Have a great day, everyone!

Sandy XXXXX 🐈🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛🐈🐈‍⬛
Tawehret said on 11/Sep/23
RJT you’re not 6’2 lol you’re over 6’5, have u met any celebrity before in your life that u could compare ur height with? I used to think I was 5’11 at the age of 21 then I bumped into a Shortland at actor who has a page on here….. Ben Barrington. Needless to say I spoke to him cuz I wanted to square up to his height and I was 3 inches shorter. I no longer say I’m 5’11 I’m 6’1 (186 cm)
Tawehret said on 10/Sep/23
Hey rob how many cm do u think is between the two large men on the far left of this picture?

Click Here
Editor Rob
Between 3-4cm I'd guess.
Jeff185.5cm said on 10/Sep/23
Happy birthday mate, I hope you had a good one. Nice weather for September!
Editor Rob
Thanks, yeah it was a good couple of weeks up here.
Shawn 184.2cm said on 10/Sep/23
Rob, how much height drop do you think someone would go down if they were on their feet all day for 2 days with no sleep?
Editor Rob
They might get to their extreme low, but not go any further.
5'9 on shoes said on 10/Sep/23
Am 21 and 173 cm at the momment and i stopped at 173 at 17 and 2 months and i stopped there does that mean i didnt maximised my height potential? And my brother is nearly 5'10( my Dad height 165 peak and my mum 160 at peak)
Editor Rob
A decent proportion do stop in 17-18 range. A smaller percentage would end at 14-15, like myself.
unkn0wn said on 10/Sep/23
After waking up: 176cm
First hour or 2 out of bed: 175cm
5-8 hours out of bed: Between 174cm and 174.6cm
Absolute low after 3-5 mile walks without stopping or 1 to 2 hour workouts: bang on 174cm

What's a fair height claim Rob? I can be 5ft 8 3/4 around lunchtime and even later in the evening after sitting down for an hour to recover height. But I guess since my lowest height is below that 5ft 8 and 5/8ths might be fairer?
Editor Rob
Go with what you feel comfortable saying. You don't seem to shrink a big amount, so 'almost 5ft 9' is a possible claim. If you went with the metric value of 174, nobody will bat an eyelid...well, some might, because they'll think you are taller!
Tawehret said on 10/Sep/23
Rob, don’t let everyone fool you on astrology it’s just an excuse to give people a reason to act the way they do without taking proper accountability. I believed in it growing up but realised thru certain people that it’s a bunch of bs, because just cuz I’m born on the same day amd hour as you doesn’t mean we are anything alike!
Ehsan Jabar said on 10/Sep/23
Hi Rob, I just mearsured my height around 2 and a half hours out of bed I've been out for a walk already. And it's currently 185.8-185.9cm

My arm span is also around 182cm. Are they too short for my height is it ok? I have also started going gym to bulk them up in case they are too small in any case
Editor Rob
Your armspan is shorter for your height, but not exceptionally so. If you had a narrower shoulder width, it might look perfectly average.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 9/Sep/23
Rob do you think you’ll still be 5’8” when you’re 50?
Editor Rob
Unless I get more injuries and wear & tear, I should still be that range.
avi said on 9/Sep/23
@Emilia Rios Paoletti

Most girls are done at 14-15 in terms of growing as growth plates fuse at 14-15 some maybe 16
Boys growth plates can be closed later 17-21 depending.

If your mom is 5'7 and dad 5'9-5'10
Take 67 inches plus 69.5 = 136.5
Divide by 2
= 68.25
Then subtract 2.5 or 3 inches = 5.5.75
And you are 5'4.5 within normal range
I get 5'8 for mine but I'm 5'11.8 area but most likely because my paternal grandfather was 5'11 ish
avi said on 9/Sep/23

Hope all is well and you had a nice birthday.
Have you heard that human body is generally the length of 7.5 heads?
I measured my head and had someone measure as well and also got the same result.
9.5-9.6 inches.

As you know I'm a around 6'0

So multiply 9.6X 7.5 = 72 inches which is essentially what I am.
I did this for a few others and the figure comes out within half inch of their height.

I think you said your head is same size as mine at 9.5-9.6?
My dad is 5'8.25-5'8.5 (used to be 5'9) and his head was 9.1 or so. Maybe 9.2 tops.
Editor Rob
The 7.5 figure does look like it aligns quite closely with the average male head at various heights.
jd hearn said on 9/Sep/23
Happy birthday to rob paul from one of the newer site memebers
Editor Rob
Abdul 5'10 said on 9/Sep/23

Once you turned 20, did you felt that the time flew very quickly. Because I turn 20 on the 29th October, and I once heard that once you turn 20, then the next 20 years will fly quicker than we think, and then suddenly I am 40.
Editor Rob
When I think about turning 20 and being in 3rd year at Uni, it's a very long time indeed.

But time can go by quicker at times, other times it can seem to slow down. I do find the theory that having variety of experiences can slow the passage of time down.
Arch Stanton said on 9/Sep/23
A belated Happy Birthday! James and Rob, do you fit the star sign traits for Virgo and even those specifically for your birthday? What about others here, is yours accurate? I used to think astrology was a load of boll**ks but this is virtually spot on for me! (Taurus May 4th) Click Here
Editor Rob
Cheers. Having read a bit about Virgo traits, yeah I can see quite a lot of that in me!
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Sep/23
@ Rob - You so deserve it for everything you do to make us happy! XXXXX
Editor Rob
Very nice to hear!
Cooper Clarke said on 9/Sep/23
Happy birthday Rob Paul! Hope you have a great one! (I don't know if it still is your birthday in the UK but either way hope it's fun)

By the way my 19th birthday was on the 1st so same birth month and sign as you! That's cool!
Editor Rob
Yes I did, appreicate it!
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Sep/23
⭐️ I did know Rob’s star sign is Virgo though, rlheight5ft11 and all! 😀
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Sep/23
Yuck! That should have been, “Many Happy Returns”.
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Sep/23
@ rlheight5ft11 - Thanks very much for letting us know Rob’s exact Birthday! Without your comment, I’d have been none the wiser. 😁
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Sep/23
🎂🎉🎁🎈 Many Happy Rturns, Rob! 🎈🎁🎉🎂

Wishing you a fantastic Birthday and a Happy, Healthy New Year.

You’re still a youngster! 😁👌🏼

All the Best


Editor Rob
Appreciate it!
James B 172cm said on 8/Sep/23
Rob we share the same star sign.

My birthday is on the 22nd
Editor Rob
You're a long-termer here and yeah the same sign!
rlheight5'11 said on 8/Sep/23
Happy birthday Rob 🙂
Editor Rob
Cheers, now a young 47!
James B 172cm said on 8/Sep/23
Rob would you say 5ft10 is a decent height for attracting women if your a guy or are 6ft/6ft1 more ideal?
Editor Rob
I don't know whether 5ft 10 vs 6ft would have much difference.
RJT said on 8/Sep/23
I've moved to a town of 27k people and have saw few people taller than me in a week, at a grocery store, Mcd and a tyre shop. At 6'2.5" it is around 96 percentile in Australia and most of the time the tallest guy until you bump with 1 of those 4 percentile guys... had to look up with the guy on tyre shop so he's probably around 6'5.
Robby Harris said on 7/Sep/23
Do you feel average at 5'8" or would you say you feel noticeably/slightly under average? it's interesting because a lot of 5'8" guys feel average, yet many also feel short. Of course it depends on region, but I'm mostly referring to US and UK. Perception would obviously be very different in China or the Netherlands, for instance.
Editor Rob
Walking about cities in the UK, it does feel lower average range if you are just observing men.
Myself said on 7/Sep/23
@spainmen 193cm
We are height twins! I also am in the 194.7-195 range out of bed, if I just sit at home i usually am in the 193.0 to 193.4 cm range, if i go outside, walk and sit during the day, by the time i come back home i am usually 192.7-192.9, but if i stand for long periods of time or do a lot of activities involving bending or even work out, i usually seem to come back home at 192.5/192.6. Sometimes i have the same feelings as you do, i just wish i never fell below 192.8-193 cm, but considering by how much the average person inflates their height i think it's absolutely fair for us to claim 193 cm.
big kid said on 7/Sep/23
14 Slightly uncommon age to hit peak height for a man
15 Pretty common age to hit peak height
16 Very Common age to hit peak
17 Pretty uncommon to still be growing while 17.
18 Uncommon age to still be growing

This is my age for hitting peak height estimates according to a couple credible websites. What do you guys think?
Abdul 5'10 said on 7/Sep/23
Happy birthday , Rob!
Editor Rob
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Sep/23
While we are trying to get Rob Moody on Celebheights, how about the lovely ShanI Wallis? I believe she is 5ft5.

Thank you, Rob!
ConnorS-6'0 said on 7/Sep/23
@Rob I ordered these sock lifts a few days ago. Click Here

These say they give 7cm, your thoughts?
Editor Rob
Won't give anywhere near 7cm.
I'd do a measurement of them yourself to test what you get from them.
Shawn 184.2cm said on 7/Sep/23
Rob, do you think swimming is a good exercise to help maintain height?
Editor Rob
I think it can be a useful form of exercise.
ConnorS-6'0 said on 6/Sep/23
Rob how much height will i get from these? i have six lifts in each boot for my Darth Vader costume to be as tall and imposing as possible! Click Here
Editor Rob
The lifts won't give a huge amount, not even 3 inches.
Samuel Whittaker said on 5/Sep/23
Hi Rob. If I'm 5'11 1/8 out of bed and 5'10 1/4 just before bed (around 17 hours up), what would you list me as on the site and is 5'10 1/2 a fair claim? Thanks.
Alanna said on 5/Sep/23

How tall is Nico Parker?

Click Here
Editor Rob
Maybe heading towards 5ft 4 now.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.