How tall is Rob Paul - Page 2

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Average Guess (1158 Votes)
5ft 8.35in (173.6cm)
Gerald S said on 10/Jun/23
Rob, Where Eagles Dare is a Burton & Eastwood film (my favourite film of both of theirs), and it will give you a good chance to examine Derren Nesbitt’s peak height!

Enjoy: Click Here
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jun/23
@ Rob - My favourite Clint Eastwood film has to be Play Misty For Me. I also like his movie High Planes Drifter - a western, as you’ll be more than aware. I’m not overly crazy on westerns as a rule, but I’m partial to ALL Clint’s work, including those from the aforementioned catagory! 🐎
Editor Rob
Yes, we watched High Plains Drifter and it was better than I remembered. Granted I probably seen it in early 20's, sometimes your appreciation can change with age.
Cooper Clarke said on 10/Jun/23
Rob you deserve an upgrade to 5’8.25 at the very least. You measure near 174 at lunchtime and don't dip under 173 even at your low. Don't get why you've still listed yourself as your low when you're a stronger 5’8 than this. You could claim 5’8.5 without any problem since you're definitely over 5’8.
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jun/23
@ bmb - I used to walk like mad right into my forties. Sometimes I’d walk over 20 miles and I remember walking 21 miles and showing up in my local pub without a bead of sweat on my face because I was so used to it.

Walking is a great way of keeping fit, and it makes you feel wonderful!

Cheers bmb! 😁
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jun/23
Someone knocked my dustbin over this morning! 😂😂😂

I went out to investigate and there were three cats, none of whom would have been strong enough to knock a dustbin over, so it must have been a fox, but he’d disappeared when I was on the scene. Foxes get alarmed very easily. 😲

Next time I’ll make sure I’m there for my foxy friend with a large portion of pizza! 🍕🦊👌🏼
Nik Ashton said on 9/Jun/23
@ Aheean Rahaman - Maybe we all ought to round up a bit. You are at least the best part of 5’9”. 🌱
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jun/23
Hi Rob! My friendly pussy, Ottica, is licking me in time to the music! I’m listening to War of the Worlds, and intend to watch a Richard Burton film thereafter. 😉
Editor Rob
Haven't watched a Richard Burton film for a while. I've been working through a lot of Clint Eastwood films that Jenny hadn't seen.
Sully said on 9/Jun/23
Hi Rob. Would you say a guy who is 171cm, with parents who were about 169cm-170cm (dad) and 162cm (mum) reached his average height potential, genetically speaking?

(By the way, mum's dad and brothers were all around 6ft-6ft2, whilst dad's side were generally short.)

Burning question, please do let me know Rob! Thanks.
Editor Rob
It's within the typical range.
John feeddy said on 9/Jun/23
Hey Rob if I measured 177.6 cm after 12 hours , what height could I claim ?
Editor Rob
5ft 10 or 178cm.
Nicola Hunt said on 8/Jun/23
I say 5ft8 and a half. I am 5ft 4 and a quarter inches tall.
5'10 Abdul said on 8/Jun/23
Aheean Rahaman said on 6/Jun/23
You and I are close in height. I measured recently and I am about 5ft 9.25in when I measure first thing in the morning, around 5ft 8 5/8in at lunchtime, and approximately 5ft 8.5in before bed. I always round my height, so I claim 5ft 9in.

I would claim 5’8.5.
Rapha said on 8/Jun/23
Aheean Rahaman said on 6/Jun/23
You and I are close in height. I measured recently and I am about 5ft 9.25in when I measure first thing in the morning, around 5ft 8 5/8in at lunchtime, and approximately 5ft 8.5in before bed. I always round my height, so I claim 5ft 9in.

@Aheen That is certainly a fair height claim. In metric, you would be the perfect example of someone being a legit 175 cm person.
Nik Ashton said on 8/Jun/23
Hey Sandy! I’m so glad your foxes enjoyed the peanut buttercups I sent you plus the white chocolate high protein bar that your brother bought you. Oh, they do love catfood too and I’m sure they’ll love the scraps, Jasmin likes to lick my hand even if there is just a speck of food on it! 🐩

The father fox is a class dude, he’s so unselfish and he has an interesting way of feeding his young! He knew they’d find the confectionery, complete with his saliva all over it! The kits will have so loved the confectionery! When the father fox is choc-a-block with chocs he may let his young lie on his belly while he’s having a nap!

You are so welcome, I knew that the munchies I sent you would be enjoyed immensely by your resident foxes and I bet they squeal in delight and roll about in the garden on their bellies! Your foxes are all beautiful and placid and I hope more and more is done by our society in the future in order to make the lives of foxes better and better.

I’m so glad you saw a fox in your porch this morning, this will have made your day!

🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊 XXXXX
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Jun/23
⭐️ A journalist, ja? That’s FANTASTIC, Rob!
Vick said on 7/Jun/23
That is awesome man, do you remember how much weight you lifted when first started doing flat benching?
bmb said on 7/Jun/23
@Rob As of late. In hot summer days, when I go for long 45 minute walks and then back, I've noticed I've been shrinking quite fast during the day, even to my absolute lowest height by early afternoon at 176.2cm, when my usual low is 176.7-8cm. Is this kind of fast shrinking normal when you're dehydrated and not notice?
Editor Rob
It might be having a slightly greater effect. I've noticed that on real hot days and doing hard work - I will reach low quicker than normal.
Canson said on 7/Jun/23
@Alex: 2010 BMW 535I Xdrive with manual
5'10 Abdul said on 7/Jun/23
leo176 said on 4/Jun/23
Hi Rob, do you think 176-7cm (solid 176cm) would be considered short for a male in Europe (excluding Southern Europe) and America, when compared to white young males living there?
Editor Rob
Whilst in some countries with average 21 year olds being 5ft 11-6ft range it might, overall I would not class that as short in the vast majority of Europe.

No, your height is not short. In europe the overall male average height is 5’9.5. So I guess you are bang on average.
5'10 Abdul said on 7/Jun/23

Hello sir, I have noticed that I compared to last year only have grown 1.5 cm, or up to 2 cm. Does it mean that I am done growing taller? I mean I am a few mm over 177 cm at my low, so I guess I am a weak 5’10 guy. But I am not dissatisfied about my height. Because I do feel about / low average in my country, so I guess I am fine.

But do you think I am fully done growing?
Editor Rob
At your age I'd take anything else as a bonus. Growth does come in phases for many, where you are dormant for many months, then the body goes through a 1-2 month growth period.
Aheean Rahaman said on 6/Jun/23
You and I are close in height. I measured recently and I am about 5ft 9.25in when I measure first thing in the morning, around 5ft 8 5/8in at lunchtime, and approximately 5ft 8.5in before bed. I always round my height, so I claim 5ft 9in.
big kid said on 6/Jun/23
Hey Rob I’m just curious in ur last YouTube video you posed what made you think that Ron Perlmans head is 10.5 inches? Were you just kinda eyeballing it and that’s ur estimate? An average head size on a 7 foot guy would be 10.5-10.6 range Im pretty sure so if it was the big it would look very unproportional you’d think right?
Editor Rob
Well you could compare our heads and conclude his was likely over 10 inches. In person I did think it looked quite big and throws his proportions off.
Paul 177 cm said on 6/Jun/23
Hi Rob,

Any guesses on new Spurs manager (sorry, Rob!), Ange Postecoglou?

He's listed on Google as 177 cm - my height interestingly.

But thought I'd ask you, as you'd probably have a fairly good idea!

Editor Rob
Compared to the players he used to manage, some of whom I've seen, I'd say near 5ft 10 was reasonable.
Glacierr said on 6/Jun/23
@spainmen 193cm it looked like he was busting a gut during the measurement as well
Rapha said on 6/Jun/23
Scubadive said on 24/May/23
Rob if i measured 178.5cm out of bed and 176.3cm at night do you honestly think i can still claim 5’10?
Editor Rob
I personally wouldn't, though many guys would just round up to 5ft 10.

I think 'almost' 5ft 10 covers your range better.

@Scubadive. I would claim at your place 177 cm.
5'10 Abdul said on 6/Jun/23
spainmen 193cm said on 2/Jun/23
Rob, this famous Spanish bodybuilder got measured at minute 23:00 of the following video. The person who took the measurement says "186cm". Are you able to see which figure does he exactly got measured at?

Thanks in advance.

Click Here
Editor Rob
That looked like 1/8th over 6ft 1

In my honest opinion guys, then he is a legit flat 185.00 cm.
Sandy Cowell said on 6/Jun/23
Hey Rob! I only have to type in ‘C’ and my search box puts me over to Celebheights!
Editor Rob
There's not a day that goes by when I don't type celebheights somewhere!

Also, finally I must mention that Google have decided to add a little Knowledge Panel to recognise the great work I've done online and that I am somebody of note...a Journalist apparently 😄
Alex 6'0 said on 5/Jun/23
Canson, i forgot what type car you drive?
Weak5'11james said on 5/Jun/23
You might as well claim 5'8 and a quarter Rob.
leo176 said on 4/Jun/23
Hi Rob, do you think 176-7cm (solid 176cm) would be considered short for a male in Europe (excluding Southern Europe) and America, when compared to white young males living there?
Editor Rob
Whilst in some countries with average 21 year olds being 5ft 11-6ft range it might, overall I would not class that as short in the vast majority of Europe.
Tawehret said on 3/Jun/23
Thanks Rob saw ur replies! I’ve never met someone who’s got an eye for heights, angles, etc like you! Thanks to this site I’m abit better at guessing heights now. I’ll be honest for years I didn’t even know what “6 foot tall” even looked like and if it were tall or not. Until I came here!
Editor Rob
Yeah, guessing height can be tricky and the more you observe different heights, the easier it should become. Or at least the margin of error will reduce.
Matt99 said on 3/Jun/23
@John feeddy quite literally the same height as me! I claim 176cm.
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Jun/23
Hey Nik! The foxies enjoyed the peanut buttercups you sent me plus a white chocolate high protein bar which my brother bought me, when they had finished the two cans of catfood and scraps that were on offer today. I noticed how the father fox carried pieces of confectionery in his mouth and dropped them round the garden for the kits to find - and find them they did! It was a joy to watch……

Thank you so much for all the munchies you send my way. They are greatly appreciated and enjoyed immensely by my resident foxes. 🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊 XXXXX
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Jun/23
@ Nik - When I can’t, I feel kinda down, especially when I see a commenting opportunity while I’m watching something!
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Jun/23
Hello Rob, Jenny, baby and all you lovely visitors!
The father fox is sleeping right next to my house now! I saw his skinny foxy legs yesterday, and this morning, he was curled up and waiting for me. I fed him loads of catfood, which I acquired last night especially for him as foxes prefer it to the dog variety.

I bought a large pizza on the 31st of May, having discovered that my weight is down to 91.2 pounds. I could only manage to eat the cheese from the top, and the following morning, the foxes made light work of the many slices remaining. In fact, it was gone in no time!

The Dad fox carries large portions of food to his young, who scramble about at the back of the garden, though they do come up to the house now, and I’m very pleased and excited about that.

Wishing you all a great weekend! 😁👌🏼
5'10 Abdul said on 3/Jun/23
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jun/23
Congratulations Abdul! 😆🥇

Thanks dear miss
John feeddy said on 3/Jun/23
Rob what’s an extreme low you’ve measured eg 15-18 hours after wakeup
Editor Rob
Over last few years of checking, usually 1/8th over is my real low. Typically I get 5ft 8 7/8ths out of bed these days.
spainmen 193cm said on 2/Jun/23
Rob, this famous Spanish bodybuilder got measured at minute 23:00 of the following video. The person who took the measurement says "186cm". Are you able to see which figure does he exactly got measured at?

Thanks in advance.

Click Here
Editor Rob
That looked like 1/8th over 6ft 1
Canson said on 2/Jun/23
@Editor Rob: I drive manual as well.
5'10 Abdul said on 2/Jun/23

Would you think that 177-177.5 cm is average height for a young man in UK?

And did you felt that the average height was a bit different when you were in your late teens or early twenties, because you might have been of average height as an young adult.
Editor Rob
I would say it's nearer 5ft 10. As for the mid to late 90's, I would have said less, but not a flat 5ft 9.
Nik Ashton said on 2/Jun/23
@ Sandy Cowell - You are so welcome! It was incredible that you sent me a text message so soon after I had submitted my comment on celebheights, this was a mega coincidence! I knew once you had sent me this text message that you would be able to comment again and you are well and truly doing so! 👌
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jun/23
Congratulations Abdul! 😆🥇
Nik Ashton said on 1/Jun/23
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Jun/23
@ Rob , Jenny and all visitors: Heyup! This morning I came across a couple of fox cubs having a tug of war with what looked like a pair of tights! It looked incredibly funny and there was an adult fox in the background looking on, probably reminiscing.

What a wonderful sight to wake up to! 🦊🦊🦊
John feeddy said on 1/Jun/23
Rob if I measure 177.5-177.8-12 hours after wake up what height would you class me at ?
Editor Rob
Very strong 5ft 9. Whether you should say 5ft 9 and a half is a question, because say you turned up at a Doctor appointment at 11am, you'd likely be nearer 5ft 9.5 and have that figure recorded on your forms.
Tawehret said on 31/May/23
Thanks Rob, least I have a strong idea of how tall the guy is now. He’s an actor in NZ, do you think the third guy is more accurate to guess as he’s closer to Ritchie mccaw? Would u say he’s 173 cm or 174 cm? He looks taller by the guy I asked of, but by Ritchie he looks 173-74 cm

Click Here
Editor Rob
Maybe 174cm range
Nicola Hunt said on 31/May/23
I am 1.63.2 which I stand at 5ft 4 1_4
5'10 Abdul said on 31/May/23
I finally passed my driving exam today, and I drove a manual car.
Editor Rob
I've only ever driven manual cars.
5'10 Abdul said on 30/May/23
Alex 6'0 said on 29/May/23
Vick, i assume you mean flat bench. My all time max was 425lbs a few years ago. Currently its 385 last i did it.

For how many years have you been strength training?

I started two months ago?
Sandy Cowell said on 30/May/23
Isn’t it ironic, Nik, that so shortly after you wrote that comment, I DID find a way of getting it to work again? Thank you for writing it, by the way. 😃👌🏼
Tawehret said on 30/May/23
Thank u very much rob for the response, I always look out for them so thanks man. Just to clarify what u said do you mean the ground they were on was giving Ritchie mccaw more advantage or true guy I asked for u to guess?
Editor Rob
It was hard to tell how much the ground varies.
SidVicious said on 29/May/23
Did you see the guy on Lad Bible who added 5 inches to his height with Leg Lengthening?

This guy went from 5'8 - 6'3
Click Here

This guy went from 5'5 to 6'0
Click Here

Makes me wonder what your thoughts are on this, I immediately thought of you. I'm in my 20's now, not something I'd consider, but when I was a shorter dude in my late teens this might have excited me. Now, I'm happy being 5'8.

Makes me wonder, will this be a common future procedure? will it get easier

Also what do you think the long term negative implications of such a procedure will be? Stretching your Femur/Tibia bone 10cm each sounds pretty concerning.

Final add on: Really appreciate you Rob, as a fellow scots-man your channel always cheers me up and I enjoy how humble and humorous you are. Never change.
Editor Rob
There's a whole channel with footage, interviews etc that is interesting: Click Here. Some guys who done it were already above average. I think those who follow the aftercare routine and keep stretching/exercising will have a better outcome, because all the ligaments and tendons also have to adapt and lengthen.

30 years from now, advancements might make the process smoother and easier and you might find a greater percentage doing the procedure.

From a psychological viewpoint, I think it's a tricky subject. I feel you have to have some deep emotional trauma to consider and then proceed with surgery like that. Maybe you'll find with a proportion of patients that it really does help their mental health in the long run, but you might find with another set of people that even with the added height, the mind will find other worries in life to 'fill the gap'.
Sandy Cowell said on 29/May/23
Ha ha Alanna! I’ve never heard of Ice Spice! Some say you
should keep updated with music, but I’m too into my early rock from the 60s and 70s and their offshoots later on. 60s music brings back my early childhood and the times that went with that period. With the 70s came the Glam Rock era and also punk or New Wave, some of which was really good and I still play that music today.

Mike Oldfield started his career in the early 70s and his music is ageless. He’s 5ft9.

Cheers Alanna! 😁🎼🎶
Alex 6'0 said on 29/May/23
Vick, i assume you mean flat bench. My all time max was 425lbs a few years ago. Currently its 385 last i did it.
Sandy Cowell said on 28/May/23
All pleased and excited at getting my phone going again, I got
up to change the litter trays. I trod straight in some cat plop💩 and I’ve had to disinfect my foot, leg and hands.

Well, you have to take the rough with the smooth!
Seri said on 28/May/23
hello rob, what is your weight on May 2023??
Editor Rob
I actually checked this the other day as I monitor my Father's weight.

I'm sitting on 170 pounds just now.
Sandy Cowell said on 28/May/23
Hi Rob!

I managed to get my phone going again! I’m so pleased to
be back. I had to restart it, following a very well explained video. Brilliant! 😁👌🏼
Editor Rob
That's good to hear your phone is working again.
Nik Ashton said on 28/May/23
@ Rob & all visitors - I want to send a message to inform you all that my great friend Sandy Cowell is unable to comment at the moment due to issues with her phone, she is able to ring up and receive calls on her phone but she is struggling to make any other type of contact with anyone. I can tell you Sandy is looking at getting a new phone and she passes on all her love and I do too.

All the best to everyone, from Sandy and Nik. XX
Tawehret said on 27/May/23
Hey rob could u pls tell me the height of the man on the far right? He has a pic here with ritichie mccaw (whose hair is quite big) my guess for the guy is 180-81 cm.. as I think u said Ritchie is 187 cm?

Click Here
Editor Rob
Tricky ground, easy to add/remove 1-2cm from a person. Based off that photo though, 5ft 11 would be fair (or a touch more) if ground was pretty even.
Tawehret said on 27/May/23
Hey rob how do I find the average heights for countries from say as far back as the early 1900s or before that? Do you know of any reliable sites please
Editor Rob
At the moment I couldn't tell you a resource for that.
Alanna said on 27/May/23
Hey Rob,
How tall do you Ice Spice is?
Click Here
Editor Rob
Claimed to be 5ft 2 then 5ft 3, saying she grew.
5'10 Abdul said on 27/May/23
Vick said on 25/May/23
@Alex-How much can you bench? I know you hit the weights and I wanted to start myself.

I started training 2 months ago, and the heaviest I currently can bench is 60 kg or 130 pounds, and I am also only 19.5.
Vick said on 25/May/23
@Alex-How much can you bench? I know you hit the weights and I wanted to start myself.
Jdubbz said on 25/May/23
@Johan 185cm:

In all fairness, even 6’8/203cm isn’t that outlandish in the Netherlands. 6’6 in most Western countries is roughly equivalent to 6’8-9 in the Netherlands, so strongly in the very tall category and approaching extremely tall. Definitely not a giant though, I agree with that.
Rapha said on 25/May/23
Hi Rob

Would you consider someone measuring 187 cm barefoot as solid tall?
Editor Rob
Yeah, I could see them as solidly tall!
Scubadive said on 24/May/23
Rob if i measured 178.5cm out of bed and 176.3cm at night do you honestly think i can still claim 5’10?
Editor Rob
I personally wouldn't, though many guys would just round up to 5ft 10.

I think 'almost' 5ft 10 covers your range better.
Sam83 said on 23/May/23
Hi Rob, how much extra height do you think is possible from super high shoes, that are shown to be 8 or 7 inches please? Would over 6 inches or even more extra height be possible do you think?! Thanks
Click Here
Click Here
Editor Rob
Almost 7 inches for those black heels.
Sup said on 23/May/23
Rob if you Watch this comparison how big do you think is giant khali head?
I think the short guy probably have a 9.5 inch long head
Click Here
Editor Rob
About 12 inches in comparison.
Sandy Cowell said on 23/May/23
Hey Rob, Jenny, Baby and all visitors,

I came across some coloured animal nails. They come in every colour imaginable, but I don’t think my cats would put up with a manicure! Ergo, I won’t bother!
Markwen said on 23/May/23
Hey Rob, if I get up at 8:30 in the morning and measure my height at 11:30 or 12:00, maybe it's fair to bill me at that height? ie 3-4 hours after waking up. thanks.
Editor Rob
Yeah, go for it!
Johan 185 cm said on 22/May/23
avi said on 17/May/23
@Johan 185 cm said on 10/May/23

6'10 is definitely not a normal tall height

Is it a giant. I don't think so because on the scale of things 10 inches isn't THAT much if you compare to a 5'11-6'1 guy
He'll be towered for sure but still can make it to the Giuseppe's chin if lucky.
Now a 5'6 guy be obliterated next to a 6'10 range guy

6'6 is giant territory.
I'd say 6'6-6'10 is giant territory

6'11-7'2 is a "mini giant"
7'3/7'4 onward is giant


6'10" is for sure almost as thats an entire foot over an average 5'10" man. I would say anything 7'0" and above is a giant, absolutely towers guys who are very tall.

I dont actually think 6'6" is that tall. Its very tall but still within norms at least here in The Netherlands.
Andrea said on 21/May/23
Rob, did you take a look at the names I've posted back in December? 😬
In doubt (not really), I'll re-ask you to consider at least the Italian actor Alessandro Borghi, who has been in some of the best Italian recent movies, like Non essere cattivo, Suburra (movie and series), Le otto montagne, and I'm sure has a great career ahead (even internationally). Like I've said before, he claims 186, but I think that's more a shoe height. And before you say that you're not sure he's worth an add or anything like that, don't EVER forget that you added people like Michele Morrone! 😁
Editor Rob
Not looked yet
Alex 6'0 said on 21/May/23
Jdubzz, technically could even say 6'7-7'0 is extremely tall and over that is a giant. 6'4-6'6 to me is very tall then becomes extremely tall then giant. Like you said a giant will tower a very tall guy. Towering at least 5-6 inches minimal. Its a height that people will say omg hes that tall. At least 6'10-6'11 would be the start but omg heights are more over 7'0
Alanna said on 21/May/23
Would it be an error if someone was measured taller on a stadiometer?
Editor Rob
Human error like misreading the figure is possible, and maybe in rare cases the stadiometer (if wall attached) could cause an issue.
Jdubbz said on 21/May/23
@Alex 6'0:

I'm guessing by giant territory he means "extremely tall", because he says mini/semi giants are taller than people in "giant territory." IDK, that phrasing doesn't make any sense to me.
Jdubbz said on 21/May/23

I'm not being black and white, it's just what you said was phrased in a confusing way. How is "giant territory" different from "giant?" To most people they mean very similar things. It makes no sense to say semi/mini giant is taller than "giant territory."

We usually say 6'6-6'10 is extremely tall, but not giant territory. Giant territory implies being a giant, not 10" below that category.
Alanna said on 21/May/23
I had a doctor’s appointment recently and I was measured at 5’3.5.
My last appointment I got measured at 5’4.25.
Editor Rob
If it was the same equipment, that's a big difference to not be a wrong reading.
186cm said on 20/May/23
Should be whatever either MacAskill or Fingleton were.
Scubadive said on 20/May/23
Rob do you honestly think i can claim 5’10 if i am 178.3cm out of bed and 176.3cm at night??
Editor Rob
If you said almost 5ft 10, it might cover your range.
Ashutosh said on 20/May/23
Hey rob it's been long time!! so i was wondering how long hair can add to height for example i measured my height with tape measure to half of my hair and got 180 cm around and when i measured to my highest part of my hair i got 181 cm . So what's the perfect height for me .
Editor Rob
Hair can vary a lot, so it's hard to tell without seeing.
oren metser said on 20/May/23
@Veron What's your height straight out of bed or 1-2 hours after? 5'8.75 or 5'9 1.75m?
Alanna said on 20/May/23
Click Here
How tall is Crystle Stewart (Miss USA)?
Editor Rob
She claimed "125 pounds. And I'm 5 feet, 9 inches tall.", though might be 5ft 8.
MR12 said on 19/May/23
Rob I measured 5'4.5 before bed, is 5'5 fair to claim
Editor Rob
I think if you told people you were about 5ft 5, the vast majority will not be thinking you are inflating.
Rapha said on 19/May/23

I would make the cut at 215 cm for a giant. Everything above it is giant territory everything under it is extremely tall but not giant territory.
Alex 6'0 said on 19/May/23
6'6 start of a giant? No way. Very tall man but not a giant. If i seen jdubzz whos a bit over 6'6 id think this guy pretty tall but not a giant. Giants typically will tower Very tall guys
avi said on 19/May/23
@Jdubbz said on 18/May/23

Yes giant territory would be 6'6-6'10

Semi or mini" giant (if you properly read my comment) was roughly 6'11-7'2
Then Would be giant above that

You're very black and white

10 inches on the scale of things in life isn't that big of difference but of course with heights it obviously is...
I was pointing out that a 6'0ish vs 6'10 is towered but the shock value of 5'6 vs 6'10 is crazy BUT a 5'6 guy is short

A true giant will extremely dwarf really tall guys
Sam83 said on 19/May/23
Hi rob, thank you- i will probably wear flip flops/barefoot, which I guess don’t add 0.5 inch, so assume the height difference will be around 1 inch.
I wasn’t prepared to be the shortest in the group! Her friend is 5’7.5 (so similar height, to her and will be wearing those same shoes, so assume she will be over 6ft in those shoes?) and her partner is 6’3, so I just wasn’t sure how noticeable the height difference would be between the four of us if I had no extra height from shoes!
Thank you
Rapha said on 19/May/23

Yes, most extremely tall people have a condition. I would say that the maximum a human can reach without medical condition and pure genetics should be around 230 cm.
Sam83 said on 19/May/23
Hi Rob, thank you for help, I thought they may add around 5 inches, so guess she will be around 6ft. We will actually be going to fancy dress and those were for a costume- I am going beach theme, so likely wearing flip-flops/barefoot, so no extra height really- so I assume there may therefore be around a 1 inch height difference between us- just wasn’t sure if this would be fairly noticeable in pictures etc?

May be the first time then that my younger sister is taller than me then, if you think these could add 5 inches! Her partner is 6’3, so now wondering if I will look quite short compared to both of them together!
Thank you
Editor Rob
It will probably look an inch (from eyelevel perspective)...just depends if you are in 0.5 max shoes or not.
Discord said on 19/May/23
Click Here

Rob, whay would you say is the difference between me and man in orange t shirt?
Editor Rob
Would have guessed just under an inch
Jdubbz said on 18/May/23
6’6 is giant territory but 7’3/4 onwards is a giant? Huh? Most “rational” men wouldn’t describe heights 10” apart as being in similar categories, but then again it is Avi we’re talking about here.
Dy Elyon said on 18/May/23
Hey Rob! Your website is pretty awesome, for some reason I'm curious to know the height of others ahah I'd really love to know how tall do you think the artist/designer Daniel Arsham is? He seems shorter than Pharrell Williams..Thank you :)
Editor Rob
Yeah 5ft 7 could be closer to the truth. See him with Naomi Campbell in sneakers, and he looks a few inches shorter.
Veron said on 18/May/23
Hi Rob, maybe I'm bothering you for the 3rd time but I can't help but ask if I wake up at 11.00 am and measure 174 (5ft8.5) at 14.00 lunch time, would it be fair to bill myself with this height, please tell me it would be fair. at night at 22.00 pm I am 173.3.
Editor Rob
If you claim 174cm, that would be perfectly fine.
Andrea said on 18/May/23
Rob, what about a page for the protagonist of Spielberg's latest movie The Fabelmans Gabriel LaBelle?
While he did look taller than Michelle Williams, he looked pretty short in it... I was thinking 5'5 MAX, maybe even a bit under?
Editor Rob
Yeah, he could be 5ft 4.75, certainly wouldn't have guessed him more than 5ft 5.
Sandy Cowell said on 18/May/23
🙏 Here’s thinking of all whose lives have been ruined in those dreadful Italian floods.
Tawehret said on 18/May/23
Oh wow thanks for that rob, would u say a strong chance of 185 cm or 186 cm?
Editor Rob
In the video I'd have went with about 185cm
Sam83 said on 18/May/23
Hi Rob, my sister was thinking about wearing either of these pairs Click Here

Click Here

She is 5’7, how tall do you think she will be in these please? I’m 5’11 and the shoes I’m wearing add little/no extra height. Do you think there may be a noticeable difference in height please if compared?
Editor Rob
The lighter pink heel might have a slight edge, but both should be getting her to 6ft range, so she might look a bit taller than yourself if you're wearing 0.5-0.75 shoes. If her eyelevel is higher, then the difference will feel greater.
avi said on 17/May/23
@Alex 6'0 said on 9/May/23

I think freakish (some don't like that word) can be 6'6 but I agree 7'0+ or around 7'0 (6'11 may qualify)
is definitely like a giant.

I mean if a 6'9-6'10 is walking around you definitely will go "OMG how can he be that tall??"

I mean really how many 6'10+ guys does one encounter
It's VERY rare

Since I became height conscientious maybe 17 years ago or so, I remember seeing maybe 3-4 guys 6'9-7'0

I'm pretty sure I never met a legit 7'0 guy

I never came up to someone's shoulder always came up to their chin.

Maybe if I got out a bit more I'd see some more 6'7-6'10 guys but I feel that range it's pretty rare

I went to a basketball game (NBA) maybe 15 years ago and that was where I of course saw some players 6'10-7'1 area

The closest I've been to a really tall person was at the mall maybe 10 years ago and I remember coming up to their chin so that was a 6'10 range guy
avi said on 17/May/23
@Johan 185 cm said on 10/May/23

6'10 is definitely not a normal tall height

Is it a giant. I don't think so because on the scale of things 10 inches isn't THAT much if you compare to a 5'11-6'1 guy
He'll be towered for sure but still can make it to the Giuseppe's chin if lucky.
Now a 5'6 guy be obliterated next to a 6'10 range guy

6'6 is giant territory.
I'd say 6'6-6'10 is giant territory

6'11-7'2 is a "mini giant"
7'3/7'4 onward is giant

Guys 7'0 + will have MAJOR issues in life

I can't even imagine being more than 6'5

So normal tall would be up to 6'5

6'6 is that gray height where it's a bit freakish.

The health issues a 6'6 guy vs a more optimal tall height of 6'2 zone will be much more where I think most rational men will prefer 6'1 over 6'6 any day


Brahmim is very big
But he and most of the tallest people in world have a medical condition making them tall

It's more interesting to see someone where it's "natural" due to genetics.
Even the guys who are 6'10+ (think some 7'1-7'6 basketball players) who technically don't have a medical condition but have some gene mutation that was inherited
Remember that kid Robert Bobizcky (I'm too lazy now to look up last name but if you search 7'7 teen form Romania he'll come up)
He definitely has something going on but it's not gigantism or acromegaly. His dad was 7'0 zone
So sometimes abnormal height is passed through genes
Nik Ashton said on 17/May/23
@ oren metser - The giants are still rare and people are living longer. People shrink as they get older too.
oren metser said on 17/May/23
Does it make sense that the overall average height in Israel and USA is still 1.75m or 5'9 for males and for young dudes(18-30) 5'9 and change (1.76m)? Why are the averages in these countries are still 5'9 , even containing the giants?
Henrik said on 16/May/23
@5'10 Abdul

With that wingspan in ratio to your height, you have basically what they call 'T-Rex arms'. It's not usual, I think, but it does exist. The boxer Rocky Marciano had T-Rex arms.
5'10 Abdul said on 16/May/23
oren metser said on 15/May/23
5'9 is more like 175cm
5'8.5 equals 174cm
5’9 ~ 175.26 cm
5’8 ~ 173.99 cm
Tawehret said on 16/May/23
Hey rob thanks for guessing the Shortland st actor that I asked u to guess, sorry here’s the last of the last for the guy. It’s just im convinced from this video he’s more so 185-6 cm then say 183 cm.

Please check the 1 minute 13 sec link and let me know your final thoughts.

Click Here
Editor Rob
In the clip there is a chance he could be 185. The 6ft 4 guy doesn't really have a big eyelevel.
oren metser said on 16/May/23
How tall is Dele alli in your opinion?

He once stated himself 1.90m or basically 6'3, but he is listed 1.88m or 6'2. Which of the 2 is more plausible- the former the latter or the middle ground (1.89m 6'2.5)?
Editor Rob
A solid 6ft 2
MR12 said on 15/May/23
Rob what height should I claim if I am 5'5.25 out of bed
Editor Rob
You could probably go with 5ft 5 or 'about' 5ft 5.
oren metser said on 15/May/23
5'9 is more like 175cm
5'8.5 equals 174cm
Rapha said on 15/May/23
oren metser said on 13/May/23
@Rapha . I don't know from what reason, but my shrinkage in a span of 9 hours I only shrink about a 1/4 of an inch. About 1-1.5 hours out of bed I measure just over 1.82m (1.822m or 5'11.75).I measured about 10 hours out of bed 1.815m or 5'11.5 after having driven a car, swum at the beach and run at the gym for 30-40 minutes.

Does that shrinkage make sense? In a span of 10 hours, I thought I might've shrunk by a whole cm. My question to Rob is:

How many hours out of bed do I measure 1.82m or 5'11 and 2/3 on the dot? Thanks in advance .

@ Rapha my evening height is 1.815m or 5'11.5 9-10 hours out of bed.
@Rapha FYI I measure 1-1.5 hours out of bed 1.822m .

the question was :how many hours would I need to shrink to 182 cm?

@Oren. I would say that in a span of 3 to 4 hours after waking up You should shrink to 182 cm. Well you need to consider that you are very likely to shrink a full 1 cm after 1 to 1.5 hours being awake. In the first hour of waking up, thats where you lose a lot of height. If you would measure urself directly out of bed, you should measure 183 to 183.5 cm.
Then it would make more sense, you would shrink 1.5 to 2 cm in one day which is in the average zone of height loss during the day. You should make the experiment of measuring yourself directly out of bed.
Jdubbz said on 15/May/23
@Alex 6'0:

Yeah, pretty much. I actually got curious after posting that comment and decided to measure my out of bed and evening height for the first time in half a year, I got 6'7 1/8" out of bed (6.5 hours of sleep) and right between 6'6.25 and 6'6 3/8" at my low. Granted it was a pretty relaxed day, so normally I'd be down to 6'6.25". My morning height seems to fluctuate a bit day to day, but evening is generally pretty stable.
MR12 said on 14/May/23
Rob what is your absolute lowest height
Editor Rob
Pretty much typical low, after a hard working session is still 5ft 8 1/8th in recent years. To get an extreme would need something like a full day hiking and being more dehydrated, probably going to be 5ft 8 exactly then.
Tawehret said on 14/May/23
Hey rob you have the far right guy on here as 6’4 or near 6’4 I was wondering if u could tell me the height difference beside him and the middle guy? He played his brother on Shortland st

Click Here
Editor Rob
Would guess near 4 inches there.
James B 5ft8 said on 14/May/23
Arch Stanton said on 11/May/23
Alex 6'0 on Rob Paul
6'10 is extremely tall. Guy at my gym is about that. Worst 6'9.5. Borderline giant but as tall as he is its not freakish tall. Like you guys say a giant is someone you say omg how is he that tall. Based on that we're talking easily over 7'0. 7'2-7'4 at least

When I look at height on a wall, I do think 7 ft is really where it starts to get mind bogglingly tall. I can see how how people could be up to 6 ft 11 but 7 ft, certainly 7 ft 2 is that height where it almost seems impossible to imagine how somebody could be that big. But I do think around 6 ft 10 is the sort of range where you could really start to call it giant.

Saw a guy at a barbecue last night who claimed “6ft8” and he looked rather towering but not a giant
oren metser said on 14/May/23
@bmb thanks. I got that solved. Seems about right. I'd also like to hear Rob's opinion.
Just to settle once and for all;

@Rapha- FYI- I measure 1.815m (5'11.5) at 18:30 9-10 hours out of bed .So ya that's my evening mark , after some exercise. Last time I checked That was my evening measurement after a strenuous workout, during which I ran for 30-40 minutes, as well as after having driven a car.

1.822m(5'11.75)-my morning height an hour or an hour and a half out of bed, after 7.5 or almost 8 hours of sleeping.

I'm asking Rob- how many hours would it take me to shrink to 182cm exactly , according to my details?
ConnorTheDragon said on 13/May/23
If you were an athlete you'd be listed as 5'9 (174cm). Also I'm exactly an inch taller than you.
oren metser said on 13/May/23
@Rapha ya that's what I was trying to ask..

I was asking @Rob Paul the following: I measured on a given day an hour or an hour and a half 1.822m or 5'11 and 3/4.

On a different occasion, I got 1.815m or 5'11.5 9-10 hours out of bed (18:30) after having gone to a workout, a run and having driven the same day.

How many hours after bed does it take me to shrink to exactly to 182cm? Thanks,keep walking tall!
Editor Rob
Possibly 4-5 hours out of bed you could be 182 on the nose. Worth checking a few measurements during the day to figure it out.
Alex 6'0 said on 13/May/23
Arch Stanton, also sometimes its different looking at a wall measurement vs a person that height.
oren metser said on 13/May/23
@Rapha . I don't know from what reason, but my shrinkage in a span of 9 hours I only shrink about a 1/4 of an inch. About 1-1.5 hours out of bed I measure just over 1.82m (1.822m or 5'11.75).I measured about 10 hours out of bed 1.815m or 5'11.5 after having driven a car, swum at the beach and run at the gym for 30-40 minutes.

Does that shrinkage make sense? In a span of 10 hours, I thought I might've shrunk by a whole cm. My question to Rob is:

How many hours out of bed do I measure 1.82m or 5'11 and 2/3 on the dot? Thanks in advance .

@ Rapha my evening height is 1.815m or 5'11.5 9-10 hours out of bed.
@Rapha FYI I measure 1-1.5 hours out of bed 1.822m .

the question was :how many hours would I need to shrink to 182 cm?
Sandy Cowell said on 13/May/23
My huge one year old cat, Allimeatsio, is so strong that he was throwing my nearly full tube of toothpaste around! If he was human, I swear he’d make a very capable wrestler. 😹

Wishing you all a great weekend. 😁👌🏼
Alex 6'0 said on 12/May/23
Rob, if stadio rod is too tight on top of head I'm sure you'll measure a small fraction less correct? Ive tried it vs just tapping the top of head.
Editor Rob
With some plastic stadiometers, if you push it down too much it will bend a bit and undermeasure you a few mm.
James B 5ft8 said on 12/May/23
Rob on average does the British basketball league list there players heights in shoes/sneakers?
Editor Rob
I'm not sure about that.
5'10 Abdul said on 12/May/23
@Editor Rob

I measured my wingspan last night and for 167.5 cm, while my low height is a bit over 177 cm. So is it common or more uncommon to have short arms ?

I have trained in the gym for almost 2 months and I perform well.
Editor Rob
If certain on the figure the it's an uncommonly short arm span for your height.
Alex 6'0 said on 12/May/23
Jdubzz, so typical day not counting extreme lows you go from 6'7.25 outta bed to 6'6.25 low?
oren metser said on 12/May/23
@ bmb how did you do the calculation?
bmb said on 11/May/23
@oren metser I'd suspect you may measure that within 2 hours out of bed maybe.
Rapha said on 11/May/23
oren metser said on 11/May/23
Hey ,how's everyone? it is the same fellow who measured once 1.822m (5'11.75) an hour out of bed and on another occasion, I measured 1.815m or 5'11.5 , after having woken up at 8:15 and gone to sleep at 00:30..

My question is:

How many hours out of bed (on average I am 16 hours awake) do I measure exactly 1.82m or 5'11 and 2/3 on the dot , according to those details ? I am a fairly to considerably active dude who runs or swims or does every now and then steppers. Thanks in advance .

@Oren I am not sure what you meant with your question but if the question was how many hours you would need to shrink to 182 cm. There you have ir, 1 1.5 hours after coming out of bed you will measure 182 cm. Is 181.5 cm your evening height?
5'10 Abdul said on 11/May/23
Fam hasbulla and Abdul rozik get listed , Rob??

I hope you are responding….
Editor Rob
I'm not sure, probably would consider Hasbulla as a possibility.
Arch Stanton said on 11/May/23
Alex 6'0 on Rob Paul
6'10 is extremely tall. Guy at my gym is about that. Worst 6'9.5. Borderline giant but as tall as he is its not freakish tall. Like you guys say a giant is someone you say omg how is he that tall. Based on that we're talking easily over 7'0. 7'2-7'4 at least

When I look at height on a wall, I do think 7 ft is really where it starts to get mind bogglingly tall. I can see how how people could be up to 6 ft 11 but 7 ft, certainly 7 ft 2 is that height where it almost seems impossible to imagine how somebody could be that big. But I do think around 6 ft 10 is the sort of range where you could really start to call it giant.
Arch Stanton said on 11/May/23
Over 6 ft 8 barefoot at the end of the day would be a very extraordinary height and arguably a giant as the tallest guys in any town typically aren't much more than 6 ft 7. But I've long said nearer 6 ft 10 is where it really starts to look like a proper giant. John Isner at 6'9.75 is just about at that height I think where it really looks like it. 6'5.5 - 6 ft 9.5 probably what you could call the "extremely tall" range. I personally wouldn't want to be anything over 6 ft 5 barefoot. A solid 6 ft 4 would be a good height if you have a good build like a Momoa or Dolph.
oren metser said on 11/May/23
Hey ,how's everyone? it is the same fellow who measured once 1.822m (5'11.75) an hour out of bed and on another occasion, I measured 1.815m or 5'11.5 , after having woken up at 8:15 and gone to sleep at 00:30..

My question is:

How many hours out of bed (on average I am 16 hours awake) do I measure exactly 1.82m or 5'11 and 2/3 on the dot , according to those details ? I am a fairly to considerably active dude who runs or swims or does every now and then steppers. Thanks in advance .
Rapha said on 11/May/23

Ah i see you are even 201 cm out of bed.

I am 188.2 or 188.3 cm out of bed on a very good day and drop to 186.2 or sometimes even 186 cm at night.

I go with 187 cm because i believe it is a fair and reasonable average of what i measure during most of the day.
Sadi said on 11/May/23
Hello Rob, I'm 28 years old and just starting acting school here in scotland, turns out age isn't an issue. many 21-35 year old mature starters, but I have one issue.

I'm 5'8. Do you think this will affect me in the acting world? i'm always reading about actors heights here and sometimes it does depress me that my height could ruin any potential opportunities i could have in such a tough industry. I'm wondering what you think and may have learned studying other actors heights etc and if it does affect them and any advice? Thank you!
Editor Rob
Height may play some part in casting, but I wouldn't worry about being 5ft 8 in the acting world.
Tawehret said on 10/May/23
Hey rob was just wondering if u could guess the difference in height between the far left gentlemen and the the middle man?
The far left guy is gaining more height as the the guy on the far right is usually 5-6 cm shorter.

Click Here
Editor Rob
Would say almost 3 inches difference.
Jdubbz said on 10/May/23

I can’t imagine meeting an eight footer, It would be a totally surreal experience. 7 footers are crazy enough lol

I’m over 200cm out of bed. I haven’t measured my out of bed height at all this year, but last I checked I was a few mm over 201cm at my highest. 200cm is about what I measure 2-3 hours out of bed. Evening lowest height is 198.8-9cm (I measure in imperial so about 6’6.3), so I think it’s fair to claim 199. What are you out of bed and at your lowest?
Discord said on 10/May/23
@Editor Rob

My father wore size 41 EU which i believe is 8.5 US in the army(my shoe size as well), now he wears 44.
James B 5ft8 said on 10/May/23
I wonder rob does being short carry the same stigma as having red hair for example?
Editor Rob
I've seen a fair bit more discrimination or jibes about red hair here in Scotland than you might find in other countries. I'd agree with the jist of This article as to the why's.
Discord said on 10/May/23
Hi, Rob. I wanted to ask something. Does feet growth affect your height? Like if someone had 24 cm long foot and if it grew to 27 cm. Does he get taller as well?
Editor Rob
Feet might continue a little longer like to 20 or so.
Johan 185 cm said on 10/May/23
@Alex 6'0

Yes 6'10" is far from a normal tall height. Guy from work was measured 209-210 cm and they even had to refurbish a car just for him. Special made workboots and clothes as well. I wouldn't say he is a giant but he is close.
Rapha said on 10/May/23

That’s right . True giants sre very rare. A friend of mine met at an attraction parc the second tallest person in the world. His name is Brahim Takioullah and he stands at 246 cm tall. My friend was shocked by his height. Just imagine , even a 2 meters person is 46 cm shorter than him.

Btw.. do you measure 200 cm out of bed ? and what is your lowest evening height?
Admir said on 10/May/23
hi rob if i measured my height as 174 at 2pm on a lazy day, would it be fair to bill myself as that height? please tell me you can.
Editor Rob
Yes, you can certainly claim it.
Ademaro 190.8 said on 9/May/23
Rob for me you are 173.6 173.7 most part of the day
Alex 6'0 said on 9/May/23
6'10 is extremely tall. Guy at my gym is about that. Worst 6'9.5. Borderline giant but as tall as he is its not freakish tall. Like you guys say a giant is someone you say omg how is he that tall. Based on that we're talking easily over 7'0. 7'2-7'4 at least
Alex 6'0 said on 9/May/23
Jdubzz, agreed totally. Its way easier to estimate guys downwards than upwards.
Jdubbz said on 9/May/23

Yes Rapha, you said it perfectly. Seeing a giant should shock you, assuming you aren't a giant yourself. I have never seen a 225 to 230cm person in real life, but such a person would absolutely qualify as a giant. The tallest I have ever seen was in the 216 - 219cm range (if I estimated correctly), and he seemed like a giant to me at the time.

I think a true giant will dwarf even a very tall guy like me. In public, he would almost appear to be a different species. There is a video of Sun Ming Ming (7'9/235cm I believe) in an American airport, and he just dwarfs every single person he comes across. He looks like a different species of human almost because of how much he stands out. The same would apply to someone like Yao Ming or Shawn Bradley who are a bit shorter but still in that 7.5 foot range. Olivier Richters, though "only" 218cm, gives a similar impression just because of how wide and proportional he is. I don't think an extremely lanky stick thin 7'2 guy would strike me as a giant.

206 - 212cm guys, from my perspective, are clearly taller than me but do not necessarily dwarf me. It's like the difference between me and someone of your height. You'd think I was very tall, but I wouldn't tower over you to the point that you were shocked or anything like that.

Those 6'9-7'0 guys stand out a ton in public, but they don't give that "wtf" impression like a true giant. It's a huge difference.
Ndidi said on 9/May/23
hello rob I have a question. I woke up at 11:00 today and measured my height as 173.6-173.7 at 15.30, and at night I am at least 173. What height do you bill me as?
Editor Rob
That's not much shrinkage. 173cm is what I'd go with, a decent 5ft 8 like myself!
Gian 181cm said on 9/May/23
Of course sir, all I ask is that you show me your international height inspector card so I can apologize.

Seriously now.
6ft0 1/4 - 1/2 still makes him a 184cm guy, particularly myself would claim 6ft 1/2, it's kind of weird to explain but for example I sometimes say I'm a strong 5ft11 but I claim 5ftt11.25.
It's kind of subjective terms like strong, solid, etc.
Maybe I expressed myself badly, but he is indeed a 184cm guy.
5'10 Abdul said on 9/May/23
Hi folks. It’s me Abdul. I am back after a little break from the site.
Rapha said on 9/May/23

I agree that 6"10 to 7 is a category between extremely tall and giant height.

There are only a few real giants in the world and I personally have only encountered one of them which was in my estimations around 225 to 230 cm tall now that is a giant.

When you encounter a giant, you should just be shocked the first moment by his height and you should ask yourself wow how is it possible to be that tall? I think that is an indicator. You do not get that reaction by a guy who is 205 cm tall or even 210 cm.

Yes, I know Giant Gonzalez and yeah he was a true Giant. Guys like Shawn Bradley or Yao Ming are also in that category. So, I would make the cut at 215 cm. Over 215 cm could be considered a giant. Guys like Richard Kiel or Kareem Abdul Jabbar are around 217 or 218 cm tall. I would classify them in the giant category.

Not sure if I would do the same with guys such as Dirk Nowtzki or Nikolai Valuev at around 212 cm.

What is your opinion?
Blackphoenix said on 9/May/23
Hey rob , if someone has morning height of 5'10.5" and evening height of 5'9.75" would you put him on bang on 5'10"?
I am currently 5'10 1/8" out of bed and 5'9 3/8" at my low , i want to be 5'10" bad maybe I can grow about 0.8-1cm ?
I am 18.5 btw , I have grown a little bit in recent times, lacto-ovo-vegetarian so probably started puberty a little later than meat eaters.
Editor Rob
It's a fair listing for them...
Jdubbz said on 9/May/23

Yep, at 187cm you are solid tall, so it makes no sense for a height only 6cm taller than yours to be considered a giant. At 199cm I consider myself to be in the very tall category, maybe on the upper end of it. I think extremely tall starts at 200cm minimum or perhaps even higher like 202 or 203cm. Tyson Fury and Hafthor Bjornsson are good examples of extremely tall men.

Giant is something else entirely - I think you have to be well into the 7 foot range for that label. When I think of an actual giant, I think of Olivier Richters or the wrestler Giant Gonzales, 7'2 and 7'7 respectively. It's not even their height alone, but also their overall size that contributes to that perception.

Personally I think there should be a category between extremely tall and giant to describe 6'10 - 7'0 men. Super tall or something like that. Not quite legit giants IMO, but taller than "just" extremely tall.
Sandy Cowell said on 8/May/23
WHY is it that when I listen to Cat Stevens that my cats circle round me and look in my face with so much love in their eyes?
Tawehret said on 8/May/23
How wide do u guys think is batistas shoulders?
Rapha said on 8/May/23
Jdubbz said on 7/May/23

I fully agree 6'4 is a very tall height. Giant is not the same thing as very tall. In a country with a 177cm average, 6'4 is around the 98.4th percentile. That means roughly 1/60 to 1/70 guys are 6'4 or taller. Do you really consider 1/60 guys to be legit giants? You said it yourself, at 6'1 you're above average in height. Do you really go from above average to giant in 3 measly inches? Nope. A 6'4 guy wouldn't even be able to see above your head. That's no giant.

Giants are very very rare, and 6'4 is not rare at all. Uncommon, not rare. I think you're using the term "giant" way too loosely here. Think about the Wrestler Giant Gonzales. Was he 6'4? hell no, he was 7'7. That's a giant's height. Calling a 6'4 guy a giant is like calling a 5'4 guy a dwarf. It doesn't make any sense and it's way too extreme of a term for a height only 6 inches above average.

@Jdubbz. I totally agree with you. I am 187 cm tall and consider myself tall but not extraordinary tall. A 193 cm is only 6 cm taller than me and certainly very tall once you reach above 190 cm but certainly not a giant. I would not even call 193 cm extremely tall just very tall. Extremely tall would be guys such as Tyson Fury at 202 cm but even his height is not a giant height only an extremely tall height.
Alanna said on 8/May/23
I knew someone who was 6’7 and his father was about 6’2
pov said on 8/May/23
Rob, what do most people assume you as? (who don’t know your height)

My guess is people would assume you’re 5”9, due to height inflation. I think a lot of men your height would claim it, and also some might claim 5”10.
Jdubbz said on 8/May/23
Alex 6'0 said on 7/May/23
Jdubzz, yes it was easily a foot difference but couldn't tell exactly. Too tall. Even 6'7-6'8 guys i cant estimate well. Still too much taller than me. Guys 6'4-6'6 i can estimate better

Somehow I can estimate further downwards than I can upwards. I can usually tell whether someone is 5'5 or 5'6 based on where they come up relative to my shoulders, but 7'5 or 7'6? Hell no, lol. You feel the same way?
Jdubbz said on 8/May/23
186cm said on 7/May/23
Could you grow into your wingspan? I have heard from somewhere that this is possible. I am 6’1.25” and have a 6’8.5” wingspan. I just recently turned fifteen. I am not black, rather I’m southeast Asian.

Holy crap, that's a huge wingspan for your height. Yeah you can certainly grow into your wingspan especially at only 15. I was exactly your height at age 15 and I ended up 5" taller. No matter what your wingspan will probably always be longer than your height, but not by 7 inches.
Jdubbz said on 8/May/23
Tawehret said on 7/May/23

If you think being 7.5" above average is a giant then fair enough, we'll just have to agree to disagree. Maybe I'm a bit biased since I'm over 2" taller than 6'4, but nobody considers me a giant either as far as I know.
186cm said on 7/May/23
Could you grow into your wingspan? I have heard from somewhere that this is possible. I am 6’1.25” and have a 6’8.5” wingspan. I just recently turned fifteen. I am not black, rather I’m southeast Asian.
Tawehret said on 7/May/23
Jdubbz: It’s on the cusp of being a giant then, that’s 7.5 inches taller than 5’9 which is average amongst young men. I always just think of it like this u have a 6’4 guy in lord of the rings the movies he’s gonna look like a monster compared to other above average height men. I stood next to a real 6’3 guy and was like damn I’m quite abit shorter!! This guys a beast.

I wished the average height for man was 5’4 then we’d all be giants
Alex 6'0 said on 7/May/23
Jdubzz, yes it was easily a foot difference but couldn't tell exactly. Too tall. Even 6'7-6'8 guys i cant estimate well. Still too much taller than me. Guys 6'4-6'6 i can estimate better
Discord said on 7/May/23
Click Here

Is that 4 cm difference, Gentlemen? Or more.
Jdubbz said on 7/May/23

I fully agree 6'4 is a very tall height. Giant is not the same thing as very tall. In a country with a 177cm average, 6'4 is around the 98.4th percentile. That means roughly 1/60 to 1/70 guys are 6'4 or taller. Do you really consider 1/60 guys to be legit giants? You said it yourself, at 6'1 you're above average in height. Do you really go from above average to giant in 3 measly inches? Nope. A 6'4 guy wouldn't even be able to see above your head. That's no giant.

Giants are very very rare, and 6'4 is not rare at all. Uncommon, not rare. I think you're using the term "giant" way too loosely here. Think about the Wrestler Giant Gonzales. Was he 6'4? hell no, he was 7'7. That's a giant's height. Calling a 6'4 guy a giant is like calling a 5'4 guy a dwarf. It doesn't make any sense and it's way too extreme of a term for a height only 6 inches above average.
Tawehret said on 7/May/23
Jdubbz, I’m above average in height but I just look at 6’4 as being a giant, that’s 3 inches taller than me. That’s a monsters height, I think you being tall and looking at stats have become kinda immune to thinking it’s a very tall or giant height. The average in my country is apparently 177 cm which is New Zealand
Jdubbz said on 7/May/23
Alex 6'0 said on 6/May/23
Jdubzz, several years ago in nyc i met a guy who claimed 7'2. Was he actually 7'2 not certain but likely. That tall its too hard to guess. Totally towered. I should took pic with him. Definitely a giant he was

Yeah, at your height it's not easy to tell whether a guy is 7'2 or 7'1 or 7'3. Even I can't tell exactly how tall a guy like that is. All I can do is go off of facial proportions (if I'm eye level with his shoulders and as tall as his mouth level, he's approx 8" taller than me), but I have no idea how that would work for a 14" difference lol
Alex 6'0 said on 6/May/23
Jdubzz, several years ago in nyc i met a guy who claimed 7'2. Was he actually 7'2 not certain but likely. That tall its too hard to guess. Totally towered. I should took pic with him. Definitely a giant he was
Henrik said on 6/May/23
The website I looked at said that giant legally started at 220cm and then translated it to 7ft but that's inaccurate. 7ft is 213cm and 220cm would be 7ft 2.
Jdubbz said on 6/May/23

"Especially surprised you feel that way as a 186 guy. I'm like 187.5 and I'm literally only looking up a little bit to be eye to eye with a 6'4 guy."

To be fair, 187.5 to 193cm is a pretty noticeable difference. Over 2 inches. In my opinion they're in two different categories, solid tall vs lower end of very tall. I completely agree with everything else you said though, especially regarding giants. Even 7'0 is too low of a cutoff in my book. I think the minimum height for a true "giant" is around 220cm, which is just over 7'2 IIRC.

7'2 would qualify too, but I just like round numbers. Look at the Dutch giant, who is around 7'2. He just dwarfs everyone he comes across (other than that one pic where he is standing next to two 8 footers). I've seen multiple 6'9 - 6'11 guys before and a single 7'2-3 guy. The guy over 7 foot left a TOTALLY different impression on me than the sub 7 footers. Night and day difference.
Henrik said on 6/May/23
Giant would start at 7ft or something like that. Yup, I just looked it up quickly and that seems to the legal definition of the term.
Darksol64 said on 5/May/23
@ Tawehret

6'4 Giant? Nah man....I mean maybe in the shortest countries in the world or something, but in 99% of the world not even close to giant.

Especially surprised you feel that way as a 186 guy. I'm like 187.5 and I'm literally only looking up a little bit to be eye to eye with a 6'4 guy.

Definitely in the very tall zone but no giant. For most of the world giant would start at 6'10 minimum in my opinion. Although 7'2 guys make the best true giants.
Alex 6'0 said on 5/May/23
Jdubzz, yea I'm typically solid 6'1 range in my sneakers but if morning in shoes definitely nearer 6'2 which would be the listing. Recently 6'1.25 in sneakers in the afternoon
Jdubbz said on 5/May/23

Yeah that's what I assumed. East Asians have the shortest limbs relative to their heights while Africans have the longest. Caucasians are typically somewhere in the middle.
Jdubbz said on 5/May/23
Tawehret said on 5/May/23
To me if you’re 6’3 you’re extremely tall and 6’4 is in that giant catergory. This is coming from a guy who’s 186 cm, tall is an understatement for those heights

What country do you live in? 6'4 is miles away from "giant" in the Western world.
Henrik said on 5/May/23
Apologies for the broken sentences in my last post. I was typing from my phone and it's not always easy to spot mistakes on a small screen.
Henrik said on 5/May/23
I posted this before but I don't know it went through which I suspect is because I may have forgotten to turn off the VPN. I know that Rob isn't the biggest fan of VPN's which is I turn it off for this site. Anyway, if it goes through and it is just delayed then it will be a double.


Body build varies but generally East Asians and Caucasians have long trunks in comparison to West Africans. East Asians characteristically have especially short forearms and lower legs while West Africans on the contrary can sometimes have long forearms.

A good illustration of this is John Carpenter's movie They Live! with Roddy Piper and Keith David. Piper and David were roughly the same height and David's longer legs made him appear at least a solid 6ft 4 on occasion.
Rapha said on 5/May/23
My standards for categorization for tall in western countries is as follow: 183 cm to 190 cm tall;
191 cm to 200 cm very tall
201 cm to 209 cm extremely tall
210 cm and above giant

Now those standards can change depending on the location: i could easily believe that a 180 cm man can be considered very tall in south east asia and a 190 cm man as as extremely tall or almost giant stature over there.
Rapha said on 5/May/23
To me if you’re 6’3 you’re extremely tall and 6’4 is in that giant catergory. This is coming from a guy who’s 186 cm, tall is an understatement for those heights

@Tawehret. We have somehow different standards. I will never say that 6’4 belongs to the giant category.
Tawehret said on 5/May/23
To me if you’re 6’3 you’re extremely tall and 6’4 is in that giant catergory. This is coming from a guy who’s 186 cm, tall is an understatement for those heights
Jdubbz said on 5/May/23
@Johan 185 cm:

Yeah I think I know what video you're talking about. That's where he compares height with another very similar (6'8 I think) streamer right? 6'8 barefoot I can definitely believe. I doubt that's his low/evening height, but he definitely measures it a few hours out of bed.
Johan 185 cm said on 4/May/23

Hafthor claimed recently that the 6'9 was back when he played ball, so in shoes. He said he is 6'8" barefoot. Can't remember which influencer he was talking with but its a very recent one on youtube.
Arch Stanton said on 4/May/23
Glad to see that you can still update, I was worried you were half shutting down the website there for a while! The web wouldn't be as enjoyable without!
Jdubbz said on 4/May/23

Very interesting. I know a few people irl with a wingpsan 5 - 7 inches greater than their height (one has a wingspan half an inch longer than mine despite being 4 inches shorter than me) and they are all black. I never noticed the correlation until now.

Would you see the reverse situation for asians? From what I can tell, they tend to have (proportionally) the biggest heads, longest torsos, and shortest limbs of any race. Pretty much the polar opposite of black people in terms of proportions.
Jdubbz said on 3/May/23
Alex 6'0 said on 2/May/23
Jdubzz, theres some extremely tall guys who could think they're taller than they really are but yea usually they're correct or within a fraction. College basketball typically you get listed at least an inch taller than you measure right?

Yea there are definitely very tall guys who lie about being even taller (Ike Catcher, 6'7 or 6'7.5 saying he's 6'9, Hafthor Bjornsson 6'7 3/4 saying he's 6'9, etc.) but generally it seems to be less common than being honest.

I'm not sure how it is now given that even the NBA is starting to be honest about player heights, but typically the rule of thumb for college basketball is (or maybe was) shoe height rounded up, so more than an inch.

Basketball shoes are pretty thick as it is, so a guy your height would probably be listed at 6'2. I'd probably be listed at 6'8.
Jdubbz said on 3/May/23
@James B 5ft8:

Depends what you're doing, but for general life, probably around 6'4.
Arch Stanton said on 3/May/23
Understood, but are you still updating comments even if you can't respond to people and read comments or do we not comment for a few weeks??
Editor Rob
I won't have time to reply to anything, but will leave votes/comments. I can do a kind of auto moderating, but some more spam might get through.

I'll be back at some point commenting again.
Filip S said on 2/May/23
Hi Rob,
I watched your video where you showed that with the help of posture exercises you gained a few mm taller even though you were already an adult. In your opinion, is it possible to achieve even better results by stretching the joints and spine with daily repeated yoga exercises, hanging on the bar?
James B 5ft8 said on 2/May/23
Jdubbz said on 1/May/23
It's rare for a 6'7 guy to be lying (other than rounding up), so someone who claims that height usually is that tall. Main exceptions are basketball players and wrestlers.

After a certain height there is really no benefit to being taller, so there is no incentive to lie.

Which certain height would that be that there would be no benefit to being taller?
Alex 6'0 said on 2/May/23
Jdubzz, theres some extremely tall guys who could think they're taller than they really are but yea usually they're correct or within a fraction. College basketball typically you get listed at least an inch taller than you measure right?
Sandy Cowell said on 2/May/23
@ Rob - Totally understandable! 👍🏼
oren metser said on 2/May/23
Rob, are you sure that on average a person can shrink further than 1-1.5cm or 1/2 inches throughout the day?

I heard once it is , in the vast majority of cases the maximum one can shrink daily. Typically,on a regular day one drops by 1-1.5cm.

Do you claim that shrinkage may vary every now and then to even almost an entire inch(2cm), depending on the intensity of the activities?

I heard some shrinking a full inch daily? Can you subscribe to this statement? Thank you dear Rob.
Editor Rob said on 2/May/23
CelebHeights visitors...I am currently unable to keep up with reading and replying to comments due to other commitments that require my immediate attention. As much as I value the conversations and feedback that take place in the comment section, I simply don't have the time to engage with them at the moment.

This is a temporary situation, and I plan to return to reading and responding to comments sometime in the future. Thanks for visiting and being a part of CelebHeights!
Progking185 said on 1/May/23
@bmb yeah could be about 6'0 in shoes, but hes probably like 5'10.5. The guys measured at 6'1-6'2 in shoes in his videos look fairly tall while he looks a good couple of inches shorter. Then theres some huge guys measured who are like 6'6-6'8 and are honest with their claims lol
Rapha said on 1/May/23
Alex 6'0 said on 28/Apr/23
6'7 start of extremely tall you could say. Guy at my gym whos minimum 6'9.5 and hes got muscle and size. Not slim. He could be considered a giant i think.

@Alex. 6.9.5 That’s the lowest height I would argue for a giant. Usually, the start of Giant for me would be 210 cm and not under it so that should be around 6’11.
Henrik said on 1/May/23
People of British Isles and Scandinavian descent on average have a wingspan that is 102-103 percent longer than their height (so roughly 1-2 inches longer). Irish people and Eastern Europeans on average have a 105+ percent longer reach.

You will more often find very long arms among African-Americans and black people e.g. Neil deGrasse Tyson is 6ft 2 with a 7ft wingspan. Although not all black people have a 'freakish' wingspan (as the NBA calls it) i.e. a reach exceeding their height 108 percent or more.
Jdubbz said on 1/May/23
It's rare for a 6'7 guy to be lying (other than rounding up), so someone who claims that height usually is that tall. Main exceptions are basketball players and wrestlers.

After a certain height there is really no benefit to being taller, so there is no incentive to lie.
big kid said on 1/May/23
bmb said on 29/Apr/23
@Rob Is a 8 3/4" skull length small for someone like me?. Isn't that like the average skull length for a woman?
The average length for a women who is 5’4 is 8 1/4 actually
Zach Catselbow said on 1/May/23
Rob, since average for males is 5’9” in the US/UK, would you say it is just as rare to see a 5’2” man as it is to see a 6’4” man?
Editor Rob
Height can be distributed on the bell curve, but sometimes there's variations along it...

However, I think people probably remember the taller 6ft 4 men more than the 5ft 2 range men, so could believe there are a lot more 6ft 4 guys walking about.

I've seen a lot of 5ft 2-3 guys around my town.
oren metser said on 30/Apr/23
Hey Dear Rob, how are you? What's my wingspan if I measure 1.82m?
Editor Rob
You'd expect it to be at least equivalent to your height, maybe a bit more...but it can vary a few cm.
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Apr/23
@ James B - I wouldn’t have been able to reach, but he did look his stated height.
bmb said on 29/Apr/23
Jdubbz said on 23/Apr/23

Yeah, I love his content but Eric is a bit of a hypocrite. Dude is 5’10.5 or 5’11 at best and has even claimed 6’1 before.

Right?! Someone might call out on his BS. And will make the scenario super awkward. If he's gonna claim a shoe height, he has to say 6ft in shoes. When you claim a height, A good portion of people are expecting that is your height barefeet anyways.
bmb said on 29/Apr/23
@Rob Is a 8 3/4" skull length small for someone like me?. Isn't that like the average skull length for a woman?
Editor Rob
Yes it's on the small side.
James B 172cm said on 28/Apr/23
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Apr/23
@ James B - I had a hairdresser who was 6ft7. He was a true gent and always did my hair nicely.

Did you measure him at 6ft7? Or are you going of what he claimed.
Discord said on 28/Apr/23
Click Here

Here are few pics for more comparison, Rob.
Alex 6'0 said on 28/Apr/23
6'7 start of extremely tall you could say. Guy at my gym whos minimum 6'9.5 and hes got muscle and size. Not slim. He could be considered a giant i think.
Gerald S said on 28/Apr/23
Rob, would you concur with 5'9" peak for Paul Dooley?
Editor Rob
Could imagine he was over 5ft 9 peak.
Rejoyce said on 27/Apr/23
Rob, this is an unrelated comment but I'm adding it here so that it catches your eye as it's a recent post. Can you provide your verdict on Melissa Fumero's husband David Fumero's height. It's a huge puzzle for me. Hes listed at 5'11" on google(not true ofc). Surprisingly in his footwear pictures he can look atleast two inches taller than Melissa in heels but in a barefoot picture I saw of him and Melissa together on her Instagram the difference seems to very small! Maybe around an inch! Moreover he featured at the end of Mariah Carey's music video "Honey" 25 years ago and even then he was very close to Mariah in height! His height range is truly absurd. My honest guess for him would be between 5'8"-5'9". I think he's a strong lift wearer. Otherwise I'm really confused!
Editor Rob
I'd have guessed in 5ft 10 range, but really haven't seen much of him.
Rapha said on 27/Apr/23
Hi Rob

The shortest person in the world is an Iranian man that stands at only 65 cm.

What would you guess is his daily shrinkage?
Editor Rob
Probably a 1/4 inch.
Rapha said on 27/Apr/23
Rapha said on 20/Apr/23
Hi Rob

What would be the most visual good looking height for a man?

I would say between 183 and 190 cm.

Would you agree?
Editor Rob
The balance between head size and body length might make 6ft 1-2 an ideal. But if you have a longer (or shorter) head, then it might effect things.

@Rob. I agree with you and i also realized that very slim men that have a longer head might appear taller than they are. I came to know a few guys that were in the 185-190 cm range and looked very tall ( possibly close to 195cm) .
James B 5ft8 said on 27/Apr/23
Who knows the guy I met who claimed 6’7 could have been more like 6’5.5 or 6’6? However I live in England where people on average are much more honest about there height.
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Apr/23
The little cubs, or kits as they can also be called, started coming up to the house yesterday! I watched them for ages.
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Apr/23
@ James B - I had a hairdresser who was 6ft7. He was a true gent and always did my hair nicely.
Discord said on 23/Apr/23
Click Here

Is that 3 cm difference, Rob?
Editor Rob
Looks less, although you appear a bit further away which might be the reason.
Jdubbz said on 23/Apr/23
6’7 could be considered extremely tall but definitely not a giant. Giant is at least 6’10, and those guys are very noticeably bigger than very tall or extremely tall 6’5-6’8 guys. They give a much different impression, especially if they’re built proportionally.
Jdubbz said on 23/Apr/23

Yeah, I love his content but Eric is a bit of a hypocrite. Dude is 5’10.5 or 5’11 at best and has even claimed 6’1 before.
Tawehret said on 22/Apr/23
I saw a guy who was 7 ft 1 last night when I was buying things with my mum.
dreus23 said on 22/Apr/23
Hey Rob. If I very roughly measure about 171 cm 13 hours out of bed on a lazy day at home would you consider me closer to 5'7.5 or 5'7.25? I have admittedly also recently measured 173-174 cm in adidas samba maybe 8 hours or so out of bed

Similarly back in March 2022 I measured a bit over 168 cm 14 hours out of bed at home but also measured 171.5-172 cm in air maxes. Would you say I still could've been closer to 5'6.5 than 5'6.25?

I'm trying to understand where the line ends for these weird american ways of describing height
Editor Rob
Would be fine going with 5ft 7.5 as a claim.

You were probably between5ft 6.25-6.5 a year ago.
georgett said on 22/Apr/23
Rob how tall guy on the left is? Click Here=
Editor Rob
Can seem 6-7 inches shorter than Arnie
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Apr/23
Hey Rob! Can I play a region 0 in Great Britain? Thanks!
Editor Rob
Region 0 (aka region free) dvd's can be played in any dvd player.
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Apr/23
Hey Rob, Jenny and all visitors,

My little fox kits are turning red and have little white tips and the end of their tails! They are still springing about and the parents take food to the back of the garden for them to munch.

They are lovely to watch!

Zach Catselbow said on 21/Apr/23
Hey Rob, if you say Diego Schwartzman who is 5’5 1/2” would edge out Olivier Rochus, how tall would you say Rochus is?
Editor Rob
I've never seen them together, but I reckon it's going to be very close barefoot.
oren metser said on 20/Apr/23
Hey Rob, ignore my previous question, it wasn't properly explained.

I have a cousin who has recently hit puberty, and has pretty much reached my mark (5'11.5 or fractionally shorter than 6 ft tall - 1.82m ) . Beforehand, bone growth examiners had suggested he could grow another 3-4 inches to grow (7-10cm) . May that be possible him reaching to around 6'3 range?
Editor Rob
Sounds plausible. Will be interesting for you to see if he really gains another 3 inches!
James B 172cm said on 20/Apr/23
Rob i remember in school when we would have a class photo a lot of my friends who i thought were my height turned out to be a few inches taller than me when we lined up from tallest to shortest.
Editor Rob
Yeah I remember the tallest guy in our primary 2 ended up about 5ft 11, and a guy a few inches shorter than him in the photo ended up near 6ft 3.
Rapha said on 20/Apr/23
Hi Rob

What would be the most visual good looking height for a man?

I would say between 183 and 190 cm.

Would you agree?
Editor Rob
The balance between head size and body length might make 6ft 1-2 an ideal. But if you have a longer (or shorter) head, then it might effect things.
bmb said on 18/Apr/23
@James B 172cm
The tallest guy I know has to be about 6ft 8. Even though he claims 6ft 10, I am expecting 6ft 10 to a bit greater in person, which is pretty much why I was bonking his height down a couple notches. Though seems like a nice guy. Then the other day several months ago. A guy in my area who I frequently see, I'm guessing maybe 6ft 7. Though from afar on the sidewalk when I was walking towards his direction and he was walking towards mine, he could be anything, 6ft, 6ft 1, 6ft 2, so of course I wouldn't care much. That was until the moment when he was at least 20ft away from me, that was when I noticed how huge he was. Saw him again, at my local Subway when the floor is leveled, his height was quite a sight to behold I can say that much. But other than that, I don't remember much If I've seen any others that are at least 2m tall. Once in a while, I do see some guys that are at least 6ft 5. Which without careful precision, I would've mistaken them as 6ft 7.
Alex 6'0 said on 18/Apr/23
James b, 6'7 plus pretty rarely see. Guy at my gym is 6'10 or very close and him i see a few times a week. Aside that over 6'5 is rare
Johan 185 cm said on 18/Apr/23
bmb said on 15/Apr/23
@Jonah 185 cm
I like how he's doing these vids, but isn't Eric like 5'10½" and claims 6ft? It's gonna come and bite him back one of these days.


I think he claims shoes though? I mean he measured a few guys and tried to say their height in shoes. Chris corrected him and said he was 6'0" not 6'1" because of footwear. I just thought Jesse could be an add as he took his shoes off and let Eric measure him.
Tawehret said on 18/Apr/23
I honestly thought she’d be in that 184 cm range rob,
James B 172cm said on 18/Apr/23
James B 5ft8 said on 16/Apr/23
Bumped into a young fella in my local pub last night who told me he was “6ft7”. He looked extremely tall not necessarily a giant though.
Editor Rob
Hadn't seen a guy 6ft 7 range for a while, but other day saw a security guard at least that height in my local shopping centre.

One of my friends told me that he knew a guy that was into american football that was much taller than the 6ft7 fella i saw. Still though we both agreed the 6'7 guy was exceptionally tall.
Gerald S said on 18/Apr/23
Rob, which one of your celebrity pages got the most visits in 2022?
Editor Rob
Technically in terms of page views for 2022 it was:

Tom Cruise
Rob Paul
Kevin Hart
Brad Pitt

Of course I'm modest and never include myself in the Top 50's 😄 Also, there's a lot more repeat visitors who go to my page!
Sam83 said on 17/Apr/23
Hi Rob, just wondered how much extra height these super high shoes would add please? Click Here And Click Here

Would the height difference between 5’7 in these and a 5’11 barefoot be very clear please? Thank you
Editor Rob
White ones should give 5.5 minimum, maybe pushing 5.75. Clear platforms look even bigger, like almost 7 inches of full height from them.
Constantine said on 16/Apr/23
Rob, what's your leg length in cm?
Editor Rob
Inseam is about 30.5 inch.
James B 5ft8 said on 16/Apr/23
Bumped into a young fella in my local pub last night who told me he was “6ft7”. He looked extremely tall not necessarily a giant though.
Editor Rob
Hadn't seen a guy 6ft 7 range for a while, but other day saw a security guard at least that height in my local shopping centre.
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Apr/23
@ Nik - They are extremely sweet and look after each other. I’ve just taken a cab and I had a school chum called Clive. We had a lot of catching up to do. I can’t drive because I’m frightened of running animals over.

When I came home, I found a fox at the back of my garden. He looked hungry.
oren metser said on 16/Apr/23
Hey Rob , how u doin? What height is the fairest stating if on wakes up at 8:00 o'clock and goes to sleep at 00:00 , if he measures 187.5cm at 15:00? Then, what's his morning height an hour or two out of bed?
Editor Rob
A 6ft 2 claim would be perfectly acceptable.
bmb said on 15/Apr/23
@Jonah 185 cm
I like how he's doing these vids, but isn't Eric like 5'10½" and claims 6ft? It's gonna come and bite him back one of these days.
RJT said on 15/Apr/23
@Editor Rob

I'm now living in Australia as you can see from my IP address and surprisingly at 6'2.5", barely saw couple of guys taller than me so far in the 2 weeks+ I've been here.... 1 in the airport and 1 in the CBD area.

But then I'm living in a small town with a population of only around 10,000. The average height of 5'9 and change seems about correct.
Editor Rob
With 10,000 population there should be a small proportion taller, I'm sure with time you'll see some more big guys!
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Apr/23
Ha ha Rob! I’m bound to! I think that there might be two vixens and one father fox. The cubs were playing with a large piece of paper yesterday and all the adults jump over the fence, which is taller than I am.
Nik Ashton said on 14/Apr/23
@ Sandy Cowell - Foxes are amazing, they are so much better than some people.
The milkman said on 14/Apr/23
Hey Rob, have you ever measured your height on one of those B.M.I machines that they have in boots shops? Just wondering how accurate they are for checking peoples heights.
Editor Rob
Watched a couple of other people doing it and seemed reasonable, though I would need to do a video of myself under one.
Progking185 said on 14/Apr/23
@Johan185 yeah he could be added I've watched his measuring videos and he looks a bit under 6'0. Looks around 5'11 maybe 5'10.5. The guys measured 6'1 in shoes look a bit taller than him
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Apr/23
Hey Rob! I’ve seen a FOURTH fox cub, so with the adults, I have seven in my back garden! The cubs are running around and getting really ‘springy’! 😂👌🏼
Editor Rob
Some foxes do like jumping. I've seen them in the past jumping on top of hedges, also they love playing hide and seek, hope you see more of them through spring and summer!
georgett said on 14/Apr/23
Rob if a guy is with 1 year old stan smith shoe 187-88 cm range at 6 pm
how tall barefoot?
Editor Rob
You could give him about 186cm.
Kylo said on 14/Apr/23
Hey Rob, what would you say the height difference between these two is? Click Here=
Editor Rob
Over 5 inches, but maybe not full 6.
Tawehret said on 13/Apr/23
Thanks for the response rob, if only u were the measurer of all humans haha. Hey would u say she clears 6 foot? Say 184-5 cm?

How tall do u think she is in this pic with Chris hipkins?
Click Here
Editor Rob
About 3 inches taller. If he's average range, then 6ft (or thereabouts) looks believable.
bmb said on 13/Apr/23
@Rob Since I am 5'9⅝" during evening hours, what would you claim if you were me? Are you gonna claim 5'9½"?
Editor Rob
Almost/about 5ft 10 if you don't want to bother with fractions.
Johan 185 cm said on 13/Apr/23
Hey Rob, long time. Have you seen Eric Kanevsky ( youtube) measuring bodybuilder/strongmen etc on his channel?

He got Eddie last month at 6'2.5" in shoes and Calum Von Moger at 6'3" in shoes. He also measured Jesse James West at 5'9.5" in socks ( he claims 5'10"). Maybe worth an add? He has 2.6 million subs on Youtube.
Editor Rob
Yes, it's a rough idea, but tricky to say how precise.
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Apr/23
Thanks Rob! 😁
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Apr/23
I’ve broken my coccyx! I fell over yesterday and couldn’t get up, and my brother couldn’t lift my 6 3/4 stone in case I injured him.
Editor Rob
Oh no, that's a sore one. Wish you well!
Alex 6'0 said on 12/Apr/23
On average easily an inch people will think they're taller and 2 inches more not uncommon. Between 1-2 inches is common
big kid said on 11/Apr/23
@JDubzz yeah he was slouching quite a bit. I wanted to tell him to stand up straight but I didn’t. But if his head is 11 inches long and I’m already under it when he’s slouching by about 1 inch or 2 when he stand up straight I could be 4-5 inches under it. Here’s 1 more pic when he’s standing a little straighter.
Click Here
Alex 6'0 said on 11/Apr/23
Big kid i meant to say not big Ben loo
Alex 6'0 said on 11/Apr/23
Big Ben, great pic. Giant height. That tall i wouldn't be able to even guess but i seen his ig page and looks very similar height with Tacko Fall

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.