How tall is Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson's Height

6ft ¼ in (183.5 cm)

British Actor best known for playing Edward Cullen in the Twilight films and for starring in The Batman. Other roles have been in Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire, Cosmopolis, The Lighthouse and Water for Elephants. Robert has been described as high as 6ft 2 by his modelling agency, although his acting agency list him 6ft 1 and 11 stones (154 pounds).

How tall is Robert Pattinson
Photo by PR Photos

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Average Guess (234 Votes)
6ft 0.23in (183.5cm)
Joe Ponce said on 31/Aug/23
Is there a chance you'll upgrade him to a 6ft ½in, Rob?
Editor Rob
I'm still fine with current listing.
Height Analyzer 2 said on 27/Aug/23
The more I see him, the more strong 6'0 range I think he is. He might even pass for 184
188 CM Legend said on 10/Jun/23
"God I'm so SICK of guys - actor or not - claiming to be 6'2". Stop. Just stop. First, let's get one thing out of the way: 6'2" represents a height that is statistically taller than 95% of western men and even higher when you go global, where the average male height is only 5'7" (the oft-touted 5'9" is actually in the west - if you include men from all ethnicities, all countries, that goes down to 5'7"). In other words, if you walk by 100 men in the mall and you are 6'2", at MOST you might run into 5 guys around your height or slightly taller, with 95 or more of them (more if the mall has is very international and people from all over are visiting) - maybe 98 of them being SHORTER than you.

The same goes for 6'1" - the math doesn't change a lot there. 6'1" is still taller than around 92% of western men and 95 to 96% of men globally.

Even if you're "only" 6'0" you are taller than 80% of men, 85% worldwide.

If you are 5'11", you're taller than about 70 to 75% of men.

At 5'10" you're STILL taller than about 55 to 60% of men.

At 5'9" you're average in the west - taller than about 50% of men and shorter than 50% - but you're actually still taller than global average.

So what are the odds that SO MANY guys just happen to be 6'1" or 6'2"? Absolute madness. It's nonsense and I see it all the time. I'm on a good day in the morning a maybe a hair under 6'2" and when people actually meet me, I'm almost always either the tallest one in the room or one of the tallest in the room. I'd say when I walk through a grocery store, on average I might see one or two guys my height or taller before I walk out - and that's out of a pretty good selection of guys. MOST of them I can see over their head or at least edge them out by an inch or two. It's actually really rare -even being a bit UNDER 6'2", for me to see a guy in any given trip to any given store who is significantly taller than me. Once in a while, I'll see some 6'6" or 6'8" guy and those guys REALLY stand out - because they look like giants in the store - and while I'm not by any means a giant, I observe in real time what men are really LIKE in real life - and the reality is I would say I'm easily taller than 9 out of every 10 men I pass by in public. In real time, the odds of encountering a guy who is more than an inch taller than me are actually very low because that puts him at 6'3"+ which is statistically taller than at least 98% of western men - meaning only a 2% chance of an encounter if I even see 100 men, which typically means seeing 250-300 people since half will be women and some will be children. So you'd need pool of at MINIMUM 300 people to find even one guy who is 6'3", and for a 6'2" guy you'd need at minimum a population of a couple hundred to 300 to find one 6'2" guy because, again, half will be women and some will be children.

My point is not that 6'1" or 6'2" guys exist - I exist, so clearly we DO - but what I'm SAYING is that so many lie about it because they like the sound of that number that it really gives people the false impression as to what a 6'2" guy looks like. Do you have the faintest idea how many 6'2" guys I've met who were SHORTER than me despite me being more like 6'1.75" myself? ALL. THE. TIME. Constantly. My sister's husband CAN'T be more than 5'9" or 5'10" and even HE claims 6 foot. It's insanity. If you believed all the 6'0" to 6'2" claims from actors and regular guys alike, the average man, you'd THINK, would be over 6 feet tall. But the average man is a tiny little 5'9" button of a guy and doesn't want to admit it and that just irritates me.

It's most annoying because it's pointless - if you're 5'11" and claiming 6'1", everyone KNOWS you're lying when they take one LOOK at you. 2 inches is WAY too much to get away with - you can get by BARELY on a one inch lie but two or three is where people start to notice something is up - which is why you won't find me claiming to be 6'4" - because I couldn't pull it off.

As for ROBERT, I would bet good money he's not anywhere close to any 6'1", much less 6'2". No, he comes off from all I've seen of him with people of known heights to be closer to 5'11" if you take the shoes off and you're brutally honest about it - MAYBE 5'11".

Well here's Robert Pattinson with Jeremy Renner, who is a HAIR over 5'8" as confirmed on this very site (look at his photo here). Dude. A 5'8.25" guy standing next to a 6'1" guy would look like a dwarf.
You can cite posture all you want, I don't care - I'd have to have the worst posture on the planet - and I'm 6'1.75" on a good day - to have a 5'8"ish guy look like that next to me. I have stood next to 5'8" guys - I can look over their heads, EASILY. Does this look like a 6'1" or even a 6'0" guy? No. No it doesn't. That is a 5'10" to 5'11" guy and the over 6'0" claims must be factoring in some hefty footwear because no 6'0" guy on this planet has the head of a 5'8.25" guy coming up well above the midpoint on his forehead. Honestly 5'11" is being nice."

@BalticGuy: Holy sh*t dude, it's not that deep. His modeling agency gave him the golden height for modeling while wearing a pair of sneakers. His barefoot height is no less than 6'0 by the end of the day. What is up with your neuroticism? If Pattinson claims 6'1, that is almost certainly what he measures first thing in the morning. But trying to deflate him to 5'11 is ludicrous dude. He was a strong 5'11 when he was in his mid-teens back in 2004 during Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
Ice Spice Munch said on 3/Jun/23
I'd say his listing is fine, but probably his low. Pattinson wakes up close to, if not at, 6'1. He then shrinks to this listing by the end of the day. His range is 183.5-185.4. Anything lower than 6'0 flat would be from extreme physical exercise

In Harry Potter, he was probably in the solid 5'11-range category & has grown an inch since then
Charaf Plays said on 16/May/23
compared to 6ft (183cm) chris evans and 6ft3 (190cm) Liam hemsworth. he can't be more than 5ft11½ (181cm)
besolo said on 10/May/23
I guess he is as tall as Ben Barnes.
Solid 6 ft guy
Progking185 said on 3/May/23
@HeightAnalyzer2 generally its tall, especially 183.5-184 at a low. I think he looks fairly tall but in some movies I thought maybe a bit under 183 at first.
Height Analyzer 2 said on 28/Apr/23
Keep him at 183.5, I don't buy anything higher than 184 or below 183 for guesses (that Baltic dude is definitely coping). Rob Pattinson is my standard for what a true 6'0 guy looks like. Not tall, but definitely above average and arguably one of the most attractive males in the entire world. Pattinson's absolute low might be a smidge under 183; maybe like 182.6-182.8 - and even that's pushing it.
QM6'1.75"QM said on 25/Apr/23
6 foot tall guy. Nothing more, after watching "The Batman" (2022)!
pov said on 22/Apr/23
@BalticGuy, it seems like you have an agenda against Robert Pattinson for some reason. If you truly think he’s 5”10 / 5”11, you’re delusional, and literally no one is buying that. It’s clear he’s not 6”2 or even 6”1 as listed, but he’s certainly over the 6”0 mark. I would give him 183/184cm. Strong 6 foot, nothing less, nothing more. This listing is pretty accurate.
Sh0ckeh said on 9/Apr/23
6 feet and nothing more. 6 foot nada.
jusq said on 24/Feb/23
Sehun appeared to have very thick heels in his photos at the Dior Men’s Fall event. He looked taller than 183cm Cha Eunwoo when they met, and I’m almost 100% confident that Eunwoo is a legit 183cm. Due to his proportions he can even look taller like 190cm+ at times. Might be lifts? Idk, but that’s most likely why Sehun appeared taller than Pattinson.
Joe Ponce said on 22/Feb/23
Can you see him at a 6'½", Rob?
Editor Rob
From all I've seen now, I think 6ft 1/2 inch is really the highest I would attempt to argue. I'm still ok with 6ft and change. Doubt he's under 6ft.
jusq said on 22/Feb/23
Around 184.5 straight out of bed 182 at the end of the day.
BalticGuy said on 9/Jan/23
*Also, here's him with Taylor Lautner, who is 5'8.5" per this site - for him to be the height listed here he'd have to have close to 4 INCHES on Taylor and he simply does not, and you can see this in multiple photos taken at different times in different footwear. He's about 2 inches taller. 5'10" to 5'11" range. Simple as that. 5'11" is being generous. He's 100% NOT over 6 foot or there's no way Lautner would look like this next to him without some crazy footwear, and between this and the Renner picture, both paint a picture of a guy 5'10" to 5'11", not 6'0"+.

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BalticGuy said on 9/Jan/23
God I'm so SICK of guys - actor or not - claiming to be 6'2". Stop. Just stop. First, let's get one thing out of the way: 6'2" represents a height that is statistically taller than 95% of western men and even higher when you go global, where the average male height is only 5'7" (the oft-touted 5'9" is actually in the west - if you include men from all ethnicities, all countries, that goes down to 5'7"). In other words, if you walk by 100 men in the mall and you are 6'2", at MOST you might run into 5 guys around your height or slightly taller, with 95 or more of them (more if the mall has is very international and people from all over are visiting) - maybe 98 of them being SHORTER than you.

The same goes for 6'1" - the math doesn't change a lot there. 6'1" is still taller than around 92% of western men and 95 to 96% of men globally.

Even if you're "only" 6'0" you are taller than 80% of men, 85% worldwide.

If you are 5'11", you're taller than about 70 to 75% of men.

At 5'10" you're STILL taller than about 55 to 60% of men.

At 5'9" you're average in the west - taller than about 50% of men and shorter than 50% - but you're actually still taller than global average.

So what are the odds that SO MANY guys just happen to be 6'1" or 6'2"? Absolute madness. It's nonsense and I see it all the time. I'm on a good day in the morning a maybe a hair under 6'2" and when people actually meet me, I'm almost always either the tallest one in the room or one of the tallest in the room. I'd say when I walk through a grocery store, on average I might see one or two guys my height or taller before I walk out - and that's out of a pretty good selection of guys. MOST of them I can see over their head or at least edge them out by an inch or two. It's actually really rare -even being a bit UNDER 6'2", for me to see a guy in any given trip to any given store who is significantly taller than me. Once in a while, I'll see some 6'6" or 6'8" guy and those guys REALLY stand out - because they look like giants in the store - and while I'm not by any means a giant, I observe in real time what men are really LIKE in real life - and the reality is I would say I'm easily taller than 9 out of every 10 men I pass by in public. In real time, the odds of encountering a guy who is more than an inch taller than me are actually very low because that puts him at 6'3"+ which is statistically taller than at least 98% of western men - meaning only a 2% chance of an encounter if I even see 100 men, which typically means seeing 250-300 people since half will be women and some will be children. So you'd need pool of at MINIMUM 300 people to find even one guy who is 6'3", and for a 6'2" guy you'd need at minimum a population of a couple hundred to 300 to find one 6'2" guy because, again, half will be women and some will be children.

My point is not that 6'1" or 6'2" guys exist - I exist, so clearly we DO - but what I'm SAYING is that so many lie about it because they like the sound of that number that it really gives people the false impression as to what a 6'2" guy looks like. Do you have the faintest idea how many 6'2" guys I've met who were SHORTER than me despite me being more like 6'1.75" myself? ALL. THE. TIME. Constantly. My sister's husband CAN'T be more than 5'9" or 5'10" and even HE claims 6 foot. It's insanity. If you believed all the 6'0" to 6'2" claims from actors and regular guys alike, the average man, you'd THINK, would be over 6 feet tall. But the average man is a tiny little 5'9" button of a guy and doesn't want to admit it and that just irritates me.

It's most annoying because it's pointless - if you're 5'11" and claiming 6'1", everyone KNOWS you're lying when they take one LOOK at you. 2 inches is WAY too much to get away with - you can get by BARELY on a one inch lie but two or three is where people start to notice something is up - which is why you won't find me claiming to be 6'4" - because I couldn't pull it off.

As for ROBERT, I would bet good money he's not anywhere close to any 6'1", much less 6'2". No, he comes off from all I've seen of him with people of known heights to be closer to 5'11" if you take the shoes off and you're brutally honest about it - MAYBE 5'11".

Well here's Robert Pattinson with Jeremy Renner, who is a HAIR over 5'8" as confirmed on this very site (look at his photo here). Dude. A 5'8.25" guy standing next to a 6'1" guy would look like a dwarf.
You can cite posture all you want, I don't care - I'd have to have the worst posture on the planet - and I'm 6'1.75" on a good day - to have a 5'8"ish guy look like that next to me. I have stood next to 5'8" guys - I can look over their heads, EASILY. Does this look like a 6'1" or even a 6'0" guy? No. No it doesn't. That is a 5'10" to 5'11" guy and the over 6'0" claims must be factoring in some hefty footwear because no 6'0" guy on this planet has the head of a 5'8.25" guy coming up well above the midpoint on his forehead. Honestly 5'11" is being nice.

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Lenad 5ft9.75in said on 2/Jan/23
He is definitley not 6'2, 6'1 though I can buy.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Dec/22
Ben, at a legit 186cm, you’d get guessed 6ft2 more than 6ft1 for sure. But in the morning you probably are 6ft2 so it wouldn’t be an outrageous figure for you to claim. Upping it to 6ft3 like some guys on here listed at your height tend to do throws a wrench in the works…but then you’re clearing 6ft2 in most shoes so in that regard they wouldn’t be far off either in their estimates. But 6ft4 is where it gets a little crazy
Ben - 186cm said on 21/Dec/22
He always looks shorter than Chris Evans who’s barely 6 feet himself, and only looks a few inches taller than Tom Holland who struggles to look 5’7 at times, although I’m not sure if there’s anything going with the footwear. Click Here

I’d say he’s gotta be 5’11 range max. 5’11 guys can always pull off looking 6’0+ when they’re super skinny. If I wasn’t wide and fat I’d probably get a fair few 6’3 guesses for my height. Certainly no one would think I’m less than 6’2.
7272 said on 5/Dec/22
Here’s a pics of Robert Pattinson and 6’0 listed Sehun from EXO Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

5’10.75-5’11 range seem likely for Sehun
Danimal said on 26/Sep/22
5'11" and change range barefoot.
Malcolm Oliver said on 10/Sep/22
No way he is 6’7, even with the full get-up. I can see Affleck perhaps reaching that, but Pattinson at most, if we measure to the tip of the cowl, should be no more than 6’5. I do agree that a fraction over this listing is possible, but the highest he’d measure (184).
Putrescent said on 23/Aug/22
Hi Rob, would you say 5'11.75 is the lowest you would go for Pattinson? What height do you think reaches his eye-level also?
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Jun/22
@ pattinsonfan2022 - Are you a girl Pattinson fan or a guy one?

Although I’ve barely ever seen any Twilight episodes or films, I’ve been impressed by his acting in David Cronenberg’s Cosmopolis and I swear he starred in another of David’s films. There might even be a third one coming out soon this year.

I consider David Cronenberg to be an excellent and experienced talent spotter and I’ve enjoyed tall Robert’s performances very much.

Quite honestly, I expected to find around 6ft1 for this actor, but then he does have a super-lean physique.

Nice to chat with you, pattinsonfan2022! 😁👍🏼

Robert gets 6ft0.25.
pattinsonfan2022 said on 16/Jun/22
Pattinson looked tall in The Batman, I'm assuming boots, ears, and a shorter cast helped him out in that sense. He looked like a mountain next to tiny Kravitz!
Click Here
^ Here he easily towers over all the cops, although some of the cops are a bit hunched over and I'd assume it's the ears/mask doing most of the heavy lifting.
I heard one woman, I believe she was involved in the costume, said he was 6'7 or something total with it? I'm guessing that includes the ears.
Although he is wearing boots, I'm not sure if he's wearing lifts or anything because he did look even with Turturro who's about his height when he was arresting him, but maybe they were both wearing lifts.
I've also done some research into the boots and I don't think they give much height at all, but I'm no expert on the subject.
Anyways, Pattinson is a legend and it's funny how he was once listed quite a bit higher on the site, he really can pull off the 6'1/6'2 look very well, being skinny really does make you look taller and a true strong 6 footer like Pattinson can play a 6'2 character like Edward Cullen or Bruce Wayne easily with a cast a little smaller than average.
I'd say he's about 184 cm in the afternoon.
Jawilder said on 15/Jun/22
6’1 out of bed
6’0.25 before bed
highly suspect said on 10/Jun/22
Dolphin I would guess Cavill has 15-20 pounds on Pattinson.

I think he’s a little over listed as he looked shorter/smaller than Hunnam in nearly every single pic I’ve seen of them
James B 172cm said on 26/May/22
Rob in a review for the batman someone thought robert pattison looked to short against other bad guys in the movie.
Editor Rob
Sometimes it's good having a hero fighting bigger guys...
heightPoirot said on 21/May/22
Rob, how tall do you reckon benny safdie is, the great actor and director of Uncut Gems? (Click Here) i think he edges out pattinson in the photo. He and his director brother are both pretty tall.
Editor Rob
The link didn't work, but from looking at a few photos, in some can look nearly 3 inches on Sandler when standing tall.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/May/22
James, probably at least 6ft2 in those
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/May/22
I think it’s definitely a safe bet that he’d edge out Bale

Stacking up pretty well next to Ferrell
James B 171.5cm said on 11/May/22
More than 6ft in the batman boots
James B 171.5cm said on 11/May/22
Rob saw the new batman film recently.

Probably the worst bat movie ever....
Editor Rob
But did you think Robert was a solid 6ft 😄
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 6/May/22
With Will Ferrell:

Click Here
Dolphin1 said on 27/Apr/22
What do you think is the current weight difference between Rob and Henry Cavill?
Rhys 6'1" said on 24/Apr/22
@Goopwr The sidewalk is tilted for drainage so she has about 2 inches of elevation on him. That mixed with the fact that neither are standing at full height makes him seem shorter. If you have seen any of his movies is very obviously above 5'10.5", I think Rob's listing is spot on, just a hair above 6'0" flat.
FrankR1 said on 18/Apr/22
In a number of his films, Robert Pattinson seems "deceptively shorter" than his true height. A lot of it is due to his posture.
Anon2122 said on 12/Apr/22
Looked tall in The Batman, a good couple of inches taller than Colin Farrel and Jeffrey Wright. I would guess Pattinson is slightly over 6 feet; his Bat boots would be no thicker than Bale's or Affleck's IMO
6footTom said on 4/Apr/22

Bale's films had a taller supporting cast than The Batman. Many of the supporting cast members sharing the screen with Bale in The Dark Knight Trilogy were over 6 feet with guys like Liam Neeson, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Rutger Hauer, and Heath Ledger.
6footTom said on 4/Apr/22

Neither of them are standing straight and still in that pic. Not the most reliable photo.
Mate said on 29/Mar/22
185 easyly
Goopwr said on 27/Mar/22
May need to reconsider this one, as he seems awfully closer to his supposed 5’7 girlfriend in flat shoes than the 6ft listing would imply. This, along with actors/agents bumping their heights up a few inches, he’s probably closer to 5’10 1/2. Surprised Rob is willing to list as is.

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Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 24/Mar/22
According to this article, he did leave a quote about his height:

Click Here

“ They had this idea that they wanted me to be taller at the beginning, so I basically had high-heeled sneakers on, and I’m tottering around in this strange Batman outfit,” Pattinson said.

I’ve been searching to see if he has claimed to be any height all across the internet.
Malcolm Oliver said on 21/Mar/22
Pattinson is a strong 6’, he tends to not stand at his tallest sometimes so it gives a shorter impression. At least 183 for sure.
Tall Sam said on 17/Mar/22
They do show his footwear pretty prominently there, they look akin to a big combat boot I think.
5'11Kid said on 16/Mar/22
He seemed pretty towering in the actual Batman suit. I’d guess he’d measure around the 187-188cm mark in it.
Editor Rob
BatLifts 🦇🦇
Jawilder said on 16/Mar/22
Guaranteed he’s anywhere in between the 6 feet flat to 6’0.25 range at a low. I still think he’d measure 6 feet flat but 6’0.25 can be argued just as much.
Duhon said on 15/Mar/22
Looked fairly above 6' in The Batman. He came off looking taller than Bale did in the same role.
Animus said on 15/Mar/22
I wonder what his current weight is. I've seen a photo from the new Batman, and assuming the CGI is minimal, he looks around 185lbs, I would say.
Sparv said on 14/Mar/22
185.8 morning / 183.7 night
Sparv said on 14/Mar/22
185.8 morning / 183.7 night
Tall Sam said on 14/Mar/22
He looks pretty tall in The Batman almost entirely in the costume in that picture but in stills does himself no favors, he tends to stand casually and lean a lot, he can basically pull off a strong six foot most of the time.
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 12/Mar/22
He doesn’t look taller than 5’11” while standing next to Tom Holland, but he is dropping a bit of height. Robert Pattinson appears taller than Andrew Garfield, so I’d be surprised if he’s under six feet tall.
5ft7Accountant said on 7/Mar/22
Rob, can you please add The Batman and The Lighthouse in his credits now? Those are long overdue! Stellar performance from him in his recent film The Batman. Hope you saw the film too. Amazing!
Editor Rob
I would rank The Batman as one of the better superhero films in recent years, and I've seen nearly everything in the genre.
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 6/Mar/22

Wow lol. I'm assuming you are a troll because no chance of Robert being less than 6 foot. Secondly, please don't use terms like manlet it doesn't achieve anything.

Finally, no one here thinks Rock is 6'5 and vin 6'2 lol do you even read the comments here?
Dek said on 1/Mar/22
Hey Rob, was wondering what you thought of these pictures. Dano looks noticeably taller, granted Rob isn't standing as straight, but do you think Dano is taller or Rob could be shorter than listed? Click Here
Editor Rob
At worse Pattinson might be 6ft, but generally I never think he seems he stands tall when posing.
Ryrh said on 1/Mar/22
Met dude at a party in a la he is hella short. 5"10 manlet. All you guys guessin higher are so insecure. If you don't realize yet everyone from home (LA) lies about their own height you are downright silly. Let me guess you think Vin Diesel is 6"2? Think the rock is 6"5? Soooo silly.
. Robert is Hollywood tall but unfortunately that still = tiny like Chris Evans. On his best day after just stretching and wearing his ridiculous pathetic male lift shoes he isn't even 5"11. That's the reality you can cry about it all you want but reality is dude is bout average. And you should all be satisfied with that instead of shaming him and yourselves (as well as this site) by pathetically clinging to a tumor that he isn't short.
Droid said on 17/Feb/22
Rob, how tall would you say Pattinson is here with 5’1 listed Zoe Kravitz? Click Here.
Editor Rob
No less than 6ft given the footwear discrepancy.
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 9/Feb/22
6 foot flat. Good actor, love him in the lighthouse
Slim 6'0.25 said on 6/Feb/22
The new Batman is gonna be sick

turtle said on 22/Jan/22
Rob could his wingspan be equal to his height? Or is it a little longer or shorter?
Editor Rob
I can't really tell that
Classic 5'10er said on 17/Nov/21
Robert Pattinson looks like a naturally tall guy, the type of guy who doesn't need to wear nike air force 1's or air maxes to gain him an extra inch and a half or two of height, he could wear vans instead and still be tall. I'd say he's around 6ft flat, he towers Kristen Stewart in twilight and is still a fair bit taller than 5'8 1/2 taylor lautner, just look at the movie premiere photos. True 6 footer.
berta said on 2/Nov/21
can look this height but the one thing that makes me think that he couuld be 6 foot flat is thatpierce bronan a couple of years ago looked more than 1 inch taller. and he had probably lost a fraction by then.
Puneet said on 17/Oct/21
Hey rob how big his chin is.
Editor Rob
For a 6ft guy it's within average range
Sammy 6'5" said on 15/Oct/21
Great actor, 6 feet flat imo
Slim 6'1.75 said on 4/Oct/21
Let’s cross our fingers that he’s a better Batman than Christian bale
Slim 6'1.75 said on 4/Oct/21
185.8 out of bed

183.6-183.7 before bed
Slim 6'1.75 said on 4/Oct/21
He’s not 184

He’s 183.5
Jawilder said on 26/Sep/21
6 feet flat for Pattinson 👍
Progking184 said on 11/Sep/21
@Stinky186 I think he's usually closer to 6'0, but yeah can look 6'0.5 sometimes. I think to claim 6'1 you have to be at least 6'0.5 in the afternoon, or especially 6'0.5 at a low and you dont go under it.
A4zl said on 5/Sep/21
Strong six footer.
Stinky 186 cm said on 29/Aug/21
I think he just rounds up to 6’ 1” and is about 6’ 0 1/2” - 6’ 0 3/4” but I’d bet on 6’ 0 1/2”
Ian555 said on 28/May/21
Hi Rob,

Do you think Pattinson is no shorter than this mark? Despite the fact that he has a slouchy posture, he can look quite tall at times.
Editor Rob
his posture is the issue, but around 6ft I still think...6ft or 6ft 0.25 I feel he can look.
pov said on 20/May/21
I believe he's around 183-184cm, I saw a photo of him and chris evans and chris looks taller, but I think chris was wearing boots with lifts, americans love that
Monkey knees said on 18/May/21
Some guy claiming he's 5ft 8in, below!? Crazy guy. He is 6ft dead. Obvious in all his films. Guy I'd obviously insecure about his own height.
Eusebiu - 6'1" (185 cm) said on 8/Apr/21
One thing I noticed about him is the fact that he has a very poor or let's just say - relaxed - posture most of the times (eg. leaning, slouching, bending, etc. towards the person he's taking the photo with).

I tend to believe that he doesn't really care about height too much because most of the time and despite his weird posture - he appears to be the same height or slightly taller then Charlie Hunnam and Chris Evans (both listed 183 cm) which have erect postures most of the time.

If standing straight and with a good posture I believe Robert Pattison can reach 184 cm - so, I believe his listing is spot on (183,5 cm).
abdou. said on 1/Apr/21
how the fck he can 183 and he shorter than chris evans if that his real height thats make chris 185-186cm
Dom5'11.5 said on 8/Mar/21
183.5cm at the end of the day lowest
abdou. said on 6/Mar/21
hes not 6f he shorter than chris evans
stefkat said on 23/Feb/21
Rob how tall would you guess the guy next to him ?Click Here
Editor Rob
might not be much more than an inch between them, assuming they both had similar posture/footwear.
viper said on 20/Feb/21
What's amazing is I wasn't even the skinniest looking person out of a class of just 25 people.

People guessed me 20 pounds more than I looked
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 19/Feb/21
@Viper thing is there’s a larger range of healthy weights than people realise. Obviously anywhere in the average range is healthy, but there’s plenty of cases where you can be into the overweight range because of having high amounts of muscle, and that’s usually fine too I was certainly overweight when I was over 250lbs cause I had high muscle percentages but also about 27% body fat. Now I’m 208 at 11-12% and though I’m healthy and very athletic, I’m technically overweight
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 19/Feb/21
@Viper thing is there’s a larger range of healthy weights than people realise. Obviously anywhere in the average range is healthy, but there’s plenty of cases where you can be into the overweight range because of having high amounts of muscle, and that’s usually fine too I was certainly overweight when I was over 250lbs cause I had high muscle percentages but also about 27% body fat. Now I’m 208 at 11-12% and though I’m healthy and very athletic, I’m technically overweight
viper said on 17/Feb/21
People's standards for what's a healthy weight have shifted dramatically in the last 10-20 years. In the 80s it was quite common for six-foot men to weigh 165-175lbs into their 40s.

Yeah,the 154 is nothing. At one point in high school I was just 6-0 120 and even at that weight I didn't look sickly thin. Very thin for sure but people guessed me at 140.
EmAna said on 4/Feb/21
Way shorter than that.

Check this picture with Suki Waterhouse. She claims she is 5'7, so that makes him 5'8. They look same height there.

Click Here
Big_t said on 24/Jan/21
He is significantly taller than taylor lautner so my guess is that he is a true 6’1 guy
RJT said on 22/Jan/21
Who is taller this guy or Henry Cavill?

Too bad Cavill won't play as Superman anymore. Can you imagine 2 British guys playing iconic American superhero at same time?
slim 6'1 said on 5/Jan/21
As listed ✅
Youo said on 2/Jan/21
Rob what could his inseam be, he seems to have a well balances body
Editor Rob
maybe near 33
alexio3457 said on 29/Dec/20
I saw a Tenet behind the scenes video and he pretty much looked the same next to 181cm Christopher Nolan. I'm guessing he's at most 182 cm.
Abdou said on 7/Nov/20
hes not 6f he shorter than chris evans
Animus said on 18/Oct/20

The weight figure is from earlier in his career. Pattinson started out in the business as a teenager, so it's very reasonable that he weighed 154lbs back then. (I'm 6'0 myself and I weighed 160lbs when I was 18-19 years old and looked healthy) In his Twilight days he was probably 160-165lbs. He was and still is a very slender man, but he's not underweight. People's standards for what's a healthy weight have shifted dramatically in the last 10-20 years. In the 80s it was quite common for six-foot men to weigh 165-175lbs into their 40s.
6'3 Julian said on 16/Sep/20
I get the feeling he’s one of those guys who’s just barely 6’0. Like measures at 6 feet even
CDS said on 13/Sep/20
I'm sorry but if he is truly only 154 lbs, at 6'1" , or even the 6'0.25" he's listed at here, he would look sickly thin. He is slender, don't get me wrong, but a healthy slender. Id say the 5'11" zone is probably more likely, as the poster below mentions... 6'0.25" in shoes maybe?
Slim 6'1" said on 11/Sep/20
Good choice to play Batman, he’ll be better than bale
Slim 6'1" said on 11/Sep/20
183.8 is possible
Ray ? Atikian said on 11/Sep/20
I think 6’0 is a fair height for him he and Chris Evans look about the Same height and the only picture I can see with Evans looking taller is one with rob leaning his head so 6’0 (185) for sure
Tall Sam said on 11/Sep/20
Guy Pearce has always struck me as an actor with great posture unlike Pattinson. I must say even giving him that, Pattinson can look at times about a half inch under his listing, he also looked under Chris Evans but may have had a disadvantage again.

I've seen Pattinson look pretty tall, not less than listing, near physically big actors like Ken Foree and Kevin Durand.
KamikazeX said on 10/Sep/20
Robert is 5'10.5-5'11 at max. Check out his pics with 5'10 guy Pearce Click Here
6footTom said on 9/Sep/20
@CDS He definitely looked taller than JDW in Tenet, by how much is debatable though. I have a hard time believing that he looked over 3 inches taller than JDW having just seen Tenet today.
Keltoi89 said on 5/Sep/20
@CDS Nah man, I seen Tenet on Wednesday there and he’s clean taller than John David Washington. Funnily enough, I didn’t know the latter’s height and thought in an extended dialogue scene with them walking side by side that he must be about 5’9” because of the difference.
CDS said on 3/Sep/20
How can he possibly be this tall? From the recent trailers of the new Christopher Nolan film, he looks almost dead even with 5'9" John David Washington??
Valgon said on 29/Aug/20
Nah, Batman needs to be at least 6', Christian Bale didn't hit that mark but with the batsuit he was well over 183 cms. The only good batman who was shorter than 6' was Micheal Keaton because he looked like a normal size millionaire like Bruce Wayne. Affleck was the closest to the size of Batman in the comics but he was way too heavy. Pattinson will do a great job. A 6'1 Batman is the nice balance between a superhero size that can fight bigger villains.
gio pizzi said on 24/Aug/20
Who really cares how tall Batman as personally I would want him to be 5'10-5'11 because every super hero is always seen as over 6 foot and giving batman that height would be even more inspiring since he has no super powers and is less taller than the average super hero yet he can kick ass.
Kitbit said on 13/Aug/20
I don't think he's quite 6ft and a quarter. His skinny frame combined with hairstyle and shorter co-stars gives him that appearance. Looks like a strong 6 footer flat to me. Would you consider to change it back to 6ft in the future? Thoughts Rob?
Editor Rob
6ft or a fraction over, I would somewhere around that zone could be more likely than say 6ft 1/2 to 1, which I'd rule out.
Aerial said on 29/Jul/20
Solid 6 footer maybe 5’11 3/4
Hulk23 said on 27/Jul/20
He’s a tricky guy. Sometimes he looks maybe closer to 6’1 than 6’0 and others he looks even a tad under a legit six footer. He remember to me Hayden Christensen. I think however the listing is fine.
Shiva182 said on 24/Jul/20
He looks the same height as Chris Evans
Nyni said on 11/Jul/20
his pictures with charlie hunnam says he's 5' 11 3/4 idk just judging by the pics.
Animus said on 10/Jul/20
Regarding Pattinson's height in the Tenet trailer, especially as it compares to John Washington: (1) It's obviously possible that they have manipulated with John Washington's height. (2) Pattinson has languid posture, to say the least, whereas JDW has good posture. He still manages to look around two inches taller than a 5'9 man, his relaxed bearing notwithstanding.
Kitbit said on 26/Jun/20
To be honest I think he’s exactly 6ft. He just doesn’t look any taller than that to me. The reason why he looks bigger is because all his co-stars are usually shorter than him. Don’t you think you should change him back to 6ft Rob? I mean he barley looks like he is with Chris Evans.
Aman 5'11" said on 9/Jun/20
I saw him in Good Time and thought he was in like 5'11 range. He did not look close to 6'1 in that movie.
Le Donofan said on 3/Jun/20
Shorter than weak 6’0 Chris Evans, barely taller than 5’9 John David Washington in the Tenet trailers.

Time for a downgrade, Rob. This man is in the 5’11.5 range.
Vsquad said on 29/May/20
I really don't know about Robert's listing anymore... he doesn't look 3 inches taller than John David Washington (5'9) at all. Looks barely taller in fact.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/May/20
🎂🎁🎈 Happy Birthday Robert! 🎈🎁🎂

Many Happy Returns of the Day to Robert Pattinson, who today celebrates his 34th Birthday. I've never been a 'Twilight' enthusiast, but I have two of Robert's films, 'Bel Ami' and 'The Haunted Airman'. Yes, he's tall, but not 6ft2!

Robert's Birthday Guess is 6ft and half-an-inch. 😁👍

Maggie Sammoud said on 13/May/20
Happy birthday Robert
Buon compleanno🎂🎁🎉.

Today Is 34th Robert's birthday.

6 ft 1.5
6footTom said on 26/Mar/20
I used to think he was at least this height, but the more I look at him, I don't think he can be anything over this listing.
OriginalAnon said on 25/Mar/20
184cm I think. Looks too tall for 6'.
TheBat said on 1/Mar/20
6'0.25" at least. Probably could be 6'0.5" when measured.
Jordan87 said on 14/Feb/20
Honestly with Evans and a few others looks like he has a hard time getting to 5'11. Seems to be listed a full inch taller than he is.
Dr JJ said on 22/Jan/20
Six footer and very slim. On the nose.
Jkiller said on 17/Jan/20
Can't really see him taller than 6 ft.
Big Ben said on 13/Jan/20
They're filming Batman in Glasgow by the end of february. They're even constructing buildings for the movie. Matt Reeves seems to really want that gothic look for Gotham which I like. This is your chance to judge the heights of many famous actors, Rob, like Robert Pattinson, Zoe Kravitz etc 😁
6'1 said on 1/Dec/19
184cm seems fair for him, at times he can look like a weak 6’1” or a very strong 5’11” so he’s probably somewhere in the middle and his height seems to fluctuate because of bad camera angles and posture differences between other people his in photos with.
Editor Rob
I can see the arguments for 6ft flat for the moment I would still favour a little over like Travolta.
Animus said on 23/Nov/19
I think he's at least 6'0¼. With his frame he can look 6'1 sometimes - he's not, but he's definitely a strong six-footer in my book.
TheBat said on 19/Nov/19
@Bobby Shane

Robert was slouching in that photo. Standing straight he would be 6'0.25" to 6'0.5".
Editor Rob
I wonder is Robert going a bit on tip-toes in this old photo Click Here...something I don't think I have ever seen him do.
Importer said on 24/Oct/19
Current Batman needs to hit the Wayne manor library and find the Alexander Technique book.
Importer said on 24/Oct/19
He hasn’t claimed 6’2”. He was described as high as 6’2”. Totally different.
ioim62 said on 17/Oct/19
6’2 claim is ridiculous, but i can buy 6 feet and half 1.84
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Oct/19
@ Desmond Puddleduck - Now that has an even better ring to it than Jemima Puddleduck!

I'm glad you enjoy reading my comments - thanks for that! 😁
Puddleduck. said on 3/Oct/19
@Sandy, its actually Desmond Puddleduck haha
I always like reading your comments, not only do you get a height listing but often a movie review as well!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Oct/19
@ Puddleduck - Do you go by the name Jemima as well? 😂😂😂.....🦆

Robert can have 6ft and a quarter. I only really came onto this page because I am a Beatrix Potter fan!

Mind you, I do have a ghost story starring Robert!
Puddleduck. said on 1/Oct/19
What would be the absolute max you could see for him Rob? The complete cut off point at which you would be surprised if he was over?
Editor Rob
At the moment I think the current listing is about the most I feel I could go for. 6ft 1/2 I think I'd be surprised at more than 6ft flat.
Importer said on 16/Sep/19
The new pic with Evans is surprising
Chris brady said on 11/Sep/19
What do you guys think the difference is in that pic with Evans and Pattinson? 5/8 of an inch or so? Also what do you think Evans and Pattinson eye level range is? 5-7.3 or so?
Gyro said on 11/Sep/19
@Jackson yeah I'm seriously questioning whether he was ever 6ft now. I looked back at some photos of him with 5'8 Taylor Lautner, and he only looks 3 inches taller max. He also looks a full 4 inches shorter than Liam Hemsworth.

Maybe he's gotten by with a 6ft claim this whole time because of how lanky he is.
Henri_Plonk said on 10/Sep/19
@Jackson, Robert is a real strange one. He looks a good two inches taller than people like Andrew Garfield and Guy Pearce, but then looks smaller than people like Evans. He does edge out Charlie Hunnam a little, but in the pictures of him with Hunnam where he is dressed strangely in all black he has boots with a huge looking heel. I really can't pin him down. He never stands straight in pictures. There are some ones of him and James Franco where it's hard to gage the difference. Charlie Hunnam looks the same height as David Beckham in their pictures together which would make Pattinson about 5ft 11.5, but then with Pattinson next to people like 6ft 1" kristian bruun (who rob has met) he looks the same height, if not taller. Pattinson really is a hight chameleon!
Jackson said on 9/Sep/19
It actually seems impossible that he is 6’0” now that I’ve seen him with Evans. I’m seriously shocked i really would have guessed Robert at like 6’0.5” but I was wrong. I miss Affleck as Batman. Way bigger and actually looks like Bruce Wayne
Gyro said on 8/Sep/19
Another photo with Chris Evans. Evans is still noticeably edging Robert even though he's standing a little better... -

Click Here
Gyro said on 8/Sep/19
Robert with Chris Evans at TIFF 2019 -

Click Here

I know he's dropping a bit of height in that photo, but still. Evans is only a weak-ish 6ft himself, so the fact that even he can beat out Robert makes me doubt how solid of a 6ft guy [Robert] really is.

Hopefully he works on his posture for Batman.
Jackson said on 7/Sep/19
Wow I guess Robert is 5’11” I’m shocked. I thought he was taller for sure. And Henry cavil is taller than Chris Evans in their pics together so no Henry is taller than Robert...

Click Here
houss said on 4/Sep/19
I think he is taller than Henry cavill
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Sep/19
Not under 6ft
Henri_Plonk said on 2/Sep/19
I have come to the conclusion that Pattinson is a height chameleon, as his stature seems to change depending on who he is standing besides! He can look anything from 5ft 11.5 (but nothing lower) to 6ft 1/2"!
Henri_Plonk said on 31/Aug/19
Rob, have you seen the two pictures of Pattinson with Jimmy kimmel and do you think they are a good one to judge from?
Click Here

Click Here

They look to be pretty much the same height.

What you think?
Editor Rob
It's whether Robert is standing as well...I don't think he does stand tall.
Henri_Plonk said on 24/Aug/19
Rob would you say this image is a good one to judge robs height by? Comparing him with the chap on the right?
Click Here
Editor Rob
He might look a bit taller beside Stanislav (guy on right) if the camera was higher up. His current listing I think is most I'd estimate for him.
Henri_Plonk said on 19/Aug/19
Anybody ever see theach pictures of him with Liam Hemsworth? Looked a bit more than a 3" difference.
177.8cm/5'10 said on 27/Jul/19
Strong 6 ft probably hits 185cm in the morning
TheBat said on 22/Jul/19
I think Robert's about 6'0.5" or maybe he could even measure at 6'0 5/8". And I'm also excited for him as Batman!
Importer said on 20/Jul/19
@Samuel.nunez *Bruce Wayne
Samuel.nunez said on 16/Jul/19
Robert is tall at least 188cm
Importer said on 10/Jul/19
@MAD SAM he'd actually be 186-187 in sneakers.
Importer said on 10/Jul/19
He'd be easily 6'2 in a pair of boots. I just hope they don't use the type of boots they used on Val Kilmer's batsuit, those looked like high heels..
Ben said on 1/Jul/19
The Batman by Matt Reeves is a stand alone movie. It'll be noir crime drama type of film. I'm excited. I'm not a fan of shared universes, I really like stand alone movies.
Jackson said on 24/May/19
Ben Affleck was the absolute perfect height for Batman. Loved Affleck gona miss him. Looking forward to what Robert can bring to the role. There’s lots of rumors that The Batman will be a prequel taking place in 1990 and Robert will be playing the younger version of Afflecks Batman. So it can all be connected to the dceu.
DPH1995 said on 18/May/19
I don't see him being too short for Batman. If he's 184cm then he's only 5cm shorter than Affleck and he's a tad taller than Bale, noticeably taller than Clooney and much taller than Keaton.
Borats Chicken said on 17/May/19
Rob, if you were the Director would you cast batman as? him or hoult
Editor Rob
I think that's were casting directors help out, as they in combination with director's can pick the best. Whoever the next Batman is, I hope they make a good movie! Personally I would have waited a few years.
Importer said on 17/May/19
My guess 6ft 0.5inch 184cm
Joe Joe said on 17/May/19
Met Robert a number of times and I just cannot see him as a 6 footer. I’m 6,1 and always feel feel so much taller than him. 180cm or 181 Cm feels more appropriate each time I’ve been next to him
hurricanebrat said on 17/May/19
The new Batman! Shorter than the last Batman (Affleck) but the average Batman height over the years. Taller than Keaton and Clooney, about the same as Christian Bale.
Wine Berry said on 17/May/19
Man I would say he's 184 cm guy
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/May/19
🎂🚗🎁 Happy Birthday Robert! 🎁🚗🎂

It doesn't seem possible that this 'Harry Potter' star turns 33 today!

My Birthday guess for Robert is 6ft0.5. He does come over as taller, and I would have believed 6ft1+, but not 6ft2.
Jdubbz 196cm said on 2/Apr/19
This is mind boggling to me. When I first saw him in twilight, I thought he was a 6’2/6’3 guy. Idk why he looks so much taller than he is
6footTom said on 8/Mar/19
Slightly edges out Charlie Hunnam in The Lost City of Z even with loose posture. Could very well be 6'0.5" overall.
Deniz said on 21/Jan/19
I saw him at madam Tussaud as a figure. I am a strong 6'1. He was at least 1 inch smaller, rather 1 and a half inches
Kays said on 20/Dec/18
No less than 6ft. He is notably taller than all of his 5'9/5'10 friends.
Brett said on 13/Nov/18

I watched remember me the other night with Robert and Pierce Brosnan... Brosnan looked at sometimes to be notably north of 2 inches taller than Pattinson.

I reckon in reality hes a 181cm guy with a wirey frame and wide shoulders - giving the illusion of being taller - but next to someone whose a legit 186-188cm he looks sub 6ft.
Editor Rob
I'm sure he has looked sub 6ft at times, but I am not so sure he really would measure that short.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 1/Sep/18
185cm with sneakers. 6'0 is dead end.
Sacred said on 30/Jul/18
185 cm for me
MAD SAM said on 14/Jun/18
He genuinely looks taller than he is, gives an impression of a 186-187 cm guy though his actual height is about 183 cm, guess being skinny does wonders
Thunderfin said on 22/Apr/18
Can anyone explain this?

Click Here

EVEN WITH the angle, Rob leaning into Ian, etc., there's no way a supposed six footer should appear shorter than a 5'9 guy. I'm calling BS -- Rob is definitely in the 5'11 range.
Nik said on 20/Apr/18
Good listing Rob!
Kstew said on 18/Apr/18
he looks 6'1" to me, idunno
Brt said on 9/Mar/18
Hey Rob ıf he is 183.5 why you write there 184? If my height is 179.5 is that 180 in reality? I hope you answer me.
Editor Rob
It's just rounded to a whole centimetre on the a-z pages, but on each star's page the metric is displayed to 1 decimal place.
Gez said on 3/Feb/18
I'm 5 ft 9 3/4 in (177 cm) Robert Pattinson' height may be around 6 ft or 6 ft 0 1/2 in ( 183 - 184 cm).He is taller than me about 2 or 3 in ( 5 or 6 cm)
Kevin said on 16/Jan/18
He's 6 feet.
Junior said on 7/Jan/18
6'0.25" Kellen Lutz had a tiny edge on Pattinson. Pat is 6'0 flat.
Animus said on 8/Dec/17
In his Twilight days I think he was 155lbs, but nowadays he is not as lean as he used to be, so he is probably 165-170lbs. By comparison, Ryan Gosling, who is the same height, is about 167lbs. He can look heavier than he is, because he's broad-shouldered and has a strong jawline.
volume said on 21/Nov/17
This guy is definitely not as u listed! But just to b clear is this his height barefoot?
Cos most agency listings and so, r based on shoe height
Slim 185 said on 17/Nov/17
Lmao @randomuser, who is @europe, and what did he post on this page?
randomuser said on 13/Nov/17
@Europe No, you are wrong. The average height in the US is 5'9 flat. Saying any below 5'10 is short is ridiculous. Also Tom Cruise is not "very short for a man" he is 5'7.75 which is only slightly below average. Show me one statistic that says the average height across all men in America is 5'11. Just one. There is no way it is even 5'10.
Slim 184 said on 3/Nov/17
Rock solid 184 Cm 7 hours into the day, needs an upgrade.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 14/Sep/17
Another thing that gets underestimated is his weight. He was small weight-wise in comparison to Kellan Lutz (who is around his height, and probably around 210-215 pounds), yet he still doesn't look as skinny as 154 pounds. I would say that he's more like 170-175 pounds, considering his height.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 8/Sep/17
He is a strong 6'0"er. He just has an awful posture.

With Garrett Hedlund, he looks 6'1".
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 10/Aug/17
With 6'1 1/2" Garrett Hedlund:

Click Here

He looks taller than 6'0 1/4" by him there.
John said on 1/Aug/17
I would've definitely thought a weak 6'1
Slim 181 cm said on 11/Jul/17
Anything less than a Strong 6 foot is just teasing him.
I peg Robert at 6'0.5, reckon he'd be the same height as Jai Courtney.
Nik said on 29/Jun/17
He is more likely to be 6'0".
even said on 28/Jun/17
a legetimate 6 us feet ( 1828.8 milimiters )
Rimbaud said on 13/Jun/17
I think if they both were standing straight then Rob would come to about the middle of Liam Hemsworths nose, maybe even just the top of the nostril. In the pics of then together Liam really seems to be leaning forwards and dipping his head down and Robs standing much straighter than normal. Makes me think Rob could be a flat six or a fraction under
Rimbaud said on 12/Jun/17
If you google Pattinson with Liam Hemsworth there is some pics of them standing together, both their postures are pretty loose but i think it looks like if they were to stand tall Hemsworth would have three to four inches easy.
Average height and slim said on 1/Jun/17
Legit 183 cm.
berta said on 23/Mar/17
atleast 1 inch shorter than pierce brosnan he is no taller than 6 feet. because he is only listed half inch over this now
Rimbaud said on 9/Mar/17
If you Google Pattinson with John Cusack it looks like there is very little between them, Maybe Pattinson is closer to 6ft75/6ft1"
shiva182cms said on 23/Feb/17
He's definitely a solid 6' but unlike many other starting tall guys who have strong leg and lifted toe posture to appear taller than they are he has awful leg a toe posture so he appears to be 5'11 range
Davd Brandon-cox said on 9/Feb/17
C'mon people..
Why do people always want to downgrade curtain people's heights.. just compare him to all the other characters in the twilight movies. With their heights in mind, I am absolutely curtain he is at least 184 cm. Probably 185. He is a solid tall guy. Just accept that
Flyin said on 1/Jan/17
So would I be right in saying that at 5'10.75, I would be looking at the bottom. Of the cheekbone?.
Editor Rob
Flyin, considering Robert's posture at times, you might actually look close in height...but I think he has to be six foot range when standing tall, so your eyes would be just bottom of cheek.
S.J.H said on 1/Oct/16
5'11.75 is generous for him. Kellen look to edge him 1/4 to 0.5"
Mark said on 26/Sep/16
Pattinson is a legit 6'0.25". He didn't look that different from Pierce Brosnan. He usually has an awful posture which makes him shorter than he is.
HonestSlovene said on 23/Sep/16
5'11.75 / 182 cm
Mark said on 28/Aug/16
Pattinson has an awful posture which makes him look shorter than he is. Unfortunately, guys like Henry Cavill, Chris Tucker, Chris Pine, and Bradley Cooper would edge out Pattinson.
Johno said on 31/Jul/16
6'0 and over? That is around Kellan Lutz's height, highly unlikely to be at this height. The way he stacks up against Lautner, 5'11 is more like it.
truth said on 28/Jun/16
He looks like a weak 6'0 and half an inch under Kellan Lutz, who is listed at the same height.
berta said on 27/May/16
184 it to mutch the other muscle guy from twiligt who is 183-84 is 1-2 cm taller. I Think he is weak 6 footer
Appe 6ft 0.5 said on 20/May/16
183cm x 70kg
berta said on 10/May/16
dont remember the name of the Movie but he and pierce Brosnan was in a Movie together and if pierce Brosnan is 186 then this is the absolute tallest i can se this guy. it looked to be around 3 cm between them. More 3,5 cm than 2,5. but then again Brosnan could be/ have been 187. I Think pattiosnson is 183 on the dot
Helen said on 19/Feb/16
Rob, do you have any thoughts about FKA Twigs height? she's Robert's girlfriend. i'd love it if you could make a page for her too. p.s. keep doing the awesome job you do
Editor Rob
having a look at her she can look maybe 5ft 2.5
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 16/Feb/16
A legit 180cm guy.
Appe 6ft 0.5 said on 1/Dec/15
@joe joe I've never met him as you did, but from the photos you posted he looks easily 183cm with the chance of being 184cm.
Celebheights 6'1.75/187 CM said on 25/Nov/15
He was 6'0 1/2"-6'0 3/4" when I met him in person. He just had awful posture which makes him appear shorter than he is. He was also 2"-2 1/2" inches taller than Andrew Garfield who is 5'10 1/2" (he's easily 1 1/2" inches taller than Jamie Foxx who could even be taller than 5'9").
joe joe said on 23/Nov/15
As I have said before. He is not a 184 IMO. I'm 185 and have always had an inch or so on him when I've met him. I would peg him at 181/182 at best guys who are 184 usually feel the same height as me but he was noticebly shorter. Here he is with 1m78 listed Guy Pearce on the far left of the shot
Click Here
again with 1m78 guy pearce in similar foot ware but Pattinson has the better posture
Click Here
I can't see 6 cm difference here

in this next photo Pearce has the better posture and Pattinson has a relaxed posture
Click Here

As I've said I've met him and he didn't look a full 6ft to me. I would peg him at 5'11.5 in these pics I can not really see 6cm between him and pearce.
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 5/Nov/15
180-181cm. Joe joe's and Dan's eyewitness accounts are spot on IMO.
joe joe said on 20/Oct/15
@Dan Agreed. I've met him a few times and he's, he is definitely not over 6ft bare foot
Dan said on 15/Oct/15
I saw him at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport in 2012, he clearly looked 5'11 to me, no more.
Matt said on 13/Oct/15
154 pounds at 6.1. Must look like a bean pole
S.J.H said on 1/Oct/15
I'm not convince on the 0.25 , i think lots of time he apear half inch shorter than kellen lutz which rob listed same height as pattinson
joe joe said on 16/Sep/15
@6ftMagician I'm not in the business of asking people to stand up straight and take a picture with them when i'm out and about. Like I said. I am saying it like I see it. and people can believe it or not.
Pete said on 7/Sep/15
@6ft magician
at what time did u measure arnie?
6ftMagician said on 6/Sep/15
@ joe joe

Yeah mate, and just yesterday I had dinner with Arnie. He was still over 183cm barefoot, I kid you not. I measured him twice and nearly had a stroke in disbelief.

Get real. No one will believe your claims without evidence.
Anton said on 2/Sep/15
He always looked 5' 11.75" (182 cm) to me.
joe joe said on 27/Aug/15
I hate having to justify the fact that I've met someone on here. Obviously I cannot prove it but people will have to take my word for it. I work in the entertainment industry so I meet alot of people on this site. Funnily enough I have worked very closely with his current girlfriend, Twigs. Ive known her for years and produced records for her. You will also have to take my word that when I have met him I have always had around 1.5/2 inches on him and I am always measured at 1m85 therefore I would peg him at around 181. Just saying it how I see it. no body needs to get offened by it.
joe joe said on 26/Aug/15
Ive met him many times. He is not 184 He is around 181/182. people can say it's nonsense that I have met him etc, and everyone is entitled to their opinion but I will keep saying that with my self at 185 everytime i have met him I have been over an inch taller than him. BTW I am a record producer and I've worked with his current girlfriend Talia. I'm guessing 99% of the people thinking he is for sure 6'1 haven't seen him in person. Well I have and he is not a 1m84 man
Alex said on 22/Aug/15
Dude I'll downgrade people when need be, which is about half the time, but Hal is right – no matter who he's cast against, seen against, his proportions, whatever... he's an easy 6'1, worst case scenario a 6'0.
hal said on 3/Jun/15
It's not surprising to see people saying he's 5'11". Some of you downgraders are pathetic. Robert's either a strong 6'0" or a weak 6'1". Probably the former.

And I'd bet that 99% of the "I've seen him/her in real life" stories on this site are BS.
cozypowell said on 30/Mar/15
He is 1.85 no doubt idiots...
joe 193cm night said on 10/Mar/15
I also already said that I had met jared padalacki
joe 193cm night said on 7/Mar/15
it is impossible to say that without evidence
joe joe said on 6/Mar/15
againhe is not 184 I am 185 and had a clear 2 inch advantage over him. He is 5'11 at best. Rob if you met him you would know a 184 listing for him is nonsense. No offense but he just is no where near 1'84
Judd said on 5/Mar/15
joe, it's hard to make a perfectly measurement of the height that you have just out of bed, if you consider also that yu lose like 40-50% of it during the first hour...but i agree he might be a true 6'0.5", so 6'1.25" just out of bed!
joe 193cm night said on 3/Mar/15
surely your agency the measured 186 cm in the morning I think
Hypado said on 2/Mar/15
I agree with Jake,

Robert Pattinson's height is 6ft 0.5in (184 cm)

184,3 cm or maybe 184,5
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 1/Mar/15
I believe he's right around the 6ft 0.5in/184 cm mark.
heightism said on 26/Feb/15
Robert's footwear looks suspicious
Hypado said on 18/Feb/15
With 174 cm/5ft 8.5in listed here, Dane DeHaan, Robert Pattinson looks a legit 184 cm/6ft 0.5in guy.
Celebheights 188 CM said on 15/Dec/14
@Plonk I agree with you there, but the weight claim might be outdated (I don't know when he claimed to be this weight). He used to appear thin like 6-7 years ago, with him now appearing like he has gained some weight. I would guess that he's maybe 175-180 pounds at 6'1" today.
plonk said on 29/Oct/14
Im sure if he was 6ft 1" and 11stone then he would look a hell of a lot thinner than he is, im 5ft 10" and 11stone and im really skinny! But he always looks about average. He is either shorter or heavier
Joe said on 26/Oct/14
Weak 6'1".
Max said on 13/Oct/14
He actually looks 6'1
Danny said on 16/Sep/14
I've noticed that most modeling agencies list their models as at LEAST an inch taller than they actually are, some even going as far as two inches. Robert looks like a pretty tall guy, I would say hes about 5'11.25 without shoes on.
Jay 184cm said on 16/Sep/14
This is a good listing in my view. He looks a fraction off Kellan Lutz (185cm?) but a fraction over legit 183cm Jamie Campbell Bower. He looks 184cm. Pictures of Pattinson and Campbell Bower to illustrate:
Click Here
joe joe said on 8/Sep/14
I will say again. When I met him which was about 1 month back. I felt I had a clear 2 inches on him. I'm am measured at 185 so I would give him no more than 181/182 at a push. His frame and look can give the impression of 6'1 but he really isnt. This is coming from someone who is only just 6'1
shaz said on 29/Aug/14
Okay people some of these baseless, tactless claims need to stop.

Rule # 1 about models and actors: you give your tallest height possible in shoes. They're not technically lying, i'm positive his head can touch 185 at some point in the day with the right footwear.

He's 182 flat, i've met him in person. He is the EXACT same height as me- I wake up at at around 183.5 cm (6".25 range) and I go to be at around 5'11.5 range. I dont care what people say, because frankly, im considered tal wherever I go. Am I a giant? a beast amongst men? No. But I am considered Tall.

Hell, because i dress preppy, my Shoes alone make me at the VERY LEAST, ABSOLUTE MINIMUM 6".5... Normally i'm just a fraction of an inch (less then .5 inches) off 6"1 with shoes (for that matter-joggers, boots, sneakers, etc etc).

The only time I'm 6 flat is when im wearing slippers or flats..

I digress. back to the point. People think.. no, people SWEAR, that I am 6"1 or 6"2. Its ALL about proportions. He has the same physique as me as well.. My wing span is 6"5 so my feet are almost a foot long each.. My proportions make me look tall, and I model too just btw.

He's 182 Barefoot and @Rob should definitely look into adjusting that. This 185 isnt his barefoot height, its is height in shoes in the morning or early afternoon.
dante said on 23/Aug/14
@Joe Joe I saw him once from a distance myself, too. It was in London, indeed. He was walking on the pavement just in front of me, approx. 20 m away. I couldn't tell he was taller than I am, and I'm 6' spot on in the morning ( approx. 181.5 - 182 cm during the day ).
Pedro said on 22/Aug/14
@dude1e To answer your question, just take a look at pictures of Rob next to 5'3" or 6'1" people: Click Here
dude1e said on 21/Aug/14
What would a 5ft7 come on a 6ft person?
Pedro said on 17/Aug/14
@Arch I think that Theo Kingma must be at least 6'5" or taller. Here on the minute 31:00 of this video he is shaking hands with Jason Segel and you can clearly see that Theo is taller than him: Click Here
By the way, I repeated my post before because I thought the first one didn't reached the site. Sorry for that!
Arch Stanton said on 17/Aug/14
Kingma can look a weak 6'5" and similar sort of height to Tim Robbins in some photos. Somewhere around 194-95 would look about right. Very tall range.
Arch Stanton said on 17/Aug/14
Difficult angle but Kingma looks like he could be a strong 6'4" guy.
Pedro said on 15/Aug/14
Here is Robert next to the president of the "Hollywood Foreign Press Acossiation", Theo Kingma: Click Here
How tall do you estimate Theo Kingma? He is dutch, by the way.
Adam said on 13/Aug/14
This Guy Has to be 182 cm Maximum. What do you Think Rob, He Gives the Impression of Being 6'2' But Still.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.