Height Loss - Page 4

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Blake said on 13/Jan/17
Is it possible to recover lost childhood height? I was very sickly constant illness for a while till around 8, do you think I recovered this height now as I have since that age played sport and had no eating issue since?
[Editor Rob: I've read a research paper once talking about 'catch up' height, where the body in later teens can still catch up to genetic potential as long as it's being well nourished etc.]
Kevin said on 8/Jan/17
Hello Rob, when I wake up in the morning at 8.00 a.m I measure myself by using aerosol and I'm full 190 cm in the morning out of bed. In the afternoon, I'm around 189-188,5.

At night, (11.00 pm - 00.00 am) I am 187,5 if I had so much pressure on my spine and my back and if I sit on the chair for so many hours. Sometimes 1.88 at night or 1.87,8.

What height should I claim? Can I say 189 or 188? I am losing an inch (2,5 cm) in a very long day. Is that normal and is there a way to decrease the shrink effect?
[Editor Rob: Kevin, claiming 188 seems fine to me.]
Peter said on 7/Jan/17
Last question Rob
I had a foot injury when i was 18 (I fell from the tree). I have 5 non metal nails in the foot.I am 25 now and walk perfectly. The foot feels strong. Do u think there is some effect on height variation throughout the day?
[Editor Rob: Peter, I doubt it is effecting you too much, maybe a couple mm or so.]
Tarik said on 7/Jan/17
Hi Rob, I've measured myself a couple times in the morning and range between 176.4cm-176.7cm and the after a day's 12 hour work shift (which involves a bit of walking and lifting) I go down to my lowest height which is 174.8cm. What height or range could I claim.
[Editor Rob: Tarik, claiming 5ft 9 seems fine to me, or just say 175cm]
Rory said on 7/Jan/17

What age on average would a man lose his first mm in height ?
[Editor Rob: I think it will vary, but typically at 47-48 many might lose the first tiny bit, by early 50's on average a few mm's.]
jose luis said on 4/Jan/17
Hi rob, I have a doubt I am 184 cm (6'0.5 ") in the mornings and at night I am 183 cm (6'0") what is my official height?
Lexi said on 3/Jan/17
is it possible at 22 years old? Click Here
What can we do for don't lose height?
[Editor Rob: at her age it seems impossible, maybe she mismeasured.

But, I did do a video showing the simple tips to help maintain and reduce shrinkage as you get older...Click Here]
Pete said on 31/Dec/16
Hey Rob
Does eating vitamin C make vertebral discs stronger? If they are stronger, i should shrink less throughout the day?
[Editor Rob: Pete, I don't know if it would have much impact, but I've read about glucosamine being able to help discs a tiny bit.]
Josef said on 30/Dec/16
Hi Rob!
Ive measured myself at night few months ago and i was 176 on the nose.
Now after a neck surgery(broken 7th vertebrae.) i measure 2cm less.
Even though i measured myself right after the accident and the surgery and my height didnt change at all.
But after few months after using my neck protector i shrinked 2.3cm when im almost recovered and my new vertebrea are reformed.(not fully for sure)

What the fu.k is that happened man. Im 26 years old. How is this possible?
Can i somehow regain my lost height?maybe i just have to wait a bit more to recover.
I almost cant accept this -from average height i went below when im so young without a fully maturized skeleton.
Maybe my bad posture? Through the wearing of the neck collar.

Anyway,i started stretches again. Few years before i had success with them(i growed an inch once!).
Rob do you think through some spine lengthening and posture improving(i have a very very poor posture after wearing this thing)
i can still reach 5ft9 at night? I would be very happy if i at least gain a ~cm, and stay on average.

I can tell you the shrinkage is fellable and made me very sad. Because if i were an old man. But seriously ive grown a bit few years back,ive a very good bone structure and never would have thought this could happen at my age. Even now i dont know where did i lose this inch from.I do not have an explanation. Maybe you have.
[Editor Rob: Josef, unfortunately it seems as though your spine has suffered a bit, but if I was in your position I'm not actually sure what I'd do - I'd probably be cautious and not want to risk doing anything which could make matters worse.

I certainly have read about people breaking bones in neck/back and losing height, so you aren't alone.]
Hapgood said on 27/Dec/16
Hi Rob, this answer may also answer a question that Francesco asked on 12/21/16 about how much height a man should lose on average by age 55. You answered a 1/3 to a 1/4 inch on average. I think in (most) cases that's a good answer, however there are exeptions to every rule. I will be turning 55 in early March 2017 in late December 1979 I was measured on a stadiometer [at PEAK ADULT HEIGHT of 66.5"] 139 lbs at age 17 years, 10 months. Please note that 37 years later in late December 2016 at age 54 years, 10 months I was also measured by a stadiometer at 66.5" 150 lbs. (the exact same PEAK ADULT HEIGHT 37 years apart.) Possible Reasons: ■ good back, ■ good knees, ■ good posture, ■ good health, ■ good sleep on a high quality mattress. ■ Working insde desk jobs/ light work vs. heavy grinding factory work.
[Editor Rob: I'd be delighted myself to hit 5ft 8 at 50 and would bite your hand off for 5ft 7.75 at age 60...]
Francesco said on 26/Dec/16
and another question.. at what age does a man start losing his first mm in height? do you think that at 50 a man can be still at his peak height?
[Editor Rob: many men will hit 50 and not lose anything, usually they have had decent posture, reasonably fit.

But there will be a big chunk who hit 50 and have started to lose a few mm's...they won't really notice, nobody would probably be able to tell that small 1/4 inch.]
Pierrick said on 26/Dec/16
Rob I'm 182 out of bed, 180, sometimes 179.7 at night. Wich height should I say about me ? Can I say 5'11 ???
[Editor Rob: Pierrick, about 5ft 11 might be something you can say...if Metric, simply 180cm]
Yes yes said on 25/Dec/16
Rob, with the thought of my dad being 6ft tall and that he was 5'5 at 15, how tall do you think I'll be at 21? I'm 5'11 1/8 in the morning and 5'10-5'10 1/4 at night and I'm 16.
My mom is 5'2 and my brother is 6'2.5 (He's 20). I remember asking earlier this year how tall he was he was 16 when finished 9th grade and he answered 5'9 1/2 but he also said there was a chance that he was 5'10 3/4.

So let's assume that he was 1/3-1/2 inch taller than I am at 16, do I have a good chance of reaching 6'2?
[Editor Rob: I did see a photo you posted, I would say you looked a typical 16, so not under or overdeveloped...I wouldn't worry much and just get on with being a teenager and only measure a few times a year.

Worry and stress may not be a good thing for growth.]
Francesco said on 25/Dec/16
hi Rob. with 1/4 and 1/3 do you mean 0,5 and 1 cm?
[Editor Rob: between 0.5 and 1cm yes.]
Jas96 said on 21/Dec/16
Hi Rob, never really got time to measure myself straight from bed or during the day only in the evenings I've measured myself at 5'9" after being awake 12 hours and doing a typical 9hr shift working at a supermarket working the stock so I never sit down would my average height be around the 5'9.5" mark? And could I claim that. Thanks!
[Editor Rob: Jas, there's a chance you might hit 5ft 10 or very close to it within 30 seconds of waking and be 5ft 9.5 at 10-11am]
Francesco said on 21/Dec/16
Hi Rob.
how much height do you think a man has lost by 55 on average? consider a man who doesn't have sport and have a sedentary job for 8 hours a day..
[Editor Rob: Francesco, between 1/4 and 1/3rd inch I'd say by early to mid 50's.]
Berta said on 18/Dec/16
I am around 197,7 in the morning and if i fint lift Weight on the gym i am 196,9 in the Evening some days even 197 and the days i hit the gym i go Downs to 196,7. I thing i Lopes that little height is because i have trained heavy since 15 but not in a way that Will harm My back. I claim 196 . Should i claim 196 ore 197 i feel like lying if i claim 197 and are a couple mm under on a bad day haha
Mike said on 15/Dec/16
Out of bed my height is like 185.5 too 186cm (somewhere inbetween). During the day I hit about 185 - 184.9 cm. Now at 4pm I hit about 184.5 - 184. Stays at that level till' I go too sleep. Which Height should I claim 185cm or 184cm? Thanks for reading Rob.
[Editor Rob: if you say 184cm Mike, nobody is ever going to think you aren't that height.

Say 185, it's a slight roundup, but many in your position might go with that mark too.

personally I'd go with 184.]
same said on 4/Dec/16
if i were a celebrity and measured 3/8ths inch would you rate me up or down?
[Editor Rob: depends on the time of day, but sometimes you could end up on the 1/2 inch mark if 3/8th.]
Leonardo 1.73m said on 30/Nov/16
My plan: (5'7 isn't a bad height)

At 70: 172cm
At 80: 171cm
At 85: 170cm
[Editor Rob: I think if you live to 85, it should be celeration itself, regardless of height....I'd love to live that long.]
Leonardo 1.73m said on 29/Nov/16

How many loss a man until his death? (85 years old aprox)
[Editor Rob: Leo, at 85 I'd expect 2.5-3 inches of height being lost. If only 1-1.5 you have done remarkably well.]
Leonardo 1.73m said on 29/Nov/16
Is possible loss 1 inch until the death?
[Editor Rob: if you died at 80 it is likely you would lose 1-3 inches (or even more in extreme cases) of height. If you reached 70 and died, you might lose anywhere from 0.5-2 inches]
E.S. said on 20/Nov/16
Rob, do most of these average height studies publish when measurements are taken? Wouldn't they have pretty different findings depending on the time of day that people or measured or would it cancel out with a large enough sample?
[Editor Rob: some very specific studies might, but a general study will have varying times...on average I'd expect it to be late morning to lunch range.]
Benjamin Fritz said on 12/Nov/16
Which height should I go with?
The clock was 10 am today when I measured myself and I got rougly 5'10.75 - 5'11 when I was standing with my front against the wall and I had been awake for 2 hours but I was just lying in my bed.

But, here comes the funny part, a couple of minutes later I measured myself with my back against the wall and I only got 5'9.5 and I always get a shorter height with my back against the wall (Note: I measured myself with a Samsung Galaxy J5).

Plus that everytime I measure myself I always seems to get a too short height cuz when I measure myself at home my eye level is too high for that height and when I walk past the lines on the wall in my videos it looks like I'm taller and in school etc, there's a girl who said that she's 5'10 flat and that was over a year and now we're all 16 years old and it feels and looks like I'm about 0.5 inches taller than her.

A couple of days ago I got around 5'10 at 11pm so which height should I go with do you think?

I always say that I'm 5'10 when someone asks me but it feels like it's too short but my friend who said he was 6'1 this summer has his eye level at the end of my forehead sometimes and sometimes my eye level is at his nose.

Thank's for reading this! :)
[Editor Rob: Benjamin, I'd buy a big aerosol can (1 pound in poundland) like xantox and redo the measurement facing the wall about lunchtime.

Sometimes trying to measure yourself with back against a wall is more error prone, so it's much easier facing a wall.]
Bert91 said on 10/Nov/16
Hi Rob

When I wake up I'm about 5'8 - 5'8.25 and at the end of the day i'm 5'7.25-5'7.5

Which height should I claim?
[Editor Rob: about 5ft 7.5 range I'd personally go with.]
Benjamin Fritz said on 8/Nov/16
Hi Rob! I'm 16 right now and I'm 5'10 (I was 5'10 when I measured myself at 11pm today), my father is 6ft is my mom is 5'2 and my brother is 6'2 3/4.

Do you think I can reach 6'1-6'2 at 21?

My father told me he was 5'5 at 15 and my brother said he was 5'9 at 15 and that he was a little bit under 5'11 at 16.

By the way I LOVE your site! :)
[Editor Rob: there's still a chance of hitting 6ft, it might be useful to remember your brother's height at around your age, that could be a good indication of whether you could potentially get over 6ft by 20.]
S.J.H said on 7/Nov/16
Rob, my dad a was 5'11 peak height and 5'10.5 now and he already loss this 0.5" since 11years back i first visited this site and his now 61 and still holds a strong 5'10.5 when measure so could he be lower if he reach up 80s?

Because my grandfather was 84 and strange that he only loss posture more than height (look 5'8) but when get measure he still 177cm same time at his 70 birthday and a peak at 5'10 he doesn't loss much height my dad and i was surprising at it. My dad worried he would loss more height than my grandfather when another decades gone
[Editor Rob: probably 5ft 8.5-9 range by early 80's for him.]
John said on 6/Nov/16
Hi Rob, my morning height is like 183,5-184cm.
My evening height is like 182,7 cm.
Why would you say its my height?
[Editor Rob: John, just go with 183cm as your height.]
Jennie said on 4/Nov/16
Hi Rob. When shrinking starts at an older age, do women shrink faster than men? How much can the average 55 year old woman expect to have shrunk from her peak height? I am guessing somewhere around 3/8 - 1/4 inch.
[Editor Rob: a 55 year old might have typically lost a good 1/2 inch maybe a bit more, but some may lose barely anything or even an inch.]
Word1234 said on 30/Oct/16
Hey rob, how accurate is taking an aeresol can and using a tape measure in comparison to using the stadiometer?
For example, I measured myself with an aeresol can and measured 5'8 exactly at 12pm.
Then a week later I went for a physical and my doctor measured me at 10am and I was measured 5'7.25.
I have watched your videos and noticed when you measure yourself you lightly tap the stadiometer so it softly touches your head, when I was at the doctor there stadiometer wasn't lightly touching the top of my head it was more like dropped on my head and I felt as if it was pushing down rather than resting. Would this have a greater impact? Are my walls so slanted that I can achieve 5'8! So confused!
Thank you!!
[Editor Rob: because it is plastic, if you overtap it once it starts hitting your skull, then it might bend slightly and undermeasure...that might happen in your case.

I still feel it is good to try using some sort of aerosol can, but even then, if your floor slants slightly or your walls aren't vertical at 90 degrees, there's always a chance of slightly different measurements than what your true height is.

If you had several walls, or friends house with better walls, it might be useful to test on these other walls..]
a wonderer said on 27/Oct/16
Ice, you are wrong with your list about Austria.
coolguy11 said on 11/Oct/16
I measured my girlfriend at 9:00 PM and she was 5'6" and 1/4" Can she claim to be a legitimate 5'7"?

I measure 5'11" first thing in the morning at only 5'10" later in the day. Can I claim to be 5'11"?
[Editor Rob: if she drops that low, I wouldn't call her 5ft 7, maybe 5ft 6.5 she could claim.]
Judd said on 8/Oct/16
Rob it's possibile that a man of 75 years (male) recorded a loss of 0,5-0,75" from his peak if his body conditions are good (any injuries) and his posture is good?
[Editor Rob: he would be beating the average by the same amount...it is very possible, but the proportion who only lose half inch or so by mid 70's is smaller than the the proportion who will lose between 1 and 2 inches by that range.]
Alex said on 29/Sep/16
Hi Rob,

I§ve measured myself right out of bed and I§m always between 5ft 8in and 5ft 8.25 in. I§ve also measured my height right before going to bed and here is the strange part: on weekends and holidays I'm 5ft 7.5in (or a few milimeters more), but on weekdays I'm barely 171 cm or even 5ft 7.25 in. I know it§s still 171, but half an inch seems quite a lot considering it§s my lowest height. I have to mention that on weekdays I usually carry a laptop (which is about 4-5 lbs) in my backpack and I walk about 1 hour with it (30 min from my house to school and 30 min from school to my house).

My question is: do you think that the extra weight I carry (because of my laptop) could be the responsible for the extra 1/4 inch that I lose on weekdays??

I'd appreciate your answer!
[Editor Rob: the extra weight could effect things a little fraction. I know when I carry stuff in a backpack and have checked my height, I will hit my low quicker - sometimes at 1pm I'm down to my low after carrying shopping home in my rucksack!

another little factor that may effect our fluctuations is hydration - becoming a bit dehydrated may result in hitting your lowest height quicker.]
Jm19 said on 28/Sep/16
Hello Rob,

I measure 5ft 10 out of bed but by the end of the day I measure about 5ft 8.5! I am overweight (17.5 stone) do you think my weight is the major cause of my height loss throughout the day?

Thanks a lot!! Love this website!!!
[Editor Rob: you are not that much overweight...it's a helluva loss from morning till evening, I mean I'd expect a 6ft 6-8 guy to possibly shrink that.
Ice said on 27/Sep/16
ROB my Job requires me standing and hunching over for a long time do you think I have a lower night height because of this ?
[Editor Rob: long-term it might effect your height, possibly accelerate any losses.

If I were you I'd try some basic daily stretching to counteract the effects of your job. Reach for the sky, touch toes...really simple stuff.]
trilln4real said on 8/Sep/16
Hello Rob,

right out of bed i measure at 172cm. After a long day at work, sainsburys, right before bed i measure at 170cm. I recently changed my diet, started drinking 1.5 gallons of water per day, started taking glucosamine pills, working out, and doing 5 minutes of hanging excercises, pull up bar excersises and also thinking about going to a chiropractor to help with my terrible posture and straighten out my back.

do you reckon over a period of time, lets say 6-12 months, i can improve my morning and late night height? How much do you reckon i could gain?

Thanks and keep walking tall like Rob Paul haha !!
[Editor Rob: I'd say don't be disappointed if you only managed an extra cm overall.
I would definitely give that routine at least 6 months and then assess your morning/evening again to see if it has improved. If it has, then do another 6 months.]
TTstar said on 7/Sep/16
Hi Rob! Can sore muscles at the back cause you do shrink more? I noticed that i measure a little smaller (3mm) since my backmuscles got a little sore last week.
[Editor Rob: it may effect your posture and inhibit your ability to stretch up as tall as you normally can.]
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 5/Sep/16
[Editor Rob: yes that is quite long for your height, 34-6 might be a more common range near 6ft 4-5.]


How about my arms Rob? My wingspan is only 76" (6ft4), which is a bit below average for my height, but my arm length (the tip of my middle finger to my shoulder) is 34.5" (88cm). Is that rather long or short for my height? NFL's Cam Newton is around my height and he has an arm length of 33 3/4" (86cm) Click Here
[Editor Rob: with a narrower ribcage/shoulder width, armspan of 6ft 4 might still appear long, like in your case.]
Xhavier said on 3/Sep/16
Here are the statistical averages of height / pant leg inseam

Male Height Average Pants Inseam
5ft 0in 26.0 in
5ft 1in 26.5 in
5ft 2in 27.0 in
5ft 3in 27.5 in
5ft 4in 28.0 in
5ft 5in 28.5 in
5ft 6in 29.0 in
5ft 7in 29.5 in
5ft 8in 30.0 in
5ft 9in 30.5 in
5ft 10in 31.0 in
5ft 11in 31.5 in
6ft 0in 32.0 in
6ft 1in 32.5 in
6ft 2in 33.0 in
6ft 3in 33.5 in
6ft 4in 34.0 in
6ft 5in 34.5 in
6ft 6in 35.0 in
6ft 7in 35.5 in
6ft 8in 36.0 in
6ft 9in 36.5 in
6ft 10in 37.0 in
6ft 11in 37.5 in
7ft 0in 38.0 in
7ft 1in 38.5 in
7ft 2in 39.0 in
7ft 3in 39.5 in
7ft 4in 40.0 in
7ft 5in 40.5 in
7ft 6in 41.0 in
7ft 7in 41.5 in
7ft 8in 42.0 in
7ft 9in 42.5 in
7ft 10in 43.0 in
7ft 11in 43.5 in
8ft 0in 44.0 in
Christian-196cm (6ft5.25) said on 29/Aug/16
I meant 37" inseam, not 36.
[Editor Rob: yes that is quite long for your height, 34-6 might be a more common range near 6ft 4-5.]
Christian-196cm (6ft5.25) said on 29/Aug/16
I wake up at 198.4cm (6'6 1/8'') and go to bed usually at 196.2cm (6'5 1/4''). It has been said that the average person lose 3/4" from morning to night, but I'm not average-heighted, so it's understandable to lose 7/8th of an inch over the course of the day. And my inseam is 36", so I would say my legs are slightly long in proportion to my height.
Gerry said on 24/Aug/16
As a reference for your Rob, based on you being 5ft 8in, if you stood beside me, you would be at the middle of my mouth (I meant to have this on the previous post), which is similar to most of the guys that you had beside you that you list at 6ft 4in, but 5ft 9in is at the bottom of my nose, and its 6.5in from there to the top of my head which would most likely lead more to 6ft 3.5in. So just curious as to what you would list me at, and sorry for the delayed postings and long winded posts.
Gerry said on 24/Aug/16
Hey Rob.

Yes, it is quite the shrinkage, and further to your comment, chances are I do have thicker than normal discs that hold a lot of water and expel more throughout the day.

But to add an extra component to it, because of my muscle/ligament/bone/joint condition (in short my bones outpaced my muscles and left my incredibly rigid (hyper-inflexibility)), I technically am not ever going to be at my full height because if I could straighten my legs and have my spine corrected (it's on a bit of an angle (but unnoticeable on the outside)), I would be six inches taller.

Also if they could correct my overly rounded shoulders, I would have a 6ft 11in arm span instead of a 6ft 6in arm span (which used to be longer since as of 1995 I was 6ft 1in tall with a wing span of 6ft 7in and I wasn't done growing yet back then).

When I graduated high school I had an 11pm height of 6ft 4in and considered myself to be a solid 6ft 4in tall, and possibly even 6ft 4.5in tall, since in basketball I would have been listed at 6ft 6in after I was measured in my 1.5in basketball shoes at a little over 6ft 5.5in and then was measured at a later date around the same time frame in a pair of 1in dress shoes at 6ft 5.5in, but with all of my shrinkage that has already occurred and continued to re-occur since that time, and the fact that I have not been keeping up with my prescribed stretches for quite some time, I no longer consider myself that.

Additionally, once i shrank below a 6ft 4in afternoon and/or evening height, whether it was a strong 6ft 3.5in or 6ft 3.75in, doctors would write down 6ft 3in, so they would technically round me down from 192.5 cm to 190.5cm, and then round that down to 190 cm, so that is something I initially found frustrating. But oh well, it could be worse.

Most people have refused to believe me when I say that I am 6ft 3in/6ft 4in, even though I am in a medically documented study and in published book at 6ft 3.5in, and insist that I am 6ft 5in, 6ft 5.5in, or 6ft 6in. Overall my height has been somewhat of an obsession and frustration of mine ever since I was a 6ft grade 8 student, but for the most part, I have gotten over it, and in my current decade of life have been more annoyed because there are too many people that I have met that are using inflated basketball player-like heights, and need to be more realistic about their own height, and stop lying about it, as far as I am concerned, .

However, although my passport says 6ft 4in, and I was told to round up to 6ft 4in on acting resume, I consider myself to have had a peak height of 6ft 4in, an overall listed height of 6ft 3.5in, and a current height of 6ft 3in due to my more recent shrinkage, but when anyone asks me, "how tall are you?", unless I feel like rounding down, I answer 6ft 3in/6ft 4in, a little over 6ft 3in, or sometimes I answer 5ft 7in for fun :) , but usually I answer with my most regular consistent natural answer of 6ft 3.5in.

So I am curious Rob, taking everything into consideration, what would you put as my peak height, current height, and overall height - i.e. how tall would you list me at if I were a celebrity on this site?
[Editor Rob: I'd have went with your peak height somewhere around 6ft 4.5, now maybe a bit under 6ft 4...

I wonder though, if you started a simple program of 3 minutes hanging and basic stretching (reach for stars, touch tip toes) for a few months, whether your height improved a bit more and you regained some which seems to have been lost.]
Gerry said on 23/Aug/16
Hey Rob.

Although I have a condition that has already caused me to shrink and then attempt to re-stretch back to where I shrank from, three times so far in my life (I am only 35 years old), since I get a kick out of your site, and further to this height loss discussion thread, in recent years, I have taken a few occasions where I measured myself over an 18 hour period, and wanted your thoughts as to the daily shrinkage, and what height(s) you would consider me to be.

2010: 6am: 6ft 6.5in, 9am: 6ft 5in, 12pm: 6ft 4.5in; 3pm: 6ft 4in; 6pm: 6ft 4in; 9pm: 6ft 3.5in; 11pm: 6ft 3.5in

2011: 6am: 6ft 4.5in, 9am: 6ft 3in, 12pm: 6ft 3in; 3pm: 6ft 3in; 6pm: 6ft 3in; 9pm: 6ft 3in; 11pm: 6ft 3in

2013: 6am: 6ft 5.5in, 9am: 6ft 4in, 12pm: 6ft 3.5in; 3pm: 6ft 3.5in; 6pm: 6ft 3.5in; 9pm: 6ft 3.5in; 11pm: 6ft 3.25in

2015: 6am: 6ft 6in, 9am: 6ft 4.5in, 12pm: 6ft 3.5in; 3pm: 6ft 3.5in; 6pm: 6ft 3.5in; 9pm: 6ft 3.25in; 11pm: 6ft 3in

2016: 6am: 6ft 4.5in, 9am: 6ft 3.5in, 12pm: 6ft 3.5in; 3pm: 6ft 3.25in; 6pm: 6ft 3.25in; 9pm: 6ft 3in; 11pm: 6ft 3in (and I had a couple of times it was as low as 190 cm/6ft 2.75in)

[Editor Rob: as I said, it seems an extraordinary shrinkage, something I would love to witness, because that amount of shrinkage would be visible to many people. Maybe you have discs that are thicker than normal or hold a lot of water and then through the day expel much more than ]
Canson said on 21/Aug/16
In my 30s, I notice about 1/4" difference (loss) which may have to do with hydration or even back issues
Mario amabile said on 14/Aug/16
Ei Rob, inthe morning i'm 6ft 1.5 , during the day i'm something between 6ft1 and 6ft1.25 and before to sleep during the night i'm 6ft0.75, which is my height or which height i can say to other people?
[Editor Rob: about 6ft 1 is perfect to say.]
Gerry said on 7/Aug/16
And now I present a lot of shrinking
Heights throughout the day:
Out of bed: 6ft 6in
3hrs later after gravity sets in: 6ft 4.5in
6 hr mark: 6ft 4in
9 hr mark: 6ft 3.5in
12hr mark: 6ft 3.25in
15hr mark: 6ft 3in
18hr mark: 6ft 3in

When I graduated high school I was 6ft 4.5in at the 9 hour mark and 6ft 3.5in at the 18 hour mark. The above results are me at age 35.

[Editor Rob: I think if this were true, it would make a great study as I've never heard of that much shrinkage ;)]
George said on 3/Aug/16
Is it weird for a man being 25, losing 7 cm in height since 16? If in 16 I was like 175 cm and 113 kg, but now 168 cm (maybe 169 cm in the morning) and 52 kg? Also I was 172 cm by the time I used to weigh around 75 kg, at 21.

I'm not crazy, but it happened. Others who knew me from before and had to see me for a long time, noticed I'm being visibly shorter as well. And neither some strange disease occurred, according to recent medical exams.

I don't know if it had to do with massive weight loss, or just God heard my prayers. Actually I don't feel well being tall, I find it awkward looking down on others, so I was keep praying getting shorter (yes I believe in God.).

I just wanted someone else's opinion. Also my feet shrank like 3-4 European Sizes. (From 43-44 to 40)
James Edward Crowley Maximus Meridius said on 25/Jul/16
Rob is it possible for men too be 6ft 3in in his 20s and shrink too 5ft 6in in his 80's going from 6ft 3in too 5ft 6in would be a lot of height too lose that is a 9 inch height loss what's the biggest height loss you heard of.
[Editor Rob: extremely unlikely, but there may be cases of people who lost 8 inches, those who lose more might suffer condition which means spinal collapse! ]
Kourosh said on 22/Jul/16
Thank you rob for answer. My shrinkage varies from 1.8 to 1.5 cm but on average i wake up at around 177.6 fresh out of bed and at night i am 176 cm on the nose take or give a mm. i hope my height shrinkage is withing normal range?!

I usually sleep for 6 hours , if i sleep up to 8 hours , does this mean my morning height will be taller like 178 cm or more?
[Editor Rob: if you got 8-9 hours, well hydrated night/day before and managed to sleep mostly on your back you may hit your highest which could be a couple of mm or so taller than normal morning height range.

1.6-1.8cm is a very common range of shrinkage.]
Broman said on 22/Jul/16
Hi Rob, I'm 23 and was 5'9 flat and got a bit obsessed with wanting to be the same height as my brother. I managed to increase my morning & night height by 2cm from sleeping on the floor and taking glucosamine! Crazy I know! I'm now within 1cm of my brother. So I succeeded I guess.

I now range from 178.5cm - 177.5cm, do you think my night height still counts as 5'10? I mean it's 3mm off and 4mm above 5'9 3/4..

[Editor Rob: it's enough to be consider roughly 5ft 10]
Merky said on 20/Jul/16
I remember reading about height loss and thinking it was bull, but then when my Aunt visited from Canada she looked about 3 inches smaller than I remember. Either I had grew (unlikely) or she had lost quite a lot!
Kourosh said on 18/Jul/16
Rob, i lose about 1.2 cm within 45 min after waking up. is this normal? you only lose a cm after 1 hour after bed i saw your height shrinkage video on youtube
[Editor Rob: if you have a bigger overall shrinkage, then 1.2 is within a typical range, I think some may lose less than 1cm, others a bit more...some men or women can shrink 2.5cm and be under 6ft.]
Heylo said on 4/Jul/16
I go down 1.2-1.4 cm after a a whole day. My height is 178.2 in the morning and 177cm or sometimes 176.8 in the evening. Is this normal? I saw some comment about the average shrink though the day being almost 2cm. What could make some people shrink less?
[Editor Rob: it means your discs don't lose as much fluid (seeps out) during the day. 1.2 is less than average, nearer the lower range of the scale.

I think the older you get the smaller the morning-evening shrinkage can become.]
truth said on 1/Jul/16
@Ice lol so wrong. Please just think before yo start posting kid.
Vance said on 9/Jun/16
Rob, How much should a man expect to loose of height at 52?
[Editor Rob: 1/4 to 3/8ths of an inch might be common.]
J.Lee said on 7/Jun/16
Rob does knee surgery make you shorter?
[Editor Rob: if it takes away cartilage or bone then it would, but it depends on the type of surgery.]
Pamela said on 4/Jun/16
Hi Rob should I be concerned I'm 42 and have recently notice a change in my height I was 5'5 so the other day I measured myself after friends and family have been commenting on my shrinking over the last couple of months and I now measure 5'1
[Editor Rob: if you've lost that amount then I would suggest asking for a Doctor's appointment and then if he hears you've lost a few inches he will likely get x-rays and tests done to determine if your spine is degrading badly.

There are some conditions where big losses can occur.]
delancey said on 1/Jun/16
Hey Rob, I'm 176 and a half in the morning and a flat 174cm before bed (174 and a bit for most of the day). Just wondering does a 2.5cm daily loss seem normal for a healthy 24 year old male? Reason I ask is that it seems a lot to lose for someone my height as I already stretch daily (as part of my every day fitness), I don't slouch and also definitely drink more than an adequate amount of water. I'm just a bit concerned that I'm losing that much for a guy of my height/age. Any further ideas on how I could maybe minimise it?
[Editor Rob: about an inch is a fraction more than average, but many lose this, even Jenny (my partner) lost a full inch most of the time.]
Hephaystos said on 1/Jun/16
Rob, in my previous question i asked you how i guess a person height if i'm eye to eye with him. you answered that he's "1 cm within of me", what does it mean? that he could be 1 cm shorter or taller than me? sorry but i'm not a native speaker
[Editor Rob: because different people might have higher/lower eyelevels, looking eye-eye is a rough guide. They may well be fairly similar, but they could even be a fraction taller/shorter.]
Hephaystos said on 23/May/16
Hello Rob, a question. my 57 years old uncle who is very sendentary and work a lot at computer since his 30's (so not standing straight with his back almost all day), how much height could have lost in cm? another question. how do i guess his height if i'm in front of him? we are more or less eyeleveled.
[Editor Rob: if you are eye to eye he really will be within 1cm of you.

He could have lost 1cm, it would be more unlucky if he lost 2-3cm at his age.]
SportsHeight said on 17/May/16
Rob, what can a fit healthy guy in his 20s who's around 6'0.5" in the afternoon realistically expect for height loss going forward, assuming he eats and drinks well, stays fit, maintains good posture, and stretches regularly? When would he start to lose height and how much would it be at 50/60/70/etc.?
[Editor Rob: I would expect by 50 for him to have lost a little fraction, but to most people it won't be noticeable.

By 60 he might get away with just between 1/4 and 1/2 inch...I'd say 1/4 inch if he maintains fitness and does regular stretching and eats decently.

The 60-70 zone is where a lot of people start to really notice losses. I would still expect overall between 1/2 and 1 inch lost even for a relatively fit and healthy guy by age 70.
MrTBlack said on 17/May/16
Hey Rob, my Dad claimed he was 6'1,5" when he was in his 20s but his physical in his late 40s said 5'11.75" and now it says 5'11". I'm thinking his peak height was probably more like 6'0-6'0.5" and 6'1.5" was his height in shoes?
[Editor Rob: yeah that sounds more like it, unless he really lost a fair chunk through his 40's. Some people develop bad habits and posture and by the time they get near 50 they have lost height not only in terms of bone density/cartilage loss, but also the curve of their spine has altered.]
NFL said on 16/May/16
Would you say NFL combine heights are as accurate as it gets? FWIU, Players are measured between 9am and late afternoon. So a guy like Derrick Henry who measured 6'2 5/8 recently, his morning height would be about 6'3 and his average/afternoon height would be about 6'2 1/2, correct?
[Editor Rob: I would say the database is probably 99% accurate...there will be some errors, be it the reading was wrongly taken (like the guy called out 3/4 and he was on the half inch mark etc...but those should be a small amount.
Also data entry error - always a chance of some errors creeping in through typing.

As for the time, it certainly won't be evening measurements, I'd say on average though the players will have been up a couple hours so have already lost a chunk of height...might be like a 10am type measurement.]
/fit/ said on 3/May/16
hey, question here bro

I notice to lose about 0.5cm everytime i go over a week without stretching

Am I right or is it just normal that my height can differ day to day at the same time?
[Editor Rob: the stretching might be helping you retain a little bit extra, so I would try to keep doing it.]
Francis94 said on 26/Apr/16
Hi rob. How much height do you think a man have lost at 55? On average
[Editor Rob: about half inch maybe...sometimes a bit less or more depending on various factors like job, overall health, injuries etc.]
slothee said on 25/Apr/16
If my dad is 5'6.5" at 57, what do you think his peak height likely was? (assuming he's shrank at all)
[Editor Rob: probably nar 5ft 7 ]
dave said on 18/Apr/16
I am 24 years old and i started to jog for like 6 months i saw a 1.5cm increase in my height. Prior to this i have not been exercising for years. How is this possible?
[Editor Rob: certainly strange, but then maybe somehow it helped your height a bit!]
Canson said on 12/Apr/16
Rob: you mentioned this a while ago but was it your morning or evening height that increased with age?
[Editor Rob: evening height hasn't really changed, but I did at one point get a few mm higher morning measurement. Typically in the past (10 years ago) I'd get 5ft 8.6 range, but for a few years got 5ft 8.75 range, sometimes a tiny bit more (using tape measure and wall measurements).]
plus said on 8/Apr/16
Out of bed height is useless. Early morning height comes off soon. Nobody will notice because the other person who see you also are in morning height around you. It feels the same, except very tall people who can appear taller yet compared to normal people
Ice said on 3/Apr/16
ROB Ive been drinking a lot more water lateley , and Im pretty sure my morning height measurments have gone up a bit . But how long would it take to fully rehydrate the discs ?
[Editor Rob: maybe a number of days keeping well hydrated let's your body rehydrate properly]
KJD said on 1/Apr/16
hey rob, for example: a celebrity would say: "I'm 5 feet 11 out of bed"...would you list him at this height (assuming of course he looks like it in person)? i have another question...the height you reach out of bed, is that the "maximum final height" of growth or the height you reach after 5-6 hours after waking?
[Editor Rob: maybe half inch or three quarter inch under their morning height, unless they actually said something like 5ft 11 out of bed and 5ft 10 at night, then maybe 5ft 10-10.25]
Hi said on 28/Mar/16
Rob, who do you think is taller in this picture of us? Can you guess how tall? Here is the Link Click Here
[Editor Rob: the guy on the right can appear taller in that photo, but not much]
Mr S said on 25/Mar/16
@Rob: I know a lot of articles say that height loss begins at around age 30 but that seems a bit too young unless they mean mms. At what age would you expect the average person to have any real hight loss, like 1cm?
[Editor Rob: there was a long-term study on loss and pretty much the average losses were: By age 40 Men: negligible Women: few mm's By age 50 Men: 0.5cm Women: 1-1.5cm By age 60 Men: 1.5cm Women: 2.5-3cm By age 70 Men: 3cm Women: 5cm]
Fer said on 18/Mar/16
Rob, My height straight out of bed is 173-173.5 cm and my height at night is around 171.6-172 cm. What would be my real height?
[Editor Rob: both heights are real, it's just nobody really sees you at your early morning height, but most people see each other at the height after being up several hours (which is much closer your low height). I think if people went with a mid-day or evening that is fine...if you ever say your morning height, best to tell people '173 in the morning'. Then, there's no confusion.]
Ice said on 10/Mar/16
Your height and how youll feel next to young / middle aged men in Austria who are white / balkan / black :

5'10 and under : youll be absoluteley humbeled
5'11-6'0 : youll feel short
6'1-6'2 : youll struggle to appear average
6'3 ish : youll feel average
6'4 : youll feel above average
6'5 : youll feel tall
6'6 and above : youll feel strongly tall
Ice said on 8/Mar/16
ROB a couple of weeks ago I measured 189.1 cm each morning , after a good night sleep of roughly 8 hours . The last couple of weeks Ive been waking up each single night , and staying awake for like 10 minutes , in this time I loose about 0.5 cm of height . And I sleep like 7.5 hours each night , since the beginning of these mild sleep problems . Since then , my morning height measurments have decreaced , I only measure 188.5 - 188.6 !Could this have something to do with not getting a good night sleep of 8 hours , without interruption ? Im only 18 so I really dont think I permanentley shrank . Thanks .
[Editor Rob: it is unlikely you have shrank...but it might be your body isn't as well hydrated as it had been. That might account for a few mm's...as can the position of your body whilst sleeping.]
Kartik said on 29/Feb/16
Thanks Rob...
Verona Rios said on 28/Feb/16
Rob, I would very much appreciate your opinion on that: my sister was measured 175.4 cm three mornings in a row and 173 cm sharp by he time of bed the same days (all the times with a stadiometer). What height in centimentres should she officially claim (in centimetres)? Thanks for anwering
[Editor Rob: if she says 173cm nobody will ever say 'you don't look it'...in fact I would bet many would guess her 174-5 range... it's really up to her. Say 173 or 174. 174 is more like an average of her morning/evening.]
Kourosh said on 27/Feb/16
Dear Rob today i notice something , i woke up fresh out of bed and i was right around 5'10 (177.6 cm) but after 3 hours i measured myself again and i was only 176.2 cm. why i did lose so much of height in just 3 hours? is this normal?
[Editor Rob: the younger you are, the better or 'spongier' your discs may be...so it's not uncommon when 18-25 to have a greater overall morning-evening shrinkage than when you reach 50's or 60's. In your case, it isn't anything extraordinary...the first few hours of being up and about will result in a fair whack of your morning height diminishing.]
Kartik said on 20/Feb/16
Hey Rob, my height straight out of the bed is 184.5cm and my night height is 182.9cm. what would you say my true height is??
[Editor Rob: you are a strong six footer, a 183cm range man]
Judd said on 9/Feb/16
Rob how may be the loss of a person (in cms) of 75 years old who has not particularly back problems and made a lot of sport activities during his 10s,20s and half 30s?
[Editor Rob: for a male about 1-1.25 inches I'd say...he may still lose more depending on factors such as diet, whether he smokes/drinks and how active he keeps from 50-70 range. I'd recommend keeping active as you get over 60...too often it's easier to jump in a car, but even walking sometimes to the store will help.]
MB said on 7/Feb/16
After age of 80 does shrinking stops or how much do you shrink each decade after 80? Suposse I am 6 feet at 40, by age of 100 I'll be 5'8" or what?
[Editor Rob: you can keep shrinking...if you reached that age, I'd expect 3-4 inches lost.]
Tishah said on 1/Feb/16
Hi, I'm 20yo F, and I used to measure at 165cm. In a year (when i was 18/19), I lost 20kgs, and now I weigh 48kgs, but my height has also decreased. I'm now 160cm. I know this is correct as I used proper measuring scales and did it almost every day out of pure boredom when working in a health clinic. Other people have also noticed my decrease in height, and it's obvious when looking at photos. Is weight loss associated with height loss? I just thought it was a bit strange to be shrinking so drastically at age 20. Thanks!
[Editor Rob: it shouldn't make a difference...5cm is an extreme amount of difference between those measurements. I couldn't explain it, unless there was something that changed with the measuring rod...]
TheTruth said on 31/Jan/16
Rob, how much height does a male loose during the day on average in centimeters?
[Editor Rob: on average it is in the 1.8-1.9cm range]
N said on 25/Jan/16
Hi Rob, my morning height is 174-173.7 and my night height is 173, but when I come back from school my height is only 172, what should I go with?. I turned 18 last month, so is it possible to grow 1-2 cm? or I stopped growing? Thanks in advance.
[Editor Rob: I'd say 173cm is ok to claim, or just 5ft 8. At 18 it can be a coin toss as to whether you are completely finished or maybe still 1-2cm left in the tank.]
Brian said on 22/Jan/16
Hey Rob. Yesterday morning straight out of bed, I measured 5'11 7/8" and then about 8 hours later, I measured at 5'11 1/16". Do you think it is fair to claim 5'11 1/2" as my height?
[Editor Rob: it's what many people do, go with the average range. At worst you are about 1cm below your claim, so nobody really will spot that. if it was an inch maybe they might.]
James said on 15/Jan/16
Isn't morning height your real height instead of your height in the evening? Yes, the spine compresses temporarily over the course of the day. However, most people give their weight in the morning after getting out of bed as their real weight, so why should it be any different for reporting one's height?
[Editor Rob: we all have a morning-evening range. If everybody agreed to give their morning height then we'd use it, but most people never get measured first thing out of bed.]
Ian C. said on 14/Jan/16
Is the height loss gradual or abrupt? My guess, having done no research, is that it is abrupt. I am 64, and know something about the robberies that befall you as you age, and things just go. One day, for example, you have an unlined face, and then suddenly you notice that you have wrinkly eyes. Stuff like that. I'm guessing in the case of somebody like Clint Eastwood that he was very close to his young adult height until he was nearly seventy, and then his spine went extra curvy on him. That would be the way to bet.
[Editor Rob: I think it can happen in spurts ]
Hi said on 12/Jan/16
Rob, My height straight out of bed is around 173-173.5 cm and my height at night is around 171.9 or 172 cm. What would be my real height?
[Editor Rob: I'd say you fell into 'almost 5ft 8' range, possibly a bit like Tom Cruise.]
nasir said on 12/Jan/16
im very tall 6foot please help lose my height
M said on 7/Jan/16
If person is healthy and lives healthy, height loss occurs after 60.
Garrett said on 1/Jan/16
Rob, my height straight out of bed is 6'2.5" and evening height is generally a bit above 6'1.5". Is this amount of height loss normal? It seems a bit much to me, I am 16.5 years old and do not consume enough water, if that is a factor. I also lose the first half inch in about an hour out of bed, and spend most of my day around 6'1.75", if not a bit under. What height should I claim?
[Editor Rob: it's very normal to lose 0.75-1 inch. you could always go with about/almost 6ft 2 as a claim.]
Clark said on 29/Dec/15
So Rob men start losing height in their 30s (I couldn't imagine say a 35 year old being much shorter than their peak)? That seems a bit strange since most men don't completely finish growing until their early 20s
[Editor Rob: I think it would be more like late 30's an age that some very small losses could start to occur. They could be earlier if you have injuries or jobs that involve a lot of wear and tear on cartilage, but we are still talking a small amount. The majority should make it to 40 without barely a loss.]
datguy said on 25/Dec/15
Hey rob, Out of bed I measure a little over 5'10 but by the end off the day right after a workout I'm 5'9.25 Do you think it's ok for me to claim 5'9.5?
[Editor Rob: yeah that is perfectly reasonable to claim.]
FrankIta said on 24/Dec/15
Hey Rob. I have two question. 1) my dad is 54. how much height do you think he has lost till now? and second question.. since i was 15 i had a 1500/1800 kcal/die diet with a lot of sport. do you think this could have negatively affected my height growth? i was 168cm back then and now at 22 i'm 176cm.. i'm as tall as my dad, while my mom was 163/165 cm. thanks
[Editor Rob: diet can play a role in whether we reach our true genetic potential, but how much is unknown. You could be talking a fraction, or with malnutrition 1-3 inches. At 54 the average loss for a man is a fraction. It isn't impossible he was near a cm taller in youth, but then many guys can get to early 50's without any loss...getting to early 60's without any loss is harder. The majority will have lost a fraction at least by then.]
KJD said on 21/Dec/15
Hey Rob, I'm 180,6cm out of bed and my evening height is 179,6cm; could I claim 5ft 10.75in (roughly 180cm)?
[Editor Rob: it's not much shrinkage, so saying 180cm is perfectly fine.]
Jordan said on 18/Dec/15
Hi Rob, I measure in at 179cm in the morning and 177cm at night (8am and 10pm). Would it be fair to say I'm 5'10"? Or is it better to use the evening height? I want the most accurate number ideally when using it for BMI or TDEE however. Also, after doing squats or Deadlifts I can measure under 176cm! But this always returns to 179cm in the morning, do you know if this is normal?
[Editor Rob: extreme circumstances can make us shrink to an 'absolute low'. For instance, doing an intensive sport like tennis/soccer/football or big weights. Measure straight after and your discs have been put under a helluva lot of pressure, so will have compacted a fraction more than usual. In your case I'd say that you were 'about 5ft 10 or almost'. If I was saying the metric value, I'd just say 177cm though - nobody then will think you are lying, because people half expect others to lie a bit about height...]
Jhl90 said on 15/Dec/15
Hello rob would you say being overweight can cause a big fluctuation in height ? I'm 22 and straight out of bed I measure 5ft 10.25 but by the time I go to sleep I'm 5ft 8.75 .. I'm 17 stone but quite muscular on top with a fat midriff.
[Editor Rob: seems a huge amount to lose at your height. I don't know about the excess weight, you're not exactly huge at 17 stones.]
madison ogren said on 24/Oct/15
im 5'7 and i dont like my height its so agervating i want to be like 5'2 or something because i want to be able to wear heels whenever i want without people looking at me weird.
[Editor Rob: there is no problem with being 5ft 7. Even Jenny (my partner) said she would have liked to be taller than 5ft 8, her sister is 5ft 9 and even she said she'd have liked to be 5ft 11...]
Dan said on 12/Oct/15
Hi Rob! I'm not sure exactly how tall I should say I am... Could you help me please ? If I measure myself first thing out of bed, I am 195,5 cm. At noon I am 194,5 cm. At the end of the day, after a good workout, I reach 194 usually. And my absolute lowest is 193,5 cm. What height should I claim? Should I go with 194? Thank you very much!
[Editor Rob: I think saying 194cm is the option I'd use if I was that tall.]
John said on 5/Oct/15
The measurements that I took were always in the hallway on the laminate flooring, although not always at the same spot but they were less than a metre apart so I can't see much difference in the sloping. Yet again today another person at college said I looked shorter, as if I'd shrunk. I'm really unsure what to do about it now as it's not just a one off occasion where one person made one comment about my height. Do you recommend I get this checked out in some way?
[Editor Rob: I'd say if you had any back pain then maybe look into it, as slipped discs or disc problems could cause a fraction difference...if not, maybe it's worth trying some basic stretching for a few months then remeasuring and seeing if it was posture-related.]
Smith Western said on 4/Oct/15
Hey Rob does being obese mean that you lose more height during the day? does weight affect how much height you lose??
[Editor Rob: I've never seen any study trying to examine it, but if there is any effect I think it is for extreme weights like 10 stone overweight, not 3-4 stones overweight.]
Felix said on 4/Oct/15
Hello Rob, two months ago I have been measured twice, at the end of the day (and after workouts), at 180.5~181cm. But then, last saturday I decided to measure myself against a wall just after I woke up, and I got surprising 184,3cm (indeed I never felt I was that height, it was a positive surprise). How tall do you think I really am? Do I shrink 4 cms during the whole day? My personal opinion is that this is quite a lot, idk, maybe I am 182cm and the weight of bags make pressure upon my spine. By the way, since I am only 19, do you think there's chance for me to grow until a full 6'0? Can I claim to be these 6ft tall? Is this range 181~183cm a good height for a brazilian?
[Editor Rob: 4cm is a huge amount, but some guys do shrink 3cm, and the younger you are, the more the discs in the spine can rehydrate/expand to a fuller amount. You are tall in Brazil, the average is still nearer 173 than 181-2cm.]
John said on 3/Oct/15
Hey Rob, my concern is increasing for my height. At 16 I was a solid 5ft10 throughout the day and now at 17 3/4 years old, by evening I have dropped notably below this mark (1/3rd to 1/2 of an inch). I'm fully aware of height loss throughout the day and I take this into consideration. I also always measure carefully as I know about mismeasurments. A few days ago, a girl and I both decided to compare our heights again barefoot. She is the same year as me in college but older. 3-4 months ago, I was roughly 3/4 of an inch taller than her when standing up straight and looking into the mirror as well as measuring standing back to back (as done in your celeb photos). This measuremeant was actually around 11pm. Now, she's 1/4 of an inch bigger than me. This is highly unlikely for a girl who's actually very nearly 18 to grow nearly an inch, especially considering her height already. Both these height comparisons were done on an even surface. As well as that, on the same day a guy in the year below said to me how I'm not that tall anymore and that I don't look as tall. This isn't the first time someone's said this to me. It's starting to get to me and affect my confidence. So I was wondering if there is any possible condition or disease that may have caused this, even if it is an unlikely cause. Thanks for the reply in advance :)
[Editor Rob: it seems a strange occurence. While injuries can knock height off and dehydration can knock a fraction, your case seems to be unique. It's not impossible a girl near 18 could gain height, some still do... also, with measurements, it really can give differences even if we think the wall/floor looks straight. I did a Video last week showing that carpet really can knock a good chunk of height from your measurement...but also if you watch my second measurement and then the third, that is still a big difference...just a slightly sloping floor can knock a 1/4 or 1/3rd from your height!]
Michael said on 2/Oct/15
Is it normal to Shrink over 3cm over a daily basis? I am overweight
[Editor Rob: the average is nearly 2cm, so 3cm is a fair bit more than average, but not extreme...4cm is more in the extreme range, you'd expect that if the person was very tall though.]
Ray said on 30/Sep/15
Can stress affect height? I have been stressed because of circunstances for around last month, I measured myself yesterday and i found that my lowest was around 0.25-0.5 inches lower than usually. I am sure this is not due to age because i am young, but i am not sure if i will recover the height loss...
[Editor Rob: it seems an awful big difference. I really can't think how stress would make you shrink more, unless it was somehow effecting your hydration levels or your ability to stand as tall as you used to stand.]
John said on 29/Sep/15
Thanks, my guess is that tall people have longer legs than spine, but that might not always be the case. My sisters ex boyfriend was 6ft 3" and me 5ft 9" and yet we were the same height when we sat down, so he had long legs. I assume that if tall through long legs then the height is little effected with age compared with a shorter person as if both have the same spine height then both will lose height at the same rate through the spine. Interesting concept though and thanks once again for your good response.
John said on 28/Sep/15
Do tall people lose much more height than shorter people as they grow older?
[Editor Rob: proportionally I think when you have longer spine you have more chance for greater loss.]
Magic said on 10/Sep/15
If I drink poor water less 1 liter during day ,do I shrink faster? 3 cm loss after 5 hours for example! Rob , do you suggest to drink 2 liters everyday for loss less water of the spinal column and so shrinking more slow?
[Editor Rob: when the body becomes dehydrated it uses water content from within, like soft tissues...so being dehydrated a lot might mean your discs lose more height than normal and you shrink more than if you were better hydrated through the day. I'd advise taking regular drinks of water.]
Paolo said on 5/Sep/15
Since I turn 18 Ive only been measured at 8 at night after being up since 7 in morning......i was 5'11.5 Is it safe for me to say i,m 6 feet if people ask my height? Thank you
[Editor Rob: you could go with almost/about 6ft, half inch round-up isn't that great a deal for most people. A chunk of the day you will be near 6ft anyway. ]
Anon* said on 2/Sep/15
Thank you for your answer Rob, it was very helpful.
R. Oli said on 1/Sep/15
Hey Rob I've viewed this site for a little and I've recently had a problem. I measured myself at a little over 6'1 yesterday morning, but now I'm 5'11.5. I'm only 15 and I'm pretty sure I'm going through a growth spurt. Is it possible to shrink 1.5 inches in a few days without proper sleep or something? I had home work to do and stayed up until 1 am due to assignments and I had to get up at 6. Yesterday I went from 6'1 to 6'0 yesterday now today I went from 6'0.5 to 5'11.5. What's going on?
[Editor Rob: you might shrink just over an inch from out of bed to night, but maybe you got 5ft 11.5 at your absolute lowest mark. I wouldn't measure too often, just every once in a while. I think people can end up measuring too often and then worrying about not growing.]
Anon* said on 29/Aug/15
Hi Rob. Do you think exercises like pull ups are good for fighting height loss as we age? I feel it helps my posture, back and core muscles in general. Also, I've read that you don't think heavy lifting is good for the spine; Is 100kg squat/deadlift too much pressure on the spine once every week or so? Not that I've reached that squat target yet!
[Editor Rob: if you are doing heavy lifting for years, it can raise the risk of longer-term problems, but occasional heavy lifting might not have as much impact. Certain lifts involving bending of the spine are the ones that could cause excess pressure and over time cause disc damage. The problem can be sometimes one disc that has issues could have a cascade effect and other discs end up with issues. If you do lifting, I'd incorporate some bar work and hanging as well with helping decompress the spine. Also chin/pull-ups and some other core (knee raises or leg raises) exercises on a bar are the kind of basics I've been telling people and what I'm doing myself. ]
Anton said on 29/Aug/15
Thank you vers much about your answer Rob! I have another challenge here for you: Click Here Considering the guy on the right is 195 cm, how tall would you say the guy on the left is? Thanks!
[Editor Rob: wouldn't have said anymore than 175cm]
Guy said on 26/Aug/15
How quickly does height start dropping once someone has risen from bed? I am 6'1.75" or sometimes a bit more immediately out of bed and 6'1.5" only about 20 minutes later. Conversely, by late afternoon I'm around 6'1.35" and then it takes several hours for me to drop to about 6'1" even right before bed. Is a loss of a quarter inch in 20 minutes normal and does the loss tend to be most dramatic in the morning?
[Editor Rob: it's quite normal to lose a big fraction within the first hour of being out of bed.]
fred said on 24/Aug/15
by the time I go to the doctor's office which is afternoon usually I have lost an inch or 3/4 of an inch at least..throughout the whole day from morning to night I have lost about 1 1/2
[Editor Rob: that's a lot of height to lose. I'd expect somebody very tall to lose over 1.25 inches, but an average height man losing over 1 isn't as common.]
Anton said on 4/Aug/15
Hey Rob, I'm really very interested by an answer here please. With this picture : Click Here How tall do you think the guy next to Bill Clinton is? Thanks for the answer Rob!
[Editor Rob: if this is Bill of recent years then he's nearer 6ft I believe, so I wouldn't say the guy was much over 5ft 8 range.]
Simon said on 4/Aug/15
Rob, how much height is lost by age 58...on average?
[Editor Rob: a quarter or 1/3rd of an inch for a man might be normally expected by that age, for a women maybe 3/4 an inch]
Tan said on 2/Aug/15
If you are in a car all day for a long trip will that make you shrink to your low ? Thanks for your time
[Editor Rob: that can increase the pressure on your spine and make you hit your lowest height quicker.]
Jake said on 20/Jul/15
Hi Rob, I measure 188cm first thing in the morning and come to 186cm before I go to bed after a typically long day involving 15-20km of walking and many hours of standing with most of the shrinking during the initial stages of the day. I'm 19 years old, is this daily height loss typical given the situation? And should I claim 6'1 or 6'2? I think 2cm can be pretty noticeable.
[Editor Rob: if you went with cm, personally I'd say 186cm because nobody is really going to think you aren't that height. 2cm shrinkage is very typical.]
Manjit singh said on 16/Jul/15
Yes, indian superstar stated in a movie that he was 6'2", but that was during his late 40s. Everybody has an opinion that he was atleast 6'3" in his prime. Now he is 72 years old, i think he is below 6'2" now, but nobody being 6'2" can look that way as he looked in between 1970 and 1985, he was definitely 6'3" in his prime.
Boris said on 23/Jun/15
Thanks Rob. I only seem to dip below 5'8" on certain days, particularly after lifting weights at the gym (yesterday I did back, measured at first right around 5'8" at around 7pm after the gym, but then it seemed to dip to like 5'7.9", then back up to like 5'8.1" later after sitting for a few minutes). Weird. I guess I consider myself a very slightly weak 5'8" at worst. One more question as far as the measurement method. I do the aerosol can method, and I get different results depending on if I'm facing the wall or back to the wall. The only time I seem to get similar results is, when I'm facing the wall, I press my face against the wall as much as I can (because if I look straight forward, the highest part of my head is the back of my head). If I don't do this, I measure a bit shorter when facing the wall. Does this sound correct? I notice in your videos you just seem to have your nose touching the wall, but I have to press in more (scrunching my nose a bit) to have the aerosol can hit the top of the back of my head.
[Editor Rob: if the can is long like 10-12 inches then there's no problem, but if 7-8 inches there is always a chance it might not hit the highest point. You can use a video tape (or really the cassette tape case), but that's in the 7 inch range so you really need your nose touching the wall to ensure you hit the highest point of your head.]
Boris said on 21/Jun/15
Hey Rob! Question for you. My morning right-out-of-bed height is anywhere between 5'8.75" and 5'9" ish (depending on how many hours I've slept). At night, depending on the day and how active I was, I tend to shrink down to anywhere between 5'7.9" and 5'8.25" (but usually around 5'8.125"). I've noticed that even if I shrink down to a tad below 5'8" (after being active/the gym/walking a lot), if I sit for a bit, it climbs back up to up to 5'8.25". I usually just say I'm 5'8" when I'm asked. Do I sound like a strong/legit 5'8'? My "resting height" seems to be just over it regardless of the time of day, so I feel it's ok to go with that.
[Editor Rob: I'd say you were a decent 5ft 8 because the vast majority of time you would hold the mark or be a little above.]
Ray said on 15/Jun/15
Hello Rob! How's it going? Could you please create pages for:

Sam Underwood : Click Here
Brando Eaton : Click Here
Lucas Adams : Click Here

These are all young actors appearing on Dexter and I'm very interested in knowing how tall they are. If you don't want to create a page for them, could you please at least tell me an estimation on how tall do you think they are?

Thank you very much, bye!
Jakertini said on 13/Jun/15
HI ROB I have a question. I am still growing and I am about 6'1 and some change at the end of the day and in the morning I am 6'2" on the nose. could I use 6'2" as my current height without lying or no.
[Editor Rob: I'd just say 'over 6ft 1' just now...you may well end up taller]
Rick said on 30/May/15
Hi Rob, I'm 21 years old and very worried about the effect of bodybuilding on height loss. What do you consider "extreme"? Cuz I'm not a powerlifter, I just do amateur bodybuilding. Are there exercises one should avoid like squats or deadlift? Thank you!
[Editor Rob: loading weights isn't bad for you, it's the extreme and long-term effects that might cause problems. Actual lifting moderate weights can be beneficial, as you know for your physique and strength and actually as part of an overall bone health. It's when you go to very big weights and long-term it can start to cause problems with discs... This is from an abstract of a paper which studied discs in various people and athletes: "When comparing lumbar magnetic resonance images of 24 runners, 26 soccer players, 19 weight lifters, and 25 shooters, disc degeneration and bulging were most common among weight lifters; soccer players had similar changes in the L4-S1 discs" "Maximal weight lifting was associated with greater degeneration throughout the entire lumbar spine, and soccer with degeneration in the lower lumbar region. No signs of accelerated disc degeneration were found in competitive runners"]
Johemoth the dog said on 25/May/15
Hey Rob, im about 5'9 1/2 or 3/4 somewhere around there, and i was wondering if its possible at 17 to grow even 1/4 of an inch? I know its pathetic to be crying about 1/4 of an inch but some reason i want to be 5'10, i am about 5'10 1/4 in the morning. I can give you some idea of my growth, I know at 14 years old I was 5'8 1/4. and at 15 or 16 i was my current height. Thanks
[Editor Rob: at 17 there is still hope. First thing I'd do is forget about measuring and just enjoy life. Reduce too many stresses in the body. Then, start doing maybe more exercise (circuit type training or sprints) - high intensity that gets Growth Hormone production going...add in some stretching for flexibility and of course as mentioned many times - the body needs the time to grow, so make sure you are getting enough sleep for repair and recovery.]
Boris said on 19/May/15
Rob, does working out at the gym/lifting weights make you shorter? I have read conflicting things on this. Are there any particular exercises that we should try to avoid to not lose height? I love working out at the gym, but I'm about 5'8" now (I measure about 172.5 at night barefoot after being up for a while and walking around) and don't want to lose anymore.
[Editor Rob: long-term heavy lifting could damage some discs and contribute to quicker loss of height. Any disc damage could result in a fraction of height lost. If you follow proper form and don't overdo things you may be ok... The actual act of lifting weights will make you shrink to your low height faster because of the excessive forces on the discs. After you rest for a bit though your spine would recover.]
Kenny said on 12/May/15
Hi Rob is it normal to shrink an entire inch through the day at my age and height. I just turned 16 recently and I measured myself at the morning/out of bed using the aerosol can method and I got exactly 5'10 and I measured again at around 10.30PM and I got exactly 5'9.
[Editor Rob: yes,when you are young your discs are able to rehydrate/absorb more water content than when you are older so your morning/evening variation will be more when 16-20's compared to in 50's or 60's.]
Sean5 said on 10/May/15
Hiya Rob I was wondering if after 5.5 hours out of bed I do 1.5 hours of normal cycling,1.5 hours of walking, and 2.5 hours of sitting down on the computer then measured would it be a fair measurement?
[Editor Rob: you likely would be at your low height yes. If you measured straight after a cycle ride like 1.5 hours you might find you were a couple mm lower than if you got home and sat for 2.5 hours at the computer, then measured.]
Mc51295 said on 5/May/15
Rob, I'm 5'7.5 in the morning and 5'7 at night. At 20 years old, is that a normal height loss over the course of the day?
[Editor Rob: it's within kind of range...0.5-1 inch covers a lot with about 0.75 inch being quite a common daily shrinkage.]
RB said on 26/Apr/15
hi rob want to ask you a question when you call somebody a solid height does it mean they never dip below that mark whenever they are measured?
[Editor Rob: yeah pretty much they are unlikely to dip under the mark, and if they did it might be a tiny amount 1-2mm or so. A weak 6ft might dip 1/3rd under it...but a portion of the day (before lunch) they still would measure 6ft. The solid 6ft guy might be 6ft 0.25 range at 11am and maybe at 6pm is down to 6ft flat.]
yash said on 13/Apr/15
rob do you think i can increase my height within 1 year from 3-5 inches?
i am 17 years old currently
DrStrangelove said on 9/Apr/15
Hey Rob! If i'm 169.3 cm in the morning and 167.3 cm at my lowest during night time. Would it be correct to consider myself 5'6?
[Editor Rob: 5ft 6 is right in the middle of your morning/evening, so some people would take the middle. Others even go with morning, while a fair chunk go with evening height. I think you are ok to say about 5ft 6.]
al said on 8/Apr/15
Rob I'm about 182 cm do you think I'll get to 183? I'm 16 y/o
[Editor Rob: you have a good chance.]
Rusty 190cm said on 6/Apr/15
And rob do you think at 50 I will have lost quarter inch?
[Editor Rob: the average at 50 isn't much like 5-6mm really.]
Rusty 190cm said on 6/Apr/15
But Rob do you think 6'2.5" at 55 and maybe 6'2.25" at 60 is what I could expect? You said 1/4-1/2 range is expected by 55 so if I lost 3/8 of an inch by then I'd be 6'2.5"?
[Editor Rob: yes you'd still likely be that range. Sometimes we can't really prevent loss because our discs suffer age related degeneration. But, if you are doing regular activites and exercise, making sure your meals cover a lot of the vitamins and minerals our bodies need, that might help slow/reduce height loss compared to average people. There are those who barely shrink by 70 - my own Dad did well to about early 60's - his job involved curtains so he was fitting a lot of them and maybe more active in 50's, but from about age 62-70 is when he dropped from almost 5ft 10 to 5ft 9. He retired, and lack of exercise and more sedentary lifestyle didn't help.]
Rusty 190cm said on 2/Apr/15
Rob if I'm 1/8th inch shy of 6'3" at age 23 do you think I will likely be 6'2.5" at 55, 6'2.25" or so at 60 and maybe 6'1.75" at 70?
[Editor Rob: if you are 6ft 2 at 70 you should be delighted... about 1.25-1.5 loss for 6ft 2-3 men by 70 is more typical. 0.5-0.75 loss would be more typical for 5ft 2-4 range men!]
AaA said on 16/Mar/15
Hi Rob, i'm 15 and 5'10''. My parents tell me not to worry but i'm never comfortable with my height.I think I have OCD because i always think about height.
[Editor Rob: I think most people suffer from varying degrees of worry and more intense periods of anxiety during life. It will manifest itself in different forms, for some it will be their height, but all for others it could be their hair, nose, legs etc...it can be hard to control them, sometimes for people it is trying to live with them. I always say if you fill your days with more activities, fun things or educational stuff then there is less time to worry about those things. You are already 2 inches taller than me and you stand at right on the average...you may even still gain another 2 inches! Maybe with time you will learn to cope better - think, you are taller than well over a billion other men on earth!]
MG said on 11/Mar/15
Hi Rob, I'm a 6ft tall woman and I would like to shrink by 1 or 2 inches. Is it possible ?
[Editor Rob: I would try to work on your confidence - many men, let alone women would love to be 6ft. To lose height, well posture is one way, wearing thin footwear is another, but I don't recommend altering posture because over time it might damage your spine and make old age more uncomfortable.]
Helpplease:( said on 8/Mar/15
Rob I am 5'7 and when I wear very tight t-shirt I feel so small (well I get fat for the few months and it makes my t-shirt x-small). and I stand to a 5'3 person I think that I am just the same height or I am only a little bit shorter.. help rob please.. is it NORMAL?
[Editor Rob: you are maybe just quite thin for your age, maybe with some more years your body will fill out a little.]
:) said on 23/Feb/15
Rob, I am around 5'5 and my dad is now around 5'1. But I saw a photo of jim next to a 6'2 guy and he looked 5 inches shorter making him 5'9 back in 2005. He is now 53.. Why has he lose so much height in just 10 years?
[Editor Rob: maybe he's not lost that much, but the other guy wasn't standing as tall as he could have.]
James Edward Crowley said on 10/Feb/15
Rob do you think you will still be 5ft 8in until your 88 that means your will be a late bloomer in terms of height loss is it possible not too lose until your late 80s early 90s like 87 88 89 90 and 91 i bet you will be happy if you can stay a strong 5ft 8in for 50 years maybe even 53 years and not drop a fraction or a inch.
[Editor Rob: I think it would be impossible to reach that age without height loss. The natural ageing process means your discs will degrade and not hold as much water content as they did when younger...but there may be some lifestyle changes or simple exercises that if you keep doing them then you can reduce the height loss. I will certainly be keeping up a simple routine - assuming I'm still around over the age of 70. It will be interesting for me to see when I start to lose height though...]
Rusty 190cm said on 1/Feb/15
Rob, my question was how tall do you think I will be at 55? Is 6'2.5" most likely?
[Editor Rob: you could by 1/4 or even 1/2 inch less at that age...or be lucky and not lose anything. Can depend on factors in your 40's like activity, whether you do exercise etc.]
Magic said on 30/Jan/15
I now lift 4 kg for each arm, max will lift 10kg for each arm is it too much?
[Editor Rob: that's not too bad, it's certainly nothing extreme!]
Magic said on 30/Jan/15
Rob, bodybuilding with weight reduce stature, i.e. height loss?
[Editor Rob: big weights over prolonged lengths of time (years) could definitely do some damage. Discs put under sever pressure might start to wear out or get damaged. I personally wouldn't lift big weights, but moderate weights can help strengthen your back and core without doing as much damage as lifting too much weight.]
Rusty 190cm said on 30/Jan/15
Rob I am just a smidge (1/8-1/16th inch) under the 6'3" mark after being awake 12 hours. If this is the case how tall do you think I will be at 55? 6'2.5". I'm 23 currently. Also, what would your advice be for me to minimize height loss as I get older? I walk with excellent and impeccable posture but haven't been as good at getting regular exercise since I work a desk job like you do.
[Editor Rob: I will do a quick video sometime soon talking about this and give my advice, that I will be following and have done for a few years now.]
Magic said on 26/Jan/15
Is possible to lose height with bodybuilding?I lift weight and squat, my weights are lightweight , 4kg now for each arm , but they could became more, up to 10kg.When I lift weight feel compress spine, or however a weight on it.
I am already short(around 5'5") if I lose also only 1 cm would go in deep depression, because the girls wanna the boy tall and these girls are also shallow and compare we (short men) with highheels. E.g. I like a girl of 5'3" but she wouldn't want me because with 3"-4" inches would be 5'6"-5'7", ok I with shoes would be around 5'6".Now also girls short wanna tall men 5'7" is lower limit.No everywoman think so, but it is so statistically!Women taller than me, they afraid a bit me, but no too much, but here in Italy is hard to see a woman taller than a man as couple, so...THAT PROBLEM for us short men!However, return at the question, bodybuild make to become us shorter?
KawaiiKitten154 said on 7/Jan/15
Is there a way to lose height without any surgery, and safely? Because I am 4'10, but I am not done growing because I under the age of 17-18 and under 13 years old, so I don't know about any safe way to lose around 4-5 inches without a dangerous way
[Editor Rob: lose height, do you mean gain height? At 4ft 10 I'd assume you want to increase height...all I can keep saying is that if you give your body the fuel, give it the rest, and shock it a bit with enough exercise (to help with growth hormone production) then you are doing your best to maximise whatever height you can.]
Alex said on 21/Dec/14
So what do you think it is Rob? It seems to be more of a 1-0.8cm loss as I'm near 173cm.
[Editor Rob: I really wouldn't expect such a loss within a year unless an injury happened or bad floor/wall contributed to a mismeasurement. I suppose the other thing could be the ability to stand as tall might be a cause for a cm difference...]
Alex said on 19/Dec/14
Hi Rob, love the site Is it possible to lose about 1-2cm in height from poor posture in your early twenties? I measure at my lowest (near 20 hours awake) and last year I was 174-173.8cm, this year I am about 172.7-172.3cm at my lowest. I'm definite I measured correctly and I assume I stood as straight as I could both times, but that said I always slouch when at the desk unfortunately. Is it possible to regain height or can it perhaps be disk damage? Is it even possible to notice bad posture when trying to stand straight? My diet is pretty poor too, I'm not sure if that played a part. Thanks Rob!
[Editor Rob: if you are measuring the same place/position etc and are getting a cm or even 2 different it's a head scratcher. You can develop bad posture, but it's over years...injuries to your discs can certainly cause a bit of loss, but it seems a big difference! I've spent years hunched over typing etc, my posture should be worse, but I do basic exercise to limit any shrinking, I've yet to lose a mm at age 38 and I've been 20 years computing really at desks.]
MJB said on 28/Oct/14
hey rob! last january i was 184 centimeters as measured by the doctor but now as of october i was measured at 181 centimeters by the doctor. Rob, is it possible that i could of injured my back and not know it? plus Bruce Willis is 6ft like i was. please respond with your opinion about this.
[Editor Rob: I'd say this is probably a mismeasurement or wrong reading noted by the Doctor.]
Kendalljennergreatestfan said on 21/Oct/14
Rob, would you say it is more accurate give people our morning height or night height?Thanks in advance for your answer.
[Editor Rob: I think if you go with an average of when people get measured, that is fine...so I'd rule out the morning height since only a smaller percentage of people ever actually measure out of bed.]
sharmila said on 20/Oct/14
iwas 153 cms at the age of 23 when i was selected to government job it is proved in my medicals. But after nearly 23 years again for promotion purpose they referred me to same hospital which i was earlier referred to my surprise,now i was measured only 150 cms which is 2 cms short to be selected for my promotion in govt. service please let me know chance of happening like this? since i going to take this issue legally.
Kendalljennergreatestfan said on 18/Oct/14
Rob,can people get more than an inch shorter during the day? And it is true that if you are the taller you get shorter than someone smaller?Thanks in advance.
[Editor Rob: some really tall people will shrink 1.5 or maybe even up to 2, but this is people with really long spines. Generally if you are under 6ft you won't shrink 1.5 inches, although a good chunk of people might still lose a full inch or so. I think it will work roughly in proportion, the taller you are the more chance you lose more.]
cd said on 28/Sep/14
Hey Rob sorry for all the questions lately but I have another one lol. I decided to measure everyone in my family again including my dad who I had measured last year at about 173cm in the evening. This time I made absolutely sure it was a fair measurement, it's hard mostly because my dad isn't someone who likes the idea of being measured because it "serves no useful purpose". Or maybe he just doesn't like the idea of having lost height or not being a 5ft 9er which is what he used to claim to be ;) Anyway, this time he had been up for about 3 hours, using the aerosol can method I made sure he was standing tall but not heaving his spine up, and that his head was neither tilted up or down. The tape measure said exactly 68 inches. So if he is 5ft 8 after being up for 3 hours what could he shrink to by evening? Also how much may he have lost by age 55?
[Editor Rob: at 55 really you could shrink from 0 up to an inch, but on average I really wouldn't expect more than between 1/4 and 1/2 range. Today he might drop to 5ft 7.75. For women, shrinkage can definitely happen by mid 40's, I am seeing this with Jenny who has shipped a 1/4 inch by that age! Although I have given her basic techniques to help her spine, getting her to do them is another matter if she wants to slow down loss.]
Magic said on 14/Sep/14
Hi Rob, my father say that was 5'6 when he did the military service,but today he(is 54 years old) and he is as tall as me or maybe a bit more,he should be 5'4 1/2(164)- 5'5(165-166),rather in many photos ara taller than him. Is it possible that in military service had wrong to measure him?2-4 cm seem to me too many. PS:noone doctor has never measured me,maybe to 13 years old and if I remember well said 166 cm(thing strange maybe he measured me with shoes) or 164 cm I don't remember well well.I'm measured barefoot,compressing the hair and signed a point on the wall,I should be 5'5(166 bed out,165 in the morning)almost 5'5 (164,5 12 am 13 pm),5'4 1/2 ( i belive 163,5-164 evening).
[Editor Rob: 1 inch loss at 54 is more than you would expect. Although it isn't impossible, maybe your Father got measured in shoes, or really was more 5ft 5-5.5 than 5ft 6.]
Lucia said on 26/Aug/14
Hi Rob, I am 31 and after probably 10 years of not measuring myself I have found out that I am 3-4 cm shorter!! Is it possible?? I am really horrified! I have always been short 157 cm so to find out that I actually measure 153,5cm is really shocking. I think I am also slouching. Could I gain some centimeters by straightening ? Or is it too late? Thanx
[Editor Rob: that sounds surprising. Maybe there is a difference in the way you were measured before and now. It's too much to actually lose at 31, I suspect it is either a wonky wall/floor giving a bad measurement or maybe you just can't stand as tall! In that case, some simply back stretches (things like reaching for the stars) might help.]
Dan 176cm said on 23/Aug/14
Is it possible to naturally lose height before 30, Rob? Can it be accelerated due to poor habits? I remember being measured at 177 cm afternoon height when I was 19 (22 now) and I can only achieve 177 early morning now. There's a lot of tension in my neck though, and I feel like maybe hunching over the computer has led to some decreased height?
[Editor Rob: I don't know. I've spent 2 decades doing computer work although I have done regular breaks and not spent 10 hours a day sitting hunched over. I would be surprised under 30 to notice any height loss, but it is possible that poorer posture might mean for a measurement not being able to stand quite as military as you could aged 18-20?]
Adam said on 16/Aug/14
Rob, is it possible for me to stay at my current height 172 cm till age 80?
[Editor Rob: very hard to do so - unfortunately our discs will suffer aging and so thin to some extent, but if you maintain good health, eat well so your body has all the nutrients as you age and keep supple you might be able to 'beat' the average and not shrink as much. Posture as you age can be a bad habit that leads to spinal/disc problems over a long period.]
DMEYER said on 1/Jul/14
rob 1cm loss by 50 2cm by 60 3cm by 70 is pretty average 5cm by 80
[Editor Rob: I would be happy with this: 0.5cm by 50, 1cm by 60, 2cm by 70 :) If that happened I'd still be 171cm at 70 which would be ok. If I live that long and still doing this site it would be interesting, but I hope to still do it by age 50 so I can still be 5ft 8 for many meetings with celebrities.]
J.Lee said on 6/Jun/14
Rob, what I found helps posture and height maintenance is not just back exercises, but abdominal exercises. I find that any core exercise will play a role in maintaining your posture.
Seahawksfan 187-188 CM said on 7/May/14
How often could bending down decrease height? I try to follow it up by standing up tall right after, but I notice that it's hard on my back right after slouching and that my measurements decrease in the short term. Whenever I go a certain amount of days without slouching an insane amount, I notice my height slowly going up until I slouch again.
[Editor Rob: never really experienced that...only time is sometimes with a pulled back muscle my posture has been effected and maybe I felt smaller than before, probably because I wasn't holding myself properly to compensate for the pain.]
Maio said on 3/Apr/14
rob, a person who lives near me is 80 years old. He has a scolyosis problem and has a very bad posture. With his normal posture he looks close between 5ft7 and 5ft8 but if he stays straight he could be around 5ft9...perhaps 176 cm. I claimed that in during his youth he was 182 cm. I doubt it a bit because i saw pics where he was with a couple of people who i met and i think he was around 5ft11. Possible someone with scolyosis lose 6/7 cm or it's more probable he claimed a morning height? Considering i don't think he ever measured himself...
[Editor Rob: 5ft 11 certainly could be possible, how much the scoliosis effected his height over the years is harder to pinpoint]
aceofbase said on 30/Mar/14
any guides that show how to avoid height loss?
[Editor Rob: I don't know about guides but my own thoughts are... don't do heavy lifting. try to do 5 minutes every other day even of basic stretching, practicing also to hold a better posture if you find yourself slouching. As you age, lack of strong muscles can then contribute to poorer stance/posture and bad habits, which can lead to disc problems. keep ensuring you are getting a good diet with enough minerals like calcium/magnesium etc.]
Bud said on 6/Mar/14
Rob,do you know what made Arnold Schwartzenneger,Clint Eastwood,Lou Ferringo and David Prowse to loose so much height?For there age they lost a lot,Prowse even lost height in his early 40s,how is that possible?
[Editor Rob: sometimes excess amount of lifting over time can lead to disc damage, maybe in those guys cases they were more prone to it?]
cd said on 3/Feb/14
Rob what is typical height loss for men by mid-50s?
[Editor Rob: typical is a fraction, a small 1/4-1/2in. Less than a 1/4 you done well, more than half inch not so well.]
Vibram said on 13/Dec/13
I have actually gained height since 23 (the last year I lived with my parents). At 23 (year 2001) I measured myself at 12 noon for months and it read 175.7cm. The marks are still on my old bedroom wall in my parents house, lol. Now I measure 177cm at noon and I'm 35. I think I have been 177cm since I was 26 years old. I didn't mismeasure as I re-measured myself at my mums again recently and I was over 1cm taller than the pencil mark at 23.
cd said on 10/Dec/13
Rob in the morning I measured at about 5'4.5, then in the evening after a day of physical work I was down to 161.5 cm (5'3.6), so in total I lose nearly an inch. Is this a lot to lose for someone so short? I think I remember reading you say that young people tend to lose more or something like that (although I may have understood wrong). I'm 17 but am structured more like a 14 year old because I'm late going through puberty. I'm curious, will I shrink less between morning and evening when I'm older (and fully grown)?
[Editor Rob: it's a fair amount, and more typical if you had a longer spine. Your normal loss looks like about 0.75 and the total on a bad day nearly an inch]
hanu said on 22/Nov/13
my age is 16 and my height is 6''3' how to decrease it
kendalljennergreatestfan said on 20/Nov/13
I`m a 5ft 7.75in guy when I wake up and just before bed time I`m 5ft7in.It is normal to shrink o.75 in or it is to much shrinking?Considering 5ft7.375in is my true height.It`s tall short or average for being from the capital of Mexico(D.F.)?
[Editor Rob: it's pretty typical to shrink about that amount. In Mexico you'd be in the average range for sure.]
cd said on 9/Nov/13
Rob, I remember posting here ages ago about how I measured my dad at 171.5, which surprised me because a couple years ago he was measured under a stat at 173. However, recently I measured him again and it turns out he's 5'8 after all because this time he was nearly 173! The first measurement was very late at night but the second measurement wasn't even in the morning - it was about 5pm ish. I'd like to know, what could have caused such a big difference? One thing to note would be that the first time I used a shorter can of aerosol and possibly did not get the topmost point of his head but the second time I used a longer can. 1.5cm does seem extreme, but do you think this and maybe him not standing to his tallest (he doesn't really like being measured) could have caused this much error?
[Editor Rob: it could be he just didn't stand as tall the first time, maybe had sore back]
77Stan said on 5/Nov/13
@George, I conclude it's because you're more skinny. You lost a lot of fat beneath your skin, which also makes up your height. In other words, your skin and subcutaneous tissue became thinner. So you lost height.

@Sarah, it's weird to say that tall guys are better mannered, have better personalities. But tall guys are probably more confident.
Priya said on 3/Nov/13
Please tell how to reduce 3 to 4 inch from my height
George said on 30/Oct/13
Selly says on 17/Oct/13
To Sarah who says tall guys are more attractive, well mannered, and at ease, my boyfriend is 5'7" (I am 4'10")and he is the nicest, most caring guy I have ever met, and he is also more attractive and even more fit than most all tall guys I see. There is no way to say that tall men or short men are more attractive and such, it completely depends on the person.

huh.....if you are only 4'10" i guess almost every guy on this earth is taller than you. even a 5'2" would be tall for you i guess
George said on 20/Oct/13
I'm 22 years old and i have lost 2 inches in height since 16,5. When i was 16,5 i was measuered as 177 cm (that's 5'9.5"-5'10") and now 2 months ago i was only 172 cm (5'7.5"-5'8"). According to another measurement from last year i was 173 cm. I don't think it's a wrong measurement,because 2 inches are too much. btw, i was obese back then when i was 177 cm (i was circa 250 lbs) at 16,5. And it was at this time when i started a diet,and after a year i dropped to 180 lbs. Now i am 145 lbs. I don't knoww if diet affects your height...do you know sth about this?
Selly said on 17/Oct/13
To Sarah who says tall guys are more attractive, well mannered, and at ease, my boyfriend is 5'7" (I am 4'10")and he is the nicest, most caring guy I have ever met, and he is also more attractive and even more fit than most all tall guys I see. There is no way to say that tall men or short men are more attractive and such, it completely depends on the person.
Drew said on 27/Sep/13
Rob, recently I've been feeling slight pains on my upper and lower back and noticed my night height(unsure about morning height) has dropped about 0.5CM, is this normal?
Also, I'm 185ish night height and I'm very interested in this chick who's 173CM(unsure if it's night height but still, at some point she measures at 173) and she likes to wear big heels, do you think she will ever be taller than me? Generally I walk in Chuck Taylors.
[Editor Rob: she might be able to look nearly into your eyes with big platform heels, but how often would she walk around in them? Not very much I'd bet!

maybe some aches/pains means you don't stretch out as much for a measurement? I'm sure some people have been tired or feeling a bit ill and done a measurement and just didn't manage to stand as tall as they could...5mm isn't a great deal really, easy enough]
charlie said on 25/Sep/13
Hi Rob my father always tell me that he was 180 cm at 13.When We measure him this year he was 178,5 cm in mid day. He is 47 year old. Could he shrunk ? or it was rounded back then + some curiosity doctor predicted him at 13 that he will be 2m tall but he ended up same range as my grandfather and opposite its me I was 164 cm at 13 . Today at 17 Im 174cm and continuing slow growing so genes are crazy in some ways :D
[Editor Rob: not impossible to lose a cm near to 50, maybe he got his 180cm height rounded up when young or had better posture?]
Bruining said on 18/Sep/13
My peak height is 5'10.2", which is right when I get out of bed. At my lowest, I am 5'9.35", and this is usually after a long day of standing up or exercising.

The thing I noticed is that I shrink rather quickly; after just 20 minutes of standing around after I get out of bed, I'm already down to 5'9.8", so i'm not in the 5'10" range for very long. By the late afternoon, i'm 5'9.5". I'm wondering if it's normal to shrink this quickly. I also weigh quite a bit for my height (215 lbs), so I'm wondering if my weight has anything to do with the rate at which I shrink.
Wendy said on 28/Aug/13
I was 5"7' when I was 17 and now at 31 I am only 5"6'. Is there a medical reason why I lost an in I only 14 years?
[Editor Rob: maybe mismeasurement, or early in the day measurement then measured later in the day at 31...or poorer posture nowadays?

you could always have shrunk a bit with disc damage]
SL said on 19/Aug/13
Rob, I don't think that the process of aging by itself shortens a person. It is something that a person is doing over a long period of time. Apart of severe skeletal injuries and diseases, maybe years of excessive physical work or overweight can cause a slight decrease of several milimeters of height. It should be noted that old people much easier and faster are dropping to their minimal diurnal height. There's also the false impression of being shorter that elderly people create, becasuse of their bad postures and humping. When standing straight, none of my old relatives seem to have lost any height.
Nobreath said on 4/Aug/13
Vera - Leg amputation will do the trick.
thetruth said on 18/Jul/13
Rob why standing on one leg makes you a bit taller when measuring your shelf?
[Editor Rob: yes it adjusts your hip a little so makes you a fraction taller]
Rohit said on 8/Jul/13
My height 6.1 but I am not happy I am only like 5.10 plz help me.
Vera said on 11/Jun/13
I'm 12 and I'm 5'3" . I think that's not the normal height of a 12 year old. Is there a way to lose height?
6ft 1 guy said on 9/Jun/13
rob, is measuring with a stadiometer and a tape measure different in accuracy? this guy I know claims he's 6ft 2 and he's actually shorter than me an I'm 6ft 1 from being measured with a tape measure a bunch of times
[Editor Rob: there can be a small error in any measurement, but something like an inch would mean something seriously wrong with a stadiometer - if it was mounted to the wall, then there's always a chance the person attached it wrongly, but if it was free standing then it should be accurate enough compared to a tape measure and wall measurement.]
Sharpshooter said on 24/May/13
Rob - Given the article states that shrinking starts as early as 30. Have you noticed any shrinking yourself? Are you still the very same height you were in you're early/mid 20's?
[Editor Rob: I haven't lost anything at nearly 37. I'm now really measuring a couple times a year or whenever I have another pair of sneaker/shoes to check out so I will track it as I age. I'm hoping I follow my Dad who really didn't lose height till 60's, he was still near 5ft 10 by age 60.
cd said on 11/May/13
Rob, my dad is 53 years old, I recently measured him at midnight at 171.5 cm. He hated the idea of being measured (I literally had to make him take his shoes off!), and during the day he always has his shoes on around the house so I don't get the chance to measure him. What would you guess his 'true' height to be, considering he was measured so late at night and he is in his fifties so he's most likely lost about half an inch already.
[Editor Rob: I'm sure he's close to 5ft 8, maybe in his 30's he rarely dipped below the 5ft 8 mark.

I've measured my Dad no more than handful of times in 20 years, he lost a good inch of height from age 60 when he was still near his peak of 5ft 10 to age 72 were he was down to barely 5ft 9 and didn't like to know he had shrunk. Now 76 he's still about 175cm, although can walk about like a 173 guy at times.]
J.Lee said on 20/Apr/13
Rob, I am taller in the mornings on the days when I do lower back stabilizer exercises the night before, than compared to the days I don't do them. They help my posture. Can that help reduce shrinkage with older age?
[Editor Rob: I don't know, but keeping doing some basic stretching/exercise as you get older will help your muscles and posture as you age.]
Sarah said on 15/Apr/13
To all the tall girls who want to lose height, I'm 32, 5'10" and I say use your height and grab a tall man! Not only are they physically more attractive, on the whole they are better mannered, have better personalities and are just more relaxed and at ease with themselves.
Allie said on 6/Apr/13
Hi! Im 19 years old and really tall for a girl. It's something i've been depressed about almost my entire life. Is there any type of height shortening you can do? Like exercise or hormone treatment? Is it possible to loose at least 1 inch of your height at a young age? Would be very thankful for your answer.
[Editor Rob: there's nothing wrong with being tall or short, we are all given a height and if someone has an issue with it, it's their problem, not ours.
The only real way, short of adopting a poor posture (which long term won't help your back), is extreme surgery, which isn't something I'd recommend.

maybe read a few blogs on tall women as they might have some advice from their perspectives.]
ChrisGo said on 14/Mar/13
Yes. Teen girls are shrinking and a reason must be found. My daughter age 14 was a height of 5'7". Now age 15 and height of 5'6 1/4". This truly happened, I wittnessed it myself!
truth178cm said on 9/Mar/13
Gabriel says on 20/Jun/11
I'm 15 and I am 5'11. However, the strange thing is that I shrunk from 6 ft at 14.
you dont shrink at 15, thats funny. You were just pretty badly measured. at around 60 you would start to shrink and maybe around 80 years lose an inch.
nathi said on 18/Feb/13
me i dont believe that at the age of 30 years a human shrink
How can you notice?
Elijah said on 11/Feb/13
Rob, did you edit your reply to dmeyer? I'm pretty sure it used to say "I would be delighted to only lose 1cm", not 2cm. 1cm would be great sure but 2cm doesn't seem all that great to me.
[Editor Rob: I probably meant to type 1cm, that would be a great loss by 72-73, over 3cm would be a bad loss, 2cm would be ok, pretty typical]
little sue said on 3/Feb/13
My Nan and her 2 sisters were all around 5ft 2 and all lived to 93. By the time they had died they had all lost about 6 inches.
Nick said on 14/Jan/13
Hey Rob, as a short man i am terrified by the idea to shrink, what can i do to avoid possible height shrinkage? Thnx for answering
[Editor Rob: keep eating well, making sure you have enough vitamins/minerals in your diet. Try to at least do some gentle stretching/exercise to help your muscles as you age.]
dmeyer said on 5/Jan/12
so average height loss by 60 is 1.7cm some drop 1cm others 3 cm

[Editor Rob: you are doing well with just a cm, you are unlucky if you lose 3cm by that age.

I would be delighted to only lose 2cm by early 70's!]
Sue said on 4/Jan/12
Iam 65 and have already lost 2-1/2" from 5' 9-1/2" to 5' 7" with no diagnosis of osteoporosis. I wonder how short I will be by age 85! It seems to me that tall people more lose height than short people for some reason.
Sabrina said on 4/Oct/11
I dont know how tall i am but i know im taller than my boyfriend. I hate being taller than the guys i date and i try everything to be shorter. It makes me feel like a giant, so im looking for something to help me shrink just a little bit...
Gabriel said on 20/Jun/11
I'm 15 and I am 5'11. However, the strange thing is that I shrunk from 6 ft at 14.
XistenZ said on 18/Jun/11
I'm 6'3", hope I grow some more, and hopefully I won't lose any height with age.
sudesh said on 25/May/11
my height 6'4" inches and weight 50 kg so i want loss my height i keep height like 5'9" and grow own weight
Candyman said on 23/Mar/11
Hulk Hogan has appeared to be no more than 6'3.25" lately as he is slightly shorter than Dan Marino, Dwyane Wade and Snoop Dogg in many photos.
Steve Waclo said on 20/Feb/11
Had to find some 411 for a passport anc came across military records from the Navy in 1961, when I stood at a tall, skinny 6', 1". Last physical (age 67)came in at 5' 8" (!). Confirmed from wedding photos of me towering over the spouse. Dad died at 82 in '05 and his Army records from 1943 showed 6"1". I was looking down at him in his later years.
k mart said on 26/Dec/10
I am a solid 6' 3½" (1.92 m) and am 21 years of age... if i keep fit i probably wont lose much height if any with age.. my parents are well over 50 years old and have not lost any height.. im confident i will continue to stand tall with age
Alex said on 20/Dec/10
Actually, I found something rather odd. I'm 13 here, so it's not like I'm some 50 year old flipping about my height. But..... my height corresponds with my weight. After I'm sick and I lose say, 10 pounds, I don't get skinnier. What do I do? I shrink. When I gain weight, do I get fat? No, I get taller. I can be anywhere from 5' to 5'5... Right now I'm about 5'4. Only two weeks ago, I was 5'2. and in the summer at one point I was 5' on the nose. Any thoughts?
EdgarHernandez said on 25/Nov/10
Quick question, i dont know quite honest what my dad height in his prime was, because one medical card of him in the 70s (when he was 17) at 5ft 9, but he towers over my mom who was 5ft 2 in the 80s, pretty much like a full head, today i taller than him by 2 inches(only because i had longer legs, when sit, we are the same size) i am 5ft 11, i suspect that he was 5ft 10 or maybe 5ft 10.5, but he lost quickly height because he always had, horrible posture
Em. said on 1/Jul/10
So here's my dilemma. I was measured by a doctor in April - 5' 8'' and a half. Sounded good. Went home, measured, got the same result. Then, about three weeks ago, measured again. 5'6''. FREAKED OUT. Went to a doctor, they said it was probably just a fluke. Measured today. 5' 4'' and a half. My mom is taller than me again. WHAT IS GOING ON?!
aarod said on 26/Jun/10
my father was slightly over 6'4" in his prime, today, at 62, he is a shade over 6'3"
Charlotte said on 25/May/10
I am currently 15 and 5'4 and I hate it. I wish I was 5'2 so I could blend in height wise, thats about the tallest it gets where I live but I have considerably tall parents. My doctor says my current height is a current height is as tall as I will get, but I still wish I were shorter. Is there a healthy way to 'shrink'?
Carrie--amazing shrinking woman! said on 4/Feb/10
I am 23 years old- had a slight curvature of my spine, I was 5 ft 7 in in 2008 after giving birth to my daughter i have rapidly lost height, I am now measuring at 5 ft 4 in 2010, i have proof at two of my doctors offices. I was checked for osteoporosis and the results came back negative. And I recently had x-rays of my spine again to see if it was getting worse but to by doctors surprise my back has actually straightened out. I am getting a little worried..If anyone has any idea of what could be going on I would love to know.
Danimal said on 30/Dec/09
It's funny how teenagers are scared to lose height. Don't worry kids, it won't be noticeable until you are around 50.
k mart said on 16/Oct/09
i am now officially 6ft 3 1/2in tall and am almost 20 years old.. i stay in good shape and am an average build not to heavy not to light. it is true that sometimes people shrink alot while other times people barely shrink at all. no one in my family has experienced any loss in height. good news for me cause i want to stand tall even when i'm older!
court said on 13/Oct/09
i am 18 years old, when i was 16 i was measured at 5'5", but when i was measured a few weeks ago i was deemed to be 5'3". the only reason i can think of is degenerative lumbar disease. its a disease in which my last lumbar disk is degenerating and flattening out.
Linke said on 9/Oct/09
another example of celebrity with height loss is wrestling superstar Superstar Billy graham.Billy was definitely 6'4 in the peak and today he's about 5'10-11.I heard that he mentioned height loss in certain interview.Also julia child lost quite a bit.
yoyo said on 21/Aug/09
not possible for everyone to shrink alot due to aging.. my grandfather at age 77, which he was 5ft6 at youth. which now i measure him at 5ft5.75(167cm)in morning. i believe he had only lost a cm.
k mart said on 3/Mar/09
i'm 6'3'' and am 19.5 years old.... i am not overweight and am in good health.... i have no plans in shrinking with age. my grandfather is 87 years old and has not shrunk at all.
aram x said on 2/Feb/09
Who in the world would want to shrink in height? It's a sign of bad health and aging, so I would not want to have any noticeable height shrinkage as I age (no more than an inch).
George said on 27/Oct/08
My Mum is 52 years old and she has lost 1.25 inches and My Dad is 62 and has lost exactly 2 inches.
sean said on 17/Sep/08
im 6ft2 nd im 18 i hate it i used to love being 5ft6 anyway i can shrink ma height i did shirnk a little bit i was 6ft4 nd i measure nd i shrank 2 inches in a year so hopefulyl i shirnk more
Christiano said on 11/Jul/08
What exacly causes height loss?
james said on 5/May/08
well at the moment im 6ft21/2half and growing is there any way i can shrink in this world because i believe i was never met to be this height but because of basketball i had a big growth spirth out of nowhere so if theres ant any way that can happen please email me because im very dicouraged about myself evertime i wake up everyday please email me at jms_capers@yahoo.com 0r juelz101baby@tmail.com thank you!
sandra said on 6/Apr/08
well at the moment im 14years old and female and currently 6ft3 and growing and is there any way i can shrink because its not very convenient to be that tall at my age if there is can anybody email me on laydeejamz@hotmail.co.uk
ferrnn said on 16/Feb/08
kk ya my dad was 6,2 when he married my mom, actually when i was about 6 he was still about 6,2. Now he's just under 6,1. but he is almost 51. He is also a dentist which gives him a huge hunch as well as his bad posture. Actually if he didnt have the posture hed be an easy 6,1.5. But w.e hes shrunk abit due to age and his job.
Damian said on 17/Jul/07
It's really scary to read about this height loss in celebrities. Of course I'm no celebrity but I'm only 25 and already I've shrunk in height by just over 6cm (2.25ins) due to osteoporosis after taking steroids since I was 17...down from 170cm (5'7") to 164cm (5'4.5") and I have to take tablets and injections. Let this be a warning about taking steroids. The thought of being a realy little old man ain't nice.
Halb said on 25/Apr/07
I thought Hogan was meant to be less than 6'4 tho? I am not sure he was ever 6'6 either.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.