How tall is Carl Fogarty

Carl Fogarty's Height

5ft 7 ¾ (172.1 cm)

English World Superbike racer.
I'm 5ft 8in and usually weigh about 11st. However, I'm now 10st after three weeks in the jungle. I'm lucky because I can eat what I want without putting on weight.

How tall is Carl Fogarty
5ft 8 Rob and Carl

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Average Guess (15 Votes)
5ft 8.13in (173.1cm)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Apr/21
Rob, he seems bang on the same as you and just has a slouch...

You convinced you're a more solid 5ft8?
Paul Wood said on 3/Mar/21
He doesn't look quite 5ft 8in to me but to be honest I can see why he just rounds up. Including half or quarter inches when telling one's height can give the impression that one has a bit of a hang up about the subject, and will often draw comments such as 'Oh, and that half inch is SO important!' Far better to round up or down to the nearest inch.
Nik said on 16/May/20
He could pass as 5'8" very well indeedy!
Obsessed With Height said on 22/Mar/20
Looks 172.5 cm
Nik Ashton said on 3/Feb/20
@ viper - Many people out there would say the same thing if they visited this page but Rob knows you know!

@ Rob - He would look close to me too! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚!
Nik Ashton said on 3/Feb/20
At least he doesn’t claim 5’9” or 5’10”!
Nik Ashton said on 2/May/19
He could pass for more!
Mickie said on 26/Mar/19
I think Rob looks taller even accounting for posture.
World Citizen said on 7/Sep/18
Listing is great.
viper said on 28/Jul/18
He looks like he would be taller than Rob with better posture
Editor Rob
Carl looked close to Michael Owen that day. Remember you can drop an inch in your back very simply to lose height. I have done this a lot over the years, I am doing it here too πŸ˜€
Mack said on 27/Jul/18
Looks 5ft8 to me his posture isnt even the best
Nik said on 24/Jul/18
It's great to see his honesty!
Zampo said on 23/Jul/18

When you meet someone of Carl's range in person, can you really tell if you are taller?
Carl looks like someone who would measure 5'7.75 at a low. He looks very close to you in this photo, must be difficult to tell in person.
Editor Rob
There's a difference between somebody strong 5ft 8 and weak. Jenny is now a weak 5ft 8, to be fair I doubt Carl is taller than her but then he's bashed his body a fair few times so losing a fraction isn't impossible.
Andrea said on 21/Jul/18
Wow, Rob, even Superbike racers now? He looks quite close to you, although clearly shorter. Somewhere near 5'8 is believable for him, based on this picture alone.
Editor Rob
He wasn't much different than michael owen that day, he could be 5ft7.5-7.75
Thejoker377 said on 21/Jul/18
5'7 1/2 in that photo

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

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