How tall is Kay Cannon

Kay Cannon's Height

5ft 4 (162.6 cm)

American screenwriter (Pitch Perfect trilogy) and Director (Blockers). She once said "I'm glad my parents didn't push me into gymnastics. I would have never been able to grow to a whopping 5'4".".

How tall is Kay Cannon
Photos by PR Photos

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Average Guess (9 Votes)
5ft 4.83in (164.7cm)
Nik said on 19/Dec/18
@ Sandy Cowell - Like you said, it all boils down to the company you keep! The thing is a lot of people think they are smaller than they are and that there are less smaller people than there actually are in reality! Yes, bringing in new ranges like TALL PETITE would be a great idea, it would help people a lot!

Sandy Cowell said on 19/Dec/18
I can imagine that the people who make the 'petite' ranges cater to the needs of their customers. Many dresses I have bought have been longer than me! That's a flipping nuisance if you get them by mail order. I recently bought one, and I have to hold it up when I walk about! I can't see a woman having just over two inches on me having THAT much of an advantage! Cheers Nik! πŸ˜πŸ‘
Sandy Cowell said on 18/Dec/18
@ Good answer! Mind you, if you knew the amount of girlfriends I've had who've bemoaned that the average size clothes dangle on them like nobody's business, you might agree with the clothes makers! πŸ˜‰

Perhaps they should contemplate a range for TALL PETITE! I'd like to think that I'd qualify!
Nik said on 18/Dec/18
@ Sandy Cowell - People are getting taller but not by an awful lot! I don't know what is behind the decisions made by the clothing companies when they are determining which heights are within the petite range because I am not convinced that 5'4" is petite even in 2018!
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Dec/18
@ Nik - It's all relative to the company you keep! I recall a range of clothing where the 'petite' range DID start at 5ft4 and under. It was in the late 90's - early 2000's. It just goes to show that people are getting taller! Back in the 50's, not that I was even a dirty thought back then*, the average woman is supposed to have been 5ft3, with far scanter measurements!

* My Mum would have given me a 'K' up the 'A' for saying that! πŸ’ƒ
Nik said on 13/Dec/18
5'4" is certainly not petite, there ain't owt wrong with being petite though!
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Dec/18
Kay says "I'm glad that my parents didn't push me into gymnastics. I would have never been able to grow to a whopping 5ft4."

Never has a truer word been spoken. When kids have to push their bodies to the limit and restrict their food intake like a ballerina, OF COURSE the youngster's growth is going to be stunted. Not that 5ft4 is in any way a whopping height, but it's a nice height, and rarely is a person going to have too much trouble reaching for things on the top shelves of shops, but it will happen sometimes, obviously!

Talented and successful screenwriter Kay can have her 5ft4.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.