How tall is Mark Dice

Mark Dice's Height

6ft 2 ¼ (188.6 cm)

American author and youtube personality, who has 1.4 million subscribers on the platform.

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Average Guess (18 Votes)
6ft 2.07in (188.1cm)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Mar/21
Editor Rob: Dice in some of his bait-trolling videos does come across as a tall guy, 6ft 2 to 2.5, he might have he better chance of outmeasuring Crowder.

There is a chance Crowder could be 6ft2 flat. I'd give the edge to Dice
vastlybetter566 said on 2/Nov/20
Now a Mark Dice/Steven Crowder collaboration, that would be really interesting. Do you think they are the exact same height, Rob? I have a feeling that Dice could be slightly taller, but that's pure guessing.
Editor Rob
Dice in some of his bait-trolling videos does come across as a tall guy, 6ft 2 to 2.5, he might have he better chance of outmeasuring Crowder.
vastlybetter566 said on 31/Oct/20
Rob, do you consider Mark to be a "political commentator"? Almost all of his videos seem to be related to politics. He's one tall guy for sure.
Editor Rob
yeah I'd class him as that, I'll add him to the category.
Watto said on 16/Dec/19
Mark is a classic six foot 2 1/2, but he'll get away with claiming six foot three and who are we to argue. Clearly a big guy.
Hans Meiser said on 14/Jan/19
Don't really like him, some of his Videos were alright though. Looks like an Alpha, 6'2 or 6'2.5 for him.
Myself said on 4/Jan/19
Oh, it was just several months ago that it appeared in my suggestions while i was re-watching his trolling videos.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Jan/19

That's a good find. How did you find that specific video?
alabamafr said on 2/Jan/19
I hate conspiracy theory spreading right wingers but i can't help but like Mark's videos. Especially his old videos are entertaining.
alabamafr said on 2/Jan/19
I hate conspiracy theory spreading right wingers but i can't help but like Mark's videos. Especially his old videos are entertaining.
HonestSlovene said on 2/Jan/19
I agree with this, maybe nearer 6'2" flat.
Myself said on 2/Jan/19
Interestingly enough, on this "free gold" video he even met 2 women very similar in height, at 0:51 and 6:15 Click Here The first one was probably even with footwear disadvantage imo, although Mark's footwear is not seen; The second one claimed 6'2.
The first time i saw this video, a while ago i thought the latter was taller, but by re-watching it now, with a little more experience, i can see how camera angle deceives and he was probably the tallest, as confirmed by his "You are almost as tall as me!" statement that i also missed the first time.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 1/Jan/19
I've seen him claim 6'3" in some of his videos.
DreadPirateRoberts said on 31/Dec/18
Always looked like a big man. In his interview videos on the street he usually towered over everybody

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

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