How tall is Nolan North

Nolan North's Height

6ft 0 (182.9 cm)

American actor and voice actor, known for his work in Uncharted series, Assassins Creed, Call of Duty and TV show like Pretty Little Liars. He once claimed "I'm 6' 1", 180 pounds."

How tall is Nolan North
Photo by Julian Blythe/HNW /

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Average Guess (17 Votes)
5ft 11.94in (182.7cm)
FE said on 8/Aug/21
@Editor Rob,

So is Mike Sinterniklaas worth a page?

I know u gonna say “I’m not sure on him?” or “he’s a possibility”, but he’s one of my most favourite VA ever! he’s well known for voice acting & dubbing in animations. Rarely does live action films, but in term of height comparisons, maybe in cons, movie events or Social media pics. BTW if he did entered 181cm, I think a very strong 5’11” is believable too IMHO.
Editor Rob
Well he is a possibility, but it's always trying to find the time to look at people.
Andy5'93/4 said on 29/Aug/20
Honestly in person nolan looks 6’0 Maximum and wouldn’t have been suprised if he was more a solid 5’11 or a weak 6’0
Nik said on 20/Jun/20
He is north of about 85% of men!
Lover_thorn3 said on 19/Jun/20
I met him a little bit ago i was abt 179CM and we had similair footwear i would’ve guesed he was just shy of this maybe 5’11 3/4 though that could be down to him being on his feet all day though
Yang (5 footer 8, 173, Aries) said on 20/May/20
6footer indeed....
Vsquad said on 17/May/20
Nolan has always been hard to pin down for me. There's definitely 3 inches between him and Troy Baker, but Troy claims 6'4 so that doesn't help with definitively striking Nolan's 6'1 claim lol.

In the Uncharted games, I'm pretty sure they modeled Nathan Drake after Nolan's height. And Drake always looked 6ft max just by looking at his body type and how he holds up next to other characters.
Jamie said on 16/May/20
How tall would you say Troy Baker is?
Editor Rob
More 6ft 3
Nik Ashton said on 14/May/20
Nolan ain’t north of 6’0” but he ain’t south of 6’0” either!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/May/20
Nolan is standing in front of a very attractive dog's nose! I've always been fond of animal snouts and how efficient they are! 🐶

Nolan North looks a strong 6-footer, so he can have 6ft and a quarter of an inch from me. 😁👍
berta said on 14/May/20
6 feet lowest.could be o over

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.