How tall is Sandra Dee

Sandra Dee's Height

5ft 4 (162.6 cm)

US Actress. In a 1962 issue of Sixteen Magazine she said, "I'm 5ft 4 and weigh 110lbs"

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Average Guess (4 Votes)
5ft 3.25in (160.7cm)
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Jul/22
It’s high time Sandra Dee has another comment! The lovely lady can have 5ft4. 🐈.

Ooh! If I hadn’t looked up, I’d have given her 5ft2.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 27/May/20
πŸ˜• Correction Time! πŸ˜•

Make that '...grew fed up with the name...' πŸ˜ƒ
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/May/20
I think it's possible that I might have been named after Sandra Dee.

At nearly 19, just after I left school, I grew fed up with the responded only to Sandy. Only my Dad gets away with it!

5ft3. πŸ‘±β€β™€οΈπŸ’
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Dec/19
I thought she was the original '5 foot 2 with eyes of blue' girl! 😁

5ft2. πŸ’
gregory lehmann said on 15/May/11
Sandy was 5'2",but she was small framed (just 95 pounds.)

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.