How tall is Alberto Del Rio

Alberto Del Rio's Height

6ft 2 (188 cm)

Jose Alberto Rodriguez is a Mexican professional wrestler who was once a WWE Champion. His wrestling billed height was an optimistic 6ft 5 and 239 pounds. In this convention photo I am almost certain he had a fraction more boot than my sneaker.

How tall is Alberto Del Rio
5ft 8 Rob and Alberto (age 37) @ LFCC 2014

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Add a Comment199 comments

Average Guess (178 Votes)
6ft 2.09in (188.2cm)
Hicars said on 30/Sep/24
6'2 or a bit over.
mansmll said on 24/Sep/24
Shouldn't 6ft2 Albert Del Rio be added onto MMA Fighters category along with 6ft3 Dave Legeno?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Mar/23
ChaosControl2, you’re most probably still above 189cm in the evening if that figure you mentioned is taken in the afternoon
QM6'1.5"QM said on 21/Jun/22
187cms range at worst.
He's 6'2" man!
ChristianPerkins said on 13/Mar/22
Maybe similar to what happened to me around 5-6 years ago. I was consistently measuring 1/8" shorter back then, being more 6'5.25" at night compared to 6'5 3/8" now. I'm still not sure to this day if it was growth or improved posture due to stronger back muscles, though I lean more towards the latter.
ChaosControl2 said on 13/Mar/22
@Christian honestly not sure if I grew or just really improved posture. I’m hoping it’s growth and I’m now sitting at just under 6’3 (6’3 midday, 6’2 7/8 afternoon, not sure what my low is)
ChristianPerkins said on 12/Mar/22
I remember you claiming 6'2.25" until the first half of last year. Did you grow since then?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Feb/22
Not a solid 6ft2...pretty sure current Edge would beat him out
Chaoscontrol 6'2.75/190cm said on 26/Dec/21
John moss said on 24/Dec/21
Alberto Del Rio could be somewhere between 6'1-6'5

Thank you, I thought he was 5’7
John moss said on 24/Dec/21
Alberto Del Rio could be somewhere between 6'1-6'5
Jordan87 said on 26/Oct/21
Rob picture proves he is factually under 6'2".

1. he has more footwear than Rob
2. Rob is loosing posture in the picture

He looks more 6'1.25"-6'1.5".
Rounak Singh said on 17/Jul/21
Hey Rob,were you near his eye level when standing straight?
Editor Rob
I did think he was nearer 6ft 2 than 1, that's what I remembered
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/May/21
6ft2 is fair overall...looks right between 6ft1 and 6ft3 guys
Alex 6'0 said on 29/Mar/21
6'1.5 is debatable but no lower but 6'2 is the max. His eye level looks slightly lower than average
Tavion said on 8/Mar/21
He's a bit over 188 cm
The5'11Dude said on 6/Jan/21
Looks a flat 6'2 here, perhaps 6'2 1/8 at the very most.
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 6/Jan/21
187.3 max
Jkiller said on 4/Jan/21
Yeah like previous comments, weak 6'2.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Jan/21
Weak 6ft2 guys getting billed at 6ft5 and even 6ft6 is just not on...
Dred__ said on 2/Jan/21
187-188 cm
QM6'1QM said on 27/Dec/20
188 cms!
OriginalAnon said on 27/Dec/20
Looks like a genuine 6'2''
Vincent Caleb said on 26/Dec/20
187cm more likely than 188.
RJT said on 24/Dec/20
Not legit 6'2 guy like Alan ritchson.

173cm Rob should hit 188cm guy nosetip while in this pic, Rob's tophead is around Alberto mid nose.

187cm, maybe similar to Curry.
Michael187BarefootInTheMorning said on 13/Nov/20

Looked only slightly taller than Mirko Crop Cop during their PRIDE fight.

Mirko is billed at 188cm, but I actually think he's under that, probably more like 186.
J2Frenzy said on 11/Nov/20
@Jesse but Rob isn’t strong 5’8, he’s more solid 5’8. And I agree with Christian that he looks under 6’2 considering Robs head is tilted and he’s still up to Del Rio’s eyes

Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 10/Oct/20
6'2.5" is more "wack" for him than under 6'2".
Jesse Dumont said on 5/Oct/20
You're wack if you say anything under 6'2". Has to be a flat 6'2" at least. Looks moreso 6'2.5" if Rob is a strong 5'8" which he is.
Yang (5 footer 8, 173, Aries) said on 20/May/20
Much taller than average Mexican guys...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Apr/20
189-90cm out of bed, 187-88cm evening
the thing said on 6/Feb/20
where did 6ft 5 come from im going to say he is 6ft 2.25
Xpac99 said on 7/Dec/19
6ft1 3/4 sounds good for Alberto
Xpac99 said on 1/Dec/19
Click Here
Why you are listed del rio 6ft2 if he as tall as the 187 cm challenger. Del rio was even in footwear advantage that day with you. 6ft1 1/2 up to 6ft1 3/4 is fair according to the pic next to sheamus. Isn’t a big 6ft2 guy
Editor Rob
There is a possibility of Alberto slightly under 6ft 2, but overall with other people he can pull off near 6ft 2 more often than only 6ft 1.5.
Xpac99 said on 29/Nov/19
Click Here
Rob maybe alberto is 6ft1 1/2 - 3/4. He looks shorter than triple h and vs the challengers he looks close to 187 than 188
Kimblemur said on 23/Nov/19
6’5 ahahahah no chance
TheBat said on 4/Oct/19
6'5" is out of the question, 6'2" flat is perfect.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 3/Sep/19
3 inches is barely nothing in wrestling. You have guys like Kane who's 6'6" range being billed as 7 feet tall. And max 5'2" Mysterio as 5'6".
Public Enemy said on 6/Aug/19
Click Here
Andre Dector said on 30/Jul/19
He says he is 196 cm on TV, but he's probably like 6'2.5" I think he is shorter than Batista. A bit taller than the likes of Hugh Jackman, Reynolds, HHH, and many others.
Bobby 5'10 (178) said on 10/May/19
I was rewatching Rob's video about asking Google how tall certain celebs were and Google pegged Alberto Del Dio at an optimistic 6'5. I saw the picture and estimated him at 6'2, came here, and lo and behold, I was right. I'm starting to improve with my height guessing.
Canson said on 8/May/19
Wow a three inch difference in his listing just like Taker
Sotiris Gravas said on 6/May/19
@FLU DDP is a lift-wearer; he's not 6'5", lol. Check out what I posted on his page.
184guy2 said on 13/Apr/19

186 is madness
FLU said on 6/Apr/19
I'm exactly 6'3" and when I met ADR at Wrestlecon I was surprised to see that he was the same exact height as me. Randy Orton was the exact same as me as well. ADR and Bully Ray were the two I was most surprised at how tall they were. DDP was every bit of 6'5".
Jordan87 said on 3/Jan/19
6'1.75" considering he has a slightly thicker shoe than Rob.
Steffany said on 20/Dec/18
186cm flat. 189cm in shoes as shown in the image with Rob.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Nov/18

I'm sure he would measure around 189cm out of bed, but not by noon or night.
Zampo said on 24/Nov/18
I don't think anyone is saying Del Rio cannot measure 189 cm. However the assessment of his height has solely been made on the above snapshot. In another snapshot he may very well pull off 189 cm look. However the bottom line is in this photo, he is struggling to look much over 187 cm. I can't see 189 cm whatsoever. He is about 6'2 flat in the photo if we don't take into consideration of the possible footwear advantage and Rob's lean (where I reckon he is at about 172 cm).
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 23/Nov/18

That isn't how a 189cm guy would look next to a 173cm one.
Editor Rob
It all depends on camera/angles/posture, but a 189 man could look taller or shorter than Alberto.
I wouldn't estimate Del Rio as tall as 189, but I think close to 188 is very likely.
Annonymous said on 21/Nov/18
189 cm is not a joke at have eyes don't you.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Nov/18

Rob's leaning and possibly a bit of footwear disadvantage. 189 is a joke, let alone 190.
michael loughrie said on 16/Nov/18
Picture clearly shows that he a tiny bit over 6' 2". 189 cm, or to sound cool, 190 cm. And to be fair, in those big boots he wore when he wrestled could have gave him 2 - 3 inches to make him 6' 5".
Zampo said on 19/Oct/18
@Christian 6'5 3/8": Agreed, based on this photo with Rob. 187 cm max.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Oct/18

Rob's hunched over, and it's very possible that Alberto had a footwear advantage according to Rob. He looks max 187.
Paddy said on 2/Oct/18
You can clearly see he is 6'2" barefoot, the under comments are funny!
Delvin chung said on 27/Sep/18
187 cm better bet for him ?
Zampo said on 29/Aug/18
6'1.5 zone. More likely to measure upwards of this than downwards.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 6/Aug/18
More like 6'1.5"
Nik said on 5/Aug/18
I do think he is under 6'2", I like Rob's slouch!
Pierre said on 3/Aug/18
Rob slouch here. If Alberto was wearing advantageous shoes...6"1'range seems to me a better bet than 6"2'range.
Nik said on 2/Aug/18
6'1.5" - 6'2"!
Bobby said on 24/Jul/18
Solid 6'2 guy.
y2flu said on 1/May/18
I met him at Axxess and was surprised at how tall he was. I'm a smidgeon under 6'3", and he was the same height as me.
Thunderfin said on 2/Apr/18
heightchecker34 said on 22/Jan/18
I must confess he is around the 6'1.5 mark

Lol, what are you confessing bro? His height isn't a crime.
heightchecker34 said on 22/Jan/18
Rob, I'm afraid we may have to downgrade Mr. Del Rio. After looking at multiple clips recently, I must confess he is around the 6'1.5 mark. He looks the same height as 186 cm Stone Cold Steve Austin and about 1/2 inch shorter than at that time prime 6'2 Triple H in a backstage segment. He is thin but holds himself pretty well. CM Punk in extra 2 inch wrestling boots looked the same height as Del Rio in dress shoes and even Edge in 2011 was still at 6'3 and there was enough of a difference, that only an inch wouldn't have shown. So anywhere between the 6'1.25-6'1.75 mark is where he varies, so I would go with 6'1.5 (187 cm)
Editor Rob
6ft 1.5 isn't impossible for him.
Quiver said on 15/Dec/17
hardguy said on 11/Oct/17

186 is a joke for this guy, he is clearly over the 6'2 with shoes like Rob with 5'8, the strong 188 for Alberto del Rio is legit.
Robert Senecal said on 11/Dec/17
I was about 4 or 5 feet away from him at a recent show in Belleville MI. He is about 6'3 tops.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Nov/17
I wonder if he actually claims 6ft5. I get a strong feeling that he might pull something like that. But if he said 6ft3 he'd go up in my estimation because then at least he doesn't buy into his own hype.

6ft2 is overall is an okay mark for him. At times he can look a little above or below that.
tam181 said on 3/Oct/17
do you guys use barefoot estimates or height with shoes
Editor Rob
everything is assuming barefoot as it is an estimate of human height.
Csimpson 6ft said on 30/Sep/17
By looking at the height chart he looks a bit under 6ft 2 with you Rob especially with the footwear advantage, i think a weak 6ft 2/6ft 1.75 is likelier.
Canson said on 9/Jul/17
Love Rob's header "optimistic"!!!! Just like the Rock or any other wrestler
Slothee said on 8/Jul/17
6'1-1/2" 187cm accounting for more footwear
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Jul/17
He was billed 6ft5, but never claimed to be that tall...
Sean said on 7/Jul/17
Rob, Del Rio looks to have loose posture in your pic. 6'2.25" possible?
Editor Rob
I didn't see it, I was happy he stood pretty normal.
even said on 7/Jul/17
the height is 6'2"
Juggernaut said on 7/Jul/17
Rob,I think he deserves a downgrade can't be 6'2' Looks the exact height as 6'1' Lashley..maybe a fraction taller..Never looked that tall in wwe either..Shorter than Lesnar in their match in 2016 or something..Shorter than Batista as well..
Ken said on 28/Mar/17
claims 6.5 lol
TK 723 said on 4/Jan/17
He is 186-187, at most. 6.1 1/2.
Peter 179cm said on 3/Jan/17
He's at most 187cm.
alex said on 30/Oct/16
what does "This photo (by Chantelle)" mean rob
Editor Rob
it is the name of the girl taking the photo.
Mj said on 18/Aug/16
@jared not really 1 full head...but it seems like 8.5 - 9 inches b/w Paige at 5'6 and delrio 6'2 seems accurate guessing 1/2 to 1 inch footwear advantage to delrio
Jared said on 17/Aug/16
@Mj I can't really see Paige being shorter than 5ft6. So the only logical explanation as to why Del Rio looked a head taller than Paige, is the assumption that he was wearing lifts, as there were no camera angle advantages/disadvantages in those pics.
Aza said on 15/Aug/16
He looked at least 2 inches shorter than randy orton who is 6'4 recently on www......
Mj said on 15/Aug/16
@jared why do u think so much...u have rob here with known height...and the picture clearly shows he is a week 6'2 guy...Paige may not be 169....I believe she is in the 167 zone...
Jared said on 15/Aug/16
For those who are saying that Del Rio's shorter than 188cm, please explain to me why he looks a full head taller than 169cm Paige in all of the photos the two of them were standing together? Even assuming that he has a small 22cm head, he would still be at least 6'3". Either that or Paige is only 166cm, which I highly doubt.
Ben said on 15/Jul/16
I think del Rio probably 6ft 2.5in or 6ft 2.75in looking at this is 6ft 3 3/8ths guy looks more like 6ft 5in than 6ft 3in.
Alex said on 2/Jul/16
You are not straight next to Alberto, so, most probably in that situation the top of your head would have reached his eye level. Maybe you was around 175 cm with shoes, so 187-188 cm for Alberto yes, but just with his shoes. Most probably his real height is 185-186 cm.
pss said on 2/Jul/16
rob you should listed yourself at 5ft 8.5 then he will 6ft 2.5in.
MDV said on 19/Jun/16
Rob do you think that would be taller Lesnar or Alberto del Rio?i know that they are both 6 ft 2 but for me lesnar can be 188.5 at night and Del rio 187.5 at night...both honest 6 ft 2 but one is taller right?
Editor Rob
both I think are roughly 6ft 2, although Brock at times can indeed look more of a solid 6ft 2
Peterson188cm said on 27/May/16
Rob, you think he deserves a listing of at least 6 feet 3 inches ??
Editor Rob
he didn't appear that tall in person. This is 6ft 3 3/8ths guy. Rio looks nowhere near that tall up close, and I am almost certain Rio had a fraction more footwear this day.
Peterson188cm said on 27/May/16
This Photo Looks: 6'3''
Eric said on 20/May/16
between 187 to 188 most of the more no less
mjkzero said on 18/May/16
hey rob how tall do you reckon paige is heres a picture of her with del rio Click Here im thinking about 5ft4 or 5ft5 even tho shes booked as 5ft 8
Editor Rob
to be fair to Paige, she does have A thin sandal so is giving up possibly 0.75 inch of footwear disadvantage.
She might be 5ft 6-7 range, but not her claimed height.
rikashiku said on 27/Apr/16
He has a very strange history with his height. I looked at older footage and pictures of Del Rio and he actually looked over 6'4". Next to Cro Cop there was a solid 3" between them, but I don't know how tall Cro Cop really is, but I see 6'1" a lot.

In some cases today he looks no more than 6'1"-6'2". But again, with the other LoN guys, next to 6'0" Rusev there isn't 2" between them.Next to Sheamus who is about 6'4" there isn't a big gap between them.
S.J.H said on 8/Apr/16
6'2 okey but 239 pounds too high. He look around 210 to 220 in person with big rob
Outis said on 20/Feb/16
In this photo he looking more than 6.2 maybe / 190 191 cm
Peterson188cm said on 12/Feb/16
In this photo Looks 6ft 2.75 (190 cm)
Johno said on 12/Jan/16
Most likely 6'1.5
Johno said on 12/Jan/16
Rob he looks around 6'1 in this photo.
181cm Lift Wearer said on 17/Dec/15
6'2.25 isn't impossible for Alberto
Nobody said on 3/Dec/15
He was listed 6'4 when he fought Mirko Cro Cop in Pride. he clearly is not taller than Orton and Edge who are both billed at 6'5 too.
kennyawesome said on 4/Nov/15
alberto is about 6"4 ish maybe little shorter but he is over 6"3
ken-6-4 said on 17/Oct/15
I met him at a meet and greet
I swear he had those tennis shoe lift type
He was pretty much even with me. I'll try to find the pic

Goldust was there as well. He seemed to have me by an inch
Jim Hopper said on 5/Oct/15
Looks 6-1" the photo
Josh said on 3/Oct/15
Hi .. Can you meat randy ?? To looks he's real hieght ?
6' RATHORE said on 30/Aug/15
his height is 185 cm, same of Seth rollins 185 cm
RKO said on 27/Jun/15
is 6'1.5 maybe 6'1.75
Joel12 said on 21/Jun/15
looks like 187 to me
Mma mexico said on 20/Jun/15
Sorry guys , i think that alberto is 6' 4 , becouse comparing him with Mirko cro,cop. that is 6'2 , del rio looks taller than him , maybe 2 or maximum 3 inches
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Jun/15
No less than 187cm.
Tarinator said on 14/Jun/15
He may look of 186-187 centimetres in this photo.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 21/May/15
Can´t see him taller than 187cm, if he really had more footwear than Rob he´s only 186cm.
Height183 said on 19/May/15
I'm going for 6'1.75'' exact, I just don't think he is a legit 6'2''.
Aza said on 16/May/15
He looks 5.5 inches taller than Rob so weak 6'2.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Apr/15
He actually looks 189cm w/h Rikishi.
Sean5 said on 28/Mar/15
It would be quite embarrassing if the announcers in wwe announced in a match:"standing 6'5 Alberto del rio! And his opponent standing 6'4 Randy Orton!..."
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Mar/15
Rikishi is a strong 6ft/weak 6ft1 guy
Shamrock said on 24/Mar/15
well he is close to 50 and with that kind of body mass premature height loss is very possible. in his prime he never looked any shorter than his billed 6'1.

Click Here i just ask this because alberto was photographed at the same event with him and looks a solid 6'2" in comparison
Shamrock said on 22/Mar/15
did Rikishi still look 6'1" in person to you Rob?
Editor Rob
I stood a minute beside the guy while he talked with a crew (another 6ft guy)...he's more in the zone of big Alex and the crew guy than being a 6ft 1 guy, but with a guy who is that heavy, even in 40's he might have shipped height.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 23/Feb/15
Think out of HHH Roman Reigns and him, Alberto is probably the weakest 6´2"
6´1.5" would fit him better
ghost187 said on 20/Feb/15
Hey ive seen this guy in person. I work out at la fitness in philadelphia and wwe had a show in philly and he was at the gym. This guy is definitely not 6'5". Im about 6'4" close to 6'5" and i was taller than him by atleast 3inches give or take. I would say hes anywhere between 6'1" or 6'2" but 6'5" is ridiculous.
joe 192cm said on 28/Jan/15
very short compared to sheamus 6'2.5 that he is 6'1.5 (187) on a good day
Jay said on 20/Jan/15
@Miko, that's not exactly a good pic to judge accurately.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Jan/15
Very demeaning to list 6ft1-2 guys at 6ft5
miko said on 13/Jan/15
With 6'0.5/6'0.75 Cena he looks just under 6'2. Not much more than an inch difference there.

Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Dec/14
I'm still in stitches over the 196cm listings for him!
fedz said on 15/Nov/14
6'2 easily and possibly hit 235lbs when bulking and shredded to 210-220lbs
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Nov/14
Rob, could 6ft1¾ be the holy grail for Del Rio?

You said it yourself that he can appear within 187-188cm territory.
Editor Rob
yes that is possible.

As I say he might have had a fraction thicker footwear, if he did I'd put him at that mark for sure, but I can't find a photo of his heels...
Tommo said on 9/Nov/14
So the plumber is a confirmed, measured 187. Del Rio is certainly not taller than him. Del Rio's listed 188? Regardless of whether or not he (the plumber) can 'look' 6 ft 2, you know better than anyone he's not Rob!
kreyzig 6ft 3 said on 8/Nov/14
6ft 1.5 tops for this guy.
Andrea said on 7/Nov/14
Yeah Rob but in the comparison photo the plumber is NOT 6'2!!! He's 186.6 and he looks shorter to be fair! Maybe he had worst posture? Or the plumber has some advantage in that photo?
Height182 said on 7/Nov/14
Rob, why don't you just take him down to 187cm then? Do you think he's more 188 than 187?
Editor Rob
he could be anywhere in 187 up to 188 range
Andrea said on 7/Nov/14
Ok, if he's 187-188 then you think he's a cm taller than the plumber? Strange because he actually looks a smidge shorter than him in the photo comparison!
Editor Rob
I don't think he was less than 187, but then I've seen the plumber look 6ft 2 and the 189 guy look 188 aswell because he dips down to that range, alberto certainly isn't taller than either of those guys, but he's near that range.
Andrea said on 6/Nov/14
So, no photo comparison? He does look slightly shorter than the 186.6 guy, so he's somewhere between 186 and 186.6? You said he's taller than the 186 guy but he does looks shorter than the 186.6 guy! I dont know how you can recognize 6 mms, though xD
Editor Rob
he is taller than 186 in person, 187-8 range is more likely
Berek said on 6/Nov/14
Looks and inch to an inch and a half taller than Graham McTavish, who you also have listed at 6'2". Photo comparisons confirm this. He's a legit 6'2", McTavish isn't.
Andrea said on 5/Nov/14
Lol, people who say he looks 6'3 with you really can't "recognize" heights, he actually doesn't even look 6'2, let alone 6'3! Could you post a comparison with the 186 challenger, Rob?
Editor Rob
he is taller in person than the 186 guy...I think the ones with the 3 challengers were similar lens settings to the one with alberto, but the 186 guy had a different distance/lens setting.
Kevin Jr said on 5/Nov/14
rob you should upgrade to 187cm
Equin0x said on 5/Nov/14
He looks close to 6'3 at very least if not 6'3.
Editor Rob
in person he's closer to The 187cm guy than the 189 let alone 191 guy.
Height182 said on 4/Nov/14
Del Rio can look 6'2'' at times Click Here

Sometimes he can't Click Here

Rob, how tall do you think he looks next to Batista? Go to 27 seconds on this vid Click Here

I have Batista at a Solid 6'2'', Del Rio clearly looks shorter.
6'2 said on 3/Nov/14
definetly more than 6" in that photo hes 6'3-4"
Arch Stanton said on 2/Nov/14
Rob do you think a 6'1.75 listing might be more spot on?
Editor Rob
that's possible, although I think with someone like john cena he could appear near 1.5 inches taller, so 6ft 1.5-2 range, anything in there is possible.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Nov/14
@Junior31. Didn't you see the comparison with Rob and people of measured barefoot height?? I doubt he's even be quite 191 in sneakers.I reckon he'd measure slightly under 6'2" on the stadio and Rob would be more accurate with a 6'1.75 listing.
Drake said on 30/Oct/14
184cm Alberto Del Rio
Clay said on 30/Oct/14
Del Rio gets the nod over Holyfied for certain. 6'2'' period.
Junior31 said on 30/Oct/14
Bryan (Queenslander) says on 30/Oct/14
@Junior31 What about Batista ?? He used to be once billed at 6'6 even though he's only 6'2.75/6'3.

I never heard Bautista being billed at 6'6 but 6
'5 wich would make sense considering it's 2 inches above his real height but if he did get billed as it then so be it. Don't think I'm crazy but I feel like the dark characters such as Kane. Undertaker. Seemed to get billed higher to accentuate there real heights. Either way I don't believe he's a flat 6'2. Strong 6'2 to 6'3 for del rio is where I have him pegged.
Bryan (Queenslander) said on 30/Oct/14
@Junior31 What about Batista ?? He used to be once billed at 6'6 even though he's only 6'2.75/6'3..
JT said on 29/Oct/14
Click Here
miko said on 29/Oct/14
I've stood briefly next to Del Rio in November last year and he's a 6'2 dude but nothing more. Nice guy to boot.
Height182 said on 29/Oct/14
Rob, I don't think it was even that. He's always been quite miserable. He got released from WWE for attacking a fellow employee.
Editor Rob
I know, he actually had an ok amount paying for a photo, but every time I seen him at his desk he was usually on his computer with headphones in...
Junior31 said on 29/Oct/14
Jared says on 27/Oct/14
Guys are you kidding 182cm?
Rob is 173cm remember? Do you think the huge difference between them in the picture if just 10cm (4 inches)? 4 inches is nothing, if Alberto was really 4 inches taller than Rob then Rob head should be level with Alberto eyebrows not his nose. That guy is actually 190cm as you can see from the difference with a 173cm tall man. Be real
[Editor Rob: this guy is nowhere near as tall as legit 6ft 3 people in person. Although 182 is of course impossible, I don't believe he looked that tall in person. If someone says he looks 187cm here I'd Agree that he can appear that.]

I have to agree with Jared that he's 6'3 or close to it. I see more then 4 inches between you guys and also I can't remember a 6'1.5 or 6'2 wrestler being billed 6'5. It just wouldn't be believable. If he's not a true 6'3 I think he's extremely close to it. When a wrestler is 6'9 he gets billed taller and they will venture to call him a 7 footer as they say and most people believe it because we are not used to such a height to gauge. . But a guy 6'1.5 is something we see everyday therefore our gauge is more accurate. Lowest I see for del rio is 6'2.5
James B said on 28/Oct/14
Look of contempt on his face rob........
Editor Rob
so would you be if you were sitting at your desk all day with barely a visitor wanting your auto!
Clay said on 28/Oct/14
Does he really look much shorter next to Rob than Brandon Routh who's listed at 6'2.5?

182, I'll say it again show me sure-fire evidence and I'll change my mind. I'm already open to the idea of a 6'1.5'' evening lesnar, you knew that.
Andrea said on 28/Oct/14
182 is crazy, this guy looks at least 6'1 with Rob, to be fair he can look similar to the strong 6'1 challenger (186)... He does look a bit shorter than the plumber and the plumber is not even 187 there (186.6), so maybe 6'1.25 isn't impossible after all... I'd rule out the full 6'2, though.
paul said on 28/Oct/14
6ft 1 id say
ray said on 28/Oct/14
He is not 190 but 187/188 is fine he is around 6'2
Alex 6'0 said on 28/Oct/14
Comparing Alberto with HC 8 who was a solid 6'1.5 they do look pretty much the same. The more I look at this pic I see Alberto looking 6'1.5 more than 6'2. 6'1.75 he could possibly measure though. Can't always go by comparing drawing lines but it does give a very good estimate though but of course Del Rio could measure slightly more than he looks with Rob
Height182 said on 28/Oct/14
@Clay: Even if I personally got to measure Lesnar and then showed you the proof, it still wouldn't change your mind Lol. You are just one of them guys. You are just like that SaveUsY2J guy. That's fine by me.

Yeah, I'm starting to think Alberto Del Rio isn't 6'2'' after all. He looks more 187cm. Rob, maybe you should take him down a little. It doesn't seem you are very sure yourself. Seems to me you are starting to think he is more 187cm.
Jared said on 27/Oct/14
Guys are you kidding 182cm?
Rob is 173cm remember? Do you think the huge difference between them in the picture if just 10cm (4 inches)? 4 inches is nothing, if Alberto was really 4 inches taller than Rob then Rob head should be level with Alberto eyebrows not his nose. That guy is actually 190cm as you can see from the difference with a 173cm tall man. Be real
Editor Rob
this guy is nowhere near as tall as legit 6ft 3 people in person. Although 182 is of course impossible, I don't believe he looked that tall in person. If someone says he looks 187cm here I'd Agree that he can appear that.
Clay said on 27/Oct/14
Height182 says on 26/Oct/14
@Clay: You definitely have some sort of issue lad. I knew you would post that picture, with the most ridiculous camera angle. If it was gonna come from someone, I knew it would come from you. Nothing you say makes sense really. You even went low as trying to say I have something against Lesnar. I have nothing Lesnar. I think he is a great athlete. I am showing some good pictures/vids to show that Lesnar is under 6'2'', which he is clearly is. Instead of embarrassing yourself, why don't you show some good pics that do show Lesnar is 6'2''? I'll doubt you'll find any, because he isn't 6'2''.

Pot meet kettle? One of the Lesnar/Cena pics you posted was a horrendous angle. Im trying to call it how I see it. It's up to you to change my mind and you haven't really.
Jay said on 27/Oct/14
Lesnar nor Del Rio are under 6'2. People just love to downgrade.
Alex 6'0 said on 27/Oct/14
That pic of Angle/Lesnar once fooled me too but its obviously on an diagonal making Lesnar look 5 inches taller but really 3.5-4 inches between them in their WWE days together. Angle today appears to have lost a bit of height at almost 46 years old
Andrea said on 26/Oct/14
Rob looks a bit under his eyelevel, the plumber looks taller (and he's 6'1.5) to be fair. Do you really think there's even a chance he's a big 6'2 guy, Rob? His listing is pretty hilarious, btw!
Editor Rob
he is nearer to 6ft 2 than 1. In the ring Alberto generally could look near enough 6ft 2 I think with others.
Height182 said on 26/Oct/14
@Clay: You definitely have some sort of issue lad. I knew you would post that picture, with the most ridiculous camera angle. If it was gonna come from someone, I knew it would come from you. Nothing you say makes sense really. You even went low as trying to say I have something against Lesnar. I have nothing Lesnar. I think he is a great athlete. I am showing some good pictures/vids to show that Lesnar is under 6'2'', which he is clearly is. Instead of embarrassing yourself, why don't you show some good pics that do show Lesnar is 6'2''? I'll doubt you'll find any, because he isn't 6'2''.
Clay said on 26/Oct/14
Click Here

Whats going on in this pic? Lesnar towering Angle by more than four inches for sure.
RP said on 25/Oct/14
Brock Lesner: 6'2.375"
Alberto Del Rio: 6'2"
John Cena: 6'0.625"
Hulk Hogan: 6'3.75" (peak 6'5.5")
The Rock: 6'2.75"
Steve Austin: 6'1"
Sting: 6'2"
CM Punk: 5'11.75"
Big Show: 6'11.75" (peak 7'0.25")
Kane: 6'7"
Undertaker: 6'6.5" (peak 6'7.25")
HHH: 6'2.25"
Andre The Giant: 6'11.5" to 7'0" peak
Khali: 7'0.625"
Big John Studd: 6'7"
Sid Eudy: 6'6.75" (peak 6'7.25")
Dan Spivey: 6'6.625"
Kevin Nash: 6'8.75" (peak 6'9.25")
Scott Hall: 6'4.25" (peak 6'5")
Randy Savage: 6'0.625" peak
Brett Hart: 5'11.625" (peak 6'0")
Ric Flair: 5'10.75" (peak 6'0")
Roddy Pipper: 5'10.5" (peak 6'0.625")
Dusty Rhodes: 5'10.5" (peak 5'11.625")
Alex 6'0 said on 25/Oct/14
Ive seen Angle and Lesnar in many faceoffs and it looks 3.5-4 inches in them. That WM 19 clip it doesn't look quite 4 inches and Angle isn't more than 5'10. 5'10 was my best guess and I still think 5'10 is fair for Angle peak height. If he was under 5'10 it would have only been a bit. Lesnar IMO can look sometimes 6'1.5 and sometimes 6'2. Def. not over 6'2 but he's no less than 6'1.5 either. Because Ive met Angle and the pic with him shows he's no more than 5'10 it does give a good comparison for Lesnar.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 25/Oct/14
Editor Rob: but here with Del Rio I am standing fine, really not dropping that much.

Comparing with your pics next to Alex, where you have a straight neck than Del Rio looks max 187cm.

And looking at Punk next to DelRio and Lesnar I can´t help but Lesnar looks taller than Del Rio.

Punk is still a bit weird to call exactly, sometimes he looks 180, then solid 182.

Lesnar 188cm, min 187
Rio 187, min 186
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Oct/14
Really, he's about 186-187cm range in that picture. He has a slight shoe advantage and Rob is slouching.
Editor Rob
I'd said before that his shoes weren't less, but I wasn't certain they were more, so assume we had similar.

See the Tony Way photo I put up recently - now, I'm really slouching there, like dropping 3cm with ease - but here with Del Rio I am standing fine, really not dropping that much.
Height182 said on 25/Oct/14
Pause exactly on 3 mins on this video. Click Here It is their match from Wrestlemania 19. That is not 4 inches on Kurt Angle! Kurt angle could be even lower than 5'10''! Alex has met Angle, and said it himself. Lesnar just does not look a full 188cm tall. Now do you agree with me??
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Oct/14
Again that 3in rule in pro-wrestling...10 times worse than the stuff they do to actors in Hollywood.
Clay said on 24/Oct/14
182, do you have it out for Lesnar or something? Im seeing the same difference over Punk with ADR there, but ADR is in boots maybe he had a little more than Brock's sneakers. They're just both properly 6'2'' IMO.
RP said on 24/Oct/14
Height 182...Jimmy is on his tip toes in the pic when applying the rear naked choke to Brock. Not a full tilt tip toe...but, he's at about half throttle tip toes. Raising him about. 0.75" to 1" taller than his true flat foot height.
Alex 6'0 said on 24/Oct/14
Punk actually can look more 5'11.5 there but telling that from 5'11 can be tough anyway just in a pic. Alberto I can give 6'2 to and Brock looks about the same
feren said on 24/Oct/14
omg never thought I would see the day lol anyways looks a good 6'2 and possibly weighs 220 to 230 lbs
Height182 said on 24/Oct/14
Jimmy Fallon is like around 5'11'' - 5'11.25'', I don't honestly see more than 2 inches between Fallon and Lesnar. Click Here

When I say I think Lesnar is under 6'2'', I mean just slightly under. I just don't think he is a full proper 188cm.
Height182 said on 24/Oct/14
@Kourosh: Lesnar?? 8cms on Cm Punk?? 8 whole Centimeters on Cm Punk???? and I'm the fool???? I think I've heard it all now LOL
Kourosh said on 24/Oct/14
Height182 dont be fool
Brock lesnar is leaning at 2:19, wanna get more accurate comparison? pause the video exactly at 2:14 and you can clearly see Brock has easily 3.5 Inches on CM PUNK at least. i posted this video months ago on Cm Punk's page.

Brock lesnar 188cm
Alberto 187cm
Cm Punk 180 cm
Clay said on 23/Oct/14
Im definitely seeing 6'2-6'2.25 here. Everyone knew his billing was whacked out.
Game Over 188.3cm said on 23/Oct/14
6'1.75 (187cm)
Height182 said on 23/Oct/14
Rob, you say Del Rio could be a little shy of 6'2''.

Here is a vid no.1 with Alberto and Cm Punk Click Here

Here is vid no. 2 with Brock Lesnar and Cm Punk Click Here

Pause exactly on 3:56 on the Punk and Del rio vid, and pause exactly on 2:19 for the Punk and Lesnar vid.

You can clearly see Del Rio has more height on Cm Punk than Lesnar. Even throughout both videos. I've always said Lesnar isn't a full 6'2'' Rob. Does this give you a better idea on Lesnars height? What do you think?
Judd said on 23/Oct/14
6'2" is spot on
Arch Stanton said on 23/Oct/14
Rob has he lost weight here or something? He doesn't look as heavy here as he does in some of the wrestling pics and thinner in the face than previously. He looks more like an MMA fighter here.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Oct/14
Excellent comparison Rob, I reckon an Andy Murray type measurement here might be on the money. I say 6'1.75.
Junior31 said on 23/Oct/14
I'm sorry but he looks the same height as your 6'3 listed celebs. Look at kevin sorbo or Kurt fuller. Or Larry Holmes. Del rio looks taller then all if them next to you rob. And to stay consistent most Wwe wrestlers are 2 inches shorter hen there billed wich puts del rio at 6'3 as I said
Editor Rob
there is little chance this guy is 6ft 3 barefoot, he is standing as good as you'll get here. Compared to a real guy who is in 6ft 3 range (almost 6ft 3.5 to be precise), Look at Del Rio in comparison, a fraction under 6ft 2 right there.
Alex 6'0 said on 23/Oct/14
187cm isn't impossible but that's at worst. WWE billed him 6'5 haha no way does he even pass that tall on TV. On TV can def look 6'3 range though
Height182 said on 22/Oct/14
Always guessed him at 6'2'', or slightly less. Was he a proper full 188cm in person Rob?
Editor Rob
close enough to it, although for me a 90% more chance that he would lie somewhere between 187 up to 188 than anything like 188-9.
Alex 6'0 said on 22/Oct/14
Looks at 5.5 inches. 6'1.75-6'2 id go with
Oanh said on 22/Oct/14
Solid 6'2"...maybe more.
mike said on 22/Oct/14
6ft 1.5 not impossible Rob? Doesn't looks over 6ft 2 to me...
Editor Rob
187 isn't impossible. I am certain his footwear wasn't less than mine, but it may have been a little more, if I can find a picture of it I would know for any case I give him 188 because he is near enough to it.
Raduuu said on 22/Oct/14
Now you can estimate others WWE wrestlers height! ;)
miko said on 22/Oct/14
Always said he wasn't 6'3 as some said. He's 6'2 nothing more.
Junior31 said on 21/Oct/14
What was the footwear brother? He looks 6'3 here to me
BorkLaser said on 21/Oct/14
Sweet! Thanks a lot for this; he looks every bit of 6'2" indeed. Did you get photos with other celebs from the event?
Phantom said on 21/Oct/14
Almost as over billed as Ambrose lol.
Arch Stanton said on 21/Oct/14
Rob has he lost weight here or something? I g imaged him and he does look 240 pounds in some of the wrestling pics but he looks quite a lot lighter here, thinner in the face than he has looked too.
Arch Stanton said on 21/Oct/14
Haha if any guy could pull off a Seagal ponytail it would be this guy. He has the perfect face for the Seagal look hehe. Looks more like an MMA fighter than a wrestler but if he's genuinely 17 stone odd he must be carrying an absolute ton of muscle. You wouldn't want to mess with him.
Hypado said on 21/Oct/14
188cm for Alberto, perfect listing.
kaplaaa said on 21/Oct/14
Solid 6"2, could be 189
Sam said on 21/Oct/14
I guess you could Hollywood heights are often boosted by 2 inches but wrestling heights are often boosted by 3 inches!

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.