Majestic Butterfly said on 5/Oct/22
192cm Leprechaun
Where did you get that from? the average in the US is 5'4, not 5'2. 4'11 is very short for a woman in the US since it's 5 inches shorter than the average.
192cm Leprechaun said on 14/Sep/22
4'11" isn't incredibly short for women. Average is 5'2".
Comentarista said on 20/Aug/22
Realityyy said on 1/Jun/21
She mentioned that she's 4'11 in her story today
heyyyyyyyy said on 10/Mar/21
I can't see her being under 5 foot
Nik Ashton said on 14/Sep/20
@ Madi - Interesting!
Abianah said on 10/Sep/20
She is 4'11 at most. I am nearly 5'2 and dont look that short next to somebody who is 5'3. She dosnt seem to care about height which is great! My guess is 4'11-4'9
Vastlybetter said on 3/Jul/20
Rob, do you think she is over or under 100 pounds?

Editor Rob
I am not so sure on that...if over, not much
Madi said on 28/Apr/20
As on other websites call her 5’4-5’6 I would think she is that tall but definitely give her a 5’2.5-5’3
Patrick Clark said on 5/Apr/20
She's gotta be 5' or under, because in a picture with Billie eilish she is significantly shorter and Billie is listed at 5'3".
Jonas Henrikssen, said on 11/Aug/19
She Was 4"10 at 14 and looked dine growing so she is under 5 fot
Johnn said on 31/May/19
She looks 5ft 0 in this picture
Stranger things fan said on 24/May/19
I think she’s 5’1
Katie Gardner said on 18/Jan/19
On other websites she’s listed at between 5’2-5’3 I wouldn’t think she’s only 4’11 deffo more likely to be in the 5’2-5’3 range tbh but maybe I’m wrong
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Jan/19
@ MJKoP:- Well, that's not completely true, but if I don't like people, it's best to avoid frequenting their pages. I don't like Hitler, and made no bones about that fact on his page, but I was accused of
trolling! 🐝
I do think it makes for a more satisfying experience to read positive things about people, and I fervently believe that everybody has good attributes, so I concentrate on those.🌹
@ Christian 6ft5 and three eighths:- Now that you mention it, I gather it makes a great deal of sense that boys who develop early stop growing earlier. 👲
When you're 'at that age', though, the changes that happen to girls are rather hard to hide! There was a tiny girl in my class who was growing breasts at 9, as was my friend down the road, but it didn't look so odd as she was of average height. Boys' voices break and their facial hair comes much later than the obvious changes to girls, and one of the few giveaways that there were stirrings within a boy's body would be the development of acne or, rather easier to live with, a sudden spurt of growth. At my (private) school, we were not ordered to take showers; in fact, though the facilities were in the park's changing rooms, nobody ever bothered. Modesty reigned supreme! So who was and who wasn't became something of a mystery, and that's how I think it should be! Teenagers go through enough stress as it is, what with exams and physical changes, and it should be up to the individual to discuss development with his/her friends when ready to do so.
Interesting topic Christian and something that I had never given much thought to prior to now as far as boys are concerned! 😄👍
MJKoP said on 17/Jan/19
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Jan/19
This confident and perky rapper, Danielle, does NOT look any less than 5ft IMHO. (I've just noticed the average vote!)
"confident and perky"
You always see the positive attributes in people, Sandy!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Jan/19
@Duhon and Sandy
I've noticed that the same goes for boys too. Of course this isn't always the case and there are some exceptions.
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Jan/19
@ Duhon - You are so right that girls who enter puberty at a very young age cease growing much, much earlier. I wrote about one the other day who grew to 4ft9, but I didn't mention that she was an early developer - just how tiny she was.
Cheers Duhon! 😁👍
Nik said on 14/Jan/19
It's interesting that the average vote is 4'11.92"! This suggests that Rob could be spot on!
Duhon said on 13/Jan/19
Girls who enter puberty at an earlier age tend to be shorter.
MJKoP said on 13/Jan/19
@Timothy Andrew Sarkar
She sure is, howbow dah?
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Jan/19
This confident and perky rapper, Danielle, does NOT look any less than 5ft IMHO. (I've just noticed the average vote!)
Joerg Smith said on 13/Jan/19
She is almost 16 by now. Do you think she has reached her full adult height yet?

Editor Rob
I think she can look older than she is, I would say she probably is finished growth.
Timothy Andrew Sarkar said on 12/Jan/19
Is this the "cash me outside" girl? 😂

Editor Rob