How tall is Derek Theler

Derek Theler's Height

6ft 6 (198.1 cm)

American actor best known for playing Danny Wheeler on the tv series Baby Daddy. On being asked how tall he was on twitter, he said: "Depends on the day, today 6'5"". In another interview he said his resume height is 6ft 4 but he is probably around a "legit six-six and a half"

How tall is Derek Theler
Photos by PR Photos

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Average Guess (65 Votes)
6ft 5.65in (197.2cm)
Canson said on 17/May/22
@Viper: I can see 6’5.5 now as a worst case. Maybe I underestimated him before
Canson said on 9/May/22
@Viper: actually In this pic he can look 6’6 but he’s wearing boots. I could almost buy a 6’7 in shoes here. Maybe I’m off and he’s 6’5 1/2”. I still don’t buy 6’6 though based on physical appearance

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viper said on 4/Apr/22
He1ghtexpert49 said on 11/Feb/22
This is what winning the genetic lottery looks like

Not sure about that. He's a great looking guy but he's too tall imo
viper said on 4/Apr/22
6-5 is selling him short

Think he's 6-5.75 at least
IceCold said on 2/Apr/22
His body proportions are short to be 6'6
He1ghtexpert49 said on 11/Feb/22
This is what winning the genetic lottery looks like
Josecito said on 6/Sep/21
Is it me or does he have the torso of soemone taller than 6'6 like 6'7 or more from some.angles?
Chris Junior Hernandez said on 18/Jun/21
If Derek had a chance to take some photo with legit 6'4 Jared Padalecki then the answer is close. I wouldn't go below 6'5.75" for him.
recapa said on 1/May/21
6ft5 1/4-3/8(196-196.5cm ) range to me.
Leif said on 7/Mar/21
@Rob But I mean not standing on a box.

@ Canson, why does Derek's torso look a bit longer than people of the same height of 6'5-6'6..maybe his legs are shorter to compensate. but they don't look it
Editor Rob
well it is very hard to put on any height if our plates are fused...
recapa said on 3/Mar/21
196-196.5cm guy.
Canson said on 25/Feb/21
@Leif: I’ll throw some extra socks and a couple pairs of orthotics in tomorrow in my steel toes and I’ll make it to about 6’7 in shoes
Leif said on 25/Feb/21
How can I be as tall as him?
Editor Rob
stand on a box
Canson said on 3/Feb/21
@Joe: I get a similar impression from him as I do Rick Fox. So maybe not as low as 6’4.5 or .75 but can give a 6’5 impression at times and a 6’5.5” impression as well
Canson said on 3/Feb/21
@Joe: the one thing I would say beyond that is that he lied about only wearing flat shoes. He isn’t wearing flats above. Physically in terms of appearance in pics and his show he doesn’t look 6’6” imho. I get a much taller appearance from the 6’6 guys i listed. Bill Deblasio gives a taller impression than him and he measured a little under 6’6”
joe ### said on 2/Feb/21
I think 6'6 is possibly weird that he wears shoes with big soles
Canson said on 30/Jan/21
@Leif and Rob: I struggle to see 6’6 in terms of appearance let alone 6’7”. He doesn’t give the impression of Carmelo Anthony or Reid Carolin or Mark Labett or even Bill Deblasio who measured 6’5 7/8”. Then you see him with the Rock. Rock looks 6’2” with Ndamukong Suh and with 6’3 Vernon Davis. I may have underestimated Theler before but I don’t see 6’6. Maybe 6’5.5 max but really I can see 6’5 range for him like Joe said

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Editor Rob
I can see why you'd give him 6ft 5.5...for me, last time I looked, I felt he could pass for 6ft 6
joe ### said on 29/Jan/21
I am not convinced that he looks 6'6.5 but looks better than 6'5 easily the problem is that he wears shoes with thick soles and definitely does not look the same height as denis rodman
Leif said on 19/Dec/20
@ Rob could he be 6'7"? Or he just has a longer than average torso based on some pictures I've seen of him?

@ Canson Yea but it really sucks to not be the height you want..and if you want to be shorter, I don't see why it's necessarily wrong to take off a couple inches or walk curved a bit..just don't hurt yourself
Editor Rob
I don't think he ever looks 6ft 7
Brandon(Aspiring 7 Footer) said on 11/Nov/20
@rob this is interesting. I took a picture with my uncle in the 200 cm range. I got measured last year at 184 cm at 15 years old at 6 PM and I got insecure about my height and didn't want to measure it again. I did lots of stretches, ate alot and slept alot. My family has told me I've grown exponentially since last year and I can see it. I am 16 year old now. I want to wait until I'm 18 to measure my height again officially because I am nervous I will be disappointed. However I took this picture with my 200 cm uncle on halloween and we were standing the same distance from the camera.

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What height range would you say I could fall into? Do you think I may have a chance of reaching my uncles height? He told me that in his senior year of highschool he grew from 6'3" to 6'6". The tallest family member of mine is 205 cm and I have tall ancestors. What range would you guess me now when compared to 200 cm?
Editor Rob
You are Hulk right? Based on that photo he does look several inches taller, I would say 6ft 2 is possible, but maybe keep your own measurement a mystery and wait till near 18 to do an update.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Sep/20
Would a legit 6'6" guy claim 6'5" or 6'4" though?
Canson said on 7/Jul/20
@Leif: adding an inch or two or deducting as such are both dishonest . I can see rounding up or down 1/2” or even in some cases you see a guy measure say near 6’4 morning height and claim it but they’re closer to 6’3” evening And people say it’s ok to claim a height you measure earlier in the day so if someone measures say 6’3 1/2 to 3/4” afternoon height should be ok to round down then if that’s the case. It’s a shame that there are not set standards

@Editor Rob: what’s the lowest and max you see for him?
Editor Rob
The more I saw of him, the less under 6ft 6 I would have guessed he'd measure.
Leif said on 6/Jul/20
Rob what's wrong with adding an inch or two or knocking off an inch or two?

And are you sure Derek is 6'6" or can fluctuate to about 6'5"?
Editor Rob
I don't think Derek falls to as short as 6ft 5.
I think it's good to get into the habit of being truthful with facts about ourselves.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 12/Jun/20
He isn't overlisted. 6'6 is accurate. Click Here He tilt down head amd stand a little further behind 6'2 Cameron Mathison still look very strong 6'5 which indicate 6'6 if both guy stand side by side. I (197.3cm) had a picture with 6'4 cousin which i stand like Derek position and my cousin look only 1/2 inch shorter.
Brandon (Aspiring 7 footer) said on 29/May/20
Rob, my uncle is like Derek when it comes to claiming his height. Whenever I see him, he always claims 6'5", but this simply cannot be the case. He tells me he grew in his senior year of highschool from 6'3" to 6'5" in a span of 1 month but I think he grew more than this. When I see him, he looks like a huge man. When I went to the mall with him and my 189-190 cm uncle, strong 6'2" weak 6'3", he absolutely towered over everybody and was even taller than a doorframe at one point by an inch or so. He has terrible posture too if I may point out and he doesnt seem to care much about height at all. Can it be he is actually 6'6" to 6'7" range? The lowest I can see him is 197 cm at an absolute low bare feet and hunched over. Another thing is my 189 cm uncle commented that my other uncle is 5 or so inches taller than him. Would a strong 6'2" weak 6'3" man say this about a man who is really 6'5"? With this evidence I can safely assume that my uncle is actually 200 cm waking up ATLEAST. What are your thoughts about this rob?
Editor Rob
He may not have realised he grew - You can understand rounding to nearest inch, but to knowingly knock 1 or 2 inches from your height is as bad as adding an inch or two.

There are definitely those who unwittingly underbill their height through not being remeasured after gaining height.
K.A 188.4! said on 14/Apr/20
197 max, Mugshots are not reliable if feets are not visible. Plus he was wearing a costume.
184guy2 said on 6/Mar/20
Next to 6'2 listed Cameron Mathison
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Looking a weak 6'6
thismoe!! said on 3/Feb/20
Derek standing next to weak 6'2 Laird Hamilton and making him look like a child. More than 5 inches between the two. Laird might just be a strong 6'1.
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Canson said on 16/Nov/19
He doesn’t look as tall as Rob Gronkowski
Canson said on 10/Nov/19
@Junior: I can’t see 6’6” next to the Rock. 6’5” range yes. Rock isn’t even standing completely straight and Rock is 6’2”
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 6/Nov/19
@Christian He had 6'4 1/2 Kirk Fox by 2" Click Here , we can argue it's a 1/2" more footwear or posture wise. Rob already over listed Kirk at 6'4 3/4. I did not base on mugshot if not i'll straight given 6'6 1/2 for Derek. 6'6 seem legit enough.
Canson said on 6/Sep/19
C-mo said on 24/Aug/19
my guess for him is 196cm

my guess for jean luc bilodeau is 174cm

196 is a very good estimate imho. Makes for his 6’6.5 in some shoes too
Canson said on 5/Sep/19
184guy2 said on 27/Aug/19
With Casper Van Dien ( whom Rob met ) he can look easy 8 inches taller . That would make him minimum 6'5.25

I could buy 6’5.25”.
184guy2 said on 27/Aug/19
With Casper Van Dien ( whom Rob met ) he can look easy 8 inches taller . That would make him minimum 6'5.25
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Aug/19
You're basing the 6'6" guess on his mugshot? Mugshots aren't reliable.
c-mo said on 24/Aug/19
my guess for him is 196cm

my guess for jean luc bilodeau is 174cm
Canson said on 23/Aug/19
@Christian and 184guy: I do agree with everything 184guy said. He may have been barefoot but Mugshots aren’t always a reliable source. the Mugshots add height typically though so it’s very possible that he’s not as tall as he looks. This is similar to Charles Barkley’s mugshot except that Barkley was surely in shoes for his. But with Barkley, he clearly appears several inches taller in the shots than he really is. Maybe he’s got enhanced footwear as well but If the camera adds height to him it could be doing the same with theler. But I do see Theler as a barefoot 6’5” guy not a 6’2, 6’3” or 6’4 guy whereas Barkley was about a 6’4.5 guy at his normal low in his prime yet appeared 6’7 and 6’8 in his shots. I would have Theler taller than barkley as opposed to Barkley being taller than Theler
Canson said on 17/Aug/19
@Junior: we don’t know if he had shoes on for the mugshot
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 14/Aug/19
He is a full 6'6 but not 6'6 1/2 as he claim with that mugshot. Only surprise he had near 10" head on the mugshot which i thought more on 9.75".
Canson said on 29/Jul/19
@184guy: that probably makes him 6’1 7/8 maybe 6’2 if he measured 6’2 3/8.
Canson said on 27/Jul/19
@Christian: I doubt he was barefoot. While his 6’4 may be a downplay I do believe he’s 6’5 range
184guy2 said on 25/Jul/19

In his TV Series ( Babby Daddy ) there are a lot of scenes where he is barefoot and without shirt , only towels at time . I'm pretty sure this photo was take around these scenes so he very likely was barefoot but like Rob tested before , Mugshots are not a very reliable source .
184guy2 said on 25/Jul/19
Sorry , I sent the link of Isaiah measurement but was redirect to Amazon for some reason ...
Here is the actual one :

Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 25/Jul/19
As Canson alluded, his mugshot could've been in shoes. Plus the mugshot was part of a TV show, so there's no reason to be barefoot during filming.
Editor Rob
There is when you're playing Tarzan 😄
Canson said on 24/Jul/19
@184guy: he can look up to 6’6 there. I would put the other guy 6’1 7/8 or 6’2 at a low and Theler can look 4” taller in some, 3-3.5 in others
Canson said on 24/Jul/19
@Christian: that’s if his mugshot is even barefoot. We can’t tell here. I think 6’5” range not 6’6”, although he can look 6’6 at times. But 6’6 range in shoes I can see. I highly doubt he’s 6’4 tho like he once said
Canson said on 23/Jul/19
@Rob: we don’t know if he had on shoes in the mugshot. Not under 6’5 but not a guarantee he’s 6’6”
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 23/Jul/19
How do you know for sure if his 6'5" claim was lowballed? He could be telling the truth for all we know.
Editor Rob
I still think he held up well in that old mugshot and with other people seems much closer to 6 than 5.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Jul/19
It's likely that Lauren isn't a legit 6'4" since most basketball heights are inflated. But she seems too tall to be anything under 6'2.5" though.
viper said on 20/Jul/19
Ok I see he's listed 6-5 everywhere and claims 6-5.

6-5 is probably closer to the truth
Editor Rob
he lowballed his height to 6ft 5, but then said 6ft 6 range.

With Jason David Frank he looks a huge guy.

With Casper Van Dien again this guy isn't under 6ft 6 and maybe he measured 6ft 6.5 earlier in the day.
viper said on 20/Jul/19
He looks 6-6
184guy2 said on 19/Jul/19
Lauren Cox ( far left ) is a basketball player and is listed 6'4 at web ( I don't know veracity but she looks very tall in almost every pic ) and she is in heels ...

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184guy2 said on 19/Jul/19
Not the best pics but beside NFL player Isaiah Stanback , who was measured at 6'2 3/8 in 2007 Draft
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He can look anywhere from 6'5 up to 6'6 but I won't rule out the idea of him being a full 6'6 guy . Under 6'5 looks delusional IMO
184guy2 said on 3/Jul/19
Click Here
Derek and Pablo Schreiber
Mambo said on 8/Jun/19
Rob, how tall do you think his head might be?
Editor Rob
Maybe around 9.5 inches is possible.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 2/Jun/19
Not sure my vote ever goes through but the more i look at Derek, 6'6 is strongly possible.
Canson said on 4/Apr/19
@JD1996: I could buy 6’5” range for him. He doesn’t look 6’6” though in my honest opinion
JD1996 said on 3/Apr/19
He looks like he would be the same height as Anthony Joshua 197-197.5 range.
SnerhagAip777 said on 14/Feb/19
He easily has the best height - face combination on this whole site. A lot of people at his height look like dog , while he has the look of a true jock. Every girls fantasy.
Canson said on 26/Jan/19
@Joe: I guess anything is possible
joe### said on 24/Jan/19
well if kirk fox is even 6'4.75 i can accept 6'6 for theler
thisismoe!! said on 19/Jan/19
@Canson: Nope.
Canson said on 15/Jan/19
@Moe: they’re both you.
thisismoe!! said on 14/Jan/19
Hi all, happy new year. First of all, I read through the Derek Theler page and Tom Welling page and...yikes. Canson, you seem to have lost your mind. All these essays written at attacking me, and I haven't responded to any of them. You've clearly spent a couple hours just writing to me on this stuff, and I haven't given you a thought. I kindof feel bad. Is this all you have? And who is Morgan Jones? Also I'm not 5ft9guy either.
Canson said on 28/Dec/18
@Christian and Joe: thanks! And it wouldn’t surprise me if 5ft9 guy is Moe. Just like when he posted under Morgan Jones on a different page. But I won’t bother to ask Rob to check the IPs
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 27/Dec/18

True. It's amazing how he would post 5500 characters just for a comment. I wouldn't have done that, lol.
joe### said on 27/Dec/18
5ft9 guy
I disagree, Carson has good estimates and many things he speaks have meaning
5ft9 guy said on 25/Dec/18
too bad that they are just a bunch of nonsense and pointless words like every post of Canson!
Canson said on 24/Dec/18
@Arch: yup
Arch Stanton said on 23/Dec/18
Yikes Canson that last post was a whopping 1,062 words 5,495 characters!!!!
Canson said on 22/Dec/18
@Dream: from what I recall Moe said someone else was 6’5 that was in attendance one night at the Venue Robbins owns. According to Moe, Robbins was taller than the guy who “claimed 6’5”. That person who claimed 6’5” may very well be claiming a shoe height for all we know. I’m not accusing him of that but we know how many people in this world claim their shoes. We all know how common that is judging by how many celebs Rob has listed below their personal claims. And this is before we begin to assess his estimates as less or more than. And That’s like someone else who is 6’2-6’3 barefoot walking up to me or Christian and saying that he’s 6’4 and that we are taller than we are. I’m not saying that is exactly what happened because I obviously wasn’t there. Moe has made a good estimate here or there but he is off on Robbins and even Padalecki he overestimated by a half inch as he’s 6’4”. Bobby3342 said Jared is 193 and Not to mention that Bobby has also met Stern and said he’s 6’5”. I never met either guy but Anyone could be off in that respect whether it be Bobby or Moe. But In that case, Bobby is the same height as I am so it is easier for someone closer in height to be able to tell a difference with a guy that is within a couple inches of himself. Not to mention Stern claims 6’5 and Padalecki 6’4”. I find it hard to believe that Robbinswould claim 6’4.5 if he is really 6’5.5-6’6”. I could see a 6’5 flat or 6’4.75-6’5 guy claim 6’4.5 possibly but that’s not far from what a legit 6’4.5 would look as is so it would be much closer. And I wasn’t saying that Moe was wrong about Theler but obviously if you look at the posts below you can tell where he began making things personal with Joe, Bobby, and me which is what began this argument. All I said was that I had a hard time believing he’s really that height and nothing against Moe when I said it. My reasoning is that theler’s claim has changed so much. I do believe 6’4” may be a downgrade but 6’5” looks believeable whether inside of that range or a little below or right at it. But Saying things like “you all are short losers” or telling Joe that “it is no longer up for debate” and other comments he made such as accusing both Joe and me of being Jealous of Theler or that “Bobby is 5’7” or I “write like I’m 5’6”. That’s just being childish and ignorant and rude because someone doesn’t agree with him and he has run out of stuff to say back to us because we called him on those statements. You don’t see me saying it’s not up for debate to anyone who disagrees about Carmelo’s height. But at least for Melo he had a barefoot measurement on record so like Christian has always said “if he measured at that he isn’t going to be taller than that measurement”. The debate here on this site is usually whether or not a person is less than they measure meaning was it early in the day or was it a shoe height. There are some where a person grows but it’s not often. And Moe did the same on Lebron’s page to me (out of nowhere) and on Robbins page with Rampage and you saw Rampage’s response back to him. And Rampage is one of the most chill posters here. That is rare (but justified) for him. He is not nearly as quick to respond to an insult as I am. I will always respond and don’t back down from them. Rampage lets it go far more often than I would. Not to mention that Rampage also estimated Robbins at his claim of 6’4.5 and said he would leave open 6’4.5-6’5 which is a reasonable estimate. and usually Rampage is a lot more generous with the estimates for the celebs than You me Christian or Joe are. And that’s fair because they’re all estimates. Moe could very well be right about Theler but then again he may be wrong. Unless we met him or Rob met him and payed attention to his footwear we would never know. That’s why you don’t say “it’s no longer up for debate”. And I can look at someone like Christian who is 6’5 1/4-3/8 and if he wore shoes that thick he would likely be 199-200cm even if just a standard 1.2” dress shoe. If you aren’t paying attention to someone’s footwear (even an honest person guessing a barefoot height) will guess Christian 6’6” most likely because he’s so far over 6’6” in the shoes and because a person assessing a height will generally give the benefit of the doubt versus lowering him. So a guy appearing 197 someone will give them 6’6 or almost 6’6” or 6’5-6’6. If someone has a canvas shoe on and someone a 1.2” dress shoe there will be a .6” footwear advantage and that needs to be taken into account.

I used common sense here with Theler. I saw the pic with the Rock who is no more than 6’2”. I know someone who has met Rock and he verified he’s mad 6’2”. That’s max 3” there. Maybe there is footwear but still would make it maybe 3”+. Then I saw where Theler said he only wears “very flat shoes” in the video. If you look closely, the picture above is contradictory of that as are most of the other pictures that Theler is in. He has very thick heels in most of his pics. That’s likely where his 6’6” and change came from. While I don’t close the door on him being maybe 197 or so I don’t see it personally. I also don’t see 6’4” like he claims. I think he’s 6’5” range as I have him taller than I am. He looks in pics about what a friend of mine who is a strong 6’5” (same size as Christian) would look in pics with people. Bill Fagerbaak Carmelo Anthony Reid Carlin all look taller than Theler. Even Eric Wareheim looks 6’6” despite his proportions being opposite of Theler
Dream(5'9.5") said on 8/Dec/18

And I totally understand you man! You met Carmelo Anthony in person!

Now, there is one thing I certainly agree with: Tim Robbins is nowhere over 6’5”, especially after seeing those pictures with Howard Stern.

Maybe 6’5.75” would be better than Derek Theler, but for me, I don’t think lower.

@thisismoe You mentioned that Tim Robbins looked over 6’5”. were you far away from him by any chance? Was he on higher ground? Because Howard Stern (strong 6’5” like Bo Burnham), had an inch over Tim Robbins.
Canson said on 29/Nov/18
@Moe: on 1/March/2018, I said 194-195 is how he can look. That can mean anything between 194-195. You must really have some kinda of man crush or sexual crush on Theler because anyone who disagrees with you, you call “jealous”. You said the same to Joe on this page that you said to me about being jealous of anyone who is taller than me lol. You are about as sad and as childish as anyone I’ve seen on here. Living vicariously through celebrities probably because they actually have amounted to and done something with their lives unlike you who is an utter useless waste of Space
Canson said on 28/Nov/18
Every reference or mention of him on the internet is of him being listed at 6’5” not 6’6”. It’s not uncommon for a 6’5 guy to claim his shoe height of 6’6”.
Canson said on 28/Nov/18
@Moe: you’re a loser troll who wastes time and energy denigrating the opinions of others (just like Rampage said about you in 2016 on Tim Robbins’s page when you also attacked him for not agreeing with you). And Anyone here can look below at where all of this began on this page in March 2016 and it’s clear that it was you who not only began bashing me, but also Bobby3342 and Joe simply because we didnt agree with you on Theler’s height. Youre entitled to your opinion but calling people short losers and saying something isn’t up for debate just because you say so clearly shows what you’re about. I mean You’re also the same guy who says that Tim Robbins is over 6’5” when he’s claimed 6’4.5 before and Rob lists him 6’4.75. He’s clearly not even as tall as Howard Stern who is a real 6’5” guy. You also tried to make a measured 6’5.25 Peyton Manning 6’5.5 just because you felt he had a half inch on Joe Mangianello when Rob had him listed at 6’5”. Go look at your own post below telling us that Peyton is 6’5.5 (he has a half inch on Mangianello). Common sense says that the guy who was actually measured at the combine (could even be a morning measurement) would likely be more accurately listed than a guy who does not have a measurement on record.

@Junior and Dream: while I do believe that he downplays his height, I honestly don’t see a legit 6’6” guy here and that’s consistent with what most of the posters here see. with Dwayne Johnson who is 6’2 and is leaning, Theler looks 6’5”. I have a guy like Carmelo Anthony (a real 6’6 in person) taller than Theler same with a guy like Per Mertesacker or Paul Pierce who may just be a weak 6’6” guy like Mickie pegged him. That’s just my opinion tho. I keyed in on what Theler said in the video Moe posted previously. “I only wear very flat shoes”. If we look at the picture above, he doesn’t have flat shoes on. The heel is very thick on them and that’s the case in many pics of him where we can see his footwear. He doesn’t give off the impression of a 6’6” guy in my opinion but does look to be a legit 6’5” guy to me. Now this is all an opinion of course but it’s the same with all of us. And we’ve seen where I’ve had a celeb who I felt was underlisted (contrary to what Moe said about Bobby and me) example is Bo Burnham who I felt was underlisted and pointed it out. I get a taller impression (or at least as tall) from Bo at times even in less footwear than from Theler.
Canson said on 28/Nov/18
@Moe: you’re a loser troll who wastes time and energy denigrating the opinions of others (just like Rampage said about you in 2016 on Tim Robbins’s page when you also attacked him for not agreeing with you). And Anyone here can look below at where all of this began on this page in March 2016 and it’s clear that it was you who not only began bashing me, but also Bobby3342 and Joe simply because we didnt agree with you on Theler’s height. Youre entitled to your opinion but calling people short losers and saying something isn’t up for debate just because you say so clearly shows what you’re about. I mean You’re also the same guy who says that Tim Robbins is over 6’5” when he’s claimed 6’4.5 before and Rob lists him 6’4.75. He’s clearly not even as tall as Howard Stern who is a real 6’5” guy.

@Junior and Dream: while I do believe that he downplays his height, I honestly don’t see a legit 6’6” guy here and that’s consistent with what most of the posters here see. with Dwayne Johnson who is 6’2 and is leaning, Theler looks 6’5”. I have a guy like Carmelo Anthony (a real 6’6 in person) taller than Theler same with a guy like Per Mertesacker or Paul Pierce who may just be a weak 6’6” guy like Mickie pegged him. That’s just my opinion tho. I keyed in on what Theler said in the video Moe posted previously. “I only wear very flat shoes”. If we look at the picture above, he doesn’t have flat shoes on. The heel is very thick on them and that’s the case in many pics of him where we can see his footwear. He doesn’t give off the impression of a 6’6” guy in my opinion but does look to be a legit 6’5” guy to me. Now this is all an opinion of course but it’s the same with all of us. And we’ve seen where I’ve had a celeb who I felt was underlisted (contrary to what Moe said about Bobby and me) example is Bo Burnham who I felt was underlisted and pointed it out. I get a taller impression (or at least as tall) from Bo at times even in less footwear than from Theler.
Dream(5'9.5") said on 24/Nov/18
He does look close to this listing with Kirk Fox.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 13/Nov/18
At first i thought 6'5-6'5 1/2 taking more look at him i could see 6'6 coming true and the average guess seem too low. Really hard to be famous if you're 6'6 understand how he use to downplay 6'4-6'5.
thisismoe!!! said on 11/Nov/18
@184guy2- Exactly! Stars are very sensitive about their heights. John Wayne literally told James Arness to do Gunsmoke because he didn't want Arness towering over him in movies. Derek likes working, but you wouldn't have seen him on the set of Smallville back in the day. Tom Welling wanted to always be the tallest hero on set.
184guy2 said on 9/Nov/18
Yeah he can look near 6'6 in there , very unlikely to him measure 6'5 or under but makes sense the 6'4 claim . How many 6'6+ actors very sucessful we have ??? A few . Much easier to get a role being shorter .
thismoe!! said on 9/Nov/18
Derek is definitely more than an inch taller than 6'4 and 3/4 Kirk Fox. Click Here

Derek is on a podcast with Kirk and Greg Grunberg where they describe him as 6'7 (which is more than I give him, but he's not far). Click Here

Kirk Fox is a genuinely tall guy. Even Canson admits Kirk Fox can look 195 cm lol (though I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to change his tune now). It's simply a fact. Derek Theler is 6'6.
thismoe!! said on 9/Nov/18
Article mentioning Derek Theler's height at 6'6. Click Here
Canson said on 17/Sep/18
@Christian: it wouldn’t surprise me if he is only 194-195 like Bobby said as well. Although I would say he’s probably looking a solid 6’5. However I don’t rule out less because of his choices in footwear which contradict what he claimed in the interview that he wears flat very shoes. Above he doesn’t clearly. He would have to be 6’8” with those on in order to be 6’6.5. My guess is that he is 6’6.5ish maybe earlier in the day in shoes and probably a classic 6’5. Low end I would say 195ish, high end your height as you would be around 6’6.5 in a pair of Jordan’s at 6’5.25
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 27/Jul/18

It's not impossible that Derek could be 6'4 7/8" or 6'4.75" and rounded down to 6'4" on his resume.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 25/Jul/18
6'4 is nuts. 6'5 fine but a little too less. 6'6 and a half yes the mugshot with unknown footwear on. 6'5 1/2 i believe it.
Canson said on 9/Jun/18
@Bobby: I remember when MJ claimed that. Lol he figured being the GOAT made him deserve an extra half inch on his listed height. I actually have Kobe as a legit 195cm guy at a low. He’s likely taller than we are. Jordan may also be taller but by less. We probably wouldn’t notice. He’s probably 6’4.5 at a low. Theler I could buy as 6’5” but no higher.
Dream(5'9.5 said on 6/May/18

Yeah, not the full 6'6," but his 6'4" claim is bizarre. He's never under 6'5," even on a bad day.
Canson said on 14/Apr/18
@Dream: he looks 6’5” next to him for sure but not 6’6” and I can agree he isn’t under the 6’5” mark assuming Charlie is really 6’0” like he is listed. I’ve seen Charlie listed 6’1” too but that may be a shoe height rounded up. Haven’t seen enough of Charlie to tell how tall he actually is

Click Here
Dream(5'9.5") said on 27/Mar/18
He does look this next to Charlie Hunnam.
Canson said on 13/Mar/18
Looks a legit 6’5” guy maybe up to 196. His shoes give it away that he doesn’t “only wear flat shoes” like he claims. A thick shoe like the ones he has on above are what make him 6’6.5-6’7. Most people in Hollywood would claim their shoes tho so he is just in the majority. People underestimate how tall a strong 6’5 or even legit or weak 6’5 actually are. They’re well above average (99.5+%ile). He doesn’t look as tall as Carmelo Anthony Paul Pierce Baron Corbin or Bill Deblasio who are all near or slightly above the 6’6” mark in reality
Alan said on 23/Jan/18
Looks 6'6"
Jake T. said on 3/Jan/18
Maybe 196 or 197 cm for Theler, I don't think he is 198 cm
Canson said on 16/Dec/17
6’5” barefoot
6’6 plus with his shoes he has in the pic Rob posted

Click Here
Canson said on 18/Nov/17
Well said kevin
Kevin said on 14/Nov/17
6'5 tops...peak Howard Stern would edge this guy out easy. He's very tall but no giant. 6'6+ is gigantic people don't realize how tall a legit 6'6 actually is.
Canson said on 6/Nov/17
@Moe: and I’m not 5’6” nor do I get jealous of guys who are taller than me. You still mad because I don’t believe your boyfriend Thaler is 6’6”? And I lash out at you because you are a loser troll who wastes time and energy denigrating the opinions of others like Rampage said about you. I don’t give a crap what height he claims. The Rock “claims” 6’5 and there is plenty of evidence that he isn’t over 6’2-6’2.5. So there you go. And I have plenty to base my opinion off of. Theler claims he only wears flat shoes. If you see any pic of him he has huge heeled shoes on. So there goes that claim. And I don’t believe you didn’t get fired because if you are a sorry poster and person like you are here and act the way you do I really can’t see anyone hiring or wanting to have you work for them. Anyone who disagrees with you is “wrong”. That’s where this all started because I didn’t agree that your “boy” theler is really 6’6” just because he claimed it. The same way that you also claim Tim Robbins is “almost 6’6” when he’s shorter than Howard Stern and claimed 6’4.5. IF you are as bad with your job in show biz as you are with estimating height and with your people skills it makes perfect sense why you are an unemployed troll like you are. But it’s ok Moe. They have support groups for people like you who like to belittle people because they don’t agree with your bs
Israel_6.1 said on 4/Nov/17
Ele postou uma foto no Instagram sendo 6,6
moe said on 3/Nov/17
I'm talking about a sad little guy named Canson who is jealous of certain celebrities for being tall, and belittles them behind the safety of his labtop. And when posters pop his uninformed bubble he lashes out. That's what I'm talking about. And for the record, I've never been fired from any job in showbiz.
Canson said on 27/Oct/17
@Moe: yes what are you talking about?
moe said on 25/Oct/17
@Canson Huh? What are you talking about?
Canson said on 22/Oct/17
@Moe: yes serious job envy like you have since show biz fired you
moe said on 15/Oct/17
Canson is 5'6. Serious height envy lol
Canson said on 13/Oct/17
6’5” barefoot
6’6.5 in the shoes above
Canson said on 17/Sep/17
Taking his hair into account he's actually 198 in the mugshot not 199. His scalp actually goes to exactly 6'6". Assuming he has shoes on like most do and if this is accurate he isn't quite 6'6" barefoot

Click Here
moe said on 15/Aug/17
Another article about Derek being 6'6. Click Here
Canson said on 18/Jul/17
looks 6'5" 6'5.5 with his footwear is putting him at 6'7-.7.5 with the sole he doesn't look nearly as tall as Carmelo Anthony who was 6'7.5 in shoes
Deathstroke said on 10/Jul/17
He doesn't look a full 6'6", with shoes he is 6'6" for sure but 6'5.5" is most likely his evening height barefoot.
joe### said on 5/Jul/17
chris pratt brother identcal face
Canson said on 29/Jun/17
@SJH: his hair got him to 6'6.5. Maybe 6'5.25 but I'd say 6'5@ and that's also saying the mugshot was a low and not a morning height
S.J.H said on 29/Jun/17
Hard to say. I feel him 6'5.25 if he was 6'6.5 with the mugshot
Canson said on 16/Jun/17
Bobby3342 said it best. Everyone claims a shoe height in hollyoowd that's of course except for guys like Howard stern. Theler may have undercut it at 6'4" but 6'5" maybe weak 6'5" at worst but not over 6'5 def not 6'6". That's a shoe height to keep consistency with everyone else
Matthew Robinson said on 7/Jun/17
I have to agree with Canson on this one. 6'5" is fair enough for this guy. Maybe 6'5.25" at a push.
Canson-194CM (6'4 3/8) said on 29/Apr/17
@Shiva: again. Look at his claims. Yes anything is possible but you're taking in account his footwear above I hope along with the fact he claimed he only wears flat shoes along with the fact he has claimed 6'4 6'5 and 6'6.5 and almost 6'7. He doesn't have flats above. The 6'6.5 is likely in a high shoe (1.5"). I think Christian said it well below that most guys listed 6'6" on the site aren't. Even the most legit ones to our eyes are like Anthony Joshua and are 6'5.5 tops The real legit one as he mentioned here is Deblasio. He looks 197-198 lowest. Bobby3342 said it well too and bobby and I are about the same height 194cm and Christian an inch taller 196.5 easier to tell at this size how a real 6'5" or 6'6" would look. Theler doesn't look as tall as Anthony Joshua to me or even close to Deblasio or Carmelo Anthony in height. The latter I've seen in person and he's around 201.5-202cm in dress shoes as I was about 197 in mine. Yea theler at 196 cm would make him 199 in a regular dress shoe. 195-195.5 near a solid 6'5 in a higher padded shoe can still put him at 199.
shiva 181 cms said on 29/Apr/17
@canson ,he could be somewhere b/w 6'5 and 6'6 I'd definitely rule out less than 6'5 ,also over 6'6.75 (as he claimed legit 6'6.5 and generally looks an inch shorter like 6'5.5 ) I'd stick to 197cms
Canson said on 25/Apr/17
@Shiva: a 6'6" guy typically won't hit his head unless in higher footwear but of course the degree of 6'6" matters if they're strong they'd be 6'7" out of bed and likely in a regular 1" shoe would do that. A 197cm guy like Rick Fox who is around 6'5.5 is less likely at his lowest because he'd probably not even clear 6'7" unless in shoes like theler has on above. Bobby3342 said below very well in a higher shoe a 6'6" guy could conceveiably be 6'8". I met Carmelo Anthony in person and he's a strong 6'6" no lower than maybe 198.5cm and he in dress shoes when I met him was easily 202cm. Under a regular doorways he'd be a near miss even in a 1.2" dress shoe. Out of bed I'm about 6'5 1/8 and about 194cm afternoon (193.9 evening). I myself at 194cm-195cm like Bobby is during the day would be 197 in dress shoes. And close to 6'6" in some shoes still even at our afternoon heights. Yes if you look at Theler he doesn't look more than 6'5" range more 195-196 like stern would not as tall as Anthony or even Fox
Canson said on 25/Apr/17
@Bobby: correct well about 194 at my lowest but you're correct. We're the same height average of about 6'4.5. Theler may be a legit 6'5" at his lowest but don't see him anymore than that
Canson said on 16/Apr/17
Looking at him as opposed to Rick Fox he looks shorter imho. Looks more current Howard sterns height of 6'5"
Canson said on 8/Apr/17
@Shiva: and that's what sparks debate those shoes above are pretty high. I can believe he's 6'6.5 in them meaning 6'5 barefoot. Remember he said he's only wearing flats in the video posted below. He never said 6'6.75 he said almost 6'7. He also said 6'6.5. I Might have had him low at 194/195 but 195/196 is what he looks honestly. Meaning he could be 6'6" out of bed or near it. People typically underestimate how tall a proper or strong 6'5 (6'4.75-6'5.25) looks. Christian said it well below the slew of guys claiming 6'6" like Rory McCain and even those who are listed at it here like AJ Rick Fox etc are probably over 6'6" out of bed but walk around at 6'5.5 more likely.
shiva 181 cms said on 8/Apr/17
Guys he's claimed 6'6.75 as his true height we don't know how he's measured with or without shoe ,but it's hard to see he's 6'6.75 without shoe ,assuming under most probable case he's measured with an inch or some change shoe at his low may be not at his lowest ( its hard to imagine he measured 6'6.75 out of bed with shoe ) he's 6'5.75 may be at his lowest 6'53/8 that could be his lowest
Canson said on 7/Apr/17
Christian well said! But joshua may be weak 6'6" tho as maybe Rick Fox both are maybe 6'5.5. Theler it wouldn't surprise me tho if he is your height 6'5.25 or even 6'5" flat. I'd like to see him in a normal pair of shoes not the ones he has on above and claims "he always wears flat shoes". Spencer Wilding not sure about. A true 6'6" I agree can be Deblasio or Carmelo Anthony if he were listed. I've met him and he for sure is at minimum 6'6 maybe 1/8" or so over as he's close to his draft height
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 6/Apr/17
I can assure you he's not 6ft6 during noon let alone at night. I've noticed that a lot of guys listed on Celebheights as 6ft6 aren't true 6ft6'ers. Like Derek Theler, Anthony Joshua, Rick Fox, Charles Kelley, Spencer Wilding, and I could go on and on. Bill De Blasio on the other hand, may be legit 6ft6 at his lowest and doesn't fall anything under 197cm worst case.
shiva 181 cms said on 6/Apr/17
He does look as tall as 6'6, I know how tall a legit 6'5 looks one of my college friend is 6'5 tall every body thinks he's 6'7-8 I've guessed him as a 6'5-6'6 range guy but when he's measured he's about 196cms a legit 6'5 er he does tower he's head over shoulders above almost every one
Canson said on 25/Mar/17
A lot of people don't realize how tall a true 6'5" or strong 6'5" really is. Even more so a legit 6'6" guy. That's talking about someone like bill deblasio or Carmelo Anthony
Canson said on 22/Mar/17
@Shiva: His shoes are more than 1". We could argue 6'6" out of bed 6'5.25 at night which makes him close to 6'7" in a shoe that adds 1.25/1.5" like above
shiva182cms said on 21/Mar/17
He's at least 6'5.5 if we assume he measured with a shoe as he said he's legit 6'6.5 closer to 6'7 I don't even think there's a point in lying about 1/2" at his height
Canson said on 20/Mar/17
@Shiva: he also doesn't look much taller than Barkley if at all next to The Rock. Barkley is 6'4.5. One of my best friends has met him more than once and said he's about as tall as I am (I'm actually 6'4 1/3) but he said he's 1.5" taller than he was
Canson said on 20/Mar/17
@Shiva: I think you misunderstood what I was saying. In his footwear if he's 6'6 barefoot he'd be 6'7.5-6'8. The sole on his shoes in the pic rob has above are a good 4cm. No a normal 6'6" wouldn't if they are in a normal shoe they'd be 6'6.5-6'7. But I said look at scenes where he is walking out of doorways he looks 6'5" like you mentioned. Watt is 6'5 3/8 draft height so likely walks around at a full 196cm or 6'5.25 max since the draft is earlier in the day. Yea Theler could be his height agreed. But Gronk's? Gronk is an inch taller as far as measurements go he was 6'6.25. I doubt there're even looks close to his height
shiva 181 cms said on 19/Mar/17
Canson said on 18/Mar/17

I don't see how a 6'6 could hit his head to doorways and 6'5.5 guy couldn't, and also doorways aren't measured and are not same for every house

A guy like Howard stern who's very thin would easily appear taller than a muscular guy like Derek theler,
Peter Hermann is also slimmer than Derek theler

Look at a guy like jj watt or Rob gronkowski Derek is very close to them both in weight and height
shiva 181 cms said on 19/Mar/17
Here he's with Blake Shelton I'd say he's at least 197 more possibly 198-199 range
Click Here
Canson said on 19/Mar/17
@Joe: I agree Wlad is def 6'5-6'5.25 and Theler could be his size but I doubt he's taller. I'd still say 195cm range maybe full 6'5".
joe### said on 18/Mar/17
yes, i remember wladimir lookind about same height fury, This was funny because fury looks over 2 hinches before. but next to theler He is sometimes big shoes but different case is a elizabeth debicki about barrefoot in movie even so look taller and same range Tom Hiddleston and hugh laurie
next site Audley harrison strong 6´5 or strong 196cm
Canson said on 18/Mar/17
@Joe: I guess we will never truly know so all we can do is speculate and guess. In my honest opinion comparing pictures of Theler with guys who "self proclaim a height" is hardly a way to tell how tall he really is. I'd have maybe bought 6'6" had I not seen the footwear and heard him say he only wears flat shoes in his video below. He clearly wears shoes with a heel and could be 4cm like Unsub 5'10 said. My honest opinion is he isn't as tall as Metta World Peace or Rick Fox both of those guys are 196-197 guys both have admitted as such. Most guys in Hollywood claim their shoe heights which Theler I can completely buy being 6'6 and change in a 4cm sole or even a 3cm sole and being a 6'5" barefoot guy tho which is grossly underestimated for how it looks. Look at a guy like Howard Stern or Peter Hermann both of whom are legit 6'5" guys. That is how a legit or strong 6'5 (6'5-6'5.25) guy looks in real life. I wake up to 6'5" myself (195.8cm) before dropping to 193.9 at night and I've put on steeled toe boots in the morning and been well over 6'6" closer to 6'7". To put it plainly if Theler were really 6'6 1/2 or even just 6'6 flat barefoot he would be anywhere from 6'7.5-6'8 in the footwear he has on above like Bobby3342 mentioned below. And like Unsub 5'10" mentioned below, he would be hitting his head on doorways if he were that tall and he clearly doesn't as he has room to spare (noticeably) under doorways in the TV show. And they aren't much larger than a normal doorway if even at all.
moe said on 17/Mar/17
Joel McHale with Conan
Joel McHale with Stephen Fry (who has claimed anything between 6'4 1/2 and 6'5, but I don't believe is 6'5).
Joel McHale with Zachary Levi.
Joel McHale with Chevy Chase.
Joel McHale with Ansel Elgort who is more like 6'2 and change but claims 6'4.
And lastly...that Derek Theler pic one more time.
Canson said on 17/Mar/17
@Joe: again it's possible but you always have to look at footwear. Look at the pic with he and the Rock he doesn't look much different than Barkley looks with him maybe 1/2" because that's hard to tell but Barkley isn't even 6'5" most say he's 6'4 range that have met him like 6'4.5. And it's not one person it's several including teammates and coaches. But Theler may be taller. Looking at his footwear above in the pic Rob posted it appears he wears high footwear but it may be true what you said because a guy who is 6'5.25/6'5.5 is the height that he said in that video of 6'6.5-6'7. Those shoes have to be at least 1.5" if not more. Looking at his mugshot he was like 198 or 199 (tough to tell because of his hair) but if that's in shoes he's likely 196 range like you mentioned 6'5-6'5.25 is more likely than 6'5.5. That's still very tall any way you put it.
joe### said on 17/Mar/17
6´5.25 or 6´5.5 my guinness in barefoot
Canson said on 16/Mar/17
@Joe: I've never met him. He could be but to me (looking at his shoes and choic in footwear) it's debatable. Maybe he is really 6'6 but my opinion is he isn't quite. I agree more with SHH when he said 199 with shoes and 196 without hair. I never use comparisons to others unless I know reliably how tall the other person is
joe### said on 15/Mar/17
moe´s picks looks over 6´5
moe said on 14/Mar/17
Derek Theler next to Joel Mchale....
Editor Rob
certainly another instance of Mchale struggling to look near his claim.
Unsub 5'10 said on 12/Mar/17
I noticed that when he walks through the apartment door he would at least need to be 3cm taller to reach the door frame. What's the height of a door frame?, 6'7, 6'8",?,... He looks more like 6'5-6'5.25 to me. It's also true he usually wears a thick footwear, virtually a 4- centimeter sole.
Canson said on 8/Mar/17
To be honest he can pull off 6'6" because he wears high footwear. If he hadn't come on TV and said he only wears flat shoes in the post below I may have bought it but above he clearly doesn't have flats on and looks around 6'6 in those shoes maybe a hair over. If he's. It as low as 194-195 like Bobby and I had he isn't over maybe 196 or more specifically 195.5 possibly
Canson said on 4/Mar/17
@Joe: doubt he's that tall. 6'5" tops
divincodino92 said on 21/Feb/17
Jean Luc Bilodeau about 5 feet 7, 7.5 while Derek 5 feet4.5 in my opinion
c-mo said on 8/Feb/17
actually Jean Luc Bilodeau seems more like 173-174cm even rather than 175cm
c-mo said on 6/Feb/17
this guy pulls the height off extremely well . looks really good on him

@Rob how tall do you think Jean-Luc Bilodeau is ? can you list him please ? he is listed as 178cm on the web but not sure if he is really that tall ...looks more like 175cm or something
joe### said on 3/Feb/17
The footwear that comes wearing very similar to those of Brad Pitty
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 26/Jan/17
S.J.H said on 25/Jan/17
Theler is def at least 2cm taller than joe manganiello. I wonder if the 199 cm mugshot came with footwear. I don't think he is under 196cm and most likely 6'5.5


Police Mugshots are typically taken with the suspect's shoes on, and if he was 199cm with shoes, then that means he's 196.5cm barefoot, which is 6ft5 3/8.
S.J.H said on 25/Jan/17
Theler is def at least 2cm taller than joe manganiello. I wonder if the 199 cm mugshot came with footwear. I don't think he is under 196cm and most likely 6'5.5
Canson said on 6/Jan/17
I agree Berta some kind of 6'5" for him. Whether very weak weak solid strong he's within 1/2" of it
berta said on 6/Jan/17
this guy is a hard one. to me he can be anywhere from 195-198,5. i just pick a number, lets say 197
Canson said on 8/Dec/16
Sure Moe right after you show me a pic with you having met Theler and Tim Robbins Chris Odonell and Tom Welling. I don't believe you've met any of them or worked in show business. Whether you believe I'm 194 or not I can honestly care less
Canson said on 6/Dec/16
@Moe: I can care less if you believe me on how tall I am. I mean I have no reason to lie about it and don't see why I would when I've consistently said it across this site. You're only "saying" this because I don't agree with you. You're being childish about this in your miserable lonely childish life. But you can do us a favor. Go ahead and post a picture of you "actually" working in the Show Biz industry and "actually" meeting Theler. Oh and don't forget to let us see his footwear that he is wearing. I can see if the former is a problem because A you never worked there or B when the people who took the "necessary" step to rid the "impurity" from the organization probably didn't let you take them. What a shame!
moe said on 3/Dec/16
@Canson "post a pic" if you're 194. Otherwise I don't believe you
Canson said on 30/Nov/16
@Moe: number one get your facts straight. I claim 194 flat which is my lowest. Like Bobby said you already knew that. Two Peyton was measured 6'5.25 at his pre draft. They take place earlier in the day. Number three watch a Papa Johns commercial. JJ Watt measured 6'5 3/8 and is clearly at least a cm taller than Peyton. JJ is 196 himself at his lowest as again the combine takes place in the morning. Looking at pictures with Kobe Bryant he looks his height of 195cm but I don't doubt he was a strong 196 early in his career. He has had 4 neck surefeeirs done so not uncommon with that and the abuse on his body to succumb to height loss.

Everything out of your mouth is "a guy at Tim Robbins club was 6'5 and Robbins was taller. Joe manganiello is 6'5 and Manning is taller." No Moe. Sorry but it doesn't work that way. Just because someone claims a height doesn't mean it's gospel. Manning was reliably measured at 6'5.25 so he isn't more than that even peak. Tim Robbins has said he's 6'4.5 and 6'5 both so my guess is peak he was a weak 6'5 like Bobby and I are. Manganiello was standing right next to Heyward when he was drafted and measured 6'4 5/8 and were identical so quit upgrading him. Unfortunately you take a "6'5" self proclaimed person's claim. That person may be 6'3 for all we know. Yes people do lie about their height all the time and they claim their shoes which is an extension of lying as well because they aren't part of their body. A real 6'5 that's Howard Stern peter Hermann maybe Theler. I only can't tell if he's full 6'5 because of his footwear. So Bobby and I don't assume someone is a certain height just because they say they are and automatically bell curve everyone else around that person's claim like you do. And btw enough of the Bobby is 5'7 and Canson is 5'6". You are acting very childish for no reason and being highly disrespectful all because someone doesn't agree with you. You were like that with Andrea and Joe as well. So quit attacking Bobby and me because we do not agree with you. We aren't doing that to you. Why do you want so badly for Theler to be 6'6"? Bobby and I can honestly care less if he is or isn't. If he is more power to him. I honestly wouldn't envy that height myself because I wouldn't want to be any taller than I am. I'm happy with the way I was made. It's just that we don't believe he is based on looks. It's much easier for a guy who is 6'4-6'5 to tell how tall someone our own height or near our height is than someone nowhere in the ball park. So we are merely giving our opinion and it isn't consistent with yours which is fine. But we are doing so respectfully. You on the other hand are not. I think now this whole entire community can see why you are no longer employed in show business because of your condescending attitude and know it all beligerent personality. Always putting others down and making snide remarks because their views are different than yours. You are clearly immature. And Going forward, please do not address me in or use my name in any more of your posts if you're going to attack me or put me down. I'm trying hard not to do it here myself anymore either to others so I'd appreciate it if you do the same. Thank You.
moe said on 28/Nov/16
The link with Joe and Brandon Molale no longer works, so here's a better link.
moe said on 27/Nov/16
Peyton Manning is 6'5 1/2. Here he is with Joe Manganiello. He's a fraction taller. Click Here
Here's Joe with 6'4 Brandon Molale Click Here
Here's Brandon with 6'5 Kevin Porter Click Here
Here's Kevin Porter's instagram where he discusses his height all the time. Click Here
And here's Kevin with Derek Theler. Click Here
Here's another with Kevin and Derek Click Here

Not to mention every single cast member on Baby Daddy describe Derek as 6'6, and he has said he's 6ft6 in three different interviews. No longer a debate.

And @Bobby- What proof is there that Canson is a 195 guy? He writes like 5'6
Canson said on 17/Nov/16
Theler has as much difference with Elway as Peyton manning does. And manning is looking more 195 these days than 196. At most, Bobby is correct Theler is 6'5 flat. At worst 195 cm. No way he is 6'6" barefoot. That'd be a completely different level and he doesn't give that vibe or look
moe said on 7/Nov/16

You're 5'7"
moe said on 25/Oct/16
@BOBBYH3342 I'd love to take your money. Theler next to 6'3 Elway.
josh jeffords said on 14/Oct/16
Wow that is a tall dude and yes good looking..
I know lots of girls who dont like super huge dudes so dont all of us get jealous at once.
He looks over 6 4 but does tend to wear boots so no telling.
Thats funny he must be like the second tallest guy from Alaska we are short up here, hell im 5 8 and tower lots of guys :>.
moe said on 6/Oct/16 -Brandon Molale next to 6'5 Joe Manganiello. - Brandon Molale next to 6'5 Kevin Porter (Brandon has a little extra footwear advantage in this pic). - Kevin Porter next to Derek Theler.

As we can see...Derek is taller than two inches than Kevin who is slightly taller than Brandon, who is pretty close to 6'5 Joe. Derek is 6'6.
moe said on 6/Oct/16 Molale next to 6'5 Joe Manganiello. - Brandon Molale next to 6'5 Kevin Porter (Brandon has a little extra footwear advantage in this pic). Kevin Porter next to Derek Theler.

As we can see...Derek is taller than two inches than Kevin who is slightly taller than Brandon, who is pretty close to 6'5 Joe. Derek is 6'6.
CNROM89 said on 4/Oct/16

Dwayne is 6'2,5 nowadays and ı dont'see 4 inches diffrence between them. 3 inches max and Derek Theler is solid 6'5 guy.
moe said on 2/Oct/16
Derek standing next to the Rock.

Click Here
James said on 2/Oct/16
Derek standing with dwayne Johnson Click Here
joe### said on 16/Sep/16
Derek Theler same time Ali Baba had rented under 6'6 on a bad day
I doubt very much that it looks the same height Ali baba
Josh said on 12/Sep/16
One thing is for sure he is not under 6'5. I have yet to see anyone tower over him. He makes legit 6'4 guys look small. This listing is fair for him.
James said on 10/Sep/16
How much do you think this guy weighs Rob? 240 maybe?
Editor Rob
230-240 zone is possible for him.
Canson said on 2/Sep/16
@S.J.H:agreed. I can't see 6'6 barefoot as a low but agree when you say 6'5. I'd say at worst (accounting for hair) he's a weak 6'5 that maybe sees it for most of the day
joe### said on 27/Aug/16
I agree
S.J.H said on 24/Aug/16
Seriously he can't be under 6'5 and he atually look more 196cm or 6'5.5
Canson said on 21/Aug/16
@Joe: wouldn't surprise me if they're equal or he's shorter than Wlad. Wlad's a strong 6'5.
joe### said on 7/Aug/16
I'm sorry Rob but I doubt very much he looked 2cm more than Vladimir
Matt said on 19/Jul/16
I don't know how tall he is, but he towers every single person he's on screen with. I have yet to see another actor taller than him. He's also insanely good-looking and pretty decent at acting. Only in Hollywood, the Land of Dwarves, he would be struggling to get a lead based on his height. He should literally have roles served on a silver plater.
Canson said on 11/Jul/16
@CNROM89: I can buy him being 197-198!out of bed possibly and then dropping to 195-196 at the end
CNROM89 said on 8/Jul/16
Rob, maybe 198 cm his morning height and maybe he needs some downgrade? Legit 6'5 guy i think.
moe said on 26/May/16
Wow, my comment really got messed up. I don't know if it was a glitch, or editing. Anyway, I've posted enough information about Theler's height. People with sense, will see the photos I have of him looking taller than a 6'5 actor, and towering over two 6'2 actors. Or just watch Shark Killer where he dwarfs Arnold Vosloo. I'm out.
Canson said on 25/May/16
Moe you are saying everything about Bobby and me that you should be about yourself. You're the epitome of ignorant. And you're arrogant and a know it all. U get argumentative when someone doesn't agree with what you "perceive" to be truth. I wonder why you no longer work in the business
Canson said on 25/May/16
Emphasis on "former". Hmm wonder why?
moe said on 25/May/16
"Wish I was wrong moe, but unfortunately Canson and myself are rarely incorrect."

What a stupid comment. Try to removing your head out of your butt once in a while. It's surreal watch authority about ping you guys cling to your shoddy beliefs, and trying to speak with such authority on the heights of people you've never met, regardless of the wealth of evidence to the contrary. You're the epitome of ignorance.
moe said on 23/May/16
Tim Robbins is over 6'5. You're wrong. And Derek and Cedric have the same footwear. You guys are just short losers.
Lee said on 20/May/16
If he is 6'6" then tahj is 5'6" easy there's Max a foot between them
spainmen191cm said on 19/May/16
In my opinion the previous listing of 6ft5 was better, I mean I cant imagine 198cm, for this guy but I would argue he is 196, he doesnt give the impression of a 6ft6 giant
Canson said on 16/May/16
@Moe: I can't tell what you are inferring about MWP's height whether youre saying he's 6'5 or 6'7. But World Peace out of his own mouth said 6'5 1/2. Reggie Miller said he is 6'5-6'6 just like he is too. Miller is maybe taller than him by a hair too. Also you have Tim Robbins as "over 6'5". He's 6'4. He's shorter than Howard Stern is who is a legit 6'5. I'm 6'4 1/2 just like Bobby is and he is right, we do get guessed at 6'6 sometimes even 6'7 very often just because if others lie and screw up the perspective or are far away in height it makes it hard to tell.
moe said on 14/May/16
I don't speak for those people. But then again, unlike the people you mentioned, I can tell the difference between 6'5 and 6'7. I've never met Carmelo Anthony, so I have seen Ron Artest/Meta World Peace or whatever he's calling himself now, and Ron is huge. Jared Padalecki struck me as over 6'4 1/2 when he walked right by me at Comi-Con. Theler is 6'6. Easily. Just look at the picture of him next to Cedric Yarbrough.
moe said on 6/May/16
@Canson...Nobody cares about your height.
Canson said on 4/May/16
@Robv: in reference to your post a while back, count me as one of the "taller" guys who likes and is content with his height. No desire to pad the numbers as it does absolutely nothing for me and don't see what it does for anyone to "want" and "claim" or overstate a height other than what they really are
moe said on 3/Apr/16
Derek Theler next to 6'2 Cedric Yarbrough. Click Here Click Here
And here is Cedric next to the Rock. Click Here
S.J.H said on 2/Apr/16
The mugshot for Derek had sticking body to the wall which is accurate at 6'6.5 but the myth is that was he barefeet or with sneaker/boots/dress shoes?
I come a conclusion that he's a real 6'5.25 at least by lowest and also could be 6'6 listed by rob
Canson said on 1/Apr/16
Derek is being a good man claiming his shoes so he won't show up other celebs.thats what it is. That's the Hollywood way. Of course if that were Bobby or me, we'd have to flip the bird lol. i commend Howard Stern and others who don't bs and claim to be more just appease others lol
joe @@ said on 31/Mar/16
routh not look 6´3
Your link does not open
moe said on 25/Mar/16
Joe, you're delirious. I present facts. You present idiocy. You spout the same crap again and again, when I post links where the people state their heights and others acknowledge it. I'm done talking about this with you (specifically). You never met these people. I've met them and talked to a bunch of them. I worked background for years for a lot of these guys. What a twit.
joe### said on 21/Mar/16
you are fanboy these guys
joe### said on 11/Mar/16
routh not seem 6'3 with Rob
moe said on 7/Mar/16
Here's Brandon Routh and Jason Momoa when Jason isn't wearing a hat. Jason tends to wear cowboy boots in a lot of pics plus the hat which can make it harder to determine the actual height difference. As you can see in this pic, the height difference aint that big. Sure, I think Jason is probably a little taller. But Brandon is 6'3. Click Here
moe said on 5/Mar/16
bobbyh3342, how much is your life savings? I need to figure out if I'm going to the Bahamas, or to the dollar store.
joe @@ said on 4/Mar/16
As you put a 6'3 listing for Routh if it is clearly shorter than Jason Momoa that seems to be 6'3.5
Routh seems to be solid 6'2.5 with Rob
joe### said on 2/Mar/16
look at an example Daniel Cudmore listing in Claim your friend 6'8 and then 6'7 more in fact seems to be 6'6 flat
moe said on 1/Mar/16
Jonathan Bennett is not 6'2.
joe### said on 27/Feb/16
Tom look with Jonathan Bennett listed 6'2 tone is clearly higher
moe said on 23/Feb/16
I guess Rob didn't post my last comment. Anyway Joe, I provided two separate interviews with Derek's height being stated as 6'6, links to Derek's cast members saying he was 6'6, an interview where a reporter mentions that her brother is 6'5, but that Derek seems "much bigger", a picture of Derek standing next to a 6'5 actor and clearly being taller, and all you've got are your "feelings". And by the way, I actually saw Tom. You didn't. And it was when he wasn't looking to have his picture taken, or be on a set, or whatever. So he wasn't wearing his giant Smallville boots, like he is in this picture Click Here When normal, he's only slightly taller than Callum Blue who is 6'1 Click Here Take a good look. With 6'2 Michael Daingerfield Click Here Take into account that Michael is bald and Tom has a lot of hair on his head. Not much difference. There is a lot of credibility to Tom being in the 6'2 range. He didn't seem as tall in person as Brandon Routh who I have seen three times (I live in Hollywood and used to do a lot of background on sets).
joe### said on 22/Feb/16
6´6.5 impossible
S.J.H said on 20/Feb/16
Hes either 196cm or 199cm barfoot. The mugshot did not show his feet.
joe### said on 12/Feb/16
moe,do not take your arguments seriously Tom welling in 6'2 is impossible
moe said on 9/Feb/16
Joe, your arguments only prove that you're jealous or something. It's not longer up for debate. Get over it.
joe### said on 6/Feb/16
Mugshots/celebrity/sports/charles-barkley-91" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Click Here
Click Here
joe### said on 2/Feb/16
I'll go with 196 cm or 197 cm weak
joe### said on 2/Feb/16
rob,andrea on the video at the end jared he does not seem to look 6'6
joe### said on 2/Feb/16
rob,andrea on the video at the end apre jared he does not seem to look 6'6
moe said on 27/Jan/16
Here they talk about Derek Theler being near 6'7. Boo yah. Click Here
joe## said on 12/Jan/16
Routh not look 6´3 with Momoa
Andrea said on 11/Jan/16
You can say what you want, moe! I have NOT met Tom in person, but having looked at him with many people that Rob HAS met, I am 100% sure he's over 6'2 and near enough 6'3! If he were 6'2, many people on here would need a "drastic" downgrade (and some already do) :)
moe said on 10/Jan/16
@Andrea, I stand by my statement with Tom Welling. Brandon Routh was taller in person. Padalecki is definitely taller than Tom in person by at least a couple inches. And Theler trumps them all.
shiva said on 10/Jan/16
I'm really really jealous of this guy what! he has the perfect height , perfect abs , rugged handsome look and a strong Lower jaw he has everything that a man wants to be I've never seen a guy as perfect as him no offense though talking about height he gives me the impression of a legit 6'6 guy I would be great having a photo of him and cudmore together
Canson said on 7/Jan/16
Moe, I respect your opinion and "feeling", as well, as you said to have met him before. and maybe somehow he is 6'6 barefoot and like Bobby said 6'8 in boots or even more. Who knows? Guess anything is possible. I never met him. That's exactly why I have to go off my "feelings". My feeling is he is 194 195 tops barefoot. that also seems to be the trend in Hollywood where everything is shoe height. Also becoming that way in the world. I can't think of very many celebs listed here, at least more modern ones, who are truly listed barefoot. Some of the ones Rob has met in person are prob close however. He also has a good 2" of footwear on here. He may have had them on when you saw him and not noticed it. I have similar soled shoes that give me nearly 2". The sole is huge. I can't count how many times I was guessed as being 6'6 or even 6'7 when I am actually 6'4 1/2 late afternoon. People make mistakes or different judgments with height assessments from time to time esp if a big difference from their own height. You made one with Tom where maybe he is 6'2 but others don't agree. Again, who knows?? However some of your other assessments I agree with esp Padelecki as I'd def give him 6'4.
joe### said on 7/Jan/16
billing similar height to the Charles Barkley measured in footwear
Andrea said on 6/Jan/16
moe, no offence, but you already loose credibility when you say Tom is 6'2, when he is CLEARLY than 6'2 range guys!
I can believe he's 6'6.5 in shoes, maybe the kind he's wearing in the picture...
Barefoot he probably is somewhere in 6'5 range...
moe said on 4/Jan/16

I met him. I used to work background in Hollywood. It's amusing how everyone else is basing their opinions on their "feelings". I based my opinion off actually meeting him on a set. And for that matter, I've seen Jared Padalecki (6'4 and some change), Kevin Sorbo (6'3 and a 1/2), Tim Robbins (6'5), Tom Welling (6'2), Adam Baldwin (6'4), Ryan McPartlin (6'4 and 1/2), Zachary Levi (6'3) and Brandon Routh (6'3) either at Comi Con or on sets. And Theler is taller in person then all of them. You can go by your feelings if you want to. But you're wrong.
bobby3342 said on 31/Dec/15
85 percent of people claim shoe height I work with a bunch of 6 '3 guys that claim 6'5 sure people claim boot heights all the time. if derek was actually a bf 6'6 he would be claimg 6'8
Canson said on 26/Dec/15

I have a hard time believing this guy is a legit 6'6. The more i see pics here the more he looks wha Bobby said 194-195. 196 is the absolute most but he looks 6'4 and change. Not to mention in the pic posted above, he has an inch and a half-2" of footwear on. Look at the soles.
moe said on 21/Dec/15
That was Jared in the clip. There is another clip here. Click Here I saw Jared up close at Comi-Con and he was definitely over 6'4 1/2. But Timberlands or no Timberlands, Derek is over an inch taller than Jared. Derek is 6'6 in his bare feet. He wouldn't be calling himself a "legit 6'6 and a half" if he was only that way wearing big boots. Cause that would be...not legit.
Andrea said on 17/Dec/15
Rob, is the guy in the clip (towards the end) Jared Padalecki? Click Here
It's pretty much impossible to say how much is the difference but it seems that Derek is taller than him... Even if Derek has got Timberlands shoes, which probably give him about an inch advantage over Jared, who seems to be wearing thin shoes!
I believe he might measure 6'5-6'5.5 barefoot and that 6'6.5 claim comes from a shoe measurement!
Editor Rob
yeah it could be him.
bobby3342 said on 21/Nov/15
You're wrong.
bobby3342 said on 16/Nov/15
194 195 cm barefoot range
joe @@ said on 2/Nov/15
it also dominates matt Dallas ta very close to 6'6
shiva said on 1/Nov/15
Rob how many cms can he shrink during the day
Editor Rob
the longer the spine the more chance of being 1 inch or more range...
shiva said on 1/Nov/15
He's a very tall guy probably 6 and half feet i would he towers over 6 foot charlie hunnam it would be very intresting to see him with daniel cudmore
movieguy said on 1/Nov/15
Just watched Baby Daddy for first time and have to admit the guy looked huge. His 6'6'' claim is probably genuine. Downgraded his height on resume probably to avoid getting passed over for parts before becoming famous.
Unsub 5'10" said on 10/Sep/15
is he barefoot in the picture posted by Rob?. Don't let Derek's hair fool you. Looks more like 6'5 to me. I will believe he's 6'6 when I see a photo of him and 5'8.5" Rob together.
Matthew190 said on 29/Aug/15
You can't see the footwear, but even in heels there should be a much bigger difference than this: Click Here Rob has her at 5'4.25".
Rebecca said on 25/Aug/15
He looks like 200cm to me his tall and hot wat not to like....
Andrea said on 19/Aug/15
moe, in that pic with Charlie he can look over 6'5 and close to 6'6... He could be 6'5-6'6 and measured 6'6.5 in shoes... Also, it's funny that he says that he says that a lot of actors today are very short, when it really seems the opposite if you see this site! It seems there's more chance an actor is over 6' than under it!
Arch Stanton said on 18/Aug/15
Wow, 6 ft 6? Didn't see that one coming. Don't know him but in photographs I still can't see it! He does look like your stereotypical American jock, but You'd guess 6'4 or 6'5 rather than 6'6!
joe said on 18/Aug/15
looks 197 cm
moe said on 17/Aug/15
It's already been established that Derek understates his height. I already showed the picture with him next to 6'5 Kevin Porter. Here is Kevin next to 6'4 Brandon Molale.

Click Here

And here is Kevin next to Derek.
Click Here

Here is Derek next to 6-6'1 Charlie Hunnam.
Click Here

Plus, the actual interview where Derek admits to being 6'6.5. In the picture with Kevin, he looks close to 6'7.
Matthew190 said on 17/Aug/15
"You’re a pretty tall guy, coming in at 6’4″ – 6’5.” Click Here hmm
moe said on 16/Aug/15
I already said I met the guy. You're not wanting him to be 6'6 doesn't change anything.He's taller than Padalecki.
MD said on 16/Aug/15
He's clearly 6'6". He's definitely at that height in acting where it as actually helpful to lie in the downward direction.
Matthew190 said on 16/Aug/15
Possible elevator shoes: Click Here
Andrea said on 14/Aug/15
Well, moe, it is quite "relative" what other people say about his height! Especially a guy like that who is a lot shorter than him... I don't know, maybe we should wait he becomes "more famous" and see if he really is near 6'6! With Aisha he doesn't look 6'6, for example...
Andrea said on 12/Aug/15
Well, you can see the same Aisha with Jared Padalecki: Click Here
Of course the footwear is still unknown...
There are other photos with Jared (and Jensen) out there and it's hard to believe that Aisha is as tall as listed... And, even if she were that tall, that's still not a 5'11.5 woman next to a 6'6 guy!
My 6'6 friend looks noticeably taller than that next to 5'11.5 people :)
MD said on 12/Aug/15
Nice find, Rob. Very tall guy, nonetheless.
Andrea said on 11/Aug/15
Is he barefoot, there? If yes, he can look 6'6 there but as you know photos like these aren't much reliable! It would be interesting to see next to some "more famous" people or people you've met because i had a quick look at him and there are just a few photos out there with guys i've never heard or seen... He looks quite tall but it's hard to imagine him as tall as my solid 6'6 friend, just at looking at him or "his proportions", like Big Arch would say :)
Editor Rob
there's not many out there I can see, but With Aisha (footwear unknown) he does have a decent amount on her.
Editor Rob said on 11/Aug/15
This might be were he got told he's 6ft 6.5 as he can appear at beside the chart:
Click Here
Maybe 6ft 6 is ok for him
Andrea said on 9/Aug/15
Lol, is this another Jim Beaver or Jake Gyllenhaal? I mean, Rob first says he looks near 6'5, then this guy comes out with 1.5 inches more and he suddenly grows on Celebheights... Of course now, if you asks him how tall he looks he's gonna say "after having another look i think he might be near his claim", right, Rob? :)
And this time, we're talking about 1.5 inches!!! Not a cm! In any case, i have seen nothing of this guy but i doubt he'd claim 6'5 and then 6'6.5! It sounds like he might have measured his height in boots (like those you see in the picture above) and went with it! Like that guy from Sons of Anarchy (can't remember his name) who claimed an outrageous 6'5.5 on Twitter!
Editor Rob
maybe he measured a legit 6ft 6.5 earlier in the day.
moe said on 7/Aug/15
Here Derek says he is "6'6 and a half" which totally makes sense. In person he is a very tall man, easily bigger than Jared Padalecki who I saw up close at ComiCon.
Click Here
bobby h3342 said on 29/Apr/15
rob why do you think this guy is 6 5 barefoot? have you seen him in person?
Editor Rob
never seen him, but if you look at him with others I think he looks a 6ft 5 guy.
b-mint1994 said on 2/Apr/15
Boy did he hit the genetic lottery.
Josh said on 5/Mar/15
He is definitely 6'5 and maybe a little more. This guy is tall.
moe said on 31/Jan/15
I saw Derek Theler while doing audience work for Baby Daddy. He is more than 6'5. He could pass for 6'6.
Samantha said on 21/Dec/14
I think Derek is really handsome, but part of that is the character he plays on Baby Daddy. He's such a lovable giant, kinda goofy, but the kind of guy who was in love with his neighbor way even back when she was overweight. The reason I bring it up is because someone below wrote they don't know the kind of character he plays on tv. Also, between tall and lanky and short and stocky, I'd take tall and lanky any day! But Derek doesn't really qualify as lanky...

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.