How tall is Dolph Lundgren

Dolph Lundgren's Height

6ft 2 ½ (189.2 cm)

Peak height was 6ft 4 ¼ (193.7 cm)
Swedish actor, best known for roles in films such as Rocky 4, Showdown in Little Tokyo, Masters of the Universe, Aquaman, Red Scorpion, Dark Angel and The Expendables. In Impact magazine, he revealed early in his career, his towering stature caused him some problems, saying he "Was turned down at my first audition for Rocky 4 for being too tall. I was 6ft 5in and you were supposed to be 6ft 3in maximum. I didn't know what the casting call was for and I just showed up, they asked me how tall I was, I said 6ft 5in and they said "Next!". In the Mid 1980's he also said "I'm about 195cm" and "6ft5 and a half", although more recently on tv4's website, it mentioned: "Du är 198 cm lĺng." - "Nej, 193 tror jag att det ska vara", which asked him if he was 1.98m, to which Dolph said "no, 193cm".
His action oriented film roles over the last 25 years has contributed to at least an inch of height loss by 2016. In 2012 he mentioned his weight: "I'm 6ft 5, weigh about 17 and a half stone [245 pounds] and take size 12 shoes". In this convention photo I had a 1/4 inch more sneaker than him.

How tall is Dolph Lundgren
5ft 8 Rob and Dolph @ LFCC 2016
[Height Comparison]
"I'm 6-foot-6," he says.
And Stallone?
"He's 5-foot-10. I don't know exactly, but around there."
Not quite 5-foot-10?
"That's what you say. I didn't say it, did I? Whatever it is, there's a big difference between us. But still, to make the difference seem even greater, he had me stand on a box sometimes."
-- Bismark Tribune, 1986

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Average Guess (374 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 4.11in (193.3cm)
Current: 6ft 2.52in (189.3cm)
Scotto said on 1/Oct/24
6-2 today. I met him just over a year ago. Has definitely lost height
Rising174cm said on 26/Sep/24
6'5" Matthias Hues on prime Dolph when they filmed Dark Angel: "And I have shoes to make me taller than Dolph. Dolph is exactly the same height like me, believe it or not, right? Yeah, we're both like that — I don't know it's like brothers or something — the same. You put us head to head, we're the same." Click Here

The platform shoes Matthias wore were immediately obvious in that film. Dolph may have never been a full 6'5", but 193 cm is the absolute shortest he could have been from his 20s through mid 40s. You can see a full pic of a 41 year old Dolph on the set of Bridge of Dragons with 6'8" Scott L. Schwartz and Dolph only looks 8 cm shorter or so and actually pulls off a good 6'4.5" while Steven Seagal was a good 4" shorter than Schwartz on the set of Fire Down Below a couple of years earlier despite being in costume and wearing cowboy boots as seen in the film per Schwartz. You can also see Dolph aged 45 in the gym on video in 2003 with good posture looking only about an inch or 3 cm max shorter than 196-197 cm Ralf Moeller. He was much taller than a then-186 cm or 6'1" Arnold Schwarzenegger on video at Planet Hollywood in 1996 despite slouching next to Arnold.

Dolph has clearly regained standing height since his double hip replacement in 2017 and looks a full 6'3" again. At worst, he'd measure 190 cm post-surgery. He was admittedly in a lot of pain for 3-4 years before the hip replacements and could have appeared closer to 6'2.5", but post-surgeries he was taller than Lou Ferrigno and still clearly taller than Michael Rapaport, whom Dolph had a couple of inches on back in the mid 90s. Dolph had also injured his back on a high fall filming The Punisher and described an ankle injury from 1979 when he was in the Swedish military as his worst, which eventually led to an ankle replacement. Injuries seemed to catch up to him as far as height loss and posture by his late 40s/early 50s, though he still looked about 191 cm or solidly 6'3"-6'3.5" when he filmed and promoted the first 2 Expendables from 2009-2012 despite still often standing poorly. He actually stood better after surgeries by 2018-19 but looked more 190-191 cm by then.

As for steroids, Dolph rightfully admits that he doesn't know whether this played a role in his cancer. He says he used them for about a decade starting with Rocky 4 and anyone could have guessed he was on them for Rocky 4 and Masters of the Universe. He had mentioned slimming down in the 2003 video with Moeller because there was less emphasis on the physique of action stars by then. I'm sure the doses Dolph was taking were nowhere near what the mass monsters in bodybuilding have taken the last few decades.
Myers said on 26/Apr/24
James b 172cm. Height and health are not connected whatsoever. Look at all 6-3 plus actors who lived long lives. Some still are like Eastwood,Cleese to name a few. Lifestyle is the greatest factor. As for Dolph here he’s looking 6-2 and peak of 6-4 imo.
Arch Stanton said on 6/Sep/23
Yes James, though cancer affecting the kidneys can often occur in people who've abused drugs and steroids etc. A guy like Dolph probably did take a sh*tload of supplements and steroids (in his earlier career), and perhaps he wasn't as clean living as we thought. I don't think of him as a very tall guy anymore! In his early films you could certainly believe the big 6 ft 5 claim.
James B 172cm said on 5/Sep/23
Arch-A lot of very tall people Dolphs height are more prone to health problems down the line. Like someone once said on this site “It’s not healthy to be a towering 6ft4 or 6ft6”
Arch Stanton said on 3/Sep/23
Very surprised to learn that Dolph has had kidney cancer for years and isn't in a good way. Dolph is the sort of person you'd expect to live to Clint Eastwood's age and still be fit and well.
Hong said on 3/Sep/23
Click Here Here's 52 year-old Dolph and 46 year-old Conan in 2009.The thing is Dolph is listed .25 of an inch taller than Conan but in this pic Conan looks clearly taller than Dolph,it would mean by age 52 Dolph would have lost about 1.5 inches from peak,I personally believe Conan was not shorter than Dolph at peak if anything it was the other way around.
Hong said on 1/Sep/23
Click Here With 5ft10.5 listed Stephen Colbert,he's looking around 6ft 2 there too me.
Hong said on 31/Aug/23
Click Here At about 4 minutes Dolph describes himself at the age of 18 as 6ft3.
Leah Kims 02 said on 9/Jun/23
@James B 5ft8

What is Rob supposed to do about that?
Malcolm Oliver said on 26/May/23
Click Here
Tristan’s forgetting that he gets listed 6’5 at peak, to which it would make sense during his 20s and 30s to round up to such

Peak Lundgren would edge out peak Seagal
James B 5ft8 said on 21/May/23
Rob apparently he has cancer
Hong said on 15/May/23
Click Here Here's a very recent video of Dolph with current 5ft11 listed Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Arch Stanton said on 5/May/23
Could explain why he lost height early, but he's been lifting for a long time, and with the wear and tear of being an action film actor, I'm sure didn't help. You would assume that somebody with his genetics wouldn't have needed steroids, but clearly not the case, you can see the big difference between his natural fit self and the size he was in the 80s and early 90s.
James B 5ft8 said on 4/May/23
Arch-I think the ‘juice’ might have contributed to his height loss
Arch Stanton said on 4/May/23
The difference between Dolph in Men of War compared to Showdown is shocking, his shoulders and arms looked almost twice the size three years earlier. He had to have been on the juice, I know he admitted it for his earliest films like Rocky and He-Man. Yes Rampage, I think Dolph was actually naturally a pretty slender guy, probably duel Ectomorph-Mesomorph traits.
Johan 185 cm said on 29/Apr/23
I dont think he was ever 6'5" Mightyman, a very solid 6'4" yes but not more than 194 cm. He even responded 193 cm when asked in Europe his height. He had alot of hair and his hairstyle could have made him look taller to a guy who was 6'5". Its only an inch after all.

As for nowadays, I have noticed he wears flat shoes alot which might be why some on the red carpet events think he is shorter. He didnt look less than 6'2.5" with Stephen Amell who Rob met.
Mightyman said on 28/Apr/23
Saw a very good interview with Matthias Hues from 'I come in peace'movie, on viking Samurai on youtube. He said in the 80s Dolph Ludgren was exactly the same height as him at 6'5. They had to make him wear heals so he could look taller than Dolph. So I put him at a legit 6'5 and he did look it in the 80s. Today with knee and hip replacement surgeries he's definately lost height. Infact u can see one leg is now slightly shorter than the other. Still a solid 6'2 and a half today.
Jordan87 said on 21/Apr/23
Dolph Doesn't even look "6'2.5"" with Rob lol
Duhon said on 12/Apr/23
I wonder if he was still "in character" to keep up the Ivan Drago persona in that '86 interview when he claimed to be 6'6"? Now he says he was 6'4" when auditioned for the Rocky IV.
Discord said on 10/Apr/23
Click Here

Found this funny one.
Editor Rob
Interesting he claimed 6ft 4 and thought Dolph was not over 6ft 2.5.

But he definitely shrunk in height by the time Tristan saw him.
Canson said on 9/Apr/23
@Rampage: yea a peak Moeller was a legit 196-197 range guy. If he wasn’t the full 6’5.5 at a low he was no less than say 196 plus but likely similar to Christian 6’5 3/8”. Dolph by comparison looked my height 6’4.25”
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Apr/23
Arch, he's still hands down a more genuine 6ft5 than Dolph...I actually think Matthias could have been a strong 6ft5 guy in his prime. Still looks around it today give or take. I have a feeling Moeller could now be heading toward 6ft5, I'll give him 6ft5½ as a current with 6ft6 peak.
James B 172cm said on 5/Apr/23
I reckon Jeff would have had Dolph by 1/8
Arch Stanton said on 3/Apr/23
Looks like Matthias Hues has on some platforms there though to make him look even taller and more imposing! Vin Diesel and Sly want to know his shoe maker!!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Apr/23
Goldblum overall had a better shot at hitting a full 6ft4½ than Dolph...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Apr/23
James, I'd probably give Jeff the edge over Dolph...
James B 5ft8 said on 31/Mar/23
Rob would you say Goldblum has a higher chance of 6’4.5 than Lundgren?
Editor Rob
I think Jeff is quite honest with the 'little bit' over 6ft 4 and likely actually measured it. I think at their peak, if you actually did get them under the stadiometer it's gonna be extremely close.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Mar/23
Arch, Matthias Hues also shuts down Dolph's claim to 6ft5.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Now Matthias was a real 6ft5, in fact I'd argue a fraction over peak. He's actually taller than Moeller in these recent photos! I'm beginning to wonder if Ralf has dropped some....
Arch Stanton said on 27/Mar/23
Yeah I think he did look about 6'4.5 in that film with Cary Tagawa and Brandon Lee, but keep in mind our 6'4.25 accomodates for that. In many scenes in his films it may have been shot in the morning or him not at his lowest etc, so reasonable to assume at times he actually was about that. A give away is how he looked with Scott Schwartz and Ralf Moeller in the 90s, this listing looks about right.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Mar/23
Rob, is 6ft4½ peak arguable?

Highest I’d ever go for him though
Editor Rob
It's pushing it for me...6ft 5 out of the question though.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Mar/23
He could look 6ft4½ at times. Not completely hard to imagine that as a peak but never a full 6ft5.

I think naturally he’s meso-ectomorph, Arch. Heavier in Showdown than in Rocky 4
Gerald S said on 24/Mar/23
Rob, could Lundgren please join the Bond Actors tag as Venz?
James.B 172cm said on 23/Mar/23
Arch-How tall do you think he looked in showdown Tokyo? 6ft4.5 maybe?
Arch Stanton said on 23/Mar/23
He looks taller than 6 ft 4 flat in Showdown in Little Tokyo. I'd forgotten how big he used to be in the shoulders. Not a roid looking monster but a seriously big guy.
Emil said on 15/Mar/23
Dolph is a super cool down to earth guy. 6'4" easily at peak.
James.B 172cm said on 10/Feb/23
Look at him in his early films and it just goes to show how tall a legit 6ft4 can look on screen
Daniel Lee 173 cm said on 3/Feb/23

Since he claimed 193 cm, Should you give him 6'4 flat or 6'4 1/8 like Seagal and the average guess?
Editor Rob
6ft 4 or 4.25 at his peak.
seb armstrong said on 31/Jan/23
Dolph actually wasn't mauch taller than Carl Weathers in Rocky 4! In the press conference scene where he appears to tower over everyone else, in an interview Dolph said they put him on a box.
berta said on 2/Jan/23
Dolph claimed 193 couple of times in the 90s in swedish interview. Before that he claimed all thoose crazy calims listed above.I dont think he was 194 when he claimed 193 so many times. Dolph seems like a guy like arnold and stallone that round upp. If he was a bit over 6´4 then he would always round up to 6´5 is my guess. 193 cm flat peak and 190 now. It seems liike he oculd have gained a small fraction back and could be 190 instead of 189. 3 cm loss. Alot for just a 60ish year old.
Luke Guarda said on 14/Dec/22
Was way taller than 6' Brandon Lee in Showdown in little tokyo but he definitely shrunk in The punisher and movies nowadays.
Psycho_Ch said on 9/Dec/22
Hey whats'up rob.

I have a question, my brother is 5'8 just like you, but IDK my height.

I thought I was 6'2.5 just as Dolph, but looking by this photo I think I'm way taller cause my brother's head (the top) reaches just below my nose, above my lips.

So how tall am I?
Editor Rob
You could be somewhere around 6ft 3, but always best getting measured to confirm it.
Height surprises happen!
Ray (5'10/177 cm) said on 4/Dec/22
I could see 6’4 for his younger years he seems to be about 6’3 in that photo with you maybe he lost another inch of height since then or he was wearing thick shoes but is average guess seems about right
Ben Bell said on 4/Dec/22
Met him today. He had a broken leg or foot. Still have say if he stood straight he’d clear 6’3.
Original said on 27/Nov/22
I had an impression of 6'4.5 peak for him, can be less, but no less than 6'4 at all. Nowadays I don't doubt a 2 inches loss.
Black Noir said on 12/Oct/22
Rob, how did he lose 2 inches of height?? Plz do tell
Editor Rob
I think a lot of it is that Dolph has spent near 4 decades doing action oriented films and martial arts that did a lot of damage to back and joints.
1984here said on 30/Sep/22
In order for slys claim of 5-10 to sound realistic Dolph has to claim to taller than his real height.
berta said on 27/Sep/22
Its funny. I have meet and talked to Dolph lundgrens old Karate teacher form when he was young at the karate gym he used to train at back in the old days. His trainer talked about how big i was and that dolph was very big too. Of course i had to ask him how tall and said something like " yeah Dolph was tall, he must have been 193-194 cm right?" and he answered me " no i think he was 198 cm " :P hahah but the strange thing is his trainer was 188 cm at peak ( 79 years old now and told me he had shrunk to 184 now) and he did look legit 184 so he really must have been around 188 cm. Strange that a 188 cm guy think a 193 cm guy was 198 cm. I still think Dolph was only 6´4 flat at peak. Look at his old karate matches on youtube when he was in his 20s he can look 6´3 in them.At worst 192,5 and at best 194. I go with legit 193. Alexander skarsgård is 100 procent taller than dolph peak.
Christina44 said on 20/Sep/22
I met Dolph in the summer of 1989. I was working at a movie warehouse called Comtron. Dolph had just returned home from shooting Red Scorpion and I honestly believe he was at the very least 5’5”. He was in amazing shape. His arms were bigger around than any part of my body. I was 5’3” and maybe 110lbs at the time. All I could do was smile and thank him for The 8x10 photo with his signature. He had such a large presence. The photo was from a Red Scorpion scene. He was kind and the most beautiful man I had ever seen so I didn’t know how to talk to him. It was an awesome experience at the time. I am still a fan even through we are both much older.
Abdul-177DK said on 18/Sep/22
Jordan87 said on 15/Sep/22
@ Julian Stone and Becheese,

Dolph has a slight lean, but yes he is def not over 6'2 Nowadays. Rob PRoves it. I know thats going to make alot of people mad, b/c that rules out above 6'4 in his prime, he would have had to shrink 2", which despite what everyone thinks, most men by age 60 don't drop more than 2". He was likely around 6'4" in his prime, not over that.
Julian Stone said on 6/Sep/22
I see 6'2 with Rob.
Becheese said on 21/Aug/22
A 5-8 guy imo isn’t up to a 6-2.5 guys eye level. He’s 6-1.5 above imo.
Jordan87 said on 17/Aug/22
@ 6'4" Leprechaun,

Sly is 5'6"? .. Yeeah, No....Try again.
Danimal said on 7/Aug/22
6'4" FLAT during his peak and at most 6'2" today. Here he was with then 6'4" Conan O'Brien in late 2009 (almost 13 years ago): Click Here & Click Here

I know he appeared on Conan in 1996 also, but I can't get any pics of the 2 of them standing next to each other at that time, but as of 13 years ago, Dolph was looking to be in the 6'2"-6'2.5" next to Conan and I'm sure he is less now that he is in his mid-60's. I wouldn't be surprised if he's under 6'2" today. As for Conan, he's definitely lost height over the years too.
Alex 6'0 said on 30/Jul/22
Could been 6'4.5. Not that anyone can tell 6'4.25 from 6'4.5
Costa said on 22/Jun/22
Dolph strikes me as someone who lost a lot of height, like Clancy Brown. Maybe he secretly had a back surgery too?
egembaevn said on 8/Jun/22
191cm 2022 196 cm 1980-90
Arch Stanton said on 26/May/22
Spot on I think Rising, I reckon he was genuinely measured at 6'5.5 in shoes. His brother looks near 6'6 I think.
Arch Stanton said on 26/May/22
He only looks about an inch shorter than Mamoa I thought. Has he gained some height back after his op?
Editor Rob
There may be some actors who do regain a little after surgery, I think Kevin Nash might have done so at one point, as did Mick Foley.
J.Thompson said on 17/May/22

Why do weightlifters like Arnie and dolph lose much height when the get older,is all those years of lifting weights that does the spine in?
Editor Rob
In Dolph's case, I think the martial arts he trained in, the action roles and stunts all had an effect on his body.

"I still do all my own fighting scenes, as I'm usually better than the stunt guys. It's tempting to use steroids. I tried it when I was much younger, but you're cheating your body, and coming off them is just awful."
Rising174cm said on 7/May/22
Many do not know Stallone is 5'6" and Schwarzenegger 5'9.5". Stallone's own ex-wife Brigitte Nielsen confirmed he was between 5'8.5" and 5'9". Schwarzenegger's 6'1.5" measurement may or may not have been been generous but you can see he was as tall as 6'1.25" Evander Holyfield in 1996 and Dolph towered over Arnold in the same video. Dolph looked huge even off screen in the 80s and 90s. That's an easy 6'4", if not slightly over. I'm fairly convinced Dolph didn't know his exact height, but he was probably between the 193 and 195 cm figures. He might have measured around 195 cm an hour or so after waking. The 6'5.5" claim might have been in shoes and got rounded up to 6'6".
Canson said on 7/May/22
@Vincent: probably measured exactly that in his Prime out of bed. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the exact same as me and is as listed here at his afternoon height as opposed to lunchtime. Maybe worst case 6’4 1/8 afternoon
Rising174cm said on 4/May/22
Dolph did look an easy 6'4" on and offscreen during the 80s and 90s, or even in that 2003 gym video in 2003. You can see that his back looked way straighter in that video than recent years. Once he got near 50, the wear and tear seemingly took its toll and he required a double hip replacement before age 60 after being in pain and physically limited for 3-4 years. That clearly affected his posture and he's had other unidentified surgeries.

But he's looked to regain some standing height and not slouch as badly since 2017. He looks a lot taller than Randy Couture in this Expendables 4 pic: Click Here I think he's back to where he could straighten up to about 6'3" for a measurement or at least 190 cm.
Vincent Caleb said on 3/May/22
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Apr/22
Rob, how likely is 6ft5 first thing for a peak Dolph?

At least that imo
6'4" Leprechaun said on 30/Apr/22
Lundgren has to be 6'2" cause many know Stallone is 5'6" and Schwarzenegger is 5'9.5". Jesse Ventura has 6'2" listings.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Apr/22
His brother has to be over 6ft5. Slouching and still taller than Ibrahimovic

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Apr/22
Rob, how likely is 6ft5 first thing for a peak Dolph?
Editor Rob
I'm sure he had a very good chance of hitting that mark
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Apr/22
They used camera tricks in Rocky IV to make Dolph look even bigger, like what they did with Michael Clark Duncan in Green Mile (another big 6ft4 dude)

I can't see him under 6ft4 peak though, at times could really look 6ft4½. His claims are very scattered. The 195cm could carry some weight, early in the day he probably get hit that
IceCold said on 18/Apr/22
Dandaman said on 26/Feb/22
Rob in rocky iv, Dolph looked a lot taller than 6’4 when he went face to face with Carl weathers. For some reason he looked 6’5-6’6.
Editor Rob
You can see Here Dolph looks quite tall, then 3 years ago

Is that a exaggeration difference, cause a film isn't?
Editor Rob
Back in the era of that film, I think he genuinely could look more like a 6ft 4 guy
Imalpol2 said on 6/Mar/22
@Yes Dolph is lookin 188 cm (6ft.2 on the nose) with Carl Weathers. I guess he is 6'2.5 if he stands tall in perfect posture on stadiometer. Peak 6'4. He lost 4 cm (1.5 inch loss)
Canson said on 25/Feb/22
@Rising: yea I agree on everything you said. Could even be 6’4 3/8 lunchtime and 6’4.25 afternoon/evening with extreme low of 6’4
Rising174cm said on 24/Feb/22
@Canson: imo, 6'4.25" as lunchtime is likely and 6'4" flat as extreme low. Dolph has a large head and long eye to head so anything less and I would expect him to look like he was struggling with 6'4" in his prime and he never did. Seagal is more of an example of a 6'4" flat guy who may have dropped slightly below it at his low and Lundgren generally came across as taller in the 80s, 90s and early 00s, even though he never wore the type of heels and cowboy boots Seagal did.

As for regaining a bit of height, not only do I not rule it out, I think it's probable at this point. We've seen Dolph with Ferrigno on two occasions post-surgery and Dolph was clearly taller both times. I'm sure Lou has shrunk below 6'3" since Rob last saw him, but Dolph still looks at least 6'3" in comparison. Same with Dolph being clearly taller than Michael Rapaport in a full photo with less footwear. Dolph's posture will never be like Stallone's, but it is vastly better than it was pre-surgery. Dolph himself said he was physically limited and in pain for 3-4 years before the surgery. That would mean from 2013 or 2014 on, which is also when he began looking like he could have dropped to 189-190 range. Through 2012, he still looked 191 range.
viper said on 24/Feb/22
I could believe 6-4.5 at peak really.

Looked a bit taller than 6-4 Seagal
Canson said on 23/Feb/22
@Rising: I don’t rule out some recoup of height for him
Canson said on 23/Feb/22
@Rising: I don’t rule it out at an extreme low though. But only If 6’4 flat was his afternoon/evening, he could’ve. But I think 6’4.25 was his afternoon and 6’4 flat his extreme low like you said. It’s rare because Rob tries to use a lunchtime and in his case it could be his afternoon
Rising174cm said on 20/Feb/22
@Canson and Rampage: I don't think he ever dropped below 6'4" in the 80s, 90s or even early 2000s even at an extreme low. He often looked 6'4.5" in comparisons to others in those days. His first real noticeable height loss was in the mid to late 2000s. Dolph is at an age where a typical 5'9" man could lose a full inch, so being 7" taller than that and getting a double hip replacement could easily explain going from 6'4.25" to 6'2.5" as listed. But Dolph currently looks more like 6'3" to me since the double hip replacement. His posture was awful for years before that, but the improvement since then has been noticeable. He had a tendency to slouch outside of movies even in his prime, but still looked towering with a noticeable slouch alongside Schwarzenegger and Michael Rapaport and Alan Light in the 90s.
Canson said on 18/Feb/22
@Ian and Rampage: this listing for his peak may well have been his afternoon height and not a lunchtime. I don’t rule that out. But I also don’t rule out what Rising mentioned being his afternoon height (6’4 flat) meaning 6’4 1/8” lunchtime. So he could’ve been 6’4 to 6’4.25 afternoon 6’4 1/8 to 6’4 3/8 lunchtime. But I doubt in his prime that he was ever under 6’4 at any point in the day (barring the occasional extreme low where he could’ve dipped to 6’3 7/8 perhaps or 6’3.75 if 6’4 was his afternoon height and it’s even possible that 6’4 flat was his extreme low too if he’s as high as Rob lists him at his afternoon height
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Feb/22
People are trying to downgrade his peak to minimize his height loss...
Rising174cm said on 5/Feb/22
Dolph at 193 cm for his low has always been fair, but again, based on the comparison to Scott L. Schwartz, Dolph was definitely taller than Seagal in the 90s. Dolph looked at least 6'4.5" in the full pic with 6'8" Schwartz.

As for 2007, I'd say Dolph could have been down to 192 cm from a minimum 193 cm peak at 50. Based on the height loss survey, 1 cm loss by 50 was the norm and considering Dolph always slouched outside of movies and had enough wear and tear to require a double hip replacement within a decade of his 50th birthday, it's not hard to believe he had already lost at least 1 cm. Although 6'4" still looked possible with 6'0" Oleg Taktarov that year.

At age 55, Dolph still looked 191 to 191.5 cm range. Since his surgeries in 2017, he's stood better and looks at least 190 cm, imo, arguably back to a full 6'3" with Lou Ferrigno and Michael Rapaport.

But it also seems clear that Dolph didn't know his exact height.
Rapha said on 24/Jan/22
I have met Dolph in 2007 in a hotel. A very friendly person. He was still more or less at his peak height, definitely over 190 cm. I believe the decade between 50 and 60 was connected to a lot of height loss for him.
Robbe said on 23/Jan/22
Dolph looks taller than 189cm Brendan Hood Click Here
Ian Momo 'Questionable 5'10' said on 22/Jan/22
peak easily 6'4, maybe 6'4,5

and currently 6'2,5 quite easily, but Rob, how much leaning and dropping he did in the photo with you?
berta said on 21/Jan/22
Click Here rob scheck this interview. Its from 1999 so he cant have lost any height by then. He really does look at best 193 cm and he also claims 193 cm at 4´30. maybe 6´4 flat is better listing after all? If i would have guessed his height from that interview then i would have guessed maybe 192-193.
Editor Rob
His 193cm claim was always the more believable one.
V for 1984 said on 19/Jan/22
He’s certainly not over 6-2 in that above picture
James B 171.5cm said on 12/Jan/22
Dolph is certainly not a man you would want to piss of
Richie said on 11/Jan/22
Peak 6'4.25" & today closer to 6'3", appears to have lost between one & two inches.
Towered Carl Weathers by some three inches back in the day & is only slightly
taller than him nowadays.
Rising174cm said on 2/Jan/22
@Canson: I think a flat 6'4" peak was very likely for Seagal, but Dolph was definitely more of a solid 6'4" than Seagal: Click Here You can see in the full pic with 6'8" Scott Schwartz that Dolph is 3.5" max shorter, if that, and wearing a boot that won't add much more than Schwartz sneakers or maybe 1.25" range. Scroll down and you'll see Schwartz looking at least 4" taller than Seagal 2 years earlier and Seagal was wearing cowboy boots according to Schwartz, which is believable since Seagal wore them in the film they were shooting. The Dolph film was Bridge of Dragons and Dolph did look a solid 6'4" with Cary Tagawa in that. You could argue Seagal measured 6'4" flat and then dropped slightly below that at night while Dolph never dropped below that in his prime, or even remained slightly above that as Rob lists him.

As for Moeller, I don't know, except I would say taller than 6'5" flat or anywhere from 196 to 197 cm. In the 2003 gym video, he looked 3 cm max taller than Lundgren. So if Dolph was 193 cm at his low then Ralf wasn't over 196 cm at his low by that time. Whether either of them had lost a small fraction or whether Dolph was taller than 193 cm at his low, I don't know.

Based on Bridge of Dragons and the 2003 video, Dolph was likely still his peak height in the 40-45 range, but probably started shrinking sometime between 45-50. He always had a tendency to slouch when he wasn't around others his height or taller, but his posture was noticeably worse as he got to about 50 and I'd say he had lost at least half an inch by 50.
Harryp said on 1/Jan/22
They always made this guy look huge on movie like 7ft lol. Can definitely believe 6"5 in his prime.

Body builder types always lose more height than most when they get older so is probably a lot shorter
Canson said on 31/Dec/21
@Rising: actually seagal could look 6’4 too imho. Wonder if Lundgren was just a stronger 6’4 though. Then again maybe seagal was 6’3 7/8? How tall would you say a peak Ralf Moeller was? Would you say strong 6’5 or the full 6’5.5? He’s a tricky one because he is so lanky
Canson said on 31/Dec/21
@Rising: actually seagal could look 6’4 too. Wonder if Lundgren was a stronger 6’4 though. How tall would you say a peak Ralf Moeller was? Would you say strong 6’5 or the full 6’5.5? He’s a tricky one because he is so lanky
Rising174cm said on 30/Dec/21
The original video from 1996 is still up: Click Here Dolph shows up in the second minute, but you can see him towering over others in the background before that. It's notable how much Dolph slouches next to Arnold at times. People usually do that when they're aware they're much taller. Holyfield and Arnold mostly seem about the same height at this event.

As far as Arnold, I think he had a hip replaced in 2002. By 2003, he was looking much closer to 6'0". But seeing Arnold with Tom Arnold, Carl Weathers, Roger Moore and Holyfield in the 90s makes me believe he really was at least 6'1" at one point. Vince Basille's claim that Arnold measured 6'1.5" in the evening back in 1969 is harder for me to believe, though. Vince also claimed he measured Arnold's arms at 22" even though they were probably more like 20". Unless Arnold had already lost a fraction by his mid 30s, Robert Davi shouldn't have edged him in Raw Deal if Arnold was really 6'1.5" evening. As of 2018, I thought Arnold looked closer to 5'11". I'm not sure if he's lost anything more noticeable since then. Late 90s/early 00s is when Arnold started shrinking noticeably, imo.

As for Dolph and Lou, Dolph wouldn't have as much stress from lifting, but I'm not sure he had less wear and tear overall given his surgeries and how he held himself. Lou's height loss has only really become more noticeable in his 60s as well.

But yes, I agree with Canson that Dolph was more of a solid 6'4" guy than either Lou or even Steven Seagal for example. Goldblum was probably very similar and like Dolph, height loss and bad posture have become very noticeable for Goldblum in his 60s.
Jordan87 said on 29/Dec/21
@ Canson,

Yeah, I mean I have seen Pics of Arnold in his prime look anywhere from 5'11.75 to 6'2". Holyfield is a good comparison. I have seen Arnold Look Evander's height, and look more than an inch shorter at times. Does Arnold wear lifts? Maybe...... I don't comment too much on Arnold's Page b/c to be honest, I can never decide on him. With Kristanna Loken ( A Tall cup of Water, Picture with Rob) I have seen Him in 2003 look anywhere from 5'11 to 6'1 with Her. So I gave up trying to place Arnold a long time ago.
Canson said on 27/Dec/21
@Jordan87 and Rising: the defining moment for me with Arnold was seeing what was posted about his height measurement. Not sure 6’1.5 is a low but I could see somewhere in the range Rising noted. That’s his peak height. Not sure if he’s another Hulk Hogan where he had a very short prime and lost height early but a 186 cm guy I could see. Hogan is listed 6’6 but most of us agree that it’s hard to envision that especially after Sid told on him with his own claim although Hogan was older and had accelerated height loss. I’m one of those who has advocated a 6’5.5 peak listing for Hogan although I think more along the lines of 6’6 out of bed and 6’5.25” afternoon height in his prime and I don’t rule out being the rare case of a 1” loss from 6’6 out of bed to 6’5 flat. Rising and Chaos Control have somewhat alluded to 6’5 flat as have i or somewhere in the 6’5-6’5.25 range is more specifically what they both said as have I in the past. However 6’5.5” is the best of the best when it comes to balance and I only say that because Rob isn’t likely to go below that so we’ll have to live with it lol.

Holyfield to your credit is a good comparison because he’s retained his height a lot better than Arnold and he looks the height or near the height he’s listed. He doesn’t look less than 6’1”. I’ve seen Riddick Bowe and I could agree that he’s prob 194-195 range at worst and Holyfield looks the listed height almost

Back to Lundgren’s height, I agree with Rising on Lou and Dolph. I’ve never seen Lou as a 6’4 guy but a 192 cm range guy and Dolph either 193-193.5 or 193.5-194 like I am. I’d have an easier time just calling Lou a weak 6’4” peak and Dolph either a solid 6’4” or strong 6’4”. Dolph could fall into the David Hasselhoff to Jeff Goldblum range as Rising (as always) said well when he gave his range too
Jordan87 said on 27/Dec/21
@ Rising174cm,

Yeah, So With Ferrigno I see Dolph as Taller at peak either way. Nowadays, Ill say Lue at times kinda hunches over as he walks a bit. Plus, Lue I think did more damage and strain to his body than Dolph. Decades of HEAVY Lifting, not that Dolph Didnt as well. I'd say Dolph Was the Taller of the two in their respective Primes, Both taller than the Rock FYI.

A Side Note, with Arnold's height.....Its one of the tougher Celebs to nail. Lately the man doesn't look over 5'10 ( At 74 years) with Guys Like John Cena, however in his prime I would says he was def 6', not quite 6'1 but my opinion on Arnold changes alot b/c there are so many angles and information with Arnold, his height to me doesn't look consistent.
Rising174cm said on 25/Dec/21
@Jordan87: Thanks, I took a still from a video since videos can get deleted and lost. I don't rule out 6'1" flat for Arnold, but I mostly see 6'1"-6'1.25" for him and I personally don't think he wore lifts, but as you say, for our purposes on Dolph's page, it's more relevant how he looked with Holyfield.

I don't think Dolph's peak height is too much of a mystery as I pretty much agree with Canson that he was a solid 6'4" guy who didn't drop under that in the evening. He did have an occasional tendency to look taller a fair amount in the 80s and 90s, which is odd because he already had a habit of slouching at events.

To Canson's point about Ferrigno: I don't know how tall Lou was peak, but I absolutely agree that Dolph was taller and more of a legit 6'4" than Lou. I also think there's no real doubt Dolph is still taller after seeing the series of photos from late 2018 and the gym photo from late 2020. Whether it's simply due to Lou shrinking more since Rob last saw him or whether Dolph also regained a bit of standing height post-surgeries, I don't know.

While Dolph is still clearly taller than Michael Rapaport in the full 2018, this comparison does show how much Dolph has shrunk because the difference is noticeably smaller than the 1995 photo that has since disappeared where Dolph had about 2" on Rapaport. Dolph is standing better in the 2018 photo, but Rapaport has thicker sneakers and he's shorter even if you include his cap.
Jordan87 said on 23/Dec/21
@ Rising, we Know Holyfield was a Legit 6'1" in his day, Arnold may have Been in Lifts with Evander there b/c I doubt Arnold was over 6'1 legit ...... however that does not take away the Fact that Lundgren would have been EASILY 3" taller than Holyfield from the Same event. Those are good pics, nice find.
Rising174cm said on 19/Dec/21
I'll add Dolph towering over Arnold while slouching in the mid 90s: Click Here and Arnold really was about 186 cm at that time as you see him eye to eye with Evander Holyfield at the same event: Click Here
Rising174cm said on 19/Dec/21
@Arch: That is in line with how he generally looked. Here's a behind the scenes video where you see him walking with his head down next to 5'9" Van Damme at 4:55: Click Here Dolph absolutely dwarfs JCVD. Here's Dolph(with a wide stance) looking an easy 7" taller than Charlie Sheen: Click Here Given how Dolph is dressed, it's highly likely he's only wearing flip flops or something similar. There are a few occasions where Dolph only looked 6'4" flat, but he mostly passed for over the mark. Sometimes I just go with 6'4" as Dolph has referred to himself as that height, but I think it's likely Dolph doesn't know his exact height. Rob may have mentioned Dolph listing himself at 194 cm as well, but I'd say he was most likely somewhere between 193 and 194 cm.

He looks a solid 6'3" at that event with Momoa. Patrick Wilson said Dolph was 6'3" at the time of Aquaman and Momoa was 6'4". as Rob gives him. I believe there could be around an inch between them and Wilson could be rounding up both by 1/4". There was also a Men's Health Video of Dolph in Converse and Florian Munteanu in Nikes. Even with the obvious footwear difference, Dolph only looked maybe 3 cm shorter.
Canson said on 18/Dec/21
@Rising: yep I remember you saying Houston looked a bit less than his listing. I could buy 6’5 and then I saw a 6’4.75 listing so it prob adds up. He could even look a stronger 6’5 at times but then I saw him with Carmelo and the 6’4.75 makes sense. I could by Spree as a very good legit 6’4” afternoon and Starks at best 6’2”. As for Dolph he could look the strong 6’4 range but that also tells me he probably wasn’t under 6’4 afternoon height in his prime that some here say. He looked taller than Ferrigno imho. I could see the latter being a weak 6’4 strong 6’3 range however (192cm)
Arch Stanton said on 17/Dec/21
I would put Dolph at 194cm on the dot in his prime Rising, a fraction under 6'4.5 but a bit taller than the .35.
Arch Stanton said on 17/Dec/21
I thought Dolph looked a decent 190 in the Eddie Hall photo too. He looks taller than 189 with Momoa.
Rising174cm said on 17/Dec/21
@Rob: I think it's likely as the timeframe adds up. He was no longer looking a solid 6'4" from 2009-2012, but he did still consistently look 6'3.25"-6'3.5". He already seldom stood tall, but he said before his surgeries in early 2017 that he had been in pain and physically limited for 3-4 years meaning since 2013-2014 and this is when he lost more noticeable height and stopped looking the solid 6'3" range he did during the first 2 Expendables. For those who doubt Dolph's height loss, Dolph has said that those issues made him stop performing kicks. For those that don't know, Dolph competed in full contact karate before he became an actor.

He had clearly shrunk from a solid 6'4" to 6'3.5" max by the time he filmed The Expendables at 51-52 in 2009, but that's not much different than the 1 cm lost by the average man at age 50.

I think it's clear that he's standing better since his surgeries making it likely he'll squeeze out a little more height for a measurement. Granted, he still appeared to stand well and looked 6'3" with 6'2" Big D, but he pulls off a full 6'3" much more consistently post-surgeries than he did from 2014-2016. I've mentioned this before, but my father has lost over an inch himself and is about a half dozen years older than Dolph. He watched a recent film(I think it was Blackwater) and mentioned to me that he thought Dolph looked to be in pain the way he carried himself and walked. We had never discussed Dolph's height loss or injuries; he just knew I was a fan of Dolph and 80s and 90s action stars.

If you look at this 2016 photo, he's visibly bending his knee and his back is not straight yet he's still clearly taller than solid 6'2" Terry Crews who is standing straight: Click Here I bet if they stood together in 2021, Dolph could look a full inch taller. If Dolph and Lou Ferrigno had stood together in 2016, I'm not certain Dolph would have looked taller. Yet Dolph was clearly taller in both the series of photos from the event in late 2018 and the gym photo from 2020. Lou was also going up on one foot in some of the 2018 photos with Dolph and he had thicker footwear. Lou has obviously lost more height in the years since Rob last saw him, but for Dolph to look consistently taller, it's likely he regained standing height at the same time.
Rising174cm said on 16/Dec/21
I'm becoming more convinced of my theory that Dolph regained some standing height post-hip replacements. Here's Dolph in only 0.7" type sneakers looking more 6'3" in another full pic with 6'3.75" listed Florian Munteanu: Click Here Their eye level isn't even that far apart, but Dolph's big head makes their actual heights even closer. Dolph had previously looked even closer in this full pic: Click Here

Lest we think it's just Florian being over listed. Remember this full pic with 6'4" listed Jason Momoa: Click Here I don't think that pic favors Lundgren. Here's another full pic that night: Click Here That one probably favors Dolph a bit, but they wind up close. Here are 2 pics that more clearly favor Dolph: Click Here Click Here Even in the photos that favor Jason that night, Dolph doesn't hold up too badly.

Back during the first 2 Expendables, Dolph could still look closer to 6'3.5" with solid 6'2" Terry Crews: Click Here That photo was from 2010, but here's Dolph, aged 55, looking 6'3.5" with Hasselhoff: Click Here Click Here Rob met Hasselhoff the following year and still saw him at 6'4". Rob didn't meet Dolph until 4 years after that pic, by which time he had already been in pain and physically limited from his hips for years.

Rob does believe others have regained height from surgeries. It's not hard for me to believe Dolph regained a fraction. His posture has definitely been better since the hip replacements. His posture still isn't good, mind you. But it was downright atrocious before. A height loss of 193 cm to 190 or 6'4" to 6'3" becomes very easy to believe. Even 6'4.25" to 6'2.75" isn't really surprising considering Dolph is 64, a 1" loss was the average for 65 year old men in a study and Dolph was not only 7" over average height and thus had more to lose from his spine, but a double hip replacement by age 59 indicates far more wear and tear than the average man. So to lose just half an inch more than average isn't even remotely implausible. That said, I can believe he's as short as 6'2.5" today and as tall as 6'3" flat. He looks more the latter.
Editor Rob
He doesn't look to have shrunk any further the last few years, that seems quite evident. Did he regain a small fraction? It's a good question!
Rising174cm said on 16/Dec/21
@Canson: Basketball heights are commonly overbilled even before the NBA. I saw and met a number of Knick players in person, but none were as tall as listed. John Starks and Latrell Sprewell were both listed at 6'5". Starks was maybe 6'2" and didn't even seem the height of a basketball player. Sprewell seemed closer at about 6'4". I couldn't tell you exactly how tall Allan Houston was except I'd say he was taller than Sprewell, but not as tall as the 6'6" he was listed at.

In Dolph's case, I have no idea. It seems he always exaggerated less in metric. We know he couldn't be as tall as 195 cm based on his height in his 50s and 60s, but the crazy thing is he could pull that height off or 6'4.5" a lot. If Brandon Lee was really 182 cm then Dolph looked a consistent 195 cm with him as Brandon never came up above his eye level, even in doors, and Dolph has a big eye level of 5"+. In the same film, Dolph never stood tall with 5'11" Cary Tagawa, yet in shoes still looked 6"+ taller than Tagawa barefoot. In the full pic from the Bridge of Dragons set, Dolph looked at least 6'4.5"-6'4.75" with 6'8" Scott L. Schwartz(who claims 6'10".) Dolph looked at least half an inch taller with Schwartz than Seagal did in cowboy boots. If you believe Ralf Moeller was 6'5.5" then you could argue Dolph looked as tall as 6'4.5" with him in the gym video. The minimum was 196 and 193 cm, respectively.

Then there's the Alan Light photo at the Air America premiere where Dolph has a good 7" on Light while slouching a bit. Light has a lot of photos with celebrities and claims 5'10.5". I believe that's in shoes, but he's clearly taller than 5'9". 6'5.5" in shoes makes a lot of sense if Alan Light was 5'10.5" in shoes. That's just some examples and you could also cite the films with Louis Gossett Jr or Masters of the Universe. If Michael Rapaport was really 6'2.5" then Dolph looked 6'4.5" with him at a 1995 event, but I believe Michael was 6'2.25" peak.

There were a few occasions where Dolph only looked 6'4" flat in the 80s and 90s, but he mostly looked taller. There are even photos where he looks nearly a head taller than Grace Jones and Dolph's head is about 10.25". There's also that mid 90s video where Dolph is slouching next to Schwarzenegger yet still towers him by more than just 3". Arnold was eye to eye the same height as Holyfield at the same event.

I don't think he was above 6'4.25", but he did oddly look more 6'4.5" range a lot. Some of it is probably other celebrities like Brandon Lee and Michael Rapaport being over listed. I think Dolph even gave 194 cm on one occasion or listed himself like that so it's possible he really was the height Rob gives him, or right between 193-194 cm. The weird thing is that Dolph was claiming 6'5.5" and 6'6" at the same time he said he was about 195 cm. Then he kept claiming 6'5" after he said he "believed" he was 193 cm. One would think a man as intelligent as Dolph could convert from metric. Then again, he sometimes refers to himself as 6'4".
Canson said on 13/Dec/21
@Rising: yea he could be a guy who got the early morning physical in shoes at 6’5.5” (1” shoe) and been 6’4.5 and 6’4 flat (absolute worst case) afternoon height or maybe more 2 hours out of bed like I would measure 6’4.5” and dipped to 6’4.25”. Or maybe he wore a bit thicker sneaker 3cm and been an afternoon measurement. 195 really surprises me unless he was around an hour out of bed (6’4.75 or 6’4 5/8) and called himself that. He may really not have known how tall he was as I’ve even seen a 6’6” claim from him lol. But I think they marketed guys like Ferrigno 6’5 to make Arnold taller at times. Maybe it’s just me but even when I played ball I was listed 6’6” and claimed 6’5” a couple times but was usually specific and said 6’4.5. I still sometimes claimed 6’4.5” (would sometimes claim 6’4 in the real world even back then) when I began on this site 6 plus years ago but when I saw I measure under I always claim 6’4” now. I push it to 6’4.25” when I get specific but I rarely claim more than that now a days. I surely would not claim 6’6” as that just sounds too tall even for someone who already is a little over 6’4”. And not just sounds too tall. It is too tall seeing two close friends who are 6’6 and 6’7 who have issues with their height and are often wearing thinner footwear (the 6’6” guy is almost always in thin footwear and has poor posture today in his early 40s as I stand eye to eye with him at times when he’s not standing straight and have footwear advantage over him. Even sometimes feel taller until he stands up straight and it’s obvious even with the footwear advantage that it’s still at least an inch not accounting for it). Guess I know what I have to look forward to in 3 weeks when I turn 40
Rising174cm said on 8/Dec/21
It seems Dolph doesn't know his own height. In 1986 he says he's "about" 195 cm, while in 2005(?) he says "I believe" 193 cm. He could have been 193.5 to 194 cm peak in that case. One thing that's certain is Dolph was clearly more than just an inch taller than Louis Gossett Jr. when they filmed Cover Up(1991). Looks even taller next to Gossett in promo stills from The Punisher, but that could have been the heavy boots he had to wear.

Anything from 6'4"-6'4.25" is fine peak. Michael Rapaport could have been 6'2"-6'2.25" in comparison as Dolph had 2" on him in the 90s. He's a guy who often looked taller than he really was in the 80s and 90s, then began looking shorter than he was post-height loss due to awful posture. But even pre-surgeries, he stood well and looked 6'3" with Rob's 6'2" friend and was still taller than Terry Crews that same year even while Dolph was slouching and visibly bending a knee.
Rising174cm said on 20/Nov/21
Dolph could look 6'4.5" range a fair amount as I mentioned and did even claim 195 cm back in the 80s, but then why would he claim 193 cm around 2005ish(?) or so? He could have just started losing height around that time, but not much before since he's a max 3 cm shorter than 196 cm minimum Ralf Moeller in that gym video from 2003 and still showing good posture. His posture declined greatly over the half decade after that.

When Rocky 4 and Masters of the Universe came out, he was almost always listed and described at either 6'5.5" or 6'6". Maybe it was for the Drago and He-Man image, although I think I remember Drago being described as 6'4" and 261 on the Rocky 4 VHS I had. In reality, he was closer to 240 range and a maximum of about 250 for Masters of the Universe.

Most likely, he did measure 6'5.5" in shoes at one point and rounded up. The 195 cm was probably a measurement as well, maybe earlier in the day or in flat boxing shoes. If you look at some of his Karate footage, Dolph was far thinner, but he towered over some of his opponents by an almost comical amount.

Also of note is that my father is about half a dozen years older than Dolph and has lost about 1.5" in height, but even remarked to me that Dolph looked to be in pain the way he walked and had terrible posture. He didn't know about any of Dolph's injuries, height loss or surgeries. That's why I say that he may have regained some standing height post-hip replacements because he's stood noticeably better afterwards.

According to one poster here Dolph even mentioned shrinking from 193 cm to 191.5 cm around the time of the Expendables 2. I can believe that because he was still looking 191 to 191.5 cm with Terry Crews, Arnold and David Hasselhoff in 2012. His first height loss probably occurred between 2003 or '04 and 2009. Then he probably lost more from 2013-2016, which is the period he said he was physically limited and in pain.
Robbe said on 20/Nov/21
Dolph looks 6'4 range if Ike Catcher is 6'8 Click Here
Canson said on 18/Nov/21
@Berta: I don’t rule out my height in his prime (6’4.25”) (193.7) and 6’2.5” today like Rob has him listed in both. He only looked about 3 cm shorter than Ralf Moeller. Guess it depends on how tall the latter was. He did look comfortably over 6’5 imho

@Duhon: some guys add 2”. He claimed 6’5.5” too which could’ve been the truth in a thicker shoe or even earlier in the day in shoes. The 6’6 was likely a round up. But in his case maybe it’s just 1/4” less for his normal low or worst case half inch to put him at a solid 6’4”
Canson said on 18/Nov/21
@Berta: I don’t rule out my height in his prime (6’4.25”) (193.7) and 6’2.5” today like Rob has him listed. He only looked about 3 cm shorter than Ralf Moeller. Guess it depends on how tall the latter was. He did look comfortably over 6’5 imho
Seal said on 17/Nov/21
Looked huge in Arrow. Listing seems accurate. Rob, in his prime how far would this guy go with Colin Salmon?
Editor Rob
They've got to be close enough prime.
Rising174cm said on 17/Nov/21
I'm going to go out on a limb and say he's regained some standing height since his double hip replacement in 2017, and based on these other listings, he looks like he'd stand 6'3" for a measurement. Remember, he said he was in pain for 3-4 years and physically limited prior to the hip replacements. That could explain why he could still look 191 cm or even 6'3.5" during the period of the first 2 Expendables films, but looked noticeably shorter from 2013-2016. These photos are all post-hip replacements and he's standing better than he virtually ever did pre-2017 when his posture was atrocious.

If Dolph is under 6'3", as he very well may be, then Michael Rapaport needs a downgrade because he is definitely not as tall as Dolph: Click Here Same with Lou Ferrigno who simply cannot be half an inch taller than Dolph because he looks shorter in this series of photos: Click Here
Click Here Click Here Click Here and this gym photo taken within the last year: Click Here
Pulling off a full 6'3" in full photos with 6'4" listed Jason Momoa: Click Here and 6'3.75" listed Florian Munteanu: Click Here Looks about 6'3" with 6'4" listed Dan Reynolds as well: Click Here That adds up perfectly with the 6'3" and 6'4" figures Patrick Wilson gave for Lundgren and Momoa, respectively, though it's possible he rounded up both.

Dolph's tendency to slouch badly, wear thinner sneakers and his big head and eye level can make him look shorter than he is, but next to other tall men, he still tends to look 6'3" most of the time. It's possible he's down to 6'2.5" since that would only be half an inch more than average height loss for his age, which is easy to believe given his size, posture and injuries. But 6'2.5" current and 6'4" peak are his absolute minimum heights, and if he's only 6'2.5", other downgrades are necessary. The safest guess is 193 cm peak and 190 cm current. The Schwartz comparison also confirms that he was at least as tall as Seagal during his peak.
Duhon said on 17/Nov/21
If he was claiming 6'6" in 1986, 6'4.5" would probably be his lowest peak unless he was a Vin Diesel level exaggerator himself.
berta said on 17/Nov/21
peak 193, today 190. can look shorter but i think if he stand tall for a measuremenet he really can get 190 cm still. 3 cm loss not 5.
Rising174cm said on 16/Nov/21
6'4" flat is good since Dolph now sometimes refers to himself as 6'4" in the Rocky days and he may have not lost anything by that 193 cm claim in 2005. However, anything under 6'4" peak is ridiculous.

Here's a full pic of Dolph in 1999 with 6'8" Scott L. Schwartz(who claims 6'10"): Click Here Dolph is 3.5" shorter max and if you scroll down, you'll see 6'4" Steven Seagal looking shorter next to Schwartz on a film set, even though Schwartz confirmed Seagal wore cowboy boots as you can see in the film.

Here's 2003 stills of Dolph in the gym with 196 cm minimum Ralf Moeller looking 3 cm max shorter: Click Here Click Here

Here's young Dolph with a wide stance looking comfortably 6'4" range with 5'9" Charlie Sheen: Click Here Note Dolph's wide stance and the possibility of less footwear given how they're dressed.

Here's a slouching Dolph looking 7" taller than Alan Light who claims 5'10.5": Click Here Alan's many photos with celebrities like Rob Lowe and Michael Jackson suggest he was at least around 5'9.5" and likely claimed a shoe height. This makes me believe Dolph once measured 6'5.5" in shoes and occasionally rounded that to 6'6" at times.

His 195 cm claim was probably earlier in the day back in the 80s, but he actually pulled that off if Brandon Lee was really 182 cm in Showdown in Little Tokyo. Dolph at under 6'4" peak means Brandon wasn't even 5'11".
Bert009 said on 13/Nov/21
I think he was around 6.3 or a weak 6.4 in his prime.
Rising174cm said on 6/Nov/21
I wouldn't even be surprised if he regained some standing height. He mentioned being in pain for years before his double hip replacement, but then after was taller than Ferrigno and others and is still clearly taller than Michael Rapaport.

Legit 193 cm guy peak and probably now in the 190 range standing well. He was still easily looking 6'4" in the gym with Ralf Moeller in 2003 so I think he held his height until mid 40s and started dropping in late 40s and early 50s. Still seemed like a solid 191 range guy until about 55, but then started looking 189-190 range shortly after. He can occasionally look taller than he did around 2014-2016 as he never stood well then.
Lukasz said on 27/Oct/21
Matthias hues height ?
Myers Haddonfield said on 27/Oct/21
Now 6-2 flat imo. 6-4 peak.
Canson said on 26/Oct/21
@James B and Editor Rob: I think he’s similar with a guy like Michael Phelps. Could be 189 flat but no lower I doubt meaning a weak half (3/8)
James B 171.5cm said on 23/Oct/21
Rob his height loss seems to be slowing down since he has been on 6’2.5 for ages now
Editor Rob
I think he did go from 6ft 3 to 2.5 range over a couple of years but has stuck around there now and doesn't really seem any shorter than that.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Oct/21
I'd be very surprised if he was at 6ft2 flat never mind shorter...
Westbound on Olympic said on 9/Oct/21
Hardly looks tall talk with a 5-8 Rob here. Sly definitely inflated Dolphs height for his own gain. 6-4 peak. No more no way.
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 16/Sep/21
194cm minimum peak.
No way he was under that.

Crazy how much he lost, saw him in a bad movie " King Rising 2 " a few years ago, he looks completely crippled, hunched AF and moves likes a 80 years old..
Not to mention he looks 6'2ish...
King Backbroke said on 3/Sep/21
6’4 peak, would guess as low as 6’1.75 now. He doesn’t look more than 6’2” in any shots I’ve seen now.
James B 171.5cm said on 1/Sep/21
Like goldblum looked at least 6’4 in his early films
Westbound on Olympic said on 31/Aug/21
Wasn’t as tall as hassalhoff. Weak 6-4
Dr Decker said on 11/Jul/21
Looks only 6-2 next to Rob. Weak 6-4 peak.
Duhon said on 7/Jul/21
@Hong that angle definitely favours Sly there. I think this is the best picture to fully gauge how both of them stood next to each other at their prime. Click Here
slim 6'1 said on 7/Jul/21
At least 195-196 out of bed peak 👍
Hong said on 7/Jul/21
Click Here Here's a pic with sly,he's looking very tall here.
Arch Stanton said on 27/Jun/21
Agreed Canson.
Hong said on 25/Jun/21
@Arch,well he said it in that interview,the person asked him how tall he was and he replied 6ft4,although in the Joan Rivers interview he does look 6ft5.
Canson said on 24/Jun/21
@Arch: he would measure over 6’6” in pair of basketball shoes or boots out of bed in his prime. Probably 6’5 barefoot when he woke up and 6’4.25 in the afternoon like I am
Arch Stanton said on 23/Jun/21
Hong said on 19/Jun/21
Click Here In this video at 6min Dolph says he is 6ft4,also at 9min he says when asked his height for the part in Rocky he said he was 6ft4.

That's odd, I only ever heard him claim to have said 6 ft 5 when he was auditioned.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Jun/21
6'5.5 in shoes, don't doubt he got measured that in the 80s.
Duhon said on 22/Jun/21
@Hong they probably were originally looking for someone just a bit taller than Sly probably like Mr.T or Carl Weathers size but when Ludgren got cast they probably felt they might as well just try to exaggerate the height difference as much as possible for a David and Goliath effect.
Hong said on 21/Jun/21
Maybe he wore a lift in his footwear after making rocky 4 because people had this expectation of him being giant sized,and in order to not let people down he just made himself as tall as his character in the movie.Also he said at the audition for the part when asked his height he replied 6ft4 and they said he was too tall,what seems odd is if they were looking for a shorter actor max 6ft3 why did they make his Character look so tall? did they change their mind about that?
Hong said on 20/Jun/21
Click Here In this clip with Joan Rivers he claims 6ft5.5? to be fair he does look massive in comparison to Rivers.
Editor Rob
He's not exactly consistent!
Hong said on 19/Jun/21
I mean he says 6ft4 twice in the same interview ? I think he was being very honest there ,6ft4 was his actual height at peak.
Hong said on 19/Jun/21
I mean he says 6ft4 twice in the same interview ? I think he was being very honest there ,6ft4 was his actual height at peak.
Hong said on 19/Jun/21
Click Here In this video at 6min Dolph says he is 6ft4,also at 9min he says when asked his height for the part in Rocky he said he was 6ft4.
QM6'1.5"QM said on 17/Jun/21
6'6" is a too hollywood-ish and funny statement, but good 6'4" he could!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Jun/21
6ft5 out of bed peak definitely
Catherine roberts said on 15/Jun/21
Is it all those weights or back operation that make people like dolf and arnie lose so much height?
Editor Rob
I think some of the action roles and physical work these guys have done, in combination with all the heavy lifting contributes to their height loss.
RJT said on 9/Jun/21
When a dude lost noticeable height like Dolph Did in his case almost 2 inches, what part of his body do you think lost the most?
Editor Rob
Probably mostly disc and spine changes
Slim 6'1.5 said on 7/Jun/21
@Canson, you do have a good point but having such a big frame and tall height dolph could shrink 2.5-3cm throughout the day. 👍

I’m open to your verdict aswell tho
Canson said on 4/Jun/21
@Slim: doubt it. 195-196 out of bed though and 193-194 afternoon range as rob lists him though
Slim 6'1.5 said on 1/Jun/21
At peak yeah he would’ve been 196-197 out of bed
josh b said on 1/Jun/21
Rob have you seen the music video for Imagine Dragons Believer? I think Dolph holds up pretty well against Dan Reynolds in that. Better than he does with you anyway.
Editor Rob
could look nearer 6ft 3 than 2 with Dan
James B 171.5cm said on 30/May/21
Rob dolph does look like quite an intimidating chap doesn’t he?
Editor Rob
he could be and in some films definitely seems it. In person, he's certainly not as tall as he once was.
Hong said on 13/May/21
Click Here Here's a pic Dolph is looking down on Sly,another example of how tall Dolph once was in comparison to sly.
5ft16yellowbelly said on 4/May/21
Looks almost 6'5 in below Rocky 4 photo next to 5'8/9 Sly. Towers him insimilar footwear and no 'box' or 'step' in sight.

Click Here

Later years in Expendables photos the gap is noticeably smaller due to is what I'm guessing is both height loss on his part and Slys wearing of lifts.
berta said on 30/Apr/21
Myself, i think he and dwanye is very very close today.But i feel that dolph maybe can measure close to 190 still if he stands tall while dwayne maybe is 189 flat. Dolph could pull of 194 peak but other times i feel 193 is better listing. i really think dolph havent lost almost 5 cm already. i believe 193 down to 190 now. 3 cm lost. thats alot for his age.
Myself said on 21/Apr/21
I think he's taller than The Rock
ALEXIZ/180cm said on 10/Apr/21
193cm young
188/189 cm today
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Mar/21
Yeah I can see 6ft5 first thing in his prime...
JamesFreakingBond said on 17/Mar/21
Solid 6'4 in his prime, completely blew me away in Rocky 4. He towered over Stallone and even Carl Weathers. I think he's leaning in this photo which is why he struggles to look 6'2 here. I actually re watched The Expendables movies last week, I think Dolph is still a strong 6'2 today.
Canson said on 11/Mar/21
In his prime he wasn’t under 6’4”. He could pass for Rob’s listed height at his absolute best afternoon height meaning he could’ve been 6’5” out of bed at one stage
Covvvid1984. said on 23/Feb/21
Looked 6-4 tops to a Stallone 5-8.5.
Darrenreed said on 22/Feb/21
Peak height had to be close to 6'5 but he does seem to have lost a lot, must be all the weights?
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 19/Feb/21
6’4 flat peak
Tizwaxxx said on 17/Feb/21
Moeller was 6-5.5 peak. Dolph weak 6-4 peak. Now 6-2 range.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Feb/21
Rising, in fairness Moeller could have been a weak 6ft6 guy in his prime. Dolph was definitely at least 6ft4 peak and likely that fraction over. He’s lost a lot of height but I’d be surprised if only clocked in at a flat 6ft2. Hulk and Prowse you could argue were a little under 6ft6. Honestly, I’d say Moeller was identical to those two in peak form. Eastwood I think cleared 6ft3 but didn’t quite make it to 6ft4, hate to think what he’s down to now.
Meltdown said on 9/Feb/21
Peak height 6ft 4.5, now 6ft 3.
Rising174cm said on 1/Feb/21
@Canson: Yeah, he often pulled off 6'4.5" range in the 80s and 90s, although he was never over 6'4.25". Going by Moeller's minimum height of 196 cm and the maximum height difference in the gym video of 3 cm, we can safely say Dolph was at least 193 cm in 2003 and obviously peak. Although if he was referring to his peak height when he claimed 193 in 2005 then I guess that was his night height. And I may even recall Dolph around the first 2 Expendables claiming he shrunk from 193 to 191.5 cm. He has recently referred to himself as 6'4" in the Rocky days as well, though that doesn't rule out a fraction over.

Nowadays, I still don't rule out 6'3" for a measurement post-surgeries. He can look it at times with 6'3.75"-6'4" guys. Full photo with 6'4" listed Jason Momoa: Click Here Full photo with 6'3.75" listed Florian Munteanu: Click Here Those are 2 years old and here's a photo from a year ago with 6'4" listed Dan Reynolds: Click Here Dolph is also clearly and consistently taller than 6'2" guys.

Granted, as I said there are other times when Dolph seems to be standing decently and seems only 6'2.5" range, but with a 10.25" head, an eye level that must be 5"+, he could come across shorter than he is just based on that. Also, given that both hips needed replacing it's probable that he'd drop height in his hips without people realizing it. Definitely a candidate for measuring a bit taller than he looks. But yeah Hulk was never 6'6", imo so no 3" loss. I don't even think Prowse was 6'6", but he was the most severe. Eastwood may have only been 6'3"-6'3.25" and so even at a much older age it's possible he "only" shrunk from 191 to 182 range.
RJT said on 1/Feb/21

Was Dolph closer in height with Welling/Routh, or closer to the likes of full 6'3 guys such as Zachary Levi?

I'm guessing he could still manage to get measured around 190.
Editor Rob
Because of his frame and head size, Levi really looks taller comfortably up close.

It would be interesting to actually see Lundgren and Routh being measured, as I do still think it is very close last couple of years.
Canson said on 30/Jan/21
@Rising: yea 190 is max today but I could buy 189-190 range. As for Seagal and Lundgren, I would keep the latter where he is at 6’4.25 and reduce Seagal to 6’4”
Canson said on 30/Jan/21
@Rising: yea 190 is max today but I could buy 189-190 range
Canson said on 29/Jan/21
@Rising: lol yea they’re putting Lundgren into the David Prowse category or the Clint Eastwood. He hasn’t even crossed into the Hulk Hogan territory yet. Hogan’s loss is exaggerated in my opinion. Some say he’s lost 4” when he hasn’t even lost 3” imho. to me, he may be as low as Rob lists him here for his current. I don’t rule out 6’2.75 but I also don’t rule out 6’3.25”. I really believe 6’3” flat is as low as he is though unless it’s recent loss in the last year perhaps. but for his peak, your estimate is similar to mine for his peak. Maybe 6’5.5” but not 6’6” flat. I don’t rule out 6’5.25 being his afternoon height (which is where I’ve pretty much had him). 6’6 out of bed is most likely
Rising174cm said on 29/Jan/21
@miko: I was thinking that might be the case as well, especially since Dolph has mentioned not being able to do much physically and being in pain for 3-5 years prior to the surgeries and indeed, his posture was often dreadful. In particularly, you could notice he dropped height around his hips, bending his knees and in his back. Now, he does often seem to stand better. I'm still unsure if it's a case of standing closer to what he'd measure now, but we've seen others like Mick Foley regain some height. Men lose 1" on average by age 65, so a formerly 6'4" man with Dolph's injuries has surely lost that much by age 63, but seeing him post-surgeries with Ferrigno, Rapaport and others, I could definitely buy him at 190 cm now and 193 cm peak.
miko said on 28/Jan/21
Very likely that Dolph's double hip surgery has regained him a little height and improved his posture.

Before the surgery obviously his hips would have been a mess, painful and likely caused him to not stand properly. Remember bad hips can affect the back and knees, if he can straighten all 3 out, who knows what he could measure now.
Rising174cm said on 28/Jan/21
He looks 6'1.5" because he's slouching and has a fraction less sneaker. By that point, Dolph typically only stood near his full height around other big guys. Here he is with Rob's 6'2" friend, Big D, the same year: Click Here Dolph with bent knees also looked taller than 6'2" measured Terry Crews that same year. And here's Dolph clearly taller than 6'2.5" listed Michael Rapaport 2 years ago: Click Here

If Dolph is only 6'1.5" then how tall would that make Lou Ferrigno? Here they are 2 years ago: Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Note that in the full photo you can see Ferrigno's shoes look thicker, he's going up on his back foot and Dolph's front knee is bent. Either way, Dolph looks taller in a series of photos that night and again in the gym last month: Click Here Rob still thought Ferrigno was closer to 6'3" than 6'2" last time he saw him. I don't know if that was 2013 or more recent, but from late 2018 up until one month ago, I'm quite sure Dolph is taller or at the absolute worst, no shorter.

Post surgeries, Dolph generally stands a little better and can look the 6'3" Patrick Wilson said he is at times. I think the figures Wilson gave for himself, Dolph and Momoa were accurate or at worst, rounding up to the nearest inch. I think it's possible Dolph could still stand as tall as 6'3" for a measurement or might reach no taller than 6'2.5", but nothing above or below that range. If he is only 6'2.5" post hip replacements then both Ferrigno and Rapaport need a minimum half inch downgrade. Pre-surgeries, he was admittedly in pain and physically limited and it showed in the way he stood. At that point, the difference between how he stood and measured may have been greater and I'd say he still would have measured at least 6'2.75", possibly 6'3" as seen with Big D. If he were only 6'1.5", he'd be struggling to look 6' at times with his bad posture. Like Dolph, Liam Neeson and Jeff Goldblum were also legit 6'4" men who are also now in their 60s and, they too, can look just 6'1.5"-6'2" range with bad posture.
stiggles said on 27/Jan/21
He looks under 6ft 2 in that pic.. prob 6ft 1.5 max these days..
Rising174cm said on 27/Jan/21
@Canson: Yeah, 2003 may have been just before Dolph started losing anything as his back and posture looked good in that video and the difference was about 3 cm. In 1999, Dolph only looked 3"-3.5" max shorter than 6'8" Scott L. Schwartz(who claims 6'10") in this full shot: Click Here You can see Dolph's boots aren't the type to add much height -- perhaps a fraction advantage -- but if you scroll down to the 2nd pic, that's how Steven Seagal(in cowboy boots) looked with Schwartz in the 90s.

In other words, Dolph would have been the more solid 6'4" than Seagal in the 80s and 90s. He could have lost 1/4" by age 45-46 in the Moeller video, but it seems more likely Dolph only started losing noticeable height in his late 40s/early 50s. If anything, I'd think a 6'4 1/8" listing would fit Dolph better and Seagal at 6'4" flat(without boots) although you could argue Dolph often looked at least the 1/4" over as with Schwartz.
Canson said on 26/Jan/21
@Rising: yea he for sure was nothing less in his prime. However, I think Seagal could’ve been a legit 6’4” too
Rising174cm said on 26/Jan/21
They were never pictured together in their prime, unless you've seen something I haven't. The only pictures of them are from 2012: Click Here Click Here Hoff was taller by that point, but not all that much. And Dolph at age 55 had already lost noticeable height due to wear and tear that resulted in both hips being replaced whereas Rob felt Hoff hadn't lost much, if anything, when he met him the following year.

Both were at least 6'4" in their primes.
Canson said on 26/Jan/21
@Rising: Yep and if he’s only 3cm shorter than Moeller at that stage, it just about confirms Rob’s listing. I actually can’t see Moeller as only 196 peak but maybe in 2003 like you mentioned he may have begun to show signs of height loss. I saw a poster here, Max, 6’5.5” say he met him on his page and that they were the same height. I have a peak Moeller as around 6’5.5” too. Maybe he was more Christian’s height but to be honest, I’d buy a weak 6’6” for a peak Moeller before a lot of other 6’5.5” listed guys who imho fall into 6’5.25-.5 range whereas he can look as if he doesn’t go below the .5 mark at times
Tizwaxxx said on 26/Jan/21
Shorter in prime than a legit 6-4 Hasselhoff.
Rising174cm said on 25/Jan/21
@Rob: Here's one article that mentions his double hip replacement: Click Here He also mentions not being able to do much physically for the 3 or 4 years before the surgery. There are many articles that mention the surgeries(he had another surgery for an unspecified injury last October.) Helps shed some light on why he's lost at least 3 cm by age 63 and also why he's probably often stood shorter than he'd measure.
Editor Rob
yeah that will be part of the reason he's lost more than you'd expect.
Rising174cm said on 22/Jan/21
I agree, I don't think the average guesses or Rob's listings could be more than 1/4" off at most. If anything, I'd bring him down to 193 cm peak and up to 190 cm current as he may be standing better post-surgeries as he said he was in pain for years prior. That's also what Rob initially had him after meeting him and it fits better with Ferrigno shrinking to 189 range. That said, Dolph was more of a solid 6'4" peak than Steven Seagal.
slim 6'1 said on 9/Jan/21
The average guess and robs listing are pretty close to the truth
Rising174cm said on 8/Jan/21
Dolph looking clearly taller than Lou Ferrigno again last month: Click Here What are the chances that Dolph is standing better post-surgeries and could still hit 6'3" like Patrick Wilson said? He can still sometimes look it, yet other times doesn't look like he'd be above 189-190 cm range, but if he is closer to 6'2.5" then what's Ferrigno down to? 6'2" flat at most?!
Rising174cm said on 4/Jan/21
@Canson: Yeah, in 2003, Dolph wasn't more than 3 cm shorter than 196 cm minimum Ralf Moeller: Click Here Click Here Whether Dolph made it to 45-46 without any loss is unknown, but we also have Dolph looking taller with 6'8" Scott L. Schwartz in 1999 than a cowboy boot wearing Steven Seagal did a few years earlier. Minimum, Dolph was 193 cm at his low. I'd guess him that to be safe, though his early 195 cm claim could have been from a 9 AM doctor visit barefoot or possibly he measured it in boxing shoes during Rocky 4, but I think that figure comes from somewhere. If Brandon Lee really was 182 cm then Dolph looked the 195 cm with him and a slouching Dolph looked absolutely massive with Alan Light, whom I'm fairly sure was around 179 cm in shoes. Dolph is one more person I really want to hear Brigitte Nielsen's peak estimate for along with Arnold. Incidentally, if you recall, a still near peak Arnold looked much shorter than Dolph on video in the mid 90s.

Nowadays, I think Dolph might hit 190 cm with his big head standing tall for a measurement as he still sometimes looks it. It's also possible he's down to 189, but I've seen nothing to suggest he's lower. At 63 with a double hip replacement and years of dreadful posture, there's nothing surprising about losing 3-4 cm. Dolph admitted he'd been standing in pain for years before the surgery.
Canson said on 1/Jan/21
@Rising: btw I remember with Frank Ntilikina you mentioned a possibility of a bit under 6’4”. That’s even more a possibility being he’s only listed 6’4 by the knicks now. I wonder with Hardaway JR if he isn’t a legit 6’4.5” guy though (meaning in the afternoon).
Canson said on 1/Jan/21
@Olympian: I wouldn’t go under 6’4” for his peak height. He really did look it in his prime. See him with Ralf Moeller and he only looked maybe 3cm or 1.5” shorter. Rob could even have it right with his listing here but nothing less than 6’4” flat imho
slim 6'1 said on 1/Jan/21
193 peak
189 current
Height_Guesser said on 30/Dec/20
6’ 3.75”, 192 cm peak) 6’ 2.5”, 189 cm now) looked 7 inches taller than Rocky in the movie.
Olympian said on 24/Dec/20
I saw Dolph Lundgren in Masters of the Universe last year in Summer 2019. He seemed a really big 6'3 guy to me. I wasn't sure he would have been a solid 6'4. Definitely taller than 6'2, he seemed more of a 6'3-6'4 guy to me. I'd say 6'3.75 at peak height and maybe 6'2-range today.
Eric W Tam said on 16/Dec/20
Looks like he has claimed everywhere between 6'3 and 6'6 when he was only 6'4-5 max and under 6'3 these days.
Rocky1976-1985 said on 4/Dec/20
I think Stallone in all honestly was 5’ 8.5”-5’ 8.75” and Drago looked almost 7 inches inches taller than him. I’d say Lundgren was 6’ 3.5” to 6’ 3.75” peak and now is 6’ 2.5” range. Fantastic actor and great character in the beloved Rocky Series.
RJT said on 4/Dec/20

Yeah that pic proved that Lundgren was easily this listing. Look very tall out there with Sly.
Vincent Caleb said on 27/Nov/20
He can give a similar impression to Goldblum as a solid 6’4.25”. I think this listing is fine, 6’4-6’4.5” is likely.
Patrick L Boyle said on 27/Nov/20
Where's Matthias Hues? A big kung fu bad guy in Lundgren films. 6'4"? Also Trump's 14 year old kid BARON also looks 6'4".
Soda machine said on 26/Nov/20
6-4 peak. Now 6-2
Duhon said on 24/Nov/20
I'm sure this has been posted before but a nice behind the scenes photo to gauge how tall Lundgren and Stallone really were next to each other without the boxes, or camera angles or shoe lifts etc. Click Here
Soda machine said on 24/Nov/20
The hoff always looks taller. Hoff is a genuine 6-4 guy maybe a bit over. Dolph will look 6-5 if sly is claiming 5-10. Imo Dolph wasn’t over 6-4.
George89 said on 22/Nov/20
I had some fun with a life sized cardboard cut out today which is exactly the same height as me (173cm). Depending on what angle the photo was taken, whether I was on the left or right hand side and how good or poor my posture was, the photos looked wildly different. From me looking an inch and a half taller than the cutout or an inch shorter. The photos on here can be distorted and posture is ever changing. I would go by what Rob says he thinks the celebrity is and not believe a photo unless all the conditions for the photo were perfect which they virtually never are. Anyways I think Dolph is losing height in this photo due to angle and posture. He's 6ft2.5/3 now and 6ft4 plus peak.
Canson said on 18/Nov/20
I doubt Lundgren was only 6’3.5 peak height. I could see a case for 6’4” flat at times but I could easily see the listed height too. Some could argue 6’4.5 by how he appears although I think that’s only something he measures after a couple hours on his feet
Bobadob said on 18/Nov/20
6-3.5 peak. Now weak 6-2. It’s easy to claim 6-5 if Stallone is claiming 5-10!!
James Brett 172cm said on 14/Nov/20
seagal might have been long limbed but he didnt have a small head though. jeff goldblum not only had a small but was also very long limbed which is why he looked taller than seagal
Arch Stanton said on 13/Nov/20
A guy like Seagal you always have to be careful with footwear, he could pass for near 6'5 at times (like in Fire Down Below) because of his boots.
Canson said on 11/Nov/20
@James B: while Seagal looked a legit 6’4” some others here appeared to be legitimately more 6’4” looking on occasion. Seagal gave a taller impression to others because of his build. He was very long limbed. I don’t doubt that he was a legit 6’4” but I doubt it was anything over the mark. I’d say 6’4.75 out of bed
James B 172c, said on 10/Nov/20
I agree Carson I can’t see seagal as over 6’4 peak so he should get a downgrade 1/8 inch downgrade.
Canson said on 7/Nov/20
@Editor Rob: Seagal should get a 6’3 flat listing. That’s the max he looks with you which is reasonable. 6’4 flat peak 1” lost today afternoon
Almost 180cm guy said on 5/Nov/20
Hi Rob! There is something I don't understand. Why Dolph next to you look like 6ft 1.75 at most (even with the shoe difference)? Likewise, Steven Seagal next to you looks like he has a maximum of 6ft 2.25, yet you listed Dolph as 6ft 2.5 and Seagal as 6ft 3.25. Why they don't look as tall in the photos with you as you mentioned them?
Editor Rob
I'd add another bit to dolph for posture.
I did see more of Seagal in the photo area, sometimes I've been in those areas longer than you are meant to...I feel he was varying from a solid 6ft 2 up to solid 6ft 3 in photos with attendees. He was taller in person than Dolph in any case.
Slim 6'1" said on 4/Nov/20
Thx 4 sharing James b, I never knew that 👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Nov/20
🎂🎈🎊🎁 Happy Birthday Dolph! 🎁🎊🎈🎂

Many Happy Returns to Dolph Lundgren, who celebrates his 63rd Birthday today.
He looked so HUGE in Rocky VI, and really quite scary! I found 196cm for his height on the Birthday Site just now, obviously referring to his peak, but I don't think it came out of the father-of-two-daughter's mouth for one solitary moment! 😉

Peak height - 6ft4.25 💪😁
Today's height - 6ft2.5 😄🍻

James Brett 172cm said on 2/Nov/20
slim- dolph stood on a box next to stallone
recapa said on 2/Nov/20
194cm for peak dolph and around 189cm now.his brother peak could have been close to 6ft6 at peak. ,maybe 197cm peak for his brother.
Slim 6'1" said on 27/Oct/20
Thanks Vincent
He could still be 189.5 current
Vincent Caleb said on 25/Oct/20
I agree with slim, this listing is good.
Slim 6'1" said on 24/Oct/20
As listed, towered Stallone in rocky
RJT said on 10/Oct/20
Current listing is spot on
Click Here
Slim 6'1" said on 5/Oct/20
Robs listing is close enough to the truth 👍

I could lift this guy as well
Slim 6'1 said on 4/Oct/20
@Rob, wats hid head size?
Editor Rob
A good 10 inches is likely.
Mckinley said on 27/Sep/20
He's no way as low as 6'2 1/2" he's at least 6'3"
TheDon1528 said on 25/Sep/20
a tad over 6'4" peak and I agree he's around 6'2.5" now
realone1 said on 21/Sep/20
Listing is perfect. Dolph is a strong 6'2 guy like 6'2.5.
Here with Carl Weathers. I think he lost 1.5 inch so 6'4 peak. His own claim was 193 cm which is 6ft4
cmillz said on 2/Sep/20
Peak Goldblum would have a slight edge on peak Lundgren if I had to guess.
Tall Sam said on 31/Aug/20
Hard to picture Jeff Goldblum look as towering as Dolph did near Sly Stallone in Rocky 4 but having seen pictures of Dolph through the years, yeah he was actually no taller than Jeff.
Canson said on 31/Aug/20
@Rampage: that’s how I have them. Worst case, Dolph could’ve been a solid 6’4” or somewhere in between but I classify a weak 6’6” as someone who dips to 6’5.5” at their normal low and that’s where I have Moeller. Moeller looks exactly how Rob lists him
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Aug/20
Lundgren - strong 6ft4
Moeller - weak 6ft6
Canson said on 30/Aug/20
@JamesB172: I doubt he was a solid 6’4.5”. Now I can see an afternoon 6’4.25” like Rob lists him
Arch Stanton said on 29/Aug/20
Remember though that the listings on here are lowest estimated barefoot heights, them at their lows. Both Dolph and Goldblum in certain scenes in films it might have been shot early morning time so they might have genuinely been nearer 6'5. That's what you've got to note when judging height from films, sometimes they have crazy 18 hours a day shoots! I have great respect for some of the top, successful directors because I know what it takes to direct a film successfully and the extreme pressure they face with deadlines.
James B 172cm said on 27/Aug/20
Goldblum could have potentially been 6’4 1/2 peak rising
Canson said on 27/Aug/20

My guess for him are:


Out of bed: 6’5 max maybe 6’4 7/8” (no lower than 6’4.75)
Lunch: 6’4 3/8” max maybe 6’4.25 (no less than 6’4 1/8”)
Afternoon and beyond not including an extreme low: 6’4.25 max maybe 6’4 1/8” (no less than a solid 6’4)”

Since He could look only 3cm lower than Moeller who I guess similar to how you did

Out of bed 199/199.5 cm
Lunch 197-197.5
Afternoon 196.5-197

I give the latter a stronger chance of losing maybe 7/8” or maybe In that .8-.9 range since he’s slightly taller than Lundgren. Moeller is a very good example of a peak 6’5.5” guy. I easily see him being over 6’6” out of bed and approaching 6’6.5 perhaps no less than maybe 6’6 1/4-3/8 range (weak 6’6.5 range)
Canson said on 27/Aug/20
I agree with Rising. Dolph at his peak was close to my height. At their peaks Moeller was only Max 1.5” shorter than Moeller min 1.25”.
Canson said on 27/Aug/20
I agree with Rising. Dolph at his peak was close to my height
Black Noir said on 26/Aug/20
Hey RJT, wrote to you on sookies den ☺️ Also I think you are similar height to Dolph lundgren
RJT said on 26/Aug/20
When people lost noticeable height, in Dolph's case he almost lose 2", do you think it's because his spine got "shorter" or because of injury, he couldn't stand as tall/straight as he used to?
Rising174cm said on 24/Aug/20
Nah, Dolph and Goldblum were probably just about identical in height. Both seemed like solid 6'4" guys who never dropped below that height and may very well have measured 1/4" to 1/8" over. For a reminder of how tall Dolph was. 6'8" Scott L. Schwartz had 3" to 3.5" max on Dolph in 1999 in a full shot: Click Here As you can see in the other pic, 6'4" Steven Seagal was wearing cowboy boots for the film Fire Down Below in 1997, yet he was still not as tall next to Schwartz as Dolph was. Now look at Dolph with Michael Rapaport, whom Rob lists at 6'2.5" in 1995: Click Here Rapaport is/was a minimum 6'2" yet there's no way Dolph was less than 2" taller.

Here's Dolph looking only about an inch shorter than Ralf Moeller in 2003: Click Here Click Here Ralf was likely 6'5.25"-6'5.5" at the time. Ralf couldn't have been any shorter than 196 cm and the height difference between them in the gym was no more than 3 cm. Also easily a couple of inches taller than 6'2" Fred Williamson in the late 90s:

Now look at Dolph slouching a bit with Alan Light in 1990: Click Here Light was probably 5'9.5" and claimed 5'10.5", which makes sense a shoe height, yet Dolph looks 7" next to him with clearly more casual posture. Looking easily 6'4"+ with Charlie Sheen in the late 80s: Click Here Note that Dolph appears to have a wider stance and since he's dressed as a lifeguard, there's a good chance he was in flip flops or possibly even barefoot. Also looking an easy 6'4" with 5'11" listed Cary Tagawa in 1999: Click Here and in 1991, Dolph with shoes looked over half a foot taller than Tagawa in bare feet, especially when you consider he's dropping height with a wider stance/bent knee: Click Here Click Here And for god measure, Dolph with a full head on 5'6" Brian Benben 30 years ago: Click Here Benben is a bit closer to the camera, which is positioned on his side and Dolph's head is easily 10"-10.25".

As you can see, Dolph could look 6'4.5"-6'5" at times, though his barefoot height was obviously more 6'4"-6'4.25" range, much like Goldblum. He was still a legit 6'4" in 2003, though appeared to staet shrinking noticeably a few years after that. Now, Dolph is almost 63 years old, had a double hip replacement, has slouched very noticeably for years now and I believe had some sort of back problem. Even a normal man will lose about 1 inch by 65. Nowadays, I'd guess Dolph at 190 cm or weak 6'3" range. I don't rule out him stretching up to a full 6'3" for a measurement, but just below is more likely, imo. Funny enough, Goldblum has also lost a lot of height and like Dolph, bad posture can make him look as short as 187 cm range at times. I'd guess Goldblum at about 6'3" these days, but while I don't think he was any taller than Dolph peak, there's a good chance he's a little taller these days.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Aug/20
His new missus actually looks like she could be his daughter, and young enough to have been a baby by the looks of it when he made Silent Trigger! He still looks good for his age and is rich so you can't blame him!
Canson said on 17/Aug/20
He was certainly at least 6’4” peak. Whether he was above the mark and how much over is debatable
Hulk.23 said on 17/Aug/20
@Frank Col, actually I think he ever been taller than 6’2 as you said even today. I think, like for Arnold, he had a great shrinkage because he used when was young some anabolic substance which can give this effect to the body. Of course when he stand next to Stallone (who never been shorter at peak than 5’8.5-9) he was on a box to give the impression to be taller but in others scene he towered over actors like Carl Weathers (who was a strong 6’1/185cm at peak as Big Rob listed him) and Brigitte Nielsen (who is hard to believe was shorter than 182cm at peak). I think 6’4/193cm for his peak is the best listing.
Frank Col said on 15/Aug/20
It amuses me how many people on here base his height on Rocky IV. Ivan Drago was supposed to be 7 foot so they made him look tall! When 5ft 7 Stallone is in the ring squaring up he has no lifts and Lundgren is on a box! During Apollos fight he appears to tower over Carl Weathers but at the London Comic Convention they were the same height and this is evident also during their fight in a few shots. I was at that Convention and Lundgren was no more than 6ft 1 and slightly built. 6ft 4 inch men dont shrink that much look at John Cleese and Christopher Lee so I think he was never taller than 6ft 2 and he lied about his height to boost Stallones in Rocky. Look at Hulk Hogan in Rocky III who does look 7ft next to Stallone without camera tricks and he was only an inch taller than Lundgren reckons he was.
Hulk.23 said on 8/Aug/20
I think he was strong 6’4/193cm at peak while today a strong 6’2 seems fair. Of course 1,5” loss is a great amount for his age...
Slim 6'1" said on 7/Aug/20
not that much height loss i reckon 189.5 today
Alir?za said on 5/Aug/20
5 cm is massive shrink. He is not very old guy. Only 62 years old. And he was 58 years old at this photo. My father is 55 years old and he still doesn't shrink. Probably he will shrink as low as 6'1 or even 6 ft at age 75-80. But he is still very handsome big dude
Slim 6'1" said on 3/Aug/20
193-194cm peak

189-190cm current
VitoCheng said on 1/Aug/20
Today:6'3" Max
Duhon said on 23/Jul/20
Weird how they apparently turned him down for being over 6'3" to having him stand on a box for Rocky 4?
Hotpots said on 14/Jul/20
6-2 today. 6-4 peak imo
Canson said on 7/Jul/20
James B 172cm said on 6/Jul/20
Canson said on 4/Jul/20
@James B: but just because they’re listed a certain way doesn’t mean they’re that tall. Conan O’Brien I would bet money doesn’t measure a full 6’4 afternoon height. I’ve seen guys who really are 6’4 edge him far too Often. Mickie claims to have met him and is 6’3.25 and guessed him as around his height 6’3.25/6’3.5. He really looks a weak 6’4 guy max

Canson that’s true I mean wrestler Sid Eudy was once listed at 6’7 but he turned out actually to be 6’6. In fact Poster Frank who is 5’11 1/2 saw him in street clothes at 6’5-6’6.

@James B: but that could be a result of Sid having lost height today to be 6’5-6’6
James B 172cm said on 6/Jul/20
Canson said on 4/Jul/20
@James B: but just because they’re listed a certain way doesn’t mean they’re that tall. Conan O’Brien I would bet money doesn’t measure a full 6’4 afternoon height. I’ve seen guys who really are 6’4 edge him far too Often. Mickie claims to have met him and is 6’3.25 and guessed him as around his height 6’3.25/6’3.5. He really looks a weak 6’4 guy max

Canson that’s true I mean wrestler Sid Eudy was once listed at 6’7 but he turned out actually to be 6’6. In fact Poster Frank who is 5’11 1/2 saw him in street clothes at 6’5-6’6.
Chinybobs said on 6/Jul/20
If Dolph looked 6-5 in the 80s which I don’t believe how was hasselhoff always looking taller? He’s a legit 6-4 guy. Dolph imo was never over 6-4 prime. He looked no more than 6-4 next to a 5-8 guy claiming 5-10 stallone.
Canson said on 5/Jul/20
@Arch: yea my guesses at peaks are

Goldblum 6’5 out of bed, 6’4 3/8 lunchtime, 6’4.25 afternoon

Lundgren: same as Goldblum or maybe within 1/8” of him. No worse than 1/4” less

Neeson: 6’4.75 or best case 6’4.75-6’4 7/8 out of bed, 6’4 1/8-1/4 lunchtime, 6’4-6’4 1/8 afternoon. Could fall in between or to the low or high end of the range on any of those

Seagal: 6’4.75 out of bed or maybe 6’4 5/8, 6’4 or 6’4 1/8” lunchtime, then 6’4 or 6’3 7/8 afternoon

I agree that the formers would be the tallest of that group and someone like Hasselhoff would fall more in line with Neeson or Seagal and a guy like Selleck was more like Conan around 6’3.5” afternoon height as he claimed before
Canson said on 4/Jul/20
@James B: but just because they’re listed a certain way doesn’t mean they’re that tall. Conan O’Brien I would bet money doesn’t measure a full 6’4 afternoon height. I’ve seen guys who really are 6’4 edge him far too Often. Mickie claims to have met him and is 6’3.25 and guessed him as around his height 6’3.25/6’3.5. He really looks a weak 6’4 guy max
Arch Stanton said on 2/Jul/20
Yeah, Goldblum and Dolph could pass for almost 6'5 at times in the 80s.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.