BroTech5000 said on 7/Jun/23
Ezra looks more like 5’9”.
al001 said on 31/Jul/22
Famous fitness influencer Joe Shulk, who claims 6’4, looking his claim next to Ezra Miller In thick boots:
Click Here
Chaos's Other Throwaway said on 21/Jun/22
Duhon said on 18/Jun/22
@Eric Ezra goes by They not "he".
I heard Ezra currently goes by “violent/criminal”
Anyway now I’ve got that bad joke out of my system, I’d guess Ezra does look around the 5’11 mark
Tall Sam said on 20/Jun/22
They can look lankier making seem at times taller than their actual height. Their height won’t matter for long as they are essentially done and canceled by their own increasingly horrible behavior, Warner Bros is in a real pickle right now.
Duhon said on 18/Jun/22
@Eric Ezra goes by They not "he".
Eric W Tam said on 17/Jun/22
Disgusting human being. I reckon soon we'll see his mugshot indicate him at 5'11 given he doesn't slouch a good few inches in shame.
QM6'1.5"QM said on 2/May/22
Yeah, it's great.
180-180.3 afternoon, 179.7-180 in the evening!
Wehrmacht180 said on 21/Jan/22
180 cm
Jawilder said on 24/Sep/21
Legit 5’11 guy.
Stinky 186 cm said on 29/Aug/21
I had a friend in school who literally was a copy of Ezra Miller maybe not personality wise but definitely physique wise I remember he was an extremely short and skinny kid in 9th and 10th grade he was like 4’ something and then all of sudden BOOM he had a massive growth spurt and he went from 4’ something to about 5’ 9” he grew about 2 inches after that and he ended up topping out at about 5’ 11” but anyway I think Ezra is a legit 5’ 11”
Hyper said on 5/Apr/21
If you were doing 1/8ths, maybe 5'11 1/8"?

Editor Rob
maybe he could be strong 5ft 11 range...more chance that than under the mark.
ALEXIZ/180cm said on 24/Mar/21
180 cm for sure.
thejimyyy said on 19/Mar/21
he not close to be 5,11 he more like 5,9 . on some picture he same height than cavill and on other he pretty much same height than zack snyder who is around 5.8 lol on this pic we can see him whit snyder and all the justice league crew , at least everyone wear lift but not him this pic clearly show he around 5.9
Click Here
Saluta Andonio said on 17/Jan/21
Peter175, the fact is that he's a true 5'11, most people lie about their height, that shows you how tall a true solid 5'11 is
Leesheff85 said on 29/Dec/20
5ft 11 is fine not taller
Anthony B said on 26/Dec/20
I'll give him 182 cm
Yang (5 footer 8, 173, Aries) said on 11/Sep/20
5ft 10 half and 5ft 10 3/4 range when standing next to Eddie Redmayne with that range. Similar height range with Eddie and definitely shorter than his fellow Fantastic Beast Movie mates Waterson with 5ft 11 quarter and taller than Korean Actress Claudia Kim with 5ft 9 half range.. I would go with 5ft 10 half for Ezra...
Aiden_AH said on 18/Jan/20
I think he’s like 5’11 flat cause right next to Grant Gustin who’s like 5’11 he looks a bit taller but I don’t know the foot wear.
Rustam M said on 15/Jan/20
Hi Rob , today i saw crossover Dc universe (Flash,Arrow Supergirl ) and noticed that Ezra Miller who listed 5ft 11 , but Grant listed as 182 cm is taller than Grant maybe shoes different mb but , how on this Earth Ezra could be taller?
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Click Here

Editor Rob
He is a fan of a
High Heel 😮
But I haven't ruled out the the chance he's over 5ft 11, because he can when in normal footwear look over it. For me, he was the best part about Justice League and hope his flash movie is a success.
Jackson said on 23/Mar/19
C’mon man..... that was because Gal wears 4-5 inch heals while in her Wonder Woman outfit....
Luker said on 21/Feb/18
Does anyone have a clear, simple photo of Ezra and Henry Cavill standing side by side? There's a lot of photos of them together, but they either have Ezra in his advantageous 3 - 3.5 cm boots, or he's doing some (frustrating) model pose where it makes it hard to gauge the difference between him and Cavill.
I've been trying to measure their distance based off where they come up to on
Ben Affleck's face, but that also keeps fluctuating.
Johnnywalkens said on 9/Jan/18
He looked 5'7" next to Gadot in JL
SD-5'8(172CM) said on 3/Dec/17
@grizz said on 26/Nov/17
He was even listed at 5'11 in Justice League movie. 5'11 or even a quarter above it sound fair. I agree with the listing he's nearly the same height as Henry Cavill.
Click Here
HEIGHT: 5'11
grizz said on 26/Nov/17
He was even listed at 5'11 in Justice League movie. 5'11 or even a quarter above it sound fair.
Edimar1.84 said on 25/Nov/17
In justice league he only looks 5ft10.5, maybe because the orders are using big boots. But out of movies, 5ft11 for sure.
Jackson said on 19/Nov/17
Rob 5’11.25” seems better ?
justanotherguy said on 19/Nov/17
hes good looking
Bruce Wayne said on 15/Nov/17
Spot on Rob but Ben looks really tall even tho he is listed 6ft 2.25in
Click Here

Editor Rob
I can see 5ft 11.25 as possible for Ezra, he has certainly pulled off looking a big 5 foot 11 man at times.
Peter175 said on 15/Nov/17
Definitely not below this, but probably not much if any above. I can believe 5'11-5'11.25 for him. No chance he's 5'10 range at all.
Luker said on 14/Nov/17
Nah, 180-181 sounds pretty reasonable to me, on top of the fact that its backed by his agency. Those boots he keeps wearing to the Justice League premieres should give him about 3 cm, and he still always comes short of 183-184 Cavill in any footwear (although they are definitely close).
Ben Affleck's been wearing converse to most of the premieres as well, which should give the illusion that Ezra and Henry are closer to him when they actually aren't. And not to mention
Jason Momoa, who has terrible posture and drops to everyone (including Ezra's) levels.
Lauren said on 4/Nov/17
I think he needs an upgrade. In these photos you can see he is about as tall as all his costars and Gal Gadot with heels. Perhaps it's lifts in his boots but doesnt look that way to me
Click Here
John said on 30/Oct/17
Strong 5'11. Going to be an awesome Flash.
Moncomery said on 28/Oct/17
I prefer Erza Miller Flash. Solid 5'11.
Grit said on 27/Oct/17
Nothing below 5 11
Slim 6' said on 7/Oct/17
Grant gustin's flash will destroy this guy's.
Slim 182 cm said on 8/Aug/17
I'd add "fantastic beasts" to his credits asap. Just goes to show that a 180 cm guy can look tall with thick shoes. He managed to barely look taller than redmayne, despite his boots.
DPhcarr? said on 22/Jul/17
Has a naturally skinny frame which makes him look quite tall. He has since bulked up quite a bit for his role as Flash. Now he can appear quite large.
height lover said on 17/Jan/17
yes i do believe he and eddie redmayne are the same height, they're both between 5'10-5'11.
ly said on 28/Nov/16
Its filthy frank lol.
Jokes aside he does look a good 5'11
BetterThanEzra said on 27/Nov/16
Just watched Fantastic Beasts. I guess he was made to look short in the movie because he played a boy. I thought he was 5'4'-5'6" or so! Also, I thought he looked about 30, but he played a boy. :) He's actually 24, maybe 23 when the movie was made.
Mark said on 1/Sep/16
5'11" isn't short, especially in the real world. 5'11" people can be mistakenly guessed at 6'0". Also, why the downgrade rob? Miller was towered by Cavill.
MD said on 22/Aug/16
@Selina, "huge" is not a word you could use to describe him in any regard.
Selina said on 20/Aug/16
I met Ezra and can confirm he's huge!!!!
xaoxio said on 25/Jul/16
Rob, can you take a look at Ezra Miller again? Im sure hes not 6'. Otherwise he would be listed so by his agency. I'm rather sure he may not be 5'11.5''. In that case studio would round up him, rather then round down. But im almost sure hes 5'11.25''. Looks like true. Do you agree, Rob?
Unanimous said on 15/May/16
That height seems pretty legit.
reznov said on 9/Sep/15
Balrog, you're kidding? Did you see we need to talk about kevin? He barely towered the 5'10 Tilda Swinton.
Sam said on 11/Aug/14
I agree he can look at least nearer the six foot range now. Maybe worth another look, Rob?

Editor Rob
his agency list him 5ft 11. I think his skinniness can make him look taller at times. But they don't list half inches from what I've seen, so always a chance he's 5ft 11.5 range, a full 6 footer though I'm not as sure yet.
Jesse said on 7/May/14
RAJ- In Law and Order SUV, Ezra was only 16 years old. I'm pretty sure he grew a few inches since he starred on that one SUV ep. I put him at 6'1"
Balrog said on 30/Jan/14
5'11.5" Lerman 5'7"
Natasha1 said on 5/Jan/14
He looks taller than that. 6'1" maybe?
Raj said on 24/Aug/13
Christopher Meloni had an just under an inch on him in Law and Order: SVU.
Balrog said on 23/Aug/13
He's gotta be taller than this. He towered Logan Lerman.
Anna said on 1/Aug/13
Ezra is 6'1.5, for sure (I know him personally).
Chris said on 1/Jul/13
Eddie Redmayne looks about 2 inches taller
Lo sgozzatore said on 5/Jun/13
Rob, you think he's taller than 5'11? I've seen the perks of being a wallflower and he actually looks noticeably taller than Logan Lerman, for sure not only 9 cms. Sometimes it seems there are 5 inches between them. On the other side, Lerman did look very similar to Tom Savini in the movie, that you met and who's not over 169. So maybe, a 5'7 and a 5'11.75 listing for them is closer?

Editor Rob
he can look over 5ft 11,
C Dog said on 20/Dec/12
I think he may be taller than this. He's been described as very tall before. Could it be his skinny frame that makes him appear tall?